This Month in Astrology – July 2019
July 2019
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
A New Moon total Solar Eclipse occurs in the sign of Cancer on the 2nd, bringing the chance for a fresh start. We are called upon to pay attention to our instincts, our deepest needs, and our feelings; and to recognize the importance of our family and our personal circle of friends as well as the security, sense of belonging, and safety that we derive from them. It’s a time for getting in touch with our vulnerabilities and our needs for intimacy. We might begin a new project that involves improving the home or domestic life in general. Flaws in an important system in our lives are revealed around the time of the eclipse, prompting us to redo or to start fresh. Something ends in order for something else to start anew. We may be called to give up something in order to move forward into a new chapter in our lives.
With Saturn conjunct the South Node of the Moon, difficulties are possible related to hanging on to old habits that may be preventing us from growing, improving, and thriving. We should watch for sticking with the familiar only for fear of change. Interestingly, fear of quiet, intimacy, spending more time with loved ones, family, and ourselves may be the issues at this time, in part because these things take us away from our ambitions and work which feel a little safer or more measurable for the time being, somewhat ironically.
Mercury turns retrograde on July 7th in the sign of Leo and will remain retrograde until July 31st, although will retreat into the sign of Cancer on the 19th. Mercury began its shadow phase on June 20th so that issues encountered, conversations, and projects started at the beginning of the month can very well come up for review later. Mars is in the sign of Leo revving us up about Leo-related matters, but now we are asked to slow down or look back. Patience is needed!
Chiron turns retrograde on July 8th in the sign of Aries and will remain retrograde until December 12th. This cycle is good for introspection and for reassessing mental and physical health programs in our lives. We tend to look within for healing with Chiron retrograde.
The Full Moon occurring on the 16th is a Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Capricorn, pressing us to look more closely at the needs, lacks, and wants in our lives regarding our private lives, domesticity, our need for a home base, and nurturance (represented by the Sun in Cancer) versus our public lives, careers, reputation, and accountability (represented by the Sun’s opposition to the Moon in Capricorn). We have a heightened awareness of flaws in the structures of our lives, particularly in our career or outer structures and our home and family structures. Decisions made now can be emotionally-driven.
This Lunar Eclipse occurs when the Moon is aligned with Pluto and is powerful and complicated at once. The need to take action feels urgent, but it’s better to adopt a wait and see approach since there is quite a bit of exaggeration at the time of the eclipse.
The eclipses this month are part of a set of eclipses falling along the Cancer-Capricorn axis that began in July 2018 and ends in July 2020, so we are right in the middle of it. Eclipses last occurred in Cancer/Capricorn from July 2009 to July 2001, and before that from July 2000 to July 2002. While planetary configurations were certainly different, some similar themes that occurred during these periods can emerge in our lives now.
A second New Moon in July occurs on the last day of the month, this time in the sign of Leo. This is a time to uncover and share our unique, creative powers – that which makes us special. We might aim to allow our “inner child” to come out and play, and possibly commit to plans related to games, sports, recreation, speculation, hobbies, children, romance, and dating.
Date | Time (ET) | Event | Position |
Jul 1 | 1:31 AM | Uranus semi-sextile Chiron | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Jul 1 | 7:19 PM | Mars enters Leo | ![]() ![]() |
Jul 2 | 3:16 PM | New Moon (Total SOLAR Eclipse) in Cancer | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Jul 3 | 11:18 AM | Venus enters Cancer | ![]() ![]() |
Jul 4 | 3:28 AM | Saturn opposition True Node | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Jul 7 | 7:14 PM | Mercury Retrograde | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Jul 8 | 7:39 PM | Chiron Retrograde | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Jul 16 | 5:38 PM | Full Moon (Partial LUNAR Eclipse) in Capricorn | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Jul 19 | 3:06 AM | Mercury Retrograde enters Cancer | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Jul 22 | 10:50 PM | Sun enters Leo | ![]() ![]() |
Jul 27 | 9:54 PM | Venus enters Leo | ![]() ![]() |
Jul 31 | 11:12 PM | New Moon in Leo | ![]() ![]() |
Jul 31 | 11:58 PM | Mercury Direct | ![]() ![]() |
(See the full table for 2019)
See also: This Week in Astrology week to week for more detail.
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
Overview horoscopes will fill in here as I write them, ideally during the week before the month begins. It is not unusual to see some signs temporarily missing as I usually write them over the course of a few days, and I always start with the featured sign of the month (birthday month).
