2024 Scorpio Yearly Horoscope
2024 Scorpio Overview: Yearly Horoscope
Scorpio (Born October 24 to November 22*) – 0 to 30 degrees Scorpio:
2024: Scorpio Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
Scorpio (All):
Note: The summary of the year resides here; the details of the year continue below.
Relationships continue to figure strongly in your life this year, dear Scorpio, and so does a strong interest in self-development, health, and wellness. You find more joy in others who are, in turn, more responsive to your needs. You’re putting more effort and discipline into your pastimes, and it’s rewarding. Steadiness and stability are attractive. You might form strong financial ties with someone. A partner or a relationship can inspire you to reach new heights.
Changes to your personality and needs this year are subtle and yet significant. For one, you’re more willing to learn from others and to accept the support offered. For another, your tastes in romance, recreation, and the arts are slowly but surely refining and changing. You could be honing a craft or monetizing a hobby. Indeed, you might discover very constructive channels for your creativity.
The year 2024 offers some absolute joy in others. Partnering brings new discoveries, and support (emotional and financial) is more forthcoming. Even so, big changes in the dynamics of close partnerships (personal and business ones) seem necessary. More freedom and space in relationships can be a theme. If you allow others more freedom, you should also feel free to take some for yourself. There can be joy in your partnerships and some blessings, but possibly also some uprooting. You are unlikely to feel that you know where you stand, and this uncertainty can be exciting but sometimes problematic.
Fundamental changes or evolutions in your home, personal life, or family are slow but noticeable as Pluto transitions into your solar fourth house. You’re becoming less guarded with what you say. Activities related to purging and emotional renewal can figure strongly. It’s a powerful period for home life and your intimate world. You might acquire property or boost your income.
You enjoy a greater ability to make plans, mainly related to health, diet, and work, which boosts you physically and emotionally. You can find more meaning in your life, in general, which is motivating. Bringing more structure to your leisure time can be worthwhile, benefiting you in many different life departments.
This is a good period for attention to fitness and health routines, as you are more aware of how these positively impact your energy and confidence. You can enjoy passion pursuits, or new depths (and heights) can be experienced in your private life, adding to your inner glow. There can be good publicity this year, and your ability to meet others halfway (often further) opens up social possibilities and opportunities. Someone can be a positive force in your life, boosting your confidence. You’re likely to derive much joy from your relationships and, more likely, one special one in particular.
See also 2024 Scorpio Preview Horoscope.
Key Events in 2024 for Scorpio:
The relationship (aspects) between the outer planets set up longer-term themes in the year 2024. Here’s what the major ones might mean for people in general, and for Scorpio in particular:
Outer Planet Transits:
Jupiter conjuncts Uranus in April and is parallel Uranus in early May. These influences encourage high spirits. We’re ready to discover, explore, and innovate. This transit is exciting, futuristic, and original. The need for progressive change becomes glaringly apparent under this influence. It’s a time when we’re itching to update, refresh, and renew ourselves, projects, circumstances, and connections.
We might take risks (perhaps, but not necessarily, foolish ones) for the sake of freedom during this transit. We could too easily avoid taking responsibility for things that truly matter, or we could feel exceptionally restless.
We’re open to new energies, approaches, and attitudes under the influence of this transit. Fortunate events occur as a direct result of our willingness to entertain the unusual and to think outside of the box. We are feeling brave, positive, and optimistic. Enthusiasm runs high, the desire for freedom from restrictions is strong, and thirst for adventure is with us.
For Scorpio, this alignment occurs in your partnership sector, and others can surprise you! Alternatively, relationship needs can come on suddenly, and you connect with desires or cravings you never knew you had. Increased benefits, possibly with money, can come through others. A surprising circumstance or sudden change of attitude can occur and jolt you out of your usual patterns of relating to others on a one-to-one level. An alliance with an old family friend could figure strongly.
Jupiter forms a sextile with Neptune in May. Jupiter is expanding our desire for security, comfort, abundance, earthy or sensual experiences, money, and material things while in the sign of Taurus. As it harmonizes with spiritual Neptune in Pisces, we’re more likely to factor in our spiritual values and need for imagination, romance, and concern or compassion for others into our pursuit. We are inclined to see the good in people and situations.
For you, Scorpio, you’re in lovely shape for love, romance, creativity, and partnership. You’re enhancing and improving your life as you connect with the need for more nuance, fun, and romance in your life. You see your relationship needs differently, and your faith in your creative output, relationships, or romantic life is renewing. A partner or a relationship can inspire you to reach new heights.
Jupiter forms a trine to Pluto in early June, and it’s easier to tap into our hidden talents or desires. As we do, we embrace new directions or pursuits. We’re discovering our ambitions and motivations, and it’s an enjoyable, productive experience. It’s a time when we strive to improve, grow, and bring something to the next level. A desire for more personal significance can lead us to give of ourselves or motivate us to more ambitiously pursue personal or professional goals. We can be opportunistic–it’s easier than usual to recognize opportunities because we’re looking to advance.
