This Month in Astrology – January 2021
January 2021
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
Influencing the first twelve days of January is the New Moon/Solar Eclipse that occurred mid-December in the sign of Sagittarius. It promised us opportunities to explore, discover, and awaken. It gave us the courage to expand our horizons and gain confidence and optimism from a broader perspective. We’re more inclined to nurture our faith, hope, and vision.
Early on the 4th, Jupiter forms a semi-square to Neptune. This longer-term but one-off influence adds a thread of idealism to our lives. We’re hopeful but perhaps looking in the wrong places for inspiration. Unrealistic or inflated expectations can mislead us–people can lead us astray, too. We might gloss over important and realistic details or suffer from some disorganization.
On the 11th, Jupiter forms a sextile to Chiron, prompting us to explore our capacity to understand and comprehend, our relationship to our beliefs, our understanding of the truth, and the desire to share, guide, teach, and learn. Our attempts to broaden our horizons through such experiences as furthering our education, expanded activities, and spirituality, contribute much to our personal growth. We might free ourselves from restrictive and negative attitudes that have undermined our progress. We are especially open to learning from others and better able to help others understand our perspective. We might open our minds to different views and philosophies. We are absorbing and possibly sharing what we’ve learned from past experiences and mistakes. It’s an incredible time to understand and improve due to this openness and humility, although the Jupiter-Uranus square can tempt us to react and rebel.
The New Moon on January 13th (EST) occurs in the sign of Capricorn. This New Moon aligns with Pluto, ramping up our ambitions. We have a stronger sense of time/limits and the need for order and structure. This lunation offers us the opportunity to set practical, attainable goals and work on developing maturity, self-discipline, and common sense. We’re prompted to consider and prepare for the future.
Uranus turns direct on the 14th, and with this turn, all major bodies are currently direct! This continues until January 30th when Mercury turns retrograde. Uranus ends its five-month retrograde period now. As Uranus gains speed in the coming weeks, our urge to express ourselves uniquely, to take some chances or risks, to rebel, to listen to our own instincts, and to stir up change are re-awakened. We begin to see clearly that we can make changes — that we are not always victims of changes thrust upon us.
Jupiter forms a square to Uranus on the 17th, which is a rebellious, restless influence. We should avoid stirring the pot mindlessly. We might take risks (perhaps foolish ones) for the sake of freedom. It’s not an ideal time for financial speculation or travel. We, too quickly, avoid taking responsibility for things that truly matter during this transit. However, we might open ourselves up to new ways of thinking, which can be magical. As a matter of course, changes can be chaotic, but they can also turn into interesting and useful detours.
It’s best not to jump too quickly into new ventures, as follow-through may not be easy at this time. Impulsiveness can work if we’re in tune with our needs, but it can lead to mistakes if we’re not. We should watch for making decisions while in the “freedom at all costs” mindset. See more about Jupiter’s transit of Aquarius.
On the 20th, Saturn forms a semi-square to Neptune. Some feelings of disillusionment can come now as our dreams and ideals may be put to the test. Questioning our faith in our dreams can lead to lack of follow-through or wasteful activities and avoidance of responsibilities. Ideally, this crisis leads to a realignment of material goals and spiritual ideals as we assess what is truly meaningful to us. Read more about the Saturn in Aquarius transit.
The Full Moon on the 28th occurs in the sign of Leo. It happens near a Sun-Jupiter conjunction, fueling us with optimism. However, we can also be quite impulsive at this time. The sign of Aquarius is in powerful focus, and this Leo Moon reminds us of needs we may have been putting to the side–there can be an urgent or sudden need/desire to express ourselves around this lunation. We are made aware of our creative, romantic, and expressive needs. Something is exposed or illuminated, prompting us to get in touch with those things in our personal lives that we may have been neglecting or putting off.
Mercury turns retrograde in the sign of Aquarius on the 30th. With Mercury retrograde in Aquarius until February 20th, we’re getting in touch with our humanitarian goals as well as ideals. We may be more able to tap into our inner muse and come up with especially inventive ideas. However, some slowdowns and delays are likely.
Date | Time (ET) | Event | Position |
Jan 4 | 1:58 AM | Jupiter semi-square Neptune | Jup 3 Aqu 32' semi-square Nep 18 Pis 32' |
Jan 6 | 4:37 AM | Last Quarter Moon | 16 Lib 17' |
Jan 6 | 5:27 PM | Mars enters Taurus | Mar 0 Tau 00' |
Jan 8 | 7:00 AM | Mercury enters Aquarius | Mer 0 Aqu 00' |
Jan 8 | 10:41 AM | Venus enters Capricorn | Ven 0 Cap 00' |
Jan 9 | 3:47 AM | Jupiter sesquiquadrate True Node | Jup 4 Aqu 43' sesquiquadrate TNo 19 Gem 43' |
Jan 11 | 12:49 PM | Jupiter sextile Chiron | Jup 5 Aqu 16' sextile Chi 5 Ari 16' |
Jan 13 | 12:00 AM | New Moon in Capricorn | 23 Capricorn 13 |
Jan 14 | 3:36 AM | Uranus Direct | Ura 6 Tau 43'D |
Jan 17 | 5:49 PM | Jupiter square Uranus | Jup 6 Aqu 44' square Ura 6 Tau 44' |
Jan 19 | 3:57 AM | Vesta Retrograde | Ves 21 Vir 24'Rx |
Jan 19 | 3:40 PM | Sun enters Aquarius | Sun 0 Aqu 00' |
Jan 20 | 11:58 AM | Saturn semi-square Neptune | Sat 3 Aqu 56' semi-square Nep 18 Pis 56' |
Jan 20 | 4:01 PM | First Quarter Moon | 1 Tau 02' |
Jan 21 | 7:18 PM | Saturn sesquiquadrate True Node | Sat 4 Aqu 05' sesquiquadrate TNo 19 Gem 05' |
Jan 26 | 9:12 AM | Neptune square True Node | Nep 19 Pis 06' square TNo 19 Gem 06' |
Jan 27 | 12:56 AM | Pluto biquintile True Node | Plu 25 Cap 03' biquintile TNo 19 Gem 03' |
Jan 28 | 2:16 PM | Full Moon in Leo | 9 Leo 06' |
Jan 30 | 10:51 AM | Mercury Retrograde | Mer 26 Aqu 29'Rx |
(See the full table for 2021.)
