This Month in Astrology – February 2022
February 2022
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
On February 1st, the New Moon occurs in the sign of Aquarius, prompting us to make a clean break or a “fresh start.” We awaken our minds to a need for a vision, socializing and brainstorming, expressing feelings of friendship, and developing more objectivity in our lives.
This New Moon aligns with Saturn, suggesting a somber and unwavering determination to start fresh and, perhaps, some reticence involved. With its square to Uranus, unexpected or rebellious elements are likely. In the sign of Aquarius, friendship, brotherhood, group activities, social pursuits, group projects, trying something new, humanitarian efforts, or joining a group will be a strong focus. New beginnings regarding any or all of these matters are possible now.
On February 3rd, Mercury turns direct in the sign of Capricorn. It began the retrograde in Aquarius and, on January 25th, retreated into Capricorn. While Mercury is retrograde in Capricorn, we may have little tolerance for small talk and tend to express ourselves after much deliberation. Plans may be considered then reconsidered. We are in a good position to reevaluate professional or life path plans and goals. It’s also a fine time to explore what ambition or our reputation means to us. From February 3rd, information unclogs slowly but surely. Mercury begins retracing its steps, now in direct motion, and its shadow ends on February 24th.
On February 14th, Pluto forms a trine to the True North Node of the Moon. This transit intensifies our passion for making a difference, a change, or a connection. We can feel strongly connected to people or groups at this time. A powerful and intuitive sense of what people want or need can figure strongly now, for better or worse. The desire to make deep, long-lasting changes or overhauls to existing systems or attitudes is motivating now.
On February 16th, a Full Moon occurs in the sign of Leo. This lunation reminds us of needs we may have been putting to the side–there can be an urgent or sudden need/desire to express ourselves around this lunation. We are more powerfully aware of our creative, romantic, and expressive urges. Something is exposed or illuminated, prompting us to get in touch with those things in our personal lives that we may have been neglecting or putting off.
This Leo Moon is proud and intensely individual. It occurs almost exactly when Venus and Mars align, suggesting a creative, romantic, and dynamic element to our revelations.
On February 17th, Jupiter forms a sextile to Uranus, and is enlightening. We’re open to new energies, approaches, and attitudes under this influence. Fortunate events occur as a direct result of our willingness to entertain the unusual and think outside the box. This transit favors group activities, financial endeavors associated with groups or organizational efforts, online connections and ventures, educational pursuits, writing, publishing, speaking, and humanitarian efforts. Our outlook is positive and optimistic.
During this transit, we tend to view change and activity as favorable. We’re less tolerant of repetition and routine, and we’re resistant to obligations or limits to our self-expression. Good luck or money can happen unexpectedly, appearing in the nick of time. With Jupiter in Pisces, we can be quite sentimental, but this aspect helps us detach somewhat from this so that we can embrace change. More about Jupiter sextile Uranus.
Jupiter forms a semi-square to Pluto on February 23rd. With Jupiter semi-square Pluto, something can subtly challenge our belief system, kickstarting a need for an attitude change. Or, we might have to face narrow-mindedness in others (or in ourselves). Attempting to force our beliefs on others will only lead to frustration. We might struggle between the desire to learn through experience and the need to follow the rules or our ambitions to succeed in the material world.
