2017 Horoscope Gemini
Yearly Horoscope: 2017 Predictions for Gemini
If you know your Ascendant, read forecasts for both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign. If you know your birth time, but don’t know your Ascendant, be sure to use the Cafe Astrology Ascendant Calculator. For those of you who are unsure of your Sun sign because it’s close to the neighboring sign, see What’s My Sun Sign?
See also see your Gemini Preview Horoscope for 2017, as well as all Overview Horoscopes for 2017 (including Gemini). The horoscope on this page, Gemini Yearly, shows the trends and predictions for the year in detail. Because outer planet transits are lengthy, there are variations in the timing of outer planet transits for each of the three decans of Gemini, and these are shown below the main, general forecast. I’ve added extra details using a house-by-house approach to breaking down significant influences in 2017.
There are some interesting developments for you this year, dear Gemini. Every year, we see challenges and opportunities in different areas. It’s my hope that understanding these areas of potential disruption and ease that you can make the most of these trends by seeking out the opportunities and managing the challenges.
The following chart shows the outer planets and other points in relation to your sign, revealing whether they are harmonizing with or challenging Gemini:
Gemini 2017
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | |||
Jupiter | ||||||||||||||
Saturn | ||||||||||||||
Uranus | ||||||||||||||
Neptune | ||||||||||||||
Pluto | ||||||||||||||
Chiron | ||||||||||||||
North Node |
Grey is neutral (no direct relationship, but can be picky, nagging),
Pink is challenging (the planet is in direct, challenging relationship to your sign),
and Green is easy and supportive (the planet or point is in direct, harmonious relationship with your sign).
As is evident in the above chart, outer planet influences on Gemini this year are a mixed bag, which suggests a year of some challenges and harmony.
On this Page:
On this page, the year’s larger themes are explored. For month to month overviews, see Gemini Monthly Horoscopes, and for daily influences, see Gemini Daily Horoscopes. Please note that my dailies are astrological, not daily inspirational texts, so you’ll find interpretations for such things as planetary aspects and planet/point ingresses in Daily Horoscopes.
Overview: Harmony and Challenge of Outer Planets:
While Saturn has been opposing your sign and will continue to do so until mid-December this year, Gemini, its trine to Uranus this year makes this challenging influence more apparently supportive. This is a time for boosting the excitement and progressive spirit of your life while also working hard at supporting the practical, committed, and responsible side.
Gemini is an intellectual Air sign and is of a Mutable nature, and this suggests you enjoy light movement and activity.
Areas of change and occasional disruption for you in 2017 tend to be romance, creativity, children, friendship, intimate relationships, and finances.
Even with ups and downs, this is a powerful year for hobbies, romance, entertainment, children, and creativity. Opportunities to express and enjoy yourself open up. Go big in these areas, but know your limits!
Your work and health sector is an area of your chart that has faced more than usual outer planet challenges for many years. This year, however, things are coming together in these areas of life. From October forward, you benefit from a wonderful influence for better working conditions, exciting work, and improved health. This transit will last until November 2018 and its benefits will be even more apparent after December 2017.
More to come.
Gemini (Born May 22-June 21*) – 0 to 30 degrees Gemini:
2017: Gemini Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
Gemini (All)
This is a strong year for satisfaction from the work you do and for romantic surprises, dear Gemini. For much of 2017, the Great Benefic, Jupiter, is moving in harmony with your own sign and is gracing your romance and pleasure sector. You are taking the stresses and pressures of everyday life in stride this year. Your can-do attitude is your best asset right now! It’s a wonderful year for discovering creative talents or hobbies, as well as for finding new and exciting outlets for self-expression and entertainment.
More and new ways to have fun are available to you this year, whether it’s because of numerous social engagements, a friend (new or established) takes you out more often, you stumble upon a new way to meet romantic prospects, or you simply look for more activities that motivate you. For those of you looking for love, meeting a special person is quite possible. You are radiating energy that makes you more attractive, and, as a result, opportunities are that much stronger for romantic attention. Some of you will be discovering new hobbies, reviving old ones with renewed enthusiasm, or developing latent talents. Others will be more interested in sports or other forms of recreation, and deriving much pleasure from these activities. Children can figure more strongly in your life. This is a time for bonding happily with your children if applicable. With increased focus on your romantic life or your personal activities, there can be some clashes with friends at times this year. However, recognizing areas of excess and working on a better balance can lead to a satisfying resolution.
