Sample Vedic Compatibility Report
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Vedic Romantic Compatibility Report
Prince Charles’s Moon in Aries and in Aswini Nakshatra
Camilla Parker Bowles’s Moon in Gemini and in Ardra Nakshatra
The flow of your relationship will stimulate mutual respect and, thereby, growth of love.
In any relationship it is respect that is most important. Love is said to, “flourish in the soil of mutual respect.” When any two people get together there is a particular flow between them. If it flows well, both people feel respected, cared for and loved. If it does not flow well, both people fell disrespected, incompetent and frustrated. Men and women tend to feel loved for different things and thus need to be respected in different ways. Men feel most loved when their thoughts and actions are respected and when they are appreciated for what they do. Women feel most loved when their feelings are respected and when they are appreciated for who they are. This is not to say that a woman does not feel loved when her thoughts and actions are respected and when she is appreciated for what she does, it is only to say that she feels most loved when her feelings are respected and when she is appreciated for who she is. Men do feel loved when they are appreciated for who they are and when they have their feelings respected, but they feel most loved when they are respected for their thoughts and actions and when they are appreciated for what they do. Since men and women feel most loved when respected for different things, a healthy relationship will flow in such a way so that both people will most often be respected for what is most important to them.
Your relationship is set up so that the energy will flow from the man to the woman, which is the ideal situation. The man will get a clear picture of what needs to be done in the relationship and he will be able to take the steps to do it. This will put him in a position where the woman will have the opportunity to respect him for what he is doing. As a result he will feel loved and his self-esteem and confidence will flourish and he will become a better man as a result. He will also get ideas about the relationship and what to do in the relationship and bring them to the woman for her consideration and input so they can work together to create a happy future. The woman will feel loved and cared for since the man is taking the steps that show that she is important to him and that she is worth building a life with. Since the man will be demonstrating his love for the woman, the woman will feel better and better about herself. Any ills she may have suffered in the past and in past relationships that have caused her to wonder why anyone would ever want to be with her will become distant memories and she will become a better and happier woman.
If for some reason you find things not flowing as smoothly, then there are likely to be issues that both of you have to work out as individuals, but which the relationship can help you work out. If things are not flowing as expected, then the man will be in need of improving his self-esteem. He probably doubts himself or just doesn’t know what he wants in life. This can cause him to not put the proper energy into the relationship or make it hard for him to have the courage to tell the woman what he wants. Given time, this relationship can help him discover these things about himself, since the flow of the relationship will help him breed the confidence he needs. The woman will probably still feel the need to prove herself, that somehow she is not “good enough,” or that if she does not do it, no one will do it just for her. As a result of feeling these things, she may do a lot more than necessary in the relationship. Given time, the good flow in this relationship will help her feel better about these things and help her experience a whole new world where she is the center of her man’s attention and actions.
You are not on the Same Wavelength, but you are not on Conflicting Wavelengths either.
For a relationship to be smooth, efficient and nurturing the couple has to be on the same wavelength. They must have mutual needs so that they can share in the fulfillment of those needs and they must have an innate ability to understand each other. Everything that we do in life has a subtle influence upon us. Throughout the day we crave one thing or another. Fulfilling these cravings goes a long way in helping us feel balanced and energized. When our body is craving exercise we need to get out there and move or we just won’t feel okay. If we are feeling the need to be by the ocean we won’t feel right until we get there. If we feel like eating a certain food, we will feel hungry until we eat that food. So it goes throughout the day. A couple that wants to spend a lot of time together has to have needs and cravings that are similar in nature and they have to have these needs at the same time. Otherwise, one or both of the individuals will not experience enough of what they need and end up not feeling right until, over time, they will become drained. If this type of attunement is not there, then the couple will also not relate and communicate well together since they really won’t be tuned into the same thing at the same time.
Your Wavelength score is from sixteen to nineteen points. This is not bad, nor is it ideal. It is average. This will not damage your relationship, nor will it add to it. You won’t instantly tune into each other’s words or feelings, but you will easily understand each other with proper communication. You won’t always feel like the same thing, but you will feel like the same thing often enough to afford plenty of opportunity to share many quality moments together. You will be able to spend a lot of time with each other without draining each other, though you won’t actually energize each other.
