This Month in Astrology Archives
January 2017
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
The New Moon that energized Capricorn on December 29th has served to awaken our ambitions, sense of time/limits, and need for order, and influences much of January. It offers us the opportunity to set practical, attainable goals, work on developing maturity and common sense, consider and prepare for the future, work on self-discipline, and recognize our responsibilities. It’s a time for nurturing our dreams in a realistic fashion. The fact that Uranus turned direct on the same day made this an especially inventive New Moon and added a layer of unpredictability to this time. As Uranus gains speed in the next few weeks, our urge to express ourselves uniquely, to take some chances or risks, to rebel, to listen to our own instincts, and to stir up change are re-awakened. We begin to see clearly that we can make changes – that we are not “victims” of changes thrust upon us. Mercury is retrograde and retreats into the sign of Sagittarius on January 4th and then completes its retrograde cycle on the 8th. Mercury moves in direct motion over the same degrees it traveled in retrograde motion until the 27th. From the 8th forward, all major planets are moving in direct motion, and this doesn’t happen very often. We hesitate less and do more when the major planets are direct. On the 12th, a Full Moon occurs in the sign of Cancer and can bring a sudden need/desire to connect with our families or our own hearts. This Full Moon can be on the dramatic side as it forms a T-square with Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto. Something is exposed or illuminated, prompting us to get in touch with those things in our personal lives that we may have been neglecting or putting off. The New Moon energizes Aquarius on the 27th. This lunation brings a feeling of a “fresh start” to our lives. We are awakened to a need for a vision, for socializing and brainstorming, for expressing feelings of friendship, and for developing more objectivity in our lives.
(See the full table for 2017)
While Mercury retrogrades until the 8th (since December 19th), some of the projects, ideas, connections, and conversations taken on may be revisited later. Mercury is subjective and intuitive this month. With Mercury retrograde in Capricorn until the 4th, we may have little tolerance for small talk and tend to express ourselves after much deliberation. Plans may be considered then reconsidered. We are in a good position to reevaluate professional or life path plans and goals. We might explore what ambition or our reputation means to us. Mercury retreats into Sagittarius on the 4th, turns direct on the 8th, and re-enters Capricorn on the 12th. Mercury regains speed slowly but surely after its retrograde period and moves out of its retrograde shadow on the 27th. With Mercury in Capricorn, we are no longer impressed with opinions, unless they have practical value and there’s enough evidence to support them! The last week of January is tumultuous for Mercury, but it’s also a time for new awareness in the face of challenge.
Venus continues its transit of Aquarius until the 3rd, when it enters Pisces. Venus is in Pisces until February 3rd and stimulates a need to include, forgive, and understand, as well as a tendency to idealize or glamorize our feelings and relationships. This is particularly the case around the time when Venus and Piscean ruler, Neptune, form an alignment on the 12th. |
Mars continues to move through Pisces for most of the month and until January 28th. We may put others’ needs ahead of our own during this cycle, and our more idealistic side comes to the fore. Desires are complicated and the route to their satisfaction, perhaps even more so. Mars then enters a sign that it rules, Aries, on the 28th. This is a self-centered, me-first, spontaneous, and direct energy. We seek out a challenge, and we aim to win or come out on top, but we can also be quite impulsive. |
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
As always in January, you are in an important career period. However, this year, there is considerable emphasis on healing, resting, and tying up loose ends. Attention to your health is important now, and you might gather the motivation or energy to handle a matter that has been on your mind for some time. Extra rest can do you very well in the first weeks of January. Certainly, with Mars moving into your sign on the 28th and Venus soon to follow (on February 3rd), you have a lot to prepare for in advance. Learning your heart's desire is important now so that when you're ready to pursue it, you know which direction to head! The Full Moon on the 12th is conflict-ridden yet highly revealing and romantic as well - an interesting combination. It's a time for discovering your feelings on a matter and then redirecting your life in fundamental ways with this new knowledge in mind. Home life can need extra attention. Jupiter moves closer to a sextile with Saturn but doesn't quite make it as it slows down and heads to a retrograde, beginning in February, and you may be nearing a goal but not quite reaching it. Delays are possible, but they likely play in your favor. It's best not to rush a good thing! Dates to slow down and take in rather than push forward: the 19th and 27th. Particularly on the 19th when Mars, your ruler, challenges Saturn, it's important to pull back and reassess rather than push something that isn't ready to happen. In the last week of January, the New Moon and then Mars entering your sign pull you up and out of yourself. You should be feeling re-energized, decisive, and confident as you end the month. |