The year 2017 brings fullness to your social life, to romance, to creativity, and to your life with children. A partnership might benefit from more recreational activities or a spiced up romantic life. Friends may be disapproving of the time you spend pursuing romantic or creative matters and financial constraints can also weigh heavy if you are spending too much on entertainment or hobbies, but as long as you don’t over-emphasize the fun side of life so much that other areas of life suffer, you should find this period of your life very enjoyable.
Those of you looking for a better job could find it, particularly after October 10th. Job seekers will radiate more confidence and attract accordingly. This theme will stick with you through much of 2018 as well. Many of you will experience more satisfaction from your job, improved working conditions, and/or better health. New job offers might be part of the picture now. Although work can be hectic at times, you enjoy taking care of all the details, and being in demand for your skills can be a very pleasant feeling! Know when to say no, however, because your confidence in your work can lead you to accept more tasks than you can reasonably manage. However, you’re moving into an excellent period for more creative and satisfying work.
This is a time for taking special pride in your usefulness to others. You are taking more interest in work as well as health in the last quarter of the year, and it’s an excellent time for discovering new and even enjoyable health and fitness routines. It’s also a very favorable time for pets.
Relationships are being tested and you may feel that if you don’t have a good partnership, you’d rather not have any. Many of you will be strengthening relationships and, while it’s not necessarily easy going, you’ll reap the rewards later. Others are feeling a little pressured or lonely as you find your way and discover what it is you truly need and want from a significant other. The influence that pushes for you to get serious about partnerships lasts until mid-December and then moves on. Some of you will be making big commitments this year, and others might end a long-term relationship – it will depend very greatly on how strong any existing relationship is.
Even so, this is an excellent period for stable relationships with friends and partners. There can be wonderful opportunities to enjoy relationships that are both steady and accepting. You may be balancing the stricter, more traditional, rule-oriented energy of partnerships with the progressive elements of friendship and individuality. Being able to depend on others a little more without sacrificing too much in the excitement and independence department is a theme. This is an excellent time to update and refurbish, particularly in your social life. If relationships can use some extra attention, do so.
On This Page:
Horoscopes for:
Gemini (Born May 22-31*) – 0 to 10 degrees Gemini (1ST DECAN):
2017: Gemini Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
See your current Monthly Forecast and Gemini 2017 Love Horoscope.
Until October 10th, Jupiter continues to move through your solar fifth house, and you are likely to see benefits, and experience growth, in the areas of romance, pleasure, creative expression, hobbies, entertainment, and children.
Your fair share of fun, romance, and good times are in store. Your willingness to enjoy yourself and explore your creativity now brings new opportunities, or you might find that avenues open up to you for exploring new ways of having fun.
For example, you might meet a new friend who spurs you to go out more, or you could be inspired by someone else's creative projects and begin a new and rewarding hobby.
Creative projects are likely to fare well during this cycle, and could possibly even bring some type of recognition or reward. Love and romance may come into your life or an existing romance is enhanced with good humor and warmth.
You might find that possibilities for casual love relationships open up to you now, and some of you could be overwhelmed with choices! Social engagements abound. For those of you who are single, meeting a special person is highly likely, although it's more likely to be a casual relationship than a committed partnership. Investments in stocks and other speculative matters could earn profits. Healthy, wise risks are likely to pay off, but be careful of overconfidence in speculative investments.
Relationships with your children may be especially fulfilling now. Pregnancy or childbirth may occur during this period, if applicable. This is a fabulous period in which to take a vacation you've always wanted to take, to try out a new hobby or creative project/approach, to explore new ways of having fun, to enjoy single life, and so forth.
Those with artistic or athletic talent can be especially successful and prosperous at this time. Your creativity and social life are stimulated this year, and plenty of opportunities to express yourself uniquely and creatively are likely to present themselves. You may find great joy and reward in your creative projects and hobbies. Pleasure-seeking activities, recreation, and amusement are increased. You are far less inhibited when it comes to expressing yourself creatively, and you are a lot more fun to be around!
These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life.
Sometimes Jupiter brings too much of a good thing, and it's always wise to enjoy a carefree (not careless) attitude. You are learning to express yourself playfully and creatively without apology, and more willing to take some personal risks in order to do so.
A potential negative of this transit is excessive emphasis on, or attention to, having fun to the detriment of other life departments. However, this is typically one of those periods that one looks back upon fondly.
