This Month in Astrology – December 2019
December 2019
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
The New Moon near the end of November (on November 26th) in the sign of Sagittarius continues to affect us in December, setting the tone. This lunation has awakened the adventurer in us all. It has encouraged us to focus on goals that increase our understanding and awareness. It gives us the courage to expand our horizons and to gain confidence and optimism from a broader perspective. With this potent Sagittarius energy, we can find ways to transcend the details of day-to-day life and nurture our faith, hope, and vision. We should discern between attempts to explore and enrich our lives and attempts to escape responsibilities.
Jupiter enters Capricorn on December 2nd and will visit this cardinal earth sign until December 19th, 2020. With Jupiter in Capricorn for over a year, we seek concrete results. Our attitude towards work and practical, realistic action is positive. Our judgment is prudent and mature, but we may sometimes lack the imagination or risk-taking attitude that helps spur innovation. We need to learn to be more flexible and tolerant of weaknesses during this transit. We should also watch for an overly self-serving approach. We are in the best shape when we take on a disciplined, committed, step-by-step approach to the realization of our goals. We value achievement in the long term, and we’re especially proud when we’re taking responsibility for ourselves. We succeed through resourcefulness and reducing waste. Some form of streamlining is vital at this time, particularly with Saturn’s often concurrent transit of Capricorn. While Jupiter isn’t always working at its best while in the sign, it brings us a stronger sense of meaning and enjoyment or fulfillment in Capricorn-ruled areas of our charts–areas that have been heavier than usual for years now.
Mercury leaves its post-retrograde shadow on December 7th, and Chiron turns direct on December 12th. The only significant retrograde at this point is Uranus, which will turn direct in January, making December relatively free of retrograde energy. In most areas, we can feel that things are moving along mostly obstacle-free.
Jupiter forms a square to Chiron on the 8th, and this can be a time when we are hungry for meaning and understanding, but it can be difficult to align ourselves with a personal philosophy or belief system that truly reflects our core. We might be led astray by beliefs and ideas now, or we might experience some form of crisis of faith. Something might happen that challenges our core beliefs. We might also feel alone in our opinions, visions, or plans for the future, as others don’t seem to understand our vision. Certain choices we’ve made in the past may no longer seem wise. It is important to look within and come to a greater understanding of what we truly need or believe, rather than blindly following something that doesn’t truly serve our purpose. New business endeavors may require a closer look before pushing forward. While outer planet transits such as this one have three exact passes before moving on, effectively extending their influence over the course of many months, this transit is a one-time pass. In fact, Jupiter will soon form a creative quintile with Chiron in early 2020.
The Full Moon on the 12th occurs in the sign of Gemini, bringing sudden awareness to our lives and a rather urgent “need to know,” to get an important message across, to finish a communications project, or to make an announcement. Travel and communications are in strong focus.
Jupiter forms a trine to Uranus on the 15th and is a one-time pass. This transit opens us up to new energies, approaches, and attitudes. Fortunate events occur as a direct result of our willingness to entertain the unusual and to think outside of the box. This influence favors group activities, financial endeavors associated with groups or organizational efforts, educational pursuits, digital learning, writing, publishing, speaking, and humanitarian efforts. Pursuits can thrive if they’re fed with progressive, inventive energy, and it’s important to allow ourselves some breathing room to come up with new ideas. With Jupiter in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus, this open-minded theme is particularly useful since Capricorn and Taurus are traditional. It can uplift our spirits and open our minds to new possibilities, which is invaluable. New methods of doing and viewing business, money, comfort, and career can emerge.
The New Moon on the 26th is a Solar Eclipse in the sign of Capricorn. Public life, career, reputation, achievement, and accountability are themes, and they’re also subject to new beginnings. This eclipse awakens our ambitions, sense of time/limits, and need for order. It offers us the opportunity to set practical, attainable goals, work on developing maturity and common sense, consider and prepare for the future, work on self-discipline, and recognize our responsibilities. We may be called to give up something in order to move forward into a new chapter in our lives. We might need to work hard to achieve our goals, and possibly face some roadblocks along the way. Fortunately, it occurs near the time of a Sun-Jupiter conjunction, fueling us with optimism. Saturn and Pluto are heading toward alignment, and we may sense that we need to break something down before rebuilding it stronger and better. This New Moon sets the ball rolling for a brilliantly productive period ahead.
