This Month in Astrology – March 2021
March 2021
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
On the 13th, the New Moon occurs in the sign of Pisces, prompting us to start fresh. We are awakened to the need for a spiritual vision or more magic in our lives. It’s time to revitalize ourselves through experiences that require imagination, compassion, gentleness, or that simply represent a “break” from the routine. We may be putting something behind us in order to begin anew.
This New Moon aligns with Venus and Neptune and harmonizes with Pluto. It’s a dreamy, supportive New Moon with all major bodies direct.
On March 23rd, Pluto forms a quintile to Chiron, and with this long-term influence, we’re exceptionally creative and clever about solving dilemmas, particularly those that may have been holding us back from personal growth and development. The focus can be on the courage to go deep to repair and heal. It may help give us clues about how to integrate our personal and material pursuits.
The Full Moon on the 28th occurs in the sign of Libra. It brings sudden awareness to our lives, particularly of the need to improve and enhance our relationships. Something is exposed or illuminated, prompting us to get in touch with those things/feelings that we may have been neglecting or putting off. Relationship imbalances and flaws are more noticeable and perhaps even glaring now. We can feel quite inspired to make improvements, coming up with excellent strategies for doing so now.
The Sun has just aligned with Venus, and this lunation harmonizes with Saturn. The Full Moon in Libra awakens us to our feelings, particularly about relationships and social exchanges. While it’s an emotional time and the focus is on our affections, we recognize the practical side of getting along or find practical ways to improve our relationships. All major bodies are direct.
Date | Time (ET) | Event | Position |
Mar 3 | 10:29 PM | Mars enters Gemini | Mar 0 Gem 00' |
Mar 5 | 8:30 PM | Last Quarter Moon | 15 Sag 42' |
Mar 7 | 4:04 PM | Pallas enters Pisces | Pal 0 Pis 00' |
Mar 13 | 5:21 AM | New Moon in Pisces | 23 Pis 04' |
Mar 15 | 6:26 PM | Mercury enters Pisces | Mer 0 Pis 00' |
Mar 20 | 5:37 AM | Sun enters Aries | Sun 0 Ari 00' |
Mar 21 | 10:16 AM | Venus enters Aries | Ven 0 Ari 00' |
Mar 21 | 10:40 AM | First Quarter Moon | 1 Can 12' |
Mar 23 | 4:07 AM | Pluto quintile Chiron | Plu 26 Cap 30' quintile Chi 8 Ari 30' |
Mar 28 | 2:48 PM | Full Moon in Libra | 8 Libra 18' |
(See the full table for 2021.)
See also: This Week in Astrology week to week for more detail.
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
The following horoscopes outline how the above astrological influences might affect each individual sign.
Overview horoscopes fill in here as I write them, ideally during the week before the month begins. It is not unusual to see some signs temporarily missing as I usually write the twelve of them over the course of a few days, and I always start with the featured sign of the month (birthday month).
There are vital pointers to an inward turn in March, dear Aries, but it's a busy, communicative time nevertheless. The first three weeks of the month are not ideal for manifesting--you have a lot of inner "work" to do. New beginnings and taking concrete real-world action are unlikely to be very successful until you get yourself sorted, which involves reviewing and processing recent events, attitudes, life paths, and projects. By the 20-21, you are ready to turn over a new leaf as both the Sun and Venus move into Aries. It's a time for personal reinvention. Until then, preparations are in order. This month, the major challenge to your need for extra rest and meditation is Mars in your solar third house, which can sometimes leave you feeling mentally wired. Your daily life, projects, and learning endeavors are compelling. Watch for alienating others through harsh words or speaking prematurely of matters that are better left alone for the time being, especially on the 22-23. Otherwise, your ruler, Mars, does exceedingly well, playing nicely with other planets, reinforcing you. March begins quietly and picks up pace as it progresses. Don't be afraid to take the time to reflect and move a little more slowly, allowing yourself to catch up emotionally with recent events and circumstances. With Mars in your communications zone from the 3rd, you are certainly not idle--you might often be meditating in motion. You can be passionate and ambitious about your projects, contacts, ideas, and studies. There can be a significant intellectual competition, or you're anxious to put ideas into action. You might feel impatient with idle chatter or with others' slower pace or minds so that finding ways to move at your own pace or work independently is vital. This can be a big idea month, and it's quite excellent for reaching out to others, although part of you wants nothing more than to withdraw and replenish your energy. Dealing with errands, short trips, or mental busywork may be frequent. You learn best when you are teaching yourself or engaging in self-study. You need something for yourself right now – as much as you like people, you have your limits! The inner entrepreneur can emerge this month. With the Sun and Venus in your privacy sector to the 20-21, and Mars in your communications sector, you may be giving off a "leave me alone" energy. While you do prize time to yourself now, it might be a good idea to let key people in your life know that it's not about them. The New Moon on the 13th reminds you of the need to recharge before moving forward, but it also brings you a fresh start. You become aware of the need for more rest and perhaps some seclusion or special attention to your private life. A new cycle of rest and replenishment is upon you — a period of letting go, reviewing, and recharging your batteries, both spiritual and physical. Circumstances are such that they force your attention to your spiritual needs and mental health. Aim to get in better touch with your dreams and spiritual heart and make extra room for time to yourself and healing activities. Releasing resentment and embracing compassion, particularly regarding past matters that still have a hold on you, can be helpful now. Both the Sun and Venus emerge in your solar chart from the 20-21, and a personal new year begins, bringing you into the spotlight. People notice you and seek your company. This is a time for shining on a personal level, so take advantage. Your image improves, people love your sense of style, and a partner can be entirely on your side. A Full Moon occurring in your partnership sector strongly influences the last week of the month. Feelings awaken, and they're insistent! This can be a time to connect with a significant other in beautiful ways or awaken to your relationship needs and goals. It's also a powerful time for appeal and influence. You have more impact than usual on a personal level--your most charming and appealing traits are in the spotlight, and you impress others even more so than usual. There is a real demand for the qualities that you are naturally projecting. Your heart is open, and you are in a more amorous mood. You're ready to put in some effort towards achieving goals, particularly those related to learning, communicating, and connecting. Others are very interested in what you say, and they may turn to you for sage advice. It's an excellent time to brush up on your knowledge and develop skills. Whether you're catching up or getting ahead of yourself, efforts to learn can be very successful. |
