October 4th Birthday Horoscope 2019-2020
If Today is Your Birthday: October 4
The Year Ahead
Forecast for October 2019 to October 2020
If You Were Born Today, October 4:
Overall a responsible and practical person, you are not, however, a stick in the mud. Your interests are many and varied, and you are skilled at presenting your ideas to others in a unique way. You are both an interesting and interested person, always learning, ever curious, but also rather stubborn when it comes to your ideas and opinions. Under pressure, you might feel the need to make up stories, as your reputation is important to you, and you instinctively fear misrepresentation. Your slow yet steady approach to achieving your goals assures your success, even if it doesn’t come early. Your ideas are ahead of their time, and others tend to respect your advice. Famous people born today: Charlton Heston, Jackie Collins, Anne Rice, Susan Sarandon, Alicia Silverstone, Rachael Leigh Cook, Buster Keaton.
Your Birthday Year Forecast:
The Sun in a waxing sextile to the Moon in your Solar Return chart has a fortunate influence on your year ahead. You can be especially productive this year, as in many ways you are starting fresh, but you have a rather clear vision of what you want to accomplish. Your inner needs tend to be mirrored by external events, and vice versa, which helps to boost your confidence and happiness levels. You more readily accept that challenges are part of the natural cycle in life, which in turn helps you to meet them with confidence and to worry less. You are likely to be on top of your game this year for the most part, and positive connections with others can be made fairly easily. A comfortable level of personal popularity helps to keep conflict to a minimum. With the ability to handle your emotions successfully, there will be less stress on both your mind and body.
This can be a year in which money, gifts, and rewards come to you. Besides potential windfalls, your positive and happy emotional outlook overall can attract good things to you. You are more in touch with your feelings, and this aids decision-making.
You often draw on your inner wisdom or sixth sense and intuition to understand what’s happening around you this year. Previously hidden or unacknowledged talents may emerge.
You can bring great discipline and meaning to your life this year. You have a stronger focus on–and dedication to–work in the period ahead, sometimes taking it a little too far. Taking the time to pull yourself away from your pet projects or work will help bring more balance to your life, and will ensure that you don’t neglect other important areas of life. However, you can make significant headway in specific areas this year, and you are likely to feel a strong sense of direction and purpose.
There can be intense themes in your personal relationships and romantic attachments, with pleasures, or with money. Passions, feelings of jealousy, and possessiveness run high, and these emotions are in direct proportion to fear of losing something. You are likely to have to deal with these emotions in yourself or in a partner. Fear of betrayal may be strong this year. You might also experience compulsive attractions and attachments, or attraction to complicated love relationships. The need for deeper intimacy is present, but fear of this closeness may be just as strong. Something tiny can trigger all sorts of buried emotions, and this can be very revealing! If you find yourself dredging up old hurts, examine the emotional “slush” you’ve been carrying around with you. Because Venus also rules finances, you may have some tension over your personal finances, and/or need to make a large payment that necessitates changes in your spending habits. Finances may be complicated. There could be power struggles with money.
However, there can also be some very pleasing circumstances surrounding your love life, finances, and creative pursuits at other times during this period. You are more generous, and others return the favor. You might receive financial backing or special gifts. While there can be tension in one key relationship, another one can feel more freeing and accepting than usual.
Conversations can be supportive and truly two-way, and negotiations are often very fair and clear. The chance to improve your relationships through clearer communication can emerge now. You’re willing to put in the effort to make a relationship work, or you may successfully team up with a partner to work or fill a responsibility. You’re taking commitment seriously this year, and you find special value in security and stability in your connections.
Cooperation brings special rewards this year, and it’s a strong period for getting back on track. Certain areas of life stabilize, and you tend to work harder than usual. Work or special projects can be exciting and rewarding. New opportunities to express yourself are likely, and there can be satisfying connections with friends and/or a unique venture. Even so, there can be some ups and downs in love or with money.
2019 is a Number Eight year for you. Ruled by Saturn. This is a year of power and accomplishment. Actively seeking to expand, taking educated risks, and moving forward are highlighted. This is a year of opportunity, particularly in the material and business world, and opportunities need to be seized. It's generally not a year to find a new love partner, simply because the focus is on the material world and your place in the world. This is a problem-solving year in which you can expect real, tangible results. Advice - take action, plan ahead, seize opportunities.
2020 will be a Number Nine year for you. Ruled by Mars. This is a year of completion and transition. It is a time when we need to let go of things that no longer serve their purpose, and hold on to things that have a future. It is a time of cleaning out dead wood, not necessarily for new beginnings. It can be a time when a burden has been taken off your shoulders, and it can be a year of giving of yourself. Advice - let go of things that are holding you back, give of yourself and express your sympathetic, compassionate side.
If you know your birth time, you may be interested in a full Solar Return Yearly Forecast Reports for $4.95 US. These lengthy, detailed, and comprehensive reports reveal the themes and circumstances you are likely to encounter in the coming year and are based on your actual birthday, time, and place, as well as your current place of residence. This report also makes a great birthday present–for yourself or others. See a sample of one of these reports here, and find out more information about this personalized birthday forecast here. Please note: we only recommend this report if you know your birth time.
We also offer other forecasting reports. Get your Forecast report here.
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If you ever have difficulty determining a Sun sign, you can find out definitively by using our What’s My Sun Sign? calculator. You can also write to reports@cafeastrology.com with your birth data and a request for your Sun sign.
These interpretations are partially based on the Solar Return chart in astrology. Of course, the Solar Return chart is most accurate, personalized, and descriptive, when the birth time and place (in addition to the birth date) are known.
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These forecasts also incorporate Numerology and Personal Year Numbers.
The individual birthday forecast above is written by Annie and is copyright CafeAstrology.com.