This Month in Astrology – January 15-February 28, 2018
January & February 2018
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
Jupiter forms a sextile to Pluto on the 15th for the first time in a set of three perfections while Jupiter is in Scorpio, the final of which will occur in September 2018. This transit is powerful for nurturing our ambitions and generally favors business, the law, and commerce. We might enjoy increased influence, faith, and insight now. The desire for more personal significance can lead us to give of ourselves or motivate us to pursue personal or professional goals more ambitiously. The ability to sway or persuade can be enhanced under htis influence. We might also take steps to better ourselves. We might solve a problem that has been in existence for some time, or capitalize upon a resource that was previously hidden. The New Moon that occurs on January 16th occurs in the sign of Capricorn, awakening our ambitions, sense of time/limits, and need for order. It offers us the opportunity to set practical, attainable goals, work on developing maturity and common sense, consider and prepare for the future, work on self-discipline, and recognize our responsibilities. It’s a time for nurturing our dreams in a realistic fashion. This New Moon occurs when an unusual number of planets are in the sign of Capricorn: the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and Pluto. Throughout this period, all the major planets are direct in motion, and we should find that there are few obstacles or delays for brand new ventures. We’re less likely to hesitate. There are two eclipses during this period, both of which falling along the Leo-Aquarius axis. First, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs on January 31st in the sign of Leo and can stimulate a crisis of lack — a time when we suddenly realize a great need or want. This is a time when matters come to light–things that have been brewing under the surface. Full Moons are always good for magnifying pre-existing problems so that we can see where to bring back balance. With the Leo-Aquarius axis involved, our larger work should be on reaching a good balance between focus on personal enjoyment and our need for community and altruism. Enlightenment now provides us with a golden opportunity to explore our emotional needs, which can ultimately lead to positive actions and decisions. There can be heightened awareness of flaws in our romantic relationships, relationships with children, and creative activities. There can also be an urgent or sudden need/desire to express ourselves. A New Moon Solar Eclipse (partial) energizes the sign of Aquarius on February 15th. This eclipse relates strongly to the almost-Lunar Eclipse in August 2016, and we may be seeing some activity related to events occurring then. This is a time when we should solve problems that require thinking “outside of the box” and look to the future with a brand new, positive, and hopeful vision. Especially with the eclipse aligned with Mercury and harmonizing with Mars, we’re resourceful and can benefit from brainstorming and socializing, reaching out, extending a hand to others. This eclipse can encourage us to give our emotions and passions a “break”, as we develop more objectivity and some detachment from past haunts. It’s a time for recognizing the value of our friendships and social networks.
(See the full table for 2018) See also: This Week in Astrology for more detail.
Mercury continues its transit of Capricorn until January 31st, and we are no longer impressed with opinions, unless they have practical value and there’s enough evidence to support them. This is a practical, down-to-earth, deliberate, and certain period for Mercury. From January 31st to February 17th, Mercury transits Aquarius, and we are less impressed with what is tried and true, and more interested in improvement and innovation.
VenusVenus transits Aquarius from January 17th to February 10th. We get along quite easily with others during this cycle, and we are attracted to the unusual, unconventional, and intelligent. We are open to new experiences, especially on the 6th, when Venus sextiles Uranus. Venus transits Pisces from February 10th forward, stimulating a need to include, forgive, and understand, and a tendency to idealize or glamorize our feelings and relationships – especially strong on February 20-21, when Venus is conjunct Neptune. A trine to Jupiter at the tail-end of February opens our hearts and minds. This influence strongly stimulates our desire for the ideal, and our tolerance for rudeness or crassness decreases. |
MarsMars continues its transit of Scorpio until January 26th. We are magnetically drawn to what others tend to repress. In some ways, we are attracted to crisis, as we see crisis as transformative and emotionally exciting, and we might even be inclined to destroy something to rebuild it. Mediocrity or the “middle road” is felt to be unsatisfying. Mars transits Sagittarius from January 26th forward, and performs quite well here as it is in mutual reception with Sagittarian ruler, Jupiter. While Mars is in Sagittarius, our actions tend to be motivated by our ideals. We are bothered by routine, and quickly becoming restless if we feel confined. We have a love of adventure, and of conquest. We seek to expand our experiences and minds during this transit. |
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
Overview horoscopes will fill in as I write them.