For Scorpio, this powerful booster transit most affects your intimate world, personal life, and domestic world. On a psychological level, it’s about emotional renewal and recognizing your need to renovate and renew yourself from the inside out. Life feels more meaningful.
Jupiter forms a square with Saturn in August, with Mars involved, and again in December, and circumstances are such that we must restructure our lives or plans in accordance with rules, laws, limits, and the demands of reality.
It’s best to breathe new life into old plans rather than to strike out with a new plan altogether during this period. We may need to cut back on something in order to grow in another area. It’s important not to overextend ourselves at this time and to avoid attempting easy fixes or shortcuts. The need to adjust our expectations becomes obvious.
For Scorpio, the greater joy you experience in your intimate world can clash with responsibilities elsewhere, particularly related to a hobby, heartfelt pursuit, romance, or care of children. Differences in tastes, styles, or attitudes with people close to you may feel particularly disruptive. Still, whatever emerges can reveal vulnerable areas in your relationships or insecurities within.
Jupiter forms a sextile with Chiron in October & November, bringing healing magic to our lives. Our attempts to broaden our horizons through such experiences as furthering our education, expanded activities, and spirituality, contribute much to our personal growth.
This subtly uplifting time brings us the opportunity to free ourselves from restrictive and negative attitudes that have been undermining our progress. We are especially open to learning from others, and better able to help others to understand our point of view. We might open our minds to different perspectives and philosophies. We are absorbing and possibly sharing what we’ve learned from past experiences and mistakes.
For Scorpio, this transit points to improvements in your routines, habits, and everyday life that enhance your intimate life or feelings of personal empowerment. You’re in great shape for making changes to your current lifestyle that will benefit you for years to come.
Other influences and minor transits:
Mars is retrograde from December 6th, 2024, to February 223rd, 2025, in the signs of Leo and Cancer (pre-retrograde shadow begins October 4th). We can feel stuck on past relationships or situations, finding it difficult to move ahead. Slowdowns, reparations, and reconsiderations are significant. For you in the 2024 portion of this retrograde cycle, these mostly affect your career, responsibilities, life path, status, or reputation. There can be weighty issues and delays to manage now.
Enthusiasm for career and public or professional matters may wane, or you may be returning to old projects to firm them up or redo them altogether. You could feel as if you’re going through the motions in your work or with your responsibilities until you get into better touch with your desires and needs. Buried feelings of anger or resentment could surface. Ambiguities might have you second-guessing or reassessing your goals.
Conserve your energy and avoid pushing things that require more time to develop. This is an excellent time for editing projects already in progress, but not ideal for all-new initiatives.
You could be exploring anger and assertion issues. Mars retrogrades tend to turn your attention to unresolved issues as you may be seeking closure or you may be looking to reopen something that ended a while ago. The steps you take now to reorganize will benefit you greatly down the road.
Please note that these key dates are synopses — quick summaries of astro-events — that are covered more in-depth in the monthly horoscopes and daily horoscopes.
See also 2024 Scorpio Preview Horoscope.
Yearly Horoscope: 2024 Predictions for Scorpio
If you know your Ascendant, read forecasts for both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign. If you know your birth time, but don’t know your Ascendant, be sure to use the Cafe Astrology Ascendant Calculator. For those of you who are unsure of your Sun sign because it’s close to the neighboring sign, see What’s My Sun Sign?
See also see your Scorpio Preview Horoscope for 2024, as well as the Scorpio Love Horoscope for 2024. The horoscope on this page, Scorpio Yearly, shows the trends and predictions for the year in detail. Because outer planet transits are lengthy, there are variations in the timing of outer planet transits for each of the three decans of Scorpio, and these show below the main, general forecast.
There are some encouraging developments for you this year, dear Scorpio. Every year, we see challenges and opportunities in different areas. It’s my hope that by understanding these areas of potential disruption and ease, you can make the most of these trends by seeking out the opportunities and managing the challenges.
The following chart shows the outer planets and other points in relation to your sign, revealing whether they are harmonizing with or challenging Scorpio:
Scorpio 2024
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | |||||||
Jupiter | ||||||||||||||||||
Saturn | ||||||||||||||||||
Uranus | ||||||||||||||||||
Neptune | ||||||||||||||||||
Pluto | ||||||||||||||||||
Chiron | ||||||||||||||||||
North Node |
Legend for the Table Above:
Grey is neutral (no direct relationship, but can be picky, nagging),
Pink is challenging (the planet is in direct, challenging relationship to your sign),
and Green is easy and supportive (the planet or point is in a direct, harmonious relationship with your sign).
Jupiter=Luck, Confidence,
Expansion, Growth, Hope, Improvement, Spirit
Saturn=Restriction, Structure, Simplicity, Realism
Uranus=Innovation, Excitement, Unrest, Rebellion, Change
Neptune=Inspiration, Spirit, Confusion, Dissolution, Enlightenment
Pluto=Upheaval, Transformation, Rebirth, Unearthing, Excavation, Power
Chiron=Vulnerability, Wisdom, Healing, Wholeness, Non-conformity
North Node=Life Lesson, Growth, Improvement, Challenge
As is evident in the above chart, influences are largely balanced. This kind of distribution is probably ideal for most people (the goal isn’t to have no challenging aspects since they can be motivating).
