Venus Retrograde
Venus Retrograde: March 4 to April 15, 2017
On this Page:
- The significance of Venus Retrograde.
- Indicators in the charts of people especially sensitive to the Venus Retrograde cycle.
- How this Venus Retrograde cycle affects each sign of the zodiac.
See also: Born with Venus Retrograde
“Mercury Retrograde” has certainly become a buzzword – or buzz phrase – these days. The Venus Retrograde cycle is lesser known, and it occurs less frequently than Mercury Retrograde, but it is a significant time nevertheless.
What is Venus Retrograde? Occasionally, Venus appears to be moving backward in the sky. “Appears” is the key word here, because, technically speaking, no planet actually moves backward in their orbits around the Sun. In fact, they don’t even slow down. Retrograde-station-direct cycles are essentially illusions that result from our point of view from Earth, simply because the Earth is also orbiting the Sun at a different speed than the other planets. Venus is Retrograde approximately 40-43 days every 18 months.
Venus stations and turns retrograde on March 5th in the sign of Aries, enters Pisces on April 2nd, and continues to retrograde until April 15th.
Venus is Retrograde in Aries from March 4-April 2, and in Pisces from April 2-15.
30 January 2017 4:01 pm 26 Pisces 55′ Venus Enters Rx
04 March 2017 04:02 am 13 Aries 09’Rx Venus Stationary Retrograde
15 April 2017 06:16 am 26 Pisces 55′ Venus Stationary
18 May 2017 12:56 pm 13 Aries 09′ Venus Leaves Rx Zone
Venus is retrograde from March 2 to April 15, 2017. Venus’s shadow period begins January 30th and ends May 18th. Note that the shadow period begins before Venus turns retrograde, when Venus first passes over the degree that Venus later returns to in retrograde motion. The shadow period ends when Venus again passes over the degree at which it first turned retrograde.
As the planet of love and values, Venus retrograde periods are times when we re-assess what—and who—we value. It is a period that many astrologers consider inopportune for getting married or starting a new relationship. Major financial undertakings are not advised during this period either. Venus retrograde cycles are good times for creating budgets and financial plans, and for re-thinking our personal relationships. Taking final action in the areas of finance and love, however, is not advised until Venus turns direct again.
Because Venus rules beauty and aesthetics, Venus Retrograde is a less than ideal time for beautification processes (new hairdos, enhancements, purchasing a new wardrobe, cosmetic surgery, and so forth), renovations, redecorating, and the like. Because Venus is associated with social events, parties may not go as planned.
On the subject of love, past lovers may re-appear, and some relationships may end. With Venus retrograde in Aries much of its retrograde cycle, our needs for action may be especially high but frustrated. We may question how much independence and confidence we have in our relationships. With Venus in Pisces towards the end of the cycle, the tendency for misplaced faith, or to be blind-sighted, in love may be strong. The compassion we’re seeking may be missing now.
Old friends and lovers may re-appear, perhaps complicating current relationships. We are called upon to deal with relationship issues from the past during this Venus retrograde cycle. Events occur that seem fated or predestined. It can be a real challenge getting close to a lover during this period. Unorthodox, experimental, and non-intimate relationships may be favored.
Venus is in its detriment in the sign of Aries (Aries is opposite Libra, which Venus rules). Some of the more negative associations of Venus in Aries may be particularly prominent and/or hard to take, and these include impatience, arrogance, and childishness or naivety. Those who have Aries strong in their charts may be more introspective, distant, or hard to reach during this cycle. They may not be in a very favorable light just now, and they may be reconsidering things.
Relationships that have been especially challenging may come to an end during this cycle. However, strong relationships will survive it, even if there are a few bumps and bruises along the way. This can be a good time for “eyes wide open” or experimental dating, although opinions and assessments may change at a later date. It is not a time when people recognize the need for another person to “complete” them. Some people may be questioning whether they are with partners who actually fulfill them. We may, however, be especially in touch with our deeper, less obvious, and less superficial needs and wants. This makes it a good time for re-evaluating our relationship needs; but, again, major love decisions are best saved for after the cycle ends on April 15th, and better yet, beyond the shadow phase as well (after May 18th). Our perceptions may be skewed, and we can come out of the retrograde cycle with regret if we’ve acted hastily, as the tendency to change our minds later is strong.
Affection is difficult to express in a natural or spontaneous manner. We might find others are lacking in sincerity or genuineness in their expressions of social niceties. (We may be inclined to do the same!).
