Days of the Week
Planetary rulers of the days of the week
“Monday’s Child is fair of face,
Tuesday’s Child is full of grace,
Wednesday’s Child is full of woe,
Thursday’s Child has far to go,
Friday’s Child is loving and giving,
Saturday’s Child works hard for a living,
But the child born on the Sabbath Day,
Is fair and wise and good and gay.”
The ancient Babylonians chose to organize their calendar around 7 days of the week, and each day corresponds to one of the seven “planets” visible to the naked eye.
[Planets is in quotations because two–the Sun and the Moon–are technically not planets (they’re luminaries).]Monday (lundi in French) is ruled by the Moon. “Monday’s child is fair of face” might refer to the sensitivity and youthfulness associated with the Moon.
Tuesday (mardi in French) is ruled by Mars. “Tuesday’s child is full of grace” might be more aptly interpreted as full of energy and movement.
Wednesday (mercredi in French) is ruled by Mercury. “Wednesday’s child is full of woe” might be interpreted as a person who worries or thinks too much.
Thursday (jeudi in French) is ruled by Jupiter. “Thursday’s child has far to go” might thus be interpreted as a person who will travel and learn.
Friday (vendredi in French) is ruled by Venus. “Friday’s child is loving and giving” might refer to the Venus nature, that is, a person who is loving and receptive to love.
Saturday (samedi in French) is ruled by Saturn. “Saturday’s child works hard for a living” thus might refer to the Saturnine nature which is rather serious and responsible.
Sunday (dimanche in French) is ruled by the Sun. “But the child born on the Sabbath Day is fair and wise and good and gay” might refer to the magnanimous Sun nature.
Astrologers generally pay more attention to the ruling planets in a natal chart; that is, the planet that rules the sign on your Ascendant and the planet that rules the sign of your Sun.
For example, if your Ascendant is Aries, Mars is the ruling planet of your Ascendant since Mars is the natural ruler of Aries. If your Sun is in Taurus, then Venus is your Sun’s ruling planet since Venus is the natural ruler of Taurus.

Planetary rulers of the days of the week.
If you were born on Monday, you can be more attuned to the Moon. Keywords for the Moon are emotional, moody, and nurturing.
The Moon represents our sensitivity and feeling nature. Monday-born individuals are intuitive, responsive, adpative, attentive, and emotionally awakened.
If the Moon is strong in your natal chart, it’s even more likely that you identify with these characteristics. Similarly, the sign of your Moon can take on more strength and importance. (What’s your Moon sign?)
The energies of Monday can create some confusion, moodiness, and changeability. Monday’s energies can also encourage our emotions, intuition, and compassion.
If you were born on Tuesday, you can be more attuned to the planet Mars. Keywords for Mars are competitive, energetic, and direct.
Mars represents our desire nature. Tuesday-born individuals are spontaneous, vivacious, and passionate.
If Mars is strong in your natal chart, it’s even more likely that you identify with these characteristics. Similarly, the sign of your Mars can take on more strength and importance. (What’s your Mars sign?)
The energies of Tuesday can stir some excitement, a desire for action, and a direct and straightforward approach. Tuesday’s energies can also encourage our desires and passions. We might choose a Tuesday for get-going activities such as exercise or new initiatives that require heart or courage.
If you were born on Wednesday, you can be more attuned to the planet Mercury. Keywords for Mercury are curious, communicative, and analytical.
Mercury represents our communications and thinking processes. Wednesday-born individuals are interested, interesting, observant, and objective.
If Mercury is strong in your natal chart, it’s even more likely that you identify with these characteristics. Similarly, the sign of your Mercury can take on more strength and importance. (What’s your Mercury sign?)
The energies of Wednesday can stir some curiosity, the desire to talk and chat more than usual, and a compelling need to analyze, sort, and connect the dots. We might choose a Wednesday for opening up conversations, taking tests, making lists, and other such busywork.
If you were born on Sunday, you can be more attuned to the Sun. Keywords for the Sun are creative, powerful, and proud.
If you were born on Thursday, you can be more attuned to the planet Jupiter. Keywords for Jupiter are generous, big-hearted, and fair-minded.
Jupiter represents our values and principles. Thursday-born individuals are optimistic, lucky, brave, friendly, principled, and knowledgeable.
If Jupiter is strong in your natal chart, it’s even more likely that you identify with these characteristics. Similarly, the sign of your Jupiter can take on more strength and importance. (What’s your Jupiter sign?)
The energies of Thursday can stir joviality, confidence, and spontaneity. We might choose a Thursday for doing something a little more adventurous or outside of our comfort zone, and taking a chance.
If you were born on Friday, you can be more attuned to Venus. Keywords for Venus are attractive, harmonious, and loving.
Friday-born individuals seek balance, comfort, peace, and harmony. They can be charming, tactful, pleasant, and tasteful. Those born on Friday have an eye for anything that’s out of order, and they’re expert at balancing and leveling things out.
If Venus is strong in your natal chart, it’s even more likely that you identify with these characteristics. Similarly, the sign of your Venus can take on more strength and importance. (What’s your Venus sign?)
The energies of Friday can encourage our social side, desire to harmonize, and instincts to create and share. It’s a good time for pleasurable, indulgent, and pleasing activities.
If you were born on Saturday, you can be more attuned to Saturn. Keywords for Saturn are disciplined, steadfast, and law-abiding.
Saturday-born individuals seek predictability, steadiness, and structure. Those born on Saturday crave some order in their lives, and they’re especially punctual, responsible, and disciplined.
If Saturn is strong in your natal chart, it’s even more likely that you identify with these characteristics. Similarly, the sign of your Saturn can take on more strength and importance. (What’s your Saturn sign?)
The energies of Saturn can encourage our critical side, need for order and predictability, and our goal-setting nature. We might choose Saturday for activities that help us organize, stock up, plan, and pu things into order.
If you were born on Sunday, you can be more attuned to the Sun. Keywords for the Sun are creative, powerful, and proud.
Sunday-born individuals shine their lights brightly. They’re noticeable, upright, strong, and they often take the lead (or people turn to them to lead or for advice). Their vitality is often strong, and they have a powerful personal presence.
If the Sun is strong in your natal chart, it’s even more likely that you identify with these characteristics. Similarly, the sign of your Sun can take on more strength and importance. (What’s your Sun sign?)
The energies of Sunday can encourage us to express ourselves and to spread warmth and cheer. We want to make ourselves proud on this day. It’s also a good day of the week for seeing the light.
Don’t know the positions of your planets? Be sure to find out your personal astrology data, at no cost.
See Also:
See Astrology Symbols/Glyphs. Further reading off-site: Meanings of the Days of the Week.