This Month in Astrology – June 2021
June 2021
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
On June 11th, the New Moon occurs in the sign of Gemini, prompting a new beginning. This lunation is an annular Solar Eclipse, and it brings a fresh start to our lives, awakening our needs to connect, communicate, learn, get around, and gather information.
By consciously tuning in to positive Gemini energy, we learn through others simply by being curious, and we improve our social and communication skills at the same time. We open our minds to more information, and we learn to truly enjoy the variety of different personalities around us. This New Moon occurs at the time of an inferior conjunction of the Sun and retrograde Mercury, suggesting insight into past connections and projects that shines a new light on current conditions.
This eclipse is one in a set of eclipses that fall along the Gemini-Sagittarius sign axis. Eclipses in Gemini and Sagittarius occur until December 2021 (learn more about these eclipse sets). The Lunar Eclipse in June 2020 was the first of several prompts to make improvements and changes to our communications, transportation, and belief and educational systems. This Solar Eclipse is the first in the sign of Gemini. We can feel some discontent with current conditions, and ideally, this unrest motivates us to improve our lives.
Saturn forms a square to Uranus on June 14th, generating some friction. It’s the second of three such hits in 2021, the first of which occurred in February, and the final and third one set to happen in December. At the root of tension is a clash between our need for freedom and spontaneity and our need for structure and stability. Ideally, we can find creative ways to satisfy these diverging needs, perhaps by giving form to our ideals and quest for progress.
Rules and limitations are harder to tolerate, but without some lines drawn, life feels too chaotic. Attempts to assert our individuality, freedom, and originality tend to undermine our feeling of groundedness and security. Yet, we are not satisfied when we conform. There may be sudden and unexpected twists that force us to do something different or free ourselves from old habits.
Adjusting our plans may be in order, and striking a balance between convention and innovation is the challenge. Setbacks tend to be temporary and often lead to new, more creative paths or solutions. While this aspect is active, however, we can feel some real frustration. In particular, differences in opinion can feel more problematic than usual, blocking progress or leading to delays. People we relied on may seem less reliable at this time.
We have an unusual situation where Saturn, the conservative planet, is in a progressive sign, Aquarius, while Uranus, the progressive planet, is in a conservative sign, Taurus. At times, these energies can feel oppressive, and we might feel that we’re all too often at cross-purposes, even when the end game is similar.
On June 20th, Jupiter turns retrograde, and slowing down projects or plans may be appropriate in order to gain perspective. Initially, our enthusiasm and confidence might wane, and we may experience a crisis of faith or hope. “Luck” may be less overt during this period, from June 20th to October 18th, but it’s a good time for looking within and reassessing recent goals. Note that Jupiter spends its retrograde first in Pisces and later in Aquarius.
On June 22nd, Mercury ends its retrograde cycle that began on May 29th. After over three weeks of retrograde motion, delays, especially related to information, tend to lift. Mercury’s direct turn can help unblock information clogs. Mercury will remain in its post-retrograde shadow until July 7th, which means that it will have recovered the full ground of its retrograde cycle by that time.
On the 24th, Saturn forms a sextile to Chiron. It’s the second of three hits for this longer-term influence–the first happened in February, and the final one will occur in November. This transit follows roughly along the same timeline as the Saturn-Uranus square mentioned above, helping to soften some of the latter’s rough edges. It’s a time for feeling competent, effective, and secure. This transit helps us express our unique qualities or go our own way without stirring up controversy by acting professionally and respectfully. There’s no need for show-boating with this aspect. It helps to humble us, and with increased realism, we can pursue our goals with better chances of success.
Also on June 24th, the Full Moon occurs in the sign of Capricorn, and this Buck Moon reminds us that we can’t ignore our commitments to the outside world. We need to take care of our responsibilities, attend to business, act maturely, and take charge. This Full Moon is a little scattered, and Neptune’s station can blur some boundaries, but its harmony with Jupiter suggests the good feeling that we’re doing the right thing.
Neptune turns retrograde on the 25th. This yearly station casts a veil over our practical affairs. There can be a temporary loss of inspiration as we realign our dreams and wishes with what’s going on inside us. The retrograde cycle itself, which lasts until December 1st, suggests a period of taking in, receptiveness, and some indecisiveness. It can be a time of feeling in limbo, but it might also be a time of great inner discovery.
Date | Time (ET) | Event | Position |
Jun 2 | 3:24 AM | Last Quarter Moon | 11 Pis 59' |
Jun 2 | 9:18 AM | Venus enters Cancer | Ven 0 Can 00' |
Jun 10 | 6:52 AM | New Moon Annular SOLAR Eclipse | 19 Gem 47' |
Jun 11 | 9:34 AM | Mars enters Leo | Mar 0 Leo 00' |
Jun 14 | 6:01 PM | Saturn square Uranus | Sat 13 Aqu 07'Rx square Uranus 13 Tau 07' |
Jun 17 | 11:54 PM | First Quarter Moon | 27 Vir 09' |
Jun 20 | 11:05 AM | Jupiter Retrograde | Jup 2 Pis 11'Rx |
Jun 20 | 11:32 PM | Sun enters Cancer | Sun 0 Can 00' |
Jun 22 | 6:00 PM | Mercury Direct | Mer 16 Gem 08'D |
Jun 24 | 12:29 AM | Saturn sextile Chiron | Sat 12 Aqu 44'Rx sextile Chi 12 Ari 44' |
Jun 24 | 2:40 PM | Full Moon in Capricorn | 3 Cap 28' |
Jun 25 | 3:21 PM | Neptune Retrograde | Nep 23 Pis 12'Rx |
Jun 27 | 12:27 AM | Venus enters Leo | Ven 0 Leo 00' |
(See the full table for 2021.)
See also: This Week in Astrology week to week for more detail.
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
The following horoscopes outline how the above astrological influences might affect each individual sign.
Overview horoscopes fill in here as I write them, ideally during the week before the month begins. It is not unusual to see some signs temporarily missing as I usually write the twelve of them over the course of a few days, and I always start with the featured sign of the month (birthday month).