The most favorable periods for these matters occur while Jupiter is in direct motion in your solar fifth house, from January 1-February 5, and from June 9-October 10.
From October 10th forward, Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, is transiting your solar sixth house. During this cycle, you are likely to see benefits in the areas of work and health, as well as daily routines. This transit enhances your ability to handle the details required to do a good job, and others become more aware of your skills. Benefits may come through work itself, co-workers, or employees during this cycle. Any type of service that you may provide is likely to go well now, mainly because you are finding more joy in being of service. You are more successful in hiring good workers, if applicable, and improvements to your working environment are likely. You find more enjoyment in the work you do, and it is easier than usual to find employment now. You may get a new job during this cycle. Work tends to be very available to you—perhaps even too available in that you don't know which one to choose. The best way to handle this transit is to take pride in and recognize your usefulness—this is bound to give you a great deal of joy, and you are likely to be rewarded as a result. As well, the more integrity, directness, and honesty you bring to your services and work, the more "payback" you will receive. Health is likely to prosper now, and medical procedures or programs, if necessary, are more apt to be successful. There may be an inclination to put on some weight, however, if you don't watch your appetite and/or choice of food. Some people get a new pet during this cycle, and this brings them much joy. These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life. Sometimes Jupiter brings too much of something, and this could mean taking on more work than you can handle, getting lost in the details and organization necessary to keep your daily life running smoothly, and so forth. Watch that overconfidence doesn't lead you to overload your plate. You are bringing fresh and original ideas to the work you do and the services you offer.
Saturn transits your solar seventh house until December 2017. This transit began in December 2014 and runs until December 2017 (with the exception of June 14-September 17, 2015). It’s typically felt most strongly in the first year of its influence.
Saturn motivates us to do “spring cleaning” in the areas of life it touches. In your case, significant one-to-one relationships need to be considered and understood during this transit. This is a time when you need to define, understand, and crystallize your significant relationships with others. If you already have a partner, this is a time when any issues surrounding compromise, flexibility, and the ability to give your heart to your partner will surface. Initial frustration in the early stages of this transit (in 2015) may have taken the form of feeling criticized and “examined” in this area of life. By the end of the transit, however, you will have learned much about commitment and compromise. Single people are likely to have felt the initial pressures of Saturn transiting the seventh house as well. A feeling of loneliness was possible in either situation (whether you have/had a significant partnership or not), but instead of an issue of re-committing, the single person will seriously think about commitment in general. If involved in a casual love relationship, when Saturn transits the seventh, a pressure emerges concerning the need for evaluating your commitments. Often this transit corresponds with an urge (or pressure) to make a commitment or a recommitment.
Healthy partnerships can be the outcome of this transit, whether they are new ones or strengthened existing partnerships. Saturn always brings with it a fair measure of reality and objectivity, so that whatever relationships you may have now or want to have will be defined and re-defined. Relationships are seen now as serious matters! Partners are no longer simply for amusement or mirrors of your ego. Responsibilities to partners, the need to compromise, and the realities of the needs of others, become clear. You are forced to begin seeing others as individuals and to improve the manner in which you relate to and with others. Depending on your age and life circumstances, “significant partnerships” can mean partnerships with loved ones, business partnerships, and even deep friendships. By the end of this transit this year, quantity in the relationship department will have been replaced with quality, and this process has involved time, soul-searching, frustration, and eventual fulfillment.
Some of you could be making a commitment this year. A relationship can encounter some tests or complications, but if it’s strong, it will weather the storm and you could decide to take it to another level. If not, remember that relationships “lost” during a Saturn transit to your partnership sector on some level have run their course and need to end. Some of you could be making a commitment to someone, and others may decide that a traditional partnership is not for you. This is not a period of status quo in your relationships – something is decided now.
The acute elements of this transit have already passed for your Gemini group – you are finishing and tidying things up in these areas of your life. This is a time for resolving these issues. You’re maturing and crystallizing lessons that you can carry forward with you. After mid-December, Saturn won’t return to this area of your chart for another 29 years.
Saturn transits your solar eighth house from December 19th forward (until 2020). It’s typically felt most strongly in the first year of its influence – for you, that will be now until December 2018!
This is a period when getting what you want from others can be challenging, as you ultimately are learning to rely on yourself. You are likely to be more sensitive to what seem like outer world pressures that force you to examine some of your deepest desires and attachments. These include your sexual relationships, your finances (especially with regards to debts and shared finances), and your need for control. You may face some difficulties satisfying your libido and/or encounter problems with intimacy. These pressures are “designed” to make you more aware of your desire nature, and what exactly it is you truly want.
