2019 Sagittarius Horoscope Preview
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Sagittarius Horoscopes, Year 2019: Summary/preview of the year ahead for the zodiac sign Sagittarius.
2019 Sagittarius Horoscope Overview
The following is an overview horoscope for the zodiac sign of Sagittarius the Archer for the year 2019.
(Click on any sign above to navigate to that sign’s preview horoscope).
Areas of Expansion in 2019 for Sagittarius:
Your Sagittarius 2019 Horoscope points to areas of life that are destined to expand and grow.
- Personality
- Body Image
- Mannerisms
- Finances/Income
- Self-worth
- Comfort
Until December 2nd, 2019, Jupiter is in your sign! This approximately one-year transit comes only every twelve years and serves to bring you out of your shell. You’re ready to take on the world. This is a time for exploring your needs and pursuing your dreams. Your personality, image, body image, and confidence in yourself expand to new levels with Jupiter in your sign until December 2019. You are seeing whole new possibilities, and your vision of life is panoramic.
If you’ve done your inner “work” well while Jupiter was transiting your solar twelfth house from October 2017 to November 2018, this can be an especially rewarding period. Your confidence in yourself and faith in the world are growing exponentially. Freedom is something you seek, but be wary of the costs of freedom when it’s pursued without necessary attention to responsibilities.
You are more willing to enjoy new experiences and to rid yourself of those things that have been holding you back from truly living and owning your life.
There can be new projects begun now that have fabulous long-term potential. You may not yet know where you’re headed with them, but you’re certainly enthusiastic about beginning anew.
Expanding your horizons through higher learning or travel might also figure strongly. This is a time for aligning your behavior with what you believe is right. You are taking more “me” time, which is in fact very much due.
This transit occurs not very long after Saturn’s almost three-year transit of your sign, which was a little hard or stark at times, and you’re likely to feel quite a bit of relief of pressure now.
You are seeking out a new beginning – a fresh start, of sorts – and your desire to do right is especially strong. Work or projects that you have been working on in private or behind the scenes may now begin to pay off. There is less focus on serving and helping others now, perhaps because this is no longer as necessary (for example, a child can go off to college, or even the end of a problematic relationship that took up a lot of your energy and resources, from which you are now enjoying some level of freedom), and now you can put some of your personal interests on the front burner.
You won’t feel like sitting around during this period of your life. You are hungry for new experiences. Everyday stresses that may have frustrated you in the past now seem almost inconsequential, as your vision is lifted above the mundane. As such, your ability to manage stress and pressure increases. You are more tolerant in your attitude towards others, and you’re considerably more confident about expressing the playful, creative, and fun side of your personality.
Potential negatives: Weight gain, pompous behavior, restlessness, over-confidence, wastefulness, and excesses in general. See to it that these things don’t ruin an otherwise excellent period. As well, in your desire to start over, watch that you don’t blind yourself to responsibilities.
There might also be times, especially from January to September, when you have troubles with self-discipline and limits, or when your personal desires conflict with home and family matters. Ambiguities about living conditions or up-in-the-air issues can leave you feeling uncertain at times.
Otherwise, this can be a time of opportunity. You might choose to pursue a new channel for self-expression or mental interest with great passion. There can be a strong sense of release and freedom from previously limiting, rigid, or stifling conditions. You feel more natural and confident — in your own terms. Jupiter is your planetary ruler, after all, and with it now transiting your sign, you can feel especially confident and effective — more yourself — and this can be especially dramatic if you’ve been feeling not quite yourself in recent years as many of you have.
From December 2nd onward, money, personal possessions, valuables, and self-worth expand, increase, improve, and grow. Your desire for security and comfort is hearty now, and you’ll pursue these things with more confidence and verve. You feel that you deserve more!
This is a strong time for buying long-term valuables. You are likely to make bigger decisions about your material resources during this period.
This cycle that will be in influence until December 2020 is strong for attracting more money from your professional endeavors and for expanding a business. You might also more easily attract support from others (but be careful if you are suddenly in the position to receive, for example, a credit line or sizeable loan – spend wisely). You should certainly watch for overspending.