March is strong for your social life, dear Taurus, and excellent for progressive ideas and initiative in business or with money and practical matters. New or improved ways of earning, spending, and saving money can emerge. Look for creative ways to develop talents and build your resources this month. The month can bring plenty of opportunities to boost your spirits and emotional health through social connections, networking, healing activities, and rest. Your courage and desire to take a few risks in your business or with finances is notable this month once Mars moves into your solar second house on the 3-4. While you should take care not to spend impulsively, it's a terrific time for more confidence in your talents or ability to earn and hold your own. You seek more security and comfort, and you're prepared to take the necessary steps towards these ends. The 17-18 and 20-21 are especially strong for taking action meant to improve your current circumstances. You more readily identify sources of waste and then take steps to put them behind you. You're in particularly good favor for connecting and learning, and work and long-term goals are clear-cut. There is a social theme to the month, but your practical affairs are in good shape as well. Career matters fly along relatively smoothly. Ambitions to improve your standing, security, and comfort levels are increasing. Your ambitious and enterprising qualities fuel your motivation and determination. You are capable of quite a bit of work if you can foresee an improved financial position or a more secure state of being. While you could find yourself in the position to defend your values, possessions, or money, you're also ready to work hard at making your life better. Watch for possessiveness, but work on building your resources for best results. The inner entrepreneur emerges, but care should be taken with spending and possessions, as carelessness can put you in debt or in the position of theft or loss. Around the New Moon on the 13th, your intuition is powerful for friendship, expanding a project, and making long-range plans. You're likely to feel in an exceptionally generous and possibly philosophical mood. It's a good time for making connections through networking or group associations. Negotiations should go very well in the week following this New Moon. Transits tend to awaken yearnings for kinship, friendship, and involvement on the soul level. It's a time of big dreams for long-term happiness and connecting with your spiritual, emotional, romantic, or imaginative needs. Contributing to a worthy cause can be satisfying. You might often find yourself in the position of supporter, helper, and confidant this month. Whether taking care of others or seeking support, it's a time of recognizing your connections. Communications increase with friends, although money and friends can be a risky mix. As the month advances, you begin to crave more time to yourself, or at least time away from competitive or distracting environments. From the 20-21, the Sun and Venus transit your privacy sector, and you take a good look at what attitudes, circumstances, and dead weights that need to go before you begin anew next month. Your spiritual needs come into strong play now. Carving out time for extra rest, meditation, and reflection is vital. Life is a little quieter as you find more time to slip into the background to enjoy private moments and times for rest and reflection. New opportunities can emerge that turn your attention behind the scenes. The last week of the month opens your eyes to a work or health matter that needs your attention, especially around the Full Moon on the 28th. It's an excellent time to seek advice, help, and guidance armed with a stronger sense of what you genuinely want or need. There can be support coming from unexpected or hidden sources. It's a time to savor some good feelings in your inner or private world. You might find a peaceful solution for a problem that was once a challenge, or there can be recognition or reward for previous actions. A pleasant surprise from the past can figure strongly. |
This month is good for big ideas and creative vision, dear Gemini, but your practical affairs and goals are also in fine shape. Your optimism can lead you to consider something you never felt was in the realm of possibility. The important thing now is that you're feeling inspired and allowing new ideas to flow. March is strong for career and long-term projects. Especially after the New Moon on the 13th, you're in a stellar position for taking charge of your work, managing others, taking the lead, and making great strides towards your broader goals. You're willing to put in the legwork and just the right amount of extra effort to shine–or even outshine–past performance. Mars heads into your sign on the 3-4. During this cycle that lasts well into April, there can be times when you clash with others or circumstances seem to resist you, but overall, you're raring to go, ready to take action. Better days for pushing ahead are the 17-18 and 20-21, when Mars in your sign is in excellent form. Lively energy is with you! This Mars transit is energizing – you're ready to take on a challenge, and you're interested in innovating, being the first, and getting ahead. Routes to satisfaction are becoming more transparent. Watch for overstraining on physical, emotional, and mental levels, but do gently push some of your usual limits. Mars can help you assert yourself and stimulate you to draw upon your natural courage, but you should always exercise self-control with this transit, particularly around the 23rd. You can be quite headstrong and independent this month. While you have a strong sense of the rules, the enterprising side of your nature emerges powerfully. As long as you are determined to make the most of this period, it's a great time to stand up for yourself and for new initiatives that require action and