Date | Time (ET) | Event | Position |
Dec 2 | 1:20 PM | Jupiter enters Capricorn | ![]() ![]() |
Dec 8 | 11:27 PM | Jupiter square Chiron | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Dec 9 | 4:41 AM | Mercury enters Sagittarius | ![]() ![]() |
Dec 12 | 12:12 AM | Full Moon in Gemini | ![]() ![]() |
Dec 12 | 10:47 PM | Chiron Direct | ![]() ![]() |
Dec 14 | 2:01 PM | Saturn quintile Chiron | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Dec 15 | 2:01 PM | Jupiter trine Uranus | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Dec 20 | 1:41 AM | Venus enters Aquarius | ![]() ![]() |
Dec 20 | 1:15 PM | Jupiter quintile Neptune | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Dec 21 | 11:19 PM | Sun enters Capricorn | ![]() ![]() |
Dec 26 | 12:13 AM | New Moon (Annular SOLAR Eclipse) in Capricorn | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Dec 28 | 11:55 PM | Mercury enters Capricorn | ![]() ![]() |
(See the full table for 2019)
See also the Astrology of 2020.
See also: This Week in Astrology week to week for more detail.
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
Overview horoscopes will fill in here as I write them, ideally during the week before the month begins. It is not unusual to see some signs temporarily missing as I usually write them over the course of a few days, and I always start with the featured sign of the month (birthday month).
Saturn has been transiting square to your sign, putting on the pressure, dear Aries. This month, Jupiter heads into a similar position, and while it does push for achievement, it also helps you find more joy and meaning in your pursuits. Fortunately, it will stick around, blessing your career and ambitions for over a year. Jupiter makes it to the top of your solar chart on December 2nd and will stick around until December 2020. Venus spends much of December there, and the Sun enters this sector of your chart on the 21st, after which a Solar Eclipse happens on the 26th. You can feel as if you're moving up! It's a visible, outgoing, spirited, and also highly accountable and responsible period. You are bound to feel more adventurous on the career front, and you may very well receive a reward or recognition in the year ahead. A career opportunity may suddenly pop up, or you discover more pleasure and reward in your work, and it all starts this month. You may positively come into the limelight. While you've often needed to put aside your personal goals to achieve your worldly objectives, Jupiter is now helping you see the benefits of this sacrifice and hard work. There continue to be some tense moments and pressures related to your status, reputation, public, or professional life. Still, you're discovering how far you can go, and you're coming out stronger. An event may occur that expands your career or professional interests, and you derive more pleasure from these activities. More freedom is likely to be experienced in your career. With Saturn transiting the same sector, this can be a time of profitable productivity. It's a time for discovering more joy in following your ambitions and performing or excelling. Working towards a well-defined goal can be motivating and satisfying, although this goal may not be fully fleshed out just yet. Your position with bosses, parents, teachers, or authorities can improve wonderfully in the year ahead. Even so, you're also making your own opportunities along career lines with a confident attitude. And, this month, with Jupiter and Uranus in harmony, you're detaching yourself from old and outdated attachments to money sources and things, and this is giving you more wiggle room to explore and experiment. With Chiron turning direct in your sign this month, others more readily see your charm and appeal, and they value you for your sparkling, unique personality. You could see some unexpected gains with your finances with Uranus in your money house harmonizing with Jupiter at the top of your solar chart, especially with this energy tied into a Solar Eclipse on the 26th. Even if unexpected losses enter the picture, they're likely to be minor and might only serve to motivate you to tap into new resources. There might instead be a release from restrictive circumstances, such as the end of a payment plan. You are feeling positive and confident about your abilities. Look for distinct opportunities to improve your work, financial state, and reputation this month. This can also be a time when an important project comes to completion. You're learning to fear recognition less and to put yourself out there with more confidence. The last week of December brings further emphasis on your responsibilities, work, and performance as the Sun joins Jupiter in the same sector and aligns right around the Solar Eclipse. It's the start of a brilliant period on these fronts! The final week of December is generally more public and goal-oriented than usual, but the need for a new game plan is becoming clear as we approach a Saturn-Pluto alignment. |
Uranus in your sign has the effect of speeding up your life, supplying you with the courage to mix things up a little, dear Taurus. Changes in your life direction are likely during its long transit of Taurus. At the very least, you express yourself in ways that surprise the people around you. Impulsive decisions are possible. You need to make a few changes in your life, and you now have the courage and drive to do so. Make changes in your routines, but think twice before you take action that you may regret later when things calm down. This month, Jupiter moves into harmony with your sign and with Uranus. Jupiter has been encouraging introspection and a deeper connection with your desires and needs. This spiritual regeneration begins to direct outwards from December 2nd, as you seek to expand your mind, social circle, or activities with renewed faith in your powers to do so. Jupiter's influence on your sign starting now and until December 2020 can be nothing short of fabulous, especially with its trine to Uranus this