Planetary Aspects: Saturn sextile Neptune
What does Saturn sextile Neptune mean? The answer depends on whether it’s an aspect occurring in your natal chart, currently forming in the cosmos (transit-to-transit aspect), transiting your chart, or occurring in a chart comparison (synastry – relationship astrology). However, this aspect between planets has common general themes. The following shows interpretations of Saturn sextile Neptune in these various forms as well as in general.
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When Saturn and Neptune connect, we attempt to integrate our needs for tradition, convention, and stability, with our needs for spirituality, imagination, and inspiration as well as to follow our ideals.
In the Natal Chart:
With Saturn sextile Neptune in your natal chart, you have a wonderful sense of both the material and spiritual worlds, and you are especially skilled at bringing your imagination to life or dreams to reality. You are both compassionate and practical, in a mostly balanced way, and your work ethic is strong. You tend to take your beliefs seriously or you put serious effort into your principles or religion. Your social consciousness is well-developed and figures strongly in your personality. You are ready to lend a hand, and you’re especially ready to help others, providing practical assistance in times of stress, or emotional support in times of material need. You are exceptionally perceptive and understanding and you would make a good counselor, mediator, or go-between as a result. This aspect in your natal chart goes a long way toward creating balance in your life or adding balance to your personality in key ways.
Key Traits of Saturn sextile Neptune. You will find some, many, or all of the following, depending on how strong this aspect is in the natal chart:
- Has a wonderful grasp of reality without losing one’s sense of the infinite.
- Balanced.
- Can be firm or lenient, depending on the situation.
- Good work ethic.
- Able to find a good work-life balance.
- Strong morals.
- Brilliant mediator, counselor, and advice-giver.
Transit to Transit:
With Saturn forming a sextile to Neptune, Saturn’s discipline can help bring structure or meaning to our dreams and ideals. At the same time, Neptune’s acceptance and devotion can help bring new meaning to our work, traditions, and customs. It’s easier to enjoy a sense of purpose in our lives with this influence. We can feel as if our spiritual and material goals harmonize. Circumstances and our own attitudes facilitate following through on our dreams or turning our visions and dreams into reality. Combining imagination and effort is successful now. There can be a sense that our dreams are realizable, and we can build stronger faith and acceptance.
Saturn sextile Neptune dates:
Criteria: FIND (Sat Sxt Nep)
Search From: 1 Jan 1940 0:00 am
Search To: 1 Jan 2040 0:00 am
(3.38% of period searched)
Enters 2 Sep 1946 1:24:01 pm (EDT +4:00)
Leaves 19 Dec 1946 3:12:31 am (EST +5:00)
Enters 29 May 1947 11:48:14 pm (EDT +4:00)
[Saturn sextile Neptune] Is Exact 1 Jul 1947 2:29:03 pm (EDT +4:00)
Leaves 24 Jul 1947 2:46:02 am (EDT +4:00)
Enters 6 Feb 1959 1:38:09 pm (EST +5:00)
[Saturn sextile Neptune] Is Exact 21 Mar 1959 4:09:34 am (EST +5:00)
[Saturn sextile Neptune] Is Exact 17 Jun 1959 6:01:45 am (EDT +4:00)
Leaves 26 Jul 1959 4:19:55 am (EDT +4:00)
Enters 6 Nov 1959 7:35:27 am (EST +5:00)
[Saturn sextile Neptune] Is Exact 23 Dec 1959 4:22:10 pm (EST +5:00)
Leaves 18 Jan 1960 4:07:32 am (EST +5:00)