Date | Time (ET) | Event | Position |
Feb 1 | 12:46 AM | New Moon in Aquarius | 12 Aquarius 20' |
Feb 1 | 6:05 PM | Juno enters Aquarius | Jun 00 Aqu 00' |
Feb 3 | 11:13 PM | Mercury Direct | Mer 24 Cap 23'D |
Feb 8 | 8:50 AM | First Quarter Moon | 19 Tau 46' |
Feb 8 | 9:02 PM | Ceres enters Gemini | Cer 00 Gem 00' |
Feb 11 | 10:01 AM | Jupiter semi-sextile Chiron | Jup 9 Pis 42' semi-sextile Chi 9 Ari 42' |
Feb 14 | 12:51 AM | Pallas enters Aries | Pal 00 Ari 00' |
Feb 14 | 4:17 PM | Pluto trine True Node | Plu 27 Cap 23' trine TNo 27 Tau 23' |
Feb 14 | 4:53 PM | Mercury enters Aquarius | Mer 0 Aqu 00' |
Feb 16 | 11:56 AM | Full Moon in Leo | 28 Leo 00' |
Feb 17 | 7:12 PM | Jupiter sextile Uranus | Jup 11 Pis 13' sextile Ura 11 Tau 13' |
Feb 18 | 11:43 AM | Sun enters Pisces | Sun 00 Pis 00' |
Feb 23 | 5:16 PM | Jupiter semi-square Pluto | Jup 12 Pis 38' semi-square Plu 27 Cap 38' |
Feb 23 | 5:32 PM | Last Quarter Moon | 5 Sag 17' |
Feb 28 | 12:30 PM | Jupiter quintile True Node | Jup 13 Pis 48' quintile TNo 25 Tau 48' |
(See the the full table for 2022)
See also: This Week in Astrology week to week for more detail.
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
The following horoscopes outline how the above astrological influences might affect each individual sign.
Overview horoscopes fill in here as I write them, ideally during the week before the month begins. It is not unusual to see some signs temporarily missing as I write the twelve of them over the course of a few days, starting with the featured sign of the month (birthday month).
The focus on responsibilities, goals, and career continues this month, dear Aries, but February brings some special attention to your social life. This is a potentially powerful month for payoffs from recent career or business efforts, networking, and connecting with friends. The month begins with a New Moon, bringing new beginnings and fresh energy to friendships, group connections, long-term goals, and short-term routines. You can be motivated to start taking solid, clear steps to fulfill a dream or goal, but it makes sense to wait a few days with Mercury still retrograde until the 3rd. With Venus no longer retrograde and both Venus and Mars at the top of your solar chart, you're finding much to love with what you're doing, and it shows! You have a special way with people, particularly those in authority or related to business and work. You are persuasive and find it almost effortless to reinvent a project or perhaps your reputation. The month is rich for creative developments and excitement. Venus and Mars join forces in your career and public sector mid-month, bringing dynamic energy, enthusiasm, creativity, and possibly passion as well to your reputation or career. Your unique appeal and magnetism, and perhaps your relationships for some of you, can be on display somehow, and creativity on business or promotional levels is in focus. You're in an excellent position to pour energy, passion, and love into your work, business, making money, or something you're building. The Full Moon on the 16th occurs in your creativity sector. There can be notable discoveries or turning points related to hobbies, creative pursuits, children, friendships, and long-term happiness goals or projects. A friend or network could push you in the right direction, whether directly or indirectly, regarding finding good outlets for your creativity and self-expression. It can be a period of a stronger sense of mission regarding your work, finances, talents, and practical affairs. You can be a leader and influencer, and transforming your reputation can figure strongly. Even with special attention to the outside world, you gain a stronger sense of spiritual peace and happiness with your inner world in February. You could discover a hidden resource or liberation from a matter from the past that's been dragging you down can figure strongly. Intuition and creative flashes can be notable. As well, getting a handle on your personal belongings or money matters can be freeing, boosting your optimism and spirit. In the last ten days of the month, with the Sun's move into your privacy sector, some R & R is especially attractive. You're carving out more quiet time and emotional space for healing, thought, and reflection. There are great rewards for slowing down the pace now. |
February is a creative and productive month for you, dear Taurus. Your month is looking full, and it's likely to be highly engaging and pleasant. Leading, guiding, teaching, and sharing your expertise and knowledge can be in focus this month. You're also thinking about the long-term, and your responsibilities or career are strong themes. The New Moon on the 1st of the month can bring a sense that you're starting anew when it comes to your reputation or work. Transits are excellent for studies, learning, and exploring this month. You might enjoy a new or renewed idea, subject, or course of study. Personal desires are strong and hard to ignore! Your romantic life can be particularly active and possibly impulsive. With Venus and Mars merging on the 15-16, it can be a fine time for competitions, challenging yourself to beat a personal best, or sharing your enthusiasm with others. There can be new channels for self-expression opening to you, or you may be