See also: This Week in Astrology week to week for more detail.
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
The following horoscopes outline how the above astrological influences might affect each individual sign.
Overview horoscopes fill in here as I write them, ideally during the week before the month begins. It is not unusual to see some signs temporarily missing as I usually write them over the course of a few days, and I always start with the featured sign of the month (birthday month).
January is an important month for connecting with your goals and ambitions, dear Aries. Still, it's also a fine time to explore your need to share and connect. Mars has spent an unusually long time in your sign and moves into your resources sector on the 6th. Your central focus pulls away from me-oriented towards security-minded and is an excellent time to work on self-esteem issues. You can be more confident about pursuing money or security and stability, although a bit prone to impulsive buying. Others can be especially intrigued by your point of view, talents, performance, or the services you offer professionally this month. In turn, you can be motivated to improve these things! Events taking place now may stimulate your ambition and gently push you to do your best. Transits tend to inspire creative thinking and actions related to using your resources, including money, belongings, assets, and talents. Friendly competition could remind you of a unique goal. You're ready to have some fun with your ideas and endeavors. After the New Moon on the 13th, there can be the need (or desire) for a new approach to your career, business, responsibilities, or reputation. You have a strong desire for more authority over your own life! Unexpected professional opportunities can pop up, or this New Moon brings a sense of renewal or revival. It's time for new or realigned goals and different ways of doing business. The next day, Uranus turns direct after many months of retrograde motion, and your spirit to innovate with business or money-making ideas renews. It's easier to find answers to recent dilemmas on these fronts, and you're ready to fight for what you're worth if necessary. While your enthusiasm is strong, do watch for jumping too far ahead of yourself or borrowing from your future--drawing upon savings meant for other goals, for example. Avoid stress. Try not to instigate change just for the sake of change. If you carefully seek opportunities, you have more confidence and faith to do something a little different, socially or financially. You can be excited to get your money straight, earn more, or take on an ambitious project. While the courage and confidence to get things going are great, you should watch for decisions that stem from restlessness rather than need. You might also want to tame impulses to spend too much, too soon, or frivolously. Your unique outlook attracts success, positivity, and popularity. Healing yourself on multiple levels (physical, emotional, and spiritual) can figure strongly. At the same time, there can be some uncertainties with money and/or feelings of security that affect your friendships and happiness pursuits this month. The Full Moon on the 28th brings love, creativity, fun, entertainment, and self-expression into focus. You might have an epiphany that leads you to the conclusion that you should enjoy yourself more fully. It's a time for embracing your feelings and letting them guide you! This lunation can bring buried or unacknowledged emotions to the surface, and it feels great to release them. New information or a burst of emotion can prompt a turning point. There can be opportunities to achieve your goals or improve your life through friends, groups, alliances, and networks. You may want to set new goals and resolutions that better reflect these desires awakening in you. Still, Mercury turns retrograde on the 30th, also in your social sector, and some of your recent ideas, plans, or decisions can meet with delays. Past friendships can figure more strongly in your life. |
The larger focus seems to be on the "big picture" in January, dear Taurus, and you want to stretch your mind. You see your heart more clearly, improving your decisions and choices. Mars transited the sign behind yours for over six months, quietly at work behind the scenes in your life. Finally, Mars moves into your sign on January 6th, revving you up until early March. While this transit can be exciting and energizing, it can sometimes leave you feeling tense if you don't find the right outlets for expressing yourself. Do watch for oversized tempers. Otherwise, it's a time for taking the initiative. When you channel your energy wisely during this transit, you are highly dynamic and creative. Be as open, willing, positive, and faithful as feels comfortable. If you listen to gut instincts rather than merely react to life, then you're in good form. On the 8th, Venus moves into harmony with your sign, boosting your appeal. Learning, publishing, and communicating are in strong favor. Personal magnetism runs high this month. You often feel spirited and ready for action. Some friendly competition can help inspire happy improvements. Business connected with art, music, and other creative ventures can prosper, or there can be the right timing with money and business. Mutually beneficial agreements, romance, increased confidence, and broadening your mind are in favor. After the New Moon on the 13th, new approaches to learning, home life, publishing, and recreation may be in order. New or revitalized interests, unusual studies, and different perspectives can lead you in new directions. The next day, Uranus ends its retrograde in your sign, and your courage increases. Your independence becomes a strong motivating force. This shift might also renew your motivation for work, or it could point to a moving-forward moment related to your life path or career goals. There's a growing theme related to career, life direction, long-term goals, and ambitions in January. Career and reputation matters generally run well. However, they can also clash with your growing desire for more personal independence. Challenges between your personal goals and the demands of your career or larger goals are possible. The urge to expand your worldly goals is great, but you are also intent on a certain level of freedom. Your luck is generally good but pushing too far is not advisable. The tendency to go over the top is strong and can be an agitating factor, potentially even ruining a good thing. It's important not to be reactive -- know what's inside you and what's in your heart instead of simply reacting to situations and people. This is the right path to true independence. Embrace change, but be wise with your choices. You're communicating with more impact and thinking up long-term strategies that will move you closer to your goals. This can be a time of significant progress in the outer world, a fortunate change in status, and increased recognition. Your stronger sense of responsibility boosts inner growth and healing. The Full Moon on the 28th is a call to attend to home and family, recognizing your needs for nurture, safety, and comfort. Still, it's a good time to keep your eyes and ears open since opportunities for personal growth and business expansion can emerge. While entirely new projects should probably wait (Mercury turns retrograde on the 30th), this is a generally good time to consider ways to expand current projects. You're in great shape for looking to the past for answers regarding how to manage current responsibilities. |
