This Month in Astrology – January 2020
January 2020
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
The New Moon/Solar Eclipse on December 26th in the sign of Capricorn continues to affect us in January, setting the tone. Public life, career, reputation, achievement, and accountability are themes, and they’re also subject to new beginnings. This eclipse awakens our ambitions, sense of time/limits, and need for order. It offers us the opportunity to set practical, attainable goals, work on developing maturity and common sense, consider and prepare for the future, work on self-discipline, and recognize our responsibilities. We may be called to give up something in order to move forward into a new chapter in our lives. We might need to work hard to achieve our goals, and possibly face some roadblocks along the way. Fortunately, it occurred near the time of a Sun-Jupiter conjunction, fueling us with optimism. Saturn and Pluto are heading toward alignment, and we may sense that we need to break something down before rebuilding it stronger and better. This New Moon sets the ball rolling for a brilliantly productive period ahead.
Uranus turns direct on the 10th after five months of retrograde motion. As Uranus gains speed in the coming weeks, our urge to express ourselves uniquely, to take some chances or risks, to rebel, to listen to our own instincts, and to stir up change are re-awakened. We begin to see clearly that we can make changes — that we are not always victims of changes thrust upon us.
The Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse occurs in the sign of Cancer on the 10th is bound to thrust us into a state of heightened awareness of flaws in the structures of our lives, in our homes and family structures. Decisions made now are emotionally-driven. There can be a sudden need/desire to connect with our families or our own hearts. Something is exposed or illuminated, prompting us to get in touch with those things in our personal lives that we may have been neglecting or putting off.
Saturn aligns with Pluto in the sign of Capricorn on the 12th. This is a time when we can be especially focused on our goals, and intensely ambitious to succeed in a particular area, and we’re inclined to focus on this area with great dedication, commitment, or perhaps obsession. We want to achieve and accomplish something spectacular. We can be ruthless about getting rid of problem areas in the process. We should watch for abuse of power or living on fear, although moderate levels of fear can be useful to motivate us to make improvements and to strengthen certain vulnerable areas of our lives. During this period, our fear of losing something (or everything) can be a powerful motivator, in fact, and the zodiac sign involved can be a clue to where we fear scarcity, chaos, or loss. We can be driven, in fact, to build or rebuild our lives. This period can involve renovation, destroying and rebuilding, and excavation in a particular area of our lives. Whereas Pluto seeks increased power and control through our undertakings, career, and reputation or status in the sign of Capricorn, Saturn seeks perfection, increased performance, and proof that we’re worth something. Saturn attempts to clean up some of the excesses or obsessions of Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto tears down, Saturn builds, and in this sense, it’s a powerful combination. This transit may demand hard work at remodeling and renovating our careers and goals.
The New Moon on the 24th energizes the sign of Aquarius. This lunation brings a “fresh start” to our lives. We are awakened to a need for a vision, for socializing and brainstorming, for expressing feelings of friendship, and for developing more objectivity in our lives.
Date | Time (ET) | Event | Position |
Jan 2 | 11:45 PM | First Quarter Moon | 12 Ari 15' |
Jan 3 | 4:37 AM | Mars enters Sagittarius | Mar 0 Sag 00' |
Jan 8 | 11:08 AM | Jupiter opposition True Node | Jup 8 Cap 26' opposite TNo 8 Can 26' |
Jan 10 | 2:21 PM | Full Moon Penumbral Lunar Eclipse | 20 Can 00' |
Jan 10 | 8:48 PM | Uranus Direct | Uranus 2 Tau 39'D |
Jan 12 | 11:59 AM | Saturn conjunct Pluto | Sat 22 Cap 47' conjunct Plu 22 Cap 47' |
Jan 13 | 1:39 PM | Venus enters Pisces | Ven 0 Pis 00' |
Jan 16 | 1:31 PM | Mercury enters Aquarius | Mer 0 Aqu 00' |
Jan 17 | 7:58 AM | Third Quarter Moon | 26 Lib 52' |
Jan 18 | 5:31 AM | Pallas enters Capricorn | Pal 0 Cap 00' |
Jan 20 | 9:55 AM | Sun enters Aquarius | Sun 0 Aqu 00' |
Jan 24 | 4:42 PM | New Moon in Aquarius | 4 Aqu 22' |
Jan 31 | 2:59 AM | Ceres enters Aquarius | Cer 0 Aqu 00' |
(See the full table for 2020)
See also: This Week in Astrology week to week for more detail.