There is a strong focus on connecting, learning, transportation, communications, and daily affairs this month, dear Aries. But, enjoying your home and personal life more fully can figure strongly as well. The Lunar Eclipse that occurred in the last week of May has prompted cravings for bigger things or some distance from the mundane affairs of your life, and you’ll be seeking some escapes from time to time. Mercury is retrograde in your communications sector until the 22nd, and delays or misunderstandings can be notable. While there can be ups and downs and delays to manage, you’ll ultimately get to see which of your projects are genuinely viable and worth your effort. Try your best not to dwell on flaws and problems, and this can be a rewarding period when revisiting past projects or subjects of study can be satisfying. You'll find that you're at your most fulfilled when you’re feeling better organized and disciplined. A significant idea or hunch sets you on a new path around the Solar Eclipse on the 10th. You may see an old project or problem in a new light. From this insight, an original or recycled interest or pursuit may emerge. There can be helpful reflections about your past or tricky topics, and you’ll do well for yourself by reviewing recent decisions and allowing yourself to process and digest matters. The eclipse on the 10th brings new energy or directions to learning, commuting, sharing, and communicating. New means of communication or transportation can figure strongly for you. Mind you, brand new launches are not advisable just yet, but this doesn’t mean you can’t consider new approaches or lay the groundwork for new launches later. Eclipse power is solid and long-lasting. You might rediscover an old interest or conclude that something you’ve been pursuing is no longer up your alley. This can be the beginning of new thinking on learning pursuits and projects--ideas now can spark a long-term venture. Venus transits your solar fourth house of home, family, and comfort from the 2-27. Mars is here until the 11th, and the Sun, from the 21st forward. These influences boost your personal life and improve your living conditions, arrangements, and relationships with loved ones. Nice opportunities can arise to bond with those closest to your heart. Opportunities for love and friendship may emerge close to home. Or, you bring more love, beauty, order, energy, and harmony to your domestic world. You might receive a gift–or give yourself one–that benefits the family or home. You might put extra effort into improving or balancing the atmosphere, ambiance, or decor in your home, or you go the extra mile to make things easier and more peaceful with loved ones. It's also a good time for personal reflection. On the 11th, Mars moves into your sector of joy, bringing your fiery and courageous ruling planet into your solar fifth house. It's a period of extra dynamism, stimulation, and action, particularly in your creative, entertainment, and romantic worlds. This more outgoing cycle brings smoother energy to most of your endeavors, as your direct approach tends to get you results. This improves further when Venus enters this sector on the 27th. Saturn and Uranus return to form a square in mid-June, reigniting tensions related to shifting money sources or a changing attitude toward personal possessions. You can be anxious to expand and grow, but worries about resources or funding can undermine you. You might wrestle with wanting to take risks but fearing change. The Sun moves into your home and family sector on the 20-21 for a month-long transit that is determined to see you rest and recuperate. It’s also a time for making improvements in your domestic world. With this transit, you can experience a strong sense of mutual harmony and a general boost in feelings of peace and security with and through others. Mercury’s direct turn on the 22nd is another boost to clarity. It helps you clear up problems and find the answers you sought to issues raised earlier in the month. You can put some editing work behind you, or you get word that helps move things forward. You also benefit from a boost to your health and wellness. The more you do your share, the greater your sense of wholeness and fulfillment. This is a time when you invest in yourself and the special people in your life. There can be epiphanies related to your career, goals, aspirations, or reputation around the Full Moon on the 24th. There can be a call to manage or act, or you recognize the need for a better balance between your strong attention to your personal life and your attention to your responsibilities, career, long-term goals, or the outside world! You can make some beautiful and meaningful realizations about your life path or longer-term goals. If you’ve been ignoring or brushing aside your ambitions, you’ll feel the lack now. Romantic or creative expression moves from slightly timid to wonderfully terrific around the 27th, when Venus moves out of your home sector and into your romance sector. This area of your solar chart rules self-expression, creativity, romance, children, entertainment, and other channels through which you express your need for play, reinforcement, and even applause, and any or all of these areas can benefit. It’s a time when you tend to follow your heart’s desire, not aggressively, but gently. As a result, you approach the world more creatively and romantically. In addition, you find more joy in leisure activities and hobbies. |
This is a good month for settling in and focusing on comfort and security, dear Taurus. With current retrogrades and the eclipse season, all of us should focus on developing what we have rather than push forward with brand new beginnings. Fortunately, your astrology encourages a take-it-easy approach this month, and it’s well-timed– you’ll find it more natural than most other signs to slow things down. Money, business, and practical affairs are more topical than usual, even with some complications on these fronts! While there can be some delays or obstacles during the retrograde Mercury cycle to the 22nd, it’s a fine time for making refinements and improvements. Efforts put forth now can lead to wonderful new beginnings and rewards. In fact, you're learning a lot about your attachments this month, and there's much to enjoy, especially on social and mental levels. Your mind is active, and your interests are exciting. Connections and communications can be delightful, even with Mercury retrograde for the first three weeks of June. With June's transits, you’re especially aware of what you have and what you need to build or strengthen so you feel safer and more content down the road. Mind you, the Lunar Eclipse that occurred in the last week of May may have encouraged you to move out of your comfort zone, and it’s a good idea to do so from time to time so that you don’t get (or feel) stuck. If you’ve been overshooting or spending/borrowing too much, it’s time to make some crucial adjustments to get yourself back on track. While you're often drawn to the right resources or connections you need this month, the path is not always straightforward. There could very well be some bluffing or withholding information to deal with, making it best to postpone big decisions or complicated topics. Seeing an old problem in a new light can lead to new beginnings with long-term potential. The Solar Eclipse on the 10th brings your resources, including money, belongings, and talents, into the spotlight. Consider ways to improve your financial position and feelings of security. There can be substantial discoveries about your earning potential, attachments, and spending habits during this period. If you’ve been holding on too tightly to a lifestyle or financial habits that haven’t been serving you well, you’ll recognize the need for a change. It's certainly a time for approaching these things differently. Not everything is likely to make sense, as is often the case with new beginnings, but your intuition is telling you something! Take things easy, as there is more thinking on the matter to do. You could be focusing on recycling old ideas or discovering that a particular attitude or project may no longer be motivating you. You may find a lost item or even a forgotten source of income at this time. Your ruler, Venus, spends most of June in your communications sector. You're inclined to exchange ideas, learn new things, and connect with others from the 2-27. You might hear something of great use to you or enjoy new or improved means of transportation and communication. Your enjoyment of learning or pursuing your personal interests skyrockets. Conversations can be fun, romantic, or heartwarming. People are receptive to your ideas and want to hear from you! Success tends to come through word of mouth or bright ideas. You are more charming and creative with your words in June, and love can be particularly mental and verbal. You gravitate to things that improve your mind. More frequent short trips and errands can be soothing and balancing. Your curiosity about others can lead you to fun discoveries and opportunities. Mars begins its transit of your home and family sector on the 11th, bringing fire, courage, and the desire for action to your personal or domestic life. For example, you could feel the motivation to handle problem areas with family or take up projects around the home. Directing this extra energy into productive channels is critical. Otherwise, you may feel quite restless, or you could stir up unnecessary conflict. With Uranus in your sign returning to a square with Saturn mid-month, you might end up struggling with your personal needs for more freedom, spontaneity, and independence. When you try to express your originality or individuality, you could feel a bit off-center and ungrounded due to a simultaneous and strong pull to get yourself secure through your career or ambitions. In truth, it's a time to free yourself from certain old habits and establish new and healthy habits or routines. Fortunately, you’re doing a lot of work on yourself and your relationship with your inner world. This reflects back positively in your ability to manage your responsibilities and thrive or succeed in the outside world. The Sun moving into your communications sector on the 20-21 tends to speed up the pace of your life, and Mercury turning direct shortly after helps with mental clarity. The last week of June is good for resolving problems that seemed to overwhelm you earlier. It’s also a time when blocks seem to lift with money matters. Conversations are generous, open, and meaningful. Networking can bring rewards or opportunities. Around the Full Moon on the 24th, there can be revelations or a turning point regarding an education, travel, legal, or publishing matter. There can be turning points now. Something comes to light that changes your perspective and focus, lifting your concerns above and beyond the routine. Others hear your ideas loud and clear. Venus heads into your home and family zone on the 27th, and you may be seeking refuge from demanding situations or quiet time more often than usual. Some hesitancy or caution when it comes to love, the pursuit of pleasure, and money is likely. Improved living conditions and arrangements or family relationships can be in the spotlight--it’s an excellent time to improve your relationships with loved ones and comfort levels on the home front. |