On the subject of money, finances, and possessions, do try to hold off on major purchases or financial decisions during this Venus retrograde cycle. For example, the purchase of a new house, car, or another big-ticket item could backfire in some manner later on. They may become money pits or cause problems for you, or you may change your mind later and regret your purchase. If you’re particularly good at sniffing out good buys, this can be a great time for finding unusual items at low prices as people may be more willing to get rid of things they may not part with under normal circumstances during a retrograde Venus period.
There’s nothing truly to fear about Venus retrograde, but it’s always wise to take special care during this cycle. It’s not the best period for entering into a new relationship because our sensors when it comes to love are not up to par. However, it’s not unheard of to begin a relationship under the influence of a retrograde Venus, and the relationship survives and/or thrives.
Venus rules our values, and when she is retrograde, we don’t seem to be in touch with exactly what and who we value, or, some might say we see things more or too clearly. After the retrograde cycle is over, we may look back and wonder what we were thinking. So, do what you can to avoid major decision-making during Venus’ retrograde period, but pay attention to your assessments to see if they last. A change of heart is possible later. And, the people we meet now may appear more fabulous than they turn out to be. It’s also possible that some people we meet now may seem less attractive than they turn out to be! Whatever the case may be, try to hold off until May before making big decisions, particularly life-altering ones.
Still, we may not be as openly or obviously warm and affectionate during this cycle. It’s hard to trust others just now, and, perhaps more so, it’s difficult to trust our own instincts when it comes to judging others or our relationships. We tend to suspect insincerity in others. People might appear to be more selfish, withdrawn, and self-protective. It’s hard to make headway in a direct manner in our love relationships for the time being. If you are hoping to fix a relationship or if you are trying to schedule a reunion, it may not be the best time to do so.
When breakups do occur in the second half of a Venus retrograde cycle, I have noticed they are imperfect. They are not often clean breaks. Couples and friends may reunite later, or if they stay broken up, they might often wonder if it was the right thing to do – something is left hanging. Venus retrograde is a period for clearing the decks and dealing with the past so as to move forward fresh and re-energized, and this is especially appropriate in the first three weeks of the cycle. During the second half of the retrograde cycle, watch for impulsiveness.
Then there is a feeling of the inevitable during a Venus retrograde. What happened in the past, including past love affairs, can flood our consciousness now. Sometimes, a past lover reappears in their physical form.
Think back to what may have happened during the last few Venus retrograde cycles (July 25 to September 6, 2015; December 21, 2013, to January 31, 2014; May 15, 2012, to June 27, 2012; October 8 to November 18, 2010; March 6 to April 17, 2009; July 27, 2007, to September 8, 2007; December 24th, 2005 to February 3rd, 2006; April through July 2004; September through December 2002; February through May 2001). Although each retrograde cycle is different, similar issues may arise. In fact, some of the problems we faced then may need to be dealt with now.
More importantly, note that the last times Venus was retrograde in the sign of Aries and Pisces were from March 6 to April 17, 2009, and from March 8 to April 19, 2001 (every eight years). It’s highly likely that we will deal with similar issues during the 2017 Venus retrograde cycle as we did during these cycles in 2001 and 2009.
April 8th is likely to be a more challenging period of this retrograde cycle when Venus forms a square to Saturn. Better times for Venus-ruled matters during this 2017 Venus retrograde cycle are March 18th and 25th, when Venus aligns with Mercury and the Sun.
At the time that Venus forms an inferior conjunction with the Sun (March 25th), relationship issues are magnified. Fateful events can occur now. This is equivalent to a New Moon but marks the beginning of a new Venus cycle. We are symbolically in the dark during the retrograde, but starting fresh and re-energized from this date forward. Impulsiveness and lack of preparation are issues now. When Mercury forms a conjunction with retrograde Venus on March 18th, there can be a lot of conversation about relationships, especially past ones. New light may be shed on an old problem.
Particularly around the days of Venus’ stations on March 4th and April 15th, 2017, watch for confused situations and try not to say too much. If you are itching to argue with a lover, try to hold off. It is likely that you will have a change of heart once the station passes, and you can do some damage in the meantime.
Note also that Venus is in the retrograde “zone” from January 30th to May 18th. From April 15th to May 18th, Venus continues to traverse the degrees she covered during her retrograde period. Although Venus officially turns direct on April 15th, issues are not expected to be entirely resolved until after May 18th.
Where is Venus Retrograde transiting by house in your natal chart? Does it form a conjunction with a natal planet, your Ascendant, or Midheaven? Read interpretations of Venus Retrograde in Transit for a more personalized meaning of the transit cycle.
