This Month in Astrology Archives May 2016 to November 2016
November 2016
On this Page:
This Month’s
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
The New Moon that energized Scorpio on October 30th sets the tone for much of the month of November. We are encouraged to move away from our comfort zone and to welcome new ways to live, heal, and transform. It’s a time for taking a good look at what we may have chosen to sweep under the carpet. Taking the time to understand others’ motives can enrich our feelings of intimacy, forgiveness, and sense of meaning. We might want to use this cycle to focus on and develop one special project or relationship to add purposefulness and depth to our lives. Powerful new insights into ourselves and relationships can occur now. On the 14th, a Full Moon occurs in the sign of Taurus, reminding us to consider whether we are honoring our needs for comfort and security. This lunation serves to reawaken a vital interest in the physical world and our own sensual needs and desires. We should watch for stubbornness at this time, although some self-interest is healthy and necessary. Neptune forms a conjunction to the Moon’s South Node this month, and we can wrestle with avoidance problems. We may be making impractical choices, lacking common sense or seeing things through the lens of wishful thinking. This aspect is exact on the 17th but in influence all month. Neptune turns direct on the 19th, and many of the illusions we have been holding onto begin to emerge, confusing situations become clearer, and our creativity soars, or at least, we are more inclined to apply our creativity in the real world. Instead of thinking of this period as a time of disillusionment, we can see it as a time of illumination–when we increasingly see the light and become clearer, sharper, and more effective in the real world. We have more faith in our own dreams and visions, in others, and in belief systems. We begin to seek inspiration from external sources. Jupiter forms a square to Pluto on the 24th just over halfway through the sign of Libra. This is the first aspect in a series of three and will recur on March 30th, and August 4th, 2017. We can be quite ambitious now, feeling that if we set our sights high enough, we can achieve anything. However, treading lightly now, while it may not come naturally, is advised as it is easy to stir up opposition. We may take on too many interests, activities, or desires under this influence. Exaggerating our importance or power, either to ourselves or others, should be avoided. Our belief system could be challenged now, and the need for a significant attitude change arises, or we might have to face narrow-mindedness in others (or in ourselves). Trying to force our beliefs on others will only lead to frustration. The tendency now is to push too hard in general and to ignore the important details. Thinking in big terms is fine, as long as the practical details of any pursuit are also considered. This influence will run rather closely with a Jupiter-Uranus opposition that is first exact in December, and there can be some recurring themes from recent years when the Uranus-Square was exact. Issues of dissatisfaction with internal and external restrictions, superficial elements of our lives, and mind-numbing routines are likely. The New Moon energizes Sagittarius on the 29th, awakening the adventurer in all of us, and especially in Fire signs. This lunation offers us the opportunity to focus on goals that will increase our understanding and awareness, give us the courage to expand our horizons, and gain confidence and optimism through a broader perspective. With this potent Sagittarius energy, we can find ways to transcend the details of day-to-day life and nurture our faith, hope, and vision. We should watch for blindly putting our faith in impractical ventures, however, with Neptune and the Moon’s North Node square to the lunation.
(See the full table for 2016)
With Mercury ahead of the Sun by degree, we have a mostly objective approach to processing and communicating information. We gain more clarity in our lives as new or previously hidden information emerges. Mercury continues its transit of Scorpio until the 12th when it enters Sagittarius and spends the rest of November there. With Mercury in Scorpio, we dig much deeper beneath the surface of matters. In Sagittarius from the 12th, we are curious, questioning, and brave with our thoughts and ideas. Ideals are sought, our thinking is more optimistic, and our faith increases. We are more equipped to believe and to persuade. However, we are not always very precise under this influence.