Family or home matters are in the spotlight in July, dear Aries. Even though the pressures are on in many ways, this is a time for honoring your need for comfort, safety, love, nurturing, and familiarity. At the same time, a strong and building theme of love, leisure, and creativity runs through the month, and you're likely to find some wonderful channels for enjoyment. Changes in the organization of your home or with family members may be in order. You received your first push in this direction a year ago, and the final boost will occur a year from now--we're in the middle of an eclipse set that falls along your career-home axis. This is about bringing more balance to your life, and the key at this time seems to be self-discipline and structure applied to your career and responsibilities without overdoing this quest. The challenge is to bring more of yourself to your personal life instead of being only half present. Important conversations and communications occur in July that require special attention. It's also a strong month for entertaining and peace-making with family. Domestic matters seem to take precedence, and this is ideal for you at this time. With Mars moving into your solar fifth house and into harmony with your sign on the 1st, personal energy is significantly improved--it can feel as if a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. This extra "get up and go" does wonders for your outlook. Mars is your planetary ruler, boosting its influence on you, so a harmonious relationship between your sign and Mars can feel especially motivating. Periodically, a strong focus on career goals, along with the re-emergence of increased responsibilities and workloads, can leave you feeling pressured or scrutinized, but the adjustments you make as a result will dramatically improve your potential for success. While your heart is with home and family and making changes that help to bring more peace and beauty to your domestic life, you won't have an easy time enjoying these things if you don't handle your work to satisfaction. Adjusting your expectations of yourself seems important now since something has to give a little to enjoy a gain. July is a potentially excellent month for romance with Mars in your romance sector from the start, retrograde Mercury retreating from it on the 19th, the Sun moving into this sector on the 22nd, and then Venus following suit on the 27th. The month is capped off by a New Moon in this same area of your chart, just when Mercury ends its retrograde. It's an expressive time, and your love life may be up and down, but at least it is active! For some, this energy is more about experiencing a nice creative burst and finding great energy in creating things that make you proud. Until the 6th, learning and connecting can be highly enjoyable. Mercury turns retrograde on the 7th and this may introduce some delays or redirections that temporarily deflate you. Aim to slow down a little and give people space. There can be some backtracking affecting your romantic relationships or projects, but it also gives you the chance to rethink certain plans and get them right. The 8-11 requires patience and restraint with Mars wanting to push ahead, aligning with retrograde Mercury, and squaring off with Uranus. Impulsive moves and words should be avoided now. It's a period when adjusting to a slower pace can be uncomfortable but it's also temporary. Mercury retrograde periods are fertile for review and reflection, especially for you on the 20-24 when a new perspective on the past benefits you, but the beginning and end dates can be rather charged and disorienting. Mars and Jupiter are moving in harmonious signs this month, and form a powerful trine on the 23-25, suggesting emerging opportunities for you to express yourself in new and satisfying ways, get creative, make fun connections, travel, learn new things, or even fall in love. You're feeling more courageous and willing to try new things. You can have an exciting new hobby or personal interest, and you're looking to freshen your mind with new possibilities. This can be a time for discovering a new channel for expressing yourself. |
The month, in a general way, is better for observing, reviewing, and firming up your life, dear Taurus, as it's not ideal for pushing ahead. Mars, as it moves into your home and family sector on July 1st, doesn't agree! It's stirring you up, encouraging you to do something productive or just plain active with family or at home. Many of you will be redecorating and reorganizing your home or personal space in July. Mars in this area of your chart without outlets or channels for expressing excess energy, however, can be disruptive, stirring up restlessness and grumpiness instead. It's something to watch out for, especially around the 8-10 when Mercury is newly retrograde and introduces delays, meets up with Mars, and clashes with Uranus in your sign. This is one of the month's more significant challenges, and at least you're mentally prepared. Impulsive moves and words are likely now, and they can be challenging to control. There are two eclipses this month, which is another reason to slow down. They fall along your communications axis, stimulating your desire for variety, mental stimulation, and contact. The need for new beginnings on the lines of communicating, learning, and commuting can become clear in July. Sometimes systems break down with this influence, forcing new ways of doing things, and for you, this can very well be about transportation and electronics. While they're frustrating, new worlds can open up as you move through the world just a little differently and discover new channels for expressing yourself and connecting with others. Venus helps out as it heads into your communications sector on the 3rd and sticks around until the 27th. This transit boosts your communication skills and enhances the pleasure you take in sharing and learning. You may be verbalizing your affections with success, and loving words or sweet talk can figure strongly. Mind you, Mercury is retrograde from the 7-31, and from the 19-31, this happens in your communications sector, introducing some complications! You're likely to get away with it in the end, but there can certainly be some misunderstandings now. Mercury's retrograde is a good time for processing and catching up. If you've been racing ahead of yourself, you may have missed something important, and now is your chance to discover it or simply digest things. You might want to watch for taking on too much, as your eyes may be bigger than your stomach right now. Eclipses can wipe us out energetically before they act to rebuild our motivation and energy levels. Particularly around the Lunar Eclipse on the 16th, overbooking feels regrettable. You seem to need to schedule in time to feed your spirit with learning or interesting adventures, however, so that you can come back to your daily affairs feeling refreshed. Money-making ideas can come from dreams or from something you remember from the past. Home life is more animated, and family life demands more of your time, but the focus on your personal life is increasingly more pleasant as the month advances. While there may be slowdowns in your home life or the revisiting of old problems with family from the 7-19, your heart is with your home, and you're ready and willing to make improvements if it increases your chances of getting comfortable. You seem to need a healthy dose of familiarity now. A whole new look at an old relationship or project can inspire you on the 20-24. From the 23-25, personal, financial, or domestic matters can be especially rewarding and fruitful. Support on mental, physical, financial, or spiritual levels can come now, whether you are giving it or receiving it. There can be pleasant intensity or activity in an intimate relationship and possibly with home projects. You may be exploring new ways of relating to people you care about. |
