This Month in Astrology – April 2021
April 2021
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
On April 6th, Jupiter forms a semi-square with Chiron. This is the first of three (the next two will occur in August and November). It can be a time when we are hungry for meaning and understanding, but it can be difficult to align ourselves with a personal philosophy or belief system that truly reflects our core. We might be led astray by beliefs and ideas now, or we might experience some form of crisis of faith. It is important to look within and come to a greater understanding of what we truly need or believe, rather than blindly following something that doesn’t truly serve our purpose. New business endeavors may require a closer look before pushing forward.
On April 9th, Saturn forms a trine to the North Node of the Moon, and we’re investing in our growth, development, and need to improve. We are ready to commit to methods and attitudes that serve our purpose, leaving behind those no longer serving our growth. Our conscience is well-developed. We’re more inclined than usual to believe in the power of the group and of words to convey our message. Connecting through shared ideas and ideals can figure very strongly. This aspect strengthens our ability to see a true opportunity and boosts our ability to work with elders or more experienced people to achieve a goal.
On the 11th, the New Moon occurs in the sign of Aries, prompting a new beginning. This lunation brings a “fresh start” to our lives and challenges us to show a pure part of ourselves to the world. By acting upon our own inner impulses (constructive ones!) without fear, and by abandoning the need to refine these impulses based on what others might want us to do or what others think we “should” do, we learn more about ourselves. If we learn to depend on ourselves, we exude an all-new aura of strength that comes from personal integrity and confidence, as well as a pure and fresh charm.
This New Moon in Aries brings on a period of new beginnings and initiative. All major planets are direct! This lunation is aligned with Venus but square Pluto. Our personal plans and ambitions can feel at odds, causing some tension, but also a strong desire to start fresh. A stronger connection with ourselves and a fresh approach to relating and harmonizing are in focus.
The Full Moon on the 26th occurs in the sign of Scorpio. It brings sudden awareness to our lives, particularly of relationship imbalances and flaws. This Full Moon reminds us of the need to consider, recognize, and appreciate others’ support, contribution, needs, wants, and input. Discoveries made now may have a magical or private quality to them.
This Full Moon occurs when the Sun is aligning with Uranus, but both the Sun and Moon are square Saturn. While we can feel a strong need to change, we may feel blocked or limited. Breaking free of blockages can be a powerful motivator, but we may need to pay attention to some rules.
On April 27th, Pluto turns retrograde, and Pluto’s intense and complex energy hangs heavy in the air in the days surrounding this event. Now and over the coming months (Pluto is retrograde until October 6th), we may be reassessing how we use our power. We are not as open, overt, or direct about our desire for control or power, and some of us may be less in touch with it.
Date | Time (ET) | Event | Position |
Apr 3 | 11:41 PM | Mercury enters Aries | Mer 0 Ari 00' |
Apr 4 | 6:02 AM | Last Quarter Moon | 14 Cap 51' |
Apr 6 | 5:36 PM | Jupiter semi-square Chiron | Jup 24 Aqu 22' semi-square Chi 9 Ari 22' |
Apr 9 | 10:57 PM | Saturn trine True Node | Sat 12 Aqu 02' trine TNo 12 Gem 02' |
Apr 11 | 6:10 PM | Pluto sesquiquadrate True Node | Plu 26 Cap 45' sesquiquadrate TNo 11 Gem 45' |
Apr 11 | 10:31 PM | New Moon in Aries | 22 Ari 25' |
Apr 12 | 6:13 AM | Juno Retrograde | Jun 24 Sag 02'Rx |
Apr 14 | 2:22 PM | Venus enters Taurus | Ven 0 Tau 00' |
Apr 19 | 6:29 AM | Mercury enters Taurus | Mer 0 Tau 00' |
Apr 19 | 4:33 PM | Sun enters Taurus | Sun 0 Tau 00' |
Apr 20 | 2:59 AM | First Quarter Moon | 0 Leo 25' |
Apr 20 | 3:08 AM | Vesta Direct | Ves 6 Vir 42'D |
Apr 23 | 7:49 AM | Mars enters Cancer | Mar 0 Can 00' |
Apr 26 | 11:31 PM | Full Moon in Scorpio | 7 Sco 06' |
Apr 27 | 4:02 PM | Pluto Retrograde | Plu 26 Cap 48' Rx |
(See the full table for 2021.)
See also: This Week in Astrology week to week for more detail.
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
The following horoscopes outline how the above astrological influences might affect each individual sign.
Overview horoscopes fill in here as I write them, ideally during the week before the month begins. It is not unusual to see some signs temporarily missing as I usually write the twelve of them over the course of a few days, and I always start with the featured sign of the month (birthday month).
