Chinese Astrology: 2018 Horoscopes Year of the Brown Earth Dog
Eastern Astrology: The Chinese Lunar New Year and Calendar
2018 is the Year of the Dog (Earth Dog) – from February 4th, 2018.
On This Page:
- Overview of the Dog Year
- Love in the Year of the Dog
- 2018 Dog Horoscopes for each zodiac animal.
What’s Ahead in the Year of the Dog 2018?
*Please note that Chinese New Year and the start of the astrological year fall on different dates. While the Chinese New Year occurs on February 15th/16th in 2018, the first day of the astrological year is February 3rd/4th.
The Chinese Lunar New Year occurs every year on the New Moon of the first lunar month, which is the second New Moon after the Winter Solstice. The exact date can fall anywhere between late January and the middle of February. A complete cycle of the Chinese lunar calendar takes 60 years and comprises five cycles of 12 years–12 animal signs and 5 elements.
The Chinese Lunar New Year differs to that of the Roman New Year because the Chinese calendar is based on the phases of the moon, whereas the Gregorian calendar, on which the Roman New Year is based, is an arithmetic calendar.
Each of the 12 years of the Chinese lunar calendar is named after an animal. These are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. Legend has it that Buddha summoned all the animals to come to see him before he departed earth. Only 12 came so he rewarded those 12 by naming a year in the Chinese lunar calendar after them, in the order they arrived to see him.
As with western astrology where it’s believed that the Sun’s position at the time of an individual’s birth determines certain personality traits that a person will possess, it’s thought that each animal represented in the Chinese lunar calendar bestows certain characteristics on individuals who are born during the year that particular animal “rules.”

Recent and Upcoming Years for the 12 Animals of the Chinese Zodiac
In 2016, Chinese New Year fell on February 8th, but the Year of the Monkey ran from February 4th, 2016 forward.
In 2017, Chinese New Year fell on January 27th and the Year of the Rooster ran from February 4th, 2017, forward.
This year, Chinese New Year falls on February 16th, and the Year of the Dog runs from February 4th, 2018, forward.
The Dog is the eleventh sign of the Chinese Zodiac (out of twelve).
The Dog is sensitive, practical, and loyal. The Dog year favors conservative moves. This is a time for prioritizing emotional connections, but it’s also a period for emphasizing trustworthiness and loyalty, which falls in tune with Saturn’s recent entry into the sign of Capricorn.
The Earth Dog is patient, waiting to take action only when it seems right. Earth is particularly strong this year, and we can be stubborn or battle some inertia.
The Year of the Dog 2018 is a Yang Earth year, and it’s a year for finding a nice and comfortable routine. The year favors those who are willing to work but who also respect others and show some loyalty.
{Note that the sequence of years runs as follows: Yang Wood, Yin Wood, Yang Fire, Yin Fire, Yang Earth, Yin Earth, Yang Metal, Yin Metal, Yang Water, Yin Water.}
Caution and moderation were advised in 2009, the Year of the Ox, flexibility and the ability to deal with change were considered essential qualities in 2010, the ability to make compromises and to negotiate were important in 2011, adventurousness and boldness were favored in 2012, 2013 favored inner development and renewal/recycling, 2014 favored quick decisions and a quick pace, 2015 favored healing and supporting, and the ability to bounce back from problems and embrace change was favored in 2016. The year 2017 favored getting organized, putting in the hours, and saving.
The Dog is the 11th sign of the Chinese zodiac, reducing to an 11/2 in Numerology. The year 2018 also reduces to an 11/2, making the symbolism of the numbers 11 and 2 particularly powerful this year (see also Numerology). This is a time of getting settled and it’s a year for building and relating well. Perhaps most importantly, it’s a time of learning to trust our intuition.
The last Dog year was 2006 (12-year cycle). The last Earth Dog year was 1958 (60-year cycle). Events occurring this year can bear some similarities to these years in history.
Note that the Dog sign is naturally Yang Earth/Metal, and 2018 is a Yang Earth year. Earth creates Metal which suggests creativity and dynamism. However, Earth on Earth can be heavy and set in its ways.
This is an especially earthy year. Positively, there is stability, dedication, loyalty, and steadfastness. However, there can be laziness and stubbornness, as well as a fear of change on the challenging side.