You're seeking more predictability in your life this month, dear Gemini, but this doesn't mean you're idling about. There are errands to run, busy mental interests, exciting news, and plenty of diverse activities for you to enjoy, but you're challenged to pace yourself and spread things out a little so that you can feel more comfortable. The more significant themes in July for you are related to money and security or comfort, as well as learning and connecting. Two eclipses in July encourage you to start fresh with your money or to find improved ways to manage your resources. They can also nudge you toward better spending habits and more faith and confidence in your ability to take care of yourself. Mercury is retrograde from the 7-31, and this is another reason to review and reflect rather than push forward with all-new endeavors. Aim for a more moderate approach to your life in July for best results. July puts the spotlight on money matters, personal possessions, sensual pleasures, and financial security. Finances are not without concern for you this month, but there is great energy with you for making a fresh start. A new budget or plan could be in order. Financial backing or reliability of income sources might be in question, but reorganizing your life in critical ways can lead to improvements. Venus helps smooth things over, although also encourages a bit of indulgence with its transit of your solar second house from the 3-27. While this influence can undoubtedly stimulate your desire nature, mainly for material things and pleasures, you can be filled with creative ideas for using your natural talents in satisfying ways or for making money and doing business. Intuition runs high for innovative business ideas, and Venus here can boost your confidence in your money-making abilities. From the 20-24, you can see a money matter in a new light, and this can lead to interesting new ideas and directions. The Lunar Eclipse on the 16th can awaken previously hidden desires or a stronger desire for intimacy. You might reach a turning point in a partnership, and a decision about merging your resources can be a pressing matter. This is a time for being a little more rigid with your boundaries if you feel put upon, however. Circumstances are such that you must face a few realistic points and get over some hurdles in your relationships or regarding your relationship with money or support. Some of you could learn something surprising about shared resources around the time of this eclipse. Mercury's retrograde can certainly lead to some delays, but your communications sector is busy this month, and you're not inclined to hold your tongue! Doing so can be helpful around the 8-10, however, which can be a somewhat impulsive period. Hasty words and moves are best avoided now. Otherwise, your mind is curious, and you're interested in feeding it with interesting things. Energy levels this month are increasing but still not super high, so take some time out from the busy pace of your life to catch your breath. It's eclipse season, which can lead to feeling somewhat drained or demotivated at times. Ultimately, these lunations will refuel you in more authentic ways. New ways of approaching your money, habits, attachments, and intimate relationships are emerging. Mars and Jupiter are transiting compatible signs this month, and their harmonious relationship peaks on the 23-25. This puts you in a fabulous position to reach out and connect with others, advance towards a cherished goal, benefit through help from others, and learn some truly useful things. People seek you out and enjoy your input. Getting active with a partner, even in small ways such as sharing time running errands, can give your relationship a nice boost. This can be a time of excitement and increased motivation for your projects or relationships. Your planetary ruler, Mercury, ends its retrograde on the last day of the month, and you may be excited about plans moving forward or the news you were waiting for arriving. A New Moon on the same day gives you a hint of the stellar energy for communicating ahead in August. |
Shortly after July begins, a Solar Eclipse occurs in your sign, dear Cancer, making the first days of the month essential for review, meditation, and activities that help you purge or process and release negative energy. Going forward, you're likely to find yourself at a turning point or experiencing a significant shift. Mind you, this eclipse is part of a series that began last year and ends next July, so that you're in the middle of this powerful process in which you're reinventing yourself in a significant way, getting in touch with your personal power and independence. You're making changes to how you approach the world, and as you do, you'll find that you attract different experiences and people into your life. In many ways, July is a power month for you, but it is also likely to be stressful at times. Keep in mind that the eclipses on the 2nd and 16th are stronger on you than most other signs, and this can feel draining, but life seems to be demanding more from you than usual as planets and points in your sign oppose Saturn and Pluto this month. Helping you wind down from some of the chaos is Mars leaving your sign at the top of the month, encouraging you to pace yourself. While Mercury's retrograde from the 7-31 does add something to the hectic quality of the month, it's also encouraging you to slow down! From the 19 to 31, Mercury is retrograde in your sign, and you are likely to be in a cautious frame of mind. Avoid pushing matters. Consider whether certain decisions need to be made just yet. You're likely to be self-involved this month, but it's a necessary process. Around the 8-9, a conflict in mid-June may re-emerge in a new way. It's vital to avoid rashness and sharp words that you can't take back. The cosmos seem to encourage you to mature in some manner this month, whether it's through meeting your responsibilities, getting organized in some regions of your life, facing areas of past neglect or waste, or dealing with health or motivation issues that have been developing under the surface of things. Your personal impact is strong now, but you may feel tiny or neglected before you get to the point when you're recognizing this strength. Again, this is a process! While Mars leaves your sign, Venus enters it on the 3rd, and this serves to pull out and highlight your natural grace. If you want others to see things from your perspective, this is a good time, even if it's only the first stage in the process of sharing yourself with someone. Friends find their way to you in July, or you experience a lovely sense of community. Your personal magnetism and attractiveness increase