using the current avenues available to you in more efficient and powerful ways. Self-promotional efforts can thrive. It's a time to reach out beyond your usual bounds and learn about new cultures or perspectives. Fascination with different ideas and individuals can figure strongly now. There can be excitement, motivation, and possibly even love connected to schooling, adventure, extracurricular or online activities. It's a time to discover your passions for ideas, causes, studies, or a belief system. Helping or guiding others can figure strongly. Promotion is likely, and it can be most powerful. Transformative studies are possible. The people you meet now can play a big part in your future. You may be in the position of assuming more responsibilities and feeling the accompanying loss of freedom around the 7-8. People may be recognizing your accomplishments, or they may be seeing flaws. You could get the sense that you need to tighten your belt, work a little harder, and make improvements, particularly in your work. From the 14th, it's a period for communicating with more impact and thinking up long-term strategies that will move you closer to your goals. Around the 16th, you can reach a turning point related to your home and family life. An epiphany can occur as you come in touch with your true feelings on a matter. If your focus on the outside world has taken you away too often, there is a reminder now to find a balance and to bring more quality attention to your personal life. Friendships can form quickly or unexpectedly, and you're turning over a new leaf on a social level. It's also a time of brave new ideas and exciting prospects. For some, an online business is in positive focus. While you're not moving away from your responsibilities or professional goals just yet, from the 18th, you're allowing more time for personal and interpersonal activities. You're in great shape for expanding your horizons through your connections to others. |
February's transits open your mind and heart to new ideas, dear Gemini, and you're seeking more meaning or insight. Energies are mixed but mostly balanced, as you're paying particular attention to your need for life experience and spirited activities, as well as your career or responsibilities and your relationships. You're dividing your time well, and you're set to gain something valuable in all three areas. You might enjoy a new perspective from a new topic of interest, line of study, person, or experience after the New Moon on the 1st. You have a great need to make productive use of your time, especially with learning endeavors. While there may have been some confusion or stagnation in your love life or with money recently, February is easier for romantic expression and attention, loans, or support. You express yourself in new and exciting ways, find new audiences, or otherwise expand your reach. With Venus and Mars in your intimacy sector all of February and aligning mid-month, you can experience powerful emotions, attractions, and discoveries. There can be a sudden emergence of a buried desire to discover and manage. Relationships are in strong focus, but so is your relationship with yourself. You may be putting more energy and love into your private life, an intimate relationship, research, or investigation. Faring especially well are private conversations, understanding, and connections. Combining your resources or talents with someone can be beneficial for reaching a goal, and getting financial or moral support is almost effortless now. You can benefit from more power behind the scenes and an incredible ability to put something negative behind you. You're in great shape to make a lifestyle change. Feelings that you buried or overlooked in recent weeks or even months can emerge now and surprise you with their strength or their truth! It's a period of making soulful connections that have the power to change your whole outlook or even life course. Confronting the darker or more hidden elements of your personality can be the path to healing. The Full Moon on the 16th can stir a little drama in your immediate environment, or it can be a time for reaping the rewards of recent projects or learning efforts. If you've been avoiding your daily affairs, you now need to bring back more balance to your life. The Sun moves to the top of your solar chart on the 18th, and with the support of Jupiter in this same sector, you're in a great position to deal with long-term goals, business, responsibilities, rules, and structures in your life. You're more visible than usual now, making it a good time to show off what you can do. A little luck, serendipity, or past work/deeds help improve your career, reputation, or life path plans. |