Potential difficulties: Be on the alert for an attitude towards money that is careless. If you are accumulating personal possessions too quickly, this can lead to clutter and disorganization. If you’re overconfident about your ability to make money, then you might take foolish risks, such as borrowing from your future. Watch for over-indulgence. Be extra careful if lending or borrowing.
Otherwise, this is a good period for bringing a fresh, positive, and confident attitude towards your own self-worth and value, and to your practical affairs, including work. You have another concurrent influence, outlined in the section immediately below, that helps to counteract the difficult potentials of this influence.
Your personality, confidence, and verve can add to your income during this period. Earning your way is more important to you than usual in the year ahead.
Areas of Contraction and Lessons in Simplicity:
Your Sagittarius 2019 Horoscope points to areas of contraction, restriction, and necessary “slimming down” in order to test for stable foundations. There are always areas of life that require more simplicity. Tests may be part of the picture as you learn that life with only growth and expansion can run away with itself.
- Money
- Income
- Resources
Until December 2020, the areas of your life that require a “back to basics” approach are associated with the sector of your solar chart that governs personal finances, income derived from your own efforts (this excludes shared finances and financial support through debts and rebates), personal possessions, self-esteem, personal talents, and personal values. There may be tests of sorts in these areas of life — as if the universe is checking that the foundations are strong. Things built on weak foundations may very well crack under the pressure of these tests. Those that are strong will endure and strengthen.
This influence will stay with you until the year 2020 when it will be off and on, and is in full force this year. It can be felt most strongly earlier or later in the cycle, depending on whether you were born earlier or later in the sign of Sagittarius. This year, it will directly impact those born from approximately December 3-13 and people who have an 11-21 degree Sagittarius Ascendant.
Tests can come to your financial affairs during this cycle. You are challenged to better manage your personal resources and to come up with a fair and realistic assessment of your value or worth. You may be necessarily more cautious about entering into heavy financial commitments during this period, and more cautious in general with spending. Worries can surface about your earning power, but as you progress, the ideal end result will be a stronger sense of what you are capable of earning, better spending and saving habits, and a more realistic budget. Cutting back on some luxuries may be in order, but you may just discover that the security you gain is more important than the luxuries you let go.
Saturn performs very well in the sign of Capricorn as the sign’s planetary ruler. This should be a rewarding cycle for coming to a better position regarding the management of your material resources. You are exceptionally security-minded at this time and you can begin or step up savings plans. Any innate organizational and budgeting traits you possess are highlighted now. Look for overlapping or unnecessary expenses and other redundancies, and aim to rid yourself of material clutter. Your natural talents can contribute more to your personal income than previously. The last time this transit occurred was some time ago – from 1988-1990.
This year, from January to November, you’re in a particularly rewarding cycle for support in these areas. You may enjoy a sense of spiritual fulfilment through simplifying your life along practical lines. It’s a fine time to align your daily life with your spiritual beliefs or ideals. In December, you get more help from a different source, largely related to a positive attitude and a sense of joy through increased responsibility and feeling on top of things.
Areas of Excitement, Innovation, Independence, and Speed:
Your 2019 Sagittarius Horoscope points to areas of your life that seem to speed up so that you can take some risks, innovate, and revolutionize.
- Romance
- Creativity
- Children
- Recreation
- Work
- Health
In March 2011, you entered a lengthy cycle in which your romantic and creative life has been/is unpredictable and unusual, but also inspiring and exciting. This influence is active ending on March 6th. A new influence that was in effect from May 15th to November 6th, 2018, then returns from March 6th, 2019, forward. The year is divided as follows:
Until March 6th, you continue to be attracted to people who are free-spirited, individualistic, and possibly even eccentric on a romantic level, or these are the kinds of people you attract. Ups and downs have been par for he course. You are tapping into your “inner genius” when it comes to expressing yourself creatively. Your writing and speech may be more imaginative and unusual or unique. Communication can be the key when it comes to making romantic connections, and many of you could be experimenting with online dating. There can be new forms of recreation and entertainment that interest you this year. Sagittarian artists are expressing themselves more uniquely and originally.