Supporting your goals are Mars and Jupiter in your intimacy sector. You'll find it easier than usual to get the backing you need and to draw upon your own inner well - your strength and persistence come shining through in January, and you may very well gain recognition or reward for work you've put in through the years, not only recent efforts. You're strategic until January 26th, after which you are your direct, straight-to-the-point self. Uranus in your sign competes with all of these planets at the top of your chart, and your own independence and desire for personal freedom might often feel at odds with what you feel you need to do for others or to advance your professional goals. This is a long-term issue that you're familiar with but is especially pressing mid-January, after which you find it easier to fill both needs without too much conflict. Mid-January is also a time for the exact aspect of Jupiter and Pluto -- a wonderful influence that will play out until September and that helps you tune into your ambitions and goals so well that you end up making all the right moves to realize them. This is a powerful time for putting more resources (cautiously) into your work, career path, or life path goals, and perhaps receiving some solid support for doing so. It's an excellent time for working on transforming your work or image in careful, calculated ways that have long-term viability. Strategy works! This theme extends to your intimate life and finances, as well, and you'll enjoy it for the first nine months of 2018. The Lunar Eclipse on January 31st is the second Full Moon in January (there are none in February) and reinforces themes that began mid-2016. A Lunar Eclipse happened in the same area of your solar chart in February 2017, and another (the final one) will occur in February 2019. This set of eclipses awakens your need for friends, community, and fresh dreams to believe in, and this particular Lunar Eclipse can prompt a revelation about romance, children, or creative endeavors. In the middle of February, a Solar Eclipse occurs in your friendship sector, and it's time to begin anew. This may point to a new connection or a reconnection. In fact, February brings a lot of interest to your happiness goals, social life, and networking or community activities. It's a great time to plant a seed or begin a project (after a week has passed) that blossoms in the summer. As the month progresses, a period of extra rest, recovery, healing, and reflection comes into focus. This period helps you prepare for the birthday year ahead of you. Standout days in February include the 6th for good news and favorable connections, as well as the 21st and the last two days of February, which are brilliant for you for work efforts, emotional confidence, and support or backing. Past efforts are rewarded. You have more faith in general regarding your career and the direction in which you are headed. Superiors or partners back you now. An intimate connection or a new understanding of a past connection boosts you. |
The weeks following are important for making changes and tweaks to your belief system, attitude towards living your life, and the principles under which you live so that goals are more realizable and workable, fulfilling you in the long term. This emphasis occurs in the sign of Capricorn, after all -- a sign that has its eye on what matters in the long term -- and to reap its rewards, you pretty much have to think like a Capricorn regarding learning, sharing, and life experience right now. Supporting your goals are Mars and Jupiter in your partnership sector. This means others are in active focus this month (and beyond) and that they have a lot to share with you. You're likely to feel you have someone on your side during this period. There can be rewarding travel, education, or publishing that positively impacts a current relationship or that brings a new connection into your life. This can be an essential time for purging some of the beliefs or attitudes that no longer work for you or that have been holding you back, and this process may be prompted or motivated by a person in your life or a relationship itself. A change in the routine will refresh you, and activities that lead you on different paths are an excellent place to start. Educational interests or travel may be in focus, and new beginnings along these lines can open up now. This could be a time for meeting people who introduce you to new ideas, concepts, and even lifestyles, and you can feel reinvigorated by a different perspective on your life. There can be a lot going on in the lives of a partner or good friend now, or they're motivating you to learn, love, and enjoy life more. Problems tend to originate from loose ends from the past at this time. There can be times when you self-sabotage or pull yourself back from embracing new opportunities due to guilt or fear over unresolved matters. You may even rebel against your own plans perhaps by speaking too quickly about a subject. Ask yourself whether rushing even makes sense right now, because it probably doesn't! As a side note, Uranus will enter your sign in mid-May and then more permanently in March of next year, and you'll finally be free of this tendency. For now, look for ways to tie up loose ends, especially with those things that are slowing you down or preventing you from growing and thriving. This period is excellent for moving just a little out of your comfort zone and exploring new ideas, people, and experiences. From January 26th forward and throughout February, you're likely to have a lot happening behind the scenes or inside you with energetic Mars moving through your intimacy sector. This can serve to rev up your intimate life and a close, deep relationship. While this transit can sometimes stir up some trouble, it's the kind of trouble that leads to resolutions, particularly related to shared money or power. This can also be a time for taking care of debt or asking for the support you need. The Lunar Eclipse on January 31st is the second Full Moon in January (there are none in February). A Lunar Eclipse happened in the same area of your solar chart in February 2017, and another (the final one) will occur in February 2019. Any problems brewing in your domestic or personal life are bound to reach a head around this time. Any revelations or drama experienced now can push you to make changes that ultimately bring your life back into balance, particularly if you've been putting too much of yourself into your work and responsibilities. This can be a wake-up call to reorganize your priorities now. Another eclipse, this time Solar, occurs in mid-February, however, and this one wants you to push forward on career, public, and professional matters. Any work you've done on straightening out your personal or domestic life in the past two weeks will go a long way to clearing the path for new beginnings related to your work, responsibilities, and reputation. However, another theme makes itself known in the second half of February, and its focus is on friendship, cooperation, collaboration, and happiness pursuits. Indeed, this is an important period for your career, but you're expanding your interests and connecting with others in meaningful ways as the month progresses. It's also important to embrace new ideas and technologies in both your personal and professional worlds during this period. |
