Eros, Psyche, and Sappho Sign Tables/Ephemeris
How to find Your Eros, Psyche, and Sappho positions by Sign
Find Your Eros (), Psyche (
), and Sappho (
) (“Relationship” Asteroids) Positions by Sign.
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The following are ephemeris positions of three asteroids (Eros, Psyche, and Sappho) from 1940-1990. In order to conserve space, the positions are given monthly. As a result, not all positions will be clear, depending on the birth date.
For example, if you were born in the month of February 1940, you can be certain that your Eros is in Sagittarius because Eros was at 0 degrees and 20 minutes of Sagittarius on Feb. 1/1940, and 18 degrees and 28 minutes of Sagittarius on March 1/1940. However, if you were born mid-November of 1941, it might not be as clear whether your Eros is in Libra or Scorpio. Use these tables to approximate your Eros sign. For situations that are not very clear, click here. We have daily ephemerides for love asteroids as well.
Note that in situations when the asteroids are retrograde (seemingly moving backwards), the position is marked in red instead of black.
We also have a table that lists Eros and Psyche signs for the same dates. It is easier to use for those not familiar with using ephemerides.
Be sure to read our interpretations of Eros in the zodiac signs.
Relationship Asteroids – Eros, Psyche, and Sappho – Ephemeris 1940-1990
1990 to 2010 Eros, Psyche, Sappho Monthly Positions by Sign
See also: Eros & Psyche Sign Tables