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
Overview horoscopes will fill in here as I write them, ideally during the week before the month begins. It is not unusual to see some signs temporarily missing as I usually write them over the course of a few days, and I always start with the featured sign of the month (birthday month).
As is frequently the case for you at this time of year, dear Aries, there is extra focus on your life path, responsibilities, goals, ambitions, or career. However, the Lunar Eclipse on the 10th reminds you that if your responsibilities have overshadowed your personal life to the outside world, it's time to pay them their due attention. Now's the time for bringing things back into balance. There could be home repairs, family dramas, or internal changes to deal with in the coming weeks. If you’ve been overextending yourself, you need to find ways to get more downtime or do catch-up work around the home or with loved ones. A Saturn-Pluto alignment at the top of your solar chart points to the need to overhaul what you're projecting to the world, particularly through your career, status, or reputation. This transit is about accountability, authenticity, power, responsibilities, leadership, management, the rules, and life direction. You'll be working diligently on building your reputation and profession in the year ahead. Your approach to your life direction, management, major life structures, and reputation may go through a reworking of sorts as you approach these things differently, and others see you in new ways. This influence ultimately pushes you to new heights, but there may be a fall or simply a new beginning or fresh start before you climb again. The key is to focus on simplifying while this aspect is in force in January, and only later work on building and expanding. You’ll find that after Uranus turns direct on the 10th, your spirit to innovate with business or money-making ideas renews and that you're generally finding answers to recent dilemmas on these fronts. You’re ready to fight for what you’re worth if need be. With Mars heading into your spirit sector from the 3rd, new adventures and experiences can suddenly seem desirable after many months of being quite content following simple routines close to home. You're looking to break out of the mold or routine in various ways through what you learn and where you go. You’re more courageous and motivated to try new things. So, while you're getting serious about your work and family life, you're also in fine spirits. It's a time for feeling positive, energized, and enthusiastic. You are very content with doing your own thing and exploring your world independently, but you can also be inspiring and motivating with others for taking action on matters. Taking charge of your life comes more naturally now. You're braver, more courageous, and less inhibited, and competitive and physical activities are favored. While your spirit for adventure is big, from the 13th forward, you begin to take more pleasure in quiet, internalized, or behind-the-scenes activities. Love and pleasure may seem a little more complicated. Still, your social life builds in importance as January advances, and by the New Moon on the 24th, you'll be raring to go with friends or new happiness goals. |
January is active for making connections and learning new things, dear Taurus. You're engaged and interested in making some changes. The Lunar Eclipse on the 10th happens in your communications and transportation sector, and there can be important discoveries, ideas, and changes in your mindset or attitude. Watch for impulsive self-expression, but give weight to your emotions and any epiphanies occurring at this time. Writing, learning, sharing, publicity, and promotion are themes that reach a turning point now. This eclipse reminds you of connecting with your true feelings about what you’re learning, communicating, and sharing. Still, a Saturn-Pluto alignment pushes your ambitions to make improvements. You can be particularly self-disciplined with a special course, training, project, or publishing pursuit. Events occur that lead to a brand new vision. You see life in a new way, and your attitude or belief system and perspective may radically change. On the 10th, Uranus in your sign turns direct after many months of retrograde motion. Your courage increases with this shift. Your independence becomes a strong motivating force. This influence can also renew your motivation for work or can point to a moving-forward moment related to your life path or career goals. Your confidence to make changes increases even further. January can also bring stronger energy for connecting with a partner, and perhaps some drama to your personal life. Financial matters, mainly revolving around shared resources or debts, might also heat up. Mars in your partnership and then intimacy sectors this month can certainly heat up and animate your closest relationships. While there can be some difficulties with an overbearing partner to deal with for some of you, this is an excellent time to make changes and put some of the building tension to rest. This period favors confronting problems head-on with direct and assertive Mars involved. This can be a stellar period for applying strategy to your life, particularly related to pursuing your desires or going after what you want. You can be very sensitive to the give-and-take side of a relationship at this time. Watch for the magnification of problem areas, particularly related to trust/suspicion. Otherwise, find constructive activities you love doing and pour your energy into them -- you're more focused than usual. Career and reputation matters build in importance for you as January advances. While there can be some confusing feelings in a relationship, you'll find that there are few, if any, delays to your progress. |