courage more than plans and deliberation. You can't force confidence – confidence builds as self-mastery skills increase. This is why truly confident moves have wonderful results now, and rash or pushy moves seem to have consequences. You're building your faith that you can take charge and manage your life after a period of feeling in limbo. This is an especially good time for enlisting help for career and life planning. Always when Mars transits your sign, there is some danger of pushing yourself or others too far, so do watch for that. This is important advice on physical, mental, and emotional levels. Mars can help improve your confidence as long as you practice self-control at the same time. There can be good news or connections made that advance your career or goals and recognition for your performance or accomplishments. You're dreaming up long-term or career/life goals, and the New Moon on the 13th helps prompt a feeling of a fresh start. Your connections or good reputation can help you now. Career and manifestation are in the spotlight! There can be a pleasant feeling of reinvigoration regarding your life plan goals and subtle changes in your life related to your influence or authority, career, status, or reputation. Now is the time for incorporating imaginative, creative, and alternative methods into what you do, although it's not the best time for attention to detail! Spiritual longing or elements of your goals or career that fail to satisfy can magnify as you see areas where you've overlooked your needs for a higher purpose. There can be a productive boost related to education or publishing. You're earning respect, particularly for what you know or how you share your ideas. Your stamina stands out. The Sun and Venus move into your friendship sector on the 20-21, and then a Full Moon occurs in your sector of joy on the 28th, coloring the energies of the final leg of March with some social fireworks. This can be a romantic time. This lunation can offer you a beautiful opportunity to understand your longings and needs more clearly, mainly related to creative and romantic matters. You're in the position to see your heart's desire, and it can be fantastic for creative vision. The last days of March are great for spreading your wings, reaching out, and making contact. You can enjoy more appreciation shown for you–people value your friendship, input, and company more than usual. |
Changing up routines is attractive this month with an emphasis on the adventure sector of your solar chart, dear Cancer. Even so, there is a considerable focus on healing, resting, and tying up loose ends as Mars heads into the sign just behind yours on the 3-4. You might gain the motivation and energy to handle a matter that has been on your mind for some time. Life's bigger questions intrigue you more than usual in March. You're more interested in exotic topics than familiar ones, and new viewpoints and perspectives lift your spirits. You're finding ways to improve relationships through greater patience and understanding. Extra rest is crucial this month, but refreshing activities are essential, too. Learning new things and reaching beyond your usual bounds figure strongly. Even so, as you deal with loose ends, much is going on behind the scenes and in your emotional world. You might take a time-out or period of repose and recuperation. Or, you're making more time for spring cleaning in your psyche. With Mars in this hidden area of your chart, you can be incredibly motivated to do something about a difficult situation or burden. Putting something behind you is best accomplished before the New Moon on the 13th. You're reviewing the past and the sacrifices you are currently making. Your inner world is animated! The conventional sources for sharing may not be as straightforward or available. Your desires are more complex than usual, and when you do know what you want, you may not see an easy way to go after it! These themes can lead to creative solutions and detours, particularly around the 17-18 and 20-21. While you're open to exploring, expanding, and experiencing new things in many ways, you have much "work" to do on the inside. You can be very contemplative this month. You'll benefit greatly from actively seeking out ways to heal and de-stress and deal with self-limiting fears and attitudes. It's an excellent time to handle things you might usually avoid or put off, as you want to put your efforts into endeavors that have a long-term impact. You're unlikely to jump to assert yourself this month, as you first consider how this might impact others' lives and your own. There can be some bottling up of anger or desires. Parts of you are on a symbolic retreat, and this is good for you. If you've been overdoing things, it's now clear that you need to pace yourself. The New Moon on the 13th stimulates your need for more spirited living and learning as it brings on a symbolic fresh start. This lunation puts the focus on your spirit to grow, explore, and expand beyond the ordinary experiences in your life. Events occurring now and in the coming weeks can serve to push you out of your routine and your comfort zone. You're learning new things or finding inspiration through different experiences or perspectives. Publishing opportunities, money ideas, or money itself can emerge in unusual ways. From the 20-21 forward, you give more and more attention to your career, responsibilities, reputation, and long-term goals. This period brings the Sun and Venus to the top of your solar chart and can point to an achievement or an increased desire to perform and excel. It's a more ambitious period of the year–a time when you're especially goal-oriented. The Full Moon on the 28th is highly revealing and romantic. It's a time for discovering your feelings on a matter and then redirecting your life in fundamental ways with this new knowledge in mind. Homelife can need extra attention. It's a beautiful time to understand your needs more clearly and spend more time understanding the needs of those closest to you. Venus works magic on your reputation or career and relationships with elders, bosses, parents, and teachers from the 21st. This is a solid time for a better image, support, or sponsorship from a higher-upper, more enjoyment of your professional life and responsibilities, and real confidence in your performance. The last week of the month is powerful for revelations about professional and life-path goals. Ideas bloom. You're likely to receive more attention and admiration, especially on a professional or public level. Efforts to embellish, beautify, please, and harmonize are successful. |
