2007 Horoscope Aries: Career, Love
Yearly Horoscope: 2007 Predictions for Aries
We’ve divided our 2007 yearly horoscopes into 3 groups (or decanates) per sign for more accuracy. Remember that if you know your Ascendant, read forecasts for both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign. If you know your birth time, but don’t know your Ascendant, be sure to see How to Obtain Your Astrology Chart here.
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Horoscopes for:
Aries (Born March 21 to 31) – 0 to 10 degrees Aries:
2007: Aries Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
Working hard and playing hard is what 2007 is about for you. Take advantage of a Jupiter trine to your Sun (or Ascendant) in the first half of the year. It’s an easygoing, tolerant, and relaxed influence that allows you to let your hair down and enjoy life without sweating the small stuff. You are more able to rise above petty concerns, problems, or inconveniences. Your vitality is good, you take more time for personal hobbies, and you enjoy life with less stress.
Chiron is helping you out in a similar vein, giving you plenty of opportunities to present yourself in a pleasing and authentic manner. Others trust you, and life is mostly smooth sailing in the first half of 2007. Beginning in November 2006, Jupiter, the planet of expansion and good will, has been gracing your solar ninth house, and will continue to do so until December 2007.
Jupiter is building your faith and your belief system, whatever that may be, and you are likely to find much joy in so doing. Your higher mind is expanding, and you might be considering furthering your education (it’s a fabulous time to do so) or simply broadening your knowledge in a more informal manner. Aries authors could get published this year, or reach a wider audience. Outdoors activities appeal more than ever, and an opportunity to travel somewhere exotic could drop into your lap. You have a greater desire to get away, expand your horizons, and broaden your life experiences.
This influence often correlates with a time when you are more able to get away from the daily routine–more transportation options open, for example, or you have (or create) more free time to do so. Your ideals are higher than usual, teaching may be part of the picture, and your cultural and spiritual awareness increases. Others notice your more tolerant and broadminded nature. Confidence is the key–faith in the universe and in your ability to do the right thing instinctually will get you everywhere now. Believe! The best times for realizing the positive potentials of this Jupiter transit occur when Jupiter is direct and in your ninth house: January to March, and mid-August to mid-December.
Now, earlier we mentioned working hard. Saturn enters your work and health sector in September and through to the end of the year. This movement takes some of the pressure off romantic and creative affairs, as well as relationships with your children…and shifts this same kind of energy towards your job, daily routines, and health. You may begin to take on more responsibilities on the job or in another service-oriented capacity.
For some, their job could become rather tedious or downright boring, or working conditions may be poor, demanding, or frustrating. For others, worries about their job could figure. For many, duty could come before pleasure, and a tendency to work more or harder is likely. As long as this doesn’t reach workaholic levels (Jupiter in your solar ninth certainly helps you to see the big picture), you’ll be just fine. In fact, it is easier than usual to be sensible about your diet, health, hygiene, and fitness needs. Be aware of the need to know when enough is enough.
The influences of the slower-moving planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, are very similar to last year. None of these outer planets form dramatic aspects to your Sun (or Ascendant). Uranus continues to help release you from unconscious habit patterns, perhaps stirring up your private life (your private life has certainly become more “colorful” in the last few years), and interjecting some unusual coincidences into your life.
This whole process will continue throughout 2007 and beyond, acting to slowly but surely detach you from the past in preparation for Uranus’ entrance in Aries in 2010. Neptune continues to move through your solar eleventh, adding some color and imagination to your social life. In the past few years, you may have faced the need to draw some boundaries with friends and the demands of others. Although you are not one to give in to peer pressure,
Neptune’s influence may have been somewhat confusing. Your loyalty to certain groups or friends may have been misplaced, for example. You have experienced, and will continue to do so, a subtle yearning to belong with a friend or a group who shares your own ideals. This can lead you to attach yourself to unusual, more spiritual, or downright wacky friends…well, colorful ones at the very least. Pluto continues to move through your solar ninth, nearing the very top of your chart but not quite at your Midheaven this year.