Saturn steadies you all year, and that’s stabilizing, especially with Uranus in opposition to your sign generating a need for a new approach to close relationships and partnerships. Important lessons or learning experiences are likely in close partnering and, fortunately, these experiences feel rewarding this year. It’s a time to connect with your relating needs.
On this Page:
On this page, the year’s larger themes are explored. For month to month overviews, see Scorpio Monthly Horoscopes, and for daily influences, see Scorpio Daily Horoscopes. Please note that my dailies are astrological, not daily inspirational texts, so you’ll find interpretations for such things as planetary aspects and planet/point ingresses in Daily Horoscopes.
Overview: Harmony and Challenge of Outer Planets:
With Pluto slowly but surely leaving its harmony to your sign again this year, you’re crystallizing important and valuable lessons from its long stay in your communications sector. Your voice is more powerful!
Uranus in opposition to your sign suggests that close relationships can be wild cards, requiring new approaches altogether. Jupiter helps you in this area, giving you a powerful boost.
Scorpio is an emotional Water sign but is also of a Fixed nature, which suggests that while you expect emotional ups and downs or transformations, you crave an overall feeling of stability. Fortunately, Saturn harmonizes with your sign all year, and it should be a steadier time for you.
Areas of change and occasional disruption in 2024 tend to be partnerships, communications, home, and family.
This is a powerful year for finding more meaning and joy in partnering, intimacy, and absorbing passion projects. Go big in these areas, but know your limits!
**The following horoscopes reveal the outer planet, long-term trends for each decan. While Jupiter transits last about a year, the remaining outer planet transits last several years (an average of 2-1/2 years for Saturn, 7 years for Uranus, and so forth). This is why you can see some of the same trends continuing from previous years.
Note also that while the degrees of decans are precise, the dates are necessarily approximate since they vary slightly from birth year to birth year.
On This Page:
Horoscopes for:
Scorpio born October 24 to November 2 OR Scorpio Ascendant 0 to 10 degrees
Scorpio born November 3 to 12 OR Scorpio Ascendant 10 to 20 degrees
Scorpio born November 13 to 22 OR Scorpio Ascendant 20 to 30 degrees
Scorpio (Born October 24 to November 2) – 0 to 10 degrees Scorpio (1ST DECAN):
2024: Scorpio Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
Until May 25th,
Jupiter continues to move through your solar seventh house and you can enjoy benefits through marriage, serious partnerships, common-law partnerships, business partnerships, negotiations, and/or contractual agreements.
This is a period in which you are more likely to establish a significant partnership or you could be enhancing an existing relationship. It's one of the better transits under which to get married or enter a long-term, committed partnership. You can negotiate more successfully than usual, and, if applicable, you are that much more likely to win in legal matters or other forms of official negotiations. Financial benefits could possibly come through partnerships.
For those of you who are already partnered, you are likely to find more joy in close relationships due to a more easygoing and tolerant attitude towards others and partnering in general. It's especially important to be fair with one another and to share your ideas and ideals. Legal matters or challenging relationship problems from the past might more easily be resolved now, and even more casual disputes are likely to be settled during this cycle.
The need for freedom in your social relationships is strong, however, and if it is not forthcoming, you could feel caged in and restless. You may find yourself taking on the role of consultant or advisor or you could benefit from help from the same. Good publicity may come your way. If your work involves the public, you can safely expect increased popularity now, or you might receive good reviews, feedback, or word-of-mouth opportunities. Relationships and partnerships benefit from expansive, warm energy, or successful new ones are entered into this year.
These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life.
Also, although Jupiter is generally considered positive and happy energy, close relationships could end during this cycle, but if they do, it's generally in order to move on to a happier, healthier, more tolerant relationship or position. A warm, open, and honest approach to others wins you positive new relationships or enhances existing ones.
From May 25th onward,
Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, is moving through your solar eighth house. During this cycle, you may see benefits in any of the areas ruled by the eighth house - joint finances, shared resources, loans, taxes, sexuality, intimacy, healing, personal transformation, research, investigation, and psychological matters.
This is a time of increased psychological understanding, intimacy, and perhaps the accumulation of wealth if you manage your resources well. This is an excellent time to work on financial planning and strategy.
You are more capable of helping friends and loved ones who are dealing with a crisis - you can be leaned upon. Your ability to understand and accept anything that is deep in meaning or significant is enhanced now, and you instinctively realize that the path to healing is to face your fears. Others tend to be more supportive of you as well.
Any type of in-depth study or research is likely to go well. In some cases, a significant tax refund, inheritance, inheritance, or other such benefits might arrive during this transit. Financial gains may come through a partnership or there may be an increase in a spouse's income. Sensual or intimate opportunities are likely to abound, or your focus on one partner becomes more expansive, warm, and intimate.