You're getting in better touch with your inner power in January, dear Gemini, and recognizing or gaining support from others. Mars has spent over six months in your social sector. Finally, it moves on from the 6th. Mars will travel the sign behind yours, working in the background of your life, until early March. It's a time of special attention to your private life or inner world. You may be processing a lot, not quite ready to make a big move or change. Be patient with this--it's a necessary process and a natural progression. Use this time to digest, reevaluate, and understand your desires. You're likely to come to meaningful conclusions as you connect with your deeper feelings on a matter. Make it a goal to rest and unwind more often. Your interactions can be pleasantly spicy or intimacy-boosting, particularly from the 8th onward. You're able to assert your needs with charm. You could be feeling pleasantly passionate about a person or an idea. It's a fabulous time for getting to know yourself better as you get in touch with your more profound needs and desires. Ultimately, relationships are likely to strengthen as you understand yourself better. You might learn of an untapped resource or receive positive news related to your finances. After the New Moon on the 13th, there can be opportunities to rid yourself of limiting attitudes. You gain insight into which aspects of yourself need transforming. You can be determined to sort out feelings of indebtedness. An event could take place that opens your eyes to the need for handling debts or shared resources more effectively. With Uranus turning direct in your privacy sector the following day, you'll feel even more equipped to let go of negative attitudes and put the past behind you. There can be progress related to education or a long-term goal. You enjoy more positivity in your outlook, thoughts, and conversations, particularly as January advances. You embrace new ways of looking at problems as you're tired of old rules, routines, and information. You seek out new horizons on mental levels, and you might discover new and exciting interests. Friendships might emerge as you discuss politics, beliefs, or interesting topics. Valuable connections can be made, and you may experience a stronger than usual urge to be included. Your genuine, sincere approach wins you positive attention. Joining in some way with people with whom you share similar interests can figure strongly and generate warm, happy feelings. A Jupiter-Uranus transit can point to some side-tracking as you yearn for something more than just mundane existence. Watch for a tendency to overlook the beauty of the moment in search of even greener pastures! Knowing this, you may be able to capture and enjoy an excellent opportunity and avoid going too far with it. Underlying tension and discomfort with the status quo can lead to impractical thinking, unnecessary arguments, and rash decisions. You might wrestle with a belief or commitment that is stopping you from exploring certain freedoms. The Sun moves into alignment with Jupiter, bringing light to your bigger dreams, ideals, and goals. There can be an opportunity to do or learn something entirely new and beyond your usual bounds and routines. Share your viewpoints and personal philosophy, and listen to those of others. Long-distance connections can be significant. The Full Moon on the 28th can be a time of a revelation or epiphany regarding a learning, transportation, connecting, or communications matter. Your true feelings on an issue can overcome you, and while your emotions might surprise you, they also get you into a better position to make choices and decisions. You'll enjoy some beautiful opportunities to learn new things and make real progress on your projects. Recent inattention to details or daily affairs may need rectifying. Do watch for "too much information" to the point of sensory overload. Try to block out the useless or mindless information if you can sort through it all. Mercury turns retrograde on the 30th, suggesting the need to slow down before pushing forward. There can be some mix-ups that introduce delays into your life. You'll benefit from taking a look at things from a new or different perspective, however, so even if blocks are irritating, you might get the chance to reconsider specific plans to your advantage. |
Negotiations and diplomacy are in the spotlight in January, dear Cancer. You're more invested than usual in the success of your relationships this month. Relating comes more easily, particularly from the 8th forward. For over six months, Mars has been animating your career and reputation sector. However, it finally moves on and into your social sector on the 6th. Mars now heats up your friendships until early March. It can be a good time for connecting with people, enjoying new experiences, or energizing teamwork. You gain fabulous emotional fuel with Mars no longer at a stressful angle to your sign. Making changes seems to come naturally because you are working with an open mind, and you're answering calls to spontaneity. You'll feel this even more strongly after the 14th. Accepting new ideas and exploring different topics come naturally, passions rise, and enthusiasm is strong. Gentle challenges emerge to improve, take decisive action, and go after what you want. There's more ease in social situations and possibly romantic excitement. Shared activities can be most fruitful. You could gravitate toward people or projects that make you feel good, reinforced, or motivated. After the New Moon on the 13th, you need to put attitudes that no longer serve you well behind you so that you can move forward in the relationship department. The desire or need to cooperate and merge with someone is strong. Relationship needs awaken, and unusual impulses push you into a new beginning of sorts. Your spirit for making friends renews, and if your connections have been unreliable at best, it's a time for trying to fix things or make the best of what you have. As the month advances, you gravitate to absorbing activities and profound thought, study, and conversations. You're attuned to the hidden layers of situations. Discussions tend to be a little more intimate, or the issues on the table are not your typical fare. With Jupiter square to Uranus, there could be some sexual or power-related undercurrents that disrupt a friendship, or a relationship with a partner could intrude upon your enjoyment of friends and groups. There can be wonderfully passionate moments and