This Month in Astrology – May 2021
May 2021
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
On May 5th, Jupiter forms a quintile to Uranus. This is the first of three (the next two will occur in July and December). We notice and appreciate the more unique elements of situations, people, and projects.
On the 11th, the New Moon occurs in the sign of Taurus, prompting a new beginning. This lunation brings a fresh start to our lives, awakening our needs to take charge, particularly when making ourselves feel more secure and comfortable. It’s a time for re-evaluating our relationship with money and possessions to discover what it is that we truly value and that which genuinely makes us happy and fulfilled.
We should concentrate on what we can do to increase our feelings of self-worth and simplify our lives in key ways. This is a time for reconnecting with nature, to our bodies and the world of the five senses. Creative ways of seeing, using, and approaching our personal possessions, valuables, money, and talents are in focus. This lunation has much healing potential.
Jupiter enters Pisces on May 13th and will transit the sign in portions: from May 13th to July 28th, 2021, from December 28th, 2021 to May 10th, 2022, and then from October 28th to December 20th, 2022. Jupiter will complete its transit of Pisces in 2022, but this year, we’re getting a sneak preview. This transit encourages us to give of ourselves and to embrace compassion and imagination.
With Jupiter in Pisces, we attract luck and rich life experiences through our intuition, imagination, and compassion. We’re charitable, and we look out for the underdog. We are more idealistic and perhaps less ambitious in a worldly sense, more motivated to give than receive. Jupiter in Pisces encourages us to attend to our needs for gentleness, understanding, and compassion. Certainly, we should watch for escapism, bending personal philosophies or morals to suit the situation, deception and self-deception, restlessness and vague discontent, and unwillingness to directly face problems or negative situations.
On May 23rd, Saturn turns retrograde, and it will continue to travel in this apparent backward motion until October 10th. While Saturn is retrograde, we more often review our responsibilities and commitments than deal with them directly in the moment. There can be more than the usual experiences of guilt and self-doubt as we internalize fears but also the chance to reassess our commitments.
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 26th occurs in the sign of Sagittarius. This eclipse brings sudden awareness to our lives, reminding us of the need to reach out beyond our usual routines, thought patterns, and neighborhoods, even if this happens only on a virtual level. The Full Moon in Sagittarius is a time of expansion. As such, we should be especially aware of what we’d like to promote at this time, trying to put aside or out of our minds those things that won’t serve us well if blown out of proportion.
This eclipse is one in a set of eclipses that fall along the Gemini-Sagittarius sign axis. Eclipses in Gemini and Sagittarius occur until December 2021 (learn more about these eclipse sets). The Lunar Eclipse in June 2020 was the first of several prompts to make improvements and changes to our communications, transportation, and belief and educational systems. We can feel some discontent with current conditions, and ideally, this unrest motivates us to make important changes.
On May 29th, Mercury turns retrograde in Gemini, and there can be more than usual miscommunications, delays, retractions, and possibly transportation problems. Mercury will be retrograde until June 22nd, staying in the sign of Gemini for the duration. It entered its shadow phase on May 14th, so that issues encountered, conversations, and projects started then and forward might come up for review later. It’s also important to note that new endeavors begun in this period will experience a progressed Mercury retrograde some time down the road.
Date | Time (ET) | Event | Position |
May 3 | 3:50 PM | Last Quarter Moon | 13 Aqu 35' |
May 3 | 10:49 PM | Mercury enters Gemini | Mer 0 Gem 00' |
May 5 | 1:13 AM | Jupiter quintile Uranus | Jup 28 Aqu 56' quintile Ura 10 Tau 56' |
May 6 | 1:33 PM | True Node sextile Chiron | TNo 11 Gem 00' sextile Chi 11 Ari 00' |
May 8 | 4:51 AM | Ceres enters Taurus | Cer 0 Tau 00' |
May 8 | 10:01 PM | Venus enters Gemini | Ven 0 Gem 00' |
May 11 | 3:00 PM | New Moon in Taurus | 21 Tau 18' |
May 13 | 6:36 PM | Jupiter enters Pisces | Jup 0 Pis 00' |
May 19 | 3:12 PM | First Quarter Moon | 29 Leo 01' |
May 20 | 3:37 PM | Sun enters Gemini | Sun 0 Gem 00' |
May 23 | 5:19 AM | Saturn Retrograde | Sat 13 Aqu 31'Rx |
May 26 | 7:14 AM | Full Moon Total LUNAR Eclipse | 5 Sag 26' |
May 29 | 6:34 PM | Mercury Retrograde | Mer 24 Gem 43'Rx |
(See the full table for 2021.)
See also: This Week in Astrology week to week for more detail.
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
The following horoscopes outline how the above astrological influences might affect each individual sign.
Overview horoscopes fill in here as I write them, ideally during the week before the month begins. It is not unusual to see some signs temporarily missing as I usually write the twelve of them over the course of a few days, and I always start with the featured sign of the month (birthday month).