Enters 11 Sep 1982 9:01:20 am (EDT +4:00)
[Saturn sextile Neptune] Is Exact 14 Oct 1982 5:50:09 pm (EDT +4:00)
Leaves 10 Nov 1982 7:19:40 am (EST +5:00)
Enters 30 Mar 1983 2:00:34 pm (EST +5:00)
[Saturn sextile Neptune] Is Exact 7 Jun 1983 1:33:12 pm (EDT +4:00)
[Saturn sextile Neptune] Is Exact 21 Jun 1983 6:59:18 pm (EDT +4:00)
Leaves 12 Aug 1983 2:36:26 pm (EDT +4:00)
Enters 8 May 1995 5:19:17 am (EDT +4:00)
[Saturn sextile Neptune] Is Exact 27 Jun 1995 5:32:03 am (EDT +4:00)
[Saturn sextile Neptune] Is Exact 17 Aug 1995 4:10:21 am (EDT +4:00)
Leaves 28 Sep 1995 8:14:58 am (EDT +4:00)
Enters 4 Feb 1996 9:41:16 am (EST +5:00)
[Saturn sextile Neptune] Is Exact 15 Mar 1996 11:44:18 am (EST +5:00)
Leaves 8 Apr 1996 7:09:32 am (EDT +4:00)
Enters 23 Dec 2018 6:52:28 pm (EST +5:00)
[Saturn sextile Neptune] Is Exact 31 Jan 2019 9:14:53
am (EST +5:00)
Leaves 18 Mar 2019 10:15:41 pm (EDT +4:00)
Enters 9 Apr 2019 5:44:26 am (EDT +4:00)
[Saturn sextile Neptune] Is Exact 18 Jun 2019 7:46:56
am (EDT +4:00)
Leaves 28 Jul 2019 6:30:19 am (EDT +4:00)
Enters 1 Sep 2019 3:12:34 am (EDT +4:00)
[Saturn sextile Neptune] Is Exact 8 Nov 2019 9:45:21
pm (EST +5:00)
Leaves 5 Dec 2019 7:40:58 am (EST +5:00)
Enters 17 Sep 2030 12:05:14 pm (EST +5:00)
Leaves 6 Oct 2030 2:54:59 am (EST +5:00)
Enters 26 May 2031 1:46:41 am (EST +5:00)
[Saturn sextile Neptune] Is Exact 27 Jun 2031 4:10:14 am (EST +5:00)
Leaves 19 Jul 2031 7:11:06 am (EST +5:00)
Enters 23 Jan 2032 9:39:07 am (EST +5:00)
Leaves 26 Mar 2032 0:33:50 am (EST +5:00)
In Transit to the Natal Chart:
When transiting Saturn sextiles natal Neptune, it’s a fabulous period for making positive lifestyle changes and for putting more effort into or applying more structure to your spiritual practices, imaginative or creative pursuits, writing, art, charities, and causes. It’s a good time to tighten up areas of your life that have become a little slack or neglected. It’s also a fine time for getting the guidance you need, if applicable.
When transiting Neptune sextiles natal Saturn, you’re in a wonderful position to see your responsibilities in a new light and to feel a sense of a mission. You can feel more balanced, peaceful, content, and spiritually fulfilled at this time. It’s a good time for guidance, although you’re also more in tune with your intuition such that listening to your inner guide can work well. Bringing a dream to life can be in focus now.
In Chart Comparison (Synastry):
When Saturn in one chart forms a sextile with Neptune in another chart, the Neptune person helps inspire Saturn, and Saturn stabilizes Neptune in helpful ways. You complement each other well on basic levels. You readily come to one another’s aid, feeling responsible for each other on both material and emotional levels. This is a strengthening aspect that is most welcome in comparisons on both personal and professional levels.
In the Composite Chart:
With Saturn sextile Neptune in the composite chart, this is one indication of the ability to come to a nice balance between your attention to material and spiritual worlds. Together, you find ways to entertain both your dreaming and practical sides in satisfying ways. You’re also charitable and like to be of practical help to others. This is an excellent aspect for both business and personal relationships, although it may work so well that you don’t always notice or appreciate the effortlessness and well-roundedness of this influence.
See also Planetary Aspects and Saturn Transits.
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