This Month in Astrology – March 2022
March 2022
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This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
On March 2nd, the New Moon occurs in the sign of Pisces, prompting us to start fresh. We awaken to the need for a spiritual vision or more magic in our lives. It’s time to revitalize ourselves through experiences that require imagination, compassion, gentleness, or that simply represent a “break” from the routine. We may put something behind us in order to begin anew.
This New Moon is especially warm, generous, and optimistic with its alignment to Jupiter. Its sextile to Uranus is progressive, open, and change-positive. The major bodies are all direct, contributing to a feeling of moving forward. Venus, Mars, and Pluto are close to one another at the time of this New Moon, adding a dynamic and creative element to the energies of our fresh start. Relationships can be at the heart of our new beginnings, fueling our motivation to start anew. However, Mercury and Saturn are closely aligned, lending a serious theme to the energies of this lunation.
On March 18th, a Full Moon occurs in the sign of Virgo. This lunation reminds us of needs we may have been putting to the side. It brings sudden awareness to our lives, particularly of areas that require more order. Something is exposed or illuminated, prompting us to get in touch with those things we may have neglected or put off, especially regarding our work, services, habits, health, and routines.
This Full Moon harmonizes with Pluto, suggesting a healthy relationship with change and transformation. We want to better ourselves or our situation through the revelations occurring around the time of this lunation. It’s a gently ambitious time.
Date | Time (ET) | Event | Position |
Mar 1 | 3:43 PM | True Node semi-square Chiron | TNo 25 Tau 35' semi-square Chi 10 Ari 35' |
Mar 2 | 12:35 PM | New Moon in Pisces | 12 Pisces 07' |
Mar 6 | 1:23 AM | Mars enters Aquarius | Mar 0 Aqu 00' |
Mar 6 | 1:30 AM | Venus enters Aquarius | Ven 0 Aqu 00' |
Mar 9 | 8:32 PM | Mercury enters Pisces | Mer 0 Pis 00' |
Mar 10 | 5:45 AM | First Quarter Moon | 19 Gem 50' |
Mar 10 | 1:19 PM | Vesta enters Aquarius | Ves 0 Aqu 00' |
Mar 18 | 3:17 AM | Full Moon in Virgo | 27 Virgo 40' |
Mar 20 | 11:33 AM | Sun enters Aries | Sun 00 Ari 00' |
Mar 25 | 1:37 AM | Last Quarter Moon | 4 Cap 33' |
Mar 27 | 3:44 AM | Mercury enters Aries | Mer 00 Ari 00' |
Mar 28 | 9:13 PM | Neptune sextile True Node | Nep 23 Pis 28' sextile TNo 23 Tau 28' |
(See the the full table for 2022)
See also: This Week in Astrology week to week for more detail.
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
The following horoscopes outline how the above astrological influences might affect each individual sign.
Overview horoscopes fill in here as I write them, ideally during the week before the month begins. It is not unusual to see some signs temporarily missing as I write the twelve of them over the course of a few days, starting with the featured sign of the month (birthday month).
March tends to come in like a lamb and out like a lion for you, dear Aries. Much is going on behind the scenes as you begin the month. While you're involved and active, you might keep your emotional distance and a low profile with the Sun in your privacy sector to the 20th and Mercury there from the 9-27. You might defer some of the more major decision-making until you feel more confident later in the month. The New Moon on the 2nd can serve as a reminder to touch base since it is, despite appearances, the time of year for spiritual renewal, slowing down, reflection, and rest. Even so, the first few days of the month are good for coming up with solid, firm, and practical plans for the future, and there's likely to be valuable advice coming from a friend or your networks. It's a fine time for professional influence or feeling strong and empowered through your work or current mission. You have sociable Venus in your social sector and your planetary ruler, Mars, getting you in touch with others and busy with events or activities from the 6th forward. Reaching out and taking the lead or initiative brings rewards. You may meet someone special through a group, friend, or networking, or the appreciation of a friend may motivate you to go after what you want. You're establishing a deeper connection with your intuition and a better relationship with yourself from the inside out. This month, support from behind the scenes or resolving a long-standing problem can figure strongly. Still, it's also a prosperous time for you socially. You might crave a fresh start or increased contact with others. You may want to take the lead as sociable Venus comes together with assertive Mars in your social sector. The emphasis is on pleasure, finding like minds, healthy competition, attraction, and making new plans. Connecting with others can be exciting, and you can find yourself on the same page as a partner. Love connections might happen through networking, group associations, or friends. Initiative and enterprise are strong in whatever venture you're considering. By the time of the Full Moon on the 18th, you'll need to come to a good balance between work and rest, but it's essential to give your needs for downtime their due attention. After all, you're winding down a year's cycle, and you'll want to begin the new solar year with clarity and energy. Even so, it's best to allow this Full Moon to awaken in you the need for better routines and health. The motivation to improve your life or make lifestyle changes is powerful, indeed, since it's coming from deep within. Blockages that come to light can be revealing, if raw, but this lunation is particularly useful for motivating you to take action on your feelings and epiphanies. From the 20th, you're more assertive, and opportunities that emerge are clearer and more straightforward. You're moving into a particularly awakened, outgoing, active period. Ideally, extra rest or deep thinking in recent weeks is now paying off. The Sun in your sign from the 20th is about starting anew and building self-confidence. On top of this, Mercury in Aries from the 27th can awaken your desire to communicate. A friendship or alliance may solidify in the last week of March, and it's likely to be a significant long-term one. You could very well get a more realistic sense of the viability of a project or long-term goal, making it easier to make the right decisions. You can feel especially good about making mature choices. |