May begins with an ongoing focus on comfort, the world of the five senses, security, and practical affairs, dear Aries. This theme gradually falls to the side as the month progresses. Your curiosity increases, and you find yourself reaching out to others more frequently. With a growing emphasis on your communications sector, your everyday life is more involving and busy. Mars spends the month in your solar fourth house. Home and family life can be busy, and at times, demanding. Where you direct the excess energy can make all the difference--you might use it to improve your domestic life instead of spinning your wheels trying to figure out what to do next. While challenges can present themselves, it's an excellent time to address long-standing problems and to take action to fix them. You're exceptionally resourceful with your time, energy, talents, money, and resources this month. Aim to honor your need for more time to yourself or time spent at home, but watch for defensiveness with others. Fortunately, you may get to the root of any lingering problems with family, and you can bring more energy and initiative to home-related projects. You might want to work on domestic matters or long-term projects, and certainly, you can feel inspired by a dream of the future. The motivation to work hard for more idyllic living conditions is strong. Transits help you further your interests, improve your focus, and get along with others. Bringing more control and structure to your life benefits your communications, studies, and social interactions. Putting your affairs into order can be comforting, as it helps you focus on the things in your life that you can control. You’re in good shape for agreements, cooperation, teamwork, and putting in extra effort to strengthen a project or friendship/network. Others might value you for your contributions and dedication or work ethic or show their appreciation for your insight and friendship. Mercury begins its transit of your communications sector on the 3rd, Venus on the 8th, and then the Sun on the 20th. These ingresses sharpen your thinking and communications. You are likely to be quite busy coming up with new ideas and learning various new things. While a retrograde Mercury from the 29th may lead to some misunderstandings, you’re nevertheless expressing yourself with remarkable flair. If you focus on slowing yourself down, this can be an advantageous period. You might discover different ways to connect, whether this is about communicating or commuting, perhaps because current ones are not working well. You might rediscover old interests or revisit past studies with success. The New Moon on the 11th is strong for intuition, particularly regarding your finances, income, personal resources, valuables, and self-worth. Matters of comfort, security, usefulness, respect, and stability are subject to new beginnings. This lunation is about feeling encouraged, inspired, and determined to make positive changes. Jupiter moves into your solar twelfth house on the 13th--a quieter period for Jupiter, but certainly not without its benefits. The full Jupiter transit comes in three chapters, the first of which is this one, lasting from May 13-July 28. It's a time of a meaningful inner spiritual search as you establish a deeper connection with your intuition. You'll be gaining a better relationship with yourself from the inside out. Your sympathetic nature deepens, and you can thoroughly enjoy helping others. Discovering an untapped resource or benefits coming from behind the scenes can figure strongly. This transit will develop further in 2022. Saturn turns retrograde on the 23rd, bringing on some need to review, reflect, and reorganize your work, long-term plans, or social life and happiness goals. Some of the pressure you’ve been feeling to perform moves to the backseat in the four-plus months ahead. A shift in perspective occurs during this retrograde cycle, and it's wise to consider that increases or expansion may lead to stress rather than joy for the time being. Focusing on what you already have going can be rewarding. The Full Moon on the 26th is a Lunar Eclipse, and it's powerful for gaining perspective on a matter related to communications, connections, and your urge to truly live and experience things rather than go through the motions. Your worldview is changing, and this affects your choices, decisions, and path forward. Tension is likely, but it’s motivating. Certainly, with the current ongoing eclipse season, something is stirring in you on political or worldview levels. This eclipse generates much emotional and mental energy, and focusing all of it may not be easy. It prompts you to fit more extracurricular activities into your life for some mental refreshment. Aim for moderation and try to set limits and priorities. Mercury turns retrograde in your communications sector on the 29th, and through delays or slowdowns, you might discover new ways to express yourself – ways that wouldn’t have come to mind otherwise. Until June 22nd, it can be a rewarding cycle for reviving old projects and reviewing and revising work already in progress. |
May is a strong month, first for personal impact, inspiration, and feedback, dear Taurus, and then later, for building, settling in, and finding your place. You could find yourself devoted to planning and building this month. You begin May in a position of personal power, and as the days pass, you begin to wind down and take stock of recent changes. Building your money, resources, and talents is in strong focus. Taking care of valuables and attending to prized personal possessions can be part of the picture with a strong emphasis on your resources sector. You're motivated to make more money or develop your natural talents this month, and opportunities emerge to do so. On the 4th, Mercury leaves your sign and moves into your money and values sector, sticking around there for longer than usual. It's an excellent cycle for analyzing your finances and belongings, including spending and saving habits. On the 29th, however, Mercury turns retrograde, and for a few weeks, you're likely to look back before moving forward. While transits this month often encourage you to settle in, Mars spends the month in your communications sector. You can be particularly excited to learn, connect, and pursue your interests. At times, impatience with movements and communications can be a problem. Otherwise, it's an excellent time to get things done and to feel pleasantly engaged. You can gain inspiration for new ventures related to communications, ideas, learning, and teaching or guiding. You're enthusiastic and likely to put special energy, effort, and time into learning endeavors, projects, personal interests, and career. You may want to challenge yourself mentally. Your pioneering and progressive ideas are likely to be winners, but it's also a good time for getting rid of an inhibition related to expressing yourself. Mercury and Venus leave your sign on the 3rd and 8th, respectively, moving into your finances sector. The Sun will enter here on the 20th. You may be exploring different ways of building your sense of value and worth. You might seek ways to increase your income or earning potential, and there can be important discoveries. With Mercury turning retrograde on the 29th and in a shadow period from the 14th, take your time with new beginnings. You might turn your attention to works in progress in the second half of May. Revamping a project can be an excellent thing now. In some cases, you might find social and romantic opportunities through business or work. For others, this can be a time for connecting with people who help you reach your business goals. The New Moon on the 11th is all about you! It's a time for reinventing yourself or for fresh starts related to your manner, approach to the world, personal image, independence, and attitude or outlook. You're encouraged, inspired, determined, and hopeful, and bringing these attitudes into the world. Opportunities are opening to you. Jupiter dips into your friends and dreams sector on the 13th. It's a sneak preview of a transit that will develop further next year. Ideally, you've accomplished some pretty big goals and begin to have more freedom to pursue