Issues that have left you on a fence or waiting for an answer since December are likely to clear up after the 8th. Educational, legal, publishing, or travel matters may resume or delays lift after the 12th. The Full Moon on the 12th is two parts magical and one part stressful. You may be rushing to meet a deadline at this time or news comes in that moves things forward. It may be a hectic time, but it's also a period of discovering feelings that have been building, and then embracing them. Now that you know what's in your heart, you're ready to make better decisions. This can be an exciting and possibly romantic time with friends and through networking, friends, and group associations. There can be difficulties with old friends who hold a grudge around the 10th and 31st, or you feel chained to an obligation or the past at these times. As well, you may be encountering roadblocks or resistance around the 19th and 27th, but stumbling blocks such as these, if met with patience, some level of detachment, and faith in yourself (and the universe) can be put behind you quickly. Better days for personal appeal and influence are the 3rd, 20th, and 23-24. Mend fences on the 20th and 23-24 in particular. These are also good days for budding romances and friendships, as well as presenting for presenting your ideas and plans. The New Moon on the 27th occurs at the top of your solar chart, turning your attention to status, career, and responsibilities. Your larger ambitions and goals come into strong focus. The very next day, however, Mars moves into your privacy zone and you'll feel the need to rest and reflect more than usual. |
You can be gripped by the desire to change, evolve, and improve this month, the stirrings of which are likely on the 7th, after which this feeling builds and reaches a point of boiling on the 29th. If you've been toying with the idea of making a lifestyle change since December, and many of you have, things can come together now after some starts and stops or delays. This is a time for taking off and achieving your goals! Tensions from the 10-12 can be stressful but can also lead to important discoveries and changes. You can rally up support for your goals now, even with some resistance, and how to deal with a money matter or predicament surrounding personal possessions or an intimate relationship becomes apparent. You recognize the need to take better care of yourself and your resources at this time, and it's a good move. In fact, a big theme in January is self-empowerment. Becoming less dependent on others, not only or necessarily financially but emotionally, is a focus, and it works so well for you that it may very well stick. The Full Moon on the 12th can have an almost magical effect on work and finances. You are especially dynamic and creative with business, career, and life plans this month. Your work is taking a more creative direction in general, but this month you are really revving up in this regard. It certainly helps that you have boosted charisma at work and in public or professional settings. While you may have been pushing a little too hard recently, now you're working your charm and considering everyone's needs rather than just your own. You're going places, and people who can help you move closer to your goals tend to see you in a wonderful light. It's a great time to put in a little extra effort to help this along. The New Moon on the 27th stimulates your need for more spirited living and learning. Fortunately, the very next day Mars moves into your sector of dreams and wishes and into harmony with your sign, helping to fuel you with the energy and confidence to pursue new experiences. |
The Full Moon on the 12th is temperamental but also very romantic, and it occurs in your sign. This puts you in the spotlight - you are in demand! You'll get a great idea of any feelings that you've brushed aside, buried, or otherwise ignored. Knowing your heart is empowering, even if you don't yet have a plan set in stone for going after what you want. By this date, you'll have put a troublesome work or health issue behind you. Even so, frustrations with work or daily routines can hold you back on the 19th, when you may need to delay an adventure or personal pursuit so that you can meet your responsibilities. A significant other can help give you perspective this month and shared plans and ideas can improve your bond. The 12th forward is excellent for conversations with a partner, advisor, or counselor. Others can be your sounding board. Listen when people compliment you or recognize your talents and potential - the feedback can be very valuable to you now. On the 28th, the most ambitious period of Mars' two-year cycle begins as the fiery planet moves to the top of your solar chart. This puts you in an excellent position to advance your career interests and goals. It's a time for taking charge of your reputation, public image, business, or career path. It's also a time for tackling your responsibilities head-on. You are more courageous and in an excellent position to manage and lead. |