Dissatisfaction and frustrations getting what you want, especially with regard to relationships with others and with your resources, often characterize the first part of the transit. You may discover that previous methods of controlling your environment and the people in your life simply are not effective anymore. You may not even be aware exactly how you have been employing power and control before this transit.
Saturn’s presence in this sector of your chart also urges you to organize your finances. On a psychological level, you face some of your fears that are of a compulsive nature—those fears that lead you to believe you need certain things in order to survive. Taxes might be a big issue during this period. Some of you may be supporting a partner or a partner could earn less. Towards the end of this transit (in 2017), you will have eliminated some deep-seated habits and attachments that have been keeping you back from feeling emotionally free. You emerge healthier and stronger. When we give in to compulsive behaviors, we give up self-control, and guilt undermines our lives. We are not ourselves. By attempting to control others, we give away our own power over ourselves.
Tests can come to your financial and intimate worlds during this cycle. You may be dealing with fears of surrendering yourself, emotionally or financially, to others. Support from others may not be as forthcoming as it has been in the past. For example, a partner’s income may be reduced, or another form of financial support may be taken away or decreased during this period. This requires you to assume more independence in terms of making a living. For some, a line of study is coming to an end and there is a need to take the next step.
Emotionally, there can be a feeling that others are not as supportive. There can be delays or difficulties in general when it comes to getting what you want or need from others. Intimacy may seem to dry up before it gets better. However, it’s a strong time for handling financial matters, especially debts and taxes, in a logical and realistic manner.
By the end of this transit, you are likely to feel considerably healthier on an emotional level. Ideally, you will have nixed some of your addictions, and mastered your superstitions. You will feel more powerful because you have given up attempting to control things you cannot or should not control, and you will have gained a feeling of self-mastery instead.
Uranus continues to transit your solar eleventh house this year, affecting your friendships and enlivening your social circle. This movement ends a previous cycle in which career matters have been changing, sometimes quite radically. At this time, changes in your social circle occur as you meet new and unusual people. You may join a group that is devoted to metaphysics or some non-mainstream topic. You are drawn to people who are free-spirited at this point in your life. Friendships that are stodgy or limiting may very well be left behind. You have a strong ability to see each person for who they are as unique individuals, and this helps endear you to others. However, friendships may come and go during this cycle. The more acute elements of this transit have already been experienced before 2017 for your decan of Gemini.
The more acute elements of this transit have already been experienced before 2017 for your decan of Gemini.
Neptune continues its lengthy transit through your solar tenth house this year. Neptune through your career and reputation sector may put a cloud over your goals and mystery surrounding your reputation. Your worldly goals may be watered down during this cycle, as you focus more on personal affairs. Others may not be seeing you for who you are, but rather what they’d like you to be. Try not to encourage this behavior, as tempting as it might be to do so.
Some of you might be leaning towards a more spiritual, creative, or artistic career. Neptune clouding your vision of where it is you are headed in life can cause some inner restlessness and confusion. A master plan may be elusive during this period of your life. Unusual circumstances, coincidences, or some level of secrecy and mystery surround your career this year. Neptune is encouraging you to get in touch with your more spiritual side, but the circumstances that propel you in that direction may be confusing at first. The more acute/intense elements of this transit have already experienced by your Gemini group.
Pluto continues its lengthy transit of your solar eighth house this year. This transit continues to have the effect of gradually deepening your interest in the hidden, mysterious, or taboo side of life, as well as your own deeper nature, primal urges, and desire for control. Attitudes towards dependencies on others, finances, and intimacy continue to transform this year.
Until May 2017, the North Node of the Moon is transiting your solar fourth house, and some of the greatest joys - and challenges - come through your private life, home, and family. You need to let go of your tendency to over-manage your life and others' lives, to relax your standards of perfection and achievement, and to avoid falling victim to living through the eyes of society instead of valuing our own personal (as opposed to professional/status) achievements. By working on your inner foundation and your "base", success will ricochet back to your public and professional lives. And, of course, your domestic world is sure to improve by leaps and bounds.