June is your power month, dear Gemini. Delays with personal plans may be part of your month, but things should be moving a little more smoothly after the 22nd when Mercury in your sign ends its retrograde. It’s a slower month than usual, but definitely not a loss. In fact, you can get a whole lot accomplished now. There is a strong focus on you and your money, talents, and communications in June. With the Sun and Mercury in your sign, as well as a Solar Eclipse in Gemini on the 10th, it’s an important time for pursuing your personal goals, expressing yourself independently, and taking care of your needs. This is about discovering or reconnecting with your independence and courage to be yourself. Mercury is retrograde in your sign until the 22nd, and it’s also vital that you look back before moving forward. Around the 10th, you see recent decisions or plans in a new light. There is good energy with you for drawing upon the past for ideas and recycling them in improved ways going forward. The Solar Eclipse in your sign signals a time for embracing your independence and making your mark. There's a focus on personality and growth and making considered changes. Although it may only feel like things are moving forward after the third week of the month, you can come to exciting new insights. The month is strong for small but significant changes as well as financial boosts. You’re learning a lot about yourself now. Mercury asks you to pace yourself in June. You’ll have to look back before going forward, but this can eventually bring rewards. Patience is necessary! Take care of unfinished business so that you can begin anew with less baggage. What you communicate has more impact than usual—people hear you loud and clear, but they don’t necessarily see the whole picture in the first few weeks. It’s a time for taking stock of recent events and drawing on the past for ideas and insights, which can be significant in forming new or improved plans down the road. Communications are taken a little more seriously or literally, and not always correctly with Mercury’s retrograde. Meaningful contact with someone from your past may be part of the picture. You'll get the chance to put your creativity and skills to good use this month. You may receive a new privilege or more leeway to do as you think is best. Relationships with others can strengthen through sharing personal philosophies and beliefs. You may be exposed to ideas that open new worlds for you--others' viewpoints can enrich your world. Still, it's essential to avoid making too much or too little of a person or situation--aim to let time tell the truth of a matter. While the Solar Eclipse clears the path for new beginnings, it's not yet easy to see your way. Ultimately it leads to a fresh start with how you approach and present yourself to the world, your personality, independence, health, and body image. You’re standing proud on your own two feet. It's best to go slow, as this is a time when all the information you need may not yet be available. From the 11th, Mars in your communications sector can be excellent for enthusiasm for learning, studying, and sharing. However, this transit can produce a tendency to speak too quickly or directly at times, and Mercury's retrograde until the 22nd complicates the potential problem. Pour your energy into intellectual tasks if you can, as you can get a whole lot done now, working with vigor and passion. Some wild cards this month can be related to secrets surfacing or struggling with letting go of the past or long-standing problems. These matters can sometimes interfere with your pursuit of a more structured, responsible lifestyle. Restrictions can lead to inner unrest, unburying of issues, or secrets emerging. Still, you can get the chance to manage problem areas that have prevented you from moving on and expressing yourself authentically. A sense of belonging through connection to something larger than yourself can be healing, humbling, and rewarding. Jupiter begins its yearly four-month retrograde cycle on the 20th, and you're coming to a better understanding of what truly motivates and enthuses you. Some of the faith you've been nurturing may seem to drop away, but only just enough for you to see your plans in a different, more realistic light. You might choose to return to old studies and projects to your benefit. From the 20-21, your focus gets far more practical. You’re in a great position to build upon recent ideas or projects. Attention to your personal needs and plans continues, making it a fine time for sorting things out and taking charge. The Full Moon on the 24th does remind you to round out your life by considering emotional needs. Epiphanies occurring now relate to intimate relationships, power dynamics, dependencies, support, and personal psychology or behaviors. You have balanced Venus moving through your sector of money, values, and comfort from the 2-27, and connecting with your wants and needs comes naturally. There can be almost magical discoveries and conclusions now, and possibly some good finds and deals for things that genuinely improve your life. Sorting out recent problem areas comes incredibly naturally and is most successful in the last week of June. A creative project, cherished hobby, or romantic friendship may show signs of moving forward. You can feel compelled to grow something, particularly related to business or your practical affairs. People may be noticing your efforts, talents, or accomplishments. You're inclined to draw in the right people or resources to advance your goals. From the 27th, Venus enhances your appeal, manner, and magnetism, especially through your communications. You can find much to enjoy in personal interests, studies, short trips, and making contact with others. It’s a good time for relationships with siblings, classmates, and neighbors. Others acknowledge and appreciate your talents. |
While the month can keep you busy, dear Cancer, there is a retiring side to you as the Sun (until the 20th) and Mercury (all month) transit your privacy sector. This go-slow period is well-timed! While some other signs may be fighting it, you’ll find it natural to want to review your work instead of pushing for a launch or significant change. Even so, you can feel strongly on the verge of a meaningful change – something big – but you’re inclined to pace yourself, and it's a good idea. There is much going on behind the scenes and inside your mind in June. This is a powerful time for putting an end to situations or attitudes in your life that have become more burdensome than rewarding or that have grown toxic for you emotionally. Your private life is especially animated. Rest, reflection, and focus on mental and spiritual health are prominent themes. However, Venus is in your sign from the 2-27, and others see you as especially desirable and likable, and perhaps more importantly, you treat yourself more gently! Venus boosts your charm--you are especially attractive and friendly, and your most gentle, refined, and appealing traits are enhanced for all to appreciate and enjoy! Your idealism and romantic nature are in the spotlight, and you're likely to find it natural to dream of beautiful things, experiences, and situations. Mercury's retrograde until the 22nd is a little tricky, mainly due to possible communication breakdowns and misunderstandings or problems with transportation. Decision-making can be problematic as you play with different possibilities. You can quite easily put your foot in your mouth or reveal something that you'd prefer to remain hidden. However, it's a good cycle for redoing and refining work already underway and backtracking over the past to find answers you previously overlooked. If you let go of expectations and allow your mind some free rein, it's a good time for creative visualization and pursuits. The Solar Eclipse on the 10th challenges you to start fresh with your attitude toward downtime, rest, recuperation, and attention to emotional or mental health. Watch, however, for the traps of escapism and avoidance, which can lead to difficulties relaxing, unwinding, and perhaps sleeping, or a general sense that you’re behind or out of the loop. You can be very busy with your memories, and you may be coming to some important conclusions. There could be a secret revealed, a eureka moment, or you could otherwise be seeing old problems or a past matter in a very revealing new light. You can be directing a lot of attention to past events and relationships, but this is a turning point that sets you on a new path. You are coming to a new understanding of a past problem that allows you to move forward with less baggage. An important blank might be