It's your month to shine, dear Aries, as it's a good time for personal influence and general vitality. You are magnetic when it comes to sharing ideas, reaching out, and communicating. The pace is quick with learning environments, communications, and daily life. It can certainly be hectic at times, but you're up for the challenge. Mainly from the 6-16, you are super motivated to learn, share your ideas, and put effort into mental pursuits. Watch for a tendency to make a quick judgment or react too quickly when firing back an email or text. Try to respond to frustrations with more deliberation and from a place of calm, which is admittedly hard to do at times this month. Mercury in your sign from the 4-19 is in mutual reception with Mars, your planetary ruler, giving these planets more power and strength. You can communicate exceptionally well and effectively, or you're learning exciting things. Your voice is strong most of April. While you can feel heard and have influence, it also means you have more impact, and the words you use can be remembered for a long time. Others are noticing and hearing you--you're shining and feeling more in control of your life, particularly with your image, presentation, and personality. The desire to connect or create something beautiful or unique is compelling in the first half of the month. On the 5-6, Venus in your own sign harmonizes with Mars, your ruler. Personal appeal is super, and you can be charmingly forthright, sincere, and straightforward with your requests and communications. People are falling in love with your unique style, and you manage to be both assertive and charming. Attempts to reach out to someone can be very successful. It's a powerful time for connecting with others in creative ways, and your magnetism is excellent. Your ideas are original and progressive, and they excite and motivate you. It's easier than usual to gravitate towards what your heart wants. You benefit from cooperative and forward-looking energy. You may be focusing on a new direction, and you enjoy solving problems or simply looking past flaws and challenges to good times ahead of you. Still, managing your expectations is important, and you might need to go over a small hump, likely due to plans that fail to materialize. There can be some confusion about something you hear or regarding communications, transportation, or learning around the 9th. If you've been ignoring your needs to escape or rest, or to indulge your imagination, then you might take a cue to fill your life more fully and seek out a better balance. The New Moon on the 11th is in your sign, bringing vital energy for new starts. Aim to begin your solar year with confidence and mindfulness. In the week following the New Moon, you may decide to start important projects. Your initiative and independence are in the spotlight now. There can be more enjoyment or excitement with friends or networks this month. You may be moving a communications project forward, and you can be incredibly enthusiastic about your current interests. You're making your luck as you take the initiative. It's a fine time for new and enterprising projects--you're pioneering. You might come up with an idea for a new and exciting venture. You take more interest in settling in or building upon your current resources as the month advances. The Sun and Mercury moving into your sector of money, natural talents, and self-worth on the 19th stimulate a desire to build up your reservoir, improve your bottom line, and develop what you already have. Venus moves into this same sector on the 14th, and you more fully enjoy attending to your projects and things. You are approaching money and possessions differently, and your tastes are changing. You might decide to make an exciting or unusual purchase or to indulge in something unconventional. There can be discoveries along financial lines, and breakthrough thinking about money or business can figure strongly. This can also be an excellent time for new insights about emotional and personal matters, home, family, and the past. From the 23rd, home life grabs more of your attention. You might actively work through problem areas and improve family relationships. You can feel energetic and enthusiastic about such things as decorating, organizing your home, going on outings with family, or fixing problem areas in your personal life. The Full Moon on the 26th opens your eyes to an intimate, financial, ownership, or dependency matter. A sense that you have to work through obstacles or work hard to achieve your goals is possible now. At the same time, with Pluto turning retrograde the next day, you may be learning of areas where you've been over-attached, worried, obsessed, or a bit paranoid. The coming months are excellent for reworking career and planning initiatives, doing the research and legwork, and refining projects. |
The first half of April can be a relatively private, contemplative, and possibly withdrawn time for you, dear Taurus. It's a time for collecting your thoughts, digesting recent experiences, and reorienting yourself. You could be dealing with things behind the scenes, and events can be such that you seek and get closure on various matters. Rest, regeneration, and reflection are in order in preparation for a new solar year. Things are changing from the 14-19 forward--you begin to experience more feelings of freedom and lightness. There can be a more vital and increasing sense of growth and faith in yourself and your support system. While you're likely to receive a lot of positive attention from mid-month forward, you feel at your most effective from the 19th forward. There can be good opportunities for applying yourself to business and practical affairs until the 23rd. Indeed, it's a good idea to avoid impulsiveness with your money with Mars transiting your resources sector. You could feel the reason to defend yourself, your values, and the respect you deserve. There can be several good opportunities for increasing your income this month, and there can be an important focus on more self-reliance. Finances can also be a hot topic. More competition, fire, and energy in your feeling nature can influence your love life, as well. While you're taking your time with your affections, you're nevertheless turning some heads, and the mystery involved can perhaps only serve to boost your appeal to others further. After the 14th, you're far more direct and clear about your affections. Money-making ideas can be uniquely creative. There could be new and intriguing business proposals, especially around the 5-6, or you may have the opportunity to make impressive progress with a project, talent, or business idea. Perhaps some "retail therapy" is up your alley now! Releasing stress through physical or creative activities can be excellent for you. You may feel a little lacking in the areas of direction, guidance, or support around the 9th, when a checkpoint motivates you to question whether you have all the right supplies and fuels before pushing forward with your plans. Deflated feelings are possible, but an adjusted strategy may be all the better for you. April is good for quiet study or work in relative solitude. You'll find it easier to focus on your priorities more attentively than usual. It's a great time to notice and handle details. The New Moon on the 11th can encourage you to dig deep and find ways to put harmful elements of your past behind you. This