February is more of a time to observe and plan than make bold moves, dear Cancer. A lot is going on under the hood or in a close relationship. Shared finances, loans, support, intimate relationships, and deep personal changes are in strong focus much of the month. There is an emphasis on relationships, research, and the breaking of routines. Exciting developments in a partnership or your relationships, in general, can figure strongly. You're also seeking out more substance in your projects and pastimes. Venus has recently ended its retrograde, Mercury turns direct on the 3rd, and life feels a lot more straightforward. Some of the discoveries you've made about your own relationship needs and values will likely affect decisions made this month. Opportunities might emerge to make creative and dynamic changes to your life through or about people. Strong feelings and emotions related to a partnership are likely, and you may be looking for others to fill your desires. Of course, this can be a bit problematic if taken too far, so watch for overidentifying. However, you are certainly magnetizing people to you now. There can be impulsiveness in relationships--it can be a good time to bring a little more excitement or passion to an existing relationship or to begin something new. Keep in mind that you're bringing out strong reactions and feelings in others, whether or not it's your intention! There can be passion, romance, and pleasure, although some extremes are also possible. Others are challenging you to experience new things or emotions. At this time of year, solo efforts may not fare as well as those done with others. Brainstorming, particularly one-on-one, often yields the best results for the time being. Others respond well to your emotional engagement and passion. With more clarity now, you're in a great position to accept or reject the reality of a project, endeavor, or relationship. Seeing things for both their strengths and weaknesses helps you make the right decisions. Friendships and connections feel fated and can be significant, changing your ideas about partnership or relationships, in general. On the 16th, with a Full Moon in your resources sector, there can be revelations and unveilings centered around money, ownership, valuables, values, talents, sharing of responsibilities, and power dynamics. At the same time, you can be an idea machine, and your hunches are on point. As you approach friendships in novel ways, opportunities for mind expansion, adventure, or evolving beliefs can emerge. On the 18th, the Sun heads into your sector of spirit and adventure, stirring your need to learn, share ideas, and reach out beyond the usual routine of your life. The last ten days of the month can be a good time for a getaway, new course, promotional campaign, or publishing project. |
February is likely to be gently challenging and reasonably balanced, dear Leo. The primary focus is on work, health, and relationships. It's a potentially excellent month for creative approaches and workarounds. A new beginning in a relationship or with relationship goals can figure strongly. Once Mercury turns direct on the 3rd, no major bodies are retrograde, suggesting a real sense of progress and a more optimistic outlook. It's a time to think progressively and creatively. Willingness to make changes and improvements can bring rewards. Surprises related to support or loans can figure strongly, moving your goals forward. It can also be a time of notable developments with shared resources. Sudden insights and opportunities for emotional renewal or healing are empowering now, and these developments can positively impact your career or life path plans. Transits support a feeling that you're on top of things, contributing, helping, and healing. It's a notably winning time for bringing new, more creative energy to your daily life or the work you do and the services you provide. People can help you reach your work or health goals, even if it's indirectly. You're finding ways to inject routine work or daily life with more excitement. It's an ideal time to channel your passion into productive pursuits and move a work or health project forward. Improving your health and daily routines can go a long way towards reaching or getting closer to your longer-term goals. Around the Full Moon in your sign on the 16th, there can be epiphanies, personal triumphs, and discoveries about your life plan, body, and attitude/outlook. You might embrace your independence or enhance a current relationship by improving your self-reliance. It's a time for recognizing a need for positive change. Whether this is about money, time, or talents, combining your resources can bring rich rewards. Your partnership sector is active all month, and relationships are in strong focus. People are intrigued with you and drawn to you. Someone might entrust you with a secret or show their trust in you in other ways. Transits also remind you of your responsibilities to someone important in your life, such as a partner. Alternatively, you could feel a sense of weight if you don't have someone you can genuinely say is in your corner. In the last ten days of the month, you may want to start a new plan for emotional health and wellness. You're in the mood to specialize! You can feel strongly motivated and have much enthusiasm for research or projects. If you've been ramping up a health routine or work project, you now benefit from doing so in more creative or imaginative ways. Look for new ways of approaching your work or services, making or handling money, and improving health. |