Positive links between your ninth and eleventh houses are made this year, through Jupiter’s sextiles to Chiron and Neptune. Happiness and fulfillment through the expansion of your mind, widening your social circle, travel, and connections to people of a different cultural background than you is indicated. With the outer planets emphasizing your ninth, eleventh, and twelfth houses, your idealistic nature is stimulated, and you are likely to yearn for a connection to more spiritual or idealistic pursuits. A sense of belonging through connection to something larger than yourself is something that has been entering your life, and will continue to do so in 2007.
Tension between your ninth and twelfth houses, via a Jupiter-Uranus square January through October, suggests some side-tracking. This represents a basic yearning for something more than just mundane existence. It’s not a bad thing, but the tense connection suggests that this yearning can get in the way of more mundane concerns. Thankfully, a positive connection between your ninth and fifth houses, via Saturn-Pluto and Jupiter-Saturn trines, does help to keep you grounded most of the time. You are in the position to inspire others through what you create this year. Do your best to create something tangible out of your ideas.
Eclipses falling in your 6th and 12th houses this year suggest changes in the way you provide your services to others, whether they are official services or other offerings. Circumstances are such that you need to develop some healthy habits, routines, and schedules. Believing in a grand plan is fine, but practical concerns need to be dealt with as well. Recognizing your personal limitations in terms of just how much you can give to others and just how much compassion and understanding you can show is essential now. It’s time to structure your life. You are also called upon to rid yourself of guilt about under-performing. Issues of guilt, worry, and anxiety come to the fore and this is the year to manage them.
Positive career and creative energy is with you, particularly from March to August. Creative projects are likely to reach a broad (or broader) audience this year. There could be romantic trips or business trips that combine work with pleasure. Last year, you may have been particularly productive working on your hobbies or creative projects connected with your career.
This year, some of this is likely to really pay off. Monetizing your creativity or hobbies comes naturally now. Jupiter’s entry into Capricorn in December places this planet of abundance at the very top of your chart, giving you a hint of the high career energy to come in 2008.
From mid-December and into January 2008, Jupiter reaches its peak–the most visible part of your chart. During this period, an exciting job offer, reward, recognition, or promotion is very possible. An opportunity to expand on a worldly level arrives now. Increased connections and experiences come into play. This represents a period of growth as well as some form of blossoming or fruition on a professional level.
Mercury’s retrograde periods in 2007: These are periods when caution should be used when entering into any formal agreements. February 13-March 7: Your instinctual judgment may be compromised, and extra care should be used when communicating with friends. June 15-July 9: Avoid real estate or other domestic contracts. Employ extra care when communicating about the past and with family members. October 11-November 1: Be as non-judgmental as you can with a close partner.
Venus retrograde July 27-September 8. Miscommunications and distancing in romantic and working relationships could complicate your life somewhat. Re-think, tweak, and re-assess ongoing creative projects and come up with a new game plan if necessary rather than launching a new one. Avoid new financial initiatives for the time being.
Some key periods in 2007 for you: The second half of May, when you have spring fever, big time. Life picks up pace considerably, and you feel like you can move mountains…and you probably can! This is the time to go after what you want. The best times for magnetizing what (and who) you want into your life are February 21-March 14 and June 5-16. However, if a new love affair begins in the first period mentioned here, changes of heart may occur later.
The second half of March and the last week of April are strong for finances; and from June 25-July 8, you have more energy than usual to apply towards earning a better living, but you should direct your attention to projects that are already under way. When your ruler, Mars, is retrograde from mid-November through to the end of the year, use extra caution when it comes to new projects or going after what you want. Re-think your plans and strategies. Success comes from taking a breather and re-assessing your options rather than pushing your agenda during this cycle that lasts until the end of January 2008.
Get your unique 2007 Personalized Horoscope — over 100 pages long — for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.
See your Monthly Forecast.
See also 2007 Aries Love Horoscope.
Aries (Born April 1 to 10) – 10 to 20 degrees Aries:
2007: Aries Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
Life is good this year…very good! Jupiter, the planet of abundance, forms a harmonious angle to your Sun or Ascendant from January to November, offering you opportunities, less stress, and a whole new perspective. It’s time to let your hair down, enjoy, travel, vacation, and simply enjoy life more. You are more able to rise above petty problems in 2007, and this attitude can improve your health and general outlook.