You can be gripped by the desire to change, evolve, and improve this month, dear Gemini. If you've been toying with the idea of making a lifestyle change, and many of you have, things can come together now. This is a time for taking off and achieving your goals! Still, the Lunar Eclipse on the 10th reminds you to seek some balance. You've been delving a little more deeply into your pursuits, or you're working through issues related to shared money or resources. Heightened emotions surrounding money and possessions, as well as personal values and talents, can be a theme, and you're facing feelings and making changes and improvements that get you to a stronger sense of security, predictability, and safety. You might experience a significant revelation about money or business, or you could be dealing with matters related to your values and self-worth, as well as boundaries in a relationship. Realizations about how to better handle or manage your money can happen now. Take your time before making any pivotal decisions but aim to examine feelings that are coming to the surface, however raw they may be at the moment. Around the same time, a Saturn-Pluto alignment occurs in your intimacy sector, and you may be working diligently on better handling your attachments, debts, intimate relationships, and support system. Stripping away what is unproductive in these areas is in focus. This is about restructuring, simplifying, and making substantial changes that revitalize your finances, lifestyle, and relationships. Fortunately, you have helpful influences for rebuilding these areas as the year advances. For now, it's better to think in terms of downsizing and simplifying rather than expansion. With Uranus turning direct in your privacy sector on the 10th, you’ll feel even more equipped to let go of negative attitudes and to put the past behind you. There can be progress related to education or travel or on a long-term goal. This is a time for moving beyond regrets. Mars moves into opposition with your sign on the 3rd, and this can serve to stir up passions, not always comfortably. While some of you could be experiencing real conflicts with a partner or best friend, others may be actively working to improve partnerships. Relationships that have been too restrictive, tense, or dull need to improve. A partner could be aggressive or cranky, or possibly merely taking the lead. Try to muster up patience, but stand up for yourself if necessary. Frequently partners have something to teach us, as they can mirror parts of ourselves that we haven’t identified with or clearly seen before. At this time, a relationship or partner could be reflecting your own desire for action. There can be a lot of activity in the relationship department or your social life, and for some, an active time spent with counselors or other one-on-one situations. Perhaps most importantly, you are learning a lot about yourself and your desires and motivations through people in your life, who may be encouraging you to take action or get moving. You'll find more prompts to come out of your shell as the month advances. January can also be a beautiful time for learning, studying, and sharing ideas. New experiences hold more appeal. From the 13th, relationships on the job improve, or your reputation gets a nice boost. |
You'll be working on making your connections stronger and happier this year, dear Cancer. Of course, this all starts with taking better care of yourself, and this month's Lunar Eclipse in your sign prompts you to do just that. The eclipse on the 10th can lead to an emotional awakening or epiphany. You could be managing competing feelings related to the need for freedom and togetherness. Emotions run high, especially surrounding a personal matter or close relationship, and even with all of the emotional excitement, you're liable to feel energetically drained as you see a relationship, someone, or your image and personal impact in a new light. The result can be that you want to make significant changes -- even go through a personal reinvention of sorts -- related to your sense of independence. These feelings are real and vital, but it's best to take your time with them. Around the same time, a Saturn-Pluto alignment happens in your opposing sign and partnership sector. You may be working diligently on building a relationship. Your connections, partnerships themselves, and relationship needs can go through a reworking of sorts as you approach them very differently. If you’ve been living inauthentically in this area of your life, now is the time to strip away the fluff. This transit presents an opportunity to break something down and rebuild anew, but first, something needs to change! You may be moving out of your comfort zone now, but you have tremendous planetary support for getting back on track as the year advances. Uranus’ direct turnaround on the 10th can act to renew your spirit for making friends, and if your connections have been unreliable at best, it’s a time for trying to fix things