2017 Horoscope Sagittarius
Yearly Horoscope: 2017 Predictions for Sagittarius
If you know your Ascendant, read forecasts for both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign. If you know your birth time, but don’t know your Ascendant, be sure to use the Cafe Astrology Ascendant Calculator. For those of you who are unsure of your Sun sign because it’s close to the neighboring sign, see What’s My Sun Sign?
See also see your Sagittarius Preview Horoscope for 2017, as well as all Overview Horoscopes for 2017 (including Sagittarius). The horoscope on this page, Sagittarius Yearly, shows the trends and predictions for the year in detail. Because outer planet transits are lengthy, there are variations in the timing of outer planet transits for each of the three decans of Sagittarius, and these are shown below the main, general forecast. I’ve added extra details using a house-by-house approach to breaking down significant influences in 2017.
Every year, we see challenges and opportunities in different areas. It’s my hope that understanding these areas of potential disruption and ease that you can make the most of these trends by seeking out the opportunities and managing the challenges.
The following chart shows the outer planets and other points in relation to your sign, revealing whether they are harmonizing with or challenging Sagittarius:
Sagittarius 2017
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | |||
Jupiter | ||||||||||||||
Saturn | ||||||||||||||
Uranus | ||||||||||||||
Neptune | ||||||||||||||
Pluto | ||||||||||||||
Chiron | ||||||||||||||
North Node |
Grey is neutral (no direct relationship, but can be picky, nagging),
Pink is challenging (the planet is in direct, challenging relationship to your sign),
and Green is easy and supportive (the planet or point is in direct, harmonious relationship with your sign).
As is evident in the above chart, there is a fair amount in the way of outer planet challenges this year for Sagittarius, and a mix of harmonious and neutral energy in the remainder of the chart. This suggests a year of adjustments and changes, but keep in mind that challenging influences can bring about great rewards and developments.
On this Page:
On this page, the year’s larger themes are explored. For month to month overviews, see Sagittarius Monthly Horoscopes, and for daily influences, see Sagittarius Daily Horoscopes. Please note that my dailies are astrological, not daily inspirational texts, so you’ll find interpretations for such things as planetary aspects and planet/point ingresses in Daily Horoscopes.
Overview: Harmony and Challenge of Outer Planets:
You have wonderful support from Saturn and Uranus this year, Sagittarius. Both planets are in Fire signs (Saturn in your own sign until mid-December) as they were last year, but for most of 2017 they are in harmony with one another, creating incredible opportunities to boost the excitement and progressive spirit of your life without sacrificing security. This combination is brilliant for making things work and making realistic dreams happen. This can help you to feel less burdened.
Sagittarius is a Fire sign and is of a Mutable nature. You are good with change and progress, and with Saturn in your sign in recent years emphasizing security and stability, the addition of progressive Uranus in the equation certainly helps you to feel less stagnant.
Areas of change and occasional disruption tend to be in the areas of romance, creativity, finances, and friendships.
Despite some ups and downs, this is a powerful year for friendships, group endeavors, teamwork, causes, and community. Go big in these areas, but know your limits!
Sagittarius (Born November 23 to December 21*) – 0 to 30 degrees Sagittarius:
2017: Sagittarius Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
Sagittarius (All):
The year ahead continues to add personal responsibilities to your plate, as 2016 did, dear Sagittarius, but 2017 also offers some real joy in your relationships and projects. You continue to learn how to stand on your own two feet, but you’re reaching out to others and people tend to be supportive. Your business income improves, and you continue to focus on going after your fondest hopes and wishes, moving beyond only material and career goals. 2017 is a fabulous year for networking and establishing pleasant (and, in some cases, possibly even profitable) friendships and group associations. Those of you in business for yourself could see an especially profitable year. Finances require some adjustments this year, and it’s important to watch for stretching too far.
Saturn continues to move through your sign, and its presence is most strongly felt by those born in the third decan of Sagittarius. Sagittarians born December 12-21 may face increased responsibilities this year, while those born earlier have moved beyond the critical period of this influence. You could be taking yourself more seriously, and feeling some pressure as a result. Your worst enemy now is the tendency to be self-critical. Keep your sense of humor! Look for ways to improve, but don’t get down on yourself for mistakes or regrets.
