October 9th Birthday Horoscope 2020-2021
If Today is Your Birthday: October 9
The Year Ahead
Forecast for October 2020 to October 2021
If You Were Born Today, October 9:
You are a study in contradictions. Although compassionate, humanitarian, and egalitarian at least in theory, you can also be domineering when the mood strikes you. Your moods and behavior swings can be frustrating for others (and for yourself!) at times, but they also help fuel your powerful creativity. You love debate and you have a way with words. You are not tolerant of narrow-minded thinking. You possess considerable strength of character, and partnership is extremely important to you. You live by your own truth and you are responsible. Famous people born today: John Lennon, Sean Lennon, John Entwistle, Jodelle Ferland, Guillermo del Toro, Spencer Grammer, Scott Bakula, Steve McQueen.
Your Birthday Year Forecast:
Your birthday occurs around a Third Quarter Moon this year, and you are reaching an important turning point in terms of personal growth. You may be more emotional this year, and should watch for unnecessary conflicts and making hasty decisions as a result. Otherwise, this is a year of greater understanding and a strong desire to take care of business. This should be a busy, dynamic period in your life.
Your heart is with your family and your home this year. There is some tendency to dwell on emotional hurts from the past. However, a positive domestic theme can figure strongly during this period. You’re also more sensitive to the conditions of your surroundings and determined to make them harmonious.
You have special charm when you’re presenting your ideas this year, certainly helping to smooth over differences in your personal relationships. As well, it’s easier than usual for you to turn difficult situations into winning ones. Expressing yourself more creatively can figure strongly, and you can find that you’re more popular than usual during this period of your life. Loving or pleasing communications and channels for self-expression are in focus. It’s a good time for cultural events or satisfying personal interests, and excellent for studies and learning.
The year is strong for personal studies, language learning, writing, chatting, and talking about feelings and the past. Business relationships improve as well.
This can be a period in which money, gifts, and rewards come to you. Besides potential windfalls, your moslty positive and happy emotional outlook overall can attract good things to you. You are more in touch with your feelings, and this aids decision-making.
You have a stronger ability to direct your energies into meaningful activities at this time in your life. You are self-directed much of the time, and you do particularly well for yourself if you have absorbing projects and a sense of purpose.
This is a good year for solving problems. Mental rapport can be experienced, and you are more likely to value and seek mental connections. Feelings might develop for someone through words and shared ideas or attraction to a person’s intelligence. This is also a a strong period for gaining more self-confidence and purpose through what you learn.
Even so, there can be times when your mind is working at top speed. While you can get a whole lot done, you may not always pay attention to important details. Others may not always catch onto your ideas or opinions. Your senses are stimulated, and you could have sudden flashes of insight or fresh new ideas. You may be a little scatter-brained, and you could find it challenging to deal with routine matters or monotonous tasks. Learning new things is your passion this year–not recycling old ideas or performing repetitive processes.
It’s a particularly strong period for making connections and exploring your personal interests. You more readily embrace things that are new, unusual, and out-of-the-ordinary with pleasures, love, or financial pursuits. You are ready to experiment, and while not necessarily non-commital, you do value your ability to choose your pleasures. This could be a good time for financial undertakings involving electronics, technology, the internet, metaphysics, and the arts. You have a taste for the offbeat this year, and this energy can bring sudden or unexpected romance into your life, perhaps a scenario that feels like love at first sight.
Influences in your solar return chart stir passions and could indicate a union, the beginning of a significant new relationship, the intensification of an existing romance, or particularly intense and satisfying projects.
However, Mars in challenging aspect to Saturn in your Solar Return chart suggests some ups and downs in the year ahead as some of your plans and efforts meet with resistance. At times, circumstances seem to block your efforts to assert yourself, and you might feel like more effort than usual is required to complete tasks, which could lead to some frustration. Patience is necessary because progress may not always be steady, and energy can be stop-and-go. You’re able to rise to challenges, however, and grow through them. In fact, you’re exceptionally enterprising this year.
Widening your mind through unusual or different experiences can be rewarding this year, and it can increase your compassion and generosity.
Efforts to stabilize your life this year have long-lasting benefits. Nevertheless, you can experience stop-and-go energy, and it’s best to take advantage of the periods when you’re feeling especially enterprising and confident. Some starts and stops are possible, as you face and then overcome obstacles. You’re growing through your connections, and you’re finding ways to improve and advance.
2020 is a Number Five year for you. Ruled by Mercury. This is a year of discovery and freedom. It's a time when exploration and reaching out to others brings opportunities. It's a good time to advertise, promote, and sell. Surprises are in store, and the routine is broken for the better. This is a year when exciting relationships can be formed; or, if you are already in a partnership, new life is breathed into the relationship. Advice - explore, look for adventure, keep your eyes open for opportunities, diversify, mingle.
2021 will be a Number Six year for you. Ruled by Venus. This is a year of relative contentment. It's a time when love is the easiest to attract, and partnerships formed under this vibration have a better chance for longevity. You are especially able to attract others--and material things as well--this year. This is a good year for establishing harmony in the family and in the home. Advice - develop existing relationships, be positive and receptive because these kinds of energies help you to attract what you desire.
If you know your birth time, you may be interested in a full Solar Return Yearly Forecast Reports for $4.95 US. These lengthy, detailed, and comprehensive reports reveal the themes and circumstances you are likely to encounter in the coming year and are based on your actual birthday, time, and place, as well as your current place of residence. This report also makes a great birthday present–for yourself or others. See a sample of one of these reports here, and find out more information about this personalized birthday forecast here. Please note: we only recommend this report if you know your birth time.
We also offer other forecasting reports. Get your Forecast report here.
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If you have difficulty determining your Sun sign, you can find out definitively by using our What’s My Sun Sign? calculator. You can also write to reports@cafeastrology.com with your birth data and a request for your Sun sign.
These interpretations are partially based on the Solar Return chart in astrology. Of course, the Solar Return chart is most accurate, personalized, and descriptive when the birth time and place (in addition to the birth date) are known.
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These forecasts also incorporate Numerology and Personal Year Numbers.
The individual birthday forecast above is written by Annie and is copyright CafeAstrology.com.