or make the best of what you have. Mars moves into your work and health sector from the 3rd forward, boosting your motivation to get work done. This is a time for pushing yourself to improve your health and fitness, being careful not to overdo it. You can be feeling quite pumped about getting organized or handling small problems. For those who have them, issues with co-workers can be aired and tackled this month and next. Difficulties with workload or excessive demands on you can now be acknowledged. It's an outstanding time to get rid of clutter, eliminate waste that interferes with health and fitness pursuits, and take the initiative to get health check-ups or to launch new programs. Avoid overstraining so that you can enjoy yourself as you get your life back into shape. At times, the need to initiate, lead, and work independently can stir up competition or conflict with others, so do what you can to either tone things down a little or prepare yourself for a battle or two, depending on which you prefer! Work may be competitive now, but if you can set your own pace, you'll get a whole lot done. This is a time for testing the effectiveness of your routines and habits and turning them around if need be. Daily life may speed up, and might at times be a little chaotic without careful management. For some of you, there is a larger workload to deal with, but for others, it may be due to increased motivation to take on more projects. From the 13th, love and pleasure feel more straightforward. Still, Mercury moves into your intimacy sector on the 16th, and then the Sun follows suit on the 20th, pointing to the need to delve into a special project or to focus and intensify your energies. January holds much promise for some powerful personal transformations. |
While the strong focus on health, wellness, work, and daily routines continues this month, dear Leo, January is also about enjoying some downtime and making time for play. Arriving at the right work-life balance is quite possible now as you pay your work and personal life their due attention. The Lunar Eclipse on the 10th serves to highlight competing energies that seem to pit your need for rest or repose against chores and duties. It's time to take a break from overthinking, and circumstances now seem to demand that you get some downtime. A work or health matter can come to a head, but it’s also a time to put more effort and energy into taking care of your emotional health. A Saturn-Pluto alignment in your work and health sector does point to some pressure to simplify and rework certain structures and programs in your life. It's an ambitious time in your life, and this transit can serve to break something down so that you can rebuild it in better, more relevant, and more authentic ways. Disciplined efforts to advance can pay off now. For now, there can be some hard and mature decisions to make. You should be thinking in terms of simplifying and downsizing in January--expansion comes later. As the year progresses, however, you have tremendous cosmic support for building something better for yourself, mainly related to habits, self-care, and work. Obligations and responsibilities are certainly magnified at this time. Look for ways to simplify and streamline for your better health. Aim to become more efficient and organized, as well as to work hard and do what you can, without pushing yourself too hard. It's a delicate balance, but doable! You'll see your priorities more clearly with the events of the month, which can lead to essential adjustments and improvements that benefit you tremendously. This is also a time when your spirit strengthens for finding your own unique path. Your ability to take personal and professional risks and leaps of faith improves. Career-related matters renew their spark in your life, and motivation levels increase. Mars begins transiting in harmony with your sign on the 3rd and is a strong influence for romance, entertainment, personal appeal, and the pursuit of pleasure. With Mars, there is always the possibility of raised passions, conflict, impatience, and impulsiveness, but when channeled well, you can feel quite enthusiastic and courageous. It's a playful and expressive period. Your energy levels improve, and you tend to assert yourself with more success and ease. This can also be a good time for physical activity and competition, in general. You are bound to put more energy into pleasure and play during this cycle! It's a time for courageously pursuing your heart's desire, and your direct approach tends to get you results. Particularly as January progresses, you'll find it to be an excellent period for blending your agenda with a significant other, for counseling, and negotiations. Your social life gets a nice boost. You're likely to find it both productive and pleasurable to pair up with someone to get things done. There can be an accelerated pace to a relationship or more activity in your social life now. |
