Planetary Aspects: Jupiter conjunct Saturn
What does Jupiter conjunct Saturn mean? The answer depends on whether it’s an aspect occurring in your natal chart, currently forming in the cosmos (transit-to-transit aspect), transiting your chart, or happening in a chart comparison (synastry – relationship astrology). However, this aspect between planets has common general themes. The following shows interpretations of Jupiter conjunct Saturn in these various forms as well as in general.
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When Jupiter and Saturn connect, matters affected are ideas, structures, beliefs, legal matters, and business.
In the Natal Chart
With Jupiter forming a conjunction to Saturn in the birth chart, your tendency to see both the potentials and limits of any given situation has its perks, making you a very reasonable person. However, you don’t always allow yourself the pleasure of letting your mind go, or of imagining something wonderful without also having to pull in the disclaimers. This can take its toll.
Key Traits of Jupiter conjunct Saturn. You will find some, many, or all of the following, depending on how strong this aspect is in the natal chart:
- You have a balanced outlook, with a realistic optimism and optimistic realism.
- You’re serious about your principles, ideas, and beliefs.
- You’re trustworthy, and this fact is very important to you.
- A retentive memory.
- Solid interest in history and/or politics.
- A good teacher, enjoys learning.
- A step-by-step, logical approach to solving problems; you’re drawn to tried-and-true methods, safe bets, logical systems.
- You value steady progress and organization.
- Excellent at making plans.
- You don’t expect that things are handed to you.
- You see both the potentials and limits of every situation.
Transit to Transit
With Jupiter forming a conjunction to Saturn, this can be a period of constructive accomplishment. We are practical, realistic, and our judgment is especially sound–and we derive much satisfaction from practical accomplishment. The key to harnessing this powerful energy is to identify and find pleasure in the simple things that make us happy. Our desire to explore life and to be free is tempered or balanced with our need or desire to meet our responsibilities and obligations. We can be a little more critical of our big plans, and this can be useful as we bring some things down to earth. It’s not necessarily a time for taking shortcuts; instead, it can be a time of moderately hard work. We are encouraged, by life’s circumstances, to slow down to get things right. We can be focusing on re-structuring areas of our lives, goals, life plans, or business goals. It’s a powerful time for new beginnings and taking first steps to grow. Our vision empowers us, and it’s a practical one.
With this transit, we avoid the waste of overestimation, although some underestimation is likely and a trade-off. While we can be working hard, we’re not working against the grain–for the most part, there’s support or our realistic confidence supports us.
Note that when Jupiter and Saturn align, approximately every 20 years (on average, 19.86 years), it’s called a Great Conjunction.
Regarding the specific aspect of Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Aquarius occurring on December 21st, 2020, we tend to focus these rebuilding and reforming energies and visions on our humanitarian impulses, contributions to society, social life, technological development, causes, and friendships.
This particular Jupiter-Saturn alignment is a one-off aspect. Jupiter-Saturn aspects usually form three hits over the course of approximately nine months due to retrograde motion that brings them back together two more times. However, this conjunction only forms once this time around.
Pallas is close by as Jupiter and Saturn align. We’re looking to the future, moved and motivated by our vision, and ready to make things happen by putting in the work. This can be an important time for healing through light or sound therapy, as well.
Jupiter aligned with Pluto with three hits in 2020, exposing flaws in our systems and firing up our ambitions. Now, Jupiter aligning with Saturn helps us develop systems that work. In the sign of Aquarius, we recognize the needs of the many.
Jupiter conjunct Saturn dates from 1940 to 2040
Dates with Planetary Positions by Signs and Degrees. Note: dates and times are Eastern and are within the years 1940 to 2050.