feelings in love or friendship today, but perhaps some tension as well. Decisions involving or made with friends can be too hasty. Surprising events surrounding a relationship can occur. It may be that, to move forward more freely and happily, you have to let go of a need to control your feelings and what others know of you or fear of betrayal. Even so, some dissatisfaction could very well lead to new developments and improvements or the courage to resolve a problem. You're exploring the ability to detach a little and enjoy non-committed, light, and pressure-free connections with others. This can sometimes contrast or even clash with your intimate life. The Full Moon on the 28th brings heightened emotions surrounding ownership, talents, self-worth, and finances. Epiphanies now can bring you closer to how you feel about a situation. There can be a settlement of money or attention to something that you owe now. Be moderate in your expectations, but also in what you take on, as you don't need to commit to more than you can handle. A gift or show of support could be part of the picture in the last week of January, or a connection is made/strengthened on an intimate level. With an open mind and heart, you can reach a new level with someone important to you. You might discover something about a relationship or your inner workings that makes you feel more confident about the future. Mercury turns retrograde on the 30th, and while there can be some slowdowns, you'll find the weeks ahead quite useful for reviewing and revising certain matters. It's best to budget more than spend or borrow at this time. |
Your drive to improve your life is strong this month, dear Leo. Applying yourself to something constructive is satisfying, and putting in the effort to enhance your daily routines is rewarding. You might feel some healthy competition that pushes you to new heights, and it feels good to rise to a challenge, especially one of your own making. Especially from the 6th forward (until early March), you're enthusiastic about taking care of business and anxious to succeed and meet or exceed your goals. Mars finally moves to the top of your solar chart, firing up your ambitions. While exciting for life path goals, you can sometimes feel that you're in the hot seat with Mars challenging your sign during this transit. You prefer a more straightforward approach to life than what's on offer, but you can work with this energy and use it to your advantage, laying the groundwork for more outgoing times to come. Your natural enthusiasm can sell a good idea or plan. Circumstances seem to push you to improve and reach a little further, and confidence improves your timing. You have a real knack for smoothing over differences. This can be a uniquely creative time for your work and practical goals, as well as personal and professional appeal. You might find it easier to get jobs done without waste. When it comes to money, personal possessions, and valuables, you're doing things just a little differently. A change of pace can feel right. The New Moon on the 13th occurs in your work and health sector, and it can pump you up to make meaningful changes to your regular daily routines. Circumstances are such that you need to take charge of your work and health habits, and new directions are likely. Watch for impulsiveness and impatience, but enjoy new ideas and approaches. This is a time for doing work, health, and self-care in brand new ways. The following day, Uranus turns direct after several months of retrograde motion. Your spirit strengthens for finding your own unique path. Your ability to take personal and professional risks and leaps of faith improves. Career-related matters renew their spark in your life, and motivation levels increase. You're in perfect shape for talking things through with others with Mercury heading into your partnership sector on the 8th. An opposing viewpoint helps you get to a more vital understanding of your own! Even when you disagree with someone, the thinking that results from a debate can help clarify your thoughts. You seek or attract people who help stimulate your ideas and decisions. Nevertheless, you could also experience some conflict between the demands of a partnership and career demands. You're taking more pleasure and interest in your relationship, and your more worldly affairs may not always fit well with this trend. Some restlessness can lead to agitations, or you can be particularly sensitive to feeling confined or limited regarding a relationship, career, or reputation matter. While you might want to jump to a decision, more research may be necessary, so try to pace yourself. A truly good plan will still look good the next day! Your ideas, particularly business ones, are incredibly innovative and progressive right now, but moving forward in your career or becoming a freer spirit involves some adjustments. On the 28th, a Full Moon occurs in your sign, bringing heightened emotions and long-standing issues or projects to fruition. A personal revelation can happen now. Avoid stretching yourself too thin, and don't make final conclusions until you've reached a state of inner certainty. With Jupiter in your solar seventh house and the Sun coming into alignment with this planet of plenty, the best version of yourself shines forth in one-on-one situations. The realization of a goal may seem more possible through collaboration or the support of a special person in your life. You gravitate to positions that give you the feeling that you're part of a bigger plan or something bigger than yourself. You could be attracting people who boost your confidence or benefit you in critical ways. This is a time for making an extra effort to reach out, connect, and negotiate. Aim to address any need that seems to arise in a current relationship for growth and development. Even so, Mercury turns retrograde in your partnership sector on the 30th, suggesting there can be some slowdowns or delays, likely related to a significant person in your life. While your plans and relationship goals are big, it's best not to rush things. |