month. Your ability to communicate your ideas improves multiple times over, and your popularity increases. You are an idea machine, and your hunches are often spot-on. This is a time for gathering inspiration. Later, Jupiter will join forces with Pluto and work on making serious improvements, but for now, you're discovering what you want to achieve. This transit stimulates a more adventurous, spirited approach to your world. While Saturn and Pluto are still transiting this area of your chart, imparting rather serious energy, there's the potential for a nice rounded-out experience. You have Jupiter (from the 2nd), the Sun (from the 21st), your ruler, Venus (until the 19th), and a Solar Eclipse on the 26th in the sector of your chart that rules publishing, promotion, travel, adventure, belief systems, world cultures, higher education, and the law, such that any of these areas, if appropriate to your current conditions, can figure strongly. December is a time of enthusiasm, creative enterprise, self-expression, and letting go of inhibitions. Situations seem to highlight your unique and original offerings. You're exploring new ideas and approaches and learning exciting new things. There can be circumstances occurring now that release you from restriction in some significant way, and breakthrough thinking. You're rising above small problems and discomforts as you tune into the bigger picture and gain perspective. You're more optimistic and confident now and in the year ahead. Generally speaking, it's a more outgoing, active, spontaneous period of your life. Over the coming year, there can be new opportunities to learn, publish, communicate, promote, and travel. You may discover new and exciting channels for self-expression. Still, Mars opposes your sign all month, and this means others seem to be taking the lead more often than you. It could also point to tensions in a close relationship, although with things out in the open, resolutions become possible. Collaboration or shared activities can thrive, however, once you've sorted things out. A friend, networking, or group activity might facilitate a positive connection. |
There is a strong focus on your relationships this month, dear Gemini. A Solar Eclipse occurs in your intimacy sector, and Jupiter moves in the same area of your solar chart for a stay of over a year. These events put a spotlight on your inner world and the often hidden dynamics in a close relationship. With Jupiter moving through your sector of joint finances, intimacy, and transformation, the year ahead is a power period on a financial level. Mind you, it's unlikely to be a year when you see big windfalls. In fact, you may feel the need to buckle down, too, since Saturn is also in this area of your chart. It's a time to tackle existing debt, or to get a much-needed loan. Support from others is more possible than ever. Regarding intimacy, your ability (and desire) for more profound levels of experience seems to reign. Superficial connections won't do! You get the opportunity to derive real satisfaction and enjoyment from your relationships this year. Expect a pursuit of pleasure that touches the soul. You could be released from a debt or dependency during this period. Alternatively, if you've kept to yourself and now need support in the form of loans or backing, this could be the time when you get what you need. It's a time for sorting out your debt situation or your joint finances. You're determined to get a hold of your life, perhaps through tackling bad habits, addictions, or negative attitudes that may have been undermining your confidence--opportunities open to you to do so. You're in great shape for deepened relationships or more joy in an intimate relationship, and a generally easier time attracting support--moral, economic, or otherwise. Your relationship with yourself or with a partner can grow as you understand your deeper needs more fully and embrace the more hidden elements of your nature. The Solar Eclipse on the 26th can get the ball rolling, but you may feel some of these effects before that date. The year ahead can be quite wonderful for your private life. Uranus moving through your "hidden" sector activates and excites your dream world and personal life. You may enjoy especially revealing dreams, and it may be that something you have kept under wraps comes out into the open quite unexpectedly. The good news is that it's likely to feel like a sweet release this month with Jupiter in harmony with Uranus. Since this aspect occurs close to a Solar Eclipse, this positive theme can extend into the New Year. There are exciting breakthroughs and insights into your own psychology, an intimate relationship, or a support system. You may be relieved of a burden or debilitating secret. Let in the positive energy, and make room for new opportunities. You're getting inspired in December, and in the coming months, you'll be motivated to apply your new ideas. Another important influence this month is Mars making its way through your work-and-health sector. There's the potential for satisfying hard work on straightening out your health, job, routines, and daily affairs. At the same time, Mars harmonizes with Neptune in your career and reputation sector, peaking mid-December, and you may come upon a new idea or program related to work or health that truly benefits you. You’re gravitating towards endeavors that help refresh your spirit. Some of the groundwork you're doing this month can be significant in the long-term. |
