January 9 Birthday Horoscope 2015-2016
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If Today is Your Birthday: January 9
The Year Ahead
Forecast for January 2015 to January 2016
If You Were Born Today, January 9:
Although you can be impatient when things are not turning out according to plan, you are very patient with people overall. Forever curious about how others “tick”, you are a natural psychologist and extremely observant. At times, you are restless, and certainly thrive on change more than the typical Capricorn. You are extremely committed to what you do, however, and you can most certainly be counted on. You are able to look at the big picture, which is very comforting to others. Famous people born today: Simone de Beauvoir, Richard M. Nixon, Dave Matthews, Bob Denver, Joan Baez, Jimmy Page, Joey Lauren Adams.
Your Birthday Year Forecast:
There is charm in the ways you present your ideas again this year, certainly helping to smooth over differences in your personal relationships. Again this year, you benefit from a Sun-Moon trine in your Solar Return chart, which eases decision making and cooperation with others. It also subtly boosts your popularity. Domestic and career needs are not in competition with one another in the year ahead. For the most part, you are on top of your game. With the ability to handle your emotions successfully, there is less stress on both your mind and body.
You have a stronger focus on, and dedication to, work in the period ahead, sometimes taking it a little too far. Taking the time to pull yourself away from your pet projects or work will help bring more balance to your life, and will ensure that you don’t neglect other important areas of life. However, you can make significant headway in specific areas this year, and you are likely to feel a strong sense of direction and purpose.
This is a strong year for applying yourself to a particular project or discipline. Watch for too much attention and time invested in this to the point that other life departments suffer.
Uranus is shaking up some areas of your life from May forward. Unexpected changes in plans or events can test your patience. However, they could stimulate you to try new approaches and they certainly act to cut boredom. Your creativity is stimulated this year, but so is your excitability and your need for freedom. A strong desire to express yourself in completely different ways is likely to take hold, but sometimes the method you choose to express these needs is provocative or harsh. Surprises can most certainly happen this year, as well as the urge to do something completely new.
It’s quite likely that you will be re-evaluating relationships in terms of whether or not they are contributing to your personal growth.
Jupiter transits trine your Sun from November 2015 forward, and you have a stronger than usual desire to improve, grow, and learn. This is a fortunate aspect that helps boost optimism and confidence, and you are able to attract fortunate circumstances into your life as a result. Problems are easier to resolve. Matters related to universities, higher education, organized religion, publishing, legal affairs, and foreign interests can be especially strong. It’s a strong time to further your education. You are likely to enjoy a larger perspective on matters that keeps you from getting lost in details or overly frustrated by everyday stresses.
There is a lot of charm in your presentation this year. Learning, communications, studies, and friendships are favored. Projects and personal interests can be consuming but satisfying. You are more able to focus, concentrate, and prioritize. However, there can also be a rebellious quality to you from May forward. Make important, bold changes, but keep your feet on the ground and avoid rebellious reactions.
2015 is a Number Nine year for you. Ruled by Mars. This is a year of completion and transition. It is a time when we need to let go of things that no longer serve their purpose, and hold on to things that have a future. It is a time of cleaning out dead wood, not necessarily for new beginnings. It can be a time when a burden has been taken off your shoulders, and it can be a year of giving of yourself. Advice – let go of things that are holding you back, give of yourself and express your sympathetic, compassionate side.
2016 will be a Number One year for you. Ruled by the Sun. This is a year of action. The seeds you plant now, you will reap later. Others might find you less sociable, as you are busier than ever and you focus on your activities and your needs. Still, you are outgoing and your initiative is stronger than ever. Advice – Stand alone, take action, start fresh, express independence.
If you know your birth time, you may be interested in a full Solar Return Yearly Forecast Report for $4.95 US. These lengthy, detailed, and comprehensive reports reveal the themes and circumstances you are likely to encounter in the coming year, and are based on your actual birth day, time, and place, as well as your current place of residence. This report also makes a great birthday present–for yourself or others. See a sample of one of these reports here, and find out more information about this personalized birthday forecast here. Please note: we only recommend this report if you know your birth time.
We also offer other forecasting reports. Get your Forecast report here.
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See Also:
Capricorn Horoscopes:
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Capricorn Yearly Horoscope
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These interpretations are partially based on the Solar Return chart in astrology. Of course, the Solar Return chart is most accurate, personalized, and descriptive, when the birth time and place (in addition to the birth date) are known.
These forecasts also incorporate Numerology and Personal Year Numbers.
The individual birthday forecast above is written by astrologer Annie and is copyright CafeAstrology.com.