This Month in Astrology – May 2018
May 2018
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
Again this month, much astrological activity is concentrated in the middle of the month around the New Moon. A New Moon occurs on the 15th in the sign of Taurus, and we are energized to take charge, particularly when it comes to making ourselves feel more secure. It’s a time for re-evaluating our relationship with money and possessions and discovering what it is that we truly value and that which genuinely makes us happy and fulfilled. We should be concentrating on what it is we can do to increase our own feelings of self-worth and to simplify our lives in key ways. This is a time for reconnecting with nature, to our bodies, and to the world of the five senses.
This New Moon occurs just as Mars and Uranus are changing signs and just before these planets form a square near the beginning of the signs of Aquarius and Taurus, respectively. While Taurus seeks predictability and often resists change, this combination is dramatic, abrupt, and possibly disruptive. While Mars changes signs on average every two months, Uranus spends about seven years in a sign. Uranus enters Taurus on the 15th but will spend less than six months in the new sign before retreating back into late Aries on November 6th. Uranus will transit Taurus more consistently starting March 6th, 2019.
While Uranus is in Taurus, we’re bringing changes and shaking things up, particularly related to how we’re enjoying our lives, what we own, and how we arrange our things. We may be approaching money and personal possessions in a new, exciting way. We’re more financially savvy and progressive in business and practical matters. Innovative ways to make ourselves comfortable are likely to emerge during this period. There may be less inhibition about expressing sensuality, self-love, body love, and pampering. Feminist movements grow and metamorphose. Our values may lean more towards the unconventional or we’re challenging what we previously valued. Potential problems can include seeking freedom and independence by focusing on materialistic pursuits which can be distracting and reactive when it would be more desirable to detach ourselves from some of our attachments to things and seek freedom through so doing. We’re learning how to free ourselves from certain material constraints. There can be abrupt changes with money, valuables, possessions, and income that lead to a reshuffling of priorities or values now. This can also be a time when income comes from non-traditional sources or ventures. We’ll be bringing progressive ideas to the world of business during this transit that lasts until 2026. New ways of doing business, as well as making, viewing, and handling money are likely during this cycle. Income and perhaps the energy we put into making money can be variable as we seek to find ourselves.
Jupiter forms a trine to Neptune on the 25th for the second time in a set of three perfections while Jupiter is in Scorpio, the first of which occurred in December 2017, and the final of which will occur in August 2018. Idealistic and humanitarian goals or impulses surface now. Making connections with others from a different background may figure. Widening our minds through unusual or different experiences can be part of the picture. Practical considerations could take a back seat now. Generosity and compassion increase and our faith gets a nice boost. We more readily make personal sacrifices for what we believe to be the larger good.
The Full Moon occurs in the sign of Sagittarius on the 29th, reminding us of the need to reach out beyond our usual routines, thought patterns, and neighborhoods. The Full Moon in Sagittarius is a time of expansion, so we should be especially aware of what we’d like to promote at this time, trying to put aside or out of our minds those things that won’t serve us well if blown out of proportion.
Date | Time (ET) | Event | Position |
May 2 | 10:27 PM | Neptune biquintile True Node | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
May 13 | 8:40 AM | Mercury enters Taurus | ![]() ![]() |
May 15 | 7:48 AM | New Moon 24 Taurus 36 | ![]() ![]() |
May 15 | 11:16 AM | Uranus enters Taurus | ![]() ![]() |
May 16 | 12:55 AM | Mars enters Aquarius | ![]() ![]() |
May 19 | 9:10 AM | Venus enters Cancer | ![]() ![]() |
May 20 | 1047:15 PM | Sun enters Gemini | ![]() ![]() |
May 22 | 4:41 PM | Jupiter sesquiquadrate Chiron | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
May 25 | 5:52 AM | Jupiter trine Neptune | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
May 27 | 12:51 AM | Saturn quincunx True Node | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
May 29 | 10:19 AM | Full Moon 8 Sagittarius 10 | ![]() ![]() |
May 29 | 7:49 PM | Mercury enters Gemini | ![]() ![]() |
(See the full table for 2018)
See also: This Week in Astrology week to week for more detail.
the Sun
The Sun continues its transit of the sign of Taurus until the 20th, and we continue in our building and acquiring stage. This is not a time for radical new visions and endeavors although Uranus’ entry into Taurus on the 15th can change this to some degree. Instead, we might concentrate on growing what we already have, as well as cultivating an appreciation for those things that last, sustain, and support. The Sun transits Gemini from the 20th forward, and we get more involved with others. We’re communicative, curious, and inclined to be “on the go.”
Mercury leaves its post-retrograde shadow on the 3rd and completes its transit of Aries on the 13th. Until then, this transit stimulates independent thought and bold, new ideas, but also rather impatient and sometimes insensitive communications, particularly around the 6-7 and 12-13 when Mercury forms a square to Pluto and then aligns with inventive Uranus and squares Mars. Communications can be raw or rushed now. Mercury transits Taurus from the 13-29, and we are less interested in envisioning and pioneering than we are in useful, practical ideas and conversations. We are more concerned about what’s real than what’s ideal, especially around the 17-18, although we allow our imaginations to guide us on the 22nd. Mercury fares particularly well while in mutual reception with Venus from the 13-18. Mercury’s transit of Gemini from the 29th forward is a helpful one since Mercury is exceptionally comfortable in Gemini, a sign that it rules. Our curiosity is piqued, and we can be quite spirited when it comes to reaching out to others, learning, and sharing.
Venus continues its transit of Gemini until the 19th. Venus is curious and sociable, but possibly quite fickle as well, in the mutable Air sign of Gemini. She encourages us to reach out to others and to make connections – to “get over ourselves” and our issues in order to make contact for the sake of connecting with people around us. This position often contrasts with the Capricorn energy that’s especially strong until the 15th. Venus enters Cancer on the 19th and will stay in the cardinal Water sign until June 13th. Venus in Cancer is sentimental and affectionate but also self-protective. We crave familiarity and security in love.
Mars continues its transit of Capricorn until the 15th/16th, and we pursue our desires with deliberation and structure. We are less capable of pacing ourselves once Mars moves into Aquarius. Uranus enters Taurus at virtually the same time, and this means Mars and Uranus are no longer in mutual reception when Mars is in Aquarius. In fact, they quickly form a square very early in their respective signs on the 15-16. With this aspect, we’re inclined to assert our independence abruptly or to enforce changes. With Mars in Aquarius, we tend to act only when we can totally “get behind” or believe in what we are doing. As such, we might spend more time thinking about action than taking it. However, we’re crusaders for our ideas and causes.
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
Overview horoscopes will fill in as I write them, ideally during the week before the month begins.