is an important time for you to look back and review, process, and digest recent events. Still, you can be anxious to get into gear and take action on improving your attention to healing and rest. Nevertheless, it can be a powerful time for business and money matters. You're likely to want to take the lead or initiative now. You are extraordinarily resourceful, making excellent use of your talents and resources. Being on top of your responsibilities is a goal and can feel especially satisfying. Venus moves into your sign on the 14th, and Mercury and the Sun do the same on the 19th. These transits boost your sense of personal power and increase your personal influence and presence. They can also stir your need to share ideas and use the power of words to improve your life. You seem to be getting outside reinforcement, and you might use this extra boost of visibility to further your plans. It's a fine time to consider new personal initiatives, make changes to your presentation or appearance, and update your year-ahead resolutions. The 23rd brings Mars into your communications zone, and it’s a fabulous time to approach learning and communicating in new and exciting ways. At times, impatience can be a problem. Otherwise, it's an excellent time to get things done--you're likely to feel pleasantly engaged. Relationship epiphanies can occur around the Full Moon on the 26th, particularly with Pluto turning retrograde the following day. You become especially aware of your relationship needs that require changes. Strong feelings about partnership or a specific person can emerge. Still, you may need to back off a situation just a little so that you can gain perspective and see where you've been too attached, controlling, or tense. You may be reassessing, observing, and gaining a new vision of a close relationship, publishing project, educational path, or belief system from now on. In the last week of April, restrictions may not be stronger, but you're less tolerant of them. Venus, Mercury, and the Sun each align with Uranus in your sign, and you can be excitable and perhaps a little impatient, particularly with rules or impositions. While you can feel rebellious now, you put yourself in the very best position if you answer to a genuine need to make progress rather than merely react to what others are doing. Your individuality, uniqueness, and free spirit are all in the spotlight. |
The first half of April is strong for networking, reaching out to the community, and friendships, dear Gemini. You can expect more invites or communications from people in your networks. Long-term plans look exciting now. Your month is looking full! Until the 23rd, you're exceptionally self-motivated with energetic Mars in your sign. You might often fill the role of leader or work towards your goals independently, at your own pace. There are times when you may need to practice some self-control, as you can quickly feel bored or impatient with Mars in Gemini. You seem to be the first to start and the first to finish! You have personal initiative, making this an opportune time to pursue goals that have been put aside. Some self-centeredness is good for you at this time. Personal needs can seem pressing and desires strong. Conflicts may occur and are more likely when Mars is astrologically challenged, such as around the 9th and 19th. Still, these challenges may very well motivate you to become more self-reliant, which can be something you need at this time in your life. On the 9th, you might experience a temporary dip in motivation levels if you're unsure of your ultimate destination. Remind yourself that you don't need a far-reaching goal or end game to make some progress. Set small challenges or goals and work towards them in the meantime, and eventually, the bigger picture will fill in. Watch that you're taking actions that serve you well and avoid those things that seem to alienate others, particularly bosses, parents, or the like, or that might steer your reputation off-course. Even with this strongly independent theme, cooperation with others comes easily in April. Reaching out and taking the lead or initiative brings rewards. You may meet someone special through a group, friend, or networking, and it may be the perfect time to make a move, particularly around the 5-6. A friend's appreciation or inspiration from your networks might motivate you to go after what you want. Friendships and love relationships can strengthen or enliven, and you are giving off warm and stimulating vibes. There can be invitations or simply more desire to follow up on connections made. It's a creative time that seems to highlight you in attractive ways. The New Moon on the 11th is powerful for a fresh start with your friendships, networks, social life, and happiness goals. New beginnings are on the horizon, and you’re feeling encouraged, inspired, and hopeful. However, watch for succumbing to pressure or paranoia at this time. In the week following this New Moon, you might decide to begin a new venture or join a group or team. A special relationship between Mercury, your planetary ruler, and Mars in your sign occurs from the 4-19. Communications projects, publishing, and smart thinking can figure strongly, and you're likely to find some serious opportunities to concentrate and focus. Committing yourself to a goal or pet project can help bring you down to earth. Making lists or writing out intentions can also help you sort out mind clutter. The sense that you're valued and respected is encouraging and motivating. People pull through for you, and this kind of support is just what you need at the moment. It's a good time for attracting who or what you want. Especially around the 16th, seeking new experiences, particularly ones that educate you, can be rewarding. Self-promotional efforts can be successful. Motivation to get things done today is powerful. It would help if you had more time to yourself as the month advances with Venus moving into your privacy sector on the 14th and then Mercury and the Sun following suit on the 19th. While it’s essential to stay connected with people you care about, you also need to set some boundaries, gently. You're starting important cycles of retrospect and emotional renewal. It's a time for looking within for answers and perhaps looking to the past for important clues. Even so, from the 23rd forward, you’re in an excellent position to pursue business and financial goals. Transits stir the desire to make your life more comfortable, settled, and secure. This Mars influence can push you to make more money or settle a financial or relationship matter that ultimately leads to increased comfort and predictability. You're remarkably resourceful now -- making the most of what you have, including both tangible and intangible resources such as money, valuables, know-how, and talents. With the Full Moon on the 26th, realizations about health, wellness, work, and routines can prompt important changes or new plans and strategies. A feeling of being blocked, limited, or restricted can motivate you to improve these areas of your life. Your intuition is trying to tell you something, and you might gravitate to the things, people, or situations that help you move forward. You might enjoy a coincidence that leads you to beautiful memories or unexpected feelings. This lunation occurs around the time that Pluto turns retrograde, and if the give-and-take or trust in a key relationship has fallen out of balance, you'll feel it more intensely now. Health and work matters, especially related to control or fear issues, can also come into sharper focus with this shift. Over the coming five-plus months, you'll benefit from a review or reassessment of current wellness programs, routines, work projects, power dynamics, intimate relationships, shared assets, or debt. With a healthy level of detachment, you're in a fabulous position to do some beneficial research and information-collecting. The last week of April is good for financials, intimate matters, and overall faith in your judgment. Getting some time for yourself is vital - some reflection and rest can feed the soul now. |