Venus continues its transit of Sagittarius until November 11th, and we are adventurous in love and exotic in our tastes. We seek freedom and space. Gaining both experience and knowledge gives us pleasure. The 4th is strong for expanding our horizons and making brave new connections. Venus and Jupiter are in mutual reception during this period, strengthening the positive influence of both planets. From the 11th onward, Venus moves through earthy, resourceful Capricorn. We place more value on security and stability, and we might devise all sorts of interesting plans for achieving these goals. It’s a good time for boosting our relations with business partners and/or co-workers, and our ability to form connections with people who support our ambitions increases. On the 24-25, Venus aligns with Pluto, and if we find ourselves attempting to manipulate or coerce others, we might consider that this is coming from a place of fear rather than power. We may be demanding more from our relationships, and this can be a good thing if our expectations are reasonable. |
Mars transits Capricorn until the 9th, and we pursue our desires with deliberation and structure. We are less capable of pacing ourselves once Mars moves into Aquarius, but we may not want to do so. With this transit, Mars and Uranus are in mutual reception, which helps to strengthen both planets’ performance and general mood. We are seeking independence and innovation. With Mars in Aquarius, we tend to act only when we can totally “get behind” or believe in what we are doing. As such, we might spend more time thinking about action than taking it. As well, Mars is in good condition by aspect this month, doing more harmonizing than challenging. |
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
Mars in Aquarius has been a particularly productive and positive influence for you since Uranus entered your sign in 2010-2011 and is active from November 9th to December 18th. This is a time when your innovative and enterprising qualities are in full play and perhaps acknowledged by others. Take advantage of Jupiter's involvement on November 30th to December 1st for brilliant ideas and new enterprises. There is courage to pursue something you've never tried before. You're ready to branch out and try new things from the 9th forward and will stop at nothing to pursue a cause you deem worthy. Debates can become exciting - sometimes too much so - but the important thing is that you're feeling passionate about learning, sharing, and expanding your knowledge and interests. There is quite a bit of experimentation going on in your life this month. But while you're looking to mix things up in many of life's departments, your approach to love and pleasure is likely to be a little more serious and reserved from the 11th forward. In fact, you can find much to love about your work and may feel particularly excited about setting goals for yourself and reaching or surpassing them. This desire only builds in the coming weeks, peaking in December and January, and you're getting a pleasant taste of it now. Love is a little more weighty now. You're thinking about the practical side of your interactions and seeking out relationships that are mutually beneficial. Your approach is less scattered and more deliberate. Partnering up with someone for business is not out of the question now. The 25-26 can be most excellent for promoting yourself or your work, and perhaps for such a pairing. However, there is some danger of overdoing and overreaching now as Jupiter and Pluto form a challenging aspect. Keep this in mind and your expectations in check, and you'll do just fine. You value your independence, but you're finding ways to enjoy and benefit from some level of collaboration with others. Friendships can be in good stead this month. The freer you are to do your own thing in your relationships, the better. Despite the excitement of new enterprises and the spirit of innovation this month, you are in a good position for learning your next move through observation. Draw on patience and employ strategy in your business affairs especially. The New Moon on October 30th gave you a shot in the arm for making positive lifestyle changes, and this energy is with you for much of November, so take advantage. |
TaurusThis is a big relationship month for you, dear Taurus. Even if your relationship situation remains virtually the same on the surface of things, this is a time for revelations and contemplations about your needs and wants, intimacy, and whether or not you're growing and evolving through and with significant others in your life. The New Moon on October 30th launched a cycle that serves to motivate you throughout November to improve relationships or to seek out a lasting bond with someone.
Until the 12th, you're in an exceptional position to improve working conditions and health or nutrition. Research can be fruitful. Venus' move into your adventure sector on the 12th is a big deal because Venus is your sign's ruler. The areas of life ruled by the house in which Venus transits take on more importance in your life. Venus did well in your intimacy sector, but now you're ready to chase your needs and desires rather than only contemplate them. This influence helps you get along well with others. While your professional interests are in strong force, Venus here gives you an extra edge on a personal level. You might thoroughly enjoy long-distance exchanges and new or renewed studies and personal interests. The Full Moon on the 14th is in your sign, but it's a little scattered in its influence. You can come to significant personal epiphanies and realizations now, although it might take some time to sort out your strong feelings or to integrate them into your life in useful ways. Work you've done in the past benefits you this month and the next, or you are cruising along primarily because you are drawing upon your knowledge and you're shining for it. Ambitions are pressing from the second week of November forward -- mostly pleasantly so. Mars at the top of your chart does very well this month - it gets into few and only minor skirmishes, and is in mutual reception with innovative Uranus. This translates to an easier time pursuing your goals with few obstacles standing in your way. There should be some caution with urges to buck authority, but all in all, this is a good time for striving to improve your performance, meeting or exceeding your goals, and proving your leadership qualities. There can be some tension or difficult decisions, with Jupiter and Pluto pitting work and travel or familiarity and adventure against one another. The danger with this aspect is overdoing - thinking that you can take on everything you want to do and also manage everything you need to do. If you act confidently yet moderately, however, you'll do quite well for yourself. |
GeminiThroughout November, there is planetary representation in your partnership sector, dear Gemini, and relationships are in high focus. Until the 12th particularly, you have divine energy with you to enjoy, enhance, or begin a relationship. The two Benefics, Venus and Jupiter, are cooperating with one another and supporting your creative pursuits, negotiations, relationships, romance, contracts, mergers, children, hobbies, and partnerships. At the same time, your mind is on work and practical matters, getting fit (or fitter!), and taking care of important details.