With an emphasis on your sector of joy in January, you're tuning in to your needs for pleasure and leisure, dear Virgo. Even so, there is an increasing emphasis on your work-and-health sector as the month advances. From the 6th and 8th, respectively, Mars and Venus move into fellow Earth signs and harmony with your sign. These influences bring more charm, clarity, and warmth to your presentation. You are received extraordinarily well. Mars spent an unusually long period (over six months) undercover in your solar chart, but on the 6th, it heads into your spirit sector, firing your desire to get a little more from your life until early March. It's considerably more straightforward energy. You tend to fight for what you believe in, and you're more courageous about expressing your ideas or opinions. This can be the start of an exciting new passion or interest. Enthusiasm stirred up now can take you far. Creative urges and the need to share them figure strongly. People are more cooperative, helpful, or supportive. You're more spirited and confident, especially about a relationship or creative endeavor. You can be highly motivated to pursue a personal interest, particular topic, hobby, or creative activity. You might expand your horizons through an artistic pursuit or a hearty discussion. Love can be attracted or enhanced more readily, particularly around the 8-9. Love, business, and creativity benefit from good timing and confidence. The New Moon on the 13th asks you to pay more attention to finding outlets for creative release and pleasure. It encourages you to find the time for relaxing, creating, and enjoying yourself as you do. Making more room for recreation and personal enjoyment is important now. Uranus turns direct on the 14th, and you're becoming more motivated to put your spiritual beliefs into action. Your general faith in life and the universe increases. It's easier to make meaningful changes with this shift–you're more courageous about learning and sharing from this date forward. A work-and-health theme is gaining traction this month--you're focusing on the details of your life. Your thoughts and conversations often turn to work, health, and practical matters. It's a decent time for learning new skills, especially practical ones, and for seeking information that helps you improve your routines and habits. Since you have a lot on your plate, it's important to consciously avoid scattering your energies. Or, watch for pinning all your hopes on one thing. You have a strong drive to perform mundane tasks, but your quest for something higher or more adventurous seems to compete. Tone things down a notch and recognize that patience will help prevent sloppiness. It's essential to be flexible and mindful as Jupiter squares Mars and Uranus this month. The Full Moon on the 28th can bring a secret, health, or private matter to light or a work project to fruition. The need for extra rest and quiet or personal time is paramount, even though it can feel at odds with your drive with work or health matters. Big ideas need more definition before putting them into action, but it's a strong time to see what needs doing. Circumstances push the need to arrive at a healthy balance between time for yourself and time for your chores. Increased optimism and hope can be powerful healers. You might discover or commit to a new method for improved health or work attitudes and efforts in the month ahead. For now, you're envisioning and planning. Finding more meaning in your work and satisfaction in helping or serving others is a big theme now. Mercury turning retrograde in your work and health sector on the 30th points to the need to slow down, observe, and refine things before pushing forward. |
Your personal life and domestic world continue as a strong focus in January, dear Libra. Even so, a creative, playful theme is building. Your personal or domestic life is busy and rewarding. Mars spent over six months opposing your sign, but on January 6th, it moves on. Mars moves into your intimacy sector and animates your private life until early March. It's useful for digging things up and stirring up passions and desires you may have ignored or buried. You don't want to feel constrained or limited now, and there can be a stronger desire to take action on matters that you've put to the side. You may very well solve a mystery that has baffled you for some time. Matters of the heart can be very pleasing for you. Favorable energy is with you for support, money, intimate connections, and personal appeal. You're feeling peaceful yet also stimulated and ready to take action. You can be especially eager to make changes in your life, particularly on a deep, internal level. Your focus is on personal matters, healing energies, and positive reinforcement. Finding creative channels or ways to give voice to some of your inner longings can be rewarding. The New Moon on the 13th can prompt a fresh approach or changes with living conditions, life at home or with family, and getting the chance to cocoon, feel safe, and get comfortable. Attention to your needs for all that's familiar is beneficial now, and events happening at this time remind you of their importance. From the 14th, problems with debts, loans, or financial support seem more straightforward and comfortable to resolve. Forward movement on creative, money, or romantic matters is likely. As the month advances, you can feel far less guarded and far more expressive. You're communicative and friendly, often seeking intellectual entertainment. There can be a stronger need for communications and movement in a romantic relationship. There can be a conflict between your pursuit of pleasure and your need for more absorbing activities. You could find yourself acting upon impulses that seem, on the surface of things, beyond your control. You could be searching for ego-gratifying experiences, which may not sit well with others or could leave you feeling unsatisfied in the long run. Unsettled financial matters could also get in the way of your desire to indulge in extra-curricular activities. Tensions now tend to stem from a desire to take on too much, too fast. The desire to grow and improve is valid, but you can't afford to take on everything at once. People may be bringing surprises or changes to your intimate world or your financial situation. You might instead choose to make changes, and this can come on suddenly. The Full Moon on the 28th can illuminate hidden feelings or resources. It brings sudden awareness of feelings for someone, or a buried relationship problem can emerge and demand attention. Whatever does come to light now provides you with profound insight into a preexisting problem or affair, and you are likely to feel purged and empowered as a result. People tend to exaggerate or create drama now, so take your time and observe before jumping into action. Romantic and creative energies are stimulated in a fun, positive way. You can be more confident about achieving your heart's desire. If you are doing something creative, it's likely to be especially energetic and spirited. There is a larger than life element to your feelings and desires. Dormant or undiscovered talents can awaken! Even with strong attention to pursuing your joy, Mercury turns retrograde on the 30th, making it necessary to slow down, take stock, and review in-progress endeavors. It's time to fill in the details and check that the decisions you've recently made are still viable. |