Some people are more sensitive to Venus retrograde cycles than others. For example, I know of one woman, with no knowledge of these cycles, who broke up with partners in three Venus Retrograde cycles!
Venus-ruled Taurus and Libra natives may be particularly sensitive to the effects of Venus Retrograde. Also, people who have Taurus and/or Libra associated with love or financial areas of their chart tend to be more affected than others. This includes Aries Ascendant natives (because Libra is on the house of partnerships and, often, Taurus is on the cusp of their income house, the second) and Scorpio Ascendant natives (because Taurus is on the cusp of their house of partnerships). Taurus or Libra on the fifth house of romance is another indicator (more frequently occurring with Capricorn Ascendant and Gemini Ascendant natives), and those people who have Venus in Taurus or Libra are also quite sensitive to the cycle.
Aries and Aries Ascendant: This Venus Retrograde cycle mostly occurs in your sign, affecting your first house of personal appearance and mannerisms. This cycle certainly affects the personal image you project to others. Others may misunderstand what you do and say, and misread your body language. Others may not be seeing you in the most favorable of light, and events may be such that you feel the need to rethink the way you present yourself. You may be coming across in a harsher, even militant manner without even realizing it. Try to keep things status quo with regards to your love life. Don’t worry if a lover isn’t quite “getting” you for the time being. Things will change once Venus turns direct. Also, take this time to review your instinctual responses to new things and the first impression your make on others in terms of how these things help or hinder you. As well, Venus rules your partnership and income sectors, and both of these things may come up for review during this retrograde cycle.
Taurus and Taurus Ascendant: This Venus Retrograde cycle occurs mostly in your twelfth house of all that lies beneath the surface of things. People from the past may resurface either physically or they might simply come to the forefront of your mind. You may be dealing with past karma now. What you want from love–your desires–are very ambiguous and obscure during this cycle. Deal with your past so that you can put it behind you, but don’t do it at the expense of your present. You are ruled by Venus, and you are likely to be more withdrawn than usual, which can be a source of concern for your lover. People from the past may resurface either physically or simply coming to the forefront of your mind. You may be dealing with past karma now. With Venus as your ruler, you are especially sensitive to all of the Venus Retrograde issues described above. Venus also rules your work and health sector, and the desire for satisfaction and warm relations on the job is likely strong now, but hard to get.
Gemini and Gemini Ascendant: This Venus Retrograde cycle occurs mostly in your eleventh house of friendships, groups, and aspirations. Your friendships or associations with groups may be a little strained during this period–a time when you may withdraw and others might misinterpret your intentions, or when friends are distant. You may get the feeling that friends are either disinterested or insincere during this cycle. Venus rules your sign, suggesting that you could be distancing yourself, questioning whether others are truly good for you. Because Venus rules your romance sector, don’t jump to conclusions if a lover is acting a little distant. Wait it out. Venus also rules your twelfth house, and your desires from love and relationship may be hard to figure out for the time being.
Cancer and Cancer Ascendant: This Venus Retrograde cycle occurs mostly in your solar tenth house of career and reputation. For the time being, the social aspect of relationships on the job may be compromised somewhat. Be as non-judgmental as you can with co-workers during this cycle. You might find that your professional reputation is not as favorable as it typically is, at least not from your point of view. You may not know how exactly you would like to come across, and this could be the reason for any confusion just now. You might look to past projects and goals for inspiration during this cycle, or you may rethink a direction you’ve been taking. Relationships with friends and family may be a little strained, as these are Venus-ruled areas of your chart.
Leo and Leo Ascendant: This Venus Retrograde cycle occurs mostly in your ninth house of faith and adventure. An argument over personal philosophies of life can get you into hot water, or you could be reassessing your faith, during this cycle. It may be that your larger, broader plans and visions don’t satisfy you very much these days. This is a cycle during which you might redefine these visions. Venus-ruled areas of your chart are career, authority figures, and communications. These may not satisfy as much as you’d like just now. Extra caution in these areas of life may be necessary now. From April 2-15, retro Venus is in your sector of shared assets, and this can be a time for taking a second look at debts, shared resources, and intimate relationships.
