November 16 Birthday Horoscope
If Today is Your Birthday: November 16
The Year Ahead
Forecast for November 2007 to November 2008
The Sun’s square to Neptune suggests some problems with up-and-down energy or confusion about your direction this year. Struggling with what is real and what isn’t figures in the period ahead. You are more idealistic than usual, which can cause a few problems if youre not careful. A noncommittal attitude in your personal life could leave people in your life feeling frustrated with you as you attempt to find yourself. You could be undergoing confusion about what you want from life, where you are headed, and how to go about satisfying your ego. There is a reason behind this “identity crisis”–you are learning to let go of ego attachments. Your self-image is being re-worked, and you are becoming more sensitive to a greater, perhaps more spiritual, sense of purpose.
Mercury trine the Moon’s North Node and Mars suggest making dynamic contact through learning, communicating, and mental pursuits. It suggests an intellectually stimulating year in which the exchange of ideas with others figures prominently. Your wit is especially swift and your tongue sharp. This aspect indicates a swift wit and a sharp tongue. Mental pursuits, new learning, and all forms of intellectual activity are favored. Expect to be involved in lectures, debates, and discussions during the year. You can convey your ideas powerfully to others, and you may be invited to speak before a group. You are quick to take the initiative and to put your thoughts into action. Adventuresome travel may be in the offing. Young people may be particularly rambunctious. Mercury’s sextile to Saturn means that advances in mental pursuits are likely as you make steady progress towards well-defined goals in this area of your life.
With Venus and Mars in a square aspect to each other in your Solar Return, your affections are strongly stimulated, and you are more acutely aware of your powers of attraction. Romance, love, and sexuality occupy your mind more than usual. You can enjoy an increase in personal magnetism (as well as libido!), but be wary of competitiveness or tension in existing love relationships, as this aspect ignites your passions in general, whether theyre feelings of love or anger!
Mars trines Uranus, suggesting bursts of creativity and energy that help you to further your goals. Healthy risk-taking is likely this year, as you are more able to spot an opportunity when you see one. It is easier than usual to break free from habits that have previously held you back from going after what you want in life.
Breaking free from habits that have held you back in the past, and adopting new and improved methods, are strong themes for you this year. Intellectual stimulation figures prominently. Some confusion regarding your life path is likely as you learn to distinguish between what is real and worthwhile and what is only a pipe dream. Solid progress on intellectual and mental tasks, however, is indicated. Romantic excitement is also in store, although it can be somewhat of a rollercoaster ride due to excited passions.
2007 is a Number Nine year for you. Ruled by Mars. This is a year of completion and transition. It is a time when we need to let go of things that no longer serve their purpose, and hold on to things that have a future. It is a time of cleaning out dead wood, not necessarily for new beginnings. It can be a time when a burden has been taken off your shoulders, and it can be a year of giving of yourself. Advice – let go of things that are holding you back, give of yourself and express your sympathetic, compassionate side.
2008 will be a Number One year for you. Ruled by the Sun. This is a year of action. The seeds you plant now, you will reap later. Others might find you less sociable, as you are busier than ever and you focus on your activities and your needs. Still, you are outgoing and your initiative is stronger than ever. Advice – Stand alone, take action, start fresh, express independence.
If you know your birth time, you may be interested in a full Solar Return Yearly Forecast Report for $4.95 US. These lengthy, detailed, and comprehensive reports reveal the themes and circumstances you are likely to encounter in the coming year, and are based on your actual birth day, time, and place, as well as your current place of residence. This report also makes a great birthday present–for yourself or others. See a sample of one of these reports here, and find out more information about this personalized birthday forecast here. Please note: we only recommend this report if you know your birth time.
We also offer other forecasting reports. Get your Forecast report here.
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These interpretations are partially based on the Solar Return chart in astrology. Of course, the Solar Return chart is most accurate, personalized, and descriptive, when the birth time and place (in addition to the birth date) are known.
These forecasts also incorporate Numerology and Personal Year Numbers.
The individual birthday forecast above is written by astrologer Annie and is copyright