This Month in Astrology October 2017
October 2017
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
The New Moon that occurred last month on the 20th happened in the sign of Virgo and influences us in the first few weeks of October, offering us opportunities to take charge of our lives through organizing, editing, and refining work and better attention to health. This is a fertile and productive time. The signs of Libra and Scorpio are emphasized in October, and this suggests a relationship-focused period. The Full Moon occurs on October 5th in the sign of Aries, reminding us to consider how we are honoring ourselves in our close relationships. New revelations can occur now, particularly in the areas of our physical bodies, leadership skills, our ability to initiate and begin new things, and our close partnerships. The element of surprise or a spirit of rebellion can be a theme now. A semi-square between Uranus and Neptune occurs on the 7th, and we can feel particularly inspired now, although we may feel restless if our dreams are no longer fulfilling us or keeping us hopeful. We should watch for impractical ventures and unusual tangents that may not last. This aspect first occurred in August and will recur three more times until May 2019. On the 10th, Jupiter enters the sign of Scorpio, where it will transit until November 8th, 2017. This transit encourages us to go after our hearts’ desires, embrace our emotions, and develop intimacy–with ourselves and with others. Under this influence, we attract the most success and good fortune when we put our “all” into a project or undertaking, and when we use our magnetic powers to heal others. We’re less focused on what’s fair or polite and more interested in getting to the bottom of a matter. Status and social standing are less important to us than personality and character. There can be a stronger desire to solve problems and cut right to the chase. We can develop a larger interest in psychology and human resources. There can be a focus on gaining in some way through our relationships – of coming to a stronger position in a significant way. Combining resources can be a strong theme. This is a fabulous period for looking at the darker corners of life — and of ourselves — from a new perspective or for purging, depending on what we find! It can also be a time for finding valuable resources that were hidden from our view or that we previously overlooked, as well as for awakening talents within ourselves and, perhaps especially, within others. Read more about Jupiter’s transit of Scorpio here. The New Moon occurs in the sign of Libra on the 19th. This is a time for taking charge of our relationships and giving them their due attention, as well as working on our negotiation and partnering skills. Resolution of conflicts is in focus.
(See the full table for 2017)
Mercury‘s transit of Libra until the 17th is a diplomatic one. While decisions may not be clear-cut, we are more inclined to consider others’ viewpoints, and we aim to be especially fair. Mercury catches up with the Sun on the 8th, and we move from impulsive, creative thinking to a more objective approach to processing and communicating information. This superior conjunction offers us a nice little window of opportunity to clearly see our goals. This is a time when clarity comes to a particular area of life. Mercury transits Scorpio from the 17th forward, and we are compelled to dig much deeper than the surface of matters.
VenusVenus continues its transit of Virgo until October 14th, and our desires are a little more insistent than usual, but this can be felt as gently motivating as Venus approaches an alignment with Mars that perfects on the 5th. This fertile time for work and health pursuits! Love needs to make sense and have a purpose with Venus in Virgo. Virgo is an Earth sign, which is sensual but also quite practical. Rendering services to others can fill a need, and can be an expression of love. When Venus is challenged while in the sign, for example on the 8th and 11th, insecurities can be stimulated and we might over-analyze and worry about our relationships. While Venus is in Libra from the 14th forward, we can be especially idealistic about love. We prefer things are done the “right” way and are turned off by aggressive or uncouth behavior. The shadow side of this transit can be dependency, inconsistency, and superficiality. In an attempt to avoid unpleasant situations, we could easily gloss over deeper issues at play in our relationships. However, Venus performs very well in Libra, as Libra is one of the signs that it rules! |
MarsMars continues its transit of particular Virgo until the 22nd. Our passions are to perfect, refine, and analyze our projects – to get things just right. Mars in Virgo is very creative around the 5th when it aligns with Virgo, and insecure around the 11th when it forms a square to Saturn. Mars transits Libra from the 22nd forward. Mars is in its detriment in Libra (Libra opposes Aries, the sign that Mars rules) – it’s not as comfortable in the sign as it is in others, and therefore it’s not functioning at its best. . |
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
Overview Horoscopes are expected approximately a week before the month begins.
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
October 2017 Aspects Time Line

October 2017 Time Line Aspects
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.

Void of Course Table: October 2017 (Dates and Times)
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.
- New Moon in Virgo chart on September 20, 2017
- Full Moon in Aries Chart – October 5, 2017
- New Moon in Libra chart on October 19, 2017
Looking Ahead:
- November 2017 Time Line Aspects
- December 2017 Time Line Aspects
- January 2018 Time Line Aspects
- February 2018 Time Line Aspects
- March 2018 Time Line Aspects
- April 2018 Time Line Aspects

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2017 – Overview
The Astrology of 2018 – Overview