filled through the events at this time, which helps you see things with new eyes. It's a time for putting a long-standing problem behind you. From the 11th forward, Mars brings more energy, courage, and initiative to your financial life or business. It can also be a time to build up your resources or put your natural talents to good use. The drive to improve your resources is strong, but there can also be some tensions surrounding personal finances and possessions. Questions of ownership and values can be hot topics. You can experience a real sense of joy through your connections, boosting a sense of intimacy with someone special or honesty with yourself this month. You can be breaking down emotional walls. Challenges can emerge as your social life is a little more eclectic (or unreliable), and you’re getting serious about your inner world or intimate life. The desire or need to experiment can feel at odds with your need to specialize and focus on one absorbing project or relationship. There can be clashes or cross-purposes between a friend and a lover. The Sun moves into your sign on the 20-21, awakening your desire to take charge of your life and set new personal goals. People notice you! On the 24th, there can be relationship drama or the discovery of real feelings--you're awakening to your feelings about someone or relationship needs. Mercury ends its retrograde period on the 22nd, getting you back in the game, slowly but surely. You are more comfortable and at ease with others, and there can be some pleasant opportunities related to mind-expanding activities emerging in the last week of June. Reviving an old plan, project, or idea can be in focus now. It's a beautiful time to publish or promote. There is a strong desire to distinguish yourself from others, take the high road, and do the right thing. Aim to try something new instead of sticking only with the routine, which will help your creativity flow. As you pay more attention to your duties, you feel more confident in yourself and your profession or direction. You may very well make a substantial commitment or form a powerful alliance or attachment. You can benefit from some self-discipline, and it's an important time for positive lifestyle changes. From the 27th, your powers of attraction increase when it comes to money, gifts, favors, and valuables, although generally speaking, you’re less visible. Your appetite for luxurious or beautiful objects might increase, as building and collecting appeal to you more than usual. You are exceptionally skilled at making the best of your resources, especially since you’re more patient with business and money concerns during this cycle that runs until July 21st. |
You are strongly focused on friends, group activities, collaboration, networking, and attention to long-term projects in June, dear Leo. While demands on your time can often be quite pleasant, you do need to pay particular attention to managing your time effectively with Mercury retrograde until the 22nd. Delays and backtracking can be part of the picture. Mars is in your sign from the 11th and Venus from the 27th, bringing you even more attention and encouraging you to take care of yourself by listening to your wants and needs. The last week of June should bring a stronger need to withdraw, heal, and catch your breath. This is a period for wrapping up your solar year and making the most of solitude, reflection, and private time. After the 22nd, you’re likely to feel more "in the know" about what to expect (and what not to expect) from people around you. Feeling clearer about your goals can be satisfying. In the first three weeks of June, it's especially favorable to look to the past, refine and edit projects, and rethink problems from a different perspective. It would help if you were more alert when dealing with friends, groups, business income, and dealings with business associates. The New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 10th stirs a keen interest in your personal happiness and the people around you, as well as your standing and position with friends and groups. There might be some drama in your social life that shakes things up enough to get things going. A renewed friendship is possible. Do watch for misunderstandings. What you communicate has a little more impact than usual, making it important to be mindful of how and what you're saying/writing. A partner or friends might give you important feedback, but you're also gathering valuable information from or through them now. It's a powerful time for processing, reviewing, and rediscovering old interests, decisions, and ideas. A friend from the past may reappear in your life, or you could come to a new understanding of an old friendship. Significant thinking or conversations can occur that give you new insight into recent events, decisions, or problems, mainly related to friends and relationships or a significant plan or dream. The insight you gain now helps pave the road to new beginnings and attitudes. It may come as a result of a meeting with someone from your past. Whether it’s direct feedback from a friend or your observations and coming into touch with your relationship needs, you’re going forward with a stronger sense of what you want from your connections. In your sign from the 11th forward, Mars brings its qualities of fiery assertiveness, courage, initiative, and energy to your personality. You are motivated and energetic during this cycle, sometimes to the point of excess, and it's a good idea to take special care to manage your energy properly. Pace yourself, but take action on things that matter to you most. This is a time of increased independence and initiative. However, Venus is in your privacy sector from the 2-27, and you're keeping your eye on the past or private life with love, affection, and pleasure. You could be on the fence about your feelings of love or attracted to complicated relationships. Or, you're doing some soul-searching about your feelings, enjoying more privacy in your love life, or putting aside your feelings to pay more attention to other areas of life. Pleasure-seeking is not as prominent now. You could be receiving help from behind the scenes or enjoying a bit of time out of the limelight. You can sometimes feel torn between partnering and life path goals, which might often seem to clash this month. However, you might recognize that you’re growing through more responsibility or maturity in your relationships. From the 20-21, you tend to seek out more time to yourself or, at the least, out of the fast lane! Even so, you’re in an excellent position for both changing and stabilizing critical areas of your life, particularly emotional life, debts, relationships, living conditions, and family. You can make progressive or alternative methods and arrangements work for you. Mercury ends its retrograde on the 22nd, and after a feeling of being in limbo or on the fence about matters, information comes in that helps clarify things and move life forward. Indulging yourself in some manner can be tonic for your soul now. It can be a time for feeling encouraged and motivated to work on improvements in your personal life. A sense of inner well-being can come from making plans for the future that inspire growth and hope. The Full Moon on the 24th is an eyes-wide-open time regarding a work or health issue or your needs to serve, take better care of yourself, and attend to your daily affairs. You want to improve these things, and it feels good to connect with this desire to grow. Venus symbolically emerges in your solar chart on the 27th, and people want to be around you and are drawn in by your warmth and spirit. During this cycle, you’re especially desired or popular, as well as confident and comfortable in your own skin. You radiate good energy and attract positive attention and feedback as a result. |
There is a continued focus on career, reputation, status, life direction, and responsibilities to the outside world in June, dear Virgo. The Sun, Mercury, and a Solar Eclipse call your attention to your broader goals and ambitions. Until the 22nd, there can be some rethinking, redoing, and backtracking on projects, and while sometimes frustrating, it’s important work that helps you make the necessary edits. From the 10th, energy for professional new beginnings or renewed faith in your goals increases, however. The month is busy for your work and networking or enjoyment of friends and pleasurable pastimes. Some matters surrounding your reputation or career can be tricky in the first few weeks of June, and it’s probably best not to encourage any misconceptions with a misplaced comment or premature announcement. Past matters, and possibly private ones, assume larger importance this month with your ruler, Mercury, retrograde until the 22nd. Mars moving into your privacy sector on the 11th reinforces this theme. There can be ups and downs regarding your goals but also definite improvements--or at least foreseeable ones. You may need to return to an old project or redo and refine something you thought was complete. If something’s left hanging, aim to focus on productivity in other areas. Consider that apparent backtracking can lead to the strengthening of things that were once on shaky ground. You’re in perfect shape for reviewing recent business projects, decisions, or ideas around the 10th. Thinking about life direction and long-term goals in new ways can be fruitful, leading to significant new insights or plans. You can be recycling or reviving old projects and ideas, and while these things haven’t yet been fleshed out with all the details, you’re in great shape for working your magic on them. After the Solar Eclipse on the 10th, you approach your career, business plans, goals, or general life direction in a brand new way. A significant shift can occur with your work, reputation, or regarding leadership and management. Still, you're looking back before your look forward, and it's best not to push things now since misunderstandings or incomplete information can figure strongly