This could be a time of purging yourself of literal or psychic "junk", as there is a sense that de-cluttering your life will be beneficial to your emotional well-being. Benefits can come through jointly held resources, loans, or taxes.
These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life. This can be an excellent time for eye-opening psychological discoveries that help you to liberate yourself from difficulties of the past or from attitudes that have been holding you back from moving forward.
The most favorable periods for these matters occur while Jupiter is in direct motion in your solar 8th house from May 25-October 8th.
Saturn transits your solar fifth house all year. This influence began last year and will continue until early 2026.
All year:
Saturn's influence is rather somber and serious, but also responsible and practical. You are getting serious about fifth house matters: romance, relationships with children, your creativity, and pleasure. Serious about pleasure? Yes, indeed! While you may not spend a whole lot of time living it up at parties, bars, or entertainment venues, you are likely to take your hobbies more seriously. In fact, this is an excellent period for monetizing any personal hobby - turning it into a business, even if it's a sideline one. Bringing more structure to your play time or to a creative talent can also figure strongly now.
If you have children, they may need more discipline or structure than they previously did at this stage. Some of you may be welcoming children into your life and discovering all of the responsibilities that come along with it. Others who already have children may find that they're at an age that requires more attention and discipline, or structure.
In the romance department, Saturn's influence can go either way. For some, romance may feel lacking or a romantic relationship could be more practical than fun. Tests or pressures on an existing romance could figure now. Casual relationships and dating may be nonexistent, or lean. For those of you who have recently entered a romance, you are beginning to look at it more seriously and critically. For others, a romantic relationship stabilizes and becomes more serious. Some of you will meet a new romantic interest who is perhaps older or mature, thus "meeting Saturn" through a person.
Those of you who are dating might feel some loneliness, as it can be hard to find what you are looking for at this time. An existing romance may be tested but strong ones strengthen further. A romantic partner could feel like a "heavy" at this time, or you might feel restricted in terms of making acquaintances and enjoying other people's company. In other words, there is somewhat heavy energy surrounding fifth house matters. For those single and looking, be careful that you don't project a negative attitude without even realizing it, as this can intimidate some.
Creatively speaking, you are a little more serious in your approach. You might be turning a hobby into a business now, or you might find that there is less time for creative hobbies, pastimes, amusements, and entertainment. Your work can require more show, drama, creativity, and entertainment value, and may be a hobby-turned-business. Romance and work can be tied together in some significant way. Some of you could be working hard on, and putting a lot of effort into, creative hobbies or pastimes.
Uranus continues its transit of your solar seventh house this year.
With its long-term transit of your partnership sector, Uranus has a way of shaking up close relationships or you may receive a shake-down of sorts related to how you view others and partnerships. Some of you can feel that it's hard to truly rely on a partner or a partnership. Lifeless or outworn relationships may become harder to bear. Some trial and error in relationships is par for the course with Uranus in this sector of your chart. People in your life may be surprised at your displays of independence. You don't care for taking orders, and any attempts to limit you are likely to be met with great resistance or downright rebelliousness on your part.
There can be some relationship tension as you explore ways to break free from restriction. Some of you could experience erratic or rebellious behavior in a close partner, and this could have you on your toes, wondering what's next. Sometimes this transit relates to periods when sudden relationship changes occur, whether it's a sudden move out of or into a partnership. You may be attracting someone who is unusual, different, or who is entirely not your usual "type." In fact, this is a powerful time for breaking out of limiting relating patterns and starting fresh. Your relationships require new or fewer "rules" now.
Neptune continues its lengthy transit through your solar fifth house this year.
This very long-term transit can cast some initial "fog" over your heartfelt endeavors, including romance and creative projects, after which you tune into a more spiritual path regarding these matters. During this transit, you are highly romantic, but also somewhat prone to self-deception--seeing what you want to see in a lover rather than what really is. Being "in love with love" is quite probable now. Love can be very romantic for you, but it can also be complicated or downright elusive! You may find yourself falling in love with someone unattainable or attached, for example; or you might attach yourself to someone who you deem needs "saving." Use some caution if this is the case. Drama in romance can be lovely, but too much of it will only leave you yearning and perhaps even heartbroken. Caution with gambling is also necessary. You are more imaginative under this influence, however, and you might take up a very artistic hobby or other satisfying creative outlets. This is a positively brilliant period for discovering or enhancing your artistic talents.
Pluto continues its lengthy transit of your solar third house this year until January 20th and then from September 1st to November 19th. The acute elements of this transit are long behind you.
This extremely long-term transit brings gradual but deep changes in your mindset. This is a time for deep thinking, exposing truths, research, and investigation. You might question a lot of things, including knowledge and information you've learned in the past. You might begin an intensive line of study during this period. You may have disdain for superficial or fluffy conversation, preferring deeper subject matter.