objectives that are less about performance and more about enjoyment. Jupiter loosens you up in this way. This Jupiter transit will help remind you of the need to enjoy yourself more often. You'll be pouring more energy into--and deriving plenty of benefits from--friendships, networking, personal causes, and community or group associations with this booster transit. The first part of this transit lasts until July 28th. Energies around the 19th are strong for some self-discipline, particularly with money or work. Transits favor thinking about priorities and even enjoying budgeting or planning ahead and making the most of what you have. It can be a time to reduce redundancies or otherwise simplify your life and feel better off for it, even if it means putting some goals or activities on hold. Seeing your means, resources, capabilities, and relationships in a more realistic light helps your decision-making. From the 23rd, travel, publishing, educational, or promotional affairs require some rethinking. Consider reviving old studies or streamlining your approach to learning. You're likely to feel a shift in perspective about your long-term goals, responsibilities, career, or life path. There is a real need to simplify in your career efforts and with your reputation since expansion can bring about undue stress. It's a great time to build upon current projects or return to unfinished endeavors. The total Lunar Eclipse on the 26th can have a way of bringing dysfunctional areas of our life to our attention! While it's a good idea to watch for exaggeration in the last week of May, it's important to pay special attention to the emotions that emerge now. For you, this eclipse season is about ownership and sharing/ income and support. Buried or long-brewing situations can reach a turning point. |
The first weeks of May are often quiet for you, dear Gemini, but this year, not so much! A lot of attention begins to turn your way. Mercury and Venus enter your sign on the 3rd and 8th, respectively, and people listen to you and notice you more often. It's the time to ask for what you need or want. It's also a good time for romantic attention or recreational opportunities. This is one of your more communicative phases of the year. It's a time when you're not only reaching out more often, but you're also communicating with more impact. You might prefer to take the lead with mental or intellectual tasks and make executive decisions. Mercury's retrograde in your sign on the 29th does suggest some withdrawal and introspection. However, this can work in your favor as you seem just out of reach and all the more intriguing. At the same time, you're taking some time to feel things out, which can help you make better decisions. Mercury in your sign most of the month ensures you're busy and engaged, although sometimes a little too "on" for your own good. Take opportunities to clear your head from time to time. The retrograde period may help with just that -- it's a time to catch up. There can be times during the retrograde that lasts from May 29th to June 22nd when you feel life is as slow as molasses, but you can make some excellent refinements. The more prominent themes of the month revolve around different and, in some cases, opposite messages. For one, you continue to make room for downtime, rest, release from routine, and escape from the humdrum of your life. You're reviewing your need for time for yourself, behind the scenes, and away from the spotlight. It's a valuable time for thinking in more holistic rather than detail-oriented ways. Another theme that builds as the month advances is all about you -- how you come across, how you greet the world, your personal plans, your courage, and your independence. While the Sun's move into your sign on the 20th is perhaps the most significant sign of your "new beginning" phase, a shift in your focus, attitude, feelings, and especially expression begins occurring from the 3rd and 8th. The New Moon on the 11th comes as a gentle push to put the past behind you with solid plans, actions, or even symbolic actions. You're tying up loose ends or dealing with secrets, private matters, and karma. It's a time for cleaning the slate, and you get solid support for doing so–you're likely to feel both inspired and determined. Jupiter moves into your career and reputation sector on the 13th. While this transit is part one of three sets, and it will return and develop much further in 2022, you'll find something to love about it now. This transit kickstarts this month and lasts until July 28th. You might get some pleasing feedback and recognition for the work you do or the effort you've made towards essential goals. More importantly, you feel prouder of your accomplishments, which motivates you to shoot a little higher. You might find yourself in a position to manage others, or there could be a promotion or more enjoyable work and goals during this pivotal transit. Venus graces your sign most of the month, emerging in Gemini on the 8th and enhancing your natural charm and appeal. You're turning heads! It's a good time to make a few wishes. You're quick to stand your ground if you feel taken for granted this month. As well, you might put extra effort into making money with Mars in your resources sector. Money matters, special care of personal possessions or valuables, and ownership issues can be in focus and mostly good favor. Unique and fresh approaches to business or money management emerge, or you learn something new about the past that helps you move forward. While there can be some ups and downs, you can enjoy favorable reviews, advance in your field, or otherwise gain a good sense of backing. Aim to get a solid feel of what you truly can handle, as well as what you can't currently manage, to make it easier to pace yourself and focus. This way, you take on no more and no fewer endeavors than you need. Also, with Saturn's retrograde starting on the 23rd, it's not the time to rush decisions! Simplifying, building, structuring, and stabilizing efforts produce the best results at this time. The Sun moves into your sign, as it does every year around the 20th of May. This ingress represents a personal rebirth and the start of your astrological year. The Full Moon on the 26th is a Lunar Eclipse and is in your opposite sign, drawing your strong attention to relationships. This eclipse can serve as a cosmic push towards recognizing your relationship needs. Tension now can drive you to make important changes. This eclipse is about finding a balance between your autonomy/independence and your need for a perspective, person, or companion. |
While you can be busy socially as the month begins, dear Cancer, you're also winding down for some much-need downtime. Nevertheless, Mars spends the month in your sign, and pursuing your goals is frequently on the front burner in May. You're bolder, more assertive, and willing to take a risk or two. This is also a good time for career and reputation matters since Mars rules your solar tenth house. The larger themes of the month involve collaborating with others and connecting with community, as well as getting extra time for rest, recuperation, and renewal. Mercury moves into your privacy sector on the 3rd, Venus on the 8th, and then the Sun on the 20th. There can be support coming from behind the scenes or an unexpected source, perhaps something you had forgotten or overlooked. Your love life can require some review - this is not the time for pushing things forward - but personal magnetism remains strong. It's a good time to find ways to quieten or soothe your mind and meditate more often. Some reflection and discretion can benefit you now. With Mars in your sign, look for healthy ways to push the limits and effective channels for excess energy this month. Increased activity is excellent – it's haste that is problematic. Making friends, expanding your group, or enhancing relationships with associates can be in order. You might gain forward momentum and motivation from long-term projects that invigorate and excite you. You can have a particularly inspirational effect on others. Your intuition is very active and accurate, and connections to someone special can be passionate. As the month advances, your inner world draws