The first half of April puts you in a great position to look after the major structures in your life, dear Cancer. This is a time to give extra attention to career, long-term goals, rules, responsibilities, and performance. It can also be a time of greater visibility, and even people unrelated to your job might seem to hold you a little more accountable for your actions. As the month progresses, you become increasingly interested in fulfilling happiness goals and less focused on performance. Despite the strong attention to your outside responsibilities, Mars continues in your privacy sector until the 23rd. Your energy levels may not be at their best during this transit, as you require more time for rest and contemplation. You might deal with a reshuffling of your priorities, desires, or projects, and this can be a temporary drain on your levels of motivation. Working on your own at your own pace would be ideal if you can manage it. Mars enters your sign on the 23rd, after which you'll feel more outwardly effective, assertive, and decisive. Until then, extra rest can do you very well and can help you prepare. Learning your heart's desire is important now so that when you're ready to pursue it, you know which direction to head! When Mars is challenged, such as on the 9th and 19th, you may need to deal with dashed hopes and moodiness. The desire for something more exotic can be strong, and the need for some form of escape can be persistent. Engage your more creative or spiritual needs, and do your best to avoid taking on too much until you're truly ready for more. Aim to make peace with the past. Your charisma turns up a notch this month, and part of your appeal has to do with some mystery. Keeping some things to yourself while smiling for the camera seems to be what works for you at the moment. Transits stir your need for more dynamism and creative expression in your work and possibly your private life as well. You are glowing on a professional level, and others tend to follow your lead or flock to you for advice. The New Moon on the 11th prompts a new beginning or approach to your professional plans, long-term goals, or life path pursuits. Your deeper relationships are strengthening, and you're particularly resourceful now. Self-improvement endeavors are highly favored. There can be a feel-good rush that comes from coming to someone's aid. Look for opportunities to express yourself from behind the scenes. It can be an excellent time for your intimate life or taking action on a private matter. Venus moves into your social sector on the 14th, and the Sun and Mercury follow suit on the 19th, painting a different picture for the second half of April. You're turning your attention to enjoyment, friends, teamwork, and networking. You're more inclined to entertain long-term happiness goals now. Your social life is ramping up, while Mars moving into your sign on the 23rd gets you more active and involved. This transit stimulates increased personal energy, initiative, and drive. At times, however, you can feel unusually angry or impatient. Otherwise, this is an intense period for positive and healthy self-focus. Friendships can bring surprises, or you could see a friend in an entirely different light. The last week of the month is a time for exploring new ideas, dreams, and plans. Curveballs thrown at you tend to nudge you in new directions. The Full Moon on the 26th can illuminate matters revolving around a romantic affair, creative project, or children. This is a time for pivotal discoveries of your feelings for someone or particular projects in your life. With Pluto turning retrograde for over five months, you're likely to identify areas where you've been pushing too hard or where you've been too attached for your own good. This mission works well with a Sun-Uranus alignment that also wants you to feel lighter and freer. The last week of April is strong for social affairs, romantic and business partnerships, negotiations and agreements, and community or group involvement. You could be broadening your horizons through networking and meeting interesting people. |
With a strong focus on your sector of spirit and adventure in the first weeks of April, dear Leo, your desire to learn, share ideas, and reach out beyond the usual routine or the mundane in your life is vital. Transits encourage you to bring more of the world into your personal life. You could be enjoying new interests or thinking about your plans in a big-picture way. There can be some forgetfulness or moments of feeling quite scattered, but with Mars moving in harmony with your sign until the 23rd, you're making progress. You might enjoy the opportunity to learn new skills or develop your current ones, or there can be a strong focus on training, learning, and connecting. The first half of the month can be good for attracting positive feedback and feeling reinforced. You are more likely to make happy connections through activities that take you outside of the routine or onto unfamiliar ground mentally. There may be difficulties with a friend or group with Mars in your social sector, but gains coming through your connections are more prominent. Around the 9th, the need to escape or to enjoy a change of pace can be intense. If you were hard on yourself energetically in the days before this date, you could feel a little disoriented, or challenges with boundaries with someone may need attention. Even so, your motivation and enthusiasm are strong for aspiring towards something special. Happiness goals are in strong focus, and it can be a time when team efforts thrive and new projects can take off. The motivation to pursue your dreams and make plans for an exciting future is with you. If you're considering a unique adventure, a new course, or a publishing project, the week after the New Moon on the 11th can be a good time for drawing up new plans. Feed your mind, enjoy new experiences, and brush up on skills! The need for a fresh perspective or stimulating extra-curricular activities is strong after this New Moon, and new beginnings along these lines can help broaden your horizons. You're recognizing the need to live your life more fully, although you can feel some restlessness before finding your way. The need for good company and interesting experiences can motivate you into action. You might enjoy opportunities to meet special people through long-distance communications, cultural interests or special-interest topics, higher education, acquaintances, or groups, or you can find pleasure and inspiration through these things. You're inclined to express your feelings straightforwardly, and this forthcoming approach truly works in your favor, boosting your appeal. Conversations can be inspiring and