From May 2017 forward, the North Node of the Moon is transiting your solar third house, and this suggests that some of the greatest joys - and challenges - come through learning, communications, and connecting. You need to learn to listen to others so that you discover the value of true communication and exchange and to see both sides of a situation. Learning to slow down, to be sensitive to social graces and networks, and to sensitize yourself to others' needs and communications, will release you from nervous tension and help you achieve more happiness and inner balance.
Special: Future Forecast Report
Get your unique Personalized Horoscope—over 100 pages long—for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.
See your Monthly Forecast and Gemini 2017 Love Horoscope.
Gemini (Born June 1-11*) – 10 to 20 degrees Gemini (2ND DECAN):
2017: Gemini Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
Pressures on partnerships and negotiations ease and you feel more comfortable and decisive in 2017.
Until November 24th, Jupiter continues to move through your solar fifth house, and you are likely to see benefits, and experience growth, in the areas of romance, pleasure, creative expression, hobbies, entertainment, and children.
Your fair share of fun, romance, and good times are in store. Your willingness to enjoy yourself and explore your creativity now brings new opportunities, or you might find that avenues open up to you for exploring new ways of having fun.
For example, you might meet a new friend who spurs you to go out more, or you could be inspired by someone else's creative projects and begin a new and rewarding hobby.
Creative projects are likely to fare well during this cycle, and could possibly even bring some type of recognition or reward. Love and romance may come into your life or an existing romance is enhanced with good humor and warmth.
You might find that possibilities for casual love relationships open up to you now, and some of you could be overwhelmed with choices! Social engagements abound. For those of you who are single, meeting a special person is highly likely, although it's more likely to be a casual relationship than a committed partnership. Investments in stocks and other speculative matters could earn profits. Healthy, wise risks are likely to pay off, but be careful of overconfidence in speculative investments.
Relationships with your children may be especially fulfilling now. Pregnancy or childbirth may occur during this period, if applicable. This is a fabulous period in which to take a vacation you've always wanted to take, to try out a new hobby or creative project/approach, to explore new ways of having fun, to enjoy single life, and so forth.
Those with artistic or athletic talent can be especially successful and prosperous at this time. Your creativity and social life are stimulated this year, and plenty of opportunities to express yourself uniquely and creatively are likely to present themselves. You may find great joy and reward in your creative projects and hobbies. Pleasure-seeking activities, recreation, and amusement are increased. You are far less inhibited when it comes to expressing yourself creatively, and you are a lot more fun to be around!
These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life.
Sometimes Jupiter brings too much of a good thing, and it's always wise to enjoy a carefree (not careless) attitude. You are learning to express yourself playfully and creatively without apology, and more willing to take some personal risks in order to do so.
A potential negative of this transit is excessive emphasis on, or attention to, having fun to the detriment of other life departments. However, this is typically one of those periods that one looks back upon fondly.
The most favorable periods for these matters occur while Jupiter is in direct motion in your solar fifth house, from January 1-February 5, and from June 9-October 10.
Jupiter transits trine your Sun. This is a feel-good transit that offers you opportunities to rise above petty concerns and to achieve a more balanced approach to your life. Relationships with others tend to be easygoing, friendly, and positive. It's natural for you to cooperate with others, and others find it easy to cooperate with you! This is a time when you genuinely enjoy life, appreciating the good things, and rarely harping on the more inconvenient or annoying elements of life.
From November 24th forward, Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, is transiting your solar sixth house. During this cycle, you are likely to see benefits in the areas of work and health, as well as daily routines. This transit enhances your ability to handle the details required to do a good job, and others become more aware of your skills. Benefits may come through work itself, co-workers, or employees during this cycle. Any type of service that you may provide is likely to go well now, mainly because you are finding more joy in being of service. You are more successful in hiring good workers, if applicable, and improvements to your working environment are likely. You find more enjoyment in the work you do, and it is easier than usual to find employment now. You may get a new job during this cycle. Work tends to be very available to you—perhaps even too available in that you don't know which one to choose. The best way to handle this transit is to take pride in and recognize your usefulness—this is bound to give you a great deal of joy, and you are likely to be rewarded as a result. As well, the more integrity, directness, and honesty you bring to your services and work, the more "payback" you will receive. Health is likely to prosper now, and medical procedures or programs, if necessary, are more apt to be successful. There may be an inclination to put on some weight, however, if you don't watch your appetite and/or choice of food. Some people get a new pet during this cycle, and this brings them much joy. These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life. Sometimes Jupiter brings too much of something, and this could mean taking on more work than you can handle, getting lost in the details and organization necessary to keep your daily life running smoothly, and so forth. Watch that overconfidence doesn't lead you to overload your plate. You are bringing fresh and original ideas to the work you do and the services you offer.