you in. It makes sense to find ways to reorient, process, and get organized. Some level of solitude or privacy can be helpful and rewarding. You might successfully draw upon hunches and intuition to forward business and money-related ideas. The New Moon on the 11th challenges you to start fresh with your social life, networks, involvement with others or the community, contributions, and attention to happiness goals. You're inspired and determined to make improvements and positive changes. This is a time of awakening yearnings for kinship, friendship, and involvement on the soul level. You may be taking care of others, or you may be seeking support. On the 13th, Jupiter begins its transit of your solar ninth house. This fortunate transit will come in three parts, the first of which lasts from May 13-July 28. It encourages you to explore and expand your interests. It's an excellent influence on courses, studies, extracurricular activities, and interests. Those who have interrupted their education may return to courses now with great success and renewed confidence. You're likely to be more easygoing when it comes to everyday life, as you find it easier to rise above minor problems and put things into perspective during this cycle. While it will develop further in 2022, you'll enjoy some of its benefits now. Saturn begins its retrograde cycle on the 23rd, and for several months, you can benefit from a review of debts, support, emotional health, and your close relationships. You might need to reassess how much time and energy you can afford to invest in these matters, or you may be dealing with delays or refinements of plans. Once you begin to recognize the need for restructuring, simplifying, and stabilizing your life, you'll have a stronger sense of the benefits of this retrograde cycle. The Full Moon on the 26th is a Lunar Eclipse, and it's good for motivating you to make improvements. Work, health, and routines or habits come into strong focus now. There can be a bit of a scramble to get your life into better working order, and the benefits of doing so are great. You're doing a lot of balancing of work/rest and emotional health and physical health with current eclipses, and realizations occurring now can push this process along. If you've neglected some elements of self-care, you're now ready to correct the imbalance, and developing healthier habits can be part of this. Mercury is retrograde from May 29th to June 22nd. Some of the decisions made and projects started in the last couple of weeks can require reconsideration, or there can be delays to handle. It's a time for redoing and refining work that is already underway, for journaling, and for backtracking over the past to find answers that were not obvious then but entirely relevant now. |
The month begins with a continued focus on responsibilities and performance, dear Leo. However, a shift in focus comes on rather quickly towards special attention to happiness goals and social life. You can feel inspired to dream big in May, and your loftier goals, dreams, and ideals come into stronger focus. People are catching on to your unique approach. Your ambitions increase, and you feel more determined than usual to reach your goals, which may be professional, work, or health-related. Quick fixes are not what you're seeking now, as you want to go deep. This can be a time for feeling especially good about your services, leadership, or objectives. Others can be quite intrigued with you and drawn to you naturally. Intuition is strong for what the public needs and for future trends, which helps you make better plans. With Mars in your privacy sector all month, taking time for rest and recuperation is essential. Mars here can also motivate you to do something about a long-standing problem or burdensome situation. You are inclined to review the past, as well as the sacrifices you are currently making. You're in great shape for activities behind the scenes, and you may surprise yourself with your inner strength and courage. This is a good time for reflection that can ultimately lead you to redirect yourself in personal and professional areas. Mercury enters your social sector on the 3rd, Venus does so on the 8th, and the Sun follows suit on the 20th. Your attention and focus shift as May advances, from professional to social pursuits. It can be an inspiring time to connect with others or dream up satisfying plans for the future. If you need to start fresh with career or performance goals, aim to get your intentions clear around the New Moon on the 11th. This lunation is wonderfully supportive of your professional plans, long-term goals, or life path pursuits. Your reputation can get a nice boost, and responsibilities are easier to meet. You're inspired and determined to start fresh and make improvements. A new plan can unfold now, and it can fill you with high hopes and a sense of purpose. Jupiter moves into your solar eighth house on the 13th. It's the first of three parts of a cycle that's superb for financial improvements and your intimate life. This transit begins to unfold now and until July 28th, and it will develop further in 2022. Increased benefits can come through others, a partner's income could increase, or you might combine talents with someone to work towards an important goal. Your intimate world is rich and deep, and your connection to someone or a passion project deepens. As you more fully appreciate the simple things in your established relationships, bonds can strengthen. Others are valuing your friendship or alliance. Showing affection through practical gestures and the sharing of wisdom can be in focus and most welcome. Saturn's retrograde turn on the 23rd points to a need to remind yourself of the work you need to do to stabilize critical areas of your life, especially your relationships, work, and health. Simplifying rather than taking on additional responsibilities makes the most sense now. The Full Moon on the 26th is a Lunar Eclipse, awakening issues related to romance, creativity, children, or hobbies. You're in an eclipse cycle in which you're seeking your joy, and a mission to improve your life can emerge now as you embrace your feelings, which are larger than life now. It's a good time to recognize your need to celebrate, play, and express yourself. New initiatives should wait, however, particularly with Mercury turning retrograde on the 29th. Watch, too, for overblowing an issue. Aim to wait and see. There can be opportunities to achieve your goals or improve your life through friends, groups, alliances, and networks. Past friendships can figure more powerfully in your life from the 29th forward. |
May's transits encourage you to reach out beyond your ordinary routine to explore new ideas, concepts, places, and activities, dear Virgo. Even so, energies are shifting toward your career, responsibilities, or other life path goals as the month progresses. Career and reputation matters can become increasingly important to your sense of well-being this month, and an excellent time to set life plan goals is in the week surrounding the 11th. You might aim to feed your desire for different experiences by adding some new activities to your daily routines if you can't get away. Learning a new subject can be very rewarding now. Your perspective and unique personality make you shine. With Mars in your sector of friends, hopes, and wishes all month, the motivation to pursue your dreams and to make plans for an exciting future is with you. You can be feeling particularly enthusiastic and excited about new beginnings and fresh starts. Sharing ideas, learning something exciting, or connecting with people who inspire and excite you can be themes in May. If you're teaching, guiding, or otherwise influencing and inspiring others, your enthusiastic presentation invites people to follow your lead, making it a particularly excellent time for networking activities, promotion, or otherwise spreading the word. In fact, after the New Moon on the 11th, new approaches to education, home life, publishing, and recreation are in order. It's a fine time to commit to a new line of study or to more enjoyment and discovery in your life. New or revitalized interests, unusual studies, and different perspectives can