March is likely to be a busy and notable month for friends, connecting, career, or business and reputation, dear Taurus, although the last ten days of the month can bring a more reclusive theme. Others are supporting your efforts. You can have many ideas that you're birthing now, and they can be truly creative and unique. Aim to think in terms of the team or group, as this is where opportunities lie right now. There is much focus on both work and recreation this month, with pleasant opportunities emerging in these areas. While your yearly call to rest, replenishment and reflection begins on the 20th, you're likely to keep your engines revving in many life departments. You'll do some juggling, but it's all quite manageable and motivating–perhaps even balanced. The New Moon on the 2nd can point to a new beginning or turning point related to a friendship. It's time to lean on others a little. Because this New Moon occurs at the time of a Mercury-Saturn alignment at the top of your solar chart, others take your words more seriously than usual, and they can stick with you for a long time, so be mindful of what you communicate. Otherwise, you can do meaningful work towards long-term happiness and prosperity. There can be opportunities to achieve your goals or improve your life through friends, groups, alliances, and networks. You may want to set new goals and resolutions that better reflect these desires awakening within you. In the first week of the month, your magnetic powers are potent, and there can be considerable excitement about an idea or subject. People are especially interested in what you have to say, teach, or share. Connecting with a partner or your relationship needs can be intense and exciting, or sharing a personal belief or mindset can bond you with someone. It can be a time to reinvent yourself through new ideas, knowledge, and life experience. You're likely to enjoy more dynamism and creative expression in your work from the 6th. Not only your planetary ruler, Venus, but also Mars, head to the top of your solar chart, animating career or reputation matters. You are likable on a professional or public level. Keeping some things to yourself while smiling for the camera seems to be what works for you from the 20th! You come across well, creatively, and on top of your game. You tend to stand out and shine. If you can control and channel impulsiveness, you'll be in great shape. Your relationships or personal magnetism are in the spotlight, and creativity along business or promotional lines is in focus. You could find yourself in an excellent position to pour energy, passion, and love into what you're doing. The Full Moon on the 18th opens your heart to buried feelings and your eyes to situations that need your attention. There can be an epiphany or breakthrough that motivates you to make changes. It can be a time for announcing or discovering love or a project close to your heart. Realizations can be about your true feelings, and connecting with them can lead to new choices or options. This lunation can bring buried or unacknowledged emotions to the surface, and it feels great to release them. Further information or a burst of emotion can prompt a turning point. The 20th, besides some slowing down of your social life, brings on the need for more time to rest, renew yourself, and perhaps let go of matters that have been unhealthy or that have run their course. You may feel the need for an emotional and physical recharge! You can feel bonded with others or better about yourself through making responsible or mature choices in the last week of March. You may be taking on a new responsibility that involves hard work or some personal sacrifices but feels completely worth the effort. |
This should be a busy, rewarding month, with the potential to gain a satisfying work-life balance and enjoy some engaging activities, dear Gemini. It can be a time of more visibility than usual, along with increased creative and professional power. You may get the chance to show your unique qualities, and you're certainly more courageous than usual when it comes to both expressing and asserting yourself. The New Moon on the 2nd can prompt a fresh start related to your career or a life-path goal. You can feel a sense of mission as you make changes or refuel with motivation to pursue a particular dream. There can be a significant boost to your reputation. It can be a time to make small sacrifices that help you secure big gains in the future. You can gain better information to move your plans forward in practical ways. You're also in a good position for renewing a commitment to studies, a writing project, or a long-term venture that's close to your heart. You're likely to come up with fabulous ideas, plans, or resolutions related to your responsibilities, work, or reputation this month. News, information, or conversations now can excite you about your future. It's a good time to focus on a goal that's important to you. You'll find yourself looking forward. You might find ways to expand current projects, and your stronger sense of responsibility boosts inner growth and healing. You have more personal influence than usual at this time. Physical