January's energies bring you into greater touch with your need to entertain or be entertained and to create and enjoy extra playtime, dear Virgo. How you "do" your leisure time or pursue your joy is due for a makeover. With the Lunar Eclipse on the 10th, your feelings for someone, about a relationship, or about romance, in general, can be pivotal, reaching a turning point. You might also come to powerful realizations about long-term happiness goals. Events occurring now are designed to push you in the right direction -- along a more authentic path. You need this background now to make meaningful choices later. A Saturn-Pluto alignment happens in your sector of joy this month, and it's transforming how you express and enjoy yourself! You may be working diligently on building up your dating life, your relationships with children, a hobby, or a creative project. Self-expression is going through a reworking of sorts as you approach the world differently, and others see you in new ways. You're considering the more serious side of your relationships and projects. There could be a critique or new information that frames things differently, which leads to a new direction or a change in your game plan. It becomes crucial to consider ways to simplify and streamline your life to improve it all around. You are particularly ambitious about making changes and improvements, or circumstances are such that you need to start fresh. Something seems to need to change or break down before you can rebuild it to be better, more fulfilling, and relevant to your current level of growth. Radical changes can occur, in fact, and you may very well be the one to make the call–love and creativity need a different approach for you to gain fulfillment. Uranus turns direct on the 10th, and you're becoming more motivated to put your spiritual beliefs into action. Your general faith in life and the universe increases. It’s easier to make important changes with this shift--you're more courageous going forward. Fiery Mars begins transiting your home and family sector from the 3rd. Expect a lot of extra energy for domestic matters going forward and possibly some conflicts if you don't direct some of this excess energy into productive channels. Especially appropriate ones are work done on the home or activities with family. Aim to enjoy extra time spent on improving your home life and consider ways to enhance your feelings of security and comfort. With Mars challenging your sign, you may need to work a little harder to achieve your goals in the coming weeks, but pushing through obstacles can be satisfying, too. A work-and-health theme builds as January advances. You'll be pouring more energy into your chores and self-care programs, and you're giving these things more thought. From the 13th, Venus in your partnership sector boosts your relationships on a one-to-one level. The benefits apply to partnerships of all types and any counseling or negotiation scenarios. |
There continues to be much activity in your sector of home, family, domestic matters, and personal foundations in January, dear Libra. Still, the Lunar Eclipse on the 10th asks you to attend to demands from the "outside world." Responsibilities or problems that have been neglected or overlooked have a way of surfacing now for your attention. This lunation affects how you see your life path. It can push recognition or awards, or it may result in a change in your general direction or career focus. It's a persuasive prompt to sort out the delicate home-work balance in your life. Still, a Saturn-Pluto alignment in your home and family sector emphasizes the need to simplify things in your personal life. You can feel some pressure to pull something apart so that you can rebuild it from the ground up, and it can relate to your personal life, support system, foundation, home, or family. It’s a time for identifying areas that are no longer structurally sound and then committing to making changes. Emotionally, you’re learning about self-reliance and inner power. If there are problems in your home, domestic life, or family, they may feel bigger than life now. It's time to make a new commitment to organizing the home or a home-related project. New responsibilities or limitations may emerge, but these motivate you to take charge. You'll feel stronger if you meet your obligations and get organized! Start small and go from there. While it's all about making mature choices and simplifying things this month, as the year progresses, you'll be rebuilding and expanding things quite beautifully. From the 10th forward, problems with debts, loans, or financial support seem more comfortable to resolve and more straightforward. Forward movement on a money, creative, or romantic matter is likely. Mars moves into harmony with your sign from the 3rd, invigorating your motivation to pursue personal interests and studies, and to enjoy more movement and interaction with your neighborhood. January is excellent for making connections, especially mental connections. This improves even further from the 20th when the Sun moves into your creative sector. With this Mars transit, you can be quite excited and motivated about mental projects, interests, and learning pursuits. On the downside, there can be some impatience when others don't seem to be catching on as fast as you--or catching up to your pace. Take advantage of this transit by pouring your energy into intellectual tasks, errands, making connections, and exploring new subjects if possible, as you can get a whole lot done now with passion and vigor. This influence can excite your mind, animate your daily life, and stimulate your nervous system at times! Tame impatience, and you'll find this period excellent for discovering your intellectual passions and finding the courage to speak about what's important to you. January feels more enjoyable in the second half, although you're in great shape all month for attracting fun and pleasure on some level. You're motivated to get creative or romantic, to share your ideas, to seek out more fun and channels for self-expression, to date, and to pursue a hobby, recreational activity, or creative project. |
