2022 Libra Horoscope Preview
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Libra Horoscopes, Year 2022: Summary/preview of the year ahead for the zodiac sign Libra.
This forecast is for all those born with the Sun in Libra (from approximately September 23 to October 23)* and for those with a Libra Ascendant**. See also the detailed 2022 Libra Yearly Horoscope.
2022 Libra Horoscope Overview
(Click on any sign above to navigate to that sign’s preview horoscope).
Areas of Expansion in 2022 for Libra:
Your Libra 2022 Horoscope points to areas of life that are destined to expand and grow.
- Work & Routines
- Health, Wellness, & Habits
- Partnership
- Agreements or Negotiations
- One-to-one Relationships or Counseling
Until May 10th, and then October 28th-December 20th, 2022, your work, daily routines, and health endeavors continue to expand, improve, and grow.
This influence spans three date ranges, and we’re on the second and third wave this year:
- from May 13-July 28, 2021,
- from December 28, 2021-May 10, 2022,
- and from October 28, 2022-December 20, 2022
In other words, you’re experiencing these themes in three steps, the first of which occurred last year from May to July. You begin 2022 having just started the second wave.
This is a time when your work projects or duties expand, or you have increased opportunities for employment. You can be so confident in your ability to take on projects and endeavors, however, that you overload your plate, so do watch for that.
You find more joy in your work (as long as you don’t overload), self-improvement endeavors, and taking care of your health. If you provide a service to others, it is likely to prosper, primarily because you’re enjoying it more! If applicable, you are especially successful in hiring people to work for you, and improvements to your working environment are likely. It can be easier than usual to find employment now.
You may get a new job during this cycle or significantly improve an existing one. Work tends to be very available to you. You more intently focus on what really matters to get ahead, and recognition for your efforts may be forthcoming. Still, this cycle is less about recognition as it is about the enjoyment of your duties or daily life.
You are proud of how useful you are to others during this cycle. The more integrity and honesty you bring to your services, the more “payback” or rewards you will receive. Health may very well prosper now, and medical procedures or programs, if necessary, are more likely to be successful. Of course, this isn’t something to take for granted since there are always other concurrent transits that can refine this one. There may be an inclination to put on some weight, for example, if you don’t watch your sweet tooth. A greater love of food might instead lead to a booster hobby.
You are bringing fresh and original ideas to the work you do and the services you offer. During this cycle, you might experience overload or the magnification of problems surrounding work. There is a tendency now to focus on the details of your work, and you might sometimes feel a little overwhelmed with monotonous tasks. Again, the key is to avoid overdoing.
Your work might involve more services or assisting others during this cycle, and for some, health-related or healing professions can be attractive. You can feel quite motivated to improve your life, particularly by pursuing a healthier lifestyle and through your daily routines, habits, chores, tasks, services, and work.
Challenges may occur sporadically during this period with the need for time away from your duties either to take care of yourself or of others requiring care, or the consequences of taking on so much that you have trouble taking time for yourself.
However, for the most part, this is a good time for winning appreciation for what you do or your skills, enjoying what you do, finding work, and working relationships. Particularly in April, a higher purpose and general enjoyment of your work and daily affairs increases. You take more interest in your psychological health and how it impacts your physical health. You may bring more imagination to your routines, and it’s rewarding.
Communications, siblings, classmates, transportation, or personal interests may closely tie into work and health during this period. There can be opportunities to express yourself through your work or bring more of your skills and interests to your job. There can be more focus on movement, connecting, and communicating in your work during this period. Your mental outlook is remarkably impactful on your health at this time.
Booster periods for these themes occur in February, April, and early May. You can put more faith in your daily affairs. Some might land a dream job or find themselves working from home and/or with a partner. Self-improvement efforts can be exciting and confidence-building.
From May 10-October 28, and then from December 20th onward, your relationships receive a boost of forward-moving energy. This cycle helps you succeed in partnership or improve your relationship status/situation.