However, Saturn is moving through the final year in Sagittarius, ending its transit on December 19th and not to return for 28 years. As Saturn finishes up in your sign, it relieves you of extra responsibilities and concerns. Ideally, many of you are feeling a lighter load. The weaker areas of your life have been revealed and you’ve either strengthened or let go of them. You are stronger on your feet and more self-sufficient. By the end of 2017, you may very well feel that you can handle pretty much that comes your way. Even so, there is a humbler side revealed now as you have a more realistic sense of what you can accomplish and the limits of time and energy. A new cycle of buckling down with personal finances then begins.
Saturn in your sign is and has been sobering at times. This year, a stronger, more realistic, and more mature “you” emerges. As well, you’re loosening up more and more as Saturn gets support from innovative Uranus. This can be good news for your love life as things seem to settle. In recent years, there may have been some unreliability or changeability in love, and while this remains a theme in 2017, you’re finding ways to make it work. This influence suggests support from children, a romantic partner, or a creative project, or great interests in these areas that help you to build your confidence. There is more enjoyment in your life as you come to a better balance between work and play; and between responsibility and recreation. When it comes to love, review and reflect rather than make big decisions from March to mid-April. Delays may be blessings in disguise at this time.
Pressures and responsibilities notwithstanding, there can be exciting social developments in 2017. This is a time for making interesting connections. You particularly enjoy networking and sharing your expertise with your associates. Your social circle is expanding, although you might want to watch for excesses in this area. While the saying goes that you can never have too many friends, you don’t want to spread yourself thin. Similarly, avoid beginning so many new projects that you scatter yourself across them. You can be proud of your contributions to work and group efforts.
From October forward, you can experience a greater love of solitude. It’s not that you’re unsociable during this period – it’s more about feeling quite comfortable when alone, and there’s an important difference between the two states of mind. As well, you will find that putting others’ interests ahead of yours tends to bring you the most rewards. You may be doing a lot for others, but you’ll be enjoying doing it! You come into closer touch with your spiritual and emotional renewal needs now, and you might find that you’re doing a lot for others, usually quite voluntarily. Large decisions may be deferred to a later date. While there can be times that you feel “in limbo,” you can choose to take full advantage of this period for extra rest, and for learning to love your privacy and “alone time” with yourself. In fact, you might very well enjoy your own company! You’re embarking upon a very fortunate trend for your family life and private world.
On This Page:
Horoscopes for:
Sagittarius born November 23 to December 2 OR Sagittarius Ascendant 0-10 Degrees
Sagittarius born December 3 to 12 OR Sagittarius Ascendant 10-20 Degrees
Sagittarius born December 13 to 21 OR Sagittarius Ascendant 20-30 Degrees
Sagittarius (Born November 23 to December 2*) – 0 to 10 degrees Sagittarius (1ST DECAN):
2017: Sagittarius Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
See your current Monthly Forecast and Sagittarius 2017 Love Horoscope.
Until October 10th, Jupiter continues to move through your solar eleventh house, bringing benefits and fresh energy to networking activities, the formulation of broad, long-term goals, acquaintances, clubs, and organizations in your life. You can rely on your friends for their help and support, and your circle of friends could most certainly increase during this fruitful transit. Your long-term goals and wishes tend to be broad and perhaps unusual or ahead of the times during this cycle. You may particularly enjoy dreaming up ideas for the future. Achieving your goals tends to come more easily. Others especially value your advice and often turn to you for help. You could become more active with friends or in your community. You may have opportunities to join or lead clubs or groups. Group activities and associations could be avenues for fulfilling your goals. You may take special joy in sharing a common cause or ideals with others. You are especially hopeful and more inclined to believe that if you wish it, it will be! Income from your business or career is likely to increase. You might be more tolerant of others in general, and of differences in values. Reaching out beyond your personal circle can certainly open doors to you and bring joy into your life during this cycle. These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life. Also, Jupiter can bring too much of a good thing at times, and you might find that your social agenda is crammed or that you have taken on more friends or goals than you can reasonably handle.