stimulating. Creative ideas emerge now, and some gently motivating competition can get you going. Venus moves to the top of your solar chart on the 14th, and the Sun and Mercury follow suit on the 19th, bringing your attention to rules and structures, as well as career and responsibility. You're goal-oriented and ready to take charge. Even so, Mars moves into the sign behind yours on the 23rd, and you're also inclined to reflect, rest, or take more downtime. Ideally, you can find a balance between these drives. Around the 26th, there can be some excitement or tension in your personal life or emotional world, leading to a new perspective. Unpredictability can stir up problems now, but you quickly find your way and connect with your true feelings and inner needs. Pluto turns retrograde the next day, putting you in the position to review and reassess work and health matters. You might more clearly see where you've been over-attached or where you've been putting too much pressure on yourself. Even if you feel you're better equipped to handle matters, you may need to delegate or let go of some initiatives so that you can catch your breath and can help you find more time to explore, expand, and flourish. The last week of April brings a breath of fresh air to your career, professional interests, or life direction. There may be some form of recognition for your accomplishments or work, and incentives, benefits, or awards can figure strongly. Career, business, and responsibilities move to the front burner. A partnership in or through business can form. You might hunger for a fresh start or increased freedom. Inner stirrings that leave you feeling rebellious against the path you're currently taking or against authority figures can be intense. You are slightly more detached than usual when it comes to your work and reputation, and this can lead to bolder moves. |
Relationships are in strong focus this month, dear Virgo, but it can also be a power period for your career or role as a leader/caregiver. You are ready and willing to perform, more ambitious than usual, and energized about pursuing your goals. People may recognize you as a pioneer, or you're connecting with your initiative and pioneering qualities. There can be a stronger focus on intimate relationships, sexuality, finances, emotional or financial support, taxes, and debts. The New Moon on the 11th is very useful for sorting your financial affairs, seeking mental, material, or emotional support, and starting a new plan for emotional health and wellness. Generally, it’s better to feel the New Moon's energy and intuit your next move, and then wait a few days to put plans into motion. The week following this lunation is strong for partnering, career efforts, appreciation from others, and important new revelations. You might get professional support or backing in April. The kind of competition emerging now is more motivating than disruptive, and it can be pretty inspiring, gently nudging you to do your best or up your game. You can be motivated to make a connection or find channels to satisfy a burning desire. Investigation or seeking out hidden answers or resources can be successful. There can be progress, improvement, or excitement in an intimate relationship. A buzz of excitement in your personal or professional life can figure strongly around the 5-6 especially, and you may very well experience a boost of charisma or popularity on the job. With Mars in your ambition sector until the 23rd, you're in good shape for using your greatest assets for achieving or advancing your goals. However, you may need to get over a brief obstacle, especially if you have buried anger coming out in fits and spurts. Relationship issues can distract you, or someone may not be available when you need them. However, feeling a little deflated can ultimately pull you up to a stronger position as you readjust your priorities. Overall, there can be positive feelings about work projects or investments, and your intimate life can get a boost. You'll see time wasters for what they are, and you may stumble upon methods that help you tighten up your work or routines. You can be drawn to details and excited about finding solutions to problems. The New Moon on the 11th brings the power to pursue new goals. There can be opportunities to rid yourself of limiting attitudes or rework your attitudes toward life in empowering ways. Your insight into which aspects of yourself that you need to transform is strong. You’re also learning to accept others’ support or determined to sort out feelings of indebtedness. An event could take place that opens your eyes to the need for handling debts or shared resources. Financial and intimate matters are in focus, and while there can be challenges and obstacles involved, a take-charge attitude emerges. You're motivated to do something meaningful with your time. You're ready to put your talents or skills to use, and you might indirectly advertise your capabilities as you do! Channeling your energy into constructive projects comes easily and naturally this month. Your attitude towards your work and goals is hugely positive now, and you're ready to take on any challenge that comes your way. You're willing to put forth the effort to succeed, and this attracts positive situations. In week three of April, your focus shifts to your social life, partnering, connecting, and exploring new adventures or experiences and ideas. Pulling yourself away from work and tasks more often can be of great benefit now. Relationships enliven. From the 23rd, Mars transits your sector of causes, community, and friendship, which takes some of the pressure off career or performance matters. It also inspires a take-charge approach to your social life. Activities with friends and networks come into stronger focus and assume more importance in your life now. The Full Moon on the 26th is mentally stimulating. You might arrive at important revelations regarding your projects, studies, mental outlook, and personal interests. There can be some scrambling to make deadlines or some disorganization to manage now, but it’s an exciting time for better understanding your interests. Let obstacles motivate instead of discourage you. With Pluto's retrograde turn the next day, you're gaining a new perspective on learning, connecting, romance, creativity, recreation, communications, and transportation. Ultimately, you'll be able to see where fear and over-attachment may have been working against you in these areas. The months ahead are powerful for gaining self-knowledge. You're developing a stronger taste for expressing yourself freely and spontaneously, and the last week of the month cements this. It's a time for branching out and reaching far beyond your normal boundaries. If romance is featured, it has a flavor of freedom and adventure. There may be opportunities to expand, publish, share, or promote. However, do your best to get your personal affairs in order so that you can take better advantage of opportunities that arise. Personally, transits tend to pull you up and out of yourself, and you can be more willing to take on a challenge or invest in your belief in yourself. |