Before you start feeling lazy (sometimes easy aspects have a way of doing that even to the best of us), do what you can to take advantage of a renewed sense of vitality by enjoying the outdoors, pouring more energy into a favorite pastime or hobby, and educating yourself. An open mind (and heart) will be the key to success now.
With Jupiter working through your solar ninth house all year and into 2008, you are expanding your mind, reaching a broader audience, and enjoying life with the added spice of adventure. Jupiter is building your faith and your belief system, whatever that may be, and you are likely to find much joy in so doing. Your higher mind is expanding, and you might be considering furthering your education (it’s a fabulous time to do so) or simply broadening your knowledge in a more informal manner. Aries authors could get published this year, or reach a wider audience. Outdoors activities appeal more than ever, and an opportunity to travel somewhere exotic could drop into your lap. You have a greater desire to get away, expand your horizons, and broaden your life experiences.
This influence often correlates with a time when you are more able to get away from the daily routine–more transportation options open, for example, or you have (or create) more free time to do so. Your ideals are higher than usual, teaching may be part of the picture, and your cultural and spiritual awareness increases. Others notice your more tolerant and broadminded nature. Confidence is the key–faith in the universe and in your ability to do the right thing instinctually will get you everywhere now. Believe! The best times for realizing the positive potentials of this Jupiter transit occur when Jupiter is direct and in your ninth house: January to March, and mid-August through to the end of the year.
Saturn moves through your solar fifth house all year. Saturn’s influence is rather somber and serious, and can be downright oppressive. You are getting serious about fifth house matters: romance, relationships with children, your creativity, and pleasure. Serious about pleasure? Yes, indeed. While you may not spend a whole lot of time living it up at parties, bars, or entertainment venues, you are likely to take your hobbies more seriously. In fact, this is an excellent year for monetizing any personal hobby–turning it into a business, even if it’s on the side. If you have children, they may need more discipline than they previously did.
Some Aries will be welcoming children into their lives and discovering all of the responsibilities that come with it. Others who already have children may find that they’re at an age that requires more attention and discipline, or structure. In the romance department, Saturn’s influence can go either way. For some, romance may be somewhat lacking or a romantic relationship could be more practical than fun. For others, a romantic relationship stabilizes and becomes more serious. Some Aries will meet a new romantic interest who is perhaps older or mature, thus meeting Saturn through a partner.
A new influence in your life this year involves Chiron in a harmonious angle to your Sun (or Ascendant). This influence is a subtly healing one. Others look upon you with more respect, tolerance, and acceptance. You don’t feel the need to prove yourself, and that feels good. You have the chance to shine, largely because you are projecting yourself with self-respect and modesty at once. You are especially appealing and charming during this transit just by being yourself. Opportunities–both personal and professional–are likely to present themselves as a result. You are not looking for credit for what you do, which frees you up to get it anyhow! New friendships are likely to emerge this year–supportive and easygoing ones.
The influences of the slower-moving planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, are very similar to last year. None of these outer planets form dramatic aspects to your Sun (or Ascendant).
Uranus continues to help release you from unconscious habit patterns, perhaps stirring up your private life (your private life has certainly become more “colorful” in the last few years), and interjecting some unusual coincidences into your life. This whole process will continue throughout 2007 and beyond, acting to slowly but surely detach you from the past in preparation for Uranus’ entrance in Aries in a few years.
Neptune continues to move through your solar eleventh, adding some color and imagination to your social life. In the past few years, you may have faced the need to draw some boundaries with friends and the demands of others. Although you are not one to give in to peer pressure, Neptune’s influence may have been somewhat confusing. Your loyalty to certain groups or friends may have been misplaced, for example. You have experienced, and will continue to do so, a subtle yearning to belong with a friend or a group who shares your own ideals. This can lead you to attach yourself to unusual, more spiritual, or downright wacky friends…well, colorful ones at the very least.
Chiron promises some more pleasant energy from your friendships this year. Pluto continues to move through your solar ninth, slowly transforming your personal belief system.