Your Wavelength score is determined by eight different astrological measures. Each of these eight measures has something important to show you about your relationship. Continue reading to learn all about these eight factors and how they are affecting your relationship.
Your Relationship Suffers from Excess Vata
Each persons physical health as well as their actions are governed by three principles: Kapha, Pitta and Vata. Kapha correlates to the Chinese principle of Yin and to the Phlegmatic temperament. Pitta correlates to the Yang principle and the Bilious temperament. Vata correlates to the interplay or movement of Yin and Yang and the Windy temperament. These principles are very important in respect to our actions, health and feelings. Kapha provides the capacity for love, devotion, receptivity, rest, enjoyment and emotional response. Pitta provides courage, initiative, leadership, determination, intelligence, improvement and protection. Vata provides the capacity for the change and adjustment that life requires in order to live healthily and happily. If one of these temperaments becomes excessive, then the relationship, the lives of both the individuals and the physical health of the couple may become unbalanced and strained.
Each person has their own make up and blend of Kapha, Pitta and Vata, which is their “normal” state. This “normal” state may or may not be a healthy “normal.” Regardless of a person’s normal mental and physical state, when we relate to another person, the energy can change and there is the possibility of two people relating together to create an excess of Kapha, Pitta or Vata which results in their relationship having some imbalance. The imbalance will also carry over into the rest of their lives.
Astrological Factors indicate that your relationship suffers from excess Vata. Excess Vata can make it difficult to maintain focus and consistency and you may find your lives together being full of change and instability. You may especially notice inconsistency with the small things, such as eating regularly, sleeping regular hours, keeping a schedule, etc. When trying to work something out, you may find yourselves quickly becoming confused and unsure of your thoughts and not be able to explain yourself the way that you desire to. Or, if you do actually come up with a game plan, you will find it difficult to follow through. Basically, excess Vata causes the relationship to be a bit ungrounded and makes it more difficult for you both to be focused and grounded when in each other’s presence. This not only creates difficulties in small things, like not having a clear idea of how to proceed or what to do at times, but also with the big thing of what to do with the relationship. When you do feel a lack of focus around each other, just a short time apart can get you both on track again.
Ancient astrological texts state that excess Vata will harm the woman more than the man. Vata is the energy of movement, grace and change, which is usually more dominant in women than in men. Excess Vata in a relationship, therefore, tends to affect the woman more than the man. So it is more likely that the woman will feel that her life is getting more inconsistent and lacking focus and direction. Excess Vata can cause the woman to suffer from fatigue, constipation, stress, and lethargy in the mornings, restlessness in the evenings and shallow or disturbed sleep. It is, therefore, a good idea to emphasize taking care of the woman’s health and make sure that she eats and sleeps regularly, gets away from the stress and finds something relaxing to do. Exercise helps. Excess Vata can, of course, affect the man as well, but usually it is the woman that suffers the Vata excess the most.
Excess Vata reduces your Wavelength score by eight points over what it would be if you did not have any such excess. Even with excess Vata, your Wavelength score is still average (from sixteen to nineteen points) so you can have a relationship with this person. Lack of focus will, at times, make it confusing to relate healthily with each other and inconsistency can make your lives a bit more stressful sometimes. Most of the time, however, you will be able to connect and move forwards together with your lives.
Having this excess is likely to be the biggest obstacle to having the perfect relationship, so you will want to concentrate on working this out.
You will naturally be creative and constructive with each other.
Astrological indications reveal that you will find it quite easy, and even automatic to be constructive with each other. You will find many things to create together and share many desires together that you hope to build into your lives. You will very often desire to do and create very similar things so that there will be many opportunities to enjoy each other as you build your lives together. Your capability to create together is one of the best things for the relationship and earns you seven points towards your Wavelength score.
Astrological indications reveal that, when you come right down to it, the woman has a progressive, industrious and practical temperament and that the Man has a kind, friendly, compassionate, open and devoted temperament. These are very compatible temperaments and earn you five out of a possible six points towards your wavelength score. The refined and open nature of the man, who, as a man, is naturally more industrious and practical, goes well with the industrious and practical nature of the woman, who, as a woman, is naturally more open and devoted.
You do not have an ill affinity toward each other.