temporarily. This is a time to see recent decisions, projects, and events in a new light and have a stronger sense of what you want from life moving forward. Pay particular attention to conversations or information circulating about long-term goals, work, and responsibilities. While this is not yet the time for making sweeping decisions along these lines, it’s an important time to better understand your goals and redefine your expectations to match them. June can bring on the discovery of promising health tips, or you could be particularly excited about a project or pursuit. Feeling good about the work you do and the efforts you're making to improve your routines can figure strongly. Mars heads into your privacy sector on the 11th, and you'll begin to need extra time to yourself for rest or activities that aid healing and energy replenishment. It's also a time for working on motivation levels as you may be putting a particular venture to rest or wrapping up a project, and you now need to reorient yourself. There can be times when your duties, health programs, and self-care efforts can seem to clash with your increased desire to learn and share. Getting to a better balance can be a challenge and goal now. Seek ways to balance your activities and responsibilities -- get creative since boredom will not inspire you! There can certainly be times when your desire for non-routine experiences and learning can conflict with your need to structure your daily affairs. While you’re likely to do battle with different goals and conditions, a comfortable balance is within reach. In fact, it's a great time to boost your skills and improve health, particularly as you work through your dependencies and unhealthy attachments. As you release habits that have brought you down, your health, work, and chores improve or become more fulfilling. Venus spends much of the month (the 2-27) in your social sector, and you see the people in your life (and they see you) in a good light. Interactions with others can be extraordinarily smooth, flowing, and pleasing. Aim to enjoy relationships without unhealthy expectations. Especially after week three, you require some detoxing from pressured situations and goals, and you’re able to find more time for sharing, connecting, and community. At the same time, you're taking more time for rest and healing. The Sun enters your social sector on the 20-21, and it's a powerful time for collaboration. You’re capable of tremendous effort to further your personal goals. Mercury turns direct on the 22nd, ending a cycle that involved looking to the past. Information clogs clear now, and there can be a satisfying feeling that you’re getting over a hump, possibly also gaining a better understanding of a relationship. The Full Moon on the 24th ensures you’re also taking care of your emotional world. This lunation can mark a turning point or significant discoveries related to creative pursuits, long-term projects and happiness goals, hobbies, romance, and friendships. Circumstances lead to an epiphany about the fun or expressive side of your life. You’re striving toward improving your understanding of your situation and needs. Especially in the last week of June, you're quite open and generous with your time and help, and these things help you enhance bonds. You might reconnect with an old friend, partner, or project/dream. Smoothing over differences, extending goodwill, or lending an ear are all favored. You're looking forward. Venus transits your privacy sector from the 27th, suggesting a further need to take the time to process your feelings and needs. You can come to a greater understanding of the more spiritual side of love during this cycle. Your affections are private or in a state of flux. It can be an excellent period for enjoying some level of solitude or exploring your deeper feelings, as well as volunteering or helping others. |
Your larger focus is on the “big picture” for much of June, dear Libra. You have a strong desire for experiences that transcend the ordinary. Chances to satisfy this itch, whether they’re physical or mental, are good, but there can be some related delays to work around with Mercury retrograde until the 22nd. Changes, backtracking, and obstacles tend to redirect you on a more appropriate path, however — it’s mostly a matter of staying flexible. The month brings special emphasis on learning, sharing, life experiences, and career or reputation. You’re in particularly good shape in public or professional settings with Venus at the top of your solar chart from the 2-27. There can be a significant meeting of minds with someone in authority, the achievement of a special goal, or another such boost. You can be feeling quite optimistic about your career or social standing, and others are seeing you in a positive light. With Mercury retrograde until the 22nd, there can be some backtracking and delays that allow you to refine and improve your projects. Redoing work you thought was complete or returning to old material or conversations and problems can make you feel a little stuck at times this month, but you’re bound to make some progress. Minor inconveniences aside, you’re getting to a much better place mentally. The temptation may be to release a work or complete a project or study before it’s truly ready, but it’s important to exercise patience–chances are that some refinements are needed. As well, it’s better to wait for a time when people, in general, are more receptive. Pay particular attention to new information and ideas coming to you around the 10th, when there can be a new understanding of past matters that can eventually fuel successful new plans and beginnings. Pacing yourself is important in the first three weeks of June. It's best that you avoid expecting things to transpire exactly as expected, and to avoid taking things at face value only. The Solar Eclipse on the 10th encourages your spirit to grow, explore, and expand beyond your usual experiences. Events occurring in the weeks following can serve to push you out of your routine and your comfort zone. You can experience more passion about an idea, ideal, or course of study, and you can feel compelled to share your thoughts. This eclispe might motivate you to share a project with others, embark on a course, or take part in a horizon-expanding adventure. Fortunately, this energy sticks around for months ahead, so if you can’t manage it just yet, you have plenty of time to set things up. In truth, brand new beginnings are not advisable in the two weeks following this eclipse. For now, you can have new insights into recent decisions that serve to change your perspective in significant ways, particularly related to learning and exploratory pursuits. From the 11th, Mars lends extra energy, courage, assertiveness, and fire to your sector of groups, friendships, and aspirations. A more active and lively social life is likely now, or there can be a particular focus on group or teamwork. You can play a stronger role in others' lives now. Generally speaking, competitive energy with friends now is the motivating kind -- something inspires you through your friends or networks to take better charge of your life or to work towards a special goal or dream. Giving too much of your time and/or resources to others can sometimes be an issue, however, and could leave you feeling discouraged if they're not appreciating your efforts. The desire for more freedom from obligations to others can seem to clash with more commitment in your love life, with children, or to creative and leisure pursuits. You're breaking free of unhealthy dependencies and attachments this year, and it can be somewhat rough going as you figure out what those are. Ultimately, however, it's a good time to clear the deck for new beginnings. You're no longer tolerant of unsupportive relationships and superficial pastimes or hobbies. With humility and realism, chances of success increase. After the third week of the month, you’re in strong shape for nurturing a long-term vision and for more thoroughly enjoying yourself, your career or reputation. Connecting and cooperating with others is the key to reward and success now. There can be a boost in popularity, or you may be feeling more confident or happier about where you’re headed. Making plans and setting goals is exciting. Venus enters your social sector on the 27th, further boosting your appeal, but now primarily through networking and social events. The Sun moves to the top of your solar chart on the 20-21, putting you in an excellent place to make improvements and updates to your life, mainly with finances, business, work, and health. You're building more confidence with your goals and plans. You might decide to revive an old project, or an endeavor opens up and shows signs of moving forward. With Jupiter freshly retrograde, past projects may be more interesting and worthwhile than brand new ones. People tend to think quite highly of you, and you are taking the lead in a quiet way. With the Full Moon on the 24th, your attention turns to your home and nurturing needs. It’s time to gain perspective on matters related to your home, family, and personal life or your emotional world. It reminds you of the need to find a balance between your attention to your professional life and personal life. Family matters or personal needs that have been ignored or brushed aside can erupt now for special consideration. Venus helps boost and preserve your professional reputation until the 27th and then enhances your social life from the 27th forward. This Venus transit brings more comfortable energy for socializing and connecting, and it follows you into next month. Friendships and social life are more appealing, pleasant, and beneficial during this period. You are drawn to like-minded people, and you better understand the benefits of relaxing and taking some time off from responsibilities. |