impressively. You are warmer and more approachable. While it's not always the case, your ability to open yourself up to others seems to be directly proportional to the opportunities that open up to you this month. Your enthusiasm for self-discovery has been active in recent weeks, and may seem to take a hit in July, but then rebuilds as the month advances, ideally in a steadier, healthier way. This new well you're drawing from has far more potential to last. The Lunar Eclipse on the 16th may bring with it a surprising revelation, or a close relationship can begin, blossom, or demand your attention. Your independent side has been prominent recently, and while it's not letting up, you are softening rough edges. Nevertheless, you are still fighting for your rights, and you are demanding a show of respect. On the 23-25, you can enjoy a strong desire to improve, grow, and develop, particularly with your work, talents, money, and habits. You're super motivated to improve your health and wellness and to appreciate and enjoy your everyday life more thoroughly. You feel that you can accomplish practically anything you set your mind to, and motivation to make more money or enjoy the work you do is on the rise. An opportunity can emerge to put your talents and skills to full use. The month ends with Mercury turning direct in your sign and a second New Moon, this time in your solar second house. Venus has just recently entered this area of your chart, and it's an excellent start to a period in which you're determined to enjoy the moment. The weeks ahead are good for matters related to money and comfort, as well as taking care of business with a creative and warm touch. |
Your inner world continues to be active this month, dear Leo, although significant shifts are occurring that are encouraging more activity, interaction, and increased attention to your health and wellness as July advances. July ends with a New Moon in your sign as well as Mercury's direct motion, and with these events, you can have a real sense of moving forward. In the meantime, keep in mind that, in a general sense, July requires patience. With July's eclipses falling along your service axis, hunches are powerful and hard to ignore, and feelings that come to you seemingly out of the blue or through dreams can change your outlook and push you onto an entirely new path. Rest is in order, but so is mindful attention to your tasks and chores. The trick will be to find the right balance. You're not exactly putting everything on hold, but you're called to take more time for yourself to recharge. July is especially interesting for you in that Mars enters your sign at the top of the month, and then Mercury, already transiting Leo, stations and turns retrograde on the 7th, meeting up with Mars on the 8th. This brings a challenging dynamic to the first week of July. While you should probably watch for talking ahead of yourself about things that you are not quite certain about, this can be a time, through trial and error, of finding a better pace for your life. From July 22nd forward, life does seem to be playing more in your style, but what you're doing for yourself up until then is far from minor, even if it's often low-key. You can be seeking out more rest and privacy, all the while stimulating dramas seem to be playing out around you. There is no shortage of things to do - it is more about your ability to pick and choose. With Venus in your solar twelfth house from the 3-27, secrets and whispers can delight you at times, and you may willingly make a few sacrifices to be with a special someone. Love and relationships tend to be under the radar or, in some manner, undecided or up in the air. While you can be quick to speak and react in the first week of the month, you could be eating your words or at least rethinking things thereafter. In fact, you may not be ready to make certain decisions until Mercury re-enters your sign in August. It may also feel as if others are slowing your progress, as they can seem distant or indecisive, or because Mars is in your sign now, there can be an anxious or impatient quality to your life that's best recognized and transformed into energy that serves you better. When you're motivated and "on," you seem to have energy to spare and have few problems asserting your desires and needs. July brings much energy and initiative, even if it's in fits and starts, and this will carry forward into August. Trips could be especially rewarding, providing a pleasant breather from pressures in your life. You have a keen interest in broadening your mental experiences in general, and finding expression of your personality through them, perhaps through higher education or exploring different philosophies. What you begin now tends to have long-term potential and can go far. With so many prompts to pull back a little, Mars moving into your sign and Saturn/Pluto oppositions can give you the illusion that you need to do everything at once. You might feel a little swamped at times, or perhaps divided, but it's a good idea to try to, as much as possible, simplify by focusing on one opportunity at a time. You may be meeting with perfectionist standards at work, but you shouldn't be pushing yourself to the limits. The Lunar Eclipse occurring on the 16th can stimulate a lot of activity, especially with health and work matters. Here again is a prompt to take care of both physical and mental health, as well as both your needs for work/service and rest/reflection. Mars in your sign harmonizes with Jupiter in your creative and romantic sector from the 23-25, and you can meet with great success in your relationships, with artistic expression, and in your personal life, in general. It's a powerful period for learning and leisure. You can feel particularly motivated to pursue your heart's desire. Your confidence and sincerity win admirers now, and you're likely to receive positive feedback. It can be a time of tapping into your enterprising side. At this point, your enthusiasm is building. The Sun enters your sign on the 22nd, and then Venus moves into Leo on the 27th. A New Moon occurs in Leo on the 31st, and you're beginning to feel the need to turn over a new leaf. |
A theme of collaboration, networking, and connectedness is powerful for you this month, dear Virgo. At the same time, an underlying theme of introspection, preparation, and attention to physical and emotional needs is present in July and will keep growing as the month advances. Mercury's retrograde from the 7th to 31st suggests a need to look back, reflect, and reconsider certain plans before moving forward with them. Mars moves into your privacy sector at the top of the month, pointing to the need to pace yourself and rest or take personal time more than usual. At the same time, eclipses this month pull up the need to work cooperatively with others, reminding you of your need for others or the community. July's themes are complicated, but can also help to move your life forward in the grand scheme of things, even when the month seems rather focused on the past, which is very often the case. Significant changes are in the works for your social life, hopes, dreams, or community involvement. This trend first emerged last year when eclipses began activating your social sector, and it will continue to develop for another year. The Solar Eclipse