You can be very active socially this month, dear Leo, but you're also easily absorbed in your private life, ideally finding the right balance between the two. You might find that you achieve the most or are the most motivated through your involvement with a group or team. Relationships smooth over and deepen. Passion, intimacy, partnership, learning, friendship, and adventure make up the broader themes of March and are areas of increased focus and opportunity. Sharing your interests or studies can be fun and fulfilling. This can be a lively time with friends, networks, and group associations with Mars in your social sector from the 3-4 forward. This excitement can point to possible difficulties or tensions with these connections if trouble has already been brewing. Otherwise, a busy and fulfilling calendar is likely. For some, this energy is more about gaining the inspiration and motivation to pursue your dreams than it is about connecting with others, and it's just as exciting. You feel ready to put plans into motion. Mars moving through your sector of dreams and wishes and in harmony with your sign helps fuel you with the energy and confidence to pursue new experiences. It's also a time when you're not content with merely dreaming, wishing, and hoping for better circumstances. You'll want to take concrete action towards realizing your goals and making improvements. There can be strong focus on new technology. You're inventive and drawn to endeavors that are progressive and unique. Putting energy into a group effort can be worthwhile, and doing business with a partner or friend can figure strongly. You're clearer about who you care about and who has your back. Healthy, frank discussions boost your relationships. It's a great time for talking through difficulties or putting conflicts behind you. Others more readily give you the benefit of the doubt. It's a powerful month for entertaining new ideas and considering different angles. Interactions can be exciting and inspiring. There can be a happy intimate connection, a financial advance, or a workplace improvement that puts you in a good mood. Others are noticing and appreciating you for your unique input. The New Moon on the 13th can prompt a new beginning. You might turn over a new leaf related to a dependency or financial matter. It can be a time for a lifestyle change or could motivate you to deal with trust issues that have been hijacking your life in some manner. The motivation to resolve a long-standing problem with money or love can increase now. Opportunities to pool your resources or share your load can emerge. Support systems can open up for you, or finances can improve. This is a time for exploring hidden aspects of yourself and of life itself. It's a fine time to investigate and research, as long as it's empowering rather than hurtful. Aim to find out more about subjects you love or those things that can benefit your work rather than focus too intensely on dead issues and things that you can't control. There can be tricky situations with intimacy and friendships, however. The 20-21 brings the Sun and Venus into harmony with your sign, and you're likely to feel more spirited, vibrant, and connected to your dreams and goals. The Full Moon on the 28th opens your eyes to the need to express yourself more fully, coloring much of what you do in the last week of the month. You might rush to meet a deadline, or news comes in that moves things forward. While a hectic time, it's also a period of discovering feelings that you've kept at bay. Now that you know what's in your heart, you're ready to make more appropriate choices. Others can be most interested in how you feel and what you have to say in the last week of the month. Personal magnetism is great, and you're enjoying a nice glow of hopefulness about a matter that you haven't felt for some time. You can be quite excited about an idea or subject. You're braver about expressing yourself, and you're connecting more openly and confidently. This is a time for opening your heart, leading to opportunities to heal and resolve problems. |
March brings a special focus on both relationships and ambitions, dear Virgo. Some very supportive influences figure strongly for your practical affairs and partnerships. Mars brings extra muscle and motivation to your career, image, status, and responsibilities from the 3-4 forward. You are more motivated than usual and focused on accomplishing something important to you. You're not in any mood to be told what to do, preferring to lead the way yourself or set your own pace. You're enterprising and innovative. Circumstances are such that you see the value of negotiations, joining forces, and compromise this month. There can be an emphasis on public relations, consultants, and the like. One-on-one relationships and best friends can be in strong focus. The bottom line is that you should be working with others rather than competing against them in your personal life, while some independence in your work is appropriate. The chances of smoothing over a disagreement or attracting the support you need are high, particularly later in the month. You're working on making your connections healthier and happier in March, and you have cosmic support for this task. Energies tend to nudge you towards a critical discovery, learning breakthrough, or an exciting new interest. With Mars at the top of your solar chart most of the month, you can be exceptionally dynamic and creative with business, career, and life plans. While much of your March astrology points to improving partnerships and a focus on companionship, this seemingly contradictory Mars trend is an independent one, and it's about career, life path matters, and your relationship with people in authority. You can experience a sudden surge of motivation and energy for coming up with a workable, results-oriented life plan. Be innovative but patient as well for best results. You'll find opportunities to advance your goals are with you most strongly around the 17-18 and 20-21. The New Moon on the 13th brings new energy for forming or improving a partnership. It's also strong for seeing yourself through others' eyes, taking steps to strengthen your connections with others, and finding ways to bring more balance and harmony to your life, in general. Focusing on connecting well with others can give your life a real boost. You're likely to move in a new direction or towards a new, enlightened perspective. Yearnings for something more in your relationships can come on insistently, and this can be an essential time to consider what you're lacking or wanting from relationships. Relationship goals emerge around this New Moon. A significant other can help give you perspective this month, and shared plans and ideas can improve your bond. Conversations with a partner, advisor, or counselor are especially clarifying