With Saturn opposing your sign for the last two years, dear Cancer, you may have felt somewhat limited in your self-expression. Relationships may have been heavier or felt more restrictive than usual. This transit will be phasing out through 2020. However, in the meantime, Jupiter moves into a position to help. On December 2nd, Jupiter begins its transit of your partnership sector, and this influence will last just over a year. It can have magical effects on close partnerships and one-to-one relationships. While at times you may feel like you are living for others with so much activity in your partnership sector, you'll have opportunities to expand your horizons and enjoy or benefit from your connections more than ever. Jupiter harmonizes with Uranus this month, opening up new opportunities. The inspiration begins now! Uranus has been bringing subtle nudges towards a newly designed lifestyle that more potently expresses the "real you." Freedom of expression is a building need these days, and you can expect to steadily, and perhaps slowly, effect changes in your routine that help you to feel ever so slightly more independent. There can be exciting, unexpected opportunities emerging in your social life. You might break out of limiting or restrictive circumstances, or there can be an empowering, uplifting spirit of friendship, freedom, and acceptance with you. In the year ahead, the "planet of plenty" transiting your partnership sector can help you improve your close relationships or bring you into contact with helpful people. Resolutions are likely to be found for long-standing problems in existing relationships, or a new relationship can figure strongly. Good publicity may come your way, as you are well-received and especially likable during this transit. It's all beginning this month when you feel more courageous and motivated to make progress. You seem to attract people and situations that benefit your personal growth. There can be someone who has an unusually encouraging and positive effect on you. Even so, there is a theme revolving around more attention to work, habits, health, and routines in your life in December. It's an ideal time for getting organized, handling the details, and managing your daily affairs. Mars spends all of December in your sector of joy and in harmony with your sign. It's a robust transit for enjoying more romance, playfulness, and fun in your life. You can find new and perhaps alternative ways to express yourself. People tend to respond to you well. You could be drawn to someone who exudes strength, or you might meet with people who either share and reinforce your perspective on life or fully appreciate it. A Solar Eclipse occurs on the 26th, putting you in a strong position for new beginnings regarding your close relationships in the weeks--and even months--following. Energy levels may very well plummet initially, after which they'll rebuild slowly but surely. Changes in how you "do" relationships are in store, and this theme is expected to develop further in January. Aim to address any need that might arise in a current partnership for growth and development rather than wait for matters to force themselves. |
Uranus is square your sign, dear Leo, and this planet of progressive change, rebellion, and individuality is at the top of your solar chart. Alterations in your lifestyle can be quite significant, and new directions are likely now and in upcoming years. A strong need for independence marks this period of your life, and it's building! Life seems to speed up as if it's nudging you to take a few risks, make changes, and blaze new paths that you haven't considered before. You are spirited and spunky. However, you also have a lot of work to do. Jupiter heads into your sector of work, health, and daily routines this month, and will stick around there until next December! The nature and breadth of your daily activities and routines expand under this influence. Saturn and Pluto have been bringing heavy energy to this sector of your chart, and now that Jupiter's arrived, you're finding more meaning and joy in your work or daily affairs. Opportunities for improved working conditions and advancement are likely, particularly this month with Uranus and Jupiter highlighting the two sectors of your solar chart that have to do with work. A positive attitude towards the work you do helps you attract these opportunities and potential windfalls. You're rethinking your goals, and new ideas are likely to emerge now that you'll develop further in 2020. December is a time for inspiration. The goal now is to discover a more rewarding and fulfilling path while keeping your feet on the ground. You might also enjoy a stronger interest in nutrition, cleaner living, and fitness. You'll find new ways to manage and improve your daily life, but there can be some initial dissatisfaction before you feel the drive to make improvements and refinements. The Solar Eclipse on the 26th can prompt new beginnings--eclipses often highlight lack or frustration that motivate us to make changes. You're likely to feel a surge of optimism and confidence about self-care and self-improvement this month and beyond. You want to upgrade health, work, habits, and routines. You might discover new things to love in your work or everyday life, and events occurring now can increase your commitment to--or excitement about--making improvements. Aim to share your eagerness and generosity. You might discover new ways of taking care of the practical side of life, and it's empowering and freeing. Despite this tremendous focus on your work and health sector, the Sun moves through your sector of joy, pleasure, and self-expression until the 21st. You're sure to find plenty of moments to enjoy yourself and share your happiness with others this month. Just before the Sun leaves this area of your solar chart, Venus moves into your partnership sector, ensuring further loving attention and warmth in your life. Mars transits your home and family sector all month, encouraging activity on the home front. This influence can undoubtedly stir up some tension, and physical and creative release from pressure can be beneficial. Some form of spiritual or creative escape, if you can manage it, would be excellent to help round out your life this month. |