The month is vital for both work and play, dear Virgo. February is a month for getting the first push towards making empowering lifestyle changes. You also have powerful prompts to get creative or have some fun, and there can be excitement related to a creative project, hobby, or relationship. Signs that you're ready to take charge of your work and health are everywhere. Mercury, your ruler, turns direct on the 3rd, marking a time when no major bodies are retrograde. As well, a New Moon occurs on the first of the month, allowing you to wipe the slate clean and start anew with your work or health. This can be about reorganizing your life, eating better, managing your time more productively, and working on the details of chores, duties, projects, and plans. Even so, it's essential to make time for spiritual, imaginative, and reflective activities, or you'll lose the motivation and spark you have for your work. The Full Moon on the 16th can serve as a reminder. Buried matter and secrets could come to light. You're receiving powerful messages from your hunches and intuition. This is a time for deciding to either embrace or let go of a situation or attitude. As well, you have both Venus and Mars moving through your sector of joy and pleasure all month. On a personal level, your libido is strong, passions ignite, and expectations or needs from your relationships are clearer. Personal magnetism is quite excellent. All month, but especially around the middle of February, you are on fire in the personal appeal department. You're looking good and feeling good! The motivation is with you to get going on a creative project, hobby, or even a relationship. You might bring a livelier spirit to a relationship. It's a time for showing confidence in yourself and your favorite people. Others, especially love interests or partners, are receptive to your advances, and you can be particularly persuasive. You can find your creative voice or share yourself with others more confidently. Creative work and publishing or promotional efforts are also favored. More single-mindedness and focus can help you gain knowledge or learn more efficiently instead of dabbling, and it's satisfying! You could experience romantic, creative, or intellectual connections that feel fated or meant to be. You're passionate about your beliefs and ideals, and you're ready to share them. It's a good time for publishing and influencing. Nurturing your desire to learn or experience more outside of your usual routine can be a mission. In the last ten days of February, you tend to attract strong and intelligent people into your life, and you're taking more pride in your close relationships. You're also approaching life, people, and projects with more creativity and passion. Connecting with significant people through your beliefs, ideas, or studies can figure strongly, and it can feel wonderful. You're also improving your communication skills to improve relationships. People in your life can encourage your new ideas or topics of interest. |
There are many signs in February that you're truly moving forward, dear Libra. For one, your ruler, Venus, has just recently ended its retrograde cycle, and you feel a lot more clear-headed. For another, once Mercury turns direct on the 3rd, all major bodies are direct, and the pace feels easy and natural. As well, the Sun is in your enjoyment and self-expression sector until the 18th, and Mercury is in the same place from the 14th. The New Moon on the 1st suggests a fresh start with romance, creativity, hobbies, entertainment, or pleasure. If you've been lacking confidence or energy to go after your heart's desire, your attitude is changing this month. The emphasis in February is on your personal life, family, home, work, health, leisure, and romance. Venus and Mars spend the entire month in your home and family sector, officially joining forces mid-month. These influences stir strong desires and feelings and a craving for more emotional interaction or a deeper connection with someone. Your heart may be ruling your head now, but you have plenty of opportunities to channel this energy meaningfully. You're likely to develop exciting and creative ways to improve your home or enjoy family. With courageous explorations and experimentation, you may feel closer to yourself and your innermost needs. Favored now are decorating and organizing around the home, real estate, working from home, and discovering creative ways to interact with the people closest to you, whether they're family or roommates. The Full Moon on the 16th can bring a turning point or illumination to a friendship or project. There can be revelations, unveilings, and important discoveries related to creative endeavors, your love life, relationship with children, networks, friends, and goals. This Full Moon is about being true to yourself and, by extension, to others as well. You may have been pursuing a project on your own, and you now realize that you'd be better off enlisting help. The change is likely to be an empowering one, even if there is some resistance at first. Improvements or other opportunities at or through work can come seemingly out of the blue, boosting your confidence and improving your enjoyment of your duties, tasks, or routines. Ideas and methods you adopt now can give you a sense of having a new lease on life. From the 18th, you have the powerful Sun joining lucky Jupiter in your sector of self-care, daily routines, and work. It's a good time for better working conditions or improved habits. You could be feeling especially interested in tackling ambitious projects or working on health goals. There can be pleasure derived from doing a job well, or a sense of accomplishment after taking care of important details. |
