Planetary Aspects: Jupiter conjunct Pluto
What does Jupiter conjunct Pluto mean? The answer depends on whether it’s an aspect occurring in your natal chart, currently forming in the cosmos (transit-to-transit aspect), transiting your chart, or happening in a chart comparison (synastry – relationship astrology). However, this aspect between planets has common general themes. The following shows interpretations of Jupiter conjunct Pluto in these various forms as well as in general.
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Jupiter conjunct Pluto
When Jupiter and Pluto connect,
In the Natal Chart
With Jupiter forming a conjunction to Pluto in the birth chart, you are skilled at sniffing out an opportunity. When something ends, you instinctively know how to make the best of it and move in a new direction. You always seem to see possibilities where others may see only one route or a dead end. You will do what it takes to succeed, but you refuse to stoop low or to be narrow and petty.
You quite often take an all-or-nothing approach to life, especially with your ideas, beliefs, goals, and ambitions. Your drive to come out on top and to win can sometimes find you in conflict with others, especially those in authority. While you sometimes take things a bit too far, you are generally very good at identifying opportunities to grow, expand, and improve. At times, it can be helpful to ask yourself whether expansion is necessary–keeping things simple is not always in your vocabulary but might be the better route at times.
You express yourself intensely when you’re engaged and you have strong convictions. You may stir up some controversy as a result.
You have the ability to concentrate when necessary, and this is not especially easy for many people! When you’re inspired, you can move mountains. You can be quite competent in crisis situations. You have inner strength and conviction, and most of this occurs on a mental or psychic level.
You see opportunity in pretty much any situation, but whether or not you are an opportunist is something else altogether–seeing and doing are two different things!
If this combination is challenged in the chart, it’s important to avoid pushing your ideas too hard on others. Things to watch when this aspect is working poorly or under strain: too much self-importance, an overly entitled attitude, expecting to get something for nothing, or perpetual discontent.
Key Traits of Jupiter conjunct Pluto. You will find some, many, or all of the following, depending on how strong this aspect is in the natal chart:
- Resourceful and ready to jump on an opportunity.
- Ready to make changes and improvements.
- Passionate about their ideas, beliefs, projects, and interests and will take the lead in these areas.
- Goes all in or not at all.
- Determined and ambitious.
- Strong convictions.
- Persistent.
Transit to Transit
With Jupiter forming a conjunction to Pluto, we strive for more significance, and as a result, we can feel a stronger need for shared interests with others, adventurous or risky undertakings, success (however we define it), accomplishment, and personal betterment. It can be a time of intense personal growth and expansion. This can be an ambitious time when a desire for success or growth is compelling. The ability to sway or persuade can be enhanced. We might solve a problem that has been in existence for some time, or capitalize upon a resource that we once overlooked or that now emerges.
Social or material goals may come into strong focus, and reform could figure now. Our faith may be reborn or developed strongly now. We might decide to invest our time and energy (and possibly money) into an ambitious new project. We should take advantage of the increased drive this transit brings, but avoid tendencies towards self-righteousness, exaggeration, and obsession. This transit generally favors big business, the law, grants, taxes, education, and commerce. Increased influence, faith, and insight are likely now.
Benefits may come now through those in authority or the government. Business, taxes, insurance, grants, support, education, and legal matters can be affected, assuming larger proportions than usual.
Perhaps the most interesting side to this transit is the discovery of our deeper desires–our resentments or jealousies give us windows into things we may not have known (or dared to admit to ourselves) we wanted, and it’s a time when we’re embracing these desires. Jupiter is wonderful at opening our minds to possibilities. As such, this is an excellent period for identifying our deeper wants, desires, and ambitions, and for pursuing these passions, whether it’s a hobby, adventure, lifestyle, or line of work.
Dangers with this combination include self-importance as well as pushing too far and never really feeling content or satisfied. We may be overly confident that we can get away with something now, which can go in different ways depending on the situation.
With Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn more specifically (in 2020), there is a powerful desire to put our ideas and projects into practice and to produce concrete results. We’re particularly positive about work and effort, and we more readily see the value of a step-by-step approach, making it more likely we’ll succeed (Jupiter conjunct Pluto may push too hard or too fast, or go too far).
Getting too high on power can be a problem now, however. We might also watch for narrowing our perspective to the point that we’re overly critical of those who don’t have similar beliefs, mindsets, or determination. We might hold things so close to the vest and want to succeed on our own so much that we limit our opportunities.
We can be doggedly determined to make improvements. We might also take things too far with this combination, and in the sign of Capricorn, this can relate to power.
As long as we channel our intense ambitions appropriately, this can be a powerful period for achievement. We’re striving toward autonomy, driven to improve our circumstances, and seeking prosperity with determination. We want to take something to a completely new level.