Communications, transportation, and work-related matters are moving ahead more quickly in May. Adding creative flair or imaginative touches to a project can be satisfying and successful on the 5-7. Merging your resources or talents with others can be very rewarding this year, but this month, you can feel a stronger desire to succeed all on your own. You want to achieve on your own merits, but you also recognize the need for others or outside resources and talents so that you can excel. You may be testing the waters around the 8th, but also acknowledging the need to make compromises and avoid excess. The 11-13 is excellent for applying yourself to business or special projects, as you have a keen eye for what works and what is merely in your way. You are resourceful, and there can be the chance to showcase your talents or put them to good use. This is a potentially excellent time for recognition for what you do well. Around the 13th, you can make exciting discoveries or have important epiphanies. There can be a learning breakthrough or a resolution to a problem that breaks down walls in your life. Information comes your way that nudges you in a new direction, and a surprise or significant communication from a friend may be part of the picture. As mid-month approaches, you can feel quite a bit of tension between doing your own thing or pursuing your personal interests and filling your responsibilities, which are compelling. In truth, you're very ambitious these days, and it can be hard to find the time to do everything you want to do. The tendency may be to resist others' wishes or to push an idea when people are too absorbed in their own desires to give yours due consideration. Watch for words you may later regret and conflicts with authority figures or in public or professional settings. Try not to feel pressured to take action when you're not fully aware of all the angles of a situation. The 14-16 holds tremendous energy. The New Moon occurs in your sector of finances, values, self-worth, natural talents, and other personal resources. This presents a chance for a new beginning or fresh start regarding these things. What makes this energy intense is the fact that Uranus and Mars both change signs around the same time of the lunation and then form a square to one another. This can be electric and surprising. Mars transiting your social sector from the 16th forward is particularly important to you since Mars is your ruler. Mars will spend more time than usual in this sector of your chart because of an upcoming retrograde period this summer. This does suggest that what you jump into now may need revision later, particularly related to friends or happiness goals. This can be a time of much excitement as you experiment with new ideas, projects, and potential ventures. Uranus moving into house two of your solar chart is even more significant. For one, Uranus is transitioning out of your sign this year and the next. This takes the pressure off to assert your independence. For another, Uranus doesn't change signs often - only every seven years. Uranus spending time in your resources sector is bound to bring excitement revolving around finances and possessions to your life. There might be a sudden change in financial position, even a windfall or significant gift, a sudden urge to spend or invest money, a new money-making idea or project that seems to come out of nowhere, or new insights into money, money-making ability, or self-worth. You may need or want to rid yourself of excess baggage. Money might be seen now for its value as a tool used to achieve more freedom in your life. Uranus will retrograde and return to your personality sector on November 6th and then will move into your resources sector more permanently in March 2019. This can be a bit confusing, but you can think of it as a period of back and forth and of transition from one transit to the next. For now, keep in mind that your attitude towards personal finances, as well as your value system, is evolving. There is a need to be free from certain attachments during this long-term cycle. Financial ups and downs are possible, but the sooner you adjust to the idea of living with some uncertainty in this area, the better. When it comes to income, you are challenged to think outside of the box to come up with viable plans to improve your finances. You may be seeking out alternative sources of income. This can be a time of freelance work or various sources of income. You can experience a change of attitude towards the accumulation of possessions and/or property, too. The 17-19 brings more grounded energy, and you can use it to make plans and center yourself. From the 19th forward, Venus transits your home and family sector, encouraging special attention to your domestic world and bringing more harmony to it. Even little improvements and advances can feel big and exciting. You are learning a little about letting go of some sentimentality towards your personal possessions, either making room for things that improve your life, or getting rid of excess. It can feel good to unburden at times now. The Sun's move into your communications sector on the 21st points to a more connected, communicative period as May advances. In fact, since the 16th, Mars has been encouraging you to socialize and diversify more often, and now the Sun gets into the game. You're likely to feel refreshed and a little braver or interested in seeing results. Reaching out and connecting can bring unexpected opportunities right now. Especially on the 23-24, trust your instincts on a social level. The last week of May brings a Jupiter-Neptune trine to full force. We've seen this energy before and, in fact, it's been following you around since December in subtle ways. It's a great influence for intimate, inner, and emotional matters. This is a favorable period for intimacy and psychological growth. Imaginative activities or behind-the-scenes efforts can be rewarding, either spiritually or materially, and perhaps a bit of both. Generosity and compassion increase. This can be an important time for gaining support, too. Making changes on emotional levels can be especially positive now. This is also an excellent time for money matters as May draws to a close. You might publish or gain some kind attention for something you've written in the past around the Full Moon of the 29th. |
At the same time, Uranus enters your sign. Since Uranus in Taurus happens only every 84 years or so, it's a significant event! Mind you, this transit lasts seven years, so you'll have some time to adjust to this month's ingress. Plus, Uranus will retreat into the sign of Aries from November 2018 to March 2019 to finish up there before returning to your sign more permanently. While this important transit will take some time to flesh out, you'll be feeling some hard-to-ignore stirrings now. Under this Uranus transit, conditions in your life that have been stifling or confining become hard to tolerate. It's a time of a personal revolution in your life. In May, work, reputation, or career matters can be motivators, triggers, or catalysts for big changes. Certainly, you're entering a stage of increased ambition and conditions on the job could prompt you to find a new path or to redefine your goals and perhaps even fast-track plans that you've previously put off for "one day." You'll be seeking more input, freedoms, or independence now. Mars enters your career, responsibility, and reputation sector around the same time as the New Moon and the Uranus-Taurus ingress, so everything is happening quickly. There may be a dramatic break from the past the 13-16, or a significant change, although this can just as well be something that takes place in your mind. Your attitude changes and you find yourself traveling a new path or following a new goal. It's important to watch for overly impulsive moves, though, since Mars will turn retrograde next month and will revisit the very degrees and aspects you're experiencing now, which can suggest that decisions made now need a revisit later on. There could be stalls or backtracking involved. Meanwhile, partnering and friendship matters are strong in May. Your people/social quotient is excellent. Past and current relationships are a strong focus this month. A lot is going on under the hood when it comes to relationships and feelings. As well, much is happening on the surface of things, in broad daylight! From the 5-7, it can feel as if your dreams are coming true, or that they're all the more realizable. You can feel quite supported and confident about your lot in life as well as where your life is heading. Friends and connection are inspiring. Mind you, there can be times when you feel a little torn between going your own way and enjoying togetherness, particularly around the 8th. As much as you'd like to do both sides well, you may be feeling a little confused or tired, and finding a way to tone things down makes sense. Getting to a state of balance can be challenging but rewarding now. This is a time for planning, especially since mid-month is likely to come on like a storm and you'll want to have a good sense of what you truly want for yourself. Mercury moves into your sign on the 13th and is in mutual reception with Venus, your ruler, from May 13-18, and you're in great shape for sharing your thoughts and getting some good feedback for