or mental activities can go in your favor. You're seeking exciting connections, or you have a real passion for a new idea, subject, course of study, or destination. Any of these things can awaken a strong desire inside you. From the 6th, you might enjoy opportunities to connect through long-distance communications, cultural events, higher education, acquaintances, or groups; or you can find pleasure and inspiration through these things. A direct and forthcoming approach truly works in your favor now with Venus and Mars both heading into your sector of spirit, the higher mind, and long-term vision. As the month advances, you feel more motivated, enthusiastic, positive, and energized. It can be a time of more mental engagement, publishing, promoting, sharing, or pursuing an exciting topic. Debates can be lively and passionate. You're braver, more courageous, and less inhibited. Your style and attractiveness are well-received, and you increasingly let go of overthinking your love life or feelings. Instead, you're more inclined to actively seek out what makes you happy. The Full Moon on the 18th can bring revelations about home, family, or comfort needs. If you've invested so much of yourself in your work or responsibilities to the outside world that your personal life has come up wanting, you'll feel it now. You recognize the need for improved time and energy management. It's also a time to acknowledge and address your nurturing, safety, and comfort needs. The 20th and 27th bring the Sun and Mercury into your social sector. Emerging new ideas for long-term plans and projects can be exciting. You take more pride than usual in your friendships, connections, community involvement, or aspirations, and associates or friends may look to you for direction. Sharing ideals or visions with others gives you a boost, and you get more satisfaction than usual when your actions positively impact others. |
CancerMarch 2022 Monthly Horoscope Overview for Cancer: The desire for a change of routine is strong this month, dear Cancer, and it's a great time to do things just a little differently for refreshment and a new perspective on your life. Your urge for new experiences or thirst for knowledge stands out. As March progresses, you'll be buckling down, but until then, you're inclined to feed the need for non-routine ideas and experiences. The New Moon on the 2nd brings energy for a fresh start as you focus on your spirit to grow, explore, and expand. Events in the two weeks following this lunation can nudge you along to explore new ideas and activities. This is a time for turning a corner and mentally changing directions. You're also giving more weight to financial or intimate matters, and commitments or decisions made along these lines can be long-term and significant. The days following are powerful for connecting more deeply with someone or a project. Someone might pull up strong feelings in you. It can be a brilliant time for making changes in your relationships. Energy flows particularly well for mental and communicative pursuits. With both Venus and Mars heading into your intimacy sector on the 6th, investigation or seeking out hidden answers or resources can be a theme. There can be progress, improvement, or excitement in an intimate relationship or with a passion project. A buzz of excitement in your personal or professional life can keep you on your toes this month, and a bit of competition can motivate you to give a little more to what you're doing. It can be a period in which tensions related to power politics can emerge, or arguments can occur over money or personal possessions. If so, it's best to try to clear the air as soon as possible. However, it can also be an excellent time to take charge of financial matters that you may have swept under the rug. Desires run more deeply than usual. A need to share some of your deeper feelings with someone special can be powerful. You might enjoy managing the more intricate, complex, and tangled side of relationships. Particularly around the 5-6, you can enjoy a boost of charisma or feel that others are backing you. Personal discoveries are rich. You're finding more meaning, purpose, and excitement in your inner world. There can also be an opportunity to do or learn something entirely new and beyond your usual bounds and routines. The Full Moon on the 18th can be a time of a revelation or epiphany regarding transportation, connecting, learning, or communications. Your true feelings on an issue can come in a rush, and while your emotions might surprise you, they also get you into a better position to make choices and decisions. The need to buckle down and deal with errands, appointments, or deadlines is a strong possibility, especially since your mind has been somewhere else altogether in recent weeks. You're likely to enjoy some beautiful opportunities to learn new things or make real progress in your pursuits. Do watch for "too much information" to the point of sensory overload. Try to block out the useless or mindless information if you can sort through it all. The 20th brings an energy shift as the Sun moves into your career and reputation sector. Mercury follows suit on the 27th. You also have Venus and Saturn coming together in your solar eighth house on the 28th--all around, there's a more mature, responsible theme in the last ten days of March. You're in a better position to consider your future and the impact your current choices might have going forward. You're making mature choices and decisions, resolving to make improvements, and you might gain wise counsel. |