The New Moon on the 1st of February emphasizes home and family matters, dear Scorpio, and you're ready to make a fresh start. Still, the month is also strong for communications, creativity, learning, and self-expression. It's an important time to boost your feelings of security and center yourself, even if your mind stays busy. If you need a new approach with family, the cosmos supports you. Venus has just recently turned direct, moving through your communications sector all month, along with assertive Mars. The airwaves open up for you, and meaningful conversations or projects can ensue. Creative or romantic interactions are in focus now. You're in great shape for getting your message across with unique appeal. You can feel passionate about a particular project, learning endeavor, or person! The motivation to get a project started or to put finishing touches on something special is through the roof. A friendship or partnership can move forward in meaningful ways. Good energy is with you for breaking new ground in a relationship or your studies. Partnerships and friendships benefit from a progressive, direct, hands-on, and active approach. It's a period of making powerful, meaningful connections of the mind. It's also a vital time for counseling, negotiating, and coming to mutually beneficial agreements. You're an effective arbitrator. You can have strong karmic ties to someone now. Collaborating with a partner or strengthening or attracting a relationship with improved communication can figure strongly. So can improving trust and emotional honesty. You're intriguing to others. There can be a real learning experience with someone with whom you can bounce ideas off and better understand how you define yourself. It's a rich time for cultivating the give and take in your relationships. You may want to take on a challenging project as transits stir your creativity and passion for a mental interest or pursuit. They also increase your appeal in your communications. This is also a good time to make a romantic connection, and the attraction can be very much on a mental level. Around the Full Moon on the 16th, there can be a culmination of a project, recognition for your work, or a sudden realization of your true calling. An emerging responsibility reminds you of the need to pay more attention to your public or professional life. From the 18th, you pay more attention to expressing yourself in satisfying ways, dating, romance, creative hobbies, or the pursuit of pleasure. Matters of the heart can be magical, and your sense of drama expands. Your powers of perception and persuasion are also in great form as you close the month. You might take action to correct things that have been making you unhappy or extend thoughtful gestures to someone and boost a connection. |
In February, learning, communicating, and connecting are in strong focus, dear Sagittarius. Your mind is curious, and improved connections are in store as transportation and communication channels open up for you. You could be feeling a little overwhelmed if you're tied down and have too little time to feed your desire to explore. Otherwise, it should be a mentally engaging month. February is also a strong month for creative improvements to your home, comfort levels, and business, in addition to the enjoyment of studies or personal interests. Communications are improving after Mercury ends its retrograde on the 3rd. It can be a time of bringing creative flair to business endeavors, discovering new ways to earn more, and increasing your enjoyment of a special pursuit. With Venus and Mars in your resources sector all month, there can be creative, enterprising ideas and projects, bonuses or gifts coming your way, or exciting purchases. You might earn some praise or admiration for your creative talents, and a financial boost is possible. You can feel especially passionate about your job, business, and personal possessions — whatever you're currently building can excite you now. These transits stimulate your desire nature, often for material things and pleasures. With Venus newly direct, you're more likely to fill these wants or find satisfaction in what you already have. This is an excellent time to connect with people who help you achieve practical goals, especially related to money, work, or health. You accomplish much with a stronger sense of purpose or mission with your practical affairs, work, money, or daily activities. You enjoy a stronger desire to reach out and share your story or connect with others in February. Others appreciate the attention you're giving them. There can be a lot to do and a lot to think and talk about this month, and doing some juggling is likely. Fortunately, it comes more naturally to make extra time for rest as the month advances. The Full Moon on the 16th can stir a turning point or confrontation with previously buried or overlooked emotions and issues in your life. It can be a time of awards, announcements, publishing, promotion, commitments to learn, and epiphanies about belief systems and projects. From the 18th, your focus is shifting. You're enjoying family and home life or putting down roots. You bring more pride to your domestic world, and you can benefit by spending more time with family or on home and local activities. It can be a time for investing in your comfort, home, and safety. Interestingly, opportunities emerge to improve as you approach your comfort, home life, family interactions, and daily life with more positivity. Pushing some boundaries or changing your routines in fresh ways can positively impact your personal life. |