your ideas. Uranus gets you all riled up and itching to make radical changes from the 15th forward when a New Moon in your sign has a similar rebirth effect. You are building and strengthening your courage. Change is on the horizon, and a spiritual revelation or attitude breakthroughs can occur that propel you along a new path this summer. You are setting your sights on the future instead of worrying about the past, and setting your sights high! There may be unexpected events that free you from confining situations. On the 15-16 especially, impulsiveness can get you in trouble. Avoid reacting too quickly if you feel caged in or pushed to your limits. The few days following this, however, are much more grounded and realistic, so if possible, save the bigger decisions until then. From the 19th forward, you are in great shape for connecting with like-minded people or for sharing your interests harmoniously with others. Money is more predictable this month and can be quite excellent from the 13th forward. You're also entering an excellent long-term cycle for your career, although part of this process can involve some stops and starts or dramatic turns. The 23-24 is exceptionally strong for career connections, income boosts, or taking action to move projects forward. Health until the 19th is decent, but some adjustments may be necessary. Pay proper attention to areas that may be a little off. You're in great shape for strengthening alliances and improving the spiritual or friendship element of a partnership in May. You may be seeking or realizing a long-term dream or goal. The Full Moon on the 29th can bring a money matter to a turning point or conclusion. You might awaken to your feelings for someone at this time, and this helps you make the right choices. |
You benefit from lovely Venus moving through your sign until the 19th. This position accentuates your finer, more attractive qualities for all to appreciate. Nevertheless, you can be undecided this month, gathering your energies and weighing your options until later May. Your emotions frequently turn your attention to the past and unresolved matters, until the last week of May when you're inspired and motivated to chase your dreams. Mars moving into harmony with your sign on the 16th is quite magical. It's stirring, too. Shortly after that, the Sun enters your sign, pulling you out of your shell. Even so, in the weeks before these dates, you're receiving some friendly attention. From the 5-7, people might turn to you for your unique and wise advice or as a creative lead. The unique flair that distinguishes you from the crowd is even more noticeable and enhanced. There could be substantial support coming from behind the scenes or from an unexpected source. The creative side of your projects holds more appeal than usual, and you're particularly good at seeing (or bringing) magic in/to your pursuits. However, confusion about your general direction, career, or situation with a superior can play with your mind and confuse your personal choices. Around the 8th, watch for going overboard in your quest to do too many things well. You are looking to do your best in your work and with your health regimes, but you also have a strong pull towards rest and dealing with private matters or emotional needs. You may be giving or serving a little too much for your own good these days. Look for ways to make adjustments that lead to a healthier, more balanced life. Use the 11-13 for symbolically throwing out the garbage. You're likely to see areas of focus and lines of thinking that are good for you and which ones are slowing or weighing you down. A Mercury-Uranus alignment aims to move you forward as an idea forms or information comes in that completes a plan or gets you to a conclusion. There can be news or surprises from a friend or in your networks now. An idea for a long-term project can be golden. Collaborating or brainstorming with a friend, group, or classmate can be particularly fruitful. This can also point to a disruption in your networks that pushes you forward. Again, there is much going on behind the scenes in your life. On the 15-16, a New Moon occurs in your privacy sector at the same time that Uranus enters this sector for a long-term transit, representing a major shift, although it doesn't become consistent until March 2019 and beyond. Your dreaming world is vivid and intuition exceptionally active. Listen to your inner voice! Now and in coming years, this Uranus transit can really shake things up with matters related to the past and your privacy. Things may come to light that help you let go of negative attachments that have been keeping you from growing and thriving. Holding on tightly to your things and ideas may be about your fear of changes taking place in your social life. Watch for impulsiveness now, but do consider ways to move upwards and onwards. Take advantage of clear, logical thinking around the 17-19 - a breath of fresh air after several emotionally-charged and perhaps impulsive days. A sense of purpose or mission, as well as the drive for results, combine to offer you considerable focus for your mental energies, so choose a project that has long-term potential and go with it. It’s also a good time for small, significant career moves. From the 19th forward, you're in a particularly good stage for money and gifts as well as attention to developing your talents and resources. There is a nice shift in energy that is more future-oriented and upbeat starting in the last week of May. It may feel as if life is speeding up just enough to pull you out of a rut. You're braver about expressing yourself, and you're ready to take on a challenge. This can be a spunky time, but also a rather magical period for a sense of mission or purpose through work or health pursuits. It's a brilliant period for enjoying or finding work, showcasing your skills, and improving working relationships. There is powerfully creative, generous energy with you for matters related to your career and reputation. Trust that by doing what you love, you'll get where you need to go, however long it may take! The Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 29th pulls your sharp attention to a relationship matter and your feelings that are hard to deny at this time. |
Career planning and goal-setting, reputation, status-related issues, and mental health matters gain clarity and then momentum. Be particularly mindful of quick or abrupt moves in these areas, though. Helping you take a break from overthinking so that you can rest your brain is a Sun-Neptune on the 5-7 that inspires you to dream and imagine beautiful possibilities. Look for refreshing changes of scenery or activities that promote emotional refreshment. Friendships might develop, or you could connect with interesting people and ideas now. Around the 8th, be on the lookout for excesses. It may be necessary to slow things down and make adjustments before moving forward when it comes to romantic, pleasure-seeking, and creative pursuits. From the 11-13, there can be bonding moments with a friend or partner for mutual enjoyment or benefits. Your talents may be put to good use, and others are likely to see your value. A Mercury-Uranus alignment can push your confidence in an idea or news comes in that seals the deal and facilitates concluding a business or career prospect. You're not content with the ordinary or familiar, but avoid rebelling or pushing too far, and you'll use mental discontent to brighten your future and advance your goals. Ideas are fresh and exciting. You may be stirring up some opposition with others now, however. You begin turning to friends for advice or comfort from the 13th forward. It's at the month's midpoint that things get a little wacky, as many things happen astrologically between the 14-16. A New Moon in your friendship, hopes, and wishes sector stimulates a new beginning or the need/urge to start fresh. A major sign change punctuates this: Uranus now moves into this same sector that rules community, networking, your social life, and your happiness goals. Keep in mind that Uranus travels through a zodiac sign for about seven years, and for the most part until 2026, Uranus will be shaking up the way you see your place in the community. A preview of these themes starts this month and runs until November. At the same time, Mars moves into your shared finances and intimacy sector for an extended period and then promptly challenges Uranus. So, there's a lot to process, but so little time to do so since everything is moving quickly! Tense relationship dynamics or conflicting inner needs can be the main challenge now. In the coming months, and later, years, friendships and group associations can be unpredictable and unusual, but also inspiring and exciting. You'll be attracting people who are free-spirited, individualistic, and a bit eccentric. Your social life is bound to be very colorful now and in coming years. Note that this influence kicks in more consistently from March 2019 forward (until April 2026). Stimulating changes in the realms of friendships, group connections, and business plans are on the horizon. Experimentation becomes most important to you, as you are feeling adventurous and courageous. For some, changes in your career direction bring new or different friends and groups into your life. After impulsive or emotionally-charged