Your personal interests, daily affairs, and studies or learning continue to gain momentum this month, dear Scorpio. January can be a busy, communicative, and connected month for you, and while the focus changes to the home and family life later this month, it remains a dynamic period. The Lunar Eclipse on the 10th generates much emotional and mental energy, and focusing it all can be difficult. Give yourself time to process any news or new information coming your way. This eclipse prompts you to fit more extracurricular activities into your life–it’s a time for expanding your skills and knowledge. Spreading the word–or exploration and discovery–is in the spotlight. You may have felt very much tied to your desk, neighborhood, or projects, and now answer to a call to get away, even if this is only for the sake of mental refreshment. Still, a Saturn-Pluto alignment in your communications sector prompts the need for restructuring or a new start with your studies, communications, mindset or attitude, transportation, or projects and mental interests. You are determined to rebuild and succeed. Circumstances may be that you need to restructure, redoing something from the ground up, and while a reality check occurring now can feel intense, you have all the cosmic support for rebuilding with you in the months ahead. It's also a time for recognizing the power of your words and your thoughts. Making changes to how you express yourself and to your everyday thought habits can be life-changing at this time. If you’ve been feeling stuck in destructive patterns, you'll now see that something has to change. Again, you have lovely support for making improvements and adjustments as the year progresses. Your daily life can demand a lot more from you, or you might see a project or endeavor in an entirely new, very realistic light. You could be feeling the weight of your responsibilities. If you can manage to tackle matters one at a time, step by step, you will find that you sidestep the problems of feeling overwhelmed and get closer to your goals as a result. If you need to concentrate, try unplugging or otherwise tuning out distractions so that you can get to a satisfying point of progress. You might find out where you stand on a matter, and this helps clarify your next step. Uranus turns direct on the 10th, and clarity or forward movement in a partnership can be in store. While relationships can, at times, be up and down or difficult to predict, you might come to a better feeling that you can ride with the waves rather than against them at this time. Mars energizes your resources sector from the 3rd forward, increasing your courage or desire to take a few risks with business and money. While you should certainly be careful not to spend impulsively, this can be a good time for seeing your ability to earn or your own talents more confidently or positively. You may be directing much of your energy into seeking out security, business endeavors, settling in, or building upon what you have. Coming first or initiating new projects is less compelling now, as you'd prefer to see things through. The drive to develop, increase, or improve your resources can be strong. Still, there can also be some tensions surrounding personal finances and possessions during this transit that will continue until mid-February. Questions of ownership and values can emerge for quick handling, and it's also an active period for working through issues related to self-esteem. A stronger need to unwind, reboot, and relax kicks in as the month advances. More focus on home and family is refreshing and much-needed later in January. |
Building and developing projects, enjoying simple pleasures and comforts, and taking care of money and possessions are active themes this month, dear Sagittarius. At the same time, your personal life is revving up with Mars entering your sign on the 3rd. The Lunar Eclipse on the 10th can stimulate a turning point, awareness, or epiphany surrounding financial, ownership, intimate, or sharing matters. There may be some drama with financial support, taxes, debts, investments, or a close relationship and its power dynamics now and in the weeks ahead. For some, it can be about issues of trust. There can be new money coming into your life, or the need to shuffle around your finances to accommodate changes. Divvying up shared resources can be in focus. This eclipse brings buried or long-brewing situations to your attention or to a turning point. In the weeks and months ahead, you can be making changes to the ways you depend on others. Another powerful influence occurs in the first half of January: Saturn and Pluto align in your resources sector. This transit centers around your material affairs, income, finances, personal belongings, and non-material resources such as talents. On a psychological level, it's about your self-esteem and sense of self-worth. These areas are subject to a thorough reworking as you approach them differently. Flaws in your current systems, especially related to money and business, are now too evident to ignore. You may be starting from scratch or forced to handle problem areas. Fortunately, you'll get fantastic support for building up