This is an important time for sorting out your finances --money owed or due -- and addressing fears, power sharing, and attachments in your closest relationships. You're in a strong position to make a lifestyle change, particularly if it involves quitting a bad habit or dependency. You're in the right place to put adverse situations and self-limiting attitudes behind you. Events occurring now provide you with a more unobstructed view of what you want from yourself and others. Something happening around now can open your eyes to the need to handle debts or manage support and the sharing of responsibilities more efficiently. Supporting your goals are Mars and Jupiter in your work and health sector. You receive lovely cosmic support for making empowering changes and choices with the services or labor you provide, your efforts to maintain and improve health, and your daily routines and habits. Work or health matters can fuel motivation to renovate and organize your money or intimate life. The desire to live happily alongside a partner or dear friend can also feed your willingness to work harder or smarter or to get fitter and healthier. It can go both ways or either way! Whenever there is a substantial emphasis on Capricorn in your chart, challenges are coming from your friends and long-term dreams/hopes sector (although this longer-term influence is on its way out this year and will leave permanently next). You may be doing some battle with your desires for independence and freedom, which seem to conflict with efforts to strengthen or deepen your intimate connections. This is often a personal battle that you're to handle within yourself, but sometimes it manifests as a literal conflict between friends and lovers or you experience on-again-off-again feelings through a partner. The Lunar Eclipse on January 31st is the second Full Moon in January (there are none in February) and occurs in your communications sector. A Lunar Eclipse happened in the same area of your solar chart in February 2017, and another (the final one) will occur in February 2019. Small issues can loom large around the time of this eclipse and in the weeks following it. While you should keep perspective since discoveries made around the time of a Lunar Eclipse are usually exaggerated, these matters are not to be ignored! After the dust settles, you'll be well-equipped to know your next step. You're challenged to prioritize, as it can be a hectic time when it can be tough to focus on the things that inspire and drive you. People are genuinely hearing what you are saying - your communications have a stronger impact than usual. It may be time for a book or website launch or announcement, a studying opportunity, or other turning point related to transportation or communication, but this is about clearing the path for new beginnings first and foremost. The Solar Eclipse two weeks later, on February 15th, is all about this new beginning or turning over a new leaf. In the weeks and even months ahead of this eclipse, you're in particularly good shape for initiating new projects or activities that expand your mind, feed your spirit for adventure, and stretch your imagination. You may feel renewed by a new perspective on your life, something philosophical or spiritual that you read or learn, or an adventure that takes you away from the mundane routines in your life. It's a good time for sharing, learning, connecting, traveling, and reaching out. Even with this gigantic prompt, the last half of February holds quite a bit of preparatory energy for career, professional, reputation, or public matters in your life, so be sure to divide your time wisely. From January 26th forward and throughout February, you have Mars stirring the pot in your partnership sector. This can be a time when there is a lot of activity in a partner's life that affects your life. Or, it's when others are pushing or motivating you to recognize your potential, to take action on a matter, or to straighten out your relationship. From January 17 to February 10th, you are a little "hard to get" but especially attractive to others on a personal level, and from February 10th, to people on a professional or public level. |
The New Moon on January 16th sets the tone for the second half of January and the first half of February, and while it doesn't have eclipse status, it's a significant lunation. For you, it's powerful for matters related to close relationships and your relationships, in general. Negotiations, agreements, one-on-one relationships (business, love, counseling), and gaining a more balanced perspective on your life are all themes now that you're in a good position to improve or bring into reality. There is an unusually strong showing of planets, including heavyweights Saturn and Pluto, in your solar seventh house, suggesting a significant new beginning or emphasis on any (or many) of these themes. The weeks following this New Moon are important for making changes and tweaks to your relationships so that goals are more realizable and connections are more fulfilling in the long run. This emphasis occurs in the sign of Capricorn, after all -- a sign that has its eye on what matters in the long term -- and to reap its rewards, you pretty much have to think like a Capricorn when dealing with partnerships. It's a time for making things fair, balanced, and in good working order. Supporting your goals are Mars and Jupiter in your creative and romantic sector. Cosmic support for your efforts to balance your relationships is with you, and being active with others is part of this, leading to benefits. You're in a strong position for finding satisfying ways to express yourself uniquely or creatively. You're learning to connect more deeply with your heart's desire this month (and beyond). Whenever there is a substantial emphasis on Capricorn in your chart, challenges are coming from your career and reputation sector (although this longer-term influence is on its way out this year and will leave permanently in March 2019). You may be doing some battle with your desires for independence, freedom, unique expression, and changes on the career front, with superiors, or with your public image which seem to conflict with relationship goals. Taming rebellious urges may be necessary to make progress. The entire period is excellent for applying dedicated energy to your work and/or efforts to improve health. You're raring to go! You're in great shape for bringing more order to your daily life, enhancing your productivity and daily routines, and initiating new programs or projects. The Lunar Eclipse on January 31st is the second Full Moon in January (there are none in February) and occurs in your resources sector. While the Full Moon on the first day of the year was all about you, your feelings, and personal revelations, this one is about your resources and values. A Lunar Eclipse happened in the same area of your solar chart in February 2017, and another (the final one) will occur in February 2019. There can be defensive reactions to stressful situations and difficult people or strong feelings about business and financial affairs now. It may become evident