The potential for a nice balance between creative inspiration and practical application is with you in February, dear Capricorn. The major areas of focus are personal fulfillment, money and resources, and satisfying communications. Your finances and resources sector is active all month, and money or comfort matters are strong themes. Venus, Mars, and Vesta are in your sign all month, and they're potent motivators. Venus has just recently ended its retrograde, and things are picking up! Knowing and attracting what you want into your life is a little more straightforward. This move can help soften your approach, which may have become a little too rough at the edges recently. Personal magnetism increases tremendously in February. While your desirous nature can lead to some impulsiveness this month, influences in your solar second house help you pace yourself. As much as you want results, you're very willing to put in the necessary time and energy to achieve your goals. This can be a powerful period for making meaningful connections, particularly along romantic or creative lines. You're opening up to more self-expression, and who you meet or connect with at this time can be integral. Ties to someone can feel karmic or conducive to healing, growing, and getting closer to your heart. Your talents might benefit others. You're finding a greater sense of purpose through your creative pursuits, hobbies, or love life. You take great pride in developing yourself as an individual, discovering your strengths and joys, and sharing your unique qualities. Confidence-boosting activities can figure strongly. As you push your boundaries creatively or romantically, you find yourself expressing yourself more successfully all around. Transits boost your appeal and confidence--you're turning heads and making things happen! Some healthy self-focus is entirely appropriate and quite beneficial now. The month brings positive attention and admiration your way. It's a time for following your heart, expressing yourself more authentically and confidently, pouring energy and love into a creative project, or pursuing a romantic desire. After the 16th, Venus and Mars are close but separating, helping you to be more level-headed and less impulsive. Around the Full Moon on the 16th, you can awaken to a desire or feeling that you've buried or overlooked, likely related to sharing, give and take, power dynamics, ownership, intimacy, and finances. There can be epiphanies about financial and emotional support or dependencies. Possibilities now are settling debt, receiving money or credit, a shuffling of money sources, or a surprising relationship development. The Sun heads into your solar third house on the 18th, and in the last ten days of the month, you're focusing on mentally engaging activities. New or improved channels for expressing yourself, learning, and connecting with others emerge. You share your ideas more enthusiastically, or transportation options now available make life a little more enjoyable. This latter part of the month is busy and pleasantly so! You're motivated to pursue a study or personal interest. |
You're turning over a new leaf in February, dear Aquarius. In fact, the month begins with a New Moon in your sign, pointing to a fresh start. While the Sun is in your sign until the 18th and Mercury from the 14th, your privacy sector is powerful, suggesting retreat, reorientation, and healing. You are not moving full-speed ahead just yet. You need some time to process things before making the big decisions! Venus continues its "hibernation" in your solar chart, even though it has ended its retrograde. The 14-16 is particularly good for behind-the-scenes excitement and motivation. A desire to create, produce, and lead is stirring. However, it remains a time for reflection and backtracking regarding love and money. Both Venus and Mars will enter your sign on March 6th, bringing more clarity, but for now, you'll benefit most from observation. Jupiter helps you build upon exciting ideas and prospects that you've picked up during the lucky planet's recent journey through your sign. There can be some excitement revolving around finances, possessions, home-related endeavors, or self-worth issues this month. A windfall or significant gift can be in focus. You might have more resources to invest in your home or property. You are pouring more heart, energy, and perhaps money into your comfort, safety, and domestic life. You're discovering deeper feelings and desires, but you're also finding your voice from the 14th. Revelations and epiphanies are likely with a Full Moon in your opposite sign on the 16th. A matter that's been brewing, buried, or hidden reaches a head, and there can be significant discoveries or epiphanies about your feelings or about a close relationship. There could be new clients, invitations, and sudden interest in