This is another good year to save or conserve money, although there is an inclination to want to splurge on comfort items. We tend to worry about problems getting out of hand so that we usually work hard to resolve them. We’re especially protective of our loved ones and property. We’re sincere and value sincerity in others, and the same is true of reliability. The Dog doesn’t always need to lead and tends to crave order and structure. In the Year of Dog, we tend to work hard to feel secure and to protect our loved ones, but beyond this, we’re not especially ambitious.
Earth on Earth suggests hard work is necessary for steady progress. This is not supposed to be a flashy or exciting year by all means. Duty and responsibility are important. The patient and hard-working are favored, although we can easily feel a little lazy this year. We can be very set in our ways.
Snake is in particularly good form for friendships and “people luck” and Rabbit is in great shape for general good fortune or protection in 2018. Dog and Dragon are least favored this year. Ox and Goat are somewhat disfavored.
In terms of how each Chinese Zodiac sign will fare in the Year of the Dog, a major consideration is how compatible your sign is with the Dog sign:
Dogs are most compatible with Tiger and Horse (the Dog, Tiger, and Horse form a harmonious triangle of affinity – they are protectors), and to some degree with Rabbit (considered a secret friend), and these are the signs that are expected to fare the best in 2018 generally speaking.
Dog is Earth, like Ox, Dragon, and Goat, and this can sometimes boost the year’s fortune for these animals. However, because the year 2018 is also Earth, this can be a bit of an overdose of Earth.
Dogs are most incompatible with Dragon (their opposite sign) and to a lesser degree with Goat and Ox, and these are the signs that are expected to find 2018 the most challenging, for the most part.
Dogs are traditionally not especially favored in their own year.
Snake is in particularly good form for friendships and “people luck” and Rabbit is in great shape for general good fortune or protection in 2018. Dog and Dragon are perhaps least favored this year. Ox and Goat are somewhat disfavored.
Another important consideration is your Element. The year 2018 is a Yang Earth year.
Fire creates Earth and Earth creates Metal, suggesting good connections with Fire and Metal in 2018. Wood destroys Earth and Earth destroys Water. As such, Earth is in a difficult relationship with Wood and Water this year.
Earth is friendly or compatible with Fire and Metal.
Wood and Water are incompatible with (destructive/hostile to) Earth.
The Yang Earth of 2018 is attracted to Yin Water, so relationships can be very good for Yin Water people in 2018, and Pig is naturally Yin Water. Together, they generate Fire.
Love in 2018
Love & Relationships in the Year of the Dog:
In the Year of the Dog, we’re seeking out loyal companions, glamorizing or sentimentalizing past relationships that were comfortable, and seeking to settle in. 2018 is an Earth year. The Earth element is stable, stubborn, and conservative. Generally speaking, this is a time for loyalty and steadfastness. However, since 2018 is a Yang year, it also favors taking action. Dogs seek stability, warmth, emotional sustenance and support, and loyalty, making these qualities particularly attractive in the Year of the Dog.
Dog and Rabbit are attracted, such that Rabbit can fare particularly well in the romantic department in 2018. Yin Water is attracted to Yang Earth, and Pig is Yin Water, suggesting Pig does quite well in the love and sex departments this year. Snake is in particularly good shape for romantic relationships and people luck, in general, this year. Tiger and Horse are in good form for relationships.
On the other hand, Sheep and Ox may suffer from some disruptions in friendships.
Generally speaking, Yin Fire and Yang Fire are in especially good shape in 2018, and so are Yin Metal and Yang Metal.
Don’t know your Chinese Zodiac Sign and/or Element? Find out here: Understanding Chinese Astrology: Introduction

The 12 Animals of the Chinese Zodiac
Please note that the year of your birth is not the only factor involved in your Chinese horoscope for any given year. Your month, day, and hour also have associated elements and animals. As such, the following are generalizations based on your year of birth alone. However, if you know your Month, Day, and Hour animals, then you can also to some extent apply the following interpretations to them. To get a fuller picture of your forecast based on your birth year, month, day, and hour, see Chinese Fortune Calendar.