from the 15-16 forward. Others can be your sounding board. Listen when people recognize your talents and potential, as the feedback can be precious to you now. The focus is on relationships, companionability, and intimacy, but your enterprising nature comes to the fore, and you readily throw yourself into pursuing your goals. You bring more energy and innovation to your working life this month. You're self-motivated and prefer not to answer to others. The Sun and Venus head into your intimacy sector on the 20-21, and they come together near the end of March. You have a greater love for specializing and absorbing activities or connections. It can be cleansing and rewarding to sort out problems with others. The chance to dig deep and get to the heart of a relationship, subject, or private matter can arise. It's also a fine time for discovering what or who you value. Research and analysis can be satisfying and helpful. The Full Moon on the 28th can open your eyes to the need (or desire) to manage your resources. These newly awakened feelings may color most of your choices in the final week of the month. How to deal with a money matter can become more evident. You recognize the need to take better care of yourself and your money or things, and it's a good move! You're likely to have a moment of great clarity that helps you to establish your priorities. |
You're particularly motivated to straighten out your life this month, dear Libra, and you're taking more pride in your work, tasks, and systems. You're more conscientious, and you enjoy solving problems, acquiring or honing skills, and taking care of business. Even so, you're also quite committed to exploring beyond your routines, and if opportunities don't naturally arise to do so, you'll create them! You're in great shape for picking up new practical skills, finding new work, or throwing more of yourself into your current job. It's also a fine time for improving your daily habits and health. You're eager now, and it shows in your results. Others appreciate your efforts. You are more attached than usual to your opinions, beliefs, traditions, and ideas with Mars moving into your solar ninth house on the 3rd. There is good energy with you for pursuing new interests and activities. Smoothing over problem areas at work or with your daily routines comes naturally and easily. There may be social or love opportunities emerging as you pursue your work or health goals. Health, work, school, habits, and services are in strong focus in March, and so are self-improvement efforts involving getting yourself back in charge and in shape. You can improve your skills, learn new things, take on new projects, and discover ways to heal and strengthen your body. Flaws and problem areas can take on larger proportions. You have increasing faith in the services you provide or the work you do, and the New Moon on the 13th stimulates a desire or need for a new beginning regarding work, health, or self-care. It's a time for approaching your daily life in a new, more inspired manner. Feeling unsettled about how you've been managing your life is possible now, and this leads to making essential and valuable changes with diet regimes, healthy routines, and satisfying work schedules. You might also consider ways to better incorporate your spiritual or emotional needs into your daily routines, or reconsider whether your habits and systems reflect or support a higher sense of purpose. Restlessness can sometimes pull you away and distract you, but try not to feel ineffective in the process. Instead, look for ways to balance your life. Certainly, your work and daily affairs can be exhausting at times, and there is a stronger and necessary focus on these things, but you're also finding the time to pursue other interests and activities that help nourish your soul and inspire you to reach higher. You have more courage to try new things, and you're strongly motivated to learn, grow, improve, share, and connect. This can be a time for discovering a new passion or interest, or you could be rekindling an exciting project or study. Positive vibes while pursuing your daily routines or work are likely, and possibly, social opportunities can result. You might make a creative or educational advance, enjoy perfecting a craft, or put a special effort into a heartfelt project or venture. The 20-21 brings the Sun and Venus into your opposing sign, and it's strong for getting others into your corner. You're diplomatic and accommodating, and you might often find yourself in the position of peacemaker or mediator. Your need for companionship might increase. The Full Moon in your sign on the 28th holds the promise of a "big reveal" or an awakening to your true feelings on a matter. There can be a personal epiphany as you recognize feelings you may have buried due to busy-ness or distraction. This lunation puts you in the spotlight -- you are in demand! Knowing your heart is empowering, even if you don't yet have a plan set in stone for going after what you want. In the final week of March, there can also be epiphanies about a relationship or relationship needs/goals. You are open and generous, and others are attracted or drawn to you as a result. You might commit to a healing process, relationship, or improved attitude related to relationships. You might enhance a relationship through invigorating and perhaps non-routine experiences and activities. |
You're rediscovering your faith, sense of fun, and feeling of romance this month, dear Scorpio. You very often feel in your element, but while there's a real focus on play and self-expression, it's a good month for work and concentrated focus in other areas. Recreation, romance, creativity, hobbies, or children can be sources of increased pride, and involvement in these areas of life rises now. Your intimate life heats up, too, as Mars heads into your solar eighth house on the 3rd. Even so, at times this month, you may feel a little divided between keeping things light and fun or going in deep. Mars here certainly stirs things up. Watch that you don't push something too hard or become your own worst enemy on the 23rd when your desires seem to clash with your current plans. Competitive or frustrating elements in your relationships may also surface. However, this transit is also excellent for your resolve. You can get to the bottom of problems, particularly on the 17-18 and 20-21 when Mars is well-supported. Mars in your zone of transformation and intimacy can animate close relationships, and it can also inspire you to take action to secure or straighten out financial support. Unhealthy dependencies need to go! Mars here can intensify your emotions and turn your attention to the hidden or deep elements of your life. It's a