on July 2nd can serve as another cosmic nudge along this path. There remains the need to process recent events and get your footing, but it's not a time to hide away completely. The Solar Eclipse on the 2nd brings a charge of energy to friendships and group associations. Some of you may have been pursuing a project on your own, and you now recognize the need to delegate tasks, collaborate, or start something brand new. The change is likely to be an empowering one, even if your first instinct is to resist it. With eclipses, sometimes we have to let go of something--and often this is simply an idea or preconception--before we fully embrace moving on. A fresh start is possible when it comes to a friendship or group connection, although you're likely to look back before you move forward. Team spirit is essential now. Over the coming year, the people and causes with which you align yourself may evolve. The Lunar Eclipse on the 16th awakens you to your creative urges or romantic feelings. The need for more attention to leisure, play, and creative expression becomes apparent, too, with the events of the month. Finding or following your joy is in focus. With Saturn and Pluto in the same area of your chart that this eclipse activates, recognizing and honoring your responsibilities and obligations is part of this process, even if this isn't always the most natural or easiest path to take. This can be a time for bringing more structure to your creative world and leisure time or hobbies. You have Venus helping you connect with others smoothly and in happy, reinforcing ways from the 3-27. Friends may need attention but are supportive. There is a nice mutual flow of energy going on in your social sector this month, and the focus may be on the past or old friendships after the 19th. New friendships recently made or rekindled continue to figure strongly in your life, but there can be some related backtracking, delays, or challenges. In the last week of the month, you enter a natural solar cycle in which you require some level of retreat. This cycle happens every year, but this time around, Mars has given you a head start along these lines. In fact, you've recognized these needs for extra rest or some withdrawal from July 1st forward. On the 23-25, a connection between Mars and Jupiter can point to successful connections and affirmative action that leads to improvements. Considerable energy is with you for personal projects, home or family-related pursuits, and activities behind the scenes. You might choose to help someone out, do a good deed, accomplish something significant with family or loved ones, or work on a home project. Feelings about something from your past can be a driving force to make changes. This can be a time for seeing the way around an obstacle that you once thought was insurmountable. |
There is a powerful emphasis on matters related to your life direction, life path goals, career, responsibilities, and reputation this month, dear Libra. There is a sense that you're pushing forward and making changes in these areas, but that you need to handle some details or outstanding issues before doing so. Changes in goals, plans, and priorities may be necessary. Taking the lead or receiving more attention than usual might initially feel uncomfortable, but as you begin to believe in yourself and have confidence in your abilities, you're likely to enjoy yourself. You have Venus at the top of your solar chart from the 3-27 helping you out and enhancing both your image and your feelings of joy and pleasure with what you're doing. This can be a time of giving generously of yourself or your services. Over the coming year, professional and personal changes and shifts are very likely, and circumstances this month serve as a further boost in this direction. This can involve aligning yourself with new goals or adjusting those already in place, and finding a better balance between work and home life can be essential to this. From the 19-31, you could be revisiting old problems in your career or dealing with issues that others have created. Even so, you also have the chance to breathe new life into projects that you shelved in the past but now seem more relevant and useful. It may be best to tone down impatience with stalled projects or difficult personalities. You may feel pressured to make a decision, but waiting it out can be a better option if you have that luxury. Most of the month is useful for smoothing over differences in your career and also for dealing with reputation issues. Just keep in mind that Mercury's retrograde from the 7-31 can mean more delays and hiccups to deal with than average. You'll have plenty of time to rework your plans in August, so do what you can to avoid stressing over details. Your domestic life demands your strong attention in spots throughout the month, although this may seem to peak after the Lunar Eclipse on the 16th. Activity centering around your home and family can seem distracting and overwhelming at first, but can also be the start of something quite beautiful, which ultimately energizes you. You may be dealing with resurfacing pressures related to family, and related responsibilities can need your attention. It may seem counterintuitive, but taking care of these matters can help you advance your career or other areas of your life as you'll be bringing more maturity and realism to your plans and a more confident "you" to the outside world. If home life is out of balance, you'll recognize the need to get things in shape. Make a point of spending time with friends or of being involved in group settings this month, if this doesn't happen naturally. New ideas and inspiration can be found through your networking efforts. Intellectual companionship is easy to find this month, and you may very well discover a treasure from your past along these lines. Love is mostly friendly in July, although the 8-10 can require careful handling. Exciting new interests motivate and stimulate you. In fact, your social life, which may have been on the dry side in recent months, is picking up pace in July. You have Mars moving into your social sector on the 1st, the Sun on the 22nd, and Venus on the 27th. Mercury's retrograde from the 7th can mean there's backtracking to do, but efforts to do so can help you make the right decisions later. New relationships might seem to slow down, or something is left up in the air. It's likely that if there is some distance in a current friendship that it's temporary. When it comes to friends, you may be taking a trip down memory lane. On the 23-25, Mars in your networking sector harmonizes with Jupiter in your communications zone, linking these matters in creative, enterprising, and successful ways. Activities with others keep you busy and motivated. Learning with study groups can be beneficial, or you might acquire new knowledge or gain inspiration from groups you connect with now. This is an excellent time for making contact, Mercury retrograde aside! Opportunities for new projects or connections can emerge, and you're making them happen by actively pursuing leads. You can feel especially inspired. Several influences on your chart point to increased commitment to realizing success, whether success is about performance in your career, steps towards achieving your goals, or about feeling or staying on top of things. You seem to need more order in your personal life, and it's an excellent time for addressing or achieving this. By the end of the month, the focus on friendships, community, or your happiness goals seems to dominate. The month ends with a New Moon in your social sector, encouraging a fresh start at the same time that Mercury ends its retrograde. |