lead you in new directions. Increasingly, however, your ambitions and sense of responsibility come into play as May advances. You might gain recognition for written work, creativity, or ideas. Mercury moves to the top of your solar chart on the 3rd, Venus on the 8th, and the Sun does the same on the 20th. These transits give you a professional or public voice and are strong for improving your reputation. Jupiter moves into your partnership sector on the 13th, and while it's only the first of three chapters of this longer-term transit, you'll begin to enjoy some relationship boosts now and until July 28th. This transit will develop more fully in 2022, and it's a powerful time for partnering, developing a relationship, coming to beneficial agreements, and benefiting from counseling. It's a generally fortunate transit for legal and promotional matters. Someone coming into your life during this period can be significant, or a current partnership improves. You might often enjoy the feeling that you have someone on your side during this cycle, and you're likely to get a sweet taste of this energy now. You're in great shape for feeling more valued in what you do, and you can enjoy striving to be more valuable with your efforts and services. There can be real benefits to considering others' input or advice and healing rifts, particularly related to your work or business, but all around. Saturn starts its several-month retrograde period on the 23rd, setting up a better period for review and reflection than innovation. While you may encounter some waning motivation or delays in the areas of work, chores, health, or romance, you are in an excellent position to simplify, edit, and build what you already have in place. You may be reassessing commitments to specific programs, projects, or jobs. The Full Moon on the 26th is a Lunar Eclipse, and it magnifies your living conditions or arrangements, personal life, emotional world, home, or family. Finding a better balance between your professional and personal life is an ongoing theme this year, and this lunation furthers things along. Some Virgos are gearing up to move, reorganize, or refocus. While your focus on your life path, responsibilities, goals, ambitions, or career increases as the month advances, this eclipse reminds you that if your responsibilities have overshadowed your personal life to the outside world, it's time to pay them their due attention. Entirely new projects should probably wait after Mercury turns retrograde on the 29th, but you're in great shape for looking to the past for answers regarding how to manage current responsibilities. Signs point to a natural need to review and revise rather than push forward brand-new endeavors. Backtracking over some of your work eventually works to your advantage. Your instincts are working well, even if information is not always wholly available to you now. Collaborating or bonding with others, particularly friends and partners, can figure strongly with a feeling of intuitive connection. |
You're developing and building your close relationships this month, dear Libra. Strong cosmic activity in your intimacy sector at the start of May encourages you to work on power dynamics and sharing in a relationship. Instead, this can be a time when you pour a lot of energy and attention into a passion project. You're also getting to know your own capabilities. At the same time, your ambition is burning bright, and you're pushing a little harder. While this intense focus on your inner world and private life can do you some good, too much of it can lead to overthinking at the expense of happiness. This is changing as May progresses. Mercury moves into your sector of spirit and adventure on the 3rd, Venus on the 8th, and the Sun on the 20th. Energy is shifting, and you're becoming more inclined to reach out, take action, and seek new experiences. These transits are about creating and initiating new experiences for yourself. Emotional energy and enthusiasm increase, and people are generally supportive and approving. You're inclined to gather inspiration wherever you can find it. Your personality opens up to the rest of the world and new experiences. You can feel compelled to reach beyond your usual routines and explore new ideas, activities, and places. Another theme threading through the month is due to Mars in your career and reputation sector all of May. You have strong energy, ambition, and motivation to pursue your goals. With a winning formula of enthusiasm and respect for your need for downtime, you're capable of much! The desire to pioneer or innovate is active, and you may enjoy coming up with new ventures or methods to improve what you already have going. You're likely to be ahead of the competition if you're even noticing them at all. The New Moon on the 11th gives you a cosmic nudge toward sharing, supporting, and enjoying a relationship or project in more depth. New beginnings with shared finances or debts are in store. A fresh start in an intimate relationship or with a special passion project is also possible now–you're inspired and determined to make improvements. Jupiter moves into your solar sixth house on the 13th. While it's a longer-term transit that will develop more fully in 2022, you'll begin to see some benefits now and until July 28th. You can be motivated to improve your health, daily habits, work, and routines. Finding more joy and satisfaction from your work is most helpful, and if you're looking for new work, this is a very employable time! Increased faith and optimism can help you heal, and you can find new meaning in the work or chores you do. You're in good shape for making your life feel more safe and structured. You might put a special effort into creating something unique or expressing yourself, adding important details, or getting technical aspects just right. Aim to divide your time between work/chores and pleasure more effectively, since doing so makes everything a little less stressful. Getting serious about a creative or educational pursuit brings wonderful rewards now and down the road. Your perspective on commitments related to romance and creativity is likely to shift with Saturn's retrograde starting on the 23rd. The next four-plus months are good for reevaluating, consolidating, and perhaps rebuilding endeavors related to the pursuit of pleasure, romance, comfort, and creative expression. Brand-new major projects may not take off quickly and might only serve to stress you out, as this is a time for conserving energy and simplifying your life, generally speaking. Aim to level things out. The Full Moon on the 26th is a Lunar Eclipse, and you can experience a revelation of sorts. A writing or learning project can come to a turning point. Watch out for processing too much information or for sensory overload — aim to be discriminating with what you take in. Still, there can be important discoveries, ideas, and changes in your mindset or attitude. Watch for impulsive self-expression, but give weight to your emotions and any epiphanies occurring at this time. This eclipse reminds you of connecting with your true feelings about what you're learning, communicating, and sharing. On another level, recent inattention to details or daily affairs may need rectifying. Mercury turns retrograde in your solar ninth house on the 29th, pointing to the need to slow down and reconsider some elements of your plans, programs, or ideas. There can be some mix-ups that introduce delays into your life. You'll benefit from taking a look at things from a new or different perspective, however, so even if blocks are irritating, you might get the chance to reconsider specific plans to your advantage. Mercury's retrograde lasts from May 29th to June 22nd, and it's a good time for refueling and rethinking recent events and projects. |