Positive links between your ninth and eleventh houses are made this year, through Jupiter’s sextiles to Chiron and Neptune. Happiness and fulfillment through the expansion of your mind, widening your social circle, travel, and connections to people of a different cultural background than you is indicated. With the outer planets emphasizing your ninth, eleventh, and twelfth, your idealistic nature is stimulated, and you are likely to yearn for a connection to more spiritual or idealistic pursuits. A sense of belonging through connection to something larger than yourself is something that has been entering your life, and will continue to do so in 2007.
Tension between your ninth and twelfth houses, via a Jupiter-Uranus square January through October, suggests some side-tracking. This represents a basic yearning for something more than just mundane existence. It’s not a bad thing, but the tense connection suggests that this yearning can get in the way of more mundane concerns. Thankfully, a positive connection between your ninth and fifth houses, via Saturn-Pluto and Jupiter-Saturn trines, does help to keep you grounded most of the time. You are in the position to inspire others through what you create this year. Do your best to create something tangible out of your ideas. You are bound to reach a broader audience if you do, and the feedback will feed the flames of your own inspiration.
Mercury’s retrograde periods in 2007: These are periods when caution should be used when entering into any formal agreements. February 13-March 7: Extra care should be used when communicating with friends. June 15-July 9: Avoid real estate or other domestic contracts. Employ extra care when communicating about the past and with family members. Back up your computer and plan for delays with short-distance trips and transportation. October 11-November 1: Be as non-judgmental as you can with a close partner.
Venus retrograde July 27-September 8. Miscommunications and distancing in romantic relationships could complicate your life somewhat. Re-think creative projects and come up with a new game plan. Avoid new financial initiatives for the time being.
Some key periods in 2007 for you: From the end of May to mid-June, when you have spring fever, big time. Life picks up pace considerably, and you feel like you can move mountains…and you probably can! This is the time to go after what you want. The best times for magnetizing what (and who) you want into your life are March 1-17 and June 16-30. March 26-April 4 and May 1-11 are strong periods for finances; and from July 8-23, you have more energy than usual to apply towards earning a better living. Caution with new financial initiatives is in order from July 24-September 10. This is a time to review your budget rather than throw yourself into new purchases. When your ruler, Mars, is retrograde from mid-November through to the end of the year, use extra caution when it comes to new projects or going after what you want. Re-think your plans and strategies.
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Get your unique 2007 Personalized Horoscope — over 100 pages long — for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.
See your Monthly Forecast.
See also 2007 Aries Love Horoscope.
Aries (Born April 11 to 20) – 20 to 30 degrees Aries:
2007: Aries Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
Fabulous energy is with you this year–not the kind of whirlwind energy that is generated out of crisis, but a more productive, vital, and stimulating energy that helps you to get the job done and well. Both Pluto and Saturn form a harmonious angle to your Sun (or Ascendant) this year. Pluto’s influence is year-round and nothing really new to you (unless you are born on April 18-20). Saturn’s influence is new and is active from the beginning of 2007 until September.
Saturn is stabilizing your life this year. Sounds boring? Perhaps at times, but, for many, increased stability will be a welcome relief. A more responsible “you” is apt to emerge in 2007. Others can count on you. As well, you are capable of Herculean efforts without too much stressing and straining.
Saturn moves through your solar fifth house all year. Saturn’s influence is rather somber and serious, and can be downright oppressive. However, the former is more likely than the latter for you, simply because Saturn is forming a harmonious aspect to your Sun much of 2007.
You are getting serious about fifth house matters: romance, relationships with children, your creativity, and pleasure. Serious about pleasure? Yes, indeed. While you may not spend a whole lot of time living it up at parties, bars, or entertainment venues, you are likely to take your hobbies more seriously. In fact, this is an excellent year for monetizing any personal hobby–turning it into a business, even if it’s on the side. If you have children, they may need more discipline than they previously did.
Some Aries will be welcoming children into their lives and discovering all of the responsibilities that come with it. Others who already have children may find that they’re at an age that requires more attention and discipline, or structure. In the romance department, Saturn’s influence can go either way. For some, romance may be somewhat lacking or a romantic relationship could be more practical than fun. For others, a romantic relationship stabilizes and becomes more serious. Some Aries will meet a new romantic interest who is perhaps older or mature, thus meeting Saturn through a partner.
