Planetary Aspects: Uranus semi-square Neptune
What does Uranus semi-square Neptune mean? The answer depends on whether it’s an aspect occurring in your natal chart, currently forming in the cosmos (transit-to-transit aspect), transiting your chart, or happening in a chart comparison (synastry – relationship astrology).
Even so, this aspect between planets has common general themes. The following shows interpretations of Uranus in semi-square aspect to Neptune in these various forms as well as in general.
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Uranus semi-square Neptune
When Uranus and Neptune connect, we want to shake up the status quo. We can be visionary and inspired.
In the Natal Chart:
Uranus semi-square Neptune in the birth chart is one indication of following whims and some impracticality. You are certainly idealistic and have a wacky sense of humor and of fun. You may retain a youthful quality of idealism throughout life.
This aspect is shared by most people born in the year or two surrounding your birthdate. For example, it was in orb at least from 1971-1974. As such, it’s not a very personal influence unless it’s considered a strong influence in the chart. For example, if the Sun or Moon are aligned with either Uranus or Neptune, or if either planet is on an angle, this aspect would be considered strong.
Note also that the semi-square, which is 45 degrees, is considered a minor aspect.
Key Traits of Uranus semi-square Neptune. Some, many, or all of the following may apply, depending on the strength of this aspect in the birth chart as well as the evolution of the individual:
- Wants to believe, fun-loving, and forward-looking.
- Prefers to follow whims, instincts, and inspiration.
- Not always practical; starry-eyed, at times.
Transit to Transit:
With Uranus forming a semisquare to Neptune, we can feel particularly inspired now, although we may feel restless if our dreams are no longer fulfilling us or keeping us hopeful. Watch for impractical ventures and unusual tangents that may not last.
Uranus semi-square Neptune dates:
(3.10% of period searched)
Enters 28 Sep 1971
9:20:25 pm (EDT +4:00)
Leaves 27 Jan 1972 3:00:46 am (EST +5:00)
Enters 4 Aug 1972 5:12:47 am (EDT +4:00)
[Uranus semi-square Neptune] Is Exact 2 Oct 1972 7:39:48 pm (EDT +4:00)
Leaves 3 Dec 1972 2:27:15 am (EST +5:00)
Enters 17 Dec 1972 7:59:20 pm (EST +5:00)
[Uranus semi-square Neptune] Is Exact 5 Mar 1973 9:56:36 pm (EST +5:00)
Leaves 27 Apr 1973 1:00:59 pm (EST +5:00)
Enters 24 May 1973 6:25:50 am (EDT +4:00)
[Uranus semi-square Neptune] Is Exact 7 Aug 1973 1:14:25 pm (EDT +4:00)
Leaves 12 Sep 1973 5:10:22 pm (EDT +4:00)
Enters 12 Mar 1974 1:13:44 am (EDT +4:00)
Leaves 12 Jul 1974 6:01:54 am (EDT +4:00)
Enters 10 Jul 2016
7:02:55 am (EDT +4:00)
Leaves 4 Sep 2016 5:06:53 pm (EDT +4:00)
Enters 23 May 2017 2:56:29 pm (EDT +4:00)
[Uranus semi-square Neptune] Is Exact 11 Aug 2017 5:49:02 pm (EDT +4:00)
[Uranus semi-square Neptune] Is Exact 7 Oct 2017 3:14 am (EDT +4:00)
Leaves 1 Dec 2017 3:17:05 pm (EST +5:00)
Enters 29 Mar 2018 6:54:27 pm (EDT +4:00)
[Uranus semi-square Neptune] Is Exact 16 Jun 2018 5:41 am (EDT +4:00)
Leaves 31 Jul 2018 4:53:55 am (EDT +4:00)
Enters 13 Sep 2018 1:02:30 am (EDT +4:00)
[Uranus semi-square Neptune] Is Exact 15 Dec 2018 6:11:28 am (EST +5:00)
[Uranus semi-square Neptune] Is Exact 1 May 2019 10:49:21 pm (EDT +4:00)
Leaves 12 Jun 2019 11:10:19 am (EDT +4:00)
Enters 28 Nov 2019 0:25:29 am (EST +5:00)
Leaves 26 Apr 2020 4:11:50 am (EDT +4:00)
Enters 6 Feb 2021 7:07:48 pm (EST +5:00)
Leaves 2 Mar 2021 0:52:18 am (EST +5:00)
In Transit to the Natal Chart:
When transiting Uranus semisquares natal Neptune, you may receive subtle prompts from the universe to alter certain beliefs or attitudes. If something doesn’t work in your favor, for example, learning that it wasn’t a big deal feels wonderful! This can also be a time when an experience in your life sparks an interest in metaphysics or psychic phenomena. You could feel more sensitive than usual to your environment or medication during this transit. Watch for a tendency to follow whims or to dabble so much that you get little accomplished.
When transiting Neptune semisquares natal Uranus, a subtle awakening is in store for you during the course of this transit that lasts at least a year. This is a period of revelations as you see life differently. It’s possible that through disappointments or disillusionments, you feel freer now that you’re “in the know.” You may need to adjust some of the details of your plans and goals as unexpected events lead to detours. Staying open to changes in schedules is helpful. Do watch for a tendency to get carried away with distractions.
In Chart Comparison (Synastry):
When Uranus in one chart forms a semisquare with Neptune in another chart, your ideals, beliefs, and dreams may clash just enough to cause some problems, but not so much that it’s a deal-breaker.
Note that because these planets are generational, slow-moving influences, this is not a very personal aspect between charts. You will share this synastry aspect with anyone born in the same year and the surrounding years as the person in question.
In the Composite Chart:
With Neptune semi-square Uranus in the composite chart, together you enjoy dreaming up new ideas. You inspire one another to be even more idealistic and perhaps escapist than you may be as individuals. In theory, at least, you enjoy some level of experimentation or rebellion against traditions or rules.
You may encourage one another to rebel against–or change–the rules. As well, you might stimulate vague restlessness in one another. Infusing a sense of spiritual growth and movement in your life together can help tremendously.
See also Planetary Aspects and Uranus Transits.

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