June's energies are natural for looking within, dear Scorpio. Intimate matters can be your primary focus, mainly in the first three weeks of the month, or you're more inclined to focus your energy on one or two important projects. Your interest in bonding with someone special or concentrating on a special activity strengthens. You’re in good shape to get in better touch with your inner power and recognize or build upon support from others. However, there can be some matters from the past to settle, or some backtracking in these areas, as well as with personal plans and financial affairs. Mercury’s direct motion on the 22nd signals a turning point. The last week of the month finds you coming out of your shell, craving more adventure, as well as clearer about your goals. Until then, you can experience a strong need for inner change, transformation, and self-mastery. Your focus turns outward later in the month, but the inner work you do is powerful. It’s a time for observing and processing rather than taking new action. There can be things left hanging in a particular relationship or with money or support until the 22nd. The Solar Eclipse on the 10th triggers the desire or need to start fresh along these lines, but it’s better to use this take-charge energy to make plans and strategies, saving the significant changes until later. Waiting for an answer never feels great, but you have a lot to keep you busy as you wait. You’re returning to old problems with a different attitude and taking care of unfinished business. New insight into an old relationship or your psyche can be helpful and enlightening. It’s a strong time for looking back at an old problem in a new way. You could be coming to conclusions, or gaining clues, to a mystery or other investigation now. You may experience a feeling of discontent around the Solar Eclipse on the 10th before you turn things around positively, but it’s a time for turning over a new leaf. The weeks ahead of this eclipse are powerful for making a lifestyle change or ending an unhealthy dependency. Opportunities to pool your resources with someone can emerge. Watch for misunderstandings, deceptions, and self-deceptions, and aim to take your time with observations and new beginnings. In fact, a new perspective on money matters or a close relationship can steer you on an improved course. Perhaps you recognize you’ve dwelled too much on a past relationship or problem, and this has unnecessarily weighed you down. You are now feeling the need to move past it and move on. June brings a focus on shared resources, debts, support, and self-empowerment, but it introduces vital energies for exploring new ideas and enjoying learning and sharing. Venus spends the 2-27 in your sector of discovery, spirit, and adventure, opening your mind and opening doors to you for promotion, publishing, travel, and education. Perhaps a legal outcome leads to more freedom or an opportunity emerges to explore an adventure. It can be a time of romantic possibilities with someone offering you an entirely different perspective on life. Intelligence attracts! Or, you are more adventurous with your feelings and bolder with your affections. You're bringing an open mind and heart into your relationships. From the 11th, Mars transits your career and reputation sector, bringing high energy and ambition, as well as motivation and competitive feelings, to your world. Life path goals, your public life, responsibilities, performance, business affairs, and career matters can awaken, enliven, and animate. There can be times when you struggle with finding a balance between home and family matters and relationship goals this month as Saturn and Uranus return to a challenging aspect. With more substantial attention to your domestic world and your needs for nurture, comfort, and safety, an unpredictable theme emerging in your social life can compete with or disrupt these goals. However, you are in good shape tackling problems or projects that have been difficult to deal with in the past. Procrastinating sets you back on so many levels, but meeting challenges and responsibilities as they arise boosts your confidence and self-esteem. The Sun moves into your sector of higher learning, spirit, and adventure on the 20-21, and there is more enjoyment in your life as you come to a better balance between work and play. You can feel mentally refreshed as you do things a little differently. Warm and positive energy is with you for sharing viewpoints, creative expression, romance, and learning. Non-routine topics or activities tend to favor you most. The Full Moon on the 24th can point to an eyes-wide-open time regarding learning, transportation, connecting, or communications matters. An epiphany about your personal interests or skills can occur. You can experience a solid hunger to be understood, to have your say, and to express your ideas or point of view. Others might recognize your ideas, projects, or learning endeavors, or you could enjoy the fruition of school or publishing projects. Mars moved to the top of your solar chart on the 11th, and Venus does the same on the 27th, boosting your public or professional reputation. You may have to work a little harder to attract the things, people, and circumstances you want on a personal level. Still, in your career and with higher-ups, you have considerable charm and diplomacy at your disposal. It can be a time for enjoying opportunities, promotions, or advances. Be confident, or at least pretend to be, and you’ll grow into it! |
June can find you mainly focused on your relationships and gaining a different perspective on your life, dear Sagittarius. There is an emphasis on companionship and your close relationships this month, and it's the time of year when others' agendas and needs tend to come into the spotlight. You’re also more inclined to seek out others’ company, advice, and feedback. This is a strong month for putting your life back into balance, although it may not be until the fourth week of June when you know where you’re headed. When Mercury stations on the 22nd, be on the lookout for mistakes and misunderstandings, particularly in your dealings with others, and negotiations and contracts. There is a general feeling of limbo until then, but the Solar eclipse on the 10th can stimulate a desire to start fresh. Even so, it may be best to wait things out, plan, and strategize for best results. Harmonizing and connecting seem the most important factors for reaching your goals at this time of year. Mercury's retrograde in the first three weeks of the month can point to some backtracking, or you could be waiting for an answer before moving a matter forward. While you’re in limbo, you can certainly enjoy yourself, however. People in your life seem to have more dramas than usual, and you’re often drawn right in! It’s a time of going over old problems, conversations, and negotiations. Others may not always come through for you in the usual ways, but there can be new ways of connecting to discover. This period is more about accepting and enjoying people than making big moves. Look for new ways to approach the people in your life if you feel a little distant. With Mercury retrograde, this is a strong time for rethinking problem areas, particularly relationship-related. You’re likely to look at something (or someone) from the past in a new way, which can prompt new beginnings. You don’t have all the facts or answers before you, but this is the start of some serious rethinking of matters. June is also a time for facing fears and breaking through taboos. You can experience a real sense of joy through intimacy with someone special or experience an emotional breakthrough of your own. You or a partner may receive a financial boost. Let in the positive energy now, and make room for new opportunities. The Solar Eclipse on the 10th is about one-to-one relationships, autonomy, and balance. There can be a significant new beginning in a key relationship or a new mission related to companionship, relationship needs, and goals in the weeks following this eclipse. You may look back before you move ahead, and this is important. Take your time, as this is a somewhat foggy time! Counseling and advice can be in focus and helpful. There can be a growing focus on support, finances, and shared talents or resources as the month advances. Intimate relationships can get a considerable boost, or you’re invested in connecting with your deeper desires and ambitions, and it feels great to get to know yourself better. You might enjoy a special relationship or passion project now with Venus in your solar eighth house from the 2-27. Themes are shifting as the month advances. Mars moves in harmony with your sign on the 11th, motivating you to actively learn and participate, as well as boost your spirits and zest for life. This is an enthusiastic and energetic cycle in which you feel more confident about making changes or trying new things. You're attracted to new physical or mental challenges and your desire to learn about the world and share your ideas and opinions increases. A recurring Saturn-Uranus square can produce nervousness or tension that interferes with your comfort, health, and equilibrium or work output. Stress or pressure in your daily affairs or with learning and connecting can weigh on your outlook and health or job and chores. It’s essential to watch for stressing yourself out. Unreliable routines or erratic tasks and work schedules may take their toll on you without care and management. Inattention to details can also be a problem if your approach is a little too slapdash. Your ruler, Jupiter, turns retrograde on the 20th. You may question your motivation levels temporarily as you begin to see areas to de-emphasize, review, or tone down. It may be wise to slow down the taking on of new interests and projects and to focus on enjoying and developing what you already have going. It's not the time to abandon plans but rather for making refinements. Still, in the last week of the month, some of the disconnects you experienced early in the month clear up, and resolutions to problems help settle your mind. Improved or streamlined communications might benefit your creative pursuits and romantic prospects. You're in a solid position to discover innovative and practical ways to live, work, and settle in. Putting a problematic situation or long-term problem behind you can figure strongly now. You might discover something about the past that benefits you--memories are precious and beneficial now. Around the Full Moon on the 24th, money matters get your special attention. You feel wiser and luckier with money and love. You become more aware of your money situation or resources, and ideas for making improvements are excellent. This lunation tends to inflate your emotions, particularly surrounding business or financial matters. There may be some scrambling for resources, records, and information, or there can be money (or money news) coming in. Venus moves into harmony with your sign from the 27th forward, helping you attract positive attention. This transit improves your life in subtle ways. You have a stronger desire to learn, entertain new ideas, expand your knowledge and experiences, and enjoy diverse or simply different activities. You’re attracted to others who share your open-mindedness or who have an interesting perspective to offer you. There can be friendly competition now that stimulates you to do your best or to reach higher. |