March favors your close relationships and personal commitments to making changes and improvements, dear Leo. It's a fine time for special attention to a particular project, as your focus improves and you seem to meet challenges confidently. Love relationships can reach new levels of understanding. It's also an excellent time to work on ridding yourself of self-defeating or limiting attitudes. From the New Moon on the 2nd, you're in terrific shape for making a positive lifestyle change. Taking charge of the areas of life where you feel unhealthily dependent on others comes naturally. This lunation could also stir up the desire for emotional intimacy and closeness. The emphasis is on emotions, close ties, dreams, and your inner world now, and you're making nice improvements. Serious thoughts or conversations about relationships may be part of this focus. It can be a time for making joint plans, decisions, and commitments. Counseling or negotiating can be helpful now. Even others' criticisms can motivate you to make improvements. The desire to gain more control over your life can become a driving force in the first week of March. The potential to break new ground in a work or health matter or discover a real passion is powerful. You can be excited to get around an obstacle. The energy and love you put into whatever you're doing shows, and it benefits you. It's a solid time to connect with your deeper ambitions and desires related to work, health, and home life. A show of support could be part of the picture, or a connection is made/strengthened on an intimate level. With an open mind and heart, you can reach a new level with someone important to you. Agreements or deals involving money or support can figure strongly this month. With Venus and Mars aligning in your partnership sector on the 6th, it can be an intense time for passion, romance, and pleasure. You may want to push the limits with creativity and feeling. You seem to magnetize people to you, and others might encourage or motivate you to experience new things. Relationships, especially those of the one-on-one variety, gain more steam and animation from the 6th when both Venus and Mars move into your partnership sector. It's a lively period for pairing up and enjoying special activities or interactions with someone special. A counseling session might also be fruitful--others have something to reveal to you about yourself. A bit of competition or an exciting possibility can motivate you to give a little more, bringing rewards. You're bringing fresh energy to a relationship or discovering your passions and courage through another person this month. Conflicts or opposition could be part of this energy, and the goal may be to reach a balance. The Full Moon on the 18th brings out buried or deep feelings surrounding ownership, talents, self-worth, and finances. Epiphanies now can bring you closer to how you feel about a situation. There can be a settlement of money or attention to what you owe. The Sun moves into your spirit sector on the 20th and Mercury on the 27th, meaning they're traveling in harmony with your sign. You're motivated to explore, learn, and discover new things, and you're excited to soak in information or acquire new knowledge. You want to move out of your comfort zone when it comes to learning, thinking, and doing. A relationship might play a big role in your motivation to reach a goal or ambition in the last week of March, or a common purpose with a significant other can form. You could very well have a bonding moment with someone special over a shared responsibility, concern, or important task. |
Relationships, work, and wellness are themes in March for you, dear Virgo. You're finding a better balance in your life, and you're inclined to go to greater lengths to achieve it. The New Moon on the 2nd can put committed relationships into sharp focus. Your personal magnetism is strong, and others are more willing and able to spend quality time with you. This lunation can bring a fresh start in a partnership or updated relationship goals. Good energy is with you for digging deep with a special project, and also for getting various important chores done. This is the time for focusing on the present and the future, not the past. Around the same time, you might commit to a sensible diet, health program, or work project quite successfully. The first week of March can also stir up stronger desires on creative or romantic levels. You can be quite determined to make improvements and changes as you strive to gain more control of your life. You can feel exceptionally close to your desires, wants, and needs, which can be disconcerting at first, but enlightening. You can tap into or draw upon your deeper feelings and apply them to what you do with great success. Facing a truth or acknowledging desires or ambitions empowers you now, and it can be a positive turning point. It's also an excellent time for attracting the right resources to you. The best version of yourself seems to shine forth in one-on-one situations this month. The realization of a goal may seem more possible through collaboration or the support of a special person in your life. You gravitate to positions that give you the feeling that you're part of a bigger plan or something bigger than yourself. You could be attracting people who boost your confidence or otherwise bring good things to your world. Aim to address any need that seems to arise in a current relationship for growth and development. Love matters get a boost this month, and some of this can involve work or routines. More enjoyment of these things can figure strongly, or a social/love connection might be made as you pursue these things. With Venus and Mars coming together in your work and health sector on the 6th, you're bringing more dynamism, excitement, or creativity to a project. You might stand out for your services or the work you do. There can be greater pleasure in a particular duty or a task that you turn into something unique. From this date forward, Venus and Mars continue to enliven your daily affairs. The Full Moon on the 18th is yours, occurring in your sign and bringing