This influence spans two date ranges, with the first wave happening in full this year, and the second one starting near the end of 2022:
- from May 10-October 28, 2022,
- and from December 20, 2022-May 16, 2023.
You’re experiencing these themes in steps, starting this year from May to October.
Your partnerships, relating abilities, and powers of negotiation grow and expand. New partnership opportunities can arrive now, or the chance to bring fresh energy to an existing committed relationship emerges.
Relationships you enter into now are generally successful and happy — they are mutually beneficial. Sometimes, this transit absolves an existing partnership, but if this is the case, it is likely to come as a relief, or it is a “blessing in disguise.” Meeting someone more suitable for you at this point in your life may be a reason for this, although it’s important not to blindly jump into something new since you could suffer from some feeling that the “grass is greener” elsewhere.
Your ability to get along with others improves and enhances as you are especially willing to compromise, and you are more
appealing than usual.
The positive potentials of this transit are many: You can negotiate more successfully and, if applicable, win in legal matters. Legal matters or challenging relationship problems from the past might resolve, and settling more casual disputes amicably can figure strongly.
You may find yourself taking on the role of consultant or advisor, or you could benefit from help from the same. Good publicity may come your way. If your career has you working with or before the public, you can safely expect increased popularity now, particularly if you do counseling or negotiating in your job.
Relationships and partnerships benefit from expansive, warm energy, difficult relationships may be absolved, and/or you enter into successful new ones during this period. It’s a relationship-boosting period!
Jupiter rules your sector of communications, learning, and transportation sector, and any of these things tie into partnerships during this time. A partnership could form that’s related to learning, studying, or meetings of the mind, or that’s characterized as especially communicative or derives from a powerful mental connection. A partnership may strengthen, or a significant person in your life can help make you feel more secure.
In fact, you can have a stronger ability to connect with others, and sharing ideas or special communications on a one-to-one level can figure strongly in your life. You’re improving your communication skills to improve relationships. It’s highly possible that a frequent mental focal point is a key relationship. With this influence, you talk to others more readily and naturally, and you love exchanging ideas and sharing your day with someone special.
Shared beliefs, interests, and ideologies might be a focal point in a close relationship. For some, a significant person comes into your life with common educational goals or belief systems, possibly through long-distance connections, schools, or publishing/online activities. For many of you, you attract people who want to help, who are on your side, and who take a strong interest in you.
Potential negatives: You might attract partners who are more concerned with freedom than with pairing or who seem to be quite extravagant or full of themselves. There could be troubles associated with an existing partner’s extravagance or desire for increased freedom. Be careful not to sugarcoat or close your eyes to problem areas that could grow exponentially at this time. Watch for having your blinders on with people.
However, for the most part, you are likely to enjoy an improved social life during this cycle. You learn a lot through your experiences and interactions with a significant “other.” A partnership can be a source of inspiration, and the realization of a happiness goal seems more likely through the support or positivity of a friend/partner.
Areas of Contraction and Lessons in Simplicity:
Your Libra 2022 Horoscope points to areas of contraction, restriction, and necessary “slimming down” in order to test for stable foundations. There are always areas of life that require more simplicity. Tests may be part of the picture as you learn that life with only growth and expansion can run away with itself.
- Romance
- Creativity
- Recreation
All year, the areas of your life that require a “back to basics” approach are associated with the sector of your solar chart that governs creativity, dating and romance, pleasure, children, hobbies, and creative pastimes. There may be tests of sorts in these areas of life as if the universe is checking that the foundations are strong. Things built on weak foundations may very well crack under the pressure of these tests. Those that are strong will endure and strengthen.
This influence began in 2020 and will continue until March 2023.
You feel it most strongly earlier or later in the cycle, depending on whether you were born earlier or later in the sign of Libra. This year, those born with a Libra Ascendant of 12 to 25 degrees, and those born from October 5-18, are most directly affected.