While the month in a general sense is a better time for reflection and reorientation than for action, dear Scorpio, it's a time for growing hopefulness and enthusiasm. You're likely to enjoy new ideas and experiences as your perspective on your life changes. Your ambition is increasing, and some shuffling around is expected as priorities change, but overall, it's a time for finding more meaning in your life. Breaking out of the regular routine can be wildly refreshing, whether this involves physical or mental explorations, but doing so in steps or short spurts may feel best since you are very often duty-bound. Expanding your reach or audience can figure strongly for some. This month, challenges to your plans often take the form of commitments to current projects. Handling problems with patience and confidence brings you to a stronger and more mature position. Granted, this is not always easy, particularly with a Lunar Eclipse on the 16th that can present a whirlwind of activity, and especially if you're already overbooked. New channels for communicating and commuting can lead to fabulous improvements, but the trick is to avoid adding more to your plate if life is feeling chaotic. Give yourself time to adapt to changes. The goal with current eclipses is to find the right balance between responsibilities and pleasure--one that helps you thrive. There is a growing focus on your solar tenth house this month, and this sector of your chart rules over career, life path, goals, responsibilities, and reputation. Ambitions charge up this month but watch for impulsive moves and reactions. With Mars entering this sector on the first day of July, you could feel a rush of ambition or a strong desire to take action on achieving your goals. Even so, Mercury turns retrograde in this same sector on the 7th, and there can be some delays to deal with, or you may not have all the information you want to charge ahead. This is likely to work to your advantage--July is a month of eclipses, and it's usually better to observe than make bold moves in eclipse season. Look for opportunities to redo, review, and strengthen plans and projects while saving new beginnings for later. A lot of your energy may be channeled into pursuing business and career goals, and you have charm working for you from the 27th on a professional level. While these matters certainly deserve your attention, there is lovely energy in play for matters of the heart with Venus in your solar ninth house from the 3-27 stimulating your desire for adventure and a taste for the exotic. Long-distance romance can be in the cards for some. A partner may be supportive of your goals, both spiritual and professional. This Venus transit brings smooth energy for personal appeal, but it can also trigger restlessness if you've been tolerating a difficult situation. Your sense of adventure runs high, and a change of pace can be an intense craving. You're likely to make some important connections if you venture forth onto unfamiliar ground. Nevertheless, there can be some complications to your plans from the 19-31. Vigilantly check your calendar and schedules so that you don't miss important interviews or deadlines. Communications could do with some double-checking, in fact, for a broader date range--from the 7-31. The 8-9 may require some restraint, too, as your words seem to have more impact than usual and impatience can run high. Mars at the top of your chart indicates extra energy and ambition to reach your goals and advance, and its harmony with Jupiter in your resources sector on the 23-25 can inspire your enterprising side. There can be a clear connection between the extra effort you're making and additional income, or you may be exceptionally resourceful in the work you're doing, drawing upon your talents to make things happen. Mars-Jupiter energy stimulates a desire to feel alive--connected to and energized by the world around you. You may be drawing energy and motivation from the exploration of new methods or subjects. There can be a nice boost from a person who can help you achieve your goals, but for the most part, you are the one who is actively making things happen right now. The month ends with a New Moon (a second one!) this time around in your career and performance sector just as Mercury ends its retrograde. You can feel raring to go as you enter August. |
July's energies are on the complicated side, dear Sagittarius, but aiming to observe and process instead of charge ahead can keep you feeling on top of things. Financial new beginnings may be in store for you, and circumstances could very well require that you rethink your financial strategies. Debts and loans, yours or a partner's income, or financial backing can figure strongly with eclipses falling along the second and eighth house axis of your solar chart. It's a strong and compelling prompt to develop strategies to cut out unhealthy dependencies and habits that prevent you from growing and thriving! This can be a time for taking charge of your finances, particularly money shared with others or derived from other sources than your personal income. On another level altogether, this can be a period for boosting your intimacy with a special person in your life, or with yourself as you discover your passions and your deeper desires. You gain much from a position of observation this month. You're also inclined to pour extra attention to a special project or relationship. You'd prefer not to scatter your energy. While it's a good month for taking care of business, there can be some money worries. Plans or backing that have had you feeling enthusiastic may not look as promising as they did last month, but the good news is that adjusting your outlook to a more realistic one will bring rewards down the road. Coming to a more mature or practical understanding of your resources, income, or money situation can go a long way towards improving your life in many different areas. While July favors observation over action in a general sense with its eclipses and Mercury's retrograde from the 7-31, this doesn't mean you won't be busy. In some ways, your life is becoming considerably more exciting this month! There is a growing focus on your solar ninth house, which rules your spirit for adventure, learning, growth, and expansion. Mars enters this sector on the 1st, the Sun on the 22nd, and Venus on the 27th. Increasingly in July, you are kinder, friendlier, and less focused on minor concerns in favor of the bigger picture. Much of the month, Venus transits your intimacy sector (from the 3-27), and love is private, intimate, and passionate. You're inclined to share yourself with bravery with someone special. Accept support if offered, as good things come from others at this point in your life. There's an emphasis on more profound, more meaningful relationships or a deeper understanding of your fears, addictions, passions, and vulnerabilities. Eclipses encourage (or perhaps push) you to figure out matters related to money, boundaries, support, and ownership. While there can be some feelings of chaos or the consequences of overbooking, the cosmos is calling upon you to establish a more organized, settled, and secure way of living so that you can feel freer to explore your deeper needs. On the 23-25, Mars connects harmoniously with Jupiter in your sign, and you're looking to break out of the mold or routine through what you learn, what you do, or where you go. You're particularly courageous and motivated to try new things. Your increased confidence can lead to invaluable opportunities now. There can be developments related to travel, education, or publishing. You have an expanded vision of what you want to experience or achieve in the future, making it an excellent time to set goals, although practical details will need your attention later. You have the energy to put into your goals and ideas. The month ends with Mercury turning direct after over three weeks of retrograde motion as well as a New Moon, and you can have a wonderful sense that you're moving forward. |