Virgo and Virgo Ascendant: This Venus Retrograde cycle occurs mostly in your eighth house of intimacy, shared resources, and personal transformation. Hold onto your money, work on a budget, and resist arguments with loved ones that revolve around intimacy and sexuality. A disagreement over joint finances can also get you into hot water. Hold back. What you say now can have annoying ramifications. You may find it hard to feel supported by others, and your intimate life may seem superficial or even strained. You might use this time to review past purchases or to handle financial matters such as taxes that you have put off (or you may be forced to do so). Venus rules your money and possessions sector, as well as your ninth house of adventure and discovery. Watch for impulsive spending. Take the time to review your finances. Try not to feel disillusioned with life in general – think about ways to improve your life experiences.
Libra and Libra Ascendant: This Venus Retrograde cycle occurs mostly in your seventh house of one-to-one partnerships. Misunderstandings with your partner now can be troublesome. If you need to talk through problems, do your best to be as non-judgmental as possible, and don’t over-react to what your partner has to say either. A close partner could be distant emotionally, or a partnership can appear stalled for the time being – something is up in the air. Your eighth house of shared resources and intimacy is Venus-ruled as well, and you might find your intimate life leaves you wanting, and that it’s hard to find emotional (and financial) support when you need it most.
Scorpio and Scorpio Ascendant: This Venus Retrograde cycle occurs mostly in your sixth house of work, health, and habits. In addition to the general cautions outlined above, the social aspect of relationships on the job may be strained for the time being. Do your best not to let people get to you. The desire for warm relations on the job is strong, but the path to satisfaction hard to find. Schedule major beautification processes around this cycle if possible. There can be a focus on healing and processing when it comes to health. Your partnership sector is ruled by Venus, and you could find some challenges relating to a spouse or close partner during this period. Past lovers may figure strongly in your life now. With Venus ruling your privacy sector, you could also be dealing with past actions or karma. It’s time to redefine what (and possibly who) it is that you desire.
Sagittarius and Sagittarius Ascendant: This Venus Retrograde cycle occurs mostly in your fifth house of romance, pleasure, speculation, and children. Because the cycle directly affects your sector of romance and speculation, you should be especially wary of jumping into arguments with a lover and taking risks with gambling. You may feel you are on shaky ground in the romance department. You don’t need to share all your feelings with a lover right now, and you shouldn’t jump to conclusions if your lover needs a little space either. It can be hard to derive satisfaction from your romantic and creative activities for the time being. An old lover may resurface in your life, complicating matters. Friendships and working relationships are Venus-ruled in your chart, and special care should be exercised in these areas of life. Be patient if these matters fail to satisfy you for the time being.
Capricorn and Capricorn Ascendant: This Venus Retrograde cycle occurs mostly in your fourth house of home and family. Relations with your family may be a little strained. You might want to wait until Venus is direct before you express your frustrations with family members! What you say now may be costly. Furthermore, if you take the time to think about things, your approach to dealing with these issues later is likely to be much more productive. The desire or need for warm relations with family members, or for support and a feeling of security, is especially strong but the path to satisfaction may be hard to find just now. This is a great time to think about how to improve your home, but not necessarily for going forward with projects. Venus-ruled areas of your chart are also affected–career, as well as relationships with lovers and children.
Aquarius and Aquarius Ascendant: This Venus Retrograde cycle occurs mostly in your third house of communication, siblings, and neighbors. You may withdraw from chit-chatting during this period, and this might alienate a few people, especially siblings and perhaps neighbors. Conversely, you might find it hard to derive satisfaction from these people, or from learning situations in general. Communications may seem insincere. In fact, you may have a hard time getting your ideas across in a warm, genuine manner. You may be misreading body language as well. For some, conversations about love or about past relationships can figure strongly. Watch also for less than warm relations with family members, and avoid purchases of new property just for now.
Pisces and Pisces Ascendant: This Venus Retrograde cycle occurs mostly in your second house of money and values. As such, in addition to the general situations associated with Venus retrograde, hold on to your money. Take the time to re-think your sources of income and how you spend your cash during this period, and avoid making any big purchases until later in April, or better, May. You might use this time to work on how you attract (or repel) the income you deserve. This retrograde cycle also affects the Venus-ruled sectors of your solar chart, which are your communications and intimacy sectors. You may be feeling unsupported emotionally and financially, and you may feel a little withdrawn when it comes to daily communications and light chit-chat. Venus retrograde occurs in your sign and solar first house from April 2nd to 15th and you’ll be dealing with issues surrounding independence, manner, and image.
See also: Year 2017 Horoscopes
See the Transits of Retrograde Venus page.
See Born with Venus Retrograde: Venus Retrograde in the Natal Chart.
Back to This Week in Astrology.
Back to The Astrology of Year 2017.
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