The most favorable periods for these matters occur while Jupiter is in direct motion in your solar eleventh house, from January 1-February 5, and from June 9-October 10.
From October 10th forward,
Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, is in your solar twelfth house. During this longer-term transit, you may enjoy benefits to activities that take place "behind the scenes" or otherwise privately, as well as in the soul. This is a cycle in which you become more compassionate, empathetic, and sensitive, or get in deeper touch with these traits.
Jupiter in the twelfth house is said to offer one spiritual protection. This is a time when you can rid yourself of self-destructive tendencies, deep-seated fears, and deeply-ingrained tendencies towards guilty feelings. You are more able to get in touch with your subconscious mind, and in fact, confronting your fears can be quite pleasurable during this period.
Charity, giving/donating anonymously, volunteering, and helping others without expectation of reward will be most fulfilling during this cycle. Helping others helps you. Work that involves serving others may begin now and bring you much joy.
Your dreaming world may be especially rich, lighter, helpful, and more intuitive. Meditation and retreats may be especially useful to you now, as they regenerate and invigorate your spirit. Much pleasure and growth might be found in solitude and contemplation. You may pick up New Age studies, spirituality, dream interpretation, or research during this cycle.
Some people enter into a private romance during this cycle. In general, help seems to be there when you need it. You are building or rebuilding your inner faith now.
These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life.
Jupiter's influence is considered positive, and it is, ultimately. However, it acts to magnify the area of the chart that it affects, and at times it can be uncomfortable if you are having difficulties in this area. In your case, if you are lonely or if you feel helpless, and if you have troubles facing your past, then this influence can heighten these issues.
Ultimately, it's for good. The cosmos asks you now to surrender some of your attachments and to surrender to the unknown. Releasing control is necessary. Building your faith is the work you are doing now. While your tendency is to play a supportive role to others, if taken too far, you will need to draw some boundaries when it comes to your energy and time.
Your perceptions heighten, and in fact, intuition is extremely reliable now. Your ability to make sacrifices for others increases, and you might build your confidence in yourself as you help and support others.
Saturn transits your solar first house until December 2017. This transit began in December 2014 and runs until December 2017 (with the exception of June 14-September 17, 2015). It’s typically felt most strongly in the first year of its influence.
Your physical body and mannerisms have been a focus during this transit. Depending on your current age, it may be a time when you feel more your age, or accept it. This is an excellent time for beginning health regimens, diets, and the like, simply because it is a time when you look in the mirror and see yourself clearly – not only what you want to see. Your outlook on life is more serious and responsible. You may be slower to start new things. In the past while, you might have reached out to others in an attempt to validate yourself, looking for ways to boost your confidence. When these attempts failed, you may have felt temporarily let down and discouraged. Rest assured that Saturn will re-work these feelings, with your help of course, until you reach a point where you have a stronger sense of self. This is a period in which you can get to that point.
This transit acts to transform your self-confidence in such a way that you question the source of your confidence to date, and discover a more solid base for pulling up inner strength. Saturn here acts to rip away the superficial. Illusions about the self, the body, and personal abilities will no longer be entertained. The end result is a newfound identity and a realistic understanding of your own limitations, and your capabilities as well. In terms of career and projects, outward signs of progress may not be as forthcoming, yet the work that you do during this transit will lay a foundation for future success and progress!
You can work harder and with more concentration on personal projects at this time. Some of you could become authorities or masters at a particular skill or topic. Self-discipline comes more naturally. Focus on making improvements and keep in mind the long-term. Short-sightedness now can get you into trouble. Impatience will not be rewarded. Think in terms of the long view.
The acute elements of this transit have already passed for your Sagittarius group – you are finishing and tidying things up in these areas of your life. This is a time for resolving these issues. You’re maturing and crystallizing lessons that you can carry forward with you. After mid-December, Saturn won’t return to this area of your chart for another 29 years.
Saturn transits your solar second house from December 19th forward (until 2020). It’s typically felt most strongly in the first year of its influence – for you, that will be now until December 2018!