Saturn transits your solar seventh house this year. This transit will run until at least the end of 2018 for your decan.
Saturn motivates us to do “spring cleaning” in the areas of life it touches. In your case, significant one-to-one relationships need to be considered and understood during this transit. This is a time when you need to define, understand, and crystallize your significant relationships with others. If you already have a partner, this is a time when any issues surrounding compromise, flexibility, and the ability to give your heart to your partner will surface. Initial frustration in the early stages of this transit (in 2016) may have taken the form of feeling criticized and “examined” in this area of life. By the end of the transit, however, you will have learned much about commitment and compromise. Single people are likely to have felt the initial pressures of Saturn transiting the seventh house as well. A feeling of loneliness was possible in either situation (whether you have/had a significant partnership or not), but instead of an issue of re-committing, the single person will seriously think about commitment in general. If involved in a casual love relationship, when Saturn transits the seventh, a pressure emerges concerning the need for evaluating your commitments. Often this transit corresponds with an urge (or pressure) to make a commitment or a recommitment.
Healthy partnerships can be the outcome of this transit, whether they are new ones or strengthened existing partnerships. Saturn always brings with it a fair measure of reality and objectivity, so that whatever relationships you may have now or want to have will be defined and re-defined. Relationships are seen now as serious matters! Partners are no longer simply for amusement or mirrors of your ego. Responsibilities to partners, the need to compromise, and the realities of the needs of others, become clear. You are forced to begin seeing others as individuals and to improve the manner in which you relate to and with others. Depending on your age and life circumstances, “significant partnerships” can mean partnerships with loved ones, business partnerships, and even deep friendships. By the end of this transit this year, quantity in the relationship department will have been replaced with quality, and this process has involved time, soul-searching, frustration, and eventual fulfillment.
Some of you could be making a commitment this year. A relationship can encounter some tests or complications, but if it’s strong, it will weather the storm and you could decide to take it to another level. If not, remember that relationships “lost” during a Saturn transit to your partnership sector on some level have run their course and need to end. Some of you could be making a commitment to someone, and others may decide that a traditional partnership is not for you. This is not a period of status quo in your relationships – something is decided now.
The acute elements of this transit have already passed for your Gemini group – you are finishing and tidying things up in these areas of your life. This year and 2018 are periods for resolving these issues.
Uranus continues its lengthy transit of your solar eleventh house, affecting your friendships and enlivening your social circle. This movement ends a previous cycle in which career matters have been changing, sometimes quite radically. At this time, changes in your social circle occur as you meet new and unusual people. You may join a group that is devoted to metaphysics or some non-mainstream topic. You are drawn to people who are free-spirited at this point in your life. Friendships that are stodgy or limiting may very well be left behind. You have a strong ability to see each person for who they are as unique individuals, and this helps endear you to others. However, friendships may come and go during this cycle. The more acute elements of this transit have already been experienced before 2017 for your decan of Gemini.
Neptune begins its lengthy transit through your solar tenth house for those born at 10-14 degrees Gemini Ascendant and from June 1-5 this year.
Neptune through your career and reputation sector may put a cloud over your goals and mystery surrounding your reputation. Your worldly goals may be watered down during this cycle, as you focus more on personal affairs. Others may not be seeing you for who you are, but rather what they’d like you to be. Try not to encourage this behavior, as tempting as it might be to do so.
Some of you might be leaning towards a more spiritual, creative, or artistic career. Neptune clouding your vision of where it is you are headed in life can cause some inner restlessness and confusion. A master plan may be elusive during this period of your life. Unusual circumstances, coincidences, or some level of secrecy and mystery surround your career this year. Neptune is encou
The more acute/intense elements of this transit are experienced by those of you born June 1-5 or with a 10-14 degree Gemini Ascendant, who are experiencing a Neptune square to their Sun. You may undergo a crisis of identity now, and the experiences you have may lead you to a more refined understanding of yourself and the direction in which you want to head. This can be a time of illusions and confusion, or it can be a very inspired time. Recognizing that you need more on a spiritual level can help you handle the transit more constructively. Energy levels may be low or up-and-down. You could be undergoing confusion about what you want from life, where you are headed, and how to go about satisfying your ego. Some of you might feel that you’ve lost your edge, or will to fight and take action. Some will be avoiding responsibilities which can negatively impact their lives. There is a reason behind this “identity crisis”–you are learning to let go of ego attachments. Your self-image is being re-worked, and you are becoming more sensitive to a greater, perhaps more spiritual, sense of purpose. Neptune is encouraging you to get in touch with your more spiritual side, and the circumstances that propel you in that direction may appear confusing until you understand this.