April brings stellar influences for love and relationships, dear Libra. Good energy is with you for bringing more excitement, pride, and fun to your interactions. You might attract strong and intelligent people into your life. You tend to put forward a solid effort when it comes to relating in positive, rewarding ways. Cooperating seems the best option for overall happiness and success in the first half of the month. While some of your personal plans may be on hold this month, your interests are taking off. For the most part, you assert yourself in becoming, healthy ways, and others tend to admire your increasing confidence and verve. If you want to start fresh or make changes in your relationship state or status, the period after the New Moon on the 11th is strong for setting your intentions. It's a good time to strengthen a relationship or your own resolve, and communicate in imaginative ways. New beginnings with relationships, especially one-to-one connections and partnerships, agreements, or contracts, are in store, arising from real-world tensions. Engaging activities or conversations with a particular person in your life can figure strongly this month, especially around the 5-6. Even a counseling session can be especially fruitful as others have something to reveal to you about yourself. A bit of competition or an exciting possibility can motivate you to give a little more. It can be an exciting time for learning something new or for the sparking of a new interest. You can feel both peaceful and pleasantly stimulated as you focus on positive reinforcement and healthy competition. Mars in your solar ninth house until the 23rd finds you seeking opportunities to grow, learn, connect, and improve. When Mars is under strain, such as on the 9th and 19th, watch for wishful thinking that interferes with decision-making. There may be the need to back something up with facts and details, but you feel too disorganized to do so. Aim to work on these problems in due time, particularly if they're persistent ones. For the most part, you'll find that people are ready to cooperate, and sharing your happiness can take a relationship to a new level. Honesty and openness become you! Your powers of attraction skyrocket. You're in generally good shape for competitive activities, exams, learning, and creative activities. You are inclined to make big plans, to see things in terms of the larger picture, and to enjoy expressing your ideas and creative visions with others. You feel passionate about something or someone. Venus moves into your intimacy zone on the 14th, and Mercury and the Sun follow suit on the 19th, turning your attention to commitments, finances, shared resources, and deepening of feelings. There can be a new focus on understanding your relationships on a deeper level, including your relationship with yourself! Mars moves to the top of your solar chart on the 23rd, where it will transit until June 11th, fueling your motivation and sparking ambitions. The desire to do things your way or run the show can sometimes conflict with people in authority. However, with some patience and mindfulness, it's a great period for getting things done and clearing the path for new beginnings. In the last week of April, you're positively directing your energies to areas of your life that require change, updates, and a more progressive approach. Sudden or unconventional whims, desires, and attractions can take hold. The sudden urge to push boundaries can figure strongly. Intimate relationships or feelings are likely to heat up suddenly, or you awaken to your buried feelings. There can be heightened emotions surrounding money, possessions, personal values, and talents, or you may have a revelation about money or business. You may need to pull yourself out of your comfort zone a little to get what you want or deserve, but the results can be fantastic. Aim to let obstacles motivate rather than discourage you now. With Pluto's retrograde turn on the 27th, you're getting in the position to review, reassess, and gain a new perspective about finances, matters related to security and comfort, family, and home or domestic life. |
Events and circumstances in April tend to point you in the direction of taking better care of yourself. Watch for overwork that subtracts from your overall well-being and happiness. Fortunately, you're enjoying yourself more often than not. Helping you further to eliminate bad habits is Mars in your solar eighth house until the 23rd. With this transit, you tend to feel stronger and more powerful on the inside. Whether the desire to make changes comes from conflict or stronger motivation to understand yourself, you're willing to take charge of problem areas from the inside out. Watch for boundary issues with others on the 9th or 19th when Mars is under strain. Avoid stewing in resentment, as this can impact you quite negatively. If you're feeling particularly sensitive to imbalances, make it your priority to treat yourself with gentleness, and then explore the areas where you might need some more discipline. Providing a service or volunteering your help to someone today can be rewarding. There can be a natural, warm feel to intimate matters and a sense of peace and acceptance with yourself, which is very attractive to others! Harmony in your daily environment is more important to you. There can be positive channels opening up to you for healing and health-building pursuits. Your passion and warmth show through in the work you do, the services you provide, or in your domestic pursuits and home-related projects. You're also likely to create bonds and generate trust with others. After the New Moon on the 11th is an important time for understanding your work needs, plans, and goals. You might come to realize that you're holding onto behaviors or goals that no longer serve you well, and it's a good time to think about new methods and improved routines. Frustrations can motivate you to improve your daily affairs, work, or health. There can be strong opportunities for improving your family or home experiences. Expanding contact, strengthening ties, and finding peace with your past can be in focus now. You feel more empowered, optimistic, and hopeful about an intimate or family matter. Venus enters your partnership sector on the 14th. Mercury and the Sun do the same on the 19th, moving close to one another all month, and close relationships come into strong focus. You'll be inclined to want to pair up to make certain decisions. From the 23rd, Mars transits your spirit sector, providing a helpful boost to your confidence, energy levels, motivation, and courage. Your appetite for new experiences or increased knowledge is large. Your social life begins to draw more of your attention, and people seek you out more often. You're focusing on partnering and relating, and it's a good time for learning new skills. The Full Moon on the 26th occurs in your sign, and it's a time for fresh, new approaches, particularly in your relationships, but also with how you take care of yourself and your needs for nurture. If you've been unhappy with some aspect of your life, now is the time to work on making it better. You might have an important revelation or a culmination or turning point can occur. You are awakening to feelings that you may have ignored or brushed aside in previous weeks, and it's exciting. Your emotions are in full bloom. Obstacles are likely but aim to let them motivate rather than discourage you. This can be a wonderful time for coming into touch with buried feelings. Still, Pluto turns retrograde on the 27th, putting you in a more reflective frame of mind. It's a great time for searching deep within for answers.