days, take advantage of the clearer thinking and intuitive boost of the 17-19. There can be a good feeling of sharing values, beliefs, or plans with someone, or someone can reinforce your own now, and this stimulates confidence about the present and the future. Your faith in a particular goal, dream, or idea can build now. The 19th forward is terrific for personal appeal. It's true that you are turning inward in many ways as May advances, but Venus moving into your sign at this time turns quite a bit of attention your way, in a most positive way! With Uranus now in Taurus, planets in your sign will always take the time to harmonize with Uranus, giving you subtle boosts. For Venus this month, this happens quickly - on the same day that Venus enters Cancer, the 19th. You can be anxious to enjoy more freedoms and new pleasures. Positive, and possibly even adoring, attention can be a pleasant surprise now. Your own natural and unique traits are spotlighted and noticed. You may be considering ways to improve your image and experiment with your style. Venus transits your sign until June 13th, so that you'll have plenty of time to enjoy yourself and the attention you're getting. The mood tends to change a little in later May with the Sun moving into your privacy sector and Mars now in another "hidden" sector of your chart. You are becoming a bit more withdrawn and possibly secretive. These bodies connect harmoniously on the 23-24, boosting opportunities to get the relaxation you crave and need. People tend to let you do your own thing. Your ability to use strategy successfully is enhanced. An intense discussion about your past or private matters may be part of the picture. It's an excellent time for cutting through appearances and uncovering something previously unknown or hidden. You also benefit from a longer-term influence that is especially strong towards the end of May: a Jupiter-Neptune trine that occurs in your creative sectors. This is a magical transit for romance, children, creativity, publishing, travel, and self-expression. It's a time for using your imagination to your benefit instead of allowing it to stand in the way of happiness and success. Matters of the heart can be inspiring. There can be beautiful connections made through travel, publishing, educational endeavors, or shared adventures. It's a time for opening your mind or spirit to new experiences. A beautiful Full Moon influences the last couple of days of May. While this can be a time when you're scurrying around trying to manage your daily affairs or deadlines, it's a strong time for recognizing the need to take better care of yourself and your routines. |
Mid-month, exciting and perhaps disruptive energy is with you. Disagreements or changing perspectives can figure strongly now as well, possibly pushing you into new territory. A new beginning of sorts and perhaps even a new calling can emerge related to your work. You may be thrust into the spotlight now, or there can be significant happenings with competitors or partners that prompt new approaches to what you do and how you see yourself, too. You're seeing forward progress with work, travel, and educational plans or endeavors in May, and perhaps some real disruptions. Channels for self-expression open with increased faith on the 5-7. Research and development benefit from your intuitive approach. You quickly gain others' support for your goals or plans, but demands on you can be large. As much as you'd like to be everything to everyone, try not to over-commit yourself. Watch for excesses in particular on the 8th. If you've been spending too much time at home or on yourself, then you may see the need to tone things down a little now so that you can reach out. You also want to shine in your professional life or to move out of your comfort zone and take a few risks now, but it's not always easy to go hard in both areas so you'll need to come to a healthy balance. Tap into your patience from the 11-13 and find creative ways to make things happen. You're able to see which traits, talents, and projects work best for you now, and your reputation improves as you maneuver these things skillfully. A Mercury-Uranus alignment on the 13th does help you move forward, but you can be abrupt or impulsive. Watch for nervous tension driving decision-making. Jumping into action before getting all the facts can be costly now. Something you learn or a conversation about a philosophical or technical matter can be motivating, though. Mercury moves to the top of your solar chart and will transit there from the 13-29, putting you in great shape for getting a strong message across. The 14-16 is powerful with the New Moon in your career and reputation sector ushering in a new beginning or fresh start, as well as Uranus moving into the same house, forming a square to Mars which is freshly entering your partnership sector. This energy is impulsive and electric. Uranus changes signs only every seven years, so its move into a new sector of your chart is significant. In fact, it's a once in a lifetime transit. This year, we get a preview of this energy from May to November, and it will return more consistently starting in March 2019. This long-term transit suggests some unpredictability with your career, professional projects, reputation, or public image, but these areas can also be highly stimulating and innovative. You can bring fresh insight to your work. Partnerships, competition, or a relationship goal can spur you on now. Significant changes are in the works. During this seven-year Uranus transit, you may take an unexpected turn or direction with your work. Sudden or unforeseen career opportunities are possible. Some of you will be discovering your "true calling." Mars moving into your partnership sector from the 16th forward enlivens your close relationships. This transit will last much longer than the usual two months due to an upcoming retrograde of Mars that starts in June, so you'll be doing a whole lot of exploring partnerships and the energy you get from others in your life for the next while. Watch for hasty choices now, especially since some of the decisions you're making in May will come up for review this summer. You may be attracting aggressive or assertive people into your life. They might be coming on strong, and then pulling back. Conflicts about give-and-take in an existing partnership can emerge. Use the 17-19 to get your head together and to draw up plans. You're a bit more grounded at this time. Venus moves into your privacy sector from the 19th forward, and you may need some emotional space, but you're not against enjoying company. It can be a great time for enjoying private moments. You tend to help, service, and support others, rather quietly and automatically right now. You appreciate the more hidden or subtle elements of your life, interactions, and emotions. This can also be a good time for teaming up to get things done. The Sun moves into your friendship sector on the 21st, and with Mars already in your partnership sector, the last week ten days of May are likely to be active socially. Even so, a Jupiter-Neptune transit in force at this time calls your attention to your support system once again. The theme of this longer-term influence is supportive, imaginative, and even a bit magical. It aids you in strengthening and making the most of the positive effects of Jupiter's transit to your home and family sector. There may be increased resources available to you for improving your home life. Your finances might improve, possibly due to shared efforts or combined income. There can be more power and resources available to you to establish yourself through a home, property, or long-term business endeavor. You are in need of a spiritual or creative escape from time to time, and this influence nudges you to seek it out. The Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 29th can be a particularly romantic and creative one. You're awakening to your feelings about a person or project, and this can set you on a new path. And, the last day of May is brilliant for ideas and enterprise, mainly related to a partner, friend, or team. |