You begin the month with a stronger focus on your relationships and bringing a better balance to your life, dear Scorpio. Your solar eighth house comes into stronger focus as the month advances, and you're looking to go deep in an activity, relationship, or passion project. With Mars in harmony with your sign all month, it's easier than usual to take the lead, pursue your desires, and assert your needs. This is straightforward energy, and convoluted plans are less appealing. You're more intellectually active and brave about furthering your experiences. You're likely to feel that you're progressing or improving, and this sense serves as a powerful motivator across the board. News or learning experiences are likely to inspire you. Mercury moves into your intimacy sector on the 3rd, Venus on the 8th, and the Sun on the 20th. With these ingresses, you become more introspective as May advances. You might focus on special relationships or specialized, focused projects and activities. Conversations and interactions tend to be a little more profound than usual, or else they don't hold your interest for long. You're not content with living your life without growing, changing, and improving. What is going on behind the scenes or inside assumes far more importance to you at this time. A beautiful New Moon occurs in your partnership sector on the 11th. There can be a fresh start or new beginning related to your relationships, especially partnering matters, negotiations, sense of balance in your life, and perspective. You could reach for new or refined goals related to a partnership. It's a time for feeling inspired and determined at once. Jupiter heads into your sector of joy on the 13th. While it's a longer-term aspect, this one comes in three parts, and the first part is from May 13th to July 28th. This is an especially happy influence for you as it encourages you to come out of your shell and enjoy yourself more thoroughly. Perhaps you connect with someone who motivates you to pursue fun pastimes, you take up a new hobby, or romance figures strongly. Whatever does open up for you, you're ready to play, share, and enjoy yourself. Creatively, this is an active period as well. While this transit will develop more fully in 2022, you're getting a sneak preview of its energy now. You might get more comfortable with family, roommates, or your own space this month, perhaps through bringing more structure and definition to your living arrangements. Efforts invested in strengthening, maintaining, and building your life in key ways can have long-lasting effects. Saturn's retrograde cycle begins on the 23rd and runs until October. The areas of life that may require some review include domestic matters, personal projects, studies, and communications. Delays are possible, and you might experience some waning motivation levels at this time, but thinking about the long-term will help you understand the importance of this period. Aim to simplify and work on projects already underway so that you can catch your breath. The Full Moon on the 26th is a Lunar Eclipse, furthering progress with matters related to money, resources, and sharing. Unrest or discontent nudges you to make important changes with how you make, spend, and share your money, talents, or other resources. While emotions and realizations feel big at this time, adopt a wait-and-see approach. You've been delving a little more deeply into your pursuits, or you're working through issues related to shared money or resources. Heightened emotions surrounding money and possessions, as well as personal values and talents, can be a theme, and you're facing feelings and making changes and improvements that get you to a stronger sense of security, predictability, and safety. You might experience a significant revelation about money or business, or you could be dealing with matters related to your values, self-worth, and boundaries in a relationship. Realizations about how to better handle or manage your money can happen now. Take your time before making any pivotal decisions but aim to examine feelings coming to the surface, however raw they may be at the moment. On the 29th, Mercury turns retrograde, pointing to minor complications with money, sharing, intimacy, and dependencies. It can be a time of reassessments or waiting for answers on financial and relationship fronts. Even so, it may give you a chance to better pace yourself. |
May begins with much activity in your solar chart related to work, health, and routines, dear Sagittarius. It's a good time to get your daily routines into order. And, with a strong focus on your partnership sector as May advances, this is not the time for going it alone. Mars in your solar eighth house all month imbues powerful energy for breaking bad habits, reducing dependencies (including debt), and hashing out differences in a partnership. You're connecting with your deeper desires and interests. Mercury heads into your partnership sector on the 3rd, Venus on the 8th, and the Sun on the 20th. It's a great time to negotiate, communicate, socialize, buddy up, and actively bring harmony to your relationships. From the 29th when Mercury turns retrograde, let things be, but stay available and interested. These transits help improve your relationships or bring helpful people into your life. Others have something to show you about yourself. Your discipline and your talents can shine through a partnership this month, particularly around the 19th. You could be particularly motivated to seek support (financial or emotional), make intimate connections, or move sensitive issues out into the open with Mars in your solar eighth house all month. Instead, this can be a time of special interest in a passion project or some exciting analysis or investigating. There can be some conflicts experienced over money or resources, but if so, there seems a direct route to a resolution. You are uniquely innovative with solutions and methods. You might solve a significant mystery or problem, and your intuition inspires action and effort. You're likely to bring new strategies to work, health, or relationships. It's easy to throw yourself into a favorite project or venture, and support is quick and easy to come by. It's a time for being proactive in both your work and relationships for super results. May is a potentially excellent time for discovering alternative ways to heal, mend, and get well, if appropriate. A well-supported New Moon occurring on the 11th helps you start fresh with work, health, routines, wellness, and habits. Circumstances are such that you’re inspired and motivated to begin anew with your health and wellness, physical healing, your job or chores, daily affairs, or pets. Besides an eclipse in Sagittarius this month, a major headline of the month is Jupiter’s move into a new sign on the 13th. While there are three parts to this transit, and we're only on part one, you can experience some nice upgrades and enhancements with your home, family, and personal life. This transit will develop more fully in 2022, but it all gets started now (from May 13-July 28). It's a great time to improve bonds with loved ones and enhance or expand the home. Living arrangements and conditions are likely to improve. You're taking more care with what and how you communicate, and the benefits of doing so can be evident this month. Your words have more impact than usual, and what you’re learning is meaningful. Healthy discussions about your expectations, limits, and boundaries can figure strongly, or you come to a better understanding of these things on your own. Your spirit for learning and improving is strong, and some of the motivation behind it can be a particular person in your life. Saturn begins its yearly retrograde cycle on the 23rd, and until October, you might consider reviewing and revising or editing some projects and commitments. You might experience a short dip in motivation for certain learning, personal interests, communications, and socializing activities. There can be delays related to these matters, or pending decisions can pull you down temporarily. You might return to an unfinished project rather than take on a new one, which is likely to be the more successful strategy. Find ways to reconnect with the purpose or meaning behind the things you're doing, as this will help you get back on track sooner. Simplifying and structuring your life are essential now. The Full Moon on the 26th is a Lunar Eclipse, and it's in your sign! Emotions, feelings, and revelations now are pivotal. It’s important not to jump into something too quickly, or to overstate your feelings. However, aim to pay special attention to epiphanies occurring around this eclipse. You're working on making your connections stronger and happier this year, and this all starts with taking better care of yourself. You could be managing competing feelings related to the need for freedom and togetherness. With all of the emotional excitement, you're likely to feel energetically drained as you see a relationship, someone, or your image and personal impact in a new light. The result can be that you want to make changes -- even go through a personal reinvention of sorts. These feelings are real and vital, but it's best to take your time with them. Mercury turns retrograde on the 29th, pointing to some need to backtrack, slow down, and reassess things. Going over old territory in a relationship can be useful now. |