necessary process that shouldn't be rushed or undervalued, but it does seem to keep you working behind the scenes. The month also holds good energy for moving something forward in your domestic world. Home life is smoother and clearer. This can be a romantic month, but also complicated, as part of you is looking for intensity with others and another part prefers to enjoy the moment. You are more expressive, and from the 15th, your communications are more playful. Hobbies can be pursued, renewed, or begun this month. You are energized and inspired creatively and a little more willing to take some emotional chances. You might sort out which desires and impulses truly serve you well, and which ones need refinement. The New Moon on the 13th sparks your creative juices or desire to celebrate, enjoy yourself, and express yourself. Events occurring now can serve as motivation for the restart or reinvigoration of a project, hobby, or your dating life. The Sun aligns with Neptune at the same time, and it can magnify feelings of longing if you've been neglecting specific needs, which you now see dramatically! There can be a feeling of serendipity, magic, or special kinship, or the motivation to seek these things out if you're feeling something's missing. It's difficult to find you in a state of boredom this month. Research and analysis can be fruitful and enjoyable. You are inclined to want to investigate matters. You might gain an edge, advantage, or boost related to communications, creative pursuits, personality, or career. Your impact is stronger than usual, and you're received well. With certainty powering your creativity, you can do much. The 20-21 brings on a strong work and health theme. You'll be focusing on building skills and improving your daily routines. Fortunately, you're enjoying yourself as you do. Even so, the Full Moon on the 28th reminds you to pay special attention to rest and spiritual nourishment. If you've been overworking or forgetting to attend to your emotional health, this lunation encourages you to slow down and balance things out. Good experiences on the job or in your daily affairs are likely--you're finding new ways to get along with others, and people are valuing your services. You can find more joy in your work, services, dedication, and health pursuits. You recognize the pleasing aspects of these things, and your open-hearted and sincere interest in making improvements shines now. You may intuitively gravitate to a new healing path or a work method that serves you exceptionally well. When it comes to health, the mind-body connection is a big focus. |
A special focus on your home, family, or personal life is in store in March, dear Sagittarius. You're also paying considerable attention to relationships or partnerships and personal interests. Venus softens any rough edges around the home, improving your sense of satisfaction from your personal life and domestic activities. You're discovering your needs for a happy, healthy base of operations. You can make notable improvements to your living conditions this month. Resolving conflicts or simply spending more time with loved ones and paying more attention to their needs is a step in the right direction. Boosting your sense of security, wholeness, and inner wellness can be most rewarding at this time of the year. Watch for over-pampering, as there is an inclination to get very, very comfortable, and moderation is always best. Still, it's a fine time to get to know yourself better. Even so, Mars moves into opposition with your sign on the 3-4, serving to stir up passions. It can also stir conflicts with a partner or best friend, but it's a good time to face relationship problems head-on. Relating patterns that have been too restrictive, tense, or outdated can do with some spiffing up. There can be a competitive feel to a partnership, and you may be putting more energy into your relationships than usual. Watch for a tendency to instigate or rile up a significant other or to treat a partner as a rival. You're at your best when you work with someone towards a common goal. You can use this energy to your advantage by allowing others to inspire and motivate you. Team up and take action so that you turn excess energy outwards, and this can be a passionate, revealing time. Others have something to show you about what you may have been avoiding or ignoring within yourself. Mars is assertive but sometimes pushy and without tact. You might be on edge more readily than usual and should resist a tendency to be defensive with others. Others seem to be a little more demanding of your energy and time in March. Relationship imbalances can become very obvious now, demanding resolutions to problems. Consider that a relationship or partner could be reflecting your own desire for action. The domestic side of you is in swing in March, but you're also expressing some interest in branching out and taking a few personal risks. You can bring remarkable creativity and warmth to your personal life. After the New Moon on the 13th, you can be especially motivated to improve your comfort or strive toward more ideal conditions in your personal life. It can be an inspired time to release negative or pent-up feelings and enjoy more compassionate interactions with others. You're getting in touch with your spiritual heart. This is a good time for forgiving someone or yourself if resentments or guilt have been weighing you down. The last leg of the month brings a pleasing emphasis on the more creative, romantic, and playful elements of your life. The Sun and Venus move into your romance and creativity sector on the 20-21, and your social life is busy and active. Leisure time is incredibly satisfying. The Full Moon on the 28th opens your heart to the need for true friendship. Unrecognized feelings can emerge, and these emotions may be about someone or can serve to rekindle an interest in a project that you haven't yet fully pursued. You can feel inspired to do your best or pursue a dream upon a friend's encouragement. Regarding romance, creative affairs, and personal enjoyment, you're motivated to make improvements and share yourself with others more spontaneously and heartfully. Resolve to find ways to make more time to do what pleases you most! This is an excellent time to apply yourself to artistic pursuits or hobbies, or you might thoroughly enjoy discovering a new passion. |