You enjoy increased clarity with business moves, intimate relationships, and finances in May. You'll see a relationship more clearly and matters related to support clarify as well. Something spiritual, romantic, or otherwise inspiring can lift your spirits and improve your outlook on the 5-7. However, if you've been seeing someone or a relationship through rose-colored glasses, there may be a small letdown happening now. Although looking the other way can soothe yourself in the moment, ultimately you'll need to face some facts since it's near impossible to truly fool yourself. Around the 8th if you've been taking on too much, you'll feel as if something's going to break. You have a larger than usual appetite for taking on new interests or developing and learning current ones, but alas, you don't have enough time for all of this. The trick is to draw limits without squashing your enthusiasm. May can also be a time for a big announcement or the culmination of a publishing or learning project. The 11-13 is good for self-promotion or marketing, particularly of creative works or talents. You may be in the position to show off your leadership capabilities. People you meet or date can shift your perspective in revealing ways. Expressing your feelings through your work or craft can be rewarding and fruitful. On the 13th, you're ready to put a negative attitude or element of the past behind you. There can be quite a bit of tension building, and impulsiveness is something to watch for as mid-month draws close. There can be some pressure to make last-minute decisions, but you may not be entirely equipped to make healthy ones! Feeling on edge can be a difficult state to turn into a positive, but it's also entirely possible with determination. It can be especially important that you avoid cutting words with people you care about. The New Moon in your adventure sector on the 15th occurs at a time when both Mars and Uranus are changing signs and forming a square aspect to one another. It's highly dynamic and possibly electric! New beginnings are likely now, but changes can be quick. Uranus moving into your solar ninth house is a significant event since a house change happens only every seven years. This transit is not yet consistent (it will retreat in November and then resume in March 2019), but will be with you for many years to come. You may experience a spiritual awakening of sorts or a call to see the world, or perhaps even to save it! Learning needs to be exciting or cutting edge to keep your interest now. Life experiences are unpredictable and exciting. You are embracing change. You have high energy this month for reinventing yourself through letting go of bad attitudes and starting fresh. The desire to take a new course or to travel can come up suddenly as you hunger for new experiences. Mars moving into your work and health sector on the 16th is significant. Mars will stay in this sector longer than usual and will spend some of its time here retrograde this summer, offering you an opportunity period to work out your daily schedules and work or health plans. There can be some reworking of projects or pursuits and backtracking involved, but for now, you're feeling gung-ho about getting yourself and your daily routines into shape. For some, new interests or opportunities emerging now with the energies of the New Moon can prompt an overhaul of your daily routines or a new approach to health and wellness. Take full advantage of the 17-19 when thinking is more grounded and you're considering the future, not just the moment! Venus moves into your friendship sector on the 19th and immediately harmonizes with Uranus. You're likely to find great pleasure in learning, sharing, and connecting with friends. It's a good time for reaching out to others, sharing what you've learned, mingling, conversing, and otherwise boosting friendships. New ideas and even some inspiration can result. This is a time for feeling freer and happier as your knowledge of the world around you grows. Group activities, friendships, and community events can be in focus. You can also be quite technical, business-minded, and progressive now. Venus in this area of your chart (from May 19th to June 13th) is not only about socializing but also about enjoying new projects and goals and experimenting with new technology and ideas. The Sun's move to the top of your solar chart on the 21st helps usher in a new focus on long-term goals and performance, although Mars has been stirring your practical nature and emphasizing work since the 16th. Work-related matters are particularly strong around the 23-24 when you apply yourself with great purpose and intent. Putting your practical affairs together can come exceptionally easy to you. Your stamina level is strong, and you're wasting no time. Also in the last week of May, fabulous energy is with you for your partnerships and projects. You may be especially motivated to pursue your studies, personal interests, or a partnership. You're in great shape for sharing your ideas or working with someone to produce something special. Your speech or writing is more creative and inspired during this period. It can be a prolific period for writing or speaking. Transportation options make transit more enjoyable and might even open up partnering opportunities. A special relationship may develop that is highly communicative, or there is increased daily contact in an existing relationship. The Full Moon on the 29th is a call to deal with home and family matters. You're in a great position to work on or from the home, and for boosting your relationships with those you love. Appreciation for loved ones increases now. |
In May, you're likely to enjoy more clarity and forward movement related to your relationships, educational pursuits, partnerships, finances, intimate connections, and negotiations. Relationships are not without their challenges, though. Family-partnership conflicts can be prominent for some of you. On the 5-7, intuitive hunches lead you to the right information and creative ways to improve your work or health. Supporting others or self-improvement efforts can be rewarding now. On the 8th, watch for excess or over-indulgence. If you've been going over the top either indulging your interests or giving to others, this is a time to start simplifying. You may decide that focusing on your personal goals and values will do much more for your happiness than an excessive focus on outward signs of success or progress. From the 11-13, supportive people in your life or more confidence within can get you past obstacles. There can be breakthrough conversations or thinking related to relationships now. There can be a chance meeting with someone or a missing piece of information surfaces that is a game changer. Watch for jumping to action before getting all the facts. While competition can motivate you to improve your game, defensiveness and impatience won't help you further your cause. The 14-16 holds a lot of intense and exciting, but perhaps also disruptive, energy. The New Moon in Taurus occurs just as Uranus moves into the sign. Mars changes signs as well, and immediately clashes with Uranus, stimulating a quick need or desire for change. You could be feeling caged in, or someone in your life feels confined. New insights can be intensely revealing, particularly about love and intimacy. Avoid pushing too hard, but allow yourself to cross normal thresholds, as you can make great strides towards critical new beginnings. Uranus moving into a new sign is a significant event. While Uranus is not entirely finished its transit of Aries and will retreat to complete it from November 2018 to March 2019 before returning to Taurus, you're beginning to feel some important shifts now. Close relationships with others are lively under this influence. Sudden developments in the financial or emotional support you receive are possible. Your private world and shared resources can be unpredictable and unusual, but also inspiring and exciting. Your intimate life and support systems open up. These can be the wildcard areas of life, but also highly stimulating and innovative, in the coming months and years. You may be learning a lesson in detachment during this cycle – sudden changes in the support you receive from others or outside sources can force you to become more independent financially. Prepare yourself for fluctuations by settling as many debts as you can and by working on boosting your personal income. This can also be a highly creative time for handling money, talents, and relationships. The important thing with this transit is to open up to alternative, new, progressive, or non-traditional ways of doing things without throwing practical considerations out in the process. Right now, watch for rash decisions. Mars is moving into harmony with your sign from the 16th forward, enlivening your romantic or creative worlds, and will stick around in this area of your chart for many months. This summer, Mars will be retrograde here, and this is the reason for its extended visit. Some of the decisions made now may come up for review later, so do think things through carefully in May. Moving too quickly is not advised, although certain changes may be necessary and very rewarding. Venus moves up to the top of your solar chart from the 19th forward, immediately harmonizing with Uranus. Relations with bosses, the public, and business contacts are set to improve. This is a time for pleasant surprises and advances, particularly related to life path goals. Connections might form that prove to be especially favorable over time. Someone might sponsor you or give you support. Your reputation gets a nice boost now. You're seeking the best for yourself and believing in yourself. You're more outgoing and sociable as the month advances. A decision to travel or to take up studies could be made quite suddenly. You are expressing yourself well and satisfyingly. Also in the last week of May, a powerful influence comes into play for you in the areas of work, finances, and health. Your self-image improves, and this has positive effects all around, as you take better care of yourself and pay more attention to the mind/spirit element of your life. The work you do now may feel more compatible with your overall philosophies or mission. A sense of mission can uplift you. The Full Moon on the 29th is good for personal interests and projects, publicity, or promotion, and the last days of May are excellent for finances and work. |