June is likely to be busy, dear Capricorn, and excellent for making corrections and connections. While there is a special emphasis on health, work, and routine this month, transits also boost your social life. With Mercury retrograde until the 22nd, it's a time for dealing with errors made in the past, slowdowns, delays, and so forth, but the work you do now can pave the road for sweet successes later. Be sure to also focus on healing and reflecting so you can bring your renewed self back to your work and self-care programs. The period after the Solar Eclipse on the 10th favors lifestyle improvements, and ideas or insights gained at this time can help direct you along these lines. You can itch to start anew and take charge of your work, daily routines, self-care programs, and health. However, there is some need to review before you make a fresh start. A more social theme and a focus on close relationships, especially partnerships, emerge from the 21st. You feel good this month when you're feeling useful and productive, but it can also be a rather busy period that requires some backtracking over incomplete or outdated projects. There can be a state of limbo or feeling as if you are falling behind at times with work or chores, but after the 22nd, it's a little easier to handle these things directly and confidently. Aim to take slowdowns in stride, and while backtracking isn't always fun, you can be making substantial changes and refinements that will eventually benefit you greatly. For all of the Sun’s transit of your work and health sector in June, Mercury is retrograde in the same sector, suggesting that you are likely to do some reorganizing and perhaps redoing or waiting for answers. While you can sometimes find yourself swamped in the details, you can see some things in a new light, mainly related to work, tasks, chores, habits, and health. The recycling of projects and ideas can be successful now. Venus spends much of June (from the 2-27) in your partnership sector. It's a good cycle for attracting a pleasant or helpful person into your life, or you can feel particularly happy or satisfied with your relationship situation. You’re sure to benefit from virtually any one-on-one setup, whether it’s about counseling, business, or romance. Others seem to be quite receptive to your ideas and plans. There can be a pleasant feeling of growth or improvement in a relationship. As someone puts their faith in you, it motivates you to step up your game. In the last week of the month, relationships grow even further in significance. You’re ready to resolve problems that were overwhelming earlier in the month–the information you need arrives or delays abate. Until then, the focus on getting your daily affairs in order is strong. The Solar Eclipse on the 10th can prompt a new beginning or final decision related to a job, health, habit, or self-care matter in the weeks following. You may want to breathe some new life into old routines. Perhaps due to a dilemma, a reinvigoration process begins, whether it's about taking better care of yourself or recommitting to a work project. The days and weeks ahead of this eclipse are active for building some structure into your daily life. Still, watch for some misunderstandings at this time. Take your time as you ease into new beginnings. From the 11th, Mars animates your intimacy sector. Venus will move in here on the 27th, bringing even further attention to your inner world. This transit encourages you to seek deeper connections, whether this is with a project or a person! You're more strategic and willing to dig deep and acknowledge your innermost desires. If you've been having issues with power dynamics and sharing in a relationship, now is the time to pull them out of hiding. If needed, you might pursue a loan or support. With Saturn and Uranus forming a square again this month (the first time they did so was in February), there can be times when you’re battling yourself or money matters--your desire for security can feel at odds with your need to branch out. Part of you is focused on steadying your life, building a sense of security and safety, and managing your resources. However, these themes might feel at cross purposes with another part of you that wants to go out on a limb or take a risk from time to time. Restrictions on your explorations can be material or spiritual as you wrestle with a need for security, frugality, and predictability. However, you seem to have the right tools to manage financial security issues, and doing so can be integral to a general sense of freedom and optimism or confidence. Working on securing particular areas of your life can improve your home life or relationships with family and roommates. Living arrangements get a nice boost, or material benefits come from real estate or family. Alternatively, you may have more resources to invest into home or property. From the 20-21, relationships are in stronger focus. Collaborations with others can be magical now. A stronger sense of well-being inspires you to do your best. Openness and generosity can open up new levels of understanding in a relationship. Mercury turns direct on the 22nd, and information can come in that helps you move forward with a health or work plan. The Full Moon on the 24th occurs in your sign, and it's a powerful time for recognizing your feelings. The days surrounding this lunation can be a time of full exposure or an epiphany about a person or relationship needs. With this new awareness, you may make some plans or adjustments that improve your life. Your feelings are blossoming, or your personal plans enjoy a significant turning point. You’ll get a great sense of any feelings that you’ve brushed aside, buried, or otherwise ignored. Knowing what’s in your heart is empowering, even if you don’t yet have a plan set in stone for going after what you want. Venus moves into your solar eighth house on the 27th, favoring shared resources or money coming to you from other sources than your personal income. It’s a time for regeneration and processing recent events or new feelings. This is one of the better periods of the year for attracting any support you may need, material or emotional. Feelings of love and attachment intensify during this cycle. |
Self-expression through hobbies, recreation, love, and leisure are in focus this month, dear Aquarius. Even with some related delays, it's a good time to enjoy yourself. With a strong focus on your sector of joy, it can be a playful period--you’re discovering your needs for pleasure, entertainment, and positive feedback. You’re putting your unique personal stamp on what you do, and this is a beautiful process of self-discovery. Still, there are times when you feel in limbo or behind on some level with Mercury retrograde until the 22nd, perhaps as you are waiting for news or need to do some backtracking. More clarity is likely in the last week of June, but the month is excellent for looking at things in new ways, editing, revising, and reviewing. You might find ways to reconnect with those activities that nourish your spirit and encourage expressing yourself more freely. At the same time, you're in an excellent place to enjoy your tasks, work, chores, and health pursuits with Venus in your work and health sector from the 2-27, Mars in this sector until the 11th, and the Sun here from the 20-21. Opportunities can come through your special attention to your obligations. Good humor helps you heal and more thoroughly enjoy the work you do or your chores. There can be opportunities to improve or enjoy your daily life and happily attend to your health and wellness. You more fully enjoy getting things done, working, helping, guiding, assisting, or being of service. Gaining cooperation to complete chores can be easier than usual now. Sparks of attraction or love might even occur while pursuing your daily routines or health goals. To clear the way for a fresh start after the Solar Eclipse on the 10th, you may need to take care of some unfinished business. Projects might be on hold until you finish up some important details. Romantic relationships can be a little complicated, or you may be focusing on a past connection. Those projects or associations that have been holding you back from expressing your authentic, creative self may come under scrutiny. Try not to spend too much time waiting for something to happen since retrograde Mercury periods are notorious for delays and obstacles. Instead, pour your energies into what you know will bear fruit while keeping things open in the ambiguous areas of your life. Strive to avoid short-sighted decision-making, even if ups and downs are frustrating. Be sure that what you're expressing is understood as you intended it because it's all too easy to get our wires crossed. It's