December features a beautiful trine between Jupiter and Uranus, dear Virgo, and they're in fellow Earth signs. In other words, you're in a brilliant position to receive a boost from this progressive, liberating influence. But first, Jupiter moves into harmony with your sign on December 2nd as it begins its visit to your sector of joy, romance, and pleasure. It will stick with you, blessing your leisurely activities, dating life, and creative worlds until December 2020. Significant, yet sometimes subtle, changes are in the works regarding how you express yourself and the ways you go about getting what you want in life. Stimulating changes to your routine stem from a desire for a bit more freedom in your life--a shift in your thinking patterns that has the effect of broadening your life experiences. You enjoy increased popularity and forge new friendships. You can feel quite peaceful as you make small changes and improvements, simply because opportunities that seem to come "out of the blue" are fortunate ones. You are quietly making headway, and reaching out to unexplored territory or new people serves you well. Unusual opportunities for the advancement of your goals are in order. You can be excited to break free from certain inhibitions about expressing yourself. Publishing and promotional efforts are well-starred. People may be introducing you to new ideas and beliefs that inspire you. Jupiter's transit of your sector of love, romance, pleasure, children, and speculation is a happy one. You are coming out of your shell in the coming year. As Jupiter harmonizes with Uranus in December, you'll find you're expressing parts of yourself that the world perhaps has never seen before. It's a time of golden opportunities for you. Be sure to get out there, make your presentations, get active, and promote yourself in some way or another. Sometimes a good mood can lead you to overdo, overspend, and basically borrow from your future with Jupiter's transits. However, you have Saturn in the same sector much of the time Jupiter is there, helping to keep your feet on the ground. Saturn tends to keep you in check. There is undoubtedly a significant focus on your home and family sector this month. Still, your solar fifth house is building in importance, and areas brought to life are recreation, hobbies, children, romance, dating, pleasure, creative endeavors, creative self-expression, leisure time, and fulfillment through play. These may not always be smooth areas, but opportunities emerge to make refinements, improve, enjoy, discover, and grow. A Solar Eclipse occurs in this sector of your solar chart on the 26th, prompting significant changes. The desire to improve your life along romantic or creative lines can be compelling now, and the need to start fresh can become evident. You are rebuilding your motivation and confidence regarding pursuing your heart’s desire or heartfelt endeavors, passions, and loves. Going forward, more opportunities are sure to emerge that serve to awaken hidden or dormant talents, and the ball starts rolling now! Mars spends the month in your communications sector, motivating you to learn, connect, and share. Do watch for impatience in your communications and movements, but tap into your passion and enthusiasm for personal interests, activities, and movement. |
December brings warm energy for feeling freer on a personal level yet more connected, dear Libra, and emotionally ready to make lifestyle improvements. Opportunities for putting limiting living conditions or attitudes behind you can emerge. You're often finding yourself quite busy with errands, connections, learning, communications, and more movement than usual this month. However, there are also persuasive prompts to settle in and get comfortable. There can be times in the year ahead when you're doing a balancing act between your urge to splurge and your sense of responsibility. Saturn has been putting the brakes on you, slowing you down with its square to your sign. There's more of this energy to come, but it's set to phase out in 2020. In the meantime, Jupiter moves into the same position as Saturn, helping you find more meaning and even joy in the hard work you've been doing to straighten out your life. This all starts on December 2nd, and Jupiter's blessings will continue for just over a year. Jupiter's transit of your solar fourth house of family, roots, and the home can improve your personal and domestic life considerably. There can be improved relationships with loved ones, a new addition to your family, the urge to expand, redecorate, or build your home and domestic world, or the beginning of a new, long-term project or business venture. It's time for an upgrade to your living conditions or arrangements. Areas of improvement and opportunity include money, home, family, shared resources, and real estate. Getting rid of emotional baggage can be in focus. A large weight lifts from your shoulders. Family and intimate relationships can improve by leaps and bounds as you discover new and improved ways of relating and interacting. You're ridding yourself of old patterns that are no longer working in your favor. Moving, renovating, or increasing your feelings of safety and comfort can figure strongly. You'll also be working on establishing and centering yourself on an emotional level. All of this begins this month, although you've been building to this theme for some time. You're thinking about growth and expansion, and taking small steps towards improving your life from the ground up. You can be in a celebratory or happily domestic mood. Whatever you’re building, you’re putting your heart and soul into it, maximizing its chances of success. There can be some drama on the domestic front with a Solar Eclipse on the 26th, but this ideally leads to a fresh perspective or a new beginning. Changes and improvements may be necessary as you reorganize your personal life, or shuffle around your priorities. Mars moves through your resources sector through December, and you can be quite motivated to improve your lot in life. You have a stronger feel for what may be a good buy, business move, or strategy, and the confidence to go for it. The natural arts can appeal and soothe significantly now – earthy activities, photography, pottery, and so forth – anything that gives form to your feelings. You're making adjustments to your work that align more comfortably with your mission in life. Venus moves in harmony with your sign from the 20th forward, boosting your appeal and comfort with yourself. With so much focus on your inner world in December, this transit helps bring more balance to your life, encouraging you to connect, share, and mingle with fun results. |