- Aug 7, 1940, at 8:24 PM —-Jupiter at 14 Taurus 28 conjunct Saturn at 14 Taurus 28
- Oct 20, 1940, at 12:37 AM —-Jupiter at 12 Taurus 28 conjunct Saturn at 12 Taurus 28
- Feb 15, 1941, at 2:37 AM —-Jupiter at 9 Taurus 07 conjunct Saturn at 9 Taurus 07
- Feb 18, 1961, at 7:02 PM —-Jupiter at 25 Capricorn 12 conjunct Saturn at 25 Capricorn 12
- Dec 31, 1980, at 4:24 PM —-Jupiter at 9 Libra 30 conjunct Saturn at 9 Libra 30
- Mar 4, 1981, at 2:06 PM —-Jupiter at 8 Libra 07 conjunct Saturn at 8 Libra 07
- Jul 24, 1981, at 12:16 AM —-Jupiter at 4 Libra 56 conjunct Saturn at 4 Libra 56
- May 28, 2000, at 12:04 PM —-Jupiter at 22 Taurus 44 conjunct Saturn at 22 Taurus 44
- Dec 21, 2020, at 1:20 PM —-Jupiter at 0 Aquarius 29 conjunct Saturn at 0 Aquarius 29
- Oct 31, 2040, at 7:47 AM —-Jupiter at 17 Libra 56 conjunct Saturn at 17 Libra 56
In Transit to the Natal Chart
When transiting Jupiter conjuncts natal Saturn, you are in the position to recognize those areas where you’ve been restricted or limited yourself. You might either break free from these limitations or discover ways to adjust, grow, and improve the structures you have in place, and thrive as a result. You might grow a business at this time, and you’re likely to do so in a step-by-step, measured way. Legal matters may figure strongly. Unless there are other less fortunate influences on your chart, they’re likely to go your way. It’s best not to expect quick results.
This transit occurs approximately every 12 years. It often occurs three times in an approximately nine-month period.
When transiting Saturn conjuncts natal Jupiter, you are learning to temper your enthusiasm with practicality to achieve your goals. Where you may have overshot in the past, you’re now more realistic. It’s a good time to draw on self-discipline to build or rebuild your career, life path goals, or other important ventures and systems in your life. This transit often coincides with a new job or residence or a time of harder work with significant results.
This transit occurs approximately once every 29-30 years, although there are often three exact hits over the span of almost a year when it does occur.
Note: If this aspect occurs in the Solar Return chart, it usually occurs in the year’s Solar Return chart for many people born in your birth month and surrounding ones, in general, making it more of a general trend than a personal one. However, it takes on more personal meaning if either Jupiter or Saturn aligns with the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, or Midheaven. In this case, either of the transit interpretations above applies.
In 2020/2021, because Jupiter aligns with Saturn and both bodies move on, not to return until many years later, those with the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in their Solar Return charts are anyone born from mid-October to the first week of February (of any year), given a six-degree orb. In other words, all people born from mid-October to early February regardless of their birth year will have Jupiter conjunct Saturn with a six-degree orb in their 2020 or 2021 Solar Return chart.
In Chart Comparison (Synastry)
When Jupiter in one chart forms a conjunction with Saturn in another chart, the Jupiter person may bring a new perspective to the Saturn person’s world in terms of what limits and restricts them. Ideally, Saturn’s conservative, practical, and realistic qualities complement Jupiter’s optimism and vision. If you aim to learn from one another, you can get to some very positive conclusions.
The problems occur when either person clings too hard to their habits and feels threatened by the other person’s advice. Tensions can occur where Jupiter feels Saturn is too heavy, judgmental, critical, or negative, which ends up dampening Jupiter’s enthusiasm; and where Saturn feels Jupiter is too careless, frivolous, or overly optimistic.
Ideally, Saturn has a moderating and stabilizing effect on Jupiter’s life while Jupiter helps expand Saturn’s confidence, vision, and optimism.
In the Composite Chart
With Jupiter conjunct Saturn in the composite chart, it’s generally a sign of a tight, usually long-term bond. This composite chart aspect is a binding, steadying one, and it’s one indication of a relationship with longevity. You’re likely to recognize and appreciate the strength of your connection.
As a couple, you tend toward the middle road, middle ground, and moderation, in general. You are capable of forming goals and creating structures and rules that support your growth. This is not an ideal combination for those who hope for quick results and successes. However, it can seem that the longer you stay together, the luckier you will become. You grow and develop slowly but surely.
See also Planetary Aspects, Jupiter Transits, and Saturn Transits

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