The month ahead features connections, learning, communications, special interests, and increased motivation to handle work and self-care programs, dear Capricorn. You're choosing your projects more mindfully, but you're also at a stage when you're putting your feelers out and especially curious about what's going on around you. Finances, business, studies, communications, and transportation flow naturally. This can be a big idea month, and it's quite excellent for reaching out, although there can be times when you feel you have too much on your plate, and you can be a little scattered as a result. You can be super-motivated this month to reach health and work goals. You'll stop at nothing to improve on past performance! You tend to want to set your own pace and objectives, and you thrive on the small challenges you create for yourself. Mars heads into your work and health sector on the 3-4, motivating you to tackle projects that get you ahead in these areas. This transit revs you up and inspires you to take care of business. You're challenging yourself to do better, and you're bringing more muscle to your health and wellness or self-care programs, getting back into action, or stepping up the pace. Your desire to initiate, lead, and work independently can stir up competition or conflict with others at times, and this is more likely on 23rd. Otherwise, you're motivated and self-starting, and this feels good. You can feel quite pumped about getting organized. Difficulties with this transit generally are about overscheduling, workload, or excessive demands on you. Aim to avoid overstraining and enjoy yourself as you get your life back into shape. You can be impatient with frivolities. A potential problem is pushing yourself too hard, as you are not always aware of the long hours you put in. Challenge yourself, but don't stress yourself out for the best results now. The New Moon on the 13th can motivate you to approach your daily tasks in new ways--you're in line for a new beginning related to personal interests, studies, or commuting. You might connect more effectively with the world around you or push yourself a little to learn or communicate, with nice rewards. You're seeking a stronger sense of purpose through what you're doing and learning. It's a powerful time to gain inspiration. You can benefit from both inner motivation and reinforcement coming from the outside. You are ready to take on new challenges or improve what you have going. Even so, watch for nervous tension, as you can have a lot on your mind and so many projects going that it can be difficult to truly rest your mind, and oftentimes, your body. Life settles down - a little - in the last week of the month, when home, family, and the comfort of familiar activities, occupy more of your time and attention. The 20-21 brings the Sun and Venus into your home and family sector, inspiring your domestic side. As exciting as your projects and interactions may have been in the past weeks, you're beginning to crave more downtime and the comfort of familiar settings. Seeking a balance is helpful, and the Full Moon on the 28th helps you do so. This lunation pulls your attention to a career, public matter, or responsibility. You might attract attention for positive efforts or a good deed. This is also a time for more wholeheartedly enjoying the comforts of home and the familiarity of family and loved ones. There can be wonderful discoveries and realizations about your home, family, or living arrangements in the last week of March. You might reach a new understanding of a matter that's close to your heart. Channeling your energies into a project around the home that will truly make life easier can be especially useful now. Family affairs can be a motivator, or the focus can be on bringing more harmony and enjoyment to your domestic world. An open and honest atmosphere with loved ones can promote healthy conversations, cooperation, and solutions to problems. You're in fine shape for home improvement, exciting purchases, and discovering new tastes and interests. |
March is strong for gaining your footing, building your resources, and developing your talents, dear Aquarius. There can be competing energies between the drive for security and a need to put yourself out there. For the most part, however, you're making it work! You have a lot of power this month with earning and attracting the resources you need to live more comfortably. Self-empowerment is an important theme in March--becoming less dependent on others, whether financially or emotionally, can be satisfying. Mars moves into harmony with your sign from the 3rd forward, helping to clear obstacles. Recent dilemmas seem less complicated, and you're more interested in enjoying the moment than looking to the past for answers or happiness. You have more fire and passion for creating, loving, expressing yourself, and having fun than you have for some time. With Mars in your sector of fun, creativity, and romance, you're in vital touch with your passions. You're expressing yourself confidently, and you're likely to crave special attention, fun and games, romance, or hobbies and recreation. You might pour your energies into a passion project or heartfelt pursuit. Romantic relationships may be animated, or your feelings for someone fire up. You're inspired to create and share, perhaps as a result of sometimes inflamed emotions. You enjoy more courage to chase your heart's desire. Channeling excess energy into exercise, dance, music, or art can be immensely satisfying. Personal attraction and positive attention are on your side this month. You look good, and you're framed in a good light, particularly after the 21st. Be sure to discuss finances, assets, and security matters with trusted people or advisors now, as it can be very much to your advantage. You are likely to devote a lot of your energy to creative works, a romantic pursuit, or a hobby this month. There can be a competitive feel to your relationships--even your more casual ventures tend to have an edge to them in March. The New Moon on the 13th can prompt a real desire to start fresh with your finances, belongings, earnings, comfort, or self-respect issues. You might discover ways to better manage your money and things, and this particular lunation demands a highly creative approach--perhaps an unconventional one! Your dreams and fantasies or ideals are in stronger focus than usual. Still, you may also pay more attention to areas of neglect or disappointment, depending on your current situation, to round out your view of the best way to make changes. You have the power of words and a charming manner on your side from the 20-21 when the Sun and Venus head into your solar third house. You more fully appreciate your surroundings and personal environment. You might choose to write out your wishes or feelings with great success during this period. Small gestures and reaching out to others can be especially rewarding. The Full Moon on the 28th is strong for learning, publishing, and announcements. You're acknowledging and embracing your feelings. You are attracting appreciation for your communication style or what you're teaching and sharing, and there can be a lot of talk about relationships, or they're solidly on your brain. People cooperate with you, and you find it easy to locate the information you need. Your romantic senses are heightened, and you're exceptionally creative and open to new ideas and input. Circumstances seem to bring out the best in yourself and can highlight your strengths in the last week of March. Others find your ideas unique and inspiring. Conversations and exchanges might stimulate creative work, a hobby, or a fabulous idea. You might discover a new or improved channel or platform for self-expression, which can be more imaginative, creative, and ultimately, more fulfilling. You are communicating your needs more effectively than usual, which helps attract the right support or cooperation. |