Saturn in harmonious angle to your Sun or Ascendant brings some measure of stability into your life. Boring? Perhaps at times, but Jupiter’s influence will help enliven the year. For many, increased stability will be a welcome relief. A more responsible “you” is apt to emerge in 2007. Others can count on you.
Pluto trine to your Sun (or Ascendant) from your solar ninth house tends to change your outlook on life, perhaps stimulated by travel or contact with people of different cultural backgrounds than your own. Your personal belief system has been transforming, and you are learning from a broader set of people and experiences than you ever have. You are more determined to achieve your personal goals, and more strategic in the manner you go about doing so. Pouring your heart and soul into your efforts comes naturally now. Kicking a bad habit is easier as well–you no longer tolerate procrastination or denial.
Jupiter moves through your solar eighth house most of the year, until November. You may see benefits in the areas of joint finances, shared resources, loans, taxes, sexuality, intimacy, healing, personal transformation, research, investigation, and psychological matters–if you’re looking. This is a time of increased psychological understanding, intimacy, and perhaps accumulation of wealth if you manage your resources well. You are more capable of helping friends and loved ones who are dealing with a crisis–you can be leaned upon.
Any type of in-depth study or research is likely to go well. An insurance settlement, tax rebate, or an inheritance could come your way, and this is an excellent time to work on financial planning and strategy. Financial gains may come through a partnership or there may be an increase in a spouse’s income. Sexual opportunities are likely to abound, or your focus on one partner becomes more expansive, warm, and intimate. These positive circumstances won’t necessarily fall into your lap, and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life.
In November and December, Jupiter enters your ninth house, opening up new possibilities, easing stress, and lighting up your life. Travel or higher learning opportunities may present themselves. In the middle of December, Jupiter and Pluto join in Sagittarius, and form a pleasant angle to your Sun (or Ascendant). An important discovery could be made, or a chance to expand your personal horizons arises. Take it! Life is too short to pass up on opportunities like this one.
The influence of Uranus in your life this year is similar to last year. Over the last few years, changes in your social circle have been occurring, and you are meeting new and unusual people. You may join a group that is devoted to metaphysics or some non-mainstream topic, if you haven’t already. You are drawn to people who are free-spirited at this point in your life.
Neptune is finishing its transit through your tenth house, and peeks into your eleventh this year before it dips back into the tenth. You’ll receive a little taste of a new cycle that will be more apparent in 2008 in which friendships become more spiritual and idealistic.
A positive connection between your ninth and fifth houses, via a Saturn-Pluto trine, helps to keep you grounded most of the time. You are in the position to inspire others through what you create this year. Do your best to create something tangible out of your ideas. You are bound to reach a broader audience if you do, and the feedback will feed the flames of your own inspiration.
Mercury’s retrograde periods in 2007: These are periods when caution should be used when entering into any formal agreements. February 13-March 7: Extra care should be used when communicating with friends. June 15-July 9: Back up your computer and plan for delays with short-distance trips and transportation. October 11-November 1: Be as non-judgmental as you can with a close partner.
Venus retrograde July 27-September 8. Miscommunications and distancing in romantic relationships could complicate your life somewhat. Old friends or lovers could resurface. Re-think creative projects and come up with a new game plan. Avoid new financial initiatives for the time being.
Some key periods in 2007 for you: The second half of June, when you have spring fever, big time. Life picks up pace considerably, and you feel like you can move mountains…and you probably can! This is the time to go after what you want. However, avoid finalizing any deals with Mercury’s retrograde at the same time.
The best times for magnetizing what (and who) you want into your life are March 9-26 and June 28-July 14. April 3-14 and May 11-21 are strong periods for finances; and from July 23-August 7, you have more energy than usual to apply towards earning a better living, but should apply it to projects already under way rather than beginning an entirely new financial initiative. Caution with new financial initiatives is in order from July 24-September 10. This is a time to review your budget rather than throw yourself into new purchases.
When your ruler, Mars, is retrograde from mid-November through to the end of the year, use extra caution when it comes to new projects or going after what you want. Re-think your plans and strategies. December 10-11 is a time when you make a substantial discovery.
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See also 2007 Aries Love Horoscope.
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