You begin the month focusing on recreational and creative affairs, dear Capricorn, but you can experience a growing drive to take care of business, work, and health as May progresses. Exploring your creativity or different ways of expressing and enjoying yourself can figure strongly. Pursuing your joy and your heart's desire is in focus. Mercury moves into your work and health sector on the 3rd, Venus on the 8th, and the Sun on the 20th. With these ingresses, you're in a great position to bring more attention, heart, and intelligence to your daily routines, work, and services. You may enjoy your everyday life more thoroughly now, or you might make aesthetic or mood-boosting changes that improve your enjoyment of work, health pursuits, and daily goal-reaching. The social element of daily living and work can get a nice boost. People outside of your routines may not see you as much, however! You can be quite busy and involved with getting your life into order. Mercury retrogrades in this area of your chart on the 29th, suggesting some need to backtrack, reassess projects or launch dates, and redo or rework specific tasks. Aim to take advantage of your extra drive to sort out your daily affairs and routines in May, but seek to moderate and pace yourself later in the month. Mercury turns retrograde in your work and health sector on the 29th, and a review or redo may be necessary. With Mars in your partnership sector all month, you are energized to take care of any problems or stagnation in a relationship. Problems or tensions come into the open, and it's time for some air-clearing. You might also find yourself coming to someone's defense more frequently. The desire to do something about regrets or outworn, stale patterns of relating is strong. It's possible you attract intense energy into your life through your relationships, and growth comes from confronting matters. Somebody may very well motivate you to pursue a long-time dream or take charge of your life, or you might team up to accomplish something important to you. A relationship can be a catalyst for you to make meaningful changes. It's easier than usual for someone to rattle your cage, get you going, and motivate you. You might connect with others in unique and inspiring ways. It's a good time for creative self-expression, spontaneity, courage, and romantic exploration. You instinctively seem to know that it's not the time for pushing your own agenda. The New Moon on the 11th can bring on a new beginning or fresh start regarding love, romance, creativity, children, fertility, entertainment, leisure, or hobbies. On the 13th, Jupiter moves into your communications sector. This longer-term aspect will play out in three sessions--this one is the first, lasting from May 13-July 28. While it will develop further in 2022, you're likely to enjoy some of this transit's benefits now. New ways to communicate, learn, and get around can open up. There can be a real tendency to want to do it all, forgetting your limits in terms of time and energy, but your enthusiasm for learning new things and taking on new projects can be incredible now. Your planetary ruler, Saturn, begins its yearly retrograde period on the 23rd. Until October, you're in good shape to review some of your commitments and responsibilities, mainly related to your finances, business, security, self-worth, natural talents, resources, and comfort levels. There may be delays related to some of these things or a temporary pulling back from specific projects until you come to new conclusions. In a general sense and particularly related to money matters, it's a better period for review, editing, and reflection than innovation. The Full Moon on the 26th is a Lunar Eclipse, and it reminds you of the importance of taking time to recoup, balancing attention to your physical health with the care of your emotional health, as well as balancing your attention to work and procedure with the need for rest. It can also be a time of great hunches and intense awareness of situations that are no longer working for you. It's not the time to make sweeping decisions, however. It's best to recognize your feelings and allow a plan to handle things to unfold gradually. This eclipse signals a time to take a break from overthinking, and circumstances now seem to demand that you get some downtime. The need for extra rest and quiet or personal time is paramount, even though it can feel at odds with your drive with work or health matters. Finding more meaning in your work and satisfaction in helping or serving others is a big theme now. Mercury turning retrograde in your work and health sector on the 29th further points to the need to slow down, observe, and refine things before pushing forward. |
The focus on your personal life, including your family and home affairs, continues in May, dear Aquarius. However, you're transitioning to a more playful, outgoing period as the month advances. Mercury moves into harmony with your sign on the 3rd, Venus on the 8th, and the Sun on the 20th. These bodies move into your sector of leisure, enjoyment, and heartfelt activities. With these ingresses, you're in a more expressive and playful frame of mind. You might enjoy new hobbies, creative outlets, and love interests or renewed attention to these things. Your ideas go over well, and hobbies and leisure pursuits can be in pleasant focus. Mercury's retrograde on the 29th points to some need to slow down or backtrack in these life areas. You may not always get the words right, but you're bound to find different channels for expressing yourself. You're coming into better touch with your need to entertain or be entertained and to create and enjoy extra playtime. While these new themes are playful and fun, you often gravitate to people, projects, and pastimes that are tried and true, comforting, and secure. You might pay special attention to the technical pr practical details of your plans or artistic pursuits and the logistics of a romantic relationship. Putting things into order can be rewarding. It's possible that romance heats up but then reaches a plateau around the 29th with the beginning of Mercury's retrograde. This simply suggests pouring a lot of energy into romantic or creative matters until then, at which point let things be a little without completely withdrawing. Essentially, it's about riding the wash from this point. With Mars in your solar sixth house all month, you could be determinedly working towards a special health goal. Or, work or daily routines can be lively and sometimes hectic. You can be working tirelessly at times, and you have more pride in the work you do, your body/health, and your ability to handle your daily routines. If you can set your own pace, you'll be better off since it's tough to take instruction now. Aim to stay active, but avoid excesses for better mental and physical health. May can present some potentially excellent opportunities for projects and endeavors related to home and work. Innovative, inventive, and progressive approaches are in favor. Paying particular attention to your house, job, routine, health, and self-care programs can bring rewards, especially if you're putting a new spin on these things. It's a time for a new attitude or mission to live more confidently and positively. You seem to need to add some color to your routines and imagination to your work. You might be interested in alternative healing methods. Even with a shifting focus, the New Moon on the 11th brings a blast of fresh-start energy