bigger or better structures for yourself in the months ahead. For now, the light shines on problem areas, allowing you to see what should be done to improve and strengthen your life. There can be a reality to face or responsibility to meet in business or with money. Handling events with maturity is essential now -- taking an honest look at a plan, project, or area of your life that has been holding you back is very useful. Think things through and consider developing a better game plan. Work on one problem at a time, step by step, for best results. January is about downsizing and simplifying--expanding comes later. Uranus' turnaround on the 10th helps increase your confidence in bringing innovative ideas to your work or to your health and wellness programs. Expecting the unexpected when it comes to daily routines and schedules comes more easily now, while in recent months, you may have often felt the victim of chaotic schedules. Fiery, assertive, and courageous Mars enters your sign early in January and will fire you up until mid-February. Energy levels run high during this cycle, sometimes to excess, and it's up to you how you manage and direct it all! Its recent journey through your privacy sector likely pulled up some buried frustrations, but you may have felt you had few direct ways of releasing it all. Now, you're more definite about what needs to be done, and you are more straightforward, direct, and forthright. It's also a good period for romantic and creative attention. Pace yourself and take action on things that matter to you most. You can get a whole lot done during this exciting transit. The second half of January feels busier and perhaps more enjoyable. You're not especially focused at this time, but you're picking up a lot of diverse information that can come in handy later. From the 24th, you may have a stronger idea of what you want to learn, study, or develop. |
This is a power month for you, dear Capricorn. At the lunar eclipse on the 10th, a relationship turning point is likely. This eclipse is about finding a balance between your autonomy/independence and your need for a perspective, person, or companion. You are reminded of the comforts of going your own way since it means not having to answer to someone. However, you’re challenged to face your attachments, emotions, and needs for nurture at this time, even though it’s been very much about you and where you’re heading these days! Note that a Solar Eclipse in the same area of your chart in June will bring on the new beginnings related to this January eclipse’s epiphanies and realizations. A Saturn-Pluto alignment in your sign this month can bring pressure to succeed and achieve. You may be tearing something down so that you can rebuild it to be better, more appropriate, or more relevant. You may be working diligently on building your health, a personal project, your independence, or a solo initiative/venture. Your mannerisms, image, and identity can go through a reworking of sorts as you approach the world differently, and others see you in new ways. You’re likely to experience gradual changes to your romantic and creative pursuits from the 10th forward as you begin to feel freer with your heart and creatively speaking. Unpredictability in your romantic life continues to be a theme, but you’re more inclined to work with these energies rather than fight them. This is also an active time for generating ideas and communicating with others. While there is much focus on your sign this month, Mars moves into your privacy zone on the 3rd, and your inner world is animated, often pulling you inward. You may be reviewing different elements of your life and wondering where things are going. Your desires are more complex than usual, and when you do know what you want, you may not see an easy way to go after it. This can lead to creative solutions and detours. This cycle precedes the Mars-in-Capricorn period that begins mid-February and represents a new beginning on an energetic level. While this is a time of reorganizing and redirection, this transit is good for opportunities and your will to take action on private or behind-the-scenes matters. It's a time for recharging yourself so that you can realign with your real, deep desires. You may need to lay to rest some plans or projects that have outgrown their purpose. Honor your needs for extra rest, meditation, privacy, and reflection. Venus moves into your communications sector on the 13th, boosting the appeal of your personal interests, connections, and studies. Pleasant communications can enliven your life. As January advances, money matters can begin to figure strongly, with a chance to make a positive change to your relationship with money or your resources from the 24th forward. |