your emotions to the surface quite suddenly and perhaps dramatically! Attention can come your way, or this lunation stirs up quite a bit of excitement and activity around you. You might experience a personal revelation or epiphany. If you've been particularly relationship-focused or doing a lot for others these days, which is more than likely, then you are bound to recognize your needs for some independence, a voice, or personal time. There can be a significant agreement or resolution in your life, and communications and back-and-forths can help you clarify your feelings and ideas. People give you the benefit of the doubt, and vice versa. A more inward focus comes more naturally later this month. The Sun heads into your intimacy sector on the 20th, and Mercury, your planetary ruler, does the same on the 27th. You can experience a strong nudge towards looking within for answers or seeking deeper involvement in a project, venture, or relationship. It continues to be a fine time for tidying up your daily routines and habits, and you may very well take pleasure in putting things into order as March advances. You might make a pleasant commitment to a work or self-care goal. |
The month is strong for investing in your future and developing your current projects, dear Libra, and perhaps some advancement driven by healthy competition. The potential for a nice balance of attention to work, health, and love runs high. It's a great time to improve your daily affairs, home matters, and tasks. The New Moon on the 2nd brings fresh-start energy for work, self-care, health, or wellness programs. The week ahead of this date is excellent for making a change or commitment to improving your daily affairs. Relationships are charged, mostly in pleasing or stimulating ways. Others may spur you on, encourage you, or inspire you to action. Relationships are ever so slightly competitive or spicy, motivating you to give a little more. It's also an excellent time for creative work or pleasure-seeking activities. Feedback from others can be encouraging. It can be a time for going the extra mile for something you truly want and believe in, and that may very well be a stronger sense of security. You might discover or commit to a new method for improved health or work attitudes and efforts. Finding more meaning in your work and satisfaction in helping or serving others is a big theme now. On the 6th, both Venus and Mars head into your sector of joy, aligning there before continuing along. You are exceptionally aware of and awake to the world around you and on fire in the personal appeal department. It's a perfect time to pursue your desires, but using some restraint and strategy will take you to even better places. You can be incredibly motivated to get going on a creative project, hobby, or relationship. Creatively, you are at a personal peak. You can bring great pleasure to someone's life, or there can be some drama in your social relationships. Your love life may pick up the pace, or you can be pouring extra energy into heartfelt projects. Certainly, your heart is in your hobbies, relationships, and art in March. While love, creativity, and pleasure are strong themes, you're also aware of the need to buckle down and draw on self-discipline. You might think of valuable ways to improve your enjoyment of life or express yourself more effectively. The Full Moon on the 18th is a checkpoint time if you've been overdoing it. Extra time alone or rest, healing, and regeneration may be necessary. You recognize the need to heal, unwind, and relax, even if for a short time before you pick up the pace again. Circumstances push the need to arrive at a healthy balance between time for yourself and time for your chores. The Sun on the 20th and Mercury on the 27th head into your partnership sector, and a more sociable and interactive theme builds further! It's a time for arriving at a larger perspective of what you need and want from your life. There can be a stronger focus on companionship or partnerships now, and you can undoubtedly benefit from the insights of a significant other. Some of your personal plans may need refinement, or you may be putting a little less energy into them as you attend to other areas of life, particularly social ones. |
March is strong for creativity, love, pleasure, and hobbies, dear Scorpio, and you're in good shape for improving and enjoying your home life. A fresh start creatively or romantically can figure strongly this month, with the New Moon on the 2nd occurring in your sector of joy. There can be animation on the domestic front, with nice opportunities to connect with loved ones or better understand your needs. It's a good time for starting new hobbies, entertainment channels, creative activities, or love relationships. March is a time for following your heart. The New Moon on the 2nd can prompt you to take charge of your happiness and fulfillment. You can be more confident about pursuing your heart's desire. There is a larger-than-life element to your feelings and desires. Dormant or undiscovered talents can awaken! As playful as these themes are, you can be pretty determined to make things happen this month. You enjoy making important changes or pushing forward a personal plan or project that's close to your heart. Conversations, interests, projects, and matters to do with the mind can bring you together with someone, or you're enjoying these things more thoroughly. Fun interests or opportunities to enjoy yourself can emerge, and it feels good to look forward. There's more warmth and positivity in your interactions. Venus and Mars both enter your home and family sector on the 6th. Their meeting can have you feeling especially passionate about your home life, family, and roots. No matter what you do, you're bound to make an impact, even if it's only in your personal circle. You might crave