Saturn here urges you to take stock of your effectiveness, self-worth, and finances. This stage of your life may have involved hard work, but not necessarily of an unpleasant variety! Financial success is generally steady, if slow to come by. However, what you build now has long-lasting value.
This transit has traditionally been associated with financial loss, but in truth, it is more about our perceptions–you are likely to review how effective you have been on a financial level to date, and find some dissatisfaction with your progress. In fact, gains may be slow, but sudden reversals are not common with this transit. The purpose of this transit is for you to make the connection between your own feelings of self-worth and what you produce in the real world/get back from the real world. Recently, you may have had some feelings of being unsupported (you may have been thinking, “I work so hard, and what do I get for all this hard work?”), but as the transit moves forward, you learn to look inside of yourself with a newfound clarity and realism and ideally draw up considerable strength from within. You work on your effectiveness in the world, and see exactly what has been holding you back from achieving the results you want. The challenge here is to capture the newly found and defined self-confidence you gained while Saturn was in Sagittarius, and now apply it in the real world.
Look for overlapping or unnecessary expenses and other redundancies, and aim to rid yourself of material clutter. You’re working especially hard to improve your earnings.
You are challenged to better manage your personal resources, and to come up with a fair and realistic assessment of your value or worth as well. You may be necessarily more cautious about entering into heavy financial commitments during this period, and more cautious in general with spending. Worries can surface about your earning power, but as you progress, the ideal end result will be a stronger sense of what you are capable of earning, better spending and saving habits, and a more realistic budget. Cutting back on some luxuries may be in order, but you may just discover that the security you gain is more important than the luxuries you let go.
Uranus continues to transit your solar fifth house this year, and romance or creativity can be the catalysts for change and a more open-minded attitude. You are drawn to new experiences, and they contribute to your growth. You tend towards unconventional ways of expressing yourself and your creativity. Your hobbies can be out of the ordinary, and so can your relationships with children and lovers, depending on how this cycle is affecting you. Sudden developments or surprises in your romantic life are par for the course with Uranus here. This is a time when you free yourself of personal inhibitions that may have been part of your life in the past. It’s a time of more spontaneous expression. Casual love affairs that have grown stale may be left behind now. You may also attract unusual romances or romantic partners into your life during this cycle, and some may be downright unreliable.
You are tapping into your “inner genius” when it comes to expressing yourself creatively. Your writing and speech may be more imaginative and unusual or unique. Communication can be the key when it comes to making romantic connections, and many of you could be experimenting with online dating. There can be new forms of recreation and entertainment that interest you this year. Sagittarian artists are expressing themselves more uniquely and originally.
The more acute elements of this transit have already been experienced before 2017 for your decan of Sagittarius.
Neptune continues its lengthy transit through your fourth house this year. There may be some confusion about your goals, or challenges in your close personal relationships, particularly involving family ties. You are more idealistic than usual when it comes to these relationships, which can cause a few problems if you‘re not careful. A noncommittal attitude in your personal life could leave people in your life feeling frustrated with you as you attempt to find yourself. There is a reason behind this “identity crisis” – you are learning to let go of ego attachments. Your self-image is being re-worked, and you are becoming more sensitive to a greater, perhaps more spiritual, sense of purpose. As Neptune’s “fog” lifts, your self-confidence will increase many times over. During this cycle, you may find that you require more sleep than usual and that you are easily drained. This can be a reflection of inner confusion and a natural need for more rest and meditation. Neptune is no longer square your Sun and this means these issues are far more manageable.
Pluto continues its lengthy transit of your second house this year. Attitudes towards finances and possessions, as well as money itself and personal values, continue to transform this year. Life lessons might occur in order for you to get in better touch with self-worth, principles, self-defense, and money attitudes. Changes might occur in your source of income, or your level of income can change. You may have to face control issues and possessiveness, and learn how to better manage these things.
When Jupiter, your ruler, is retrograde, it can be a natural time for introspection and the hatching of plans; on the other hand, you may tend to push forward with more confidence and take action while Jupiter is direct. This year, Jupiter is direct from January 1-February 5 and from June 9-October 10, and the remainder of the year is retrograde (retrograde from February 6-June 8).