Expectations transform this year. Intensity and passion are craved when it comes to your personal projects, interests, learning, and communications, and mediocre will no longer do in these areas!
Pluto began its slow transition into the next house of your solar chart last year. In 2024, this occurs from January 20th to September 1st and November 19th forward:
This extremely long-term transit brings gradual but deep changes in your home or family life and your psyche. Your needs for nurture transform and evolve. Pluto transiting your solar fourth house is a very long-term transit that gradually brings changes to the basic domestic structure. Your connections to family members can evolve on a fundamental level, especially in terms of responsibilities, support, or roles.
There can be a retreat into yourself during this cycle as you explore, on a very deep level, your roots, childhood conditioning, and feelings of personal security. If you have been feeling somewhat of a victim in your family relationships, for example, then this will be a time when you feel it more acutely and feel the need to do something about it. Buried resentments come to the fore and demand to be handled. Avoid focusing on regrets or dead-end situations, as the tendency to obsess over things that can't or shouldn't be changed runs very high. By the time this transit ends, however, you are more equipped than ever to go after exactly what it is that you want in life. Superficial areas of your life will be removed or transformed, and you are freer to express your authentic self.
All year, The North Node transits your solar sixth house. Your attention is turned to work, habits, health, and routines. Setting rules and boundaries will be important at this time. Orderliness will be empowering, and paying closer attention to deadlines, details, and rules will be challenging but also very rewarding. By structuring your life, you will be able to come closer to achieving your dreams.
Special: Future Forecast Report
Purchase your unique Personalized Horoscope–over 100 pages long–for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.
Or, see your free Monthly Forecast and 2024 Love Horoscope.
Scorpio (Born November 3 to 12) – 10 to 20 degrees Scorpio (2ND DECAN):
2024: Scorpio Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
From February 21st to July 9th:
Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, transits your solar seventh house. During this cycle, you may enjoy benefits through marriage, serious partnerships, common-law partnerships, business partnerships, negotiations, and/or contractual agreements.
This is a period of your life when you're more likely to establish a significant partnership, or you could be enhancing an existing relationship. It's one of the better transits under which to get married. You can negotiate more successfully than usual, and, if applicable, you are more likely to win in legal matters or other forms of official negotiations. Financial benefits could possibly come through partnerships.
For those of you who are already partnered, you are likely to find more joy in close relationships due to a more easygoing and tolerant attitude towards others and partnering in general. It's especially important to be fair with one another and to share your ideas and ideals.
Legal matters or challenging relationship problems from the past might more easily be resolved now, and even more casual disputes are likely to be settled during this cycle.
The need for freedom in your social relationships is strong, however, and if it is not forthcoming, you could feel caged in and restless. You may find yourself taking on the role of consultant or advisor, or you could benefit from help from the same. Good publicity may come your way. If your work involves the public, you can safely expect increased popularity now, or you might receive good reviews, feedback, or word-of-mouth opportunities.
Relationships and partnerships benefit from expansive, warm energy, or successful new ones are entered into this year. These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life.
Also, although Jupiter is generally considered positive and happy energy, close relationships could end during this cycle, but if they do, it's generally in order to move on to a happier, healthier, more tolerant relationship. A warm, open, and honest approach to others wins you positive new relationships or enhances existing ones.
Jupiter transits opposition your Sun/Ascendant. You might fall victim to wasting opportunities, time, or resources when transiting Jupiter opposes your natal Sun. Generally, this transit is a "feel-good" transit. You are likely to be feeling quite powerful and optimistic. The problem with the transit, for some, is that you might over-reach as a result of these inflated feelings of importance. This need not be the case at all. In fact, you might find that you receive a much-needed boost to your ego at this time.
From July 9th forward:
Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, is moving through your solar eighth house. During this cycle, you may see benefits in any of the areas ruled by the eighth house - joint finances, shared resources, loans, taxes, sexuality, intimacy, healing, personal transformation, research, investigation, and psychological matters.
This is a time of increased psychological understanding, intimacy, and perhaps the accumulation of wealth if you manage your resources well. This is an excellent time to work on financial planning and strategy.
You are more capable of helping friends and loved ones who are dealing with a crisis - you can be leaned upon. Your ability to understand and accept anything that is deep in meaning or significant is enhanced now, and you instinctively realize that the path to healing is to face your fears. Others tend to be more supportive of you as well.
Any type of in-depth study or research is likely to go well. In some cases, a significant tax refund, inheritance, inheritance, or other such benefits might arrive during this transit. Financial gains may come through a partnership or there may be an increase in a spouse's income. Sensual or intimate opportunities are likely to abound, or your focus on one partner becomes more expansive, warm, and intimate.
This could be a time of purging yourself of literal or psychic "junk", as there is a sense that de-cluttering your life will be beneficial to your emotional well-being. Benefits can come through jointly held resources, loans, or taxes.
These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life. This can be an excellent time for eye-opening psychological discoveries that help you to liberate yourself from difficulties of the past or from attitudes that have been holding you back from moving forward.
