This Month in Astrology August 2017
August 2017
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
The New Moon that occurred last month on the 22nd occurred early in the sign of Leo and influences the first three weeks of August. We can tune into the more positive energies of the sign of the Lion. This is a time to uncover and share our unique, creative powers – that which makes us special. We might aim to allow our “inner child” to come out and play, and possibly commit to plans related to games, sports, recreation, speculation, hobbies, children, romance, and dating. This New Moon aligned with Mars and formed a square with Uranus, and we should avoid rebellious moves and pushing too hard or too fast. In fact, we have another New Moon late in the sign of Leo on the 21st, and it’s a Solar Eclipse. For this New Moon, we look for ways to take charge, and this comes out of a feeling that we’re no longer in the lead in our own lives. Uranus turns retrograde on July 3rd and will remain retrograde until January 2nd, 2018. This can add a strongly innovative and perhaps rebellious energy to the surrounding week, and since it’s happening in the week of a Lunar Eclipse in Uranus’ sign, Aquarius, this can be an especially erratic and unusual week. Even so, during Uranus’ retrograde period itself, our desire to make changes in our lives can be turned inward as we get in touch with what it is that is holding us back from living more spontaneously. On August 4th, Jupiter and Pluto reach their third and final square aspect in a set. This aspect first occurred on November 24th, 2016, and recurred on March 30th, 2017, and can be considered as having been “in effect” throughout the wider date range. Our ambitions have been strong, feeling that if we set our sights high enough, we can achieve anything. However, we may have stirred up some opposition in our zeal. The tendency has been to take on too many interests, activities, or desires, or to exaggerate our importance or power. We may recognize the need to change our attitude or we might have to face narrow-mindedness in others (or in ourselves). This is not a good time to hold onto big secrets. Thinking in big terms is fine, as long as the practical details of any pursuit are also considered. Fortunately, we have a Jupiter-Saturn sextile to help ground us in effect this August, coming to exact aspect on the 27th. A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs on August 7th in the sign of Aquarius and is bound to thrust us into a state of heightened awareness of flaws in our friendships, attitudes towards others, the community, and group activities. While we’re reminded of our needs for friendship, community, as well as impartiality and objectivity, decisions made now are emotionally-driven. With so much attention on our personal lives and pleasures, we’re reminded now that we mustn’t lose sight of our larger goals and our need to give back to the community or group that supports us. Mercury turns retrograde on August 12th and will remain retrograde until September 5th. Mercury begins its retrograde in its own sign, Virgo, and moves back into Leo on the 31st. With Uranus retrograde and Saturn direct, this is a season for a more conservative approach to pursuing our goals. The New Moon on the 21st is a Solar Eclipse and occurs once again in Leo, but very late in the sign. A New Moon brings a fresh start, but as it occurs so late in the sign of Leo, there can be a real sense of urgency to make a quick decision or to end a matter so we can move forward. All New Moons are impulsive, and this one may be especially so. On the other hand, its harmony with Uranus and Saturn points to the possibility of everything falling in place. This eclipse can give us a super push towards more play, romance, and self-expression in our lives. Saturn turning direct on the 25th is a strong reminder to take care of our responsibilities and to bring our goals down to earth. With Saturn’s direct turn, our responsibilities, and perhaps our limitations, are magnified. Gradually, our long-term goals and plans become clearer. With Uranus retrograde, Saturn direct, and Jupiter sextile Saturn, this is a less rebellious and more responsible time, generally speaking. At least when it comes to appearances, we are more likely to follow the rules. Jupiter and Saturn form a sextile, exact on the 27th. This is a period of constructive accomplishment. It’s a good time for building important structures in our lives. We are practical, realistic, and our judgment is especially sound–and we derive much satisfaction from practical accomplishment. We’re particularly balanced when it comes to our outlook — we’re neither too optimistic or too cautious. The key to harnessing this wonderful energy is to identify and find pleasure in the simple things that make us happy.
(See the full table for 2017)
MercuryWith Mercury ahead of the Sun, we have a generally objective approach to processing and communicating information. Mercury transits Virgo virtually all month (until the 31st), and we aim for more precision in speech and thought. This is a time when we analyze and decide what is useful and what we deem to be impractical. Mercury is retrograde from the 12th forward (until September 5th), and until the 31st in the sign of Virgo. We might look at past decisions and ideas from a new, possibly enlightened perspective, although we may be especially analytical and critical, perhaps to excess. We tend to return to past projects and refine or tweak them. We may feel stuck in the past if we continually redo and don’t feel satisfied with the results, however. We can find usefulness in old or past ideas and recycle them in new ways. This is a good time for reviewing recent work, as long as we don’t get caught in a loop of perfectionism. We might discover new ways of doing work that has become routine, or we might consider renewing old self-care, health, or fitness programs. Plans may be considered then reconsidered. We are in a good position to reevaluate our routines and habits, and we might give more thought to the meaning of our work or services.
VenusVenus continues its transit of Cancer until the 26th — a sentimental and affectionate, but also self-protective, influence. We crave familiarity and security in love. The 10-11 and 23rd are strong for accepting others and repairing love connections. The 14-15 and 24th are rougher patches for Venus as it opposes Pluto and squares Uranus, respectively, but we can learn through the friction. From the 26th forward, Venus transits Leo and there is a little more drama in our lives. If we don’t receive it, we may be tempted to create it! We are generous with our affections and our pocketbooks for the most part during this transit. We crave admiration and appreciation. |
MarsMars continues its transit of Leo all month. In Leo, Mars is proud, self-confident, and grand. We go after what we want in a direct, self-assured manner, desiring dramatic results. We prefer not to worry about details, and take the least complicated route to our goals. Passion for life is high. The 19-22 is excellent for initiative, effort, and accomplishment as Mars in Leo is ready to take the lead and put forth effort to succeed. |
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
Overview Horoscopes are expected approximately a week before the month begins.
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
August 2017 Aspects Time Line
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.
- New Moon in Leo chart on July 23, 2017
- Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius Chart – August 7, 2017
- New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Leo chart August 21, 2017
Upcoming Months:
- September 2017 Time Line Aspects
- October 2017 Time Line Aspects
- November 2017 Time Line Aspects
- December 2017 Time Line Aspects
- January 2018 Time Line Aspects
- February 2018 Time Line Aspects

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2017 – Overview
The Astrology of 2018 – Overview