Tests can come to your romantic life during this cycle. For those of you who are single, there can be some reluctance to enter into light-hearted romantic relationships. If you do, you do so cautiously, and you are attracted to more mature or stable people during this cycle. Because you are more discriminating now, the pickings might be (or appear to be) slim.
Those of you who are dating might feel some loneliness, as it can be hard to find what you are looking for at this time. An existing romance may be tested but strong ones strengthen further. Those Libras who are in committed partnerships could find the romantic or fun element of the relationship becomes a strong area of focus during this cycle, for better or for worse. Keeping this aspect of your partnership alive requires work. For example, a romantic partner could feel like a “heavy” at this time, and you might feel restricted in terms of making acquaintances and enjoying other people’s company.
For those single and looking, be careful that you don’t project a negative attitude without even realizing it, as this can intimidate some. Those of you who are parents could feel the weight of responsibilities towards children during this cycle. They may require more of your attention now, although this can ultimately be rewarding.
However, for many others, this is a time when a relationship stabilizes and it feels great. In fact, this can be a generally more stable or steady time in your life, which can be exactly what you need at the moment.
Creatively speaking, you are a little more serious in your approach. You might get serious about a hobby, or you might find that there is less time for creative hobbies, pastimes, amusements, and entertainment. Your work can require more show, drama, creativity, and entertainment value, and it might be a hobby-turned-business. Romance and work can tie together in some significant way. Some of you could be working hard on, and putting a lot of effort into, creative hobbies or pastimes.
You can be filled with desire–or circumstances create a need–for more structure in all or any of these areas of life, including children, romance, creativity, and recreation.
This can be a truly wonderful time for feeling balanced and steady. Firming up areas of your life that have become wasteful can benefit you in many ways. This can be a good time for realizing a dream or goal, particularly along creative lines. The last time a similar theme occurred was from 1991 to early 1994.
Areas of Excitement, Innovation, Independence, and Speed: Partnerships, Intimacy, Shared Finances
Your 2022 Libra Horoscope points to areas of your life that seem to speed up so that you can take some risks, innovate, and revolutionize.
All year, you are in a long-term cycle in which your intimate world and shared resources can be unpredictable and unusual, but also inspiring and exciting. Your intimate life and support systems from others are stimulated and opened.
These areas of life can be the wildcard area of life, but also highly innovative! You can become far more experimental regarding opening yourself up on sexual and intimate levels, or there can be a marked decrease of interest as you explore different areas of your life more fully, depending on your current circumstances. You do need to watch for over-confidence with others who might squander your shared resources, however.
You are learning a lesson in detachment during this cycle – sudden changes in the support you receive from others or outside sources can force you to become more independent financially, for example. Prepare yourself for fluctuations by settling as many debts as you can and by working on boosting your personal income. Some people may free themselves from an attachment that at one time weighed them down too heavily.
This can also be a highly creative time for handling money, talents, and relationships. The important thing with this transit is to open up to alternative, new, progressive, or non-traditional ways of doing things without throwing practical considerations out in the process.
Note that this influence stays with you until April 2026! In 2022, boosters occur in February and July, when a new attitude can be very appealing and possibly rewarding. The major key to success is to be open-minded and to entertain forward-looking, progressive feelings and ideas about how you make money, do your work, or approach your special projects and interests. New insights into old problems can be exciting and liberating.
Areas of Change, Purging, & Transformation:
Your Libra Horoscope for the year ahead reveals areas of life in which change and transformation take place. It’s a time for “out with the old, in with the new.”
- Family
- Inner Foundations
- Home Life
- Sharing & Intimacy
- Dependencies & Attachments
- Money
Attitudes towards home and family continue to transform this year. There can be a retreat into yourself during this long-term cycle as you explore, on a very deep level, your roots, childhood conditioning, and feelings of personal security.