You are freer and open when it comes to expressing yourself, communicating, creating, and sharing your experiences with others.
Watch for overspending or risky investments, as sudden changes and impulses tend to rule. Uncertainties about living arrangements or related to home life can create tension in your love life for some.
From March 6th forward, you enter a lengthy period in which your work, daily routines, and health can be unpredictable and unusual, but also inspiring and exciting! You can bring fresh insight to your work now, although there can be times when you’re impatient with rules and schedules. Daily routines can be chaotic and your energy tends to be up and down. Ultimately, you are looking for a more authentic expression of yourself regarding work, service, or daily life, and while it can be a little chaotic for now, you are learning to tap into your “inner genius.”
This is an important time for keeping open to change and current developments regarding your work or health. The most modern types of technology can transform your work. Staying in touch with current developments in your field gives you a nice edge.
Note that this influence kicks in consistently from March 2019 forward (until April 2026)! In December, you can feel the most positive side of this transit more thoroughly when improvements to your practical world, work, finances, or health can be groundbreaking.
Areas of Change, Purging, & Transformation:
Your 2019 Sagittarius Horoscope reveals areas of life in which change and transformation take place. It’s a time for “out with the old, in with the new.”
- Finances
- Values
- Communications
- Transportation & Commuting
- Learning
- Worldview
- Shared Finances
Attitudes towards finances and possessions, as well as money itself and personal values, continue to transform this year. Life lessons might occur in order for you to get in better touch with self-worth, principles, self-defense, and money attitudes. Changes might occur in your source of income or your level of income can change. You may have to face control issues and possessiveness, and learn how to better manage this part of your life.
There may be some challenges, particularly in April, when there can be a clash between a desire for personal expansion and a compulsion to feel secure, comfortable, and safe. You’re being asked to do more sharing and supporting, and this seems to compete with your desire to be self-sufficient. However, look for opportunities to turn around a difficult emotional or financial situation. You get tremendous support this year for your efforts to take charge of your finances, develop your talents, and find new ways to make money from hidden or current resources, as well as for business development, particularly at the tail-end of 2019.
In 2019, the North Node challenges you to improve your financial picture. Your finances are evolving in important ways. Dependencies on others are revealed and could feel uncomfortable at first. The ways you handle money need to change, but also your attitude towards how effectively you can make an income, save, and depend on yourself. You experience a strong need to eliminate things you no longer need. You might find that your attitude towards moving forward improves in direct proportion to your ability to rid yourself of excess baggage – the literal leads to the figurative. Shuffling around your finances is likely.
The North Node in your intimacy sector all year points to a real need to share yourself with others in effective, empowering ways, particularly around the eclipses in January, July, and December.
The eclipses in 2019 for the most part pull up themes related to shared finances, support, dependency, intimacy, and power dynamics. Again, you’re encouraged to share yourself with others in satisfying ways.
Your Planetary Ruler in 2019: Jupiter is your planetary ruler. Last year, Jupiter spent much of the year in the sign behind yours until November 8th when it moved into your sign. While you were playing it safe or laying low for much of 2018, you are now coming into your own. This is a time for coming out of your shell and recognizing important goals and ideals that you want to strive toward.
Jupiter’s retrograde periods every year are natural cycles of introspection and extra rest or periods of reflection, and in 2019, Jupiter is retrograde from April 10th to August 11th. Jupiter is very happy transiting Sagittarius, its own sign, until December 2nd in 2019. It doesn’t receive much planetary support, but is nevertheless strong. From December 2nd forward, Jupiter heads into the sign of Capricorn to spend just over a year. During this period, you’re especially focused on enjoying yourself, building a nest, and finding new ways to feel more secure and comfortable.
2019 Yearly Overview Horoscopes:
See also 2019 Summary Horoscopes for neat summaries of the year ahead for each sign, 2019 Yearly Horoscopes for detailed forecasts for each sign, and 2019 Love Guides/Horoscopes for Each Sign for forecasts in the areas of romance and relationships.
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