some emotional interaction with others that runs deeper than usual. It's a creative, dynamic time, and you can be determined to bring more warmth, harmony, and comfort to your domestic world. From the 6th, action around the house or with work can be therapeutic. You're likely to feel more comfortable at home or in your personal life, and if not, you'll go to lengths to make it so. Harmony is vital in your home base at this time–it helps you concentrate elsewhere. At the same time, you want to roll up your sleeves and make things happen in your personal life. You are not interested in quick fixes--you're more focused on what's likely to stand the test of time. You may very well bond with someone over a shared responsibility or concern. The Full Moon on the 18th might stir up a lot of activity in your social life. It can also motivate you to get moving on a new plan or project that's fresh and exciting. A friendship or romantic matter can come to light, or your feelings push an issue. You can experience a pleasant feeling of being needed and needing others. Still, if this lunation magnifies a sense of lacking in these areas, which is possible, it's likely to propel you into action to fix the situation. The theme now is recognizing your need for others. Later in the month, your attention begins to shift towards more practical matters. You'll be concentrating on the details and daily routines of your life. It's time for fine-tuning. The Sun heads into your work and health sector on the 20th, and Mercury follows suit on the 27th, renewing your attention to work, details, and the practical side of your life. These transits bring a strong focus on your daily routines, fitness, health, nutrition, work, and habits. It's a period for self-development and laying the groundwork for future success. |
You're in a nesting phase this month, dear Sagittarius, but you can also be exceptionally busy with personal interests. You're likely to enjoy pouring special attention into your home and personal life, but you're inclined to keep well-connected with others and with your creative spirit. After the New Moon on the 2nd, you can feel you're starting fresh on the domestic front, perhaps with a new and improved approach to home life, self-nurturing, filling comfort and safety needs, or connecting with family. This lunation can push an emotional "reset" button, and you can find yourself determined to make improvements in your personal life. Living arrangements and conditions might be overdue for a change. Energies in March get you in touch with your inner self and needs or dreams you may not have known were part of you. The first week of March is particularly creative. Family and financial matters are in good favor. New insights into money matters or business affairs can emerge, and so can deep feelings about what you have and don't have. You can be determined to get over a hump related to money, time, ownership, or respect. You might discover ways to make more of what you have, and it's a turning-point moment. Domestic projects, family relationships, home life, and comfort and security matters are in stronger focus, and happiness or hopefulness is strong. On the 6th, both Venus and Mars move into your communications sector, and you're on top of your game when expressing yourself. You attract others with your ideas. It's possible you receive a warm message from an admirer, or initiate one! You have tremendous inner resolve and a gently motivating competitiveness that can lead you to bold new beginnings and discoveries. These transits stir your creativity and passion for a mental interest or project. They also boost your appeal in your communications. You're likely to experience enjoyable learning activities, positive publicity, and more frequent conversations with loved ones this month. Friendships might form through the phone, computer, or through studies. You can come up with especially unique or enterprising ideas. The motivation to learn, connect, and pursue your mental interests is through the roof. Your words attract others, and you could find yourself gravitating to others who engage you mentally. Connecting on a mental plane can figure strongly. The Full Moon on the 18th is likely to bring light to a career or reputation matter. It draws your strong attention to your performance, career, goals, status, or responsibilities. You've been particularly absorbed in your personal life these days, and now you're called to action! Recognizing your need to attend to your more worldly goals makes sense now. As you do, you might recognize the need to better manage your time, energy, and focus. The Sun and Mercury move into your creative sector on the 20th and 27th, and you're entering a very expressive and exciting period for romance, recreation, and hobbies. A shift is happening, from focusing on your inner world to a more interactive period. It's all about pursuing your passions--these transits are sure to awaken your feelings and desire to share your affections and creations. You're giving more thought and energy to love, affection, entertainment, pleasure, and leisure. You're also coming out of your shell, seeking more interaction and a stronger connection to the world around you. |