Note that this influence is very long term and has been with you for many years (the full range of this influence is from January to June 2008, November 2008 to March 2023, June 2023 to January 2024, and then September 2024 to November 2024). While we’re certainly far into the cycle, there are a couple years of it to go.
Problems adjusting to these changes are more likely to occur when Pluto is forming challenging aspects. There can be times when urges, needs, and desires in other life departments conflict with the changes you’re engaged in on the inside, and with home or family life.
When Pluto is connecting easily with inner planets, there can be nice support for your efforts to excavate, change, and renovate your life from the ground up or from the inside out. Deep, lasting changes and improvements can occur on physical and emotional planes. Activities related to purging and emotional renewal can figure strongly during these transits.
As well, standout booster periods for these themes occur in February and May. February is particularly strong for inner growth and transformation, perhaps through a special connection. It’s a time for healing as you confront your deeper emotions and attachments. May brings another boost to your life as you work on improving the work-home connection or renovate your routines in satisfying, productive, and healthy ways. You might enjoy a renewed commitment to living well at home and in your daily routines. When daily routines and work mesh well with home life as they do now, you’re in great shape! Daily life is more rewarding and supportive of your goals, and if it isn’t, now is the time for getting things in smooth working order.
In 2022, the Moon’s Nodes and eclipse activity highlight the need to manage your resources. Themes related to shared finances, support, dependency, intimacy, and power dynamics are strong. You’re encouraged to share yourself with others in satisfying ways.
The North Node transits your solar eighth house from January 18th forward, encouraging you to embrace your intimate world and need for a deeper connection to someone or a special project.
Dependencies on others are revealed and could feel uncomfortable at first. The ways you handle money need to change, but also your attitude towards how effectively you can make an income, save, and depend on yourself. You experience a strong need to eliminate things you no longer need. There is a real need to share yourself with others in empowering and effective ways.
Avoid stubbornly holding on to what you have or know since, in the process, you might be overlooking your needs to grow and improve.
Your Planetary Ruler in 2022: Venus is your planetary ruler. Typically, Venus moves through the entire zodiac in any given year, or almost, and its journey is a little more personal to you since Venus rules Libra.
Venus moves direct for most of the year 2022 (after January 29th). Near the end of 2021, it turned retrograde: from December 19, 2021, to January 29, 2022, Venus retrogrades in the sign of Capricorn.
Keep in mind there are preamble and hangover periods involved with this, and to be cautious, consider the dates from November 17, 2021, to March 1, 2022 as part of this picture.
It’s not an ideal time for new endeavors, beginnings, or launches, but it’s useful for looking back and learning from the past. Rest, reflect, and reconsider during this period.
Another period that’s less than ideal for big decision-making is when Venus is out of bounds. You could be acting out of character during these times. In 2022, this happens from December 1-24.
More power to you when your ruler, Venus, is in your sign, and in 2022, this period is from September 29th to October 22nd.
Opportunity days are March 5, April 30-May 1, May 5-6, June 28, July 6, October 18, October 22, and November 20-21.
2022 Yearly Overview Horoscopes:
See also 2025 Summary Horoscopes for neat summaries of the year ahead for each sign, 2025 Yearly Horoscopes for detailed forecasts for each sign, 2025 Yearly Love Horoscopes for love guides to the year, and 2025 Preview Horoscopes for a preview of the year ahead.
*It’s important to note that birthdates for Sun signs are always approximate since the starting date and time varies a bit every single year. If you were born on one of these cutoff dates (commonly known as a “cusp”), you can get a definitive answer using a Sun Sign Calculator. You can also write reports@cafeastrology.com with your birth information and we can let you know your true Sun sign if you were born on or beside the approximate date range given for any sign of the zodiac.**If you want to know your Ascendant, find out with an Ascendant calculator, such as our What’s My Ascendant? if you were born after 1970 or our Free Report Section, but do note that an Ascendant cannot be determined for unknown birth times.
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