You're experiencing increased clarity with work, health, partnerships, and finances this month. These matters are moving forward, although they're not without their problems. You can have a hectic schedule, and you may be doing a lot of juggling in the first half of May. From the 5-7, connecting with others can lead to nice opportunities, and creative efforts are particularly successful. Where you're emotionally involved and invested, though, you may not be seeing situations or people clearly. Around the 8th, you may be confronting your excesses or reaching a critical turning point in your journey. A partner has much to reveal to you about yourself through your interactions. You're in a particularly good place for reinforcement, support, and recognition on the 11-13, and learning and communications projects are favored. There can be compelling conversations or ideas now with a Mercury-Uranus alignment. You're likely to make useful discoveries related to your health, wellness, therapy, services, or work, and thinking can be breakthrough. You might receive word or notice that moves you forward in a new direction or a clarified position. It's important not to speak too quickly, however, as we approach mid-month when impulsiveness may be a problem. Try not to make decisions about something you don't yet fully understand, or under pressure. The 14-16 is where there's a whole lot of concentrated and combust energy. A New Moon occurs in your partnership sector, signaling a new beginning or a chance to start fresh. A clash of values with a partner may be part of the picture now, however, as Mars and Uranus both change signs and form a square to one another. Surprises are in the mix when it comes to close relationships. Conversations about, with, or on behalf of family can be intense and revealing. There is an intensity to this time that breaks through barriers. You will no longer tolerate confining situations! Uranus moving into your partnership sector on the 15th is a huge deal. While it's an interrupted transit, it will be in effect for the most part until 2026. During this cycle, partnerships and relationships with others can be unpredictable and unusual, but also inspiring and exciting. You are attracted to people who are free-spirited, individualistic, and possibly even eccentric or unstable as close partners during this period; or you draw these types of people into your experience. You are learning about giving freedom to others, and this isn’t always easy. Trying to force convention or tradition on partnerships will be a lesson in frustration during this period. This influence will kick in more consistently from March 2019 forward (until April 2026). This month, sudden opportunities with or through a partner can arise. An unexpected circumstance or sudden change of attitude can occur and jolt you out of your usual routine. Some of you might enter into a new partnership quickly, or meet a special someone with whom you have strong intellectual or communicative ties, and the desire to take it to the next level is strong. The kinds of people you attract, as well as relationship dynamics in general, will be changing dramatically over the coming years, starting this month. Take advantage of the more reliable energies of the 17-19 when thinking is solid and you don't feel rushed or pressured. From the 19th forward, Venus travels in harmony with your sign and harmonizes with Uranus, too. Surprising pleasures, good news, or inspiring ideas can be in the mix now. There can be a refreshing change of pace and an uplifting of spirits. Mars enlivens your home and family life from the 16th, and it also encourages you to pour more energy into your domestic affairs. From the 21st, the Sun travels in a similarly "hidden" or emotional sector of your solar chart, your intimacy sector. Work on or around the house can be especially productive, as matters seem to flow naturally and interference is minimal. This is a time of following your instincts and doing some vital introspection. The beautiful Jupiter-Neptune trine that first appeared in December comes into exact aspect again now, enhancing creative and romantic endeavors. There is a magical quality to your charisma and appeal as well as your creative output. Love, love affairs, and other social activities help to enhance a healthy self-image, and you draw in others magnetically. The last few days of the month can bring a financial matter to your attention. This is another time of powerful personal appeal and the chance to enjoy and express yourself more fully. |
Your ruler, Jupiter, is in excellent form this month, and this improves your general outlook as well as your magnetism. Sound energy is with you for healing and enhancing family relationships or for connecting powerfully with your secret wishes, feelings, and needs. Finances continue to require more toughness and discipline. Good energy for attracting or enhancing a partnership is with you from June 21st forward. It's also a time for being a little more proactive with making contacts and connections and reaching out to others. Things are moving forward quickly with creative projects, romantic relationships (or signals), partnerships and negotiations in the first two weeks of May. On the 5-7, though, you can find fantastic inspiration to improve your work or health. There may be opportunities to bring more creative flair to your services or the job you do. Peace, beauty, and harmony in the home can be therapeutic for you all month, but particularly around the 5-7 and 23-25. However, making changes involving work and health is better left until after mid-month. Before then, do extra fact-checking and research. Around the 8th, you can feel a little overwhelmed with things to do. You're taking greater pride in your work, daily routines, or your health and wellness, but you're also in need of a break from the routine. This is the time to seek out a better work-life balance. From the 11-13, your work and business sense is extraordinary. You could find yourself very absorbed in details, quite passionately so, and likely to good end. This is all about growing, improving, and moving on. Your thinking is especially inventive, and your creative hunches are powerful. News coming in today, or ideas coming to you seemingly out of the blue, can set you on a new path. Watch, however, for hasty communications. The energy around you mid-month can feel competitive, but if you use it to step up your game rather than to rush decisions, then it works in your favor! The 13-18 is suitable for working with a partner or connecting with someone special through work. The New Moon on the 15th motivates you to take charge of your health, self-care initiatives, and work. If you've been holding on too tightly to a stressful work situation or job, then the matter may come to a head. This particular New Moon comes at a changeful time when both Uranus and Mars are entering new signs and challenging with one another via a square aspect, adding to the already impulsive energy of the New Moon. This can feel exciting and tense at the same time! While inventiveness is a positive side to this energy, watch for rashness. Big changes are on the horizon related to your daily life, routines, habits, and work. Opportunities and new insights come in the areas of work and health mid-month. There may be excitement about a new health and wellness program that gives you a sense of having a new lease on life. Improvements or other opportunities at or through work can come out of the blue, boosting your confidence. The temptation to break out of monotony or other lifeless aspects of a job is intense. Your working life can bring startling surprises, and you'll need a little time to adjust to the changes in routine. With Uranus moving into your solar sixth house, you enter a lengthy period in which your work, daily routines, and health can be unpredictable and unusual, but also inspiring and exciting. You can bring fresh insight to your work now, although you might be impatient with rules and schedules. Daily routines can be chaotic, and your energy/motivation levels tend to be up and down as you wrestle with inspiration. Ultimately, you are looking for a more authentic expression of yourself through your work and routines, and while it can be a little chaotic for now, you are learning to tap into your “inner genius.” Do your best to keep open to change and current developments regarding your work or health. Staying in touch with current developments in your field gives you a nice edge. This Uranus transit will kick in more consistently from March 2019 forward (until April 2026), but a preview of this energy is happening now. Mars moves into your communications sector on the 16th, revving up your daily life and motivating you to get out and about. Mars will stay here longer than his usual two months due to a retrograde this summer, and it's important to keep in mind that what you're jumping into now may come up for review later. The 17-19 brings everything down to earth. This is the time to make some plans and strategies. From the 19th forward, Venus transits your intimacy sector. It's a great time for addressing unusual, taboo, or complicated matters with a very open mind. Others can be pleasantly surprising, bringing light and fun into your life. There may be a good turn on a financial or business level. People are backing you up, and this feels good. Later in May, you're shifting from a work-centered focus to a social one. We've seen Mars moving into harmony with your sign and motivating you to get connected from the 16th. Now the Sun moves into your partnership sector on the 21st - another social sector of your chart. Collaborating with someone special can figure strongly now. The enthusiasm stirred up can take you far. You can be feeling particularly alive and vital through other special people. The Jupiter-Neptune trine that first formed last December and has been a subtle influence since then is forming once again in the last week of May. You're finding greater joy in being of service to others. Your confidence builds as you help and support others. It can be a period for developing your psychic abilities and understanding your family connections more intuitively. Your perceptions heighten. This comes around the time of a Full Moon in your sign (on the 29th) and a Venus-Jupiter trine (in influence on the 31st), turning up the volume of your feelings and intuition even further. It's an emotionally rich and fertile time. |