to your domestic world. You are determined and inspired to make improvements, and you can feel a sense of mission regarding your living conditions or support system. Jupiter leaves your sign on the 13th, although it's temporary. Jupiter will spend May 13-July 28 in your resource sector before returning to finish its transit of your sign. You're now getting a sneak peek of the next Jupiter cycle that brings excellent lessons and benefits revolving around money, earnings, possessions, and your personal talents. It's a superb time for building on existing resources, a business, or a project and enjoying the rewards of your past efforts. While this transit will develop more fully in 2022, you're likely to enjoy elevated confidence in yourself to manifest your desires. Saturn in your sign begins its yearly retrograde cycle on the 23rd, prompting a period of review. It's best to keep in mind the overall purpose of this Saturn transit--that you are learning to rely on yourself and get your life into order. Returning to a previous project may be particularly rewarding during this cycle and is more likely to be successful than a brand-new one. The Full Moon on the 26th is a Lunar Eclipse, and it furthers a theme in your life that has you seeing your friendships, connections, and happiness goals in a whole new way. You are awakening to a need for kindred spirits, more involvement with others, and self-expression through creative mediums. This eclipse turns your attention to areas of your life that have become dysfunctional or unsatisfactory. Your feelings for someone or a special project can blossom or reach a turning point. You might have powerful realizations about long-term happiness goals. There can be some extra drama or exaggeration surrounding this eclipse, so aim to take your time and observe before jumping into action. Ideally, dormant or undiscovered talents awaken! Even with solid attention to pursuing your joy, Mercury turns retrograde on the 29th, making it necessary to slow down, take stock, and review in-progress endeavors. |
You begin May with a lot on your mind and on your plate, dear Pisces. The focus begins to shift towards home, family, and personal affairs as the month progresses. Comfort, security, and familiarity become important goals as you seek more quiet and escape from a busy pace. Less is more for you now, and the juggling subsides. A strong focus on the solar third house at the beginning of May suggests extra attention to your daily affairs, current projects, people close to you, and studies or interests. Transits boost your ability to express yourself warmly, kindly, and appealingly. They can also help you attract desirable projects and experiences your way. You may enjoy more communication or contact in a close relationship, and your ideas or projects get good press. You're also inclined to bring out the best in others. Mercury and Venus head into your solar fourth house on the 3rd and 8th, and the Sun moves in on the 20th. These ingresses shift your attention to home and family, and they also facilitate warmer, more easygoing, and peaceful conditions on the domestic front. There can be real opportunities to expand, strengthen, and enhance family relationships, and on some level, you may very well find peace with your past or yourself. Some projects or ideas might go on the shelf after the 29th, when Mercury turns retrograde. Delays are possible, and pacing yourself makes sense. Otherwise, it's a great time to bring a little more comforting order to your inner world, home, or family life. Laying down some rules, structures, and goals that strengthen you and your loved ones in fundamental ways can figure strongly. Gestures that show others you care, even if physically apart, can be powerful. You recognize the value of planning, stretching out the good things so they last longer, and exercising patience. Still, there can be some excitement brewing in your romantic or creative life with Mars in your sector of joy all month. It's a time for special attention to favorite pastimes, hobbies, or recreation, and for some of you, a romantic relationship. You're more inclined to take the initiative in affairs of the heart, and you have more courage to create and share yourself. You're in particularly great shape for creative learning, personal interests, romantic expression, and satisfying entertainment. You can take a hobby, project, game, or even a relationship to a new level. Benefits or rewards come from activities that engage your heart or inspire you. Strong emotions tend to push you into a new direction, and the desire to take action builds. The New Moon on the 11th can prompt a fresh start or approach to learning, sharing, and connecting. There could be new or improved channels opening up for you to get around, reach out, and communicate. This lunation is wonderfully supportive of your projects and outlook or attitude. The biggest headline of the month is Jupiter's move into your sign. While this Jupiter transit of Pisces lasts many months in total, it happens in three steps, the first of which lasts from May 13-July 28. Your confidence increases, and you seek out more freedom to express and enjoy yourself during this cycle that will develop further in 2022. New ideas and interests can be exciting. It's a time when you naturally put more faith in yourself and your capabilities. Saturn begins its yearly retrograde cycle on the 23rd. Until October, you're learning more deeply about your spiritual goals, tying up loose ends, or finishing long-term projects that have outworn their purpose. It's not an ideal cycle for launches of major long-term projects, but returning to complete old projects can be rewarding. The Full Moon on the 26th is a Lunar Eclipse, and it's another cosmic push towards finding a better balance between your home and working life or professional and personal life. You can experience an epiphany or realization as you discover your true feelings about a matter. You may be in demand now! It's a powerful time for your reputation or career matters, and you might be called on to take the lead. Aim to acknowledge new feelings that come to the surface, but sit with them before taking action. Mercury turns retrograde on the 29th. While you might delay new initiatives surrounding home and property, reworking and reorganizing your home can be especially fruitful now. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
May 2021 Aspects TimeLine:
See also: This Week in Astrology for more detail.
This Month’s Ephemeris:
This Month’s Ephemeris with extra points and abbreviations rather than glyphs:
Ephemerides with additional points are for Eastern Time. The North Node and Lilith are the True positions. Retrogrades are underlined. Extra points are Chiron, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, and Lilith. These come from the excellent software, Sirius 3.0.
- May 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- June 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- July 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- August 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- September 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- October 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- November 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- December 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- January 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points)
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors, although they’re not impossible periods, either.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.
- Full Moon in Scorpio chart: April 26, 2021
- New Moon in Taurus Chart: May 11, 2021
- Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Chart: May 26, 2021, in Sagittarius
Looking Ahead:
- June 2021: TimeLine Aspects
- July 2021: TimeLine Aspects
- August 2021: TimeLine Aspects
- September 2021: TimeLine Aspects
- October 2021: TimeLine Aspects
- November 2021: TimeLine Aspects
- December 2021: TimeLine Aspects
- Time Line Aspects: January 2022
- Time Line Aspects: February 2022
- Time Line Aspects: March 2022
- Time Line Aspects: April 2022
- Time Line Aspects: May 2022

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2021 – Overview