Until May 2017, the North Node transits your solar tenth house, and this suggests that some of the greatest joys - and challenges - come through your career and public life. This is a time for putting yourself out there and for meeting your responsibilities.
From May 2017 forward, the North Node transits your solar ninth house, and this suggests that some of the greatest joys - and challenges - come through your belief systems, religion, or perspective. This is a time for building your faith and understanding where you stand as well as what you believe in.
Special: Future Forecast Report
Get your unique Personalized Horoscope—over 100 pages long—for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.
See your Monthly Forecast and Sagittarius 2017 Love Horoscope.
Sagittarius (Born December 3 to 12*) – 10 to 20 degrees Sagittarius (2ND DECAN):
2017: Sagittarius Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
Pressures on you ease considerably and you feel more comfortable in 2017.
Until November 24th, Jupiter continues to move through your solar eleventh house, bringing benefits and fresh energy to networking activities, the formulation of broad, long-term goals, acquaintances, clubs, and organizations in your life. You can rely on your friends for their help and support, and your circle of friends could most certainly increase during this fruitful transit. Your long-term goals and wishes tend to be broad and perhaps unusual or ahead of the times during this cycle. You may particularly enjoy dreaming up ideas for the future. Achieving your goals tends to come more easily. Others especially value your advice and often turn to you for help. You could become more active with friends or in your community. You may have opportunities to join or lead clubs or groups. Group activities and associations could be avenues for fulfilling your goals. You may take special joy in sharing a common cause or ideals with others. You are especially hopeful and more inclined to believe that if you wish it, it will be! Income from your business or career is likely to increase. You might be more tolerant of others in general, and of differences in values. Reaching out beyond your personal circle can certainly open doors to you and bring joy into your life during this cycle. These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life. Also, Jupiter can bring too much of a good thing at times, and you might find that your social agenda is crammed or that you have taken on more friends or goals than you can reasonably handle.
The most favorable periods for these matters occur while Jupiter is in direct motion in your solar eleventh house, from January 1-February 5, and from June 9-October 10.
Jupiter transits sextile your Sun. This is a feel-good transit that offers you opportunities to rise above petty concerns and to achieve a more balanced approach to your life. Relationships with others tend to be easygoing, friendly, and positive. It's natural for you to cooperate with others, and others find it easy to cooperate with you! This is a time when you really enjoy life, appreciating the good things and rarely harping on the more inconvenient or annoying elements of life.
From November 24th forward,
Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, is in your solar twelfth house. During this longer-term transit, you may enjoy benefits to activities that take place "behind the scenes" or otherwise privately, as well as in the soul. This is a cycle in which you become more compassionate, empathetic, and sensitive, or get in deeper touch with these traits.
Jupiter in the twelfth house is said to offer one spiritual protection. This is a time when you can rid yourself of self-destructive tendencies, deep-seated fears, and deeply-ingrained tendencies towards guilty feelings. You are more able to get in touch with your subconscious mind, and in fact, confronting your fears can be quite pleasurable during this period.
Charity, giving/donating anonymously, volunteering, and helping others without expectation of reward will be most fulfilling during this cycle. Helping others helps you. Work that involves serving others may begin now and bring you much joy.
Your dreaming world may be especially rich, lighter, helpful, and more intuitive. Meditation and retreats may be especially useful to you now, as they regenerate and invigorate your spirit. Much pleasure and growth might be found in solitude and contemplation. You may pick up New Age studies, spirituality, dream interpretation, or research during this cycle.
Some people enter into a private romance during this cycle. In general, help seems to be there when you need it. You are building or rebuilding your inner faith now.
These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life.
Jupiter's influence is considered positive, and it is, ultimately. However, it acts to magnify the area of the chart that it affects, and at times it can be uncomfortable if you are having difficulties in this area. In your case, if you are lonely or if you feel helpless, and if you have troubles facing your past, then this influence can heighten these issues.
Ultimately, it's for good. The cosmos asks you now to surrender some of your attachments and to surrender to the unknown. Releasing control is necessary. Building your faith is the work you are doing now. While your tendency is to play a supportive role to others, if taken too far, you will need to draw some boundaries when it comes to your energy and time.