your services (or simply your company). It's an excellent time to build something solid for yourself, especially a business, but this can extend to a relationship, home, hobby, or more. Good energy is with you for being proactive with practical matters. It's a strong period for boosting income or improving your reputation. You can experience recognition and a sense of intention in your emotional or family life. Caring for family, plants, pets, and/or your home can be more fulfilling, and learning to be taken care of can be rewarding as well. You're learning to find more comfort and meaning in your inner world. The last week of the month is well-balanced. You're in a practical frame of mind. You still have a lot going on under the hood, and it makes sense to conserve some energy for busier periods ahead. |
Opportunities can emerge to advance your interests and express yourself more freely, dear Pisces. Even so, part of you is sociable in February, and another needs more time to process and reorient yourself. While Venus and Mars in your social sector all month are primarily outgoing, the Sun is undercover until February 18th. The New Moon occurring at the start of the month reinforces a need to look within. Sure, you're in stronger demand this month, but your inner world is a powerful draw, and a part of you is likely to remain a little reserved or withdrawn. It's a good idea to seek a balance between doing and resting. Venus and Mars spend the month in your sector of friendship, groups, and wishes, aligning there in mid-February. The emphasis is on pleasure, love, and attraction. You can also come up with some very creative ideas for future projects. It's a beautiful time for discovering people and projects you love or for moving a relationship or endeavor to a new level. Good energy is with you to get close to someone, negotiate, and connect. Promotional and networking or marketing efforts can be particularly fruitful now. You seem to know what to say and when to say it. Your self-confidence increases with Venus now direct, and friendships can enliven. You have new energy for repairing and smoothing over differences if needed in your social life. You have a second chance to make things right with friends or groups. You have a lot of energy at your disposal to work with exciting new ideas and projects. There can be romantic opportunities with or connected to friends. Your social life can be abuzz, or discoveries about a friend or group member can surface. Your attitude is very forward-looking now. You are less interested in the details than the overall effect of any particular plan. There can be a strong sense of release and freedom from previously limiting, rigid, or stifling conditions. The Full Moon on the 16th can bring news or a turning point related to health or work. Try to be as flexible as possible with changes, especially with your routines and work, as this will make transitions much more manageable. Allow them to happen, or better yet, make them happen! There could be some rushing to meet a deadline or a shuffling of priorities involved. You're paying more attention to your communications and studies this year, and this is a time when you're able to channel your energies more productively into your social life or the pursuit of your happiness goals as you hone these skills. Exchanging ideas can be most rewarding and even transforming. The Sun enters your sign on the 18th. While you're receiving a lot of attention and coming out of your shell on some levels, you're also reserving some decisions for later. Fortunately, it's straightforward to project what you want to put out there. Aligning yourself with a worthy cause can also be very satisfying now. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
February 2022 Aspects TimeLine:
See also: This Week in Astrology for more detail.
This Month’s Ephemeris:
This Month’s Ephemeris with extra points and abbreviations rather than glyphs:
Ephemerides with additional points are for Eastern Time. The North Node and Lilith are the True positions. Retrogrades are underlined. Extra points are Chiron, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, and Lilith. These come from the excellent software, Sirius 3.0.
- January 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- February 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- March 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- April 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- May 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- June 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points)
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors, although they’re not impossible periods, either.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.
- Full Moon in Cancer Chart: January 17, 2022
- New Moon Chart: February 1, 2022, in Aquarius
- Full Moon in Leo Chart: February 16, 2022
Looking Ahead:
- Time Line Aspects: March 2022
- Time Line Aspects: April 2022
- Time Line Aspects: May 2022
- Time Line Aspects: June 2022
- TimeLine Aspects: July 2022
- Time Line Aspects: August 2022
- TimeLine Aspects: September 2022
- TimeLine Aspects: October 2022
- TimeLine Aspects: November 2022
- Time Line Aspects: December 2022

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2022 – Overview