Pluto continues its lengthy transit of your solar eighth house this year. This transit continues to have the effect of gradually deepening your interest in the hidden, mysterious, or taboo side of life, as well as your own deeper nature, primal urges, and desire for control. Attitudes towards dependencies on others, finances, and intimacy continue to transform this year.
This year, the North Node of the Moon is transiting your solar third house, and this suggests that some of the greatest joys - and challenges - come through learning, communications, and connecting. You need to learn to listen to others so that you discover the value of true communication and exchange and to see both sides of a situation. Learning to slow down, to be sensitive to social graces and networks, and to sensitize yourself to others' needs and communications, will release you from nervous tension and help you achieve more happiness and inner balance.
Special: 2017 Future Forecast Report
Get your unique 2017 Personalized Horoscope–over 100 pages long–for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.
See also: Monthly Forecast for month-to-month trends, Daily Horoscopes for day-to-day trends, and Gemini 2016-2017 Love Horoscope.
Gemini (Born June 12 to 21*) – 20 to 30 degrees Gemini (3rd DECAN):
2017: Gemini Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
From January 1-March 24 then from August 20th forward, Jupiter continues to move through your solar fifth house, and you are likely to see benefits, and experience growth, in the areas of romance, pleasure, creative expression, hobbies, entertainment, and children.
Your fair share of fun, romance, and good times are in store. Your willingness to enjoy yourself and explore your creativity now brings new opportunities, or you might find that avenues open up to you for exploring new ways of having fun.
For example, you might meet a new friend who spurs you to go out more, or you could be inspired by someone else's creative projects and begin a new and rewarding hobby.
Creative projects are likely to fare well during this cycle, and could possibly even bring some type of recognition or reward. Love and romance may come into your life or an existing romance is enhanced with good humor and warmth.
You might find that possibilities for casual love relationships open up to you now, and some of you could be overwhelmed with choices! Social engagements abound. For those of you who are single, meeting a special person is highly likely, although it's more likely to be a casual relationship than a committed partnership. Investments in stocks and other speculative matters could earn profits. Healthy, wise risks are likely to pay off, but be careful of overconfidence in speculative investments.
Relationships with your children may be especially fulfilling now. Pregnancy or childbirth may occur during this period, if applicable. This is a fabulous period in which to take a vacation you've always wanted to take, to try out a new hobby or creative project/approach, to explore new ways of having fun, to enjoy single life, and so forth.
Those with artistic or athletic talent can be especially successful and prosperous at this time. Your creativity and social life are stimulated this year, and plenty of opportunities to express yourself uniquely and creatively are likely to present themselves. You may find great joy and reward in your creative projects and hobbies. Pleasure-seeking activities, recreation, and amusement are increased. You are far less inhibited when it comes to expressing yourself creatively, and you are a lot more fun to be around!
These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life.
Sometimes Jupiter brings too much of a good thing, and it's always wise to enjoy a carefree (not careless) attitude. You are learning to express yourself playfully and creatively without apology, and more willing to take some personal risks in order to do so.
A potential negative of this transit is excessive emphasis on, or attention to, having fun to the detriment of other life departments. However, this is typically one of those periods that one looks back upon fondly.
The most favorable periods for these matters occur while Jupiter is in direct motion in your solar fifth house, from January 1-February 5, and from August 20-forward.
Jupiter transits trine your Sun. This is a feel-good transit that offers you opportunities to rise above petty concerns and to achieve a more balanced approach to your life. Relationships with others tend to be easygoing, friendly, and positive. It's natural for you to cooperate with others, and others find it easy to cooperate with you! This is a time when you genuinely enjoy life, appreciating the good things, and rarely harping on the more inconvenient or annoying elements of life.
Saturn transits your solar seventh house this year. This transit will run until at least the end of 2019 for your decan. This transit is new to your decan, making its themes a little more intense in 2017, after which you become increasingly more comfortable with the energy.