an excellent time to revisit old creative projects or ideas that you didn't have time to pursue or complete. The Solar Eclipse on the 10th comes as a strong push to start anew regarding a romance, creative project, or the pursuit of joy and pleasure in your life. Do watch for misconceptions and misunderstandings. Reviewing old ideas can lead to a positive recycling experience, as new methods can come to light, which can be very important in the months to come. You can have a strong desire for a fresh start. There could be a reconnection with an old friend that gets you thinking or seeing a past relationship in a new way. This helps set up the new, slate-clearing energy of this eclipse. It can also be a time for bringing back old hobbies and pastimes. Mars moving into opposition with your sign from the 11th forward means that buried frustrations in your relationships can surface. More activity, dynamism, or competitiveness is likely in your relationships. You're likely to find others energizing or irritating! It's a great time for clearing the air or taking charge of problem areas if you don't mind some liveliness. With Saturn and Uranus returning to its square this month, there can be times when changes on the home front or with family can interfere with your efforts to get back on track in other areas of life. Still, overall, it's a period for strengthening your life and building endurance and patience. You're building your self-reliance now, although you can experience some rebellious feelings as you do. Jupiter has moved on from your sign, and it turns retrograde this month on the 20th. Eventually, Jupiter will return to Aquarius in this retrograde motion to finish up its transit. But, for now, it's a good time to tame overdoing or overreaching. From the 20-21, work and routine assume more importance. Applying yourself to your work comes more naturally, especially with new and improved ways of doing things that motivate you. Mercury turns direct shortly after (on the 22nd), and you can feel that you're moving forward. Feeling good about what you do and about your contributions can be gently motivating. You're productive because you're enjoying yourself as you get things done. You’re in perfect shape for working on personal interests and projects and taking on practical or satisfying studies in the last week of June. The Full Moon on the 24th opens your eyes to your need for rest, downtime, and release from the past, stress, or pressure. Your intuition has a lot to tell you now! It's a time for growing and improving through particular attention to your need for spiritual or emotional sustenance. From the 27th, you benefit from Venus in your partnership sector. This transit can bring helpful people into your life or helps improve current relationships. It’s a time for making peace with people, negotiations, compromises, contracts, and making connections. Recent distractions from the bigger picture start to fall to the side, and romantic or creative blocks seem to lift at this time. |
June brings a continuing focus on home and family life and your personal world, dear Pisces, with plenty of opportunities to express and enjoy yourself. However, with Mercury retrograde until the 22nd, you'll be dealing with minor problems and delays, which can undoubtedly slow you down. If you've been undecided about a project launch, a move, or a personal change, the energy of the Solar Eclipse on the 10th may tempt you to push forward. However, take your time with brand new beginnings and aim to strategize and plan. Keep in mind that any backtracking you need to do in the first three weeks of June will contribute significantly to the strength of plans and future ventures-ultimately, it's not lost time! There can be some important renovations and improvements in your home or with family relationships. There may be some backtracking over old problems and conversations and perhaps some paperwork to manage. However, even if old problems re-emerge and blow up now, they're likely to blow over in the last week of June. Some delays can be blessings in disguise as they give you the chance to redo and refine or reconsider things. You're likely to pay special attention to personal matters, domestic affairs, and family this month, but several influences point to opportunities to come out of your shell. Even with introspective energy, you're in a brilliant place for creative and romantic pursuits. Mars until the 11th, Venus from the 2-27, and the Sun from the 21st on travel through your sector of joy. You are looking especially good these days, and you're feeling it, too! Your powers of attraction run high. Excellent energy is with you to expand your horizons through creative endeavors or enjoy special hobbies, pleasures, romance, or pastimes. You're likely to feel incredibly generous with your heart, time, happiness, or money. It's a great time to inject some extra romance, affection, or fun into a relationship. It's also a powerful time for personal charm, romance, imagination, and creativity. You're magnetizing good things, people, attention, and situations into your life. Others appreciate your most natural qualities, and bonds can strengthen. With the Solar Eclipse on the 10th, alterations or new beginnings on the home front and with loved ones are in store. A fresh start may arise from a feeling of being in the dark or in limbo, necessitating a new approach. Whatever the reason, you're starting anew with your home or personal life, family, or needs for nurture, comfort, and safety. It can involve excavating and looking to past patterns to better understand where you want to go. From the 11th forward, Mars energizes your work and health sector, motivating you to get on top of your daily routines. You may be pouring a lot more energy into organizing your space, pursuing fitness or other health methods, and providing services or doing your work/chores during this cycle. Saturn and Uranus return to a square aspect this month, challenging decision-making as you struggle with fears and insecurities that undermine your confidence in your mental output. Watch for timing problems if you're overthinking instead of connecting with and trusting your intuition. The Sun moves into harmony with your sign on the 20-21, helping you express your individuality. You're finding effective channels for expressing your unique personality and ideas. A satisfying creative project or pastime can help you release stress and tension. It's possible a romantic attraction motivates you. You're interested in growing and improving your creative pursuits and connections. Mercury's retrograde lifts on the 22nd, unclogging information and contributing to the sense that you're moving forward. You can be working on a money-making idea or a boost to your sense of self-worth or self-esteem with great success. You're learning to use your resources more effectively. Mind you, both Jupiter and Neptune turn retrograde on the 20th and 25th, respectively, signaling the need to go within. Interestingly, both planets are your rulers, and both are currently transiting your sign! If you've been overdoing the seeking of freedom, it's a time to make adjustments that bring you a little closer to earth. You might decide to avoid taking on new extracurricular projects. A Full Moon occurs in your social sector on the 24th, reminding you to make time for friends, let others into your life, and pursue projects that support your humanitarian goals. Friendships, networks, groups, or causes can be in focus. Projects or invitations emerging now are particularly attractive. Tensions in your social or romantic life can come to a head, and discoveries you make now are emotional and exciting. Venus enters your sector of work, habits, and health on the 27th, encouraging you to strive for more harmony in your daily life, including your work or routines and health pursuits. You can take pleasure in producing, serving, and managing your daily affairs. You feel more accomplished through cooperation and sharing. Or, you might make pleasant contacts through the pursuit of your work, health, or daily goals. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
June 2021 Aspects TimeLine:
See also: This Week in Astrology for more detail.
This Month’s Ephemeris:
This Month’s Ephemeris with extra points and abbreviations rather than glyphs:
Ephemerides with additional points are for Eastern Time. The North Node and Lilith are the True positions. Retrogrades are underlined. Extra points are Chiron, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, and Lilith. These come from the excellent software, Sirius 3.0.
- May 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- June 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- July 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- August 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- September 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- October 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- November 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- December 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- January 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points)
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors, although they’re not impossible periods, either.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.
- Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Chart: May 26, 2021, in Sagittarius
- New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Gemini: June 10, 2021
- Full Moon Chart: Capricorn Full Moon on June 24, 2021
Looking Ahead:
- July 2021: TimeLine Aspects
- August 2021: TimeLine Aspects
- September 2021: TimeLine Aspects
- October 2021: TimeLine Aspects
- November 2021: TimeLine Aspects
- December 2021: TimeLine Aspects
- Time Line Aspects: January 2022
- Time Line Aspects: February 2022
- Time Line Aspects: March 2022
- Time Line Aspects: April 2022
- Time Line Aspects: May 2022
- Time Line Aspects: June 2022

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2021 – Overview