A growing theme of communicating, learning, connecting, short trips or errands, and transportation emerges in December, dear Scorpio. You're also compelled to sort out your money situation, and you're motivated to boost your feelings of security and comfort. Jupiter moves into your communications sector for a stay of just over a year, and it's big news! Saturn and Pluto have been bringing mature, ambitious, and often practical energy to this area of your solar chart, but they've also been quite serious and pressured at times. While this continues for a while longer, Jupiter here helps you find more meaning, enjoyment, and even pleasure in these areas. As Jupiter rounds things out, you might even feel more productive. This month, Jupiter forms a trine to Uranus, helping you to put an end to limiting attitudes, problems, or situations that have been holding you back from expressing yourself freely. Look for opportunities in the areas of partnerships, friendships, communications, and studies. It's a time for focusing on self-improvement and for taking steps towards a much-improved lifestyle. Transportation or communications channels can open up for you this month, getting the ball rolling for more improvements and opportunities in the year ahead. You're inventive, picking up information that others overlook, and connecting with others in fresh, inspiring ways. Others enjoy your ideas and insights. You are especially mentally alert and busy in December. You stand to widen your social circle, update your skills, communicate more effectively, read, write, and learn more, advertise, and promote. In many ways, this theme sticks with you in the year ahead. This should prove to be an exciting, busy, and fruitful period. You may find that you're losing some of your skepticism, cautiousness, and fear of taking risks, but you're also keeping your feet on the ground. The year ahead is powerful for sharpening your skills, growing your knowledge base, making contacts and connections, studies, training programs, and writing. Your mind is open, and you are enthusiastic. Opportunities pop up that allow you to expand your personal influence. Still, there are times when you're restless, somewhat abrupt, and itching to feel freer and more independent. You're in good shape for laying the groundwork for future projects, or for building up your skills. You're excited to learn new things and share your ideas and interests with others. The Sun aligns with Jupiter and a Solar Eclipse occurs in your solar third house this month, giving you an energetic boost or prompting a new beginning along the lines of personal interests, studies, and connections. Your curiosity and desire to learn, teach, and share is building. It can be a good time for news or information coming in that positively redirects you. Others show their appreciation for your writing, insight, work, or advice. You are drawn to information that brings benefits to your life. Making long-range plans for improving your experience, particularly when it comes to learning and connecting, is favored. You might also take steps to develop a relationship with a sibling, relative, classmate, or even a neighbor now. Mars transits your sign throughout December, pumping you up to pursue your desires and assert yourself. As Mars connects with Neptune, peaking mid-month, you'll also seek ways to heal. You’re in great shape for enhancing your relationships through positive actions or gestures. You may feel moved to act on your instincts or compassionate feelings, and the rewards are great. Both competitive and cooperative activities fare well in December. Creatively and romantically, you are in good form, and in a good light, as well. |
It's a personally powerful month, dear Sagittarius, with the Sun in your sign until the 21st and Mercury in Sagittarius from the 9-28. Interestingly, in this month that's mostly devoted to you, your ruling planet, Jupiter, exits your sign. It's been with you since November of 2018, ideally boosting your confidence and sense of independence. With Jupiter's new transit, starting early this month and lasting until December 2020, you'll be building on your new ideas and securing your place in the world. It's a quieter, comfier transit than the last one, and it may be just what you need at this time! Jupiter forms a booster aspect to Uranus in your work and health sector, and it's a magical influence for your practical affairs. So, while December is undoubtedly a month of personal development and self-discovery, it's also a time for innovating with your practical affairs, including money and work, and possibly even your health. New developments or methods in your daily routines can boost up your bottom line now, or improved and streamlined processes can help you relax and enjoy yourself just a little more than before. Of course, with moderation, this can actually contribute to productivity, as you're giving back more of yourself when you've rested more fully. In the coming year, there is a powerful emphasis on your solar second house, where Jupiter now begins its visit. Energies with money, business, belongings, talents, resources, and self-worth have been heavier or leaner lately. Jupiter now helps you find more meaning and hope regarding your finances and valuables. It's an excellent transit for boosting and enjoying your resources, talents, and money. You can do your part by seeking out opportunities to enhance your sense of comfort, well-being, and security, or to improve your finances. This transit is about making your own money, relying on your income, or using your personal resources to