Saturn motivates us to do “spring cleaning” in the areas of life it touches. In your case, significant one-to-one relationships need to be considered and understood during this transit. This is a time when you need to define, understand, and crystallize your significant relationships with others. If you already have a partner, this is a time when any issues surrounding compromise, flexibility, and the ability to give your heart to your partner will surface. Initial frustration in the early stages of this transit (this year) may take the form of feeling criticized and “examined” in this area of life. By the end of the transit, however, you will have learned much about commitment and compromise. Single people are likely to feel the initial pressures of Saturn transiting the seventh house as well. A feeling of loneliness is possible in either situation (whether you have/had a significant partnership or not), but instead of an issue of re-committing, the single person will seriously think about commitment in general. If involved in a casual love relationship, when Saturn transits the seventh, a pressure emerges concerning the need for evaluating your commitments. Often this transit corresponds with an urge (or pressure) to make a commitment or a recommitment.
Healthy partnerships can be the outcome of this transit, whether they are new ones or strengthened existing partnerships. Saturn always brings with it a fair measure of reality and objectivity, so that whatever relationships you may have now or want to have will be defined and re-defined. Relationships are seen now as serious matters! Partners are no longer simply for amusement or mirrors of your ego. Responsibilities to partners, the need to compromise, and the realities of the needs of others, become clear. You are forced to begin seeing others as individuals and to improve the manner in which you relate to and with others. Depending on your age and life circumstances, “significant partnerships” can mean partnerships with loved ones, business partnerships, and even deep friendships. By the end of this transit this year, quantity in the relationship department will have been replaced with quality, and this process has involved time, soul-searching, frustration, and eventual fulfillment.
Some of you could be making a commitment this year. A relationship can encounter some tests or complications, but if it’s strong, it will weather the storm and you could decide to take it to another level. If not, remember that relationships “lost” during a Saturn transit to your partnership sector on some level have run their course and need to end. Some of you could be making a commitment to someone, and others may decide that a traditional partnership is not for you. This is not a period of status quo in your relationships – something is decided now.
Uranus begins or continues its lengthy transit of your solar eleventh house, affecting your friendships and enlivening your social circle. This movement ends a previous cycle in which career matters have been changing, sometimes quite radically. At this time, changes in your social circle occur as you meet new and unusual people. You may join a group that is devoted to metaphysics or some non-mainstream topic. You are drawn to people who are free-spirited at this point in your life. Friendships that are stodgy or limiting may very well be left behind. You have a strong ability to see each person for who they are as unique individuals, and this helps endear you to others. However, friendships may come and go during this cycle. Uranus supports you this year, and this suggests pleasant surprises and openness to change and progress.
Uranus supports you this year, and this suggests pleasant surprises and openness to change and progress.
Neptune continues its lengthy transit through your solar ninth house this year, as it has been doing for a number of years, casting some “fog” over your belief system. Your overall perspective on life has been expanding, and you are more willing to embrace unusual, mystical, or spiritual philosophies.
Note: Neptune continues to transit Pisces, but it travels through the 9- to 14-degree range. Neptune will not reach the beginning of your decan until 2020.
Pluto continues its lengthy transit through your solar seventh house this year. This extremely long-term transit brings gradual but deep changes to your partnership needs. You are likely to be facing the deeper, and possibly darker, elements of your own personality through your close interactions with another. There can be power struggles and the facing of fears before eventual healing.
Major changes in the structure of your close personal relationships, and in your attitude towards them, are in store. Expectations transform again this year. Intensity and passion are craved now, and mediocre will no longer do.
Until November 2017, the North Node of the Moon is transiting your solar third house, and this suggests that some of the greatest joys - and challenges - come through learning, communications, and connecting. You need to learn to listen to others so that you discover the value of true communication and exchange and to see both sides of a situation. Learning to slow down, to be sensitive to social graces and networks, and to sensitize yourself to others' needs and communications, will release you from nervous tension and help you achieve more happiness and inner balance.
From November 2017 forward, the North Node of the Moon is transiting your solar second house. Some of the greatest joys - and challenges - come through learning about your values and self-worth during this cycle. Personal income, possessions, and values are in strong focus. You need to learn to depend on yourself and to establish your self-worth through your own efforts, and the rewards for doing so are great!
*Please note: starting and ending dates are not fixed for any sign and they can vary slightly depending on the year you were born. If you are born near one of these dates and are unsure of your Sun sign, see What’s My Sun Sign?.
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