The North Node in your opposite sign this year pulls up your need to explore companionship matters, dear Capricorn, and this month's eclipses tell more of this story! There can be a chance for a new beginning or a cleaning of the slate related to a partnership, negotiation, or commitment. Themes this year and next can relate to a new or enhanced partnership or can lead to a commitment to go/stay solo. For some, a relationship crisis of sorts prompts a new beginning or approach--a turning point is happening now. In the first week of the month, you'd benefit from taking time to get in touch with your relationship needs. Observe, take in, and be honest with yourself. This way, you're ready for a new beginning ushered in by the eclipse in your partnership sector on the 2nd. Of course, you can't anticipate all that happens or all that you feel at this time, but connecting with your intuition will be most helpful. Around the Lunar Eclipse that occurs in your sign on the 16th, you may be seeing circumstances for their flaws more than their overall worth, and this process is necessary for you to arrive at a more balanced and realistic place. It's also entirely temporary! Recognition, whether personal and professional, is expected. Certainly, this can be a busy time in your life. Keep in mind that during eclipse season, it's not unusual to feel a bit wiped out or drained before you refuel with energy and motivation. Because this set of eclipses are strong on you (they occur in your sign and opposing sign from July 2018 to July 2020), this can be more prominent than usual. You may have been pouring a lot of energy into relationships in recent weeks, and there's more of this energy in July, perhaps with a big reveal or a turning point. Even so, Mars moves out of your partnership sector and into your solar eighth house on the 1st, and the Sun will do so on the 22nd, followed by Venus on the 27th. These ingresses point to a growing desire to transform, improve, and develop a relationship or project. While bodies in your partnership sector this month are under some strain from time to time, overall, your gracious manner attracts positive experiences. Consider that you're expected to learn a lot through your interactions with others. These "lessons" are not necessarily direct ones--they may simply be about the kinds of feelings and insights you gain from your reactions to someone in your life or from your collaborations. There can be times when your needs and desires seem eclipsed by those of a partner, or in general, your personal needs and plans are on the back burner for now. This can lead to a feeling that you have to lay down the law or take control, but doing so is unlikely to serve you well. It's best to work on developing your own resources and on getting your life in order so that you can bring the best version of yourself to your relationships. Playing a supportive role can be beneficial at this point in the year. Financial matters can assume more and more importance as the month advances, or matters of support, dependence, and attachment can emerge. For some of you, your intimate life heats up in July. Although money and power dynamics may still need straightening out, you can experience more excitement and intimacy with a special someone this month. On the 23-25, a Mars-Jupiter connection tops up your inner courage. You might be taking an intimate relationship to a new level, or you're learning something powerful about yourself. It's an excellent time for support, whether it's of the emotional, mental, or financial kind. You are exceptionally resourceful all month and especially now, and your desire to improve, grow, and overcome obstacles is great. This can be a time for reaping the rewards of past actions. If you've had a lifestyle change in mind, plans to get that started can emerge. It can also be an excellent time for resolving conflicts with others. Mercury's retrograde occurs from the 7-31. From the 7-19, it happens in your solar eighth house of others' resources, and from the 19-31, retrograde Mercury moves through your partnership sector. You may be seeing some backtracking with loans, dues, debts, or relationships before you feel you're going forward. You may be waiting for information, and patience is required! In a general sense, July is a better month for making edits, reorienting yourself, tidying things up, and observing than it is for pushing your plans forward. |
Work and relationships are the stronger themes in your solar chart this month, dear Aquarius. You may find yourself busier than usual taking care of day-to-day affairs, work projects, or working on self-improvement and health. Eclipses this month (there are two) give you a bit of a push to deal with the details and practical side of everyday life, to become more organized, and to take charge of your routines, but they also want you to make the time for rest and regeneration. This is an important time for formulating goals, initiatives, and plans that get you back on track physically and mentally. At the same time, there is a growing theme of companionship, collaborations, and close partnerships in your astrology in July. Work is busy, although sometimes stressful. While work conditions have been looking especially promising, there are some kinks to work out now, and the path to improvement seems to be to schedule and structure your downtime and your attention to mental and emotional health. This way, you bring a more confident and rested "you" to your work and daily life. Burning yourself out won't help you in any way. While the Solar Eclipse on the 2nd is set to refuel you with new energy for your daily routines and work, there can be an initial draining of energy that's real and necessary, so don't push. Let motivation and inspiration build naturally, and soon enough, you'll be ready to make changes and improvements. A further message to pace yourself comes around the time of the Lunar Eclipse on the 16th. The energy dip is natural, and you're likely to rebuild your motivation as the month advances, slowly! Eclipses usually come with a prompt to let go of a preconception or situation so that you can grow and thrive. Events or revelations experienced now can serve to demonstrate the need for a better work-life