Astrological indications reveal that you do not have any extra affinity for friendship; however, you do not have an affinity for enmity either. Compromise will be more necessary, but it shouldn’t be any great problem to come to decisions that leave you both feeling happy. When things get tough, you may find yourself holding back a bit so as not to say anything that you may regret and it may be tough to work things out when they get hard, but you will be able to in the end. Since you do not have an ill affinity towards each other, you earn a half point out of a possible five towards your total Wavelength score.
Each person has an instinctive nature that they rely upon in intense situations when all recourse has left them. This instinctive nature is usually resorted to in crisis situations and in situations when a person has to do something, but does not know what to do. The instinctive nature also comes out to a lesser degree during the more intense aspects of sex. For a couple to go through intense situations harmoniously together and for a couple to bond through intense experiences and sexual experiences, it is important that their instinctive natures be compatible.
Astrological indications reveal that your instinctive natures are not particularly disposed towards each other, they are not supportive yet nor are they disruptive towards each other. This is quite acceptable and you earn two out of a possible four points towards your total Wavelength score.
A man’s temperament will either feel comfortable and safe to a women, or it will feel more threatening. If the man’s temperament feels safe and comfortable, then the woman will, or course, feel better about the relationship, and she will also be better able to get over any issues that may be making having a good relationship difficult for her. It will help her grow emotionally. The man will also benefit as he will fell like he is doing the right things in the relationship which will help him fell good about himself and, by extension, the relationship. If, on the other hand, the man’s temperament feels more threatening, the woman will only have a more difficult time feeling secure in the relationship and the efforts that the man might make to move the relationship forward, or to improve the relationship, may actually cause a setback in the relationship. If that is the case, the man may become frustrated and unhappy with himself and, by extension, the relationship.
Astrological indications reveal that the man’s general temperament is not particularly productive of safety and security, as a result of this you do not get three points that you could have otherwise earned towards your total wavelength score, however, since your total Wavelength points are average (between sixteen and nineteen points) you will be able to avoid any problems this may cause. You will be able to understand each other well enough and with that comes security and comfort.
This is quite a minor comparison by itself, and by itself it will not have a major say on the relationship, it is only important in the context of gaining a high enough Wavelength score as to have a good relationship.
The man has an innate ability to know what the woman needs.
When you are together there will be an innate ability for the man to know what the woman needs and he will be happy to provide it. The woman, in turn, will fall deeper in love with the man as a result of his devotion to her. This can really help you feel like you care for each other and so earns you one point towards your Wavelength score.
This relationship will incline you to make positive changes.
People change as a result of being in a relationship. Each person mutates somewhat as a result of being with the other. Ideally, this change is for the better and since it is part of human nature to want to change and improve, if the relationship has an innate ability to bring about positive changes, the couple’s need for growing and improving will be better met.
Astrological indications reveal that your relationship is more likely to help you both change towards the positive instead of the negative. This will make the relationship more fulfilling and so you gain one points towards your Wavelength score.
Though you have an average Wavelength score, astrological indications reveal that you do not have an innate sense of purpose together. So, you will be wise to make sure that your reasons for being together are solid reasons, or else risk growing apart in the future. If your reasons for being together are superficial, then you may well find yourself one day wondering why you are together.
Obstacles can be overcome so that you can be together.
In any relationship so much has to happen for two people to completely be together. Many of these things are practical things, like living in the same place, both being free and unattached, having work schedules that allow the necessary time for being together and having enough money to feel secure about building a life together. Then there is always the matter of being in the same mood and frame of mind so that they can enjoy sharing their lives with each other. Getting all of these things to fall into place can be quite a chore at times and there is plenty of opportunity for setbacks and obstacles to being together. For some couples, their destinies are timed so completely differently that there will always be something, or some feeling, preventing them from fully being together. Their destinies pull them apart and simply living their very lives becomes a source of obstacles to being together. When one lives in California, the other lives in Florida, when the Californian moves to Florida, the Floridian moves to New York to take care of their mother…and so the relationship goes or, rather, does not go. Fortunately, you escape this and the timing of your destinies is not an impossible conflict. So long as other compatibility factors are okay, you will be able to sort out your lives and make any changes and adjustments necessary in order to be together.
Your association does not bring any extra misfortune into your lives.