Horoscopes for 2018
The following are descriptions of the positive and negative personality traits of the Chinese zodiac signs, with a brief forecast or horoscope for the Earth Dog Year of 2018:
(Born 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)*
Positive: Influential, sociable, imaginative, and charismatic. Rat people will always stay loyal to their friends.
Negative: Power-hungry, gossiping, indiscreet, and meddling. These individuals don’t always plan for the future.
The Rat is Yang Water.
Chinese Astrology Horoscope 2018 for the Rat:
The Rat is Water, and in Chinese astrology, Earth and Water don’t get along terribly well (in Western astrology, they do). Furthermore, the Dog and Rat are not very friendly with one another. The strong Earth of 2018 can feel like pressure or rigidity to the Rat who likes a more flowing, changeable scenery. However, money matters and career are in good shape for the Rat – better than in recent years. A better job or a promotion may be in the offing, but it also means hard work in a Dog year when success, generally speaking, doesn’t come easily without quite a bit of effort put into it. The year is a busy one, and full of minor changes and some feeling of being too busy or chaotic at times. It’s a good year to learn, although the Rat may often have a sense that there isn’t enough time for organized study. Rats enjoy a quick pace, but they usually thrive on friendships and the year 2018, in a general sense, tends to favor family time more than the social life. In love, the Rat may thrive best with a steady partner this year.
RAT in 2018:
(Born 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)*
Positive: Diligent, stable, and possesses a strong sense of purpose. These people build long-lasting friendships.
Negative: Stubborn. Ox people aren’t often flexible.
The Ox is yin Earth.
Chinese Astrology Horoscope 2018 for the Ox:
While the Ox blended well with last year’s Rooster, the Dog year is not quite as harmonious. The Ox is fixed Earth, which meshes with the Earth Dog year of 2018. This suggests a general sense that the year is playing in the Ox’s favor. The Ox and Dog can get along – they understand each other – but are not especially compatible. Similarly, 2018 is expected to be a rather status quo year for the Ox. With money, this is an important year for the Ox to hold onto money and save, and to invest conservatively if applicable. A status quo year for career is either good news or bad news depending on what’s currently happening in the career! It’s also an important time to connect with others who can help the Ox thrive – it’s not a time for ambitious solo efforts. Social life can thrive, and love is status quo for the most. Existing relationships can do with general upkeep. Health is expected to be strong.
OX in 2018:
Tiger (1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)*
Positive: Brave, strong, charismatic, and benevolent. Tigers are risk-takers and true adventurers.
Negative: Impetuous and hot-headed. These people aren’t good at taking orders from others.
The Tiger is Yang Wood.
Chinese Astrology Horoscope 2018 for the Tiger:
You are likely to fare better than many other signs in the Year of the Dog, especially when it comes to career and money. Even so, you are required to juggle a whole lot – it should be a very busy year for work, both challenging and rewarding. Keep in mind that, in general, it’s best to work methodically and stay practical with money in a Dog year, and success is more likely. Relationships are good – perhaps not spectacular, but you should enjoy gains. In this area, too, stay connected and observant. It’s a little too easy to fall behind or to drop the ball in the year of the Dog, so be alert and attentive for maximum success.
TIGER in 2018:
(Born 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)*
Positive: Tactful, intelligent, caring, considerate, and virtuous. Rabbit people don’t like conflict.
Negative: Pedantic and secretive. These people can appear a little cold and distant at times.
The Rabbit is Yin Wood.
Chinese Astrology Horoscope 2018 for the Rabbit:
RABBIT in 2018:
(Born 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024)*
Positive: Successful, proud, lucky, and enthusiastic. Dragons are determined people and able to inspire others.
Negative: Rigid and easily infatuated. Dragon people don’t like routine.
The Dragon is Yang Wood/Earth.
Chinese Astrology Horoscope 2018 for the Dragon:
Dragons can have some difficulties in a Dog year, as Dragon and Dog are opposing signs. 2018 may bring some challenges. The year can feel sluggish or lazy to an enthusiastic, successful Dragon. Dragons may feel that competition is stiff in the Year of the Dog, and this can also wear them down a little. In fact, if there are hidden enemies, this year can bring them out into the open. The major key to vitality and happiness is to cooperate as much as possible. It may feel like there are a few more obstacles to clear in 2018 than usual, but Dragons are excellent at making the best of them.