balance. Attention to your spiritual and imaginative needs ensures you don't lose your spark for work and routines, while your attention to your duties and self-care efforts contribute to a stronger sense of fulfillment. It's a two-way street. You'll get a chance to see a particular project or your work from a new perspective in the second half of the month, and this "new view" can lead to wonderful new ideas down the road. Relationships similarly bring both rewarding and potentially exhausting themes to your life in July. With Mars moving into your partnership sector on the 1st and sticking around there until August 18th, you may be finding your own courage through a significant someone, or you can be busy pairing up to get things done. Activities with a partner can be in focus. If there have been festering problems in a partnership, this is a time when you can't seem to ignore or tolerate them any further. Fortunately, you have tools at your disposal to iron out differences, but there is a need for patience and sensitivity with Mercury retrograde from the 7-31. There can be some mixed signals or crossed wires to manage. It can feel like just when you're revving up, communication breakdowns or slowdowns occur. In some cases, a partner (business or personal) may be re-visiting old issues, or their indecision can slow something down in your life. Things may feel up in the air with health or work, particularly from the 19-31. Even so, you'll get the chance to see details that you overlooked in the past, and these can help you make better decisions later. On the 23-25, you receive a boost of courage and confidence through your activities with others or through a connection with friend or partner. Teamwork can be golden now. It's an excellent time for laying the groundwork for promotion and networking. You draw others to you with your sincerity and confidence. Opportunities to advance or reach your goals seem to arise through relationships and contacts right now, making it an excellent time to mingle and connect. This can happen directly through shared activities or indirectly through a friend's encouragement for you to go after your dreams. The New Moon on the last day of the month brings start-fresh energy to a key partnership, and it comes at the same time that Mercury ends its retrograde, giving you a hint of August's stellar influences for your relationships. There can be refreshing honesty with someone now. |
There is a strong emphasis on your leisure time in July, dear Pisces, with a growing theme of work, health, and self-care. You're likely to find more joy in your work, and you're connecting with your inner muse. Some of you will experience a new beginning in a romance. There are ups and downs in your social life, but also clear opportunities. Love, creative expression, entertainment, and pleasure are the subjects of the Solar Eclipse headlining in July. It's not an ideal time to make bold decisions or moves, but a sense that you're starting fresh and heading in a new direction is with you. There can be an initial feeling of being drained or unsure of yourself before you begin to fill with motivation and a sense of purpose. With Mercury retrograde from the 7-31, take your time with important decisions. Mercury's retrograde affects your work and routines most from the 7-19, and then from the 19-31, backtracking may affect a relationship or creative pursuit. You may need to spend time revising and reviewing, and this can seem to slow things down. However, work put in now can help you tremendously in the coming months. The Lunar Eclipse on the 16th reminds you of your need for balance. If you've been going it alone or spending so much time on your personal pleasures that you've lost touch with your friends, this can be a time for catching up. Announcements can be made that involve a friend, or this is a time that a friendship matter comes to a head. You might ask yourself if you've been putting in the effort to take better care of yourself and the things/people you love in the long term, not just in the moment. Responsibilities or problems that have been neglected or overlooked in the past have a way of surfacing this month, and the more you resist them, the more you limit the opportunities presenting themselves to enjoy and express yourself. In the meantime, work can be super busy or demanding, and this may be in large part due to rising ambitions to get things done. The desire to improve health can come on strongly, too, with Mars entering your work and health sector on the 1st of the month. Even so, Mercury in this same sector turns retrograde on the 7th, and delays may keep you from charging ahead. Frustrating? For sure, but the redirection can serve you well if it means taking care of details that you missed. You may be proving yourself on the job or simply enjoying more take-charge energy as you go about your daily routines. These themes increase as the month advances with retrograde Mercury moving out of this sector of your solar chart on the 19th, the Sun moving into it on the 22nd, and Venus following suit on the 27th. You're in great shape for getting yourself and your daily affairs into shape! Try not to overdo things physically, particularly from the 8-11. At this time, too, it may be best to watch for speaking too soon or out of turn. Impulsive words and moves are more likely than usual on these dates. You may get the opportunity to see an old relationship or project in a new light this month, particularly around the 20-24. Freedom from wondering can be a real rush now. At the same time, there is maturity in putting a matter to rest and accepting that closure doesn't have to come from outside of yourself to do so. It's best not to wait on others to make something clear if it's holding you back. Mars in your sector of work, health, and habits harmonizes with Jupiter at the top of your solar chart this month, peaking on the 23-25, and actions taken now can open up fantastic opportunities to improve your work, do the work you love, or advance a major goal. You're especially willing to go the extra mile and put the necessary effort or energy into your pursuits, increasing your chances of success. You may be seeking out (and finding) more meaning in the work you do or services you provide. Energy and motivation levels soar. You can feel pumped up about pursuing health or fitness programs or energized to improve your habits and daily routines. This can be a time for laying the groundwork for the new beginnings ushered in by the New Moon on the 31st. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
July 2019 Aspects Time Line:
See also: This Week in Astrology for more detail.
This Month’s Ephemeris:
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors, although they’re not impossible periods, either.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.
- New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Cancer on July 2nd, 2019
- Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn on July 16th, 2019
- New Moon in Leo Chart: July 31, 2019
Looking Ahead:
- August 2019: Time Line Aspects
- September 2019: Time Line Aspects
- October 2019: Time Line Aspects
- November 2019: Time Line Aspects
- December 2019: Time Line Aspects
- January 2019: Time Line Aspects

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2019 – Overview