Transits tend to highlight your natural charm and encourage self-expression, dear Sagittarius. You make good impressions on others on many different levels at this time – physically, emotionally, and mentally or verbally. There is a strong focus on your creative and/or romantic life in April. Recreation, hobbies, pleasurable pastimes, artistic pursuits, and love/dating are areas of increased activity and focus. Until the 23rd, Mars transits your sector of partnerships, and at its best, someone could motivate you to be more courageous, to do things you've wanted to do, and to believe in yourself. At worst, you could feel that others are directing your life, which can be frustrating in spots. However, conflicts stirred with an important person in your life can lead to important discoveries and increased motivation to make needed changes. A close relationship may very well move forward. The New Moon on the 11th brings new energy and a take-charge attitude to your creative world, and in the week following it, you may be pushing forward a hobby, romance, or creative pursuit. It's a strong time for new beginnings or fresh starts relating to fun, personal enjoyment, self-expression, children, romance, and leisure or creativity. Look for ways to express and enjoy yourself more fully. Intuition is strong this month and is often leading the way. There can be warm benefits from being around others, particularly around the 5-6. Others may pull you into activities that you enjoy, or they somehow inspire you to action. Relationships are ever so slightly competitive or spicy now, which can motivate you to give a little more. Instead, the motivation to express yourself can be strong, making it an excellent time for creative work or pleasure-seeking activities. Feedback from others can be motivating, and interactions can be inspired and inspiring. Romantic feelings can drive you, or the urge to create something special and unique can figure strongly. From the 3-19, Mercury, your partnership ruler, is in mutual reception with Mars in that same sector, boosting your appeal and one-to-one relationships. Your good cheer and optimism can help strengthen close relationships, especially around mid-month--another vital time for relating. Venus moves into your work and health sector on the 14th, and the Sun and Mercury do the same on the 19th. These influences turn your attention to the important systems in your life, your daily routines, work, and personal well-being. From the 23rd, intimate relationships can heat up. You can be inspired to take action on securing financial support or organizing your affairs. With increasing emphasis on your work and health sector, this can also push you to make deep, lasting lifestyle changes. Transits bring increased energy, desire, and fire to intimate matters, sometimes producing very favorable intense feelings, and other times stimulating conflict. There can be an opportunity to direct more of your energy into a pet project or exciting personal pursuit. Shared resources, money, boundaries, and power dynamics are in stronger focus. Some unexpected developments or interruptions lead to new thinking or directions with your work or routines. You have a taste for something different, unique, and exciting. The Full Moon on the 26th awakens a need to attend to your inner world and get extra time for rest and reflection. This is a time when your psychic radar is working overtime, and you can have an epiphany about your true feelings on a matter or instincts about a person or project. There can be a need for emotional and psychic release or escape so that you can recuperate, rest, and rejuvenate yourself. Aim to combat a desire to be in the know, present, and communicative that can interfere with very real needs for rest and reflection. |
There's a strong focus on your home and family life, as well as your support system in the first half of April, dear Capricorn. You're also paying extra attention to your work and/or health routines. If it's possible, aim to set your own pace with work or chores, as you're not in the best frame of mind to work under others' direction. You'll want to take advantage of increased self-motivation to get things done. It's essential to listen to your body and its signals so that you don't push its limits with Mars transiting your solar sixth house until the 23rd. Tension or even deflation can ultimately take you to new heights. You might decide to eliminate habits in your routine that are counter-productive to focus on those that serve your greater goals. You can be strongly motivated to boost your feelings of security and comfort. You might also reorganize your personal space in such a way that you can think more clearly (less clutter) and produce more. Family may be especially cooperative or willing to lend you a hand with your endeavors. It's a fine time to open up conversations with loved ones, draw up plans and lists of priorities, and spend more time on activities and endeavors in the home. In the week following the New Moon on the 11th, brand new projects can get off to a great start. This sector of your chart is not only about your base of operations, but it's also about thinking about long-term security. It can be a time for a fresh start with living conditions, life at home or with family, and getting the chance to cocoon, feel safe, and get comfortable. Attention to your needs for all that's familiar is beneficial now, and events happening at this time remind you of their importance. There can be simmering tension as your personal goals can sometimes clash quite dramatically with your attention to your domestic world. Action around the house or with your work can be therapeutic. You might make connections through your work or pursuit of health and wellness. Ambition increases in comfortable ways, and you're more willing to put ideas into motion or take action on important matters to overcome obstacles. It's a great time to work on projects that have long-term appeal. Venus moves into your sector of joy on the 14th, and the expression of affection is easy and natural. This transit boosts your appeal, and with the Sun and Mercury entering the same sector on the 19th, your attention to recreation, expression, and enjoyment skyrockets. On the 23rd, Mars moves into your partnership sector, animating close relationships. This transit animates, enlivens, and energizes your relationships with others, sometimes stimulating conflicts. There can be increased relationship activity or impulsiveness now. With mindfulness, this can be a favorable period for bringing fresh energy into a connection. The last week of April can bring a feeling of rejuvenation and spirited energy into your life. It can be a brilliant time to connect and share with people you enjoy. You can be in demand, or you might experience a personal revelation or a surprising discovery in your social life. If you've been sitting on feelings that need a release, they're likely to find a channel for expression around the 26th. You receive a cosmic nudge towards finding a better balance between your personal life and social life, or romance and friendship. Obstacles can be discouraging, but they might motivate you to make improvements in these areas. |