An active, sociable, and connected trend continues this month, dear Capricorn. March can be a lively and engaging month, but with the right balance of busy-quiet moments to keep you feeling comfortably challenged. The New Moon on the 2nd can bring a new development or fresh start related to your general outlook, communications, studies, personal interests, and connections. It's about connecting with others and with the information you need. Significant new projects or the birth of better communications or transportation systems in your life can figure strongly now. Influences now can motivate you to approach your daily tasks in new ways. You might don a brand new attitude that helps you connect more effectively with the world around you. Improving your communication skills or being braver about learning and communicating may be in focus. In the first week of March, passions run high. You may be able to turn a problematic situation right around if you put your mind to it or get to the bottom of a matter. Changes you make now can be defining or mark a turning point. You might discover new subjects or topics that excite you. New ways of communicating, connecting, and getting around can open up for you. Others might show their appreciation for your insight or friendship. A learning breakthrough or a special connection can figure strongly. Venus and Mars leave your sign and head into your resources sector. Unusually, they do so at virtually the same time, on the 6th. When they meet, you can feel particularly desirous, and you could be impulsive with spending or indulging. Material goods, comfort or luxury items, and pleasurable or sensual activities appeal strongly. You might consider ways to make more money or make creative changes in business. As you go forward, you're likely to learn much about your desires. You might want to put an enterprising idea into action. Personal comfort, artistry, aesthetics, decoration, and prized possessions can be in focus. You are confident about what you want, and you seem to magnetize the right people and things to you. You have a stronger desire to make something beautiful, or a creative business idea may come together. It's a great time to find more pleasure in the world of the five senses. While this is generally a time for sticking with familiar settings, you could have a sudden desire to depart from your usual routine around the Full Moon on the 18th. Coming to the fore is your need for more than life than the ordinary. If you need a push or some extra courage to do something new, this Full Moon can nudge you forward. The desire to expand your mind or to do something more refreshing, meaningful, and life-affirming can come on strongly. Whatever emerges now sets you along a new path regarding your beliefs and attitudes. The Sun and Mercury move into your home sector on the 20th and 27th, and your desire to nest is strong. You might focus on improving relations with family and living conditions. Settling in and getting comfortable with yourself can be on the agenda. Worldly ambitions tend to take a backseat as you tend to the hearth and derive security from the familiar. It's a time for relishing the idea of a long-term plan or for bonding with someone over a shared goal, vision, or responsibility. You might take some pleasure in making a budget, facing a financial situation confidently, or saving money. Paring down is easier if you have a solid goal in mind. |
Life continues to keep you close to home, grounded, and seeking more comfort and security in March, dear Aquarius, but with Venus and Mars in your sign from the 6th forward, you're getting creative. You'll quite naturally attract what (and who) you want. All in all, it can be a comfortably busy and uplifting month. The New Moon on the 2nd cleans the slate for a new beginning related to money and personal possessions, and a fresh approach to how you spend, save, and accumulate is in order. It's sure to feel revitalizing. You might discover better ways to manage your money and things. This lunation can serve as a prompt toward improved management of your practical affairs. It's time to take charge of your finances and make meaningful, long-lasting changes to your earnings and spending habits. You're motivated to make your life secure and comfortable. In the first week of the month, desires are strong, making it especially important to channel them constructively. With more faith in your capabilities and worth, it's an excellent time to attract positive experiences. You're more confident in your ability to manifest your desires. It's a great time to attend to your practical matters, money, resources, talents, or business affairs. Imaginative undertakings could boost your income this month. You're inclined to want to shake things up or experiment with new ideas. Venus and Mars enter your sign on the 6th and almost immediately join forces. This influence can challenge you to take the lead or take charge. While you are undoubtedly desirous, you're also especially desirable! Others are interested--you're vibrant and intriguing, and you're standing out pleasantly. The desire to connect or create something extraordinary is strong from the 6th. Personal appeal is super, and you can be charmingly forthright, sincere, and straightforward with your requests and communications. People fall in love with your unique style, and you manage to be both assertive and charming. It's also a time when others tune into your most desirable and attractive traits. You more heartily pursue your personal desires and goals. Much of the time, you prefer to do things on your own, be the first, pioneer, and take the lead. The Full Moon on the 18th might stir an epiphany or revelation and pull out strong feelings. Emotional rumblings are strong. You might open your eyes to a financial matter that you've been overlooking, or there can be blossoming feelings in your love life. This lunation can be about the need for someone or support. The balance of power in a relationship, debts, a partner's income, or other shared resources can be in focus and subject to stronger emotions. You might instead see the light about releasing yourself from a burden. It's a powerful time for allowing strong feelings to drive improvements and new missions. From the 20th, when the Sun heads into your communications sector, you're likely to be more curious and become more interactive. Mercury boosts this theme further from the 27th. Intellectual ties in existing relationships assume more importance to you than usual. You're looking to feed your curiosity, and you have a can-do mindset that takes you places. Your keen sense of your capabilities helps fuel good judgment in the last few days of March. Getting serious about a plan or responsibility can be in focus, and it suits you well. You're taking a more mature and realistic look at things. While you're clearer than usual, you're nevertheless at risk of taking on or assuming more than your share of responsibility. |