with the events surrounding this period that changes in spending and making money are needed, and you might awaken to a plan or strong motivation to set things right along these lines. If you've been nursing resentment about being disrespected or undervalued, this is a time when emotions push up and out with force - you may feel the need to make a stand! Opening your eyes to a financial change or situation that requires adjustments is possible now, and helps clear the path for new beginnings on relationship and economic fronts around the Solar Eclipse mid-February. The Solar Eclipse two weeks later, on February 15th, prompts new beginnings with money, support, dependencies, and intimate relationships. There is an increasing focus on your solar eighth house and its themes: debts owed or due, emotional and material support, close relationships, and power dynamics. A new beginning on the level of financial or emotional support is possible now. You're in great shape for getting a handle on shared resources, managing difficult dependencies, and growing an intimate relationship. Even so, the second half of February is increasingly focused on enjoying new experiences, branching out, learning new things, and making interesting connections. You're looking at the big picture and worrying less and less about small problems and disruptions now. While you continue to be busy and proactive with your work and routines, you're encouraged to follow your dreams and feed your spirit as February progresses. |
The New Moon on January 16th sets the tone for the second half of January and the first half of February. While it doesn't have eclipse status, it's a significant lunation. For you, this New Moon is especially potent for matters related to daily routines, habits, health, work, and self-care programs. You're in a great position to improve or bring into reality programs that help you organize your life starting with the smallest of details. There is an unusually strong showing of planets, including heavyweights Saturn and Pluto, in your solar sixth house, suggesting a significant new beginning or emphasis on any (or many) of these themes. The weeks following this New Moon are excellent for making changes and tweaks to the personal systems in your life so that work and health goals are more realizable and fulfilling in the long run -- in other words, they serve you well not just now but later, too. This emphasis occurs in the sign of Capricorn, after all -- a sign that has its eye on what matters in the long term -- and to reap its rewards, you pretty much have to think like a Capricorn when dealing with your services and daily routines. Fortunately, this comes naturally to you since Capricorn is found on the sector of your solar chart that rules these matters (in other words, in your solar chart, this is Capricorn's home). It's a time for making things fair, balanced, and in good working order. Start with small, realizable goals and work your way up while taming the inclination to overshoot or go big right away. You might make or renew a commitment to living well at home and in your daily routines and work with beautiful results. This can be a good time for making successful home-health or home-job connections. Motivated by your desire to improve home life -- or with family support -- you're in a great position to get your work and daily routines into smooth running order. You may be doing some battle with your rather insistent desire to mix up your routine or spontaneously pursue new experiences or take on new projects due to Uranus in challenging position to planets in Capricorn. Tame this rebellious or restless energy, however, and you have the chance to turn over a new leaf with daily schedules, work, and health programs. It's important to note that Uranus is making its transition out of a clashing position with Capricorn later this year and early 2019. Vesta and then Mars move into harmony with your sign from January 15th and 26th forward, respectively, pointing to an excellent ability to pace yourself and pour your energies into constructive activities. You're in great shape for enjoying and often excelling at fun competitions, romantic relationships, dating, sports, games, and hobbies during this entire period. Personal appeal is strong. Creatively speaking, you're motivated and ready to take on a challenge. The Lunar Eclipse on January 31st is the second Full Moon in January (there are none in February), is in your sign, and reinforces themes that began mid-2016. Just for your information, a Lunar Eclipse happened in your sign in February 2017, and another (the final one) will occur in February 2019. This set of eclipses awakens your need for a better understanding of your independence and relationships. This particular Lunar Eclipse can prompt a revelation about your ability to stand on your own. This eclipse can help point you in the right direction toward correcting imbalances, particularly in the me-you department in relationships. If you've been defining yourself mainly through your relationships, now is the time to draw up your own terms. Important epiphanies can occur that serve as a push to make essential changes in your life. In fact, the Solar Eclipse happening two weeks later (on February 15th) brings new-beginning energy for close relationships. There is an increasing focus on partnering, socializing, and coming to agreements in February after a strong theme of work and health efforts. The Solar Eclipse in mid-February prompts new beginnings with partnerships. You're in great shape for going forward in a new or current relationship, or learning important things about partnership needs, with a clean slate or starting fresh. Do important groundwork between the eclipse dates (January 31 to February 15) by attempting to understand matters of the heart, so that you will be mentally prepared for new developments in close relationships. The second half of February is increasingly more focused on the deeper side of relationships, intimacy, attachments, and pouring concentrated energy into passion projects or depth studies. |
The New Moon on January 16th sets the tone for the second half of January and the first half of February, and while it doesn't have eclipse status, it's a significant lunation. For you, this New Moon is especially potent for matters related to creative projects, self-expression, hobbies, romantic relationships, entertainment, children, and heartfelt pursuits. You're in an excellent place to improve or bring into reality programs that help you reach your goals in, or add better structure or definition to, these areas. There is an unusually strong showing of planets, including heavyweights Saturn and Pluto, in your solar fifth house, suggesting a significant new beginning or emphasis on any (or many) of these themes. The weeks following this New Moon are excellent for making changes and tweaks that help make your goals more realizable and fulfilling in the long run. This emphasis occurs in the sign of Capricorn, after all -- a sign that has its eye on what matters in the long term -- and to reap its rewards, you pretty much have to think like a Capricorn when dealing with your creative pursuits, projects, and relationships. In other words, work smartly, start with