In the first half of April, there can be a lot coming in, many things to do, and a generally quick pace, dear Aquarius. Your communications sector is very active, and there can be times when you're busy to distraction. You could be more involved with a sibling, neighbor, or classmate, or you're incredibly motivated to sort out your daily affairs, get going on a learning endeavor or study, and push a communications project forward. It's a great time to gather your facts, although there will be times when you could feel a little harried. These transits are helpful for putting your feelers out, experimenting with different ideas, interests, and projects. Avoid getting to the point that you're living in a nervous state, as you'll miss out on the real opportunities that are bound to present themselves. Mars moves in harmony with your sign until the 23rd, helping to keep energy levels strong. It also gives you a real sense that you are capable of taking on challenges. You're more inclined to take some creative risks and believe in your ability to contribute something unique to the world. Romantic relationships could intensify, and you're communicating with more punch. Creative self-expression flows smoothly, and you may feel inspired or motivated to up your game. Enjoying a competition can figure strongly. If you push yourself too hard, you might feel quite deflated around the 9th. You're reminded to take some time for rest or reflection. It's best to watch for desires and whims that distract you from your goals, as these may be a form of procrastination. A new beginning can be in the offing regarding learning, sharing, ideas, mental outlook, communications, transportation, personal interests, and daily life around the New Moon on the 11th. While you have the chance to start fresh, you might battle some inner reservations, fears, or insecurities about putting your ideas out there. Once you've done so, healthy competition can be motivating. Creative and romantic matters strengthen, your charm is hearty, and your ability to gain others' confidence is powerful. In the second half of April, there's a significant energy shift towards home and family matters or your private life. You can find real comfort in faces and places you love. You can be happily introspective during this period. It can be very healing and rewarding to pour more of your energies into your personal life, and it can boost your confidence along with your sense of security as you do. From the 23rd, a Mars transit brings more energy, animation, and motivation to your pursuit of health or work. You'll find it hard to tolerate inactivity or waste in your daily routines, habits, self-care programs, or your job. There can be some conflicts related to independence and speed with those you share your daily activities. However, it may be just what you need to clear the air, and problem-solving can be productive now. In the last week of the month, your focus is forward-looking, and the need for more oomph in your personal life or routines is real. It can be a lively time for home improvement or an open spirit with loved ones that encourages a fresh new approach to relating. Alternatives lead you to rethink old problems and concerns, particularly regarding living arrangements and conditions as well as close relationships with loved ones. Disruptions to routines may be necessary in order for your life to move forward in a positive way. This is a time when you find it easier than usual to step outside of your comfort zone, and as you do, you boost your confidence. Around the Full Moon on the 26th, there can be an important realization about your work, true calling, business, career, reputation, or true feelings about the direction your life is taking. Use feelings of discouragement about an issue as motivation to make improvements. |
There is a continuing focus on home, family, work, and health in the first few weeks of April, dear Pisces. There's vital creative energy and animation in your personal life, with family, and around the home. You might work from or on the home with more enthusiasm, or you're bringing in new ways to enjoy entertainment on the homefront and finding creative ways to interact with the people closest to you. April is a good month for taking care of business, attending to practical affairs, and devoting some time to finances or special projects. Until the 23rd, there can be much activity in your personal life or domestic world. Excess energy can lead to some conflicts. It can be essential to get problems out into the open, and if past patterns are repeating in the present, you'll want to deal with them. Working on making your home environment supportive and operating smoothly may be a priority now. Problems at home can reverberate quite negatively to many different areas of your life, much in the same way that lack of restful sleep wreaks havoc on the entire body. You might often find yourself taking care of business this month, and as you take more pride in your work, possessions, and ability to earn or improve your life, improvements naturally follow. You could gain some appreciation or admiration for your talents. The week following the New Moon on the 11th is good for starting fresh and taking charge, particularly of a business, project, or money matters and spending habits. The desire to improve your lot in life comes on now. You may have to do some juggling, but the central focus should be on getting your financial life in order. Your drive to taste life and appreciate it can revolve around personal possessions and beauty and comfort in the home. Still, you're also feeling quite creative and more confident about pursuing your needs and wants. A creative business idea may come together. Ideas for improving your finances, comfort levels, and home life stand out. Taking action on a private or domestic matter can be very fruitful and satisfying. The second half of the month brings on a real shift of energy. This is a busier, more sociable and connected time, and also a rather fortunate period for friendships, communications, and group connections. Networking is especially important now. Venus moves into your communications sector on the 14th, and the Sun and Mercury follow suit on the 19th, bringing you out of your shell. This is a more sociable time for you, generally speaking, and Mars moving into your sector of joy on the 23rd cements this outgoing theme. It's a rewarding cycle in which you get into stronger touch with your passions. It boosts your confidence and enthusiasm. You feel a little more spirited, confident, involved, and effective. There is increased energy involved with creative and romantic pursuits, although at times this can amount to overstimulation. You might hear or read about something that inspires you to make changes in the last week of April. A Full Moon occurs in your spirit sector on the 26th, awakening you to the desire to expand your mind and experiences. You are ready to start fresh, turn a corner, try new things, and approach your relationships differently. This can be an excellent time for coming up with an inspired idea. Pleasant surprises or even new friendships can result from learning pursuits or special interests. It's a time for seeking out different ways to express yourself. There can be something published, expressed, or promoted that helps you turn a corner. Unpredictability can stir up some problems now, but you're ultimately connecting with your true feelings on a project or situation. It's a fortunate time for friendships, communications, work, health, and group connections. New interests or channels for communicating are opening up for you, and these can lead to other layers of opportunities in different areas of life. Your ideas, advice, or guidance might stand out as particularly unique and perhaps in demand. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
April 2021 Aspects TimeLine:
See also: This Week in Astrology for more detail.
This Month’s Ephemeris:
This Month’s Ephemeris with extra points and abbreviations rather than glyphs:
Ephemerides with additional points are for Eastern Time. The North Node and Lilith are the True positions. Retrogrades are underlined. Extra points are Chiron, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, and Lilith. These come from the excellent software, Sirius 3.0.
- May 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- June 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- July 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- August 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- September 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- October 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- November 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- December 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- January 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points)
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors, although they’re not impossible periods, either.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.
- Full Moon in Libra Chart: March 28, 2021
- New Moon in Aries Chart: April 11, 2021
- Full Moon in Scorpio chart: April 26, 2021
Looking Ahead:
- May 2021: TimeLine Aspects
- June 2021: TimeLine Aspects
- July 2021: TimeLine Aspects
- August 2021: TimeLine Aspects
- September 2021: TimeLine Aspects
- October 2021: TimeLine Aspects
- November 2021: TimeLine Aspects
- December 2021: TimeLine Aspects
- Time Line Aspects: January 2022

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2021 – Overview