Particularly from the 12th, you're in an excellent position to get work done and focus on health goals. Conversations or initiatives that stalled in December can regain momentum as blocks clear and delays or restrictions lift after the 8th. Research, development, and analysis can turn up valuable results for you this month. A Full Moon occurs on the 12th, the same day that Mercury returns to your solar sixth house, bringing a work or health matter to full bloom, but also a subsequent need for rest as you regain your emotional center. There can be a lot of hype surrounding this Full Moon, but also real opportunities to recognize any feelings you've kept at bay or otherwise suppressed. Your vision is clear going forward. Your intimate life is animated this month. Mars has been moving through your sector of intimacy and shared resources since December 19th, stirring things up. With Venus moving into this sector now, you're in a better position to straighten things out and resolve conflicts related to money, support, and power dynamics. The 17-18 and 27th can pull up frustrations getting what you want and possible confusion in a relationship. Your better days for resolving problems are the 20th and 24th. The New Moon on the 27th comes after a small disappointment, but clears the path for new beginnings, particularly in your social life and with a partner. This can be a wonderful period for blending your agenda with a significant other, for counseling, and negotiations, and this positive energy sticks with you into February. On the 28th, Mars moves into harmony with your sign, reawakening your need for adventure, learning, as well as active and spirited living. |
You may have been dealing with a lot of waiting or a state of limbo in recent weeks, and January has a way of resolving this for you. Even so, a major initiative may need to go on hold with Jupiter moving towards its retrograde. This doesn't mean you have to trash anything - it simply means that there's room for improvement or there's a need to prioritize other things, and this may involve a health or work matter that gets top billing for some of you. If this is the case, put it on a back burner but don't give up on it. You'll have plenty of opportunities to realize your practical goals in the year ahead. From the 12th forward, you're in an excellent position to share your ideas with others and to enjoy positive relationships with others. The Full Moon occurs on the 12th in your social sector, awakening you to your feelings about someone or rekindling an interest in a project that you haven't yet pursued. It's a romantic Full Moon, and for some Virgos, there can be romance with a friend or a friend of a friend. Certainly, this is a good time for mingling, even if you're not looking for love, as others can open up doors for you at this complex and exciting Full Moon. You can feel inspired to do your best or to pursue a dream upon the encouragement of a friend. There is a real desire to enjoy your life more fully this month, and opportunities emerge for creative expression and entertainment, even if they may not be as plentiful as in other years at this time. Mars moves into your intimacy sector on the 28th, shortly after a New Moon occurs in your work and health sector. The last week of the month inspires a new focus. You're entering a more introspective cycle, and it becomes you. In fact, you can find quite a bit of enjoyment pouring your energies into work and research. |
Making lasting, significant changes that improve your domestic life is certainly on your mind again this month, but now you're in a better position to do so. A solid plan forms! The Full Moon on the 12th pulls your attention to a career or public matter, or a responsibility for which you're accountable. While you can feel pulled in many directions, this can be a great time for attracting attention for positive efforts or a good deed. At the same time, you'll feel more confident about your plans and ideas. Family seems supportive now. You enjoy a clearer direction and easier decision-making. The 20th and 23-24 are excellent for personal appeal and influence, and they're also great dates for progress on health and work endeavors. This is a wildly creative month for your work, with some Libras finding social or romantic opportunities through their work or pursuit of health and wellness goals. If there have been some tensions with a co-worker lately, they're likely to resolve now. The New Moon on the 27th presents a new start or a jumpstart to a romance or creative project. You're entering a far more playful and expressive period that begins to build on the 19th and gains wonderful momentum at the tail-end of the month. This is a time when your social life picks up pace with Mars moving into your partnership zone as well. You're in demand! |
From the 12th, even more opportunities open for you. It's an excellent time for finding the information you need, sharing your ideas, advancing your studies or projects, and connecting with helpful people. The Full Moon on the 12th is a somewhat stressful one, but also highly romantic and creative. It occurs in a sign that's harmonious to yours and awakens your faith and need for spirit-refreshing experiences. As well, it happens at the same time that lovely Venus and Neptune come together in your sector of creativity and romance. This Full Moon can inspire you, opening your heart to feelings that you've left unacknowledged, and move you to pursue your heart's desire. Even so, there can be some hurdles to clear in the process. You may be tied down with your daily affairs at this time, for example, and you'll need to shuffle things around to fit everything in. The 19th brings the Sun to your sector of home and family, and this stimulates your domestic side. As exciting as your projects and interactions have been in the past weeks, you're beginning to crave more down time and the comfort of familiar settings. Mars moves into your work and health sector on the 28th, however, and starts to rev you up and motivate you to pursue your health goals. It also serves to inspire you to work a little harder for the things you love. |