January is likely to begin on a busy note and end on a quieter one, dear Scorpio. You can enjoy success with communications, connecting, learning, and personal interests. As the month advances, a more profound need to enjoy the security of family or home life emerges. Mars has spent a long time (over six months) in your work and health sector. Finally, it moves on. From January 6th to early March, Mars heats up your partnership sector. While exciting for close relationships, you can sometimes feel you're in the hot seat with Mars opposing your sign during this transit. It’s revealing and stimulating but does require some mindfulness and self-awareness since there can be a strong inclination to project traits onto others during this period. Relationships that have been too restrictive, tense, or dull need attention now. A partner could be aggressive or cranky, or possibly merely taking the lead. Consider that a partner might be reflecting your own desire for action. While you could experience conflicts with an important person in your life, you might instead actively work on improving an alliance. Venus moves through your communications sector from the 8th onward, enhancing your communications. Your words can get you closer to others, at least in spirit. Collaboration can be excellent, and sharing or publishing a piece of work, joining a workshop, furthering a cause, or communicating with a new friend can be in happy focus. Relations with siblings, a partner, neighbors, or acquaintances improve in January. Good cheer and optimism can help strengthen bonds. There can be pleasant, productive, and possibly spicy conversations that motivate or inspire you. You can feel pleasantly competitive and stimulated on mental or social levels this month. Much of January, there's likely to be a nice flow of energy and warmth between you and others, or excitement and enthusiasm for an idea or project. Your magnetism is high--transits boost your powers of attraction and communication skills this month. Uranus turns direct on the 14th, bringing clarity or forward movement in a partnership. While relationships can, at times, be up and down or difficult to predict, you might come to a better feeling that you can ride with the waves rather than fight them. A theme building for you in January, set to dominate in the last week of the month, centers around home and family. There can be a lot to learn about or through family and close loved ones. Thoughts and conversations often turn to domestic affairs, the past, and family concerns. There can be times when your need for emotional or psychic space interferes in a close relationship, or family and partnership can be draining you as they seem to clash. Erratic energy in your relationship world could impact your sense of security. Watch for hasty behavior--there could be a lot of unnecessary pressure on you to make a decision. Positively, however, you can feel a rush of new energy and courage to handle a long-standing problem. To gain freedom in one area of your life, you have to release restricting attachments and let go of the fear of instability. The Full Moon on the 28th brings light to personal or family matters, pushing your emotions up to the surface. A home project can reach a conclusion or fruition, or a career or reputation matter illuminates. If you’ve been paying too much attention to your personal life, events occurring now remind you of your need to attend to responsibilities and outside obligations or career matters. Tackling one thing at a time is important now. Acknowledge new feelings that come to the surface, but sit with them before taking action. You're experiencing a building desire to improve your personal life. Domestic projects, family relationships, home life, and comfort and security matters are in stronger focus. It's also a good time to consider long-term projects and endeavors, although new launches are probably best undertaken after Mercury's retrograde cycle that begins on the 30th. This is a good time for thinking about widening your normal boundaries, expanding, growing, and improving. Mercury turns retrograde on January 30th in an area of your chart with a lot of planetary activity or focus. While, in many ways, home and family matters feel as if they’re moving forward, there can be some confusion or delays involved. For example, there can be some level of chaos or mechanical problems around the home that require your attention. Past problems can resurface for review. New initiatives surrounding home and property are best left for a better time, but reworking and reorganizing your home can be especially fruitful now. |
Your comfort levels and sense of security are in focus in January, dear Sagittarius. However, you're beginning to branch out, explore, learn, and connect as the month advances. Mars moves into your work and health sector on January 6th. It will stick around here, firing up your desire to excel with your work, chores, routines, and health pursuits until early March. Expect a lot of busy-ness in your daily routines. You'll have extra energy and motivation to put towards work, organization, fitness, nutrition, research, and self-care programs. You need to do your own thing at your own pace during this period. Venus ends its transit of your sign on the 8th, from which time it spends the rest of January in your resources sector. While there, Venus harmonizes with Mars and aligns with Pluto, and money matters are in good favor. Opportunities abound in your personal life, with career or significant goals, and in financial or business arenas. You feel pleasantly capable, competent, and ambitious. You might stumble upon a good find/buy or make a satisfying sale or commission. Sensual, earthy activities are favored. Business timing improves, and you can fill up with creative ideas. The New Moon on the 13th can prompt a new approach to business or finances. Others can be especially intrigued by your talents or the services you offer. Whether it's about stretching what you already have or using new things to make yourself more comfortable, the weeks ahead of this New Moon can be rewarding. You can feel inspired to innovate with money and better use your resources. Uranus turns direct on the 14th, helping to increase your confidence in bringing innovative ideas to your work or your health and wellness pursuits. Expecting the unexpected when it comes to daily routines and schedules comes more easily now, while in recent months, you may have often felt the victim of chaotic schedules. It's time to roll with the punches and make things work for you. Still, there can be some tensions related to having too many things up in the air. Aim to identify signs of information overload--you tend towards over-thinking this month. Your curiosity is insatiable at this time, and this could add some stress to your life. It would be wise to slow down a little. Don't pressure yourself to know everything, or you will end up so scattered and tense that you don't absorb any topic very well. You might thoroughly enjoy throwing yourself into work or health matters as the motivation is there to do so, and while you can feel lucky, there is a real tendency to overshoot! Watch that you don't overload with tasks or obligations that will feel heavier at a later date when energy levels are not as high as they are now. Work and daily habits require an innovative approach. The Full Moon on the 28th can bring an idea or project to full bloom. Your need for more than life than mere routine comes to the fore. If you need a push or some extra courage to do something new, this Full Moon can undoubtedly help. Aim for moderation, as your worst enemy right now could be a tendency towards extremes. Try to set limits and priorities. Your interests, curiosity, and desire to learn and make connections are growing--you could discover new subjects or topics that excite you. New ways of communicating, connecting, and getting around can open up for you. You can be excited about a new course or friendship, or confidence increases in your ability to study, learn, and communicate. Others might show their appreciation for your insight or friendship. Still, Mercury turns retrograde in your communications sector on the 30th, and some of the new work or endeavors begun recently could come up for review. Through delays or slowdowns, you might discover new ways to express yourself – ways that wouldn't have come to mind otherwise. This is, in fact, a powerful time for reviving old projects and reviewing and revising work already in progress. |