Saturn transits your solar fourth house until February 29th.. This influence is typically felt most strongly in the first year of its influence – for your decan, it’s in the past, and you’re more comfortable with this energy. Further, this transit comes to an end.
Saturn here urges you to get serious about home, family, and domestic concerns. You are building your nest, not in a "plumping your nest" sort of way. In fact, you may be stripping some things away - perhaps even downsizing or de-cluttering - and adding structure to your domestic life. This can benefit you greatly in the long run!
During this transit, you're likely to face issues surrounding your attachments to the past. Sometimes this manifests as literal re-organization of your home. Moving house is not typically associated with this transit as it would if, for example, Uranus was the transiting planet. If moves are made, you might encounter some resistance in yourself or the move might be a source of stress and worry; or you may be downsizing.
This may not be a time when you feel particularly brave in the outer world. However, reorganization in your home, and more importantly, in your soul/personal life, embodies the true nature of this transit. Many will go through a major "spring cleaning" inside. Limitations that came from early family conditioning will be brought to the fore. At first, there may be some frustration with your life to date, and how you may have limited your opportunities because of early conditioning. A feeling of being alone and unsupported in life may dominate at times now. Some may experience some distancing or frustrations regarding your parents. Family obligations may seem to get in the way of your experience of pleasure and of the achievement of your personal goals. There may be some emotional distancing as well in your home environment. Your current living conditions may feel restrictive, limiting, too small or cramped (physically and/or emotionally). Delays and slowdowns may be experienced in the areas of health, mobility, and career.
However, all of these things occur so that you start work on making improvements and in order that you face your responsibilities, become more self-sufficient, and more organized. Ultimately, you are learning to rely on yourself and to take care of things that you may have previously neglected but that have undermined your confidence in yourself and in your life! Working from home is a strong possibility during this period. Bringing more structure and discipline to your domestic life may be in order, and is likely to work very well in your favor. By the end of this transit, your home is likely to be in tip-top shape and family life should be more organized.
Saturn transits your solar fifth house from March 1st forward. This influence is typically felt most strongly in the first year of its influence – for your decan, that’s this year.
Saturn's influence is rather somber and serious, but also responsible and practical. You are getting serious about fifth house matters: romance, relationships with children, your creativity, and pleasure. Serious about pleasure? Yes, indeed! While you may not spend a whole lot of time living it up at parties, bars, or entertainment venues, you are likely to take your hobbies more seriously. In fact, this is an excellent period for monetizing any personal hobby - turning it into a business, even if it's a sideline one. Bringing more structure to your play time or to a creative talent can also figure strongly now.
If you have children, they may need more discipline or structure than they previously did at this stage. Some of you may be welcoming children into your life and discovering all of the responsibilities that come along with it. Others who already have children may find that they're at an age that requires more attention and discipline, or structure.
In the romance department, Saturn's influence can go either way. For some, romance may feel lacking or a romantic relationship could be more practical than fun. Tests or pressures on an existing romance could figure now. Casual relationships and dating may be nonexistent, or lean. For those of you who have recently entered a romance, you are beginning to look at it more seriously and critically. For others, a romantic relationship stabilizes and becomes more serious. Some of you will meet a new romantic interest who is perhaps older or mature, thus "meeting Saturn" through a person.
Those of you who are dating might feel some loneliness, as it can be hard to find what you are looking for at this time. An existing romance may be tested but strong ones strengthen further. A romantic partner could feel like a "heavy" at this time, or you might feel restricted in terms of making acquaintances and enjoying other people's company. In other words, there is somewhat heavy energy surrounding fifth house matters. For those single and looking, be careful that you don't project a negative attitude without even realizing it, as this can intimidate some.
Creatively speaking, you are a little more serious in your approach. You might be turning a hobby into a business now, or you might find that there is less time for creative hobbies, pastimes, amusements, and entertainment. Your work can require more show, drama, creativity, and entertainment value, and may be a hobby-turned-business. Romance and work can be tied together in some significant way. Some of you could be working hard on, and putting a lot of effort into, creative hobbies or pastimes.
Saturn trines your Sun this year, and this helps you to better focus on your goals. This transit is a stabilizing one–others know they can rely on you, and you on them! Your vision is all the more realistic now, and pleasingly so. You work steadily and determinedly towards your goals. Authority figures and elders tend to look favorably upon you. This aspect goes a long way toward steadying and balancing your life. This is a wonderful time for self-discipline.
Uranus continues its lengthy transit of your solar seventh house this year.
With its long-term transit of your partnership sector, Uranus has a way of shaking up close relationships or you may receive a shake-down of sorts related to how you view others and partnerships. Some of you can feel that it's hard to truly rely on a partner or a partnership. Lifeless or outworn relationships may become harder to bear. Some trial and error in relationships is par for the course with Uranus in this sector of your chart. People in your life may be surprised at your displays of independence. You don't care for taking orders, and any attempts to limit you are likely to be met with great resistance or downright rebelliousness on your part.