DRAGON in 2018:
(Born 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)*
Positive: Intuitive, wise, perceptive, and compassionate. Snakes prefer the finer things in life.
Negative: Lazy and extravagant. These people may have a problem with depending on others.
The Snake is Yin Fire.
Chinese Astrology Horoscope 2018 for the Snake:
Your career and work can fare quite well in 2018, the Year of the Dog, and you’re in a great position to get your ideas across well.
SNAKE in 2018:
(Born 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026)*
Positive: Popular, engaging, refined, and persuasive. Horse people are hardworking and independent.
Negative: Selfish and unscrupulous. These individuals may be rebellious and shun the advice of others.
The Horse is Yang Fire.
Chinese Astrology Horoscope 2018 for the Horse:
HORSE in 2018:
Goat (or Sheep or Ram) (Born 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)*
Positive: Sensitive, imaginative, and well-mannered. Goats are peace lovers who don’t like disagreements.
Negative: Pessimistic and tardy. These people can let others take advantage of them too easily.
The Goat is Yin Fire.
Chinese Astrology Horoscope 2018 for the Goat:
GOAT (SHEEP) in 2018:
(Born 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)*
Positive: Very inquisitive, curious, and witty with leadership qualities. Monkeys are popular people.
Negative: Deceitful and self-absorbed. These individuals can be childish and drawn to mischief.
The Monkey is Yang Metal.
Chinese Astrology Horoscope 2018 for the Monkey:
It may be better to stick with your position or current job this year, as career matters tend to be status quo. Money matters tend to be similar: it’s best to stick with what you know and save money rather than take big risks in 2018. In love, long-term relationships fare best in the Year of the Dog. You may feel a little caged in, but well taken care of! This is not an especially colorful year, making it a good idea to put your faith in your tried-and-true friends.
MONKEY in 2018:
(Born 1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)*
Positive: Enthusiastic, dignified, and resilient. Roosters are well-organized and good time-keepers.
Negative: Bossy and pedantic. These people are often a little too outspoken and hate being criticized.
The Rooster is Yin Metal.
Chinese Astrology Horoscope 2018 for the Rooster:
Health and vitality may be on the lower end of the stick in 2018 for the Rooster. Relationships are up and down. The Rooster and Dog get along satisfactorily. Friendships fare okay, while romantic relationships fare quite well. Your social relationships and networking boost your income this year. Work requires extra effort to make advances. This year of the Dog is good for building rather than initiating generally speaking for the Rooster.
(Born 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)*
Positive: Intelligent, loyal, fair, and constant. Dogs are always willing to listen to others’ problems, and to fight for a good cause.
Negative: Cynical, worried, and tactless. These people don’t always forgive easily, especially those who cross them.
The Dog is Yang Metal.
Chinese Astrology Horoscope 2018 for the Dog:
This is a year of new beginnings for Dogs–the start of a new twelve-year cycle. The choices Dogs make this year will be defining ones for years to come. Nevertheless, please keep in mind that Dogs are not expected to fare especially well in Dog years. It can be a transitional year, though, and while it can be a slightly disruptive year, it’s an important process and paves the way for new beginnings.
DOG in 2018:
(Born 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)*
Positive: Gallant, kind-hearted, and sincere. Pigs rarely lose their temper and always try to avoid arguing.
Negative: Materialistic and pig-headed. These individuals have a problem saying “no” — to people, and to food!
The Pig is Yin Water.
Chinese Astrology Horoscope 2018 for the Pig:
As this is the year before their own year, 2018 can bring Pigs some challenges, but never insurmountable ones. [Note, 2019 will be the Year of the Pig]. For the Pig, 2018 in a general sense is a year for review and taking stock rather than one that favors bold new beginnings.
PIG in 2018:
* Please note that if you were born in January or up to February 3rd, you are the sign of the previous year since zodiac signs begin on February 4th.
See also: Understanding Chinese Astrology: Introduction and Chinese Astrology: More than the Twelve Animals. If you don’t know your Chinese zodiac animal or element, both of these articles will help you to determine it.
Try our Love Oracle, which is based on fortune telling with playing cards.
See also: 2018 Year of the Dog Horoscopes for the Western Zodiac Signs.
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