Whichever way we define success at this time in our lives, we’re ready to do what it takes to achieve it. There is a real sense that we can achieve something of significance now. We might focus this energy on an important project or focus it inward–on bettering ourselves through greater self-understanding.
Overcoming obstacles can figure strongly during this transit. This transit lasts from approximately March to November 2020. Read more about Jupiter in Capricorn.
- Jupiter conjunct Pluto chart: April 2020
- Jupiter conjunct Pluto chart: June 2020
- Jupiter conjunct Pluto chart: November 2020
Jupiter conjunct Pluto dates, 1940 to 2040
Leaves Mar 10 2033 9:52:25 pm (EST +5:00)
- August 1, 1943, at 3:09 AM (July 27 to August 5) — Jupiter at 6 Leo 53 conjunct Pluto at 6 Leo 53
- November 2, 1955, 6:26 PM (October 26 to November 11) — Jupiter at 28 Leo 25 conjunct Pluto at 28 Leo 25
- February 7, 1956, 9:39 PM (January 30 to February 15) — Jupiter at 27 Leo 36 conjunct Pluto at 27 Leo 36
- June 16, 1956, 1:45 PM (June 9 to June 23) — Jupiter at 26 Leo 28 conjunct Pluto at 26 Leo 28
- October 13, 1968, 1:12 AM (October 8 to October 18) — Jupiter at 23 Virgo 40 conjunct Pluto at 23 Virgo 40
- November 2, 1981, 3:27 AM (October 28 to November 6) — Jupiter at 24 Libra 53 conjunct Pluto at 24 Libra 53
- December 2, 1994, 2:30 AM (November 27 to December 6) — Jupiter at 28 Scorpio 26 conjunct Pluto at 28 Scorpio 26
- December 11, 2007, 2:36 PM (December 7 to December 16) — Jupiter at 28 Sagittarius 24 conjunct Pluto at 28 Sagittarius 24
- April 4, 2020, at 10:45 PM (March 27 to April 14) — Jupiter at 24 Cap 53 conjunct Pluto at 24 Cap 53
- June 30, 2020, at 1:46 AM (June 21 to July 8) — Jupiter at 24 Cap 07 conjunct Pluto at 24 Cap 07
- November 12, 2020, at 4:39 PM (November 6 to November 18) — Jupiter at 22 Cap 52 conjunct Pluto at 22 Cap 52
- February 4, 2033, at 4:49 PM (January 31 to February 8) — Jupiter at 14 Aquarius 50 conjunct Pluto at 14 Aquarius 50
- April 12, 2045, at 5:00 AM (April 7 to April 17) — Jupiter at 3 Pisces 32 conjunct Pluto at 3 Pisces 32
- October 26, 2045, Jupiter conjunct Pluto comes close but doesn’t perfect.
In Transit to the Natal Chart
When transiting Jupiter conjuncts natal Pluto, this is a time when you can feel driven to turn a situation around or better your life in a key manner. You’re ready to take on a challenge.
When transiting Pluto conjuncts natal Jupiter, you are highly motivated to aspire toward your goals, aspirations, or dreams. In fact, their pursuit can be an all-consuming one at this time! There can be events that completely alter your perspective or belief systems, and these lead you to redefine your goals.
Note that if you find Jupiter conjunct Pluto in your Solar Return, most people have this same aspect in their Solar Return chart in the same year. It’s most significant if it is prominent in the Solar Return chart–for example if the Sun, Ascendant, Midheaven, or Moon align with either Jupiter or Pluto. In these cases, the above themes are likely to be prominent ones in the year ahead of the Solar Return date.
In Chart Comparison (Synastry)
When Jupiter in one chart forms a conjunction with Pluto in another chart, this relationship challenges you to grow, transform, improve, and develop. It doesn’t accept a standstill! This aspect may bring out the risk-taker or ambitious nature in one or both of you. The need for moderation and balance is likely to come up as a result.
In the Composite Chart
With Jupiter conjunct Pluto in the composite chart, there is a persistent, determined, and intense quality to the relationship. This aspect increases your determination as a couple to make things work, whether this is the relationship itself or a particular project or pursuit. As a unit, you may be considered a couple that takes the lead or is ready to give your “all” to a pursuit. Having a mission, mutual interest, or shared project can be most rewarding for you. Otherwise, excess energy can create tension. In fact, you may find that it’s sometimes quite difficult to fully relax with one another. Watch for overblown expectations and a tendency to create unnecessary tension between you only because you’re unconsciously attempting to assign more meaning or purpose to the relationship.
It’s possible that you feel more powerful as a duo than you do separately. This relationship challenges you to grow, accomplish, and change, and it’s unlikely that you stagnate as a pair. You expect truths from one another–and nothing less!
See also Planetary Aspects, Jupiter Transits, and Pluto Transits

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