There can be some relationship tension as you explore ways to break free from restriction. Some of you could experience erratic or rebellious behavior in a close partner, and this could have you on your toes, wondering what's next. Sometimes this transit relates to periods when sudden relationship changes occur, whether it's a sudden move out of or into a partnership. You may be attracting someone who is unusual, different, or who is entirely not your usual "type." In fact, this is a powerful time for breaking out of limiting relating patterns and starting fresh. Your relationships require new or fewer "rules" now.
Neptune continues its lengthy transit through your solar fifth house.
This very long-term transit can cast some initial "fog" over your heartfelt endeavors, including romance and creative projects, after which you tune into a more spiritual path regarding these matters. During this transit, you are highly romantic, but also somewhat prone to self-deception--seeing what you want to see in a lover rather than what really is. Being "in love with love" is quite probable now. Love can be very romantic for you, but it can also be complicated or downright elusive! You may find yourself falling in love with someone unattainable or attached, for example; or you might attach yourself to someone who you deem needs "saving." Use some caution if this is the case. Drama in romance can be lovely, but too much of it will only leave you yearning and perhaps even heartbroken. Caution with gambling is also necessary. You are more imaginative under this influence, however, and you might take up a very artistic hobby or other satisfying creative outlets. This is a positively brilliant period for discovering or enhancing your artistic talents.
Pluto continues its lengthy transit of your solar third house this year.
This extremely long-term transit brings gradual but deep changes in your mindset. This is a time for deep thinking, exposing truths, research, and investigation. You might question a lot of things, including knowledge and information you've learned in the past. You might begin an intensive line of study during this period. You may have disdain for superficial or fluffy conversation, preferring deeper subject matter.
Expectations transform this year. Intensity and passion are craved when it comes to your personal projects, interests, learning, and communications, and mediocre will no longer do in these areas!
The acute elements of this Pluto transit are behind you in 2024.
Until July 15th, The North Node transits your solar sixth house. Your attention is turned to work, habits, health, and routines. Setting rules and boundaries will be important at this time. Orderliness will be empowering, and paying closer attention to deadlines, details, and rules will be challenging but also very rewarding. By structuring your life, you will be able to come closer to achieving your dreams.
From July 15th onward, the North Node transits your solar fifth house, and you are pointed in the direction of creativity, uniqueness, standing out from the crowd, love affairs, and sharing your heart. You can benefit greatly from making a conscious effort to deal with others in a more personal, involved, and loving manner, rather than falling back on reason and intellect which detaches you from your feelings. Learning to take personal risks, which requires a certain amount of self-confidence, will help you to achieve inner balance and happiness. Don't be afraid to get creative, go steady, and stand out!
Special: 2024 Future Forecast Report
Purchase your unique 2024 Personalized Horoscope–over 100 pages long–for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.
See also: Monthly Forecast for month-to-month trends, Daily Horoscopes for day-to-day trends, and 2024 Love Horoscope.
Scorpio (Born November 13 to 22) – 20 to 30 degrees Scorpio (3rd DECAN):
2024: Scorpio Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
From April 12th forward,
Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, transits your solar seventh house. During this cycle, you may enjoy benefits through marriage, serious partnerships, common-law partnerships, business partnerships, negotiations, and/or contractual agreements.
This is a period of your life when you're more likely to establish a significant partnership, or you could be enhancing an existing relationship. It's one of the better transits under which to get married. You can negotiate more successfully than usual, and, if applicable, you are more likely to win in legal matters or other forms of official negotiations. Financial benefits could possibly come through partnerships.
For those of you who are already partnered, you are likely to find more joy in close relationships due to a more easygoing and tolerant attitude towards others and partnering in general. It's especially important to be fair with one another and to share your ideas and ideals.
Legal matters or challenging relationship problems from the past might more easily be resolved now, and even more casual disputes are likely to be settled during this cycle.
The need for freedom in your social relationships is strong, however, and if it is not forthcoming, you could feel caged in and restless. You may find yourself taking on the role of consultant or advisor, or you could benefit from help from the same. Good publicity may come your way. If your work involves the public, you can safely expect increased popularity now, or you might receive good reviews, feedback, or word-of-mouth opportunities.
Relationships and partnerships benefit from expansive, warm energy, or successful new ones are entered into this year. These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life.
Also, although Jupiter is generally considered positive and happy energy, close relationships could end during this cycle, but if they do, it's generally in order to move on to a happier, healthier, more tolerant relationship. A warm, open, and honest approach to others wins you positive new relationships or enhances existing ones.
Jupiter transits opposition your Sun/Ascendant. You might fall victim to wasting opportunities, time, or resources when transiting Jupiter opposes your natal Sun. Generally, this transit is a "feel-good" transit. You are likely to be feeling quite powerful and optimistic. The problem with the transit, for some, is that you might over-reach as a result of these inflated feelings of importance. This need not be the case at all. In fact, you might find that you receive a much-needed boost to your ego at this time.
Saturn continues its transit of your solar fourth house this year.