You're more interactive and noticeable this month, dear Capricorn. Mercury is in your sign until the 8th, and just when it leaves, Venus enters it. The Sun is in Capricorn until the 19th, and support comes from assertive Mars from the 6th forward. You're expressing your ideas and personality more freely. Mars moves in harmony with your sign from the 6th, heating up your desires and animating your romantic life or creative world until early March--it's a wonderful boost. You're confident and assertive, and even more attractive than usual. Relationships are passionate now. You're alert, ready to make changes, and willing to put yourself out there, and this is a winning combination. Venus moves into your sign on the 8th, boosting your popularity and powers of attraction. After some hesitation or reflection, your affections become clear and earnest. You're turning heads, particularly around the 8-9, 13, and 26-28. Make a few wishes, dare to say them aloud, and expect results, especially after the New Moon in your sign on the 13th. Terrific energy is with you for creative, romantic, and recreational pursuits in January. Relationships might strengthen. You could receive gifts or the kind of attention that boosts your confidence. You can feel on fire with passion and creative energy, and timing is much better than usual. Your instincts for what works best for you are often in top form this month, and you can feel moved and motivated to up your game or rise to a personal challenge. Personal opportunities abound. You are more confident and focused but also very receptive and approachable. The New Moon on the 13th is in your sign, signaling a period of personal new beginnings and a chance to reinvent yourself. This lunation helps to reinforce a strong sense of self. Uranus turns direct the next day, helping to free your heart and creativity. Unpredictability in your romantic life continues to be a theme, but you're more inclined to work with these energies rather than fight them. Willingness to embrace change is the key to success with finances this month, but it's essential to avoid going too far with this. You could experience clashes between the desire for security and a stable income and your needs for entertainment and pleasure, or possibly your romantic life. Expanding your personal resources is vital to you now, and so is taking a few risks and enjoying yourself! It can be challenging to accommodate both needs at once. As well, excitement in your romantic and social life may distract you from increasing your earning power in spots. Try not to instigate change just for the sake of change, and avoid rash behavior. On the other hand, if you look for opportunities, you have more confidence and faith to do something totally different, and inspiration may be found. But do avoid blowing off certain responsibilities while you pursue your new vision. Around the Full Moon on the 28th, emotional rumblings are strong, and your intimate life is now showing signs of progress. You might open your eyes to a financial matter that you've been overlooking, or there can be blossoming feelings in your love life. Revelations at this time are catalysts for making changes related to dependencies and support systems. With more faith in your abilities and worth, it's an excellent time to attract positive experiences. Last month, Jupiter left your sign, and your life since has been more and more about building your resources, manifesting results, and profiting from your talents rather than building your popularity and developing your personality. The last few days of January are suitable for assessing where you are "at" with these things and making new plans. In fact, you can be feeling quite confident about your ability to manifest your desires. Nevertheless, Mercury turns retrograde on the 30th, signaling a time to turn inward for a few weeks. The need to review your finances or budget can emerge before pressing along. It's a period for looking to the past for answers to current problems or delaying some matters while you make changes and refinements, especially related to finances. |
January is strong for observing, strategizing, and connecting with your inner world, dear Aquarius. As it advances, however, you come out of your shell and crave more interaction. The first half of January (at least) is strong for rest and regeneration. Home and family life can be busy, animated, and energetic from the 6th forward. Tension might emerge, but treat it as the chance to take care of problems once and for all. Mars heats up your personal life and domestic world until early March. While exciting for getting things done around the home, you can sometimes feel that your desires are working against you or that you're at odds with others during this cycle. You can make this transit work for you with some creativity, however. The trick is to pour excess energy into constructive projects and take a good look at how you're expressing (or bottling) anger. Increased self-awareness can lead to solutions and improvements. Don't discount a bit of a self-centered streak now since, in a healthy dose, it can be beneficial. There can be a strong urge to handle problem areas in and around the home or with family, and the chances of making some super improvements are high. While Mercury moves into your sign on the 8th, increasing your desire to be heard, Venus moves into your privacy sector on the same day. While communicative, you'll find some pleasure and comfort in extra rest, relaxation, or retreat. There can be a greater love of private moments or a focus on the past. You can experience a rush of confidence to take action on a personal matter or to put something behind you--your inner courage is strong. You could be providing a service or volunteering your help to someone. Finding ways to make peace with the past, freeing you up for exciting times to come, can figure strongly. You can have a real sense of satisfaction, particularly regarding a relationship or a private matter. It's generally a time for keeping a lower profile and working on concrete, long-term