Excitement along romantic and creative levels is likely in May. Love matters may be laced with a touch of drama, and certainly, bring surprise to your life. While pastimes, hobbies, and entertainment are in strong focus in the first few weeks of the month, it's back to business by the 21st. You're enjoying swift, forward movement and more apparent progress in particular projects or endeavors related to home, family, and work. There can be more clarity and possibly improved communications in your personal life. When it comes to self-expression, relationships with children, dating, hobbies, and entertainment, the pipelines are open this month, particularly around the 5-7 and 24-25. You'll do best if you have the faith to let life unfold before you rather than attempt to push it along when it's not ready to move! This can be a month of creative or emotional inspiration. Do watch for rash decisions from the 5-14, though. You could be feeling torn between shining on your own or sharing the work and credit. For others, there can be a conflict between attention to group or friend activities and individual or romantic relationships. As much as you'd like to please everyone, including yourself, watch for spreading yourself out too thin. There are some shining moments from the 11-13. You may be in a unique position to share your ideas, happiness, sense of humor, or creative vision with others. From the 13th, you're anxious to move on. This is a time for letting go and releasing yourself from constraints. There can be unexpected discoveries about your true feelings about a situation or a desire to make changes on the home front or with family now. Things are moving quickly mid-month. You may need to approach communication in new ways. The temptation to push a matter or to jump into action before getting all the facts is strong but is probably unwise. Dissatisfaction with the status quo can be at the heart of restlessness now, but take your time on a plan of action that will get you out of a rut. From the 13-18, you may be writing or speaking in new and more creative ways. The 14-16 is powerful. Not only is there a New Moon in your sector of heartfelt pursuits, Uranus enters the same sector of your chart and will visit there, at first off-and-on, for the better part of the next eight years! As well, Mars happens to be changing signs, too, and immediately clashes with Uranus. This is high energy. You may find yourself at cross-purposes with someone over money, values, or respect. Or, you could be dealing with erratic elements in your life, and possibly the kind of surprises that you don't appreciate. Surprising events can occur in your romantic life, or in your relationships with children. You can also experience creative insights now, mainly relating to money-making prospects. You want to go your own way, but it would be wise to consider the possibility that others are showing you the way towards positive change, too. Keep in mind that Mars' transit of your resources sector from the 16th forward will be longer than usual, and this is because Mars will retrograde in the summer, backing up over the same tracks it's making now. This is an intense transit for the ambitious pursuit of security or increased income, although there can be some stops and starts. Even more significant is Uranus' move into house five of your solar chart. This transit occurs from now until November 6th, and then March 2019 to 2025/2026, so it's a long one! Unpredictable, unusual, exciting, and unreliable are all possible adjectives we can assign to fifth house things for you now: romance, dating, hobbies, creative pursuits, entertainment, self-expression, children, and leisure or play time. This can play out in many different ways. For example, you may be attracted to (or you're attracting) people who are free-spirited, individualistic, and possibly even eccentric on a romantic level or people who tend to bring change into your life. Or, you may be tapping into your “inner genius” when it comes to expressing yourself creatively, and this can be a highly inventive time. Unusual opportunities to meet people pop up or unconventional love affairs can be a new thing for you. All in all, though, it's a good time for expressing yourself more freely. You may be very eager to march to the beat of your own drum. Taking creative or romantic chances is possible now. The 17-19 is the calm after the storm - a time to center yourself and make realistic assessments, plans, and strategies. From the 19th, you're in fabulous shape for attracting the right company or for smoothing over a relationship. Giving your time to someone, or allowing a person to shine in their own way as they take the lead, can be very rewarding for both of you. This is a fine time for meeting people, and you are feeling unusually open and receptive. There is a spirit of freedom and acceptance that is key to good feelings and enhancing bonds. Make peace now, with both friends and enemies! Later in May, life seems to calm down, and you're more likely to focus on work and practical affairs. The 23-24 is particularly suitable for these matters. You can blaze your way through difficult problems or challenges. As well, a beautiful Jupiter-Neptune trine perfects in the last week of May. This aspect first formed in December and has been a subtle influence on your life since then. Your social life and friends base might expand, or you may be dreaming up exciting new paths for the future, and this keeps you feeling motivated and spirited. This is a powerful period for imaginative interactions and communications. Your ideas are inspired and inspiring. The Full Moon on the 29th awakens you to a spiritual need or strong intuition about a matter. |
This could be a time when you pursue a bit of a home "makeover," or make other changes such that home life is less routine and more dynamic. While you may not be especially sociable in the first couple of weeks of May, you're building your energy and taking extra, much-needed personal time. Later in May, your houses of Substance are in especially good form. You're likely to feel particularly good about the work you do, the effort you put forth, and your natural talents. There is increased motivation for tackling tasks that you previously felt were monotonous or uninteresting. Imagination and intuition enhance financial and domestic ventures. Transportation or commuting problems iron themselves out and educational and mechanical matters run more smoothly in May. Connecting, traveling, and communicating become simpler and more straightforward. Even so, there can be some disagreements in the first weeks of the month to deal with. You want to shine in your personal life, with family, and at home, and there can be good opportunities to expand, strengthen, and enhance family relationships. The domestic life is busy, mostly pleasant, and rewarding, although changes are highly likely and there can be some hectic energy as a result. Changes in your family dynamic or home life may be in the offing. Do watch for hasty actions and words as you approach mid-month. Everything may seem to be moving very quickly. From the 11-13, you seem to be receiving the support you need and time spent alone or with family can be therapeutic. A Mercury-Uranus alignment can bring in new ideas or information that seems to push you forward into new territory. Avoid too-quick decisions but keep your eyes open for a potential new interest or channel for learning and communicating. Watch for making decisions from an agitated or pressured frame of mind. There is a strong center of activity from the 14-16. A New Moon occurs in your home and family sector, pushing for a new beginning or fresh start. At the same time, both Uranus (your ruler) and Mars are changing signs, and right after they do, they form a clashing aspect with one another. This presents a challenge to make a change. You may be feeling caged in or hushed, and you are in no mood to take orders! You can be filled with energy to move personal plans forward and Mars entering your sign wants you to face things head-on, directly, and without delay. Uranus moving into your solar fourth house is big news. For one, it's your ruler, and for another, Uranus doesn't change signs very often - in fact, this only happens every seven years. This transit is a lengthy