Your perceptions heighten, and in fact, intuition is extremely reliable now. Your ability to make sacrifices for others increases, and you might build your confidence in yourself as you help and support others.
Saturn transits your solar first house this year. This transit will run until at least the end of 2018 for your decan.
Saturn has moved beyond its conjunction to your Sun or Ascendant this year, and this eases the pressures of this transit considerably – keep in mind that much of this is behind you now when you read the following!
Your physical body and mannerisms have been a focus during this transit. Depending on your current age, it may be a time when you feel more your age, or accept it. This is an excellent time for beginning health regimens, diets, and the like, simply because it is a time when you look in the mirror and see yourself clearly – not only what you want to see. Your outlook on life is more serious and responsible. You may be slower to start new things. In the past while, you might have reached out to others in an attempt to validate yourself, looking for ways to boost your confidence. When these attempts failed, you may have felt temporarily let down and discouraged. Rest assured that Saturn will re-work these feelings, with your help of course, until you reach a point where you have a stronger sense of self. This is a period in which you can get to that point.
This transit acts to transform your self-confidence in such a way that you question the source of your confidence to date, and discover a more solid base for pulling up inner strength. Saturn here acts to rip away the superficial. Illusions about the self, the body, and personal abilities will no longer be entertained. The end result is a newfound identity and a realistic understanding of your own limitations, and your capabilities as well. In terms of career and projects, outward signs of progress may not be as forthcoming, yet the work that you do during this transit will lay a foundation for future success and progress!
You can work harder and with more concentration on personal projects at this time. Some of you could become authorities or masters at a particular skill or topic. Self-discipline comes more naturally. Focus on making improvements and keep in mind the long-term. Short-sightedness now can get you into trouble. Impatience will not be rewarded. Think in terms of the long view.
The acute elements of this transit have already passed for your Sagittarius group – you are finishing and tidying things up in these areas of your life. This year and 2018 are periods for resolving these issues and building your strength.
Uranus continues its lengthy transit of your solar fifth house, and romance or creativity can be the catalysts for change and a more open-minded attitude. You are drawn to new experiences, and they contribute to your growth. You tend towards unconventional ways of expressing yourself and your creativity. Your hobbies can be out of the ordinary, and so can your relationships with children and lovers, depending on how this cycle is affecting you. Sudden developments or surprises in your romantic life are par for the course with Uranus here. This is a time when you free yourself of personal inhibitions that may have been part of your life in the past. It’s a time of more spontaneous expression. Casual love affairs that have grown stale may be left behind now. You may also attract unusual romances or romantic partners into your life during this cycle, and some may be downright unreliable.
You are tapping into your “inner genius” when it comes to expressing yourself creatively. Your writing and speech may be more imaginative and unusual or unique. Communication can be the key when it comes to making romantic connections, and many of you could be experimenting with online dating. There can be new forms of recreation and entertainment that interest you this year. Sagittarian artists are expressing themselves more uniquely and originally.
Neptune begins its lengthy transit through your solar fourth house for those born from 10-14 degrees Sagittarius Ascendant or from December 3 to 7 this year. There may be some confusion about your goals, or challenges in your close personal relationships, particularly involving family ties. You are more idealistic than usual when it comes to these relationships, which can cause a few problems if you‘re not careful. A noncommittal attitude in your personal life could leave people in your life feeling frustrated with you as you attempt to find yourself. There is a reason behind this “identity crisis” – you are learning to let go of ego attachments. Your self-image is being re-worked, and you are becoming more sensitive to a greater, perhaps more spiritual, sense of purpose. As Neptune’s “fog” lifts, your self-confidence will increase many times over, although this is unlikely to occur quite yet. During this cycle, you may find that you require more sleep than usual and that you are easily drained. This can be a reflection of inner confusion and a natural need for more rest and meditation.
Pluto continues or begins its lengthy transit of your solar second house this year. Attitudes towards finances and possessions, as well as money itself and personal values, continue to transform this year. Life lessons might occur in order for you to get in better touch with self-worth, principles, self-defense, and money attitudes. Changes might occur in your source of income, or your level of income can change. You may have to face control issues and possessiveness, and learn how to better manage these things.