Saturn here urges you to get serious about home, family, and domestic concerns. You are building your nest, not in a "plumping your nest" sort of way. In fact, you may be stripping some things away - perhaps even downsizing or de-cluttering - and adding structure to your domestic life. This can benefit you greatly in the long run!
During this transit, you're likely to face issues surrounding your attachments to the past. Sometimes this manifests as literal re-organization of your home. Moving house is not typically associated with this transit as it would if, for example, Uranus was the transiting planet. If moves are made, you might encounter some resistance in yourself or the move might be a source of stress and worry; or you may be downsizing.
This may not be a time when you feel particularly brave in the outer world. However, reorganization in your home, and more importantly, in your soul/personal life, embodies the true nature of this transit. Many will go through a major "spring cleaning" inside. Limitations that came from early family conditioning will be brought to the fore. At first, there may be some frustration with your life to date, and how you may have limited your opportunities because of early conditioning. A feeling of being alone and unsupported in life may dominate at times now. Some may experience some distancing or frustrations regarding your parents. Family obligations may seem to get in the way of your experience of pleasure and of the achievement of your personal goals. There may be some emotional distancing as well in your home environment. Your current living conditions may feel restrictive, limiting, too small or cramped (physically and/or emotionally). Delays and slowdowns may be experienced in the areas of health, mobility, and career.
However, all of these things occur so that you start work on making improvements and in order that you face your responsibilities, become more self-sufficient, and more organized. Ultimately, you are learning to rely on yourself and to take care of things that you may have previously neglected but that have undermined your confidence in yourself and in your life! Working from home is a strong possibility during this period. Bringing more structure and discipline to your domestic life may be in order, and is likely to work very well in your favor. By the end of this transit, your home is likely to be in tip-top shape and family life should be more organized.
Uranus continues its transit of your seventh house this year.
All year:
With its long-term transit of your partnership sector, Uranus has a way of shaking up close relationships or you may receive a shake-down of sorts related to how you view others and partnerships. Some of you can feel that it's hard to truly rely on a partner or a partnership. Lifeless or outworn relationships may become harder to bear. Some trial and error in relationships is par for the course with Uranus in this sector of your chart. People in your life may be surprised at your displays of independence. You don't care for taking orders, and any attempts to limit you are likely to be met with great resistance or downright rebelliousness on your part.
There can be some relationship tension as you explore ways to break free from restriction. Some of you could experience erratic or rebellious behavior in a close partner, and this could have you on your toes, wondering what's next. Sometimes this transit relates to periods when sudden relationship changes occur, whether it's a sudden move out of or into a partnership. You may be attracting someone who is unusual, different, or who is entirely not your usual "type." In fact, this is a powerful time for breaking out of limiting relating patterns and starting fresh. Your relationships require new or fewer "rules" now.
Neptune transits your solar fifth house this year:
This very long-term transit can cast some initial "fog" over your heartfelt endeavors, including romance and creative projects, after which you tune into a more spiritual path regarding these matters. During this transit, you are highly romantic, but also somewhat prone to self-deception--seeing what you want to see in a lover rather than what really is. Being "in love with love" is quite probable now. Love can be very romantic for you, but it can also be complicated or downright elusive! You may find yourself falling in love with someone unattainable or attached, for example; or you might attach yourself to someone who you deem needs "saving." Use some caution if this is the case. Drama in romance can be lovely, but too much of it will only leave you yearning and perhaps even heartbroken. Caution with gambling is also necessary. You are more imaginative under this influence, however, and you might take up a very artistic hobby or other satisfying creative outlets. This is a positively brilliant period for discovering or enhancing your artistic talents.
Pluto transits your solar third this year.
This extremely long-term transit brings gradual but deep changes in your mindset. This is a time for deep thinking, exposing truths, research, and investigation. You might question a lot of things, including knowledge and information you've learned in the past. You might begin an intensive line of study during this period. You may have disdain for superficial or fluffy conversation, preferring deeper subject matter.
Expectations transform this year. Intensity and passion are craved when it comes to your personal projects, interests, learning, and communications, and mediocre will no longer do in these areas!
All year, the North Node transits your solar fifth house, and you are pointed in the direction of creativity, uniqueness, standing out from the crowd, love affairs, and sharing your heart. You can benefit greatly from making a conscious effort to deal with others in a more personal, involved, and loving manner, rather than falling back on reason and intellect which detaches you from your feelings. Learning to take personal risks, which requires a certain amount of self-confidence, will help you to achieve inner balance and happiness. Don't be afraid to get creative, go steady, and stand out!
*Please note: starting and ending dates are not fixed for any sign and they can vary slightly depending on the year you were born. If you are born near one of these dates and are unsure of your Sun sign, see What’s My Sun Sign?.
See Also:
Scorpio Daily Horoscope
Scorpio Monthly Horoscope
2025 Scorpio Yearly Horoscope
Scorpio Yearly Love Horoscope
Scorpio Ascendant Daily Horoscope
Scorpio Good Days Calendar
2025 Scorpio Preview Horoscope
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