Home life remains animated in January, but if conflicts have arisen with family or about home and domestic matters in December, they're likely to reach a happy resolution this month. In fact, January is particularly strong for slowing down and getting things right. From the 8th, you'll be more decisive as new or previously delayed information emerges and blocks on your projects or endeavors lift. From the 12th, you'll be even more "in the know." The Full Moon on the 12th awakens strong feelings about a partnership or financial matter. This is an "eyes wide open" time, and you benefit from this kind of clarity. You can enjoy excellent opportunities for improving your home life and for bringing more creative flair to your private world this month. In fact, you can be primarily focused on developing and updating not only your home but also your routines and relationships with loved ones. While you may have been a little too pushy or hasty along these lines last month, Venus moving into your solar fourth house on the 3rd and staying there for a month does wonders for your relationships. A patient, friendly, and considerate approach works best, but you can still draw upon the initiative and energy of Mars in this same sector until the 28th to get things done! The last week of January can redirect your focus sharply. The New Moon on the 27th encourages an empowering lifestyle change and Mars moving into harmony with your sign the next day supplies you with the necessary energy and courage to get the ball rolling. This can be a very motivating and exciting time. |
There is a growing emphasis on the world of communications, your daily life, learning, and connecting in January. This can be a big idea month, and it's quite excellent for reaching out to others. Dealing with errands and short trips may be more frequent, but can also lead to some nice social opportunities. A relationship matter or your unacknowledged feelings for someone can emerge dramatically around the very romantic Full Moon on the 12th. You come in touch with your feelings, but what to do with them may not be entirely straightforward. Don't put pressure on yourself - let things unfold. When it comes to your career and long-term goals this month, the same advice applies. You may feel very close to a project or decision only to discover a roadblock, delay, or simply a sense that you're not quite ready for it all to come together yet. Excellent days for personal appeal include the 20, 23, 24, and 29. You are especially persuasive and creative with writing, speaking, and learning. The New Moon on the 27th can turn your strong attention to money matters. This may be a time for paying off a debt or meeting an obligation so that you can begin anew. |
Continuing from December, you are in an excellent position to handle business and financial matters, and perhaps even more so in January, particularly from the 10-27. You are more creative and dynamic when it comes to managing your money. You might receive significant gifts or bonuses now. The Full Moon on the 12th motivates you to get going on your work and health goals with vigor. Your love life is both earthy and romantic this month for those already in relationships. Otherwise, relationship status is unlikely to change in January - for most, this is a time for settling in. Friendships can be tricky at this time - there can be blocks to work through before things improve. Don't push people or projects from the 17-19 - the more you push, the greater the resistance. From the 27th with a New Moon in your sign, you feel considerably more confident about your personal goals and desires - the ball is in your court. This is a time for recreating your image if you feel it needs a makeover. You're getting extra attention now! A cycle beginning on the 28th is excellent for communicating, learning, teaching, and connecting. You are energized and motivated to pursue your interests. |
Stalled initiatives can begin to move forward after the 8th. This can also be a time when more clarity comes to a friendship or team effort. The Full Moon on the 12th is really quite lovely and inspiring, although these feelings can emerge from conflict or tension. It's a romantic time, but it's also an excellent period for mind-expanding activities, including but not limited to travel and education. This can be a time of increased publicity or of publishing for some. On the 18-19 and 26-27, avoid pushing your agenda! The more you push, the more others (or circumstances) will resist. Slow down and reassess things before moving forward, even if you face some criticism. The 20, 23, and 24 are particularly brilliant days for personal influence and stellar opportunities. These are the days to present your ideas or share your feelings. The New Moon on the 27th tends to pull you into yourself as you recognize the need to rest, relax, and reflect in preparation for your birthday month when visibility runs high. Looking back on recent experiences gives you wonderful insight into what might be your next move! Mars moves into your resources sector on the 28th, and this kickstarts an important cycle of resourcefulness with your money and talents. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
Next Month in Astrology may be available (usually by the 20th of the previous month).
Void of Course Moon
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.

Void of Course Moon Table – January 2017
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2017 – Overview