This is a more visible and personally influential period for you, dear Pisces. The Sun, Venus, and Mercury each spend a good chunk of the month in your sign. Even so, in the first half of March, you're still keeping some things to yourself, as you should, and putting some decisions on hold. You find your voice by the 15th, when you have a whole lot more to say and share with others. Connecting with someone through similar values can be satisfying and reinforcing. Friendships can receive a nice boost, and happiness goals are highly motivating. Picking up where you left off with someone can be a nice surprise. You're enjoying a good sense of inner power and self-reliance, but you can also benefit from collaboration. Whether you're catching up or getting ahead of yourself, efforts to learn can be very successful this month. Mars animates your home, family, and personal life from the 3rd onward. Pressures on the home front can emerge at times, but it's also a period for taking care of problem areas head-on. The New Moon on the 13th is in your sign and gives you a nice boost, and Mercury's move into your sign on the 15th motivates you further. The tendency to focus (and perhaps dwell) on the past lifts. You're recreating your image, starting anew in a significant area of your life, or turning over a new leaf. By mid-month, you're more decisive and confident about what you want and need. The month generally supports personal goals, although you may battle domestic problems, confidence issues, or obstacles. The New Moon is all about you and presenting a new look, image, or more authentic version of "you" to others. You have more power than usual to take charge and make an impact in the days following this lunation. Your innate compassionate and idealistic nature comes strongly to the fore, and because others are seeking these things out, you stick out as a leader. Aim to draw upon the initiative and energy of Mars in your home and family sector to get things done! This month and much of April are suitable for actively working through problem areas and improving family relationships. It's an excellent time to get in touch with buried resentments that can frustrate you enough to make changes. You get the chance to work on or in the home, and your inner world can be especially colorful. You may be defending, rallying for, or motivating loved ones. March is a strong yet largely gentle period, and the changes you do make have visible, quick results. The most significant area of passion and possible upheaval this month is likely to involve your private world, family life, and home matters. You're ambitious about these things now, desiring to make deep and lasting improvements. There can also be bigger emotions felt at home than elsewhere – tempers may be prominent. The trick is to avoid impatience and impulsiveness. Strategize for best results. While you tend to pursue personal interests and crave more independence, it's also a time for house cleaning of some variety, whether on figurative or literal levels. Home renovations or small improvements can figure strongly as you seek more efficiency and functionality. Acknowledging and resolving problems with family or people you live with can be in focus. Look for the root of issues instead of seeking out cosmetic fixes. There may be more significant demands on your time and energy on the domestic front. Until the 21st, you're attracting attention as well as support, gifts, and company. There is a notable sweetness to your approach with Venus in your sign. You are more confident about your ability to attract the right circumstances and people into your life. Your affections and needs are much clearer, and others are truly "seeing" your attractiveness. This is a time for making peace with people and yourself, putting fears behind you, improving your image and appearance, and sharing your happiness with others. From the 21st, you seek predictability, comfort, and security. The culmination of a financial or business project or new opportunities revolving around personal income can be in focus. On or in the days surrounding the Full Moon on the 28th, there can be new information about finances or a reveal of intimate feelings that rocks your world a little, nudging you in a new direction. It's a powerful time to take an honest look at your needs and vulnerabilities surrounding money, income, and your talents. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
March 2021 Aspects TimeLine:
See also: This Week in Astrology for more detail.
This Month’s Ephemeris:
This Month’s Ephemeris with extra points and abbreviations rather than glyphs:
Ephemerides with additional points are for Eastern Time. The North Node and Lilith are the True positions. Retrogrades are underlined. Extra points are Chiron, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, and Lilith. These come from the excellent software, Sirius 3.0.
- January 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- February 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- March 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points) – click to enlarge
- April 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points – click to enlarge)
- May 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- June 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points)
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors, although they’re not impossible periods, either.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.
- Full Moon in Virgo chart: February 27, 2021
- New Moon in Pisces Chart: March 13, 2021
- Full Moon in Libra Chart: March 28, 2021
Looking Ahead:
- March 2021: Time Line Aspects
- April 2021: Timeline Aspects
- May 2021: TimeLine Aspects
- June 2021: TimeLine Aspects
- July 2021: TimeLine Aspects
- August 2021: TimeLine Aspects

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2021 – Overview