their utmost. It's a timely transit -- Saturn has been clearing the decks in this sector of your chart in recent years, and now Jupiter is coming along to help you start fresh, with new confidence. You have the chance this year to discover new or untapped resources on a financial level that can translate to a boost to your financial well-being, thanks to Jupiter moving through your money sector. Innovative thinking this month contributes significantly. Your daily routine is disrupted from time to time this month, but mostly for the better. You might find yourself attracted to alternative health practices, and you can receive unexpected bonuses or enjoy surprises in your work that help you advance or enjoy your work more. Another sign that it's a quieter power month than usual is the transit of Mars through your privacy sector. It won't be until January 3rd before Mars enters your sign, and it's important to lay low, observe, and tie up loose ends. For the most part in December, you're putting your best face forward, and others are apt to find you easy to be around. Your true colors positively shine, and you have an aura about you that expresses vibrant, healing energy. The Sun travels in your sign until the 21st, and you're in the spotlight. This is a time of more visibility and special attention to your personal plans, needs, hopes, and wishes. Your voice is stronger from the 9-28, partly because you make more effort to be heard. From the 22nd, the Sun transits your resources sector where there is already quite a bit of activity! The Solar Eclipse on the 26th brings even more power to your money, finances, and belongings. It's a brilliant time of new hope and beginnings related to money, talents, and resources. Even with this practical theme, from the 20th forward, making connections comes easily, and they're likely to be happy, satisfying ones. You're attracting the right people and situations to you through your words. |
December is looking very you-focused, dear Capricorn. Still, it's a month for getting your bearings, rest, and reflection. The biggest headline is Jupiter entering your sign on the 2nd. Staying for over a year, Jupiter is set to bring more meaning and pleasure or satisfaction to your life. Mars spends the whole of December in harmony to your sign, and this is a most welcome boost to energy and motivation levels. While the Sun doesn't move into Capricorn until the 21/22, Venus spends much of the month in your sign, and Mars harmonizes with Capricorn. It's a busy, engaging time for you, but it's also essential to make time for rest and healing. In the last year, you've been building your spiritual confidence in subtle ways. Now, you're less affected or intimidated by your usual fears and inhibitions. Your confidence in your intuition has improved. These things will help you embrace this new Jupiter transit. Jupiter in Capricorn helps boost your sense of adventure. This transit comes at an interesting time: Saturn has spent a couple of years in Capricorn, clearing the decks. Now Jupiter here helps you rebuild your personal image, manner, attitude towards life and independence, confidence levels, your relationship with your body, and self-assertion. You're learning -- or relearning -- to take charge and "own" these things. It's a time of fully embracing your self-starting, enterprising nature. New physical activities or programs, businesses, or a fresh start regarding how you walk into a room or grab opportunities, can be part of the picture. Saturn continues to prompt you to get organized, but often has you feeling serious or heavy. Now and in the year ahead, Jupiter helps enhance your image and repairs your relationship with yourself, and you'll find people more overtly appreciating you and your general vibe. If you feel unlucky that Saturn will spend much of the time in your sign while Jupiter does, think again. Saturn helps to keep confidence from developing into over-confidence or arrogance. It also offers you a dose of reality when you might very well need it most--if you have an urge to live beyond your means, for example. This month, your imagination is fertile, and you view your pastimes and the entertainment with open eyes. It's a good time to focus your energies on a pet project, get your finances in order, and get yourself out there. You should enjoy more self-confidence, and the projection of a fresh "new you" is bound to attract attention, particularly after the Solar Eclipse in your sign on the 26th. Take stock of what you've been doing with your life, and try to pinpoint what it is that you might be missing or repressing before launching new beginnings. This way, you'll greet the New Year feeling far more equipped to handle whatever comes your way. |
Jupiter's new influence on your chart gives you a strong sense of spiritual peace, dear Aquarius, preparing you internally for outward changes when Jupiter moves into your sign next December. Saturn and Pluto have spent a lot of time in this background area of your chart, and these energies have sometimes felt quite stark. Jupiter moves in here on December 2nd, helping to build inner peace and enhancing your ability to take things in stride. You get a real sense that you can overcome some of your inner fears and anxieties in the coming year. If you need help during this period, it tends to come sometimes just in the nick of time, and it may arrive from unanticipated or hidden sources. You will be building tremendous inner and spiritual strength in the year ahead, and it all begins now! It's an excellent period to give of yourself on a charitable level. You may find that a partner's daily life or health improves dramatically during this period. You can feel quite protected--as if you have a guardian angel watching over you. Fears and anxieties that may have weighed you down with guilt or pressure are faced and lifted this year. You're in great shape for enjoying your own company, gaining more peace and quiet, trusting your intuition, and supporting others or doing behind the