Besides the obvious importance to love and to be loved in a relationship, it is important for every couple to share a productive and happy life together. In fact, being in love increases our desire to live a productive and fortunate life. Some people get together and find their lives getting better and find more and more meaning to be with each other. Others, on the other hand, get together only to have everything go completely wrong, not just wrong in their lives, but wrong between them as well. Their very togetherness brings ill feelings between them along with misfortune. It is as if they are tied to a string of unfortunate events. Fortunately, one astrological measurement will show whether a couple is tied to the type of misfortune that has no end and no cure or if their association does not breed any extra ill into their lives.
Astrological indications reveal that your relationship does not suffer from any such type of unfortunate attachments. Due to your own inherent destinies and personalities you may still find yourselves attracting unfortunate events, in which case you will need to take a close look at yourselves as individuals so that you can see what issues you are holding onto that are attracting the ill events. You may also find yourselves playing games with each other or putting walls up between each other. If that is the case, it points to issues that you need to work out and not issues that are the result of your association with each other.
While the Moon represents a person’s nature and consciousness, Mars is the planet through which we assert what is in our mind and heart. For two people to have a harmonious relationship, not only must they have an innate attunement towards each other, they must also assert themselves equally, or else the relationship will become imbalanced and frustrated. The position of Mars in your horoscope, and not just in one of your Vedic charts but in three important charts, determines how much force you assert yourself with in your relationship. If both of you assert yourselves with relatively equal force, you will be able to work together to have a balanced and healthy relationship. If one of you asserts yourself more than the other, then the relationship will become imbalanced.
Your horoscopes show that the woman asserts herself with more force than the man. This can result in the man feeling pushed and nagged while also making it difficult for him to say what he wants in the face of the woman’s stronger presence. The woman may often feel like she has to do everything and that the man is just not doing what he needs to be doing, that he is really not into making things happen in the way that she is. When the woman says “no” to something the man may have suggested, her “no” may sound so loud in the man’s ears that he loses his courage and focus.
In order for this relationship to have any chance of working harmoniously and without a lot of frustration, the man will have to really work on being present and focused in the relationship and the woman will have to practice patience and acceptance for what she does receive.
Relationships are rarely easy as we all bring our challenging personalities into our relationships. When it comes down to it, the right relationship is the relationship that we feel right about being in the way that it is. A relationship in which we love a person but hope for things to be different and to change, cannot really be termed the right relationship. It is natural for each of us to have our hopes and wishes and no relationship will fulfill them all, but if we can accept the relationship for the hopes that it does fulfill then we are on the right track to the right relationship. Further, if the hopes that the relationship does not fulfill do not become a source of damage to the relationship or do not cause us to be cruel to our partner, then it is the right relationship.
The Vedic compatibility focuses on this right type of relationship. The considerations it makes are those that determine if people can have this type of foundation together. If the five important measurements are all good, then the foundation for this type of relationship is there. The five important measurements are Respect, Wavelength, Obstacles, Misfortune and Assertive Pressure. Any measurement amongst these that is inharmonious will be a source of stress, difficulty and lack between you two. But that is not to say that it is the wrong relationship, if that is the price you are willing to pay in order to have that person in your life and if you are willing to make the payment with the extra work, then it may well be the right relationship for you. However, it is usually seen that any of these five being insufficient create stresses that are more than the average person wants to pay for their relationship.
Since one or more of these five measurements is inharmonious, this relationship may tend to support each person’s bad habits and issues and make it harder to find happiness with each other as well as with yourselves. The most difficult measurements to lack are the Obstacles and Misfortune. These usually become apparent early on in the relationship. Misfortune is particularly painful and creates huge ups and downs. Lack of Respect and imbalanced Assertive Pressure become more and more apparent after six months and can become very frustrating for both people. Poor Wavelength is the least immediately painful of inharmonious and can take years to take its toll until it makes people drift apart or feel drained. So if this relationship is lacking any of these five measurements, you will want to take a good look at your relationship and see what you are really willing to do in order to have it, it will certainly take more work and effort or a bit of extra compromise.
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This compatibility report is written by Ernst Wilhelm and produced by Kala Occult Publishers. If you are interested in learning more about Vedic Astrology, please visit