There is much activity in your privacy sector this month, dear Aquarius, signaling a need to rest, reflect, and detox. However, Mars moves into your social sector, boosting your activities and engagement with others, and Venus in your sign keeps you popular and involved. Mercury moves into Aquarius on the 16th and then the Sun on the 20th, and you're coming out of your shell. Around the time of the Lunar Eclipse on the 10th, you receive a strong push toward improving your health, routines, or work. You might recognize that you’ve been so caught up in personal matters that you've neglected some elements of self-care, and now is the time of an epiphany, pushing you forward. It's essential to embrace the need to take better care of the systems in your life, including your physical well-being. Developing healthier habits can be part of this. A Saturn-Pluto alignment prompts you to handle a matter behind the scenes or in the background of your life. Your inner world, dreams, attitude toward the past, and dealings with end cycles can go through a reworking, regenesis, and transformation. You may be cutting out something that has kept you weighed down or in limbo. Fortunately, you have some beautiful transits with you for rebuilding in the coming months. For now, you can be super-motivated to simplify, downsize, or cut out harmful elements from your life. Mars moves into your solar eleventh house from the 3rd forward, and this is a time when your innovative and enterprising qualities are in full play and perhaps acknowledged by others. There is more natural energy with you for moving your plans forward. This cycle may bring teamwork into stronger focus, and it can also stimulate a desire to oversee and organize ambitious projects. It can be a busy period when your social life may be more demanding, and it can also be a time when you are especially motivated to create new long-term plans. In previous weeks while Mars was transiting your solar tenth house, there may have been quite a bit of pressure to push yourself with work or responsibilities, and now this pressure tends to subside considerably. Still, if there have been challenging energies with friends brewing under the surface of things, it can be time to clear the air. January is a popular month for you when others see you in a most favorable light, even if you're a little slow to engage fully, blossoming as the month advances. The New Moon in your sign on the 24th offers a chance for a fresh start--it's a time for reinventing yourself if you want to make a change to your personal presentation. |
The year ahead is powerful for transforming your social life, dreams, wishes, and initiatives, dear Pisces. This month, some preliminary changes along these lines are likely to take place. At the same time, Mars moves to the top of your solar chart, exciting your ambitions. The Lunar Eclipse on the 10th can prompt a turning point. It brings significant attention to your needs for recreation, romance, and creative expression now and in the weeks ahead. These matters have often been overlooked or outshined, and now you’re made aware of their importance. Feelings are powerful, and you're clearer on a matter. It’s a beautiful time for romance or fun, and celebrations can figure prominently now. This eclipse occurs around the same time as a major alignment in your friendship sector. You may be focusing on simplifying and transforming your friendships, social life, networking, sense of community, and happiness goals at this time. If something has to go, it's only so that you can make room for endeavors that are more authentic for you at this time in your life. Fortunately, you're feeling more confident, particularly with your studies or new interests that are opening you up to new worlds and opportunities. You should enjoy an increase in clarity regarding your projects, learning, and communications or transportation in January. You’re also getting super serious about your work or your primary long-term goals. One of the most active periods of the year for goal-chasing begins from the 3rd forward and sticks with you into February. Luckily, your drive matches your ambition. Opportunities to advance and truly get somewhere are likely now and into next month. Your enterprising spirit is through the roof -- you are not content with doing the same old, same old, as comforting as that may be. Mars brings extra muscle and motivation to your career, image, status, and responsibilities this month. You're not in any mood to be told what to do, preferring to lead the way yourself. With Mars in charge of your income sector, this cycle also points to more confidence about your own value or worth, and possibly the pursuit of an income that reflects this. It may be a money peak, as well. Venus moves into your sign on the 13th, and this boosts your popularity and powers of attraction. After some hesitation or reflection, your affections become more evident. Do watch for a clash between personal and professional objectives around the 26th, but otherwise enjoy a little extra pampering and special attention during this cycle. Mercury moves into your privacy sector on the 16th and then the Sun on the 20th, prompting some introspection and increased needs for some rest or a break from pushing too hard. Answering to these needs will help you take full advantage of your personal new year that's just around the corner. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
January 2020 Aspects TimeLine:
See also: This Week in Astrology for more detail.
This Month’s Ephemeris:
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors, although they’re not impossible periods, either.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.
- New Moon/Solar Eclipse Chart in Capricorn December 26, 2019
- Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer Chart: January 10, 2020
- New Moon in Aquarius Chart: January 24, 2020
Looking Ahead:
- February 2020: Time Line Aspects
- March 2020: Time Line Aspects
- April 2020: Time Line Aspects
- May 2020: Time Line Aspects

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2020 – Overview