scenes good deeds. A Jupiter-Uranus trine highlighting your emotional, intuitive solar houses this month endows you with charisma that comes from within and is expressed effortlessly on the outside. Look for ways to break free from past addictions and hauntings, such as attachments to people or things that can no longer be a part of your life. Seek personal opportunities, particularly related to healing, mental health, emotional wellness, financial support, home, property, and family. It's a time for freeing yourself from situations that have kept you unhappy, confined, or worried. Improved living conditions can figure strongly now. Still, the month brings strong energy for handling your responsibilities, reaching higher in your work, or for taking the lead with Mars at the top of your solar chart. You're feeling more ambitious than usual. Later in December, you head into your yearly phase of rest, recuperation, and reflection. This will be useful as you move closer to your personal new year. A Solar Eclipse on the 26th is another reminder that you need to pay special attention to your inner world, healing, and preparing. Fortunately, you don't just need it, you get it! Interestingly, Venus moves into your sign on the 20th, and it may be that because you're now prioritizing yourself, the chance to recoup more easily comes to you. You end 2019 and will greet 2020 with this fortuitous transit--Venus enhances your relationships, powers of attraction, and pleasure factor. Still, the Sun's transit of your privacy sector from the 21st is a natural time for retreat, withdrawal, or a sabbatical. It's about emotional and physical renewal before your birthday month. This can be symbolic only but vital as you recharge and refresh. Some things may be up in the air now, and these things need additional time to mature. It's not the time to rush! You have more preparations to do, but you feel more and more equipped to handle them. |
Jupiter heads into your solar eleventh house for a stay of over a year, dear Pisces, encouraging you to dream, plan, and hope for the future. You may meet new acquaintances who help you further your goals, or you could join a group or association that gives you considerable pleasure and satisfaction. This is a time for expanding your associations with others through new acquaintances or group activity in the year ahead, and it all starts this month! Business endeavors will go more smoothly for you if you recognize the value of the team during this supportive trend. December asks you to work a little harder than usual, however. It's a time when you want to shine for your performance, achievements, and responsibilities. You're taking special pride in these things. The Full Moon on the 12th is a call for a balance through more attention to your family, home, or personal life if you've gone a little too hard with your focus on your goals and responsibilities to the outside world. Mars harmonizes with your sign all month, and it's a fabulous boost. It also connects well with Neptune in Pisces, promoting just the kind of energy you vibe well with--compassion, creativity, understanding, and acting on inspiration, dreams, or greater understanding and awareness. Especially with Jupiter and Neptune direct, you can feel a pleasant forward momentum in your life now. Things are coming together! You may get the chance to explore brand-new experiences on mental or physical planes this month, and they're inspiring. You're looking to round out your life, especially since there has been a rather intense focus of energy on draining pursuits lately. You need to regain some perspective, and December offers up some opportunities to do so. Energy levels smooth out now, and you're feeling very much in your element. It's also an excellent time to tune into or reconnect with your dreams, hopes, and wishes. Social activity increases, and you enjoy greater freedom of thought, inspiration, and fresh ideas and insights that seem to come out of the blue in December. Expanding your social circle is bound to grow your happiness and satisfaction from more broad-ranging experiences and perspectives. A better, more satisfying social life helps inject more fun and interest into your life. A Jupiter-Uranus aspect encourages a sense of freedom through fewer inhibitions. Transportation and communications options can open for you, and this can lead to greater opportunities – even life-changing ones. The last week of the month brings a stronger social flavor, and you're taking more and more interest in connecting with friends, networks, the community, or your higher goals, dreams, and plans. An eclipse affects these areas of life, too, prompting a significant change of direction or a new beginning. Goals that involve networking, making connections, joining or strengthening ties in a group project or activity, and nurturing goodwill are the focus. This eclipse can serve to shake up your social life to pave the way for meaningful changes. This can be a crucial time for delegating, collaborating or calling on a team/help so that you have more time to focus on honing your craft or getting time for yourself. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
December 2019 Aspects TimeLine:
See also: This Week in Astrology for more detail.
December 2019 Aspects TimeLine as above but with quintile and semi-sextile aspects as well:
This Month’s Ephemeris:
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors, although they’re not impossible periods, either.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.
- New Moon in Sagittarius Chart: November 26, 2019
- Full Moon in Gemini Chart: December 12, 2019
- New Moon/Solar Eclipse Chart in Capricorn December 26, 2019
Looking Ahead:
- December 2019: Time Line Aspects
- January 2020: Time Line Aspects
- February 2020: Time Line Aspects
- March 2020: Time Line Aspects
- April 2020: Time Line Aspects
- May 2020: Time Line Aspects

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2019 – Overview
The Astrology of 2020 – Overview