goals. You'll be tending to those things you've left unfinished or neglected – matters that suddenly become pressing at this time. After the New Moon on the 13th, circumstances favor or require a new start with how you do your downtime. You're looking at mental health, rest, relaxation, and escapism in new ways. There can be events and realizations that help distance you from self-limiting secrets or situations, and this ultimately gives you more freedom. The next day, your ruler, Uranus, turns direct after several months of retrograde motion. Even if you're a little slow to engage fully in January, you're blossoming as the month advances. The urge to break free from limiting situations in your life is strong, but they could clash with your needs for security and familiarity. Obligations to family or insecurities arising from disruptions on the home front interfere at times with your strongly independent streak. Try not to instigate change just for the sake of change, and avoid rash behavior. There can be strong opportunities to learn, teach, and communicate with special appeal and effectiveness this month. Romance, creativity, and self-expression are in strong favor. Around the Full Moon on the 28th, you recognize your need for someone–or some quality feedback! Through epiphanies occurring now, you're awakening to your relationship goals or your true feelings on a matter—these guide you to make changes. Jupiter only recently entered your sign, and you are making your own opportunities by putting more faith in yourself and your capabilities. Look for opportunities to expand, improve, and grow. You feel considerably more optimistic and can more readily get others on-board for ventures you're considering. Ideas for future projects can be golden, so pay attention. While it's generally a good time for growing something, whether it's a relationship, project, or business, Mercury turns retrograde in your sign on the 30th, and you may need to observe a while longer before pushing forward. Some personal plans may stall or appear to move backward when, in fact, they can benefit from a review. |
January is strong for feeling more confident and spirited, dear Pisces. You enjoy getting things accomplished. It's a fine time to embrace your need for others with an emphasis on your social sectors this month. Relationships and special projects can be a motivator, getting you going and firing you up. Healthy competition can fuel the desire to do your very best. Mars has spent over six months in your resources sector, and on the 6th, moves into your communications sector, where it will stay until early March. It can be an exciting time to share ideas, learn, connect, and feel enthusiasm for your current projects and interests. It can be a busy and sometimes tense time, too, if you give in to the temptation to rush things. You'll be better off harnessing this transit's enthusiasm, courage, and grit while downplaying the haste and impatience of Mars in this area of your solar chart. It's a good time for asserting yourself, only if what you're expressing comes from a place of realness, not as the result of impatience or too-quick reactions. Venus helps you out with its move into your social sector on the 8th, as it sensitizes you to others. This can be a time when you're acting more decisively, you're more responsive, and others especially enjoy your company, feedback, and input. You're likely to enjoy a nice connection with someone or even with a project that excites you this month. You can feel quite inspired to do or be your best, especially related to mental interests and projects. Nevertheless, you're doing some digging and keeping a little to yourself with Mercury's move into your privacy sector. Listen to your increasing need for some rest or a break from pushing too hard. Imaginative undertakings could boost your income--your intuition is especially powerful and working in your favor. The New Moon on the 13th encourages a fresh slate with friendships, networks, social life, and happiness goals. Uranus turns direct the next day, boosting your confidence in your interests, communications, or studies even further. You're opening up to new worlds and opportunities. A rather nervous Jupiter-Uranus square can aggravate some indecision or tension but avoid the temptation to jump into decisions blindly. A new vision of your future can excite you now, and the details will have to follow later. You can experience a real surge of motivation to resume or take on new projects. Consider that your interests are plenty, but your time is limited! Watch for putting so much pressure on yourself to get something done that you end up impatient and frustrated. Expecting instant results can bring you down and take energy away from what you're doing. As well, avoid taking on something new to avoid making a tough choice or decision. If you're fearful of underperforming, for example, you may leave a project or endeavor unfinished to pursue something else, which can lead to a lot of waste and possibly guilt. There is a subtle shift in energy from the 19-20 forward when the Sun enters your privacy sector for a month-long stay. It's a natural period for withdrawing just a little so that you can renew your strength and vitality. Jupiter moved into your solar twelfth house last month, and you may now connect with an important inner spiritual search. You're establishing a deeper connection with your intuition and a better relationship with yourself from the inside out. You might come to a better understanding of an old problem. Mercury's retrograde in this same sector from the 30th onward is another sign that you benefit from attention to your inner world. It's a time for redoing and refining work that is already underway, for journaling, and for backtracking over the past to find answers that were not obvious then but entirely relevant now. The Full Moon on the 28th can awaken a need for better routines and health. The motivation to improve your life and to make lifestyle changes is powerful, indeed, since it's coming from deep within. Blockages that come to light can be revealing, if raw, but this lunation is particularly useful for motivating you to take action on your feelings and epiphanies. For best results, avoid exaggeration and embrace moderation. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
January 2021 Aspects TimeLine:
See also: This Week in Astrology for more detail.
This Month’s Ephemeris:
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors, although they’re not impossible periods, either.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.
- Full Moon in Cancer Chart: December 29, 2020
- New Moon Chart: in Capricorn on January 13, 2021
- Full Moon in Leo Chart: January 28, 2021
Looking Ahead:
- February 2021: Time Line Aspects
- March 2021: Time Line Aspects
- April 2021: Timeline Aspects
- May 2021: TimeLine Aspects
- June 2021: TimeLine Aspects
- July 2021: TimeLine Aspects
- August 2021: TimeLine Aspects

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2021 – Overview