You hold much power for making personal changes and beginning anew this month, dear Pisces. This is particularly the case after the New Moon early in March--on the 2nd. Not only does it occur in your sign, configurations around the time of this lunation add creative and attractive sizzle to your life. You are magnetic and more noticeable than usual. People are attracted to your lively spirit. Even so, both Venus and Mars move into your privacy sector on the 6th--cycles of more reflection and observation. These influences occur concurrently, making it an interesting month. If you've been feeling underwhelmed, March is the month for some things to turn a corner. It's a good time to firm up your thinking about a matter and make practical choices that genuinely help you move forward happier and lighter. Avoid overthinking things, but do aim for self-honesty. Something in your life needs an overhaul, and the courage is with you to take action. A major project can be all-consuming. You could be in the position to make changes regarding friendship. Strong feelings for (or about) a friend, group, long-term goal, or cause can be in focus. There can be a significant connection with someone, or you're connecting with a deep desire to work towards a dream or cause. Relationships with friends can unbury possessiveness or ownership issues, but you're also in the position to purge, release, and move forward. Especially around the 4-6, look for opportunities to expand, improve, and grow. You feel considerably more optimistic and can more readily get others on board for ventures you're considering. Ideas for future projects can be golden. Venus and Mars come into alignment in a very private area of your solar chart around the same time, animating your personal life and your inner world of feelings and desires. Creative imagination is strong, and, ideally, it's working for you. Love is dramatic, at the very least in your mind, and you could be excited at the prospect of following your heart to unusual places. Private, unrequited, or past love can be in focus. Creative arts can be rewarding, especially something that allows you to express your feelings and desires indirectly. Love may be complicated or undercover from the 6th, but from the 9th, when Mercury enters your sign, your voice is stronger. Not only do others hear you more clearly, but you also have a greater interest in communicating. It's an excellent time for bolder, bigger, and better ideas and strong decision-making. Your unique viewpoint and insight are in the spotlight. More often than not in March, others appreciate you and can feel inspired by you. The Full Moon on the 18th is relationship-oriented, but it's mostly about getting in touch with your true feelings about a matter, and it can come as an epiphany. This can be an important time for releasing a block, forgiving someone, or moving past a situation that has kept you from moving forward. You might recognize your need for someone or get some quality feedback. Through realizations now, you're awakening to your relationship goals or your true feelings on a matter, and both these things can help guide you to make changes. You're clearer in a general sense, even if your heart is a little slower than the rest of you to take off. Security and stability become more significant needs as the month advances with the Sun and Mercury heading into your resources sector on the 20th and 27th, respectively. You're investing more of yourself in your things, values, money, valuables, and talents now and in the coming weeks. In the last week of March, you might get the chance to take care of outstanding problems or loose ends. It's empowering to get an excellent sense of your priorities. A stronger conviction that you can reach your goals is building. Making mature choices feels good!
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
March 2022 Aspects TimeLine:
See also: This Week in Astrology for more detail.
This Month’s Ephemeris:
This Month’s Ephemeris with extra points and abbreviations rather than glyphs:
Ephemerides with additional points are for Eastern Time. The North Node and Lilith are the True positions. Retrogrades are underlined. Extra points are Chiron, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, and Lilith. These come from the excellent software, Sirius 3.0.
- January 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- February 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- March 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- April 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- May 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- June 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points)
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors, although they’re not impossible periods, either.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.
- Full Moon in Leo Chart: February 16, 2022
- New Moon in Pisces Chart: March 2, 2022
- Full Moon in Virgo chart: March 18, 2022
Looking Ahead:
- Time Line Aspects: April 2022
- Time Line Aspects: May 2022
- Time Line Aspects: June 2022
- TimeLine Aspects: July 2022
- Time Line Aspects: August 2022
- TimeLine Aspects: September 2022
- TimeLine Aspects: October 2022
- TimeLine Aspects: November 2022
- Time Line Aspects: December 2022

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2022 – Overview