small and realizable goals and work your way up, be practical, and consider future needs. This can be the start (or successful relaunch) of a wonderful new project or a budding romance that becomes more regular and reliable for some of you. A more involved, connected approach is particularly successful and rewarding now. Opportunities to begin anew along romantic, creative, and playful levels are likely to emerge -- you're encouraged to explore, express, and share your passions and creativity more heartfully. You may be tuning into a new creative focus or a renewed interest in a hobby or activity, and this takes over your life in happy ways. New opportunities or channels for expressing and enjoying yourself can open up to you. You may be doing some battle with your inner rebel -- something that's been with you for years now, but will fade out in the coming year. There is a part of you that is resistant to making a commitment or getting too close to someone or something and it can be disruptive at times. Understand and tame this, however, and you're in a great position to advance your goals. Throughout this period, you're in a fabulous position for taking action on and devoting energy to improving things around the home. Extra attention to your home or nest can be very satisfying and healing. You feel less burdened by responsibilities and more excited about keeping order in your personal life. The Lunar Eclipse on January 31st is the second Full Moon in January (there are none in February) and occurs in your sector of endings. A Lunar Eclipse happened in the same area of your solar chart in February 2017, and another (the final one) will occur in February 2019. This can feel like a bit of a shake-up in your inner world. If you've been neglecting your need to take care of yourself mentally and emotionally, then circumstances tend to force the issue now. Mental and physical resilience may not be up to par at the moment, and if you've overextended and exhausted yourself, you'll face the need to slow down now. You might also need to bring closure to a neglected or unresolved issue in your life. This set of eclipses that has been with you since mid-2016 has much to do with getting a handle on your health as well as work-rest balance. The Solar Eclipse on February 15th clears the path for new beginnings related to health and wellness and/or work. Going forward, you're in the position to start fresh with your daily routines, health programs, and working life. In fact, the themes of the first half of February are very work- or health-centric. This is a time for paying particular attention to getting your daily life in order. It can be a time of significant health appointments or diagnoses or simply a period of increased focus on getting well or maintaining your health. There can be times when you're so busy that you can be a little impatient or impulsive in speech, movement, and with the written word, but by February 18th, you're in fabulous shape for communicating with particular ease and appeal. This is also a period for attracting helpful people into your life. Pairing or partnering up can be in focus and quite successful. Relationships benefit from specialized attention and focus, and negotiations and agreements can be very favorable now. The 21st and 26th are particularly auspicious for relationships. |
The New Moon on January 16th sets the tone for the second half of January and through the first half of February, and while it doesn't have eclipse status, it's a significant lunation! For you, it's especially potent for matters related to home, family, domestic projects or activities, and your personal life. You're in a great position to improve or bring into reality programs that help you organize your home. There is an unusually strong showing of planets, including heavyweights Saturn and Pluto, in your solar fourth house, suggesting a significant new beginning or emphasis on any (or many) of these themes. The weeks following this New Moon are excellent for making changes and tweaks to the personal systems in your life, so that home and family life is more fulfilling in the long run. This emphasis occurs in the sign of Capricorn, after all -- a sign that has its eye on what matters in the long term -- and to reap its rewards, you pretty much have to think like a Capricorn when dealing with domestic routines and family affairs. In other words, take on small, realizable goals and work your way forward diligently rather than going big and burning out too soon. Be realistic and be kind to yourself by not borrowing time, money, or energy from your future self! You're in a particularly good position to feel more confident about your own worth and value, and efforts to ask or work for things you want can be very successful now and going forward. There may be additional resources or money to put into the family and home life now, or efforts to make you and yours feel more secure and safe have payoffs. Renovations on either a physical or emotional plane are in order now. Unrest in a partnership or the unreliability of others in your life may seem to disrupt your plans from time to time during this period. This theme has been with you for years now but is on its way out this year (by March 2019, you'll be putting this behind you for good). Disruptions aside, this is an opportunity to start a new chapter of your life or to reach a critical turning point, particularly in your personal affairs, with family, and in your home life. Throughout this period (from mid-January through to the end of February), you have the motivation and energy to pour into pet projects, studies, local events and trips, and making connections with others. You're enthusiastic about learning and sharing, and you can feel pleasantly dedicated to a project or venture. This is the kind of stuff that gets you out of bed in the morning! Increasingly, you're breaking out of your shell and sharing your affections and creations with others during this period, and the Lunar Eclipse on January 31st can be a big push in that direction. This eclipse is the second Full Moon in January (there are none in February) and occurs in your social sector. A Lunar Eclipse happened in the same area of your solar chart in February 2017, and another (the final one) will occur in February 2019. This lunation can bring a friendship issue to a head, particularly if you've let frustrations build within you over relationship troubles. New opportunities to explore and share ideas with others are opening up to you. If a friendship or group affiliation changes or ends, you might find that another door opens rather quickly. It can be a wonderful time for connecting. The Solar Eclipse on February 15th can clear the path for a new start in a romance or a creative project, and possibly even a new creative field. You are making big decisions about recreation, hobbies, love, and children now and in the coming months. This can be a time for putting your work on display, sharing your creations, and connecting with people you want to spend time with. The 13-17 is a potent period for significant ideas and conversations. The second half of February plays a little differently. As Venus, Mercury, and the Sun move into your work-and-health sector, you spend more time and energy thinking about, improving, and enjoying your daily routines. Work and services can be in stronger focus, and so can efforts to maintain health and promote wellness. It's a fine time for getting your daily affairs in order, and it can be especially notable for taking more pride in the work you do, as well as increased enjoyment derived from the services you provide. In the last week of February, there can be some added tension due to having too many things going at once. As well, there is the chance of disagreements on the job or about methods, but it's also a good time for working to improve home life and daily routines. |