one in which new and exciting energy is brought to your domestic life. Opportunities to move, expand, or change things up can seem to come out of the blue. You may be in the position to do a balancing act between your home/family and personal life. Although life may not feel as secure as it used to, the changes occurring during this transit will stimulate you and propel you forward. You might be seeking more freedom now, and if your current set-up feels confining or limiting, you'll need to make changes. Your attitude towards the past and traditions is bound to go through changes, too. Old ties to your past may be severed, and at times this can be unsettling, but ideally, you are taking important steps towards carving out an identity that better suits and represents you. Enjoy the groundedness of the 17-19, when decisions seem easier or simply more logical. Venus' move into your work and health sector from the 19th is good for finding some peace or harmony in your daily routines. Work or daily life may seem more enjoyable and pleasant. Work benefits from openness to new methods or teamwork. Home and personal updates can be quite successful now, and even small improvements can feel wonderful now. The 21st forward is a period that brings a more outgoing, playful, and creative energy to your life and, for some, budding romance. Mars has been in your sign, boosting up your confidence and courage, since the 16th. Now, the Sun moves into your creative sector and encourages you to have some fun, express yourself more freely, and share yourself with others. The 23-24 is particularly dynamic. You are both motivated and confident, and there can be a dramatic and competitive touch to everything you do at this time! If you are engaging in a competition of sorts, physical or mental, you are more likely to come out a winner. Keep in mind that Mars will turn retrograde in your sign this summer, and there can be some backtracking to do then, but for now, a direct approach works wonders. You may want to watch for jumping too quickly into things, though, as you may need to revisit or reassess these matters later. The Jupiter-Neptune trine aspect that first formed in December forms exactly in the last week of May, pulling up these themes more strongly. In truth, its energy hasn't left us and will continue to affect us until August or September. However, its exact aspect on the 25th can color the entire week. Business, financial, and reputation matters can improve and develop in almost magical ways. You may be carrying yourself with more self-respect and attracting positive attention or joining with people who further your career or personal interests, and through their wisdom or faith in you, you are encouraged to reach your highest potential. Your ability to earn a living from what you love doing increases, you grow to love your work/responsibilities, or your work transforms in pleasant ways. The Full Moon on the 29th is also strong for the discovery of your true feelings, particularly about friends, dreams, hopes, and happiness goals. |
May can be busy, and the pace may reach maddening or overwhelming around mid-month. You could be making connections, reaching out, handling errands and daily affairs, and perhaps discovering and dedicating time to a special personal interest. Financial complexities are now unraveling, and dealings with a partner or financial institutions are more straightforward. You may be making bold moves now. There can be considerable motivation to realize a creative goal this month, as well. There are lovely aspects made from your communications sector to planets in your sign this month, suggesting you're expressing yourself with a distinctive flair. There can be discoveries of new ways to connect, whether this is about communicating or commuting, perhaps because current ones are not working well. You're enjoying more clarity with personal finances, partnerships, and family or home matters. Projects and pursuits that may be excessive come to light around the 8th. As joyful as your pursuits, studies, and personal interests are these days, you may have a little too much on your plate, and now is the time to reach a better balance. You're reaching out to others and communicating in ways that inspire trust and confidence on the 11-12. You have the ability to appeal to many people and team up effectively to accomplish a goal. You seem to bring out the best in others and to support them or offer useful advice. As mid-month approaches, tension rises. A Mercury-Uranus alignment on the 13th can detach you just enough that you put something you no longer need behind you. The New Moon on the 15th is about new beginnings and starting fresh, but this particular New Moon packs a real punch. This is because both Uranus and Mars change signs at the same time, and they form a clashing square aspect to one another. This combination can instigate quick changes, upsets, or surprises. The atmosphere can be agitated, and you can feel a lot of pressure to make decisions or to take action prematurely. An issue surrounding values, money, or questions of ownership can be in focus for you. You can also be temperamental about whether others value and respect you. Watch that you don't jump to conclusions now, but consider, too, that change may be just what you need now. And, it can be a breath of fresh air. Uranus entering house three in your solar chart on the 15th is a big move. Note that Uranus will retrograde and return to your resources sector on November 6th and will move in your communications sector more permanently in March 2019. For now, though, you get a hint of an upcoming longterm cycle that revolutionizes the ways you communicate and connect with the world around you. During this cycle, communications, learning, and connections may be unpredictable and unusual, but also inspiring and exciting. You'll be opening up and expressing your more unique ideas. Your daily life is bound to become very colorful. Regular encounters with neighbors, relatives, and acquaintances, as well as everyday activities and business activities, may be changing quite dramatically. Also, your primary mental attitudes are evolving. As you think differently, you communicate differently. Your interests can become quite eclectic during this cycle. Studies may be erratic or part-time. Relationships with acquaintances, neighbors, students, and siblings, and learning endeavors evolve. You may become aware of some new and uniquely useful information, which puts a whole new slant on your life. While you’re not typically a person who blurts things out too quickly, this can be a theme now and in coming years! Be sure you make words work for instead of against you. New insights and developments in learning areas, studies, or with siblings may be part of all of this. From the 19th forward, Venus travels through your romance and creativity sector, and this wonderful transit is excellent for a smooth flow of love energy in your life. It's a time when others enjoy your company, notice your most appealing characteristics, and are receptive to your ideas and invites. Upgrading and updating involving equipment and material things, as well as ideas, perspectives, and experiences are in focus. "Being yourself" is always encouraged, but right now you'll see instant proof of why this is so. You gear up for a home-centered, back to roots time from the 21st forward as the Sun moves into your home and family sector. Since the 16th, in fact, Mars in your privacy sector has been encouraging you to slow down and take a break. You're more interested in taking time to yourself, and much pleasure comes from family and home life. The 23-24 is particularly suitable for employing good stress management techniques. Efforts made around the home, with domestic projects, and concerning activities with family can lead to nice advances. Your energy flows naturally with minimal interruption. As well, your rulers, Jupiter and Neptune, have been in harmony since December, and this energy returns in fuller force in the last week of May. This can be an excellent time to meet someone through personal interests, shared beliefs, education, or travel. Communications thrive, and publishing can be successful. You may be going to entirely new places with your mind or body! Teaching, guiding, and learning are prominent themes. It can be a time of tremendous personal appeal as well as life-changing, positive experiences that expand your mind. The Full Moon on the 29th can bring a work matter to a head, which can be a bubble-bursting moment as you find yourself in high demand, but it's also an opportunity to shine. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
May 2018 Aspects Time Line:
See also: This Week in Astrology for more detail.
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors, although they’re not impossible periods, either.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.
- New Moon in Aries Chart on April 15th, 2018
- Full Moon in Scorpio Chart – April 29, 2018
- New Moon Chart May 15, 2018
- Full Moon in Sagittarius Chart May 29, 2018
Looking Ahead:
- May 2018 Time Line Aspects
- June 2018 Time Line Aspects:
- July 2018 Time Line Aspects
- August 2018 Time Line Aspects
- September 2018 Time Line Aspects
- October 2018 Time Line Aspects

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2018 – Overview