When Jupiter, your ruler, is retrograde, it can be a natural time for introspection and the hatching of plans; on the other hand, you may tend to push forward with more confidence and take action while Jupiter is direct. This year, Jupiter is direct from January 1-February 5 and from June 9-October 10, and the remainder of the year is retrograde (retrograde from February 6-June 8).
This year, the North Node transits your solar ninth house, and this suggests that some of the greatest joys - and challenges - come through your belief systems, religion, or perspective. This is a time for building your faith and understanding where you stand as well as what you believe in.
Special: 2017 Future Forecast Report
Get your unique 2017 Personalized Horoscope–over 100 pages long–for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.
See also: Monthly Forecast for month-to-month trends, Daily Horoscopes for day-to-day trends, and Sagittarius 2016-2017 Love Horoscope.
Sagittarius (Born December 13 to 21*) – 20 to 30 degrees Sagittarius (3rd DECAN):
2017: Sagittarius Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
This is an important year for getting your life into order with Saturn on your Sun or Ascendant. It’s an excellent period for better organization and healthier structures in your life.
From January 1-March 24 then from August 20th forward, Jupiter continues to move through your solar eleventh house, bringing benefits and fresh energy to networking activities, the formulation of broad, long-term goals, acquaintances, clubs, and organizations in your life. You can rely on your friends for their help and support, and your circle of friends could most certainly increase during this fruitful transit. Your long-term goals and wishes tend to be broad and perhaps unusual or ahead of the times during this cycle. You may particularly enjoy dreaming up ideas for the future. Achieving your goals tends to come more easily. Others especially value your advice and often turn to you for help. You could become more active with friends or in your community. You may have opportunities to join or lead clubs or groups. Group activities and associations could be avenues for fulfilling your goals. You may take special joy in sharing a common cause or ideals with others. You are especially hopeful and more inclined to believe that if you wish it, it will be! Income from your business or career is likely to increase. You might be more tolerant of others in general, and of differences in values. Reaching out beyond your personal circle can certainly open doors to you and bring joy into your life during this cycle. These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life. Also, Jupiter can bring too much of a good thing at times, and you might find that your social agenda is crammed or that you have taken on more friends or goals than you can reasonably handle.
The most favorable periods for these matters occur while Jupiter is in direct motion in your solar eleventh house, from January 1-February 5, and from August 20-forward.
Jupiter transits sextile your Sun. This is a feel-good transit that offers you opportunities to rise above petty concerns and to achieve a more balanced approach to your life. Relationships with others tend to be easygoing, friendly, and positive. It's natural for you to cooperate with others, and others find it easy to cooperate with you! This is a time when you really enjoy life, appreciating the good things and rarely harping on the more inconvenient or annoying elements of life.
Saturn transits your solar first house this year. This transit will run until at least the end of 2019 for your decan. This transit is new to your decan, making its themes a little more intense in 2017, after which you become increasingly more comfortable with the energy.
Until December, Saturn is on your Sun or Ascendant.
Your physical body and mannerisms are a focus during this transit. Depending on your current age, it may be a time when you feel more your age, or accept it. This is an excellent time for beginning health regimens, diets, and the like, simply because it is a time when you look in the mirror and see yourself clearly – not only what you want to see. Your outlook on life is more serious and responsible. You may be slower to start new things. In the past while, you might have reached out to others in an attempt to validate yourself, looking for ways to boost your confidence. When these attempts failed, you may have felt temporarily let down and discouraged. Rest assured that Saturn will re-work these feelings, with your help of course, until you reach a point where you have a stronger sense of self. This is a period in which you can get to that point.
This transit acts to transform your self-confidence in such a way that you question the source of your confidence to date, and discover a more solid base for pulling up inner strength. Saturn here acts to rip away the superficial. Illusions about the self, the body, and personal abilities will no longer be entertained. The end result is a newfound identity and a realistic understanding of your own limitations, and your capabilities as well. In terms of career and projects, outward signs of progress may not be as forthcoming, yet the work that you do during this transit will lay a foundation for future success and progress!