The New Moon on January 16th sets the tone for the second half of January and the first half of February, and while it doesn't have eclipse status, it's a significant lunation! For you, it's especially potent for matters related to communications, studies, projects, mental interests, connections with others, clearing up your daily affairs, and transportation systems in your life. You're in a great position to improve or bring into reality programs that help you lead a more organized and connected life. There is an unusually strong showing of planets, including heavyweights Saturn and Pluto, in your solar third house, suggesting a significant new beginning or emphasis on any (or many) of these themes. The weeks following this New Moon are excellent for making changes and tweaks to your projects, studies, and even mindset or attitude, as well as communication or transportation systems so that they're more organized and fulfilling in the long run. This emphasis occurs in the sign of Capricorn, after all -- a sign that has its eye on what matters in the long term -- and to reap its rewards, you pretty much have to think like a Capricorn when dealing with getting and staying connected. In other words, it's time for simplifying, prioritizing, and manifesting. Mars and Jupiter in your sign harmonize with this lunation, supporting your efforts to advance a project or pursue your goals, particularly related to studies, communications, sharing ideas, and writing or speaking. You're bringing more personality to your ventures, and this is highly successful. You're feeling more in control and on top of things. Now and until September, you're likely to enjoy tremendous opportunities for self-expression. Communications and learning can be in sharp focus, and you’re likely to excel in these areas. Your personality comes through beautifully in whatever personal interest or project you’re involved with now. This is a time for appreciation and praise from others, as well as fabulous rewards for your efforts. It’s a stellar time to write, speak, publish, or guide. It’s also a brilliant period for using the power of thoughts and words to transform your life for the better. This month, you're in a particularly good position for making new acquaintances or connecting with others more meaningfully. You’re making a difference with what you say. For the past seven years, whenever planets move through Capricorn and your solar third house, they clash with Uranus in your work and health sector. As a result, you may encounter setbacks due to disorganized routines, upset schedules, or unreliability with work or health issues. These are not insurmountable, but you can struggle with these things from time to time. While this is happening now, it's worthwhile to note that this theme is on its way out and will be put behind you come March 2019. Getting a better grip on your daily affairs and routines will help ready you for the opportunities emerging this month. From mid-January through to the end of February, you're in great shape for concentrated effort to improve income or build an important project, business, or venture in your life as Vesta and then Mars transit your resources sector. As well, you’ll find it natural to pour your energies into earthy and comforting activities that help you heal and cleanse. Sound energy is with you for honing and developing your talents and boosting your income. You're also more assertive about what you want and need. Increasingly, you're more home-oriented, especially from mid-January to mid-February. However, the Lunar Eclipse on January 31st serves as a potent reminder of your obligations to the outside world. This eclipse is the second Full Moon in January (there are none in February) and occurs in your career, reputation, and public sector. A Lunar Eclipse happened in the same area of your solar chart in February 2017, and another (the final one) will occur in February 2019. This lunation pushes the need to tend to business, career, or public matters. There may be pressing demands in your professional life now, and perhaps a bit of scrutiny, but whatever this eclipse does bring to your attention, you get the message that it's time to restore some balance between your personal and professional lives. This is particularly important since another eclipse occurs just two weeks later and spurs new beginnings in your personal life. The Solar Eclipse on February 15th can bring powerful new beginnings of major new long-term projects or family and home-related affairs. There can be the need or desire to put your personal life first now, and changes may be afoot. You're in an excellent position to start fresh and take charge. Improvements on the home front can be notable now, particularly with better daily routines and improved health. This can sometimes conflict with your personal plans and sense of independence, but making things right in your private world can have positive effects across the board and deserves your strong attention now. Venus, Mercury, and the Sun move into your creative, celebratory solar fifth house on February 10th, 17th, and 18th, however, and you can feel as if you're coming out of your shell. This is a time for increased friendly and loving attention, invitations, and compliments. It's fabulous for exploring your creative side and channels for expressing and enjoying yourself. This is a time for prioritizing fun and pleasurable activities in your life when possible. Splurging a little is fine, but tense aspects between your finance and pleasure zones in the last week of February suggest going too far with this could set you back. However, this is an excellent period for creative expression and an especially receptive audience for your ideas and plans. |