You can work harder and with more concentration on personal projects at this time. Some of you could become authorities or masters at a particular skill or topic. Self-discipline comes more naturally. Focus on making improvements and keep in mind the long-term. Short-sightedness now can get you into trouble. Impatience will not be rewarded. Think in terms of the long view.
Uranus begins or continues its lengthy transit of your solar fifth house, and romance or creativity can be the catalysts for change and a more open-minded attitude. You are drawn to new experiences, and they contribute to your growth. You tend towards unconventional ways of expressing yourself and your creativity. Your hobbies can be out of the ordinary, and so can your relationships with children and lovers, depending on how this cycle is affecting you. Sudden developments or surprises in your romantic life are par for the course with Uranus here. This is a time when you free yourself of personal inhibitions that may have been part of your life in the past. It’s a time of more spontaneous expression. Casual love affairs that have grown stale may be left behind now. You may also attract unusual romances or romantic partners into your life during this cycle, and some may be downright unreliable.
You are tapping into your “inner genius” when it comes to expressing yourself creatively. Your writing and speech may be more imaginative and unusual or unique. Communication can be the key when it comes to making romantic connections, and many of you could be experimenting with online dating. There can be new forms of recreation and entertainment that interest you this year. Sagittarian artists are expressing themselves more uniquely and originally.
Pleasant surprises pepper your year ahead. You’re open to a certain amount of change and progress, and thus attract interesting and sometimes unusual events into your life. A few doors open to you as you express yourself more spontaneously this year. Romance or creativity can be the catalysts for your changing, more open-minded attitude. Fortunately, it’s easier to make necessary changes in your life without making too many waves. You are drawn to new experiences, and they contribute to your growth. You have a twinkle in your eye this year! Your own originality and uniqueness is bound to come shining through. You are slightly more outspoken, daring, and progressive than usual. Events that occur this year tend to show you (and others) a different side of yourself, and could attract new people into your life as a result. Any new friends or connections made this year are likely to be quite different than those you have had in the past. If you want to rid yourself of some unhealthy habits or past conditioning that has been undermining your confidence, this is the year to do it. Some of the people around you might be surprised at your newly found independence, but most will enjoy it. Unexpected or unusual experiences tend to enhance your understanding, and a new perspective on your life is in store.
Neptune continues its lengthy transit through your solar third house this year, as it has been doing for a number of years, casting some “fog” over your daily affairs. During this cycle, you have been learning to rely on your intuition. You may have had some problems arising from your inattention to details, practical matters, and facts and figures. Others may have found you less reliable in terms of making appointments on time or remembering them at all! Some challenges putting your thoughts into words likely leads to a stronger appreciation for such things as musical lyrics, poetry, and other art forms that experiment with modes of expression. This year, you are likely to discover more imaginative means of expressing yourself. Neptune will not reach your solar fourth house and square your Sun for your Sagittarius decan until at least 2020.
Note: Neptune continues to transit Pisces, but it travels through the 9- to 14-degree range. Neptune will not reach the beginning of your decan until 2020.
Pluto continues its lengthy transit through your solar first house this year. This extremely long-term transit brings gradual but deep changes in the way you greet the world.
Expectations transform again this year. Intensity and passion are craved now, and mediocre will no longer do.
When Jupiter, your ruler, is retrograde, it can be a natural time for introspection and the hatching of plans; on the other hand, you may tend to push forward with more confidence and take action while Jupiter is direct. This year, Jupiter is direct from January 1-February 5 and from June 9-October 10, and the remainder of the year is retrograde (retrograde from February 6-June 8).
Until November 2017, the North Node transits your solar ninth house, and this suggests that some of the greatest joys - and challenges - come through your belief systems, religion, or perspective. This is a time for building your faith and understanding where you stand as well as what you believe in.
From November 2017 forward, the North Node transits your solar eighth house, and this suggests that some of the greatest joys - and challenges - come through your attachments to others, your own feelings of being empowered, and your ability to share yourself with others.
*Please note: starting and ending dates are not fixed for any sign and they can vary slightly depending on the year you were born. If you are born near one of these dates and are unsure of your Sun sign, see What’s My Sun Sign?.
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