There is an unusually strong showing of planets, including heavyweights Saturn and Pluto, in the second house of your solar chart, suggesting a significant new beginning or emphasis on any (or many) of the themes mentioned above. The weeks following are important for making changes and tweaks to your life so that goals related to finances, business, security, and comfort are more realizable and fulfilling in the long run. This emphasis occurs in the sign of Capricorn, after all -- a sign that has its eye on what matters in the long term -- and to reap its rewards, you pretty much have to think like a Capricorn regarding money matters right now. This also applies to developing a stronger sense of self-worth and value as you gain a better understanding of your capabilities as well as what you already have in terms of resources, material and otherwise, including natural talents. You have fantastic support for your efforts from your intuition or from behind the scenes. You're learning what and who you genuinely value from the inside out, and while this is a theme that will play out for many months to come, you're in the thick of it now, and it's likely to alter your whole approach to money and possessions for the better. Regarding your money, talents, and valuables, you’re in the position to better manage or work towards reaching your goals. For some, this can be a time for discovering old resources or ideas that benefit you in the present. Dusting off and renewing an old project or hobby can be profitable and satisfying. Income may get a boost from imaginative undertakings, psychic or helping/healing professions, or other work behind the scenes. Seek opportunities to turn around a difficult financial situation if this is a problem, as you have all the power to overcome challenges now. For some of you, this is a wonderful time for beginning a new business or project, taking action on a money-making idea, opening a savings account, or creating a budget — anything that helps you build up, manage, or take charge of your resources. It’s a time for looking at your talents and resources differently and taking steps towards using these things to your advantage. For many years now, when planets move through your resources sector, they eventually clash with Uranus in your solar fifth house, as they do now, and you may be battling an urge to take risks or throw away solid opportunities in favor of leisure, romance, or pleasure. This theme is on its way out and will be completely behind you in March 2019, by the way, but do watch for your inner rebel now! First Vesta moves into your sign on January 15th, and then Mars on January 26th, putting you in a fabulous position to go after what -- and who -- you want with confidence and vigor. Of course, whenever Mars transits your sign, there is the danger of being too aggressive or impatient, but with those inclinations tamed, you can go far. Vesta's concurrent transit of Sagittarius helps as it tends to bring more focus, dedication, and concentration. It's a beautiful period for pouring concentrated energy into a special endeavor. You also have a growing focus on socializing, connecting, learning, and sharing in your life from January 17-19 forward, and this helps bring a little more balance to your world. There's more movement and general "busy-ness" in your solar chart as January progresses, and it feels right. Others are hanging on your words, turning to you for advice, and enjoying your company. The Lunar Eclipse on January 31st serves as a potent reminder of your need to feed your spirit. This eclipse is the second Full Moon in January (there are none in February) and occurs in your adventure sector. A Lunar Eclipse happened in the same area of your solar chart in February 2017, and another (the final one) will occur in February 2019. This lunation may bring a communication, learning, or transportation matter to a head. You might be in the position to announce a project launch, come to a turning point in a course or educational path, or experience a sudden desire to advance your education. Transportation news or problems can be part of the picture. This eclipse can be a call to action as you've been spending so much time focusing on what's in front of you that you may have neglected your more spiritual needs or the need to live life more meaningfully. It's an critical epiphany moment, particularly as a Solar Eclipse will occur just two weeks later, prompting a more involving daily routine. The Solar Eclipse on February 15th can spur a decision to put an end to a particular mental pursuit or project in order to begin something new, or it could motivate you to push a project forward. You might find new channels or platforms for self-expression, and these can be more creative, and, ultimately, more fulfilling. There may be new ways of getting around or connecting that open doors for you. This eclipse affects you for months ahead and brings new and improved energy for learning and studying. Venus, Mercury, and the Sun move into the home and family sector of your solar chart on February 10th, 17th, and 18th, however, and the second half of February brings increased focus on support, comfort, security, and home life. This drive is essential for you now, even if it sometimes seems to clash with your desire to get up and go, do new things, and act independently and courageously. Do your best to take care of both your need to initiate and to rest. |
Supporting your goals are Mars and Jupiter in your friends and community sector, pointing to the powerful benefits of friendships, alliances, collaboration, and giving back to the community at this time in your life. Don't pass up a good opportunity to collaborate, cooperate, and get involved. Even though your first instinct may be to go it alone, this is an important time for connecting with others and sharing experiences or expertise. There's likely to be some resistance, tension, unrest, or unresolved feelings related to home and family, however, that can sometimes (and perhaps often for some of you) interfere with your efforts to break out into a new phase of your life. Try not to allow this to sway you from your larger goals, but do take the time to deal with inconsistencies or surprise problems on these fronts. Saturn now in your sign is a continual reminder that you should be taking your life a little more seriously and getting things straightened out across the board, but there's no rush with Saturn - in fact, this is a planet that wants you to be thorough, deliberate, and consistent. Set small, doable goals to put more order into your life, and you'll be on the right track. The Lunar Eclipse on January 31st is the second Full Moon in January (there are none in February) and emphasizes the need to clean up your finances or dependencies. A Lunar Eclipse happened in the same area of your solar chart in February 2017, and another (the final one) will occur in February 2019. This is a time of hyper-awareness of what you have, need, and want. This eclipse brings issues surrounding power dynamics and unpaid debts to a head. Consider ways to get back to a position of balance. Empower yourself by aiming to manage or settle debts, whether these are material, spiritual, or emotional. If you feel guilty or indebted, you're not working at full capacity, and now is the time to work towards fixing the problem. However, we all depend on others in some way, and these connections can be very healthy, so consider ways to get yourself more comfortable with healthy dependencies as well. Some of you will make a sudden decision to quit a bad habit now, and it's a good time to do so, but there is no rush to do it at the exact time of the eclipse. The Solar Eclipse on February 15th gives you a fantastic push towards taking better care of your money and resources. This is undoubtedly a robust period for resolving problems with income, spending, and saving. There are indications that you have some loose ends to tie up before pushing ahead as Mars in your privacy sector, a guest throughout February, clashes with Neptune, Venus, and then Mercury in your communications sector, delaying certain endeavors. This may be about your own hesitation or indecision. However, with no planets retrograde all month, you're in good shape for working with few obstacles on those projects and endeavors you genuinely believe in. You're transitioning into a very lively, connected, and communicative period from the 10th forward, and you'll do exceptionally well for yourself by putting your feelers out for new ideas. |
Supporting your goals are Mars and Jupiter in your career sector. This points to the need to identify, recognize, and nurture your ambitions for best results this month, as well as in the months ahead. You're in a great position of confidence to take on responsibilities, to take the lead, and to work hard for what you want and need. Keep in mind that not only are planets moving into your sign one by one, a Solar Eclipse occurs in Aquarius on February 15th. These events point to a new beginning -- your yearly prompt to start fresh but with extra muscle behind you this year via the eclipse. Venus, the Sun, and Mercury move into Aquarius on January 17, 19, and 31, and you're likely to come out of your shell or quietly begin attracting attention. Feelings, goals, and interests become clearer, and confidence that you can make an impact on the world around you is on the increase. Venus in your sign from January 17-February 10 is excellent for personal charm and perhaps a bit of healthy indulgence or self-pampering. People are attracted - they want to be around you. The Lunar Eclipse on January 31st is the second Full Moon in January (there are none in February). A Lunar Eclipse happened in the same sector of your solar chart in February 2017, and another (the final one) will occur in February 2019. Imbalances in your life become glaring. Relationships are in sharp focus, and important epiphanies may occur now. Recognition of relationship needs and feelings can come in a rush. This can also be a potent time for releasing something or putting something behind you that has been building for awhile now. Even so, February brings a strong focus not only on personality but also on business and financial concerns. Your desire to settle in, perhaps ironically, fuels a need to work hard for security. The 21, 26, and 28 are especially strong for business and work endeavors. The Solar Eclipse on February 15th brings to the fore and reinforces a theme of discovering who you are and what you're capable of on your own. Your independence and ability to self-start or take charge come into sharp focus now. This is an important time for personal goals, revisions, new beginnings, and makeovers (physical and otherwise). Now is the time for taking care of yourself and your personal goals without apology. Dreams, goals, and projects that you've put on a shelf are renewed now. From January 26th and throughout February, you have Mars supporting your efforts. This can be a time of special activities with friends or particularly dynamic friendships or group associations. There can be some clashes now if you feel others are being a little too pushy, however, but overall this is a supportive transit. Energy levels are wonderful, although the days surrounding the Solar Eclipse on the 15th can be draining. Once past this, it's a brilliant period for seeing yourself more clearly and presenting yourself in a manner that expresses you authentically for this stage of your growth. Breaking out of molds or old patterns of presenting yourself comes naturally now and benefits you greatly. |
Supporting your goals are Mars and Jupiter in your adventure, spirit, and learning sector. You may enjoy opportunities to expand your experiences and to impress others at the same time, and this theme will stick with you in a general sense for many months ahead. This is a beautiful time for making connections that last, and that support your interests to boot. Your perspective is shifting in powerful, positive ways, and you're likely to want to share your ideas and causes with others. Happiness and fulfillment through the expansion of your mind, widening your social circle, travel, and connections to people of a different cultural background than you are indicated. Trouble or obstacles related to finances or self-image issues as Uranus in your solar second house clashes with all of these planets in your friendship sector. Uncertainties about your income, resources, or even your own worth as others see you can sometimes interfere with your goals, but there are workarounds. Being possessive or stubbornly sticking to your ways can, in fact, limit the opportunities that are coming your way from others, so watch for these self-sabotaging behaviors in January. The Lunar Eclipse on January 31st is the second Full Moon in January (there are none in February). A Lunar Eclipse happened in the same sector of your solar chart in February 2017, and another (the final one) will occur in February 2019. Health or work matters can reach a turning point now. If your work or daily regimens have become too monotonous and have taken a toll on your spirits, circumstances occurring now push you to make needed changes. Venus, the Sun, and then Mercury move into your privacy sector, however, on January 17th, 19th, and 31st, and you transition into a period of the year that's best used for taking extra time to yourself for rest and reflection. This is a time for releasing, letting go, purging, and healing. There's even a Solar Eclipse happening in this sector of your chart on February 15th, encouraging you to put certain outdated ventures or situations behind you. Reassessing certain projects, alliances, goals, or attachments can be in focus until these planets move into your sign (February 10th, 17th, and 18th). The latter part of February finds you coming out of retreat, ideally feeling renewed and refreshed. This is a time for getting noticed, making an impression, and taking charge of your life. Venus in your sign from February 10th forward is particularly suitable for showcasing your appeal. People enjoy your company or want you in your life more than usual during this cycle. The 21st, 26th, and 28th are high points in this period when people around you appreciate your style. Your ideas and insight are also in high demand in the last ten days of February. From January 26th forward and throughout February, you have Mars at the top of your solar chart stimulating your ambitions to perform and succeed. There can be some issues or conflicts with people in positions of authority, but overall, this is a cycle that encourages a hands-on, active role in your career, with taking on responsibilities, and regarding pursuing your larger goals. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
January 2018 Aspects Time Line
February 2018 Aspects Time Line:
See also: This Week in Astrology for more detail.
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.
- New Moon in Capricorn chart on January 16, 2018
- Lunar Eclipse Chart January 2018
- Solar Eclipse in Aquarius: February 15, 2018 Astrological Chart
Looking Ahead:
- February 2018 Time Line Aspects
- March 2018 Time Line Aspects
- April 2018 Time Line Aspects
- May 2018 Time Line Aspects
- June 2018 Time Line Aspects:
- July 2018 Time Line Aspects

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2018 – Overview