From the 9th, a beautiful theme emerges that follows you well into December, benefiting your friendships, studies, and networking, and also supporting legal and travel matters. People are drawn to your innovative ideas and progressive methods now. Teaming up for learning and studying, or even traveling, can be in the picture and quite favorable. Health, physical wellness, fitness, and nutrition are bigger topics than usual this month. In fact, the New Moon at the end of October launched an important cycle for beginning anew in these areas if you can benefit from doing so. Returning to past resolutions may be in focus now, or you may be excited about new programs and enhancements. Getting healthy can be fun and motivating, touching all areas of your life in positive ways. This is a good time for connecting with people who can help you on this path, particularly on the 2nd and 6th. Work and services can also be a major theme in November, and the focus is on improvement. You are taking more interest and pride in your work. You might thoroughly enjoy doing some form of research and analysis, making lists, and gathering information that helps you get a handle on your daily affairs. Some of you will be taking on new work projects or responsibilities now. If you are in need of a fresh start of sorts when it comes to a partnership, look to the weeks following the New Moon on the 29th. However, be certain that you're building upon realities rather than wishful thinking or false promises. Certainly, you'll be willing to put in the necessary work. |
CancerNovember can be an especially expressive, creative month for you, dear Cancer, but you're also in a strong position for making lifestyle changes, improving your habits, and finding more meaning and happiness in your work.
Mars in your partnership and then intimacy sectors this month can certainly heat up and animate your closest relationships. While there can be some difficulties with an overbearing or controlling partner to deal with for some of you, this is a good time to make changes and put some of the building tension to rest. This period favors confronting problems head-on with direct and assertive Mars involved. From the 9th forward, you're in a particularly good position to observe and strategize your next moves. With Uranus in Aries a long-term guest in your career and reputation sector, you've been doing a lot of feeling things out in the career department, not always acting deliberately or with forethought. Mars' special relationship (mutual reception) with Uranus and its placement in your perceptive and strategic solar eighth house can help you to make considered plans and moves. Your intimate life is guaranteed to heat up this month, and this will continue well into December. Venus moves into your partnership zone on the 12th, and this certainly helps to smooth over your interactions. You'll find much to enjoy about your relationships. It's a particularly smooth move as Venus serves to replace Mars here, entering this sector only a few days after Mars has left it. However, with intense Pluto a long-term guest in your partnership sector, there is always something serious or heavy to deal with, even when happier, lighter planets are transiting this area of your chart. This is likely to occur around the 24-25 when problem areas are magnified. If you've been dealing with control issues in a relationship, they're liable to surface then. You have a lot of work to do in the months ahead along these lines, so don't put pressure on yourself to resolve everything immediately, but certainly take some steps towards that goal. Around the Full Moon on the 14th, there may be some drama in your social life, but once the dust has settled, you'll be in an "eyes wide open" state that allows for better decision-making. This is a time for confronting feelings and problems. Work and the practical side of life take on increasing importance as November advances, although they're active areas all month. This a brilliant time for list making, getting organized, and taking care of business. The focus should be on improving your daily life and habits, and you'll have plenty of opportunities and motivation to do so. You may be tempted to take on a little too much, however, after the New Moon on the 29th, but if you can tame this tendency, you'll be in great shape for getting your life into better working order. |
LeoA strong domestic theme continues this month, dear Leo. The New Moon on October 30th encouraged a homebody streak and will color most of November. You'll want to improve living conditions and enjoy life at home or with family now. However, there are also powerful relationship and communication themes to the month that deserve special attention.
The Taurus Full Moon on the 14th illuminates a career or reputation matter. This is a time for seeing your goals more clearly, or for reaping the rewards of hard work you've done in the past. If you've been focused too heavily on your personal life, this might also serve as a wake-up call to pay more attention to your responsibilities to the outside world! Recognition for your talents and skills can act as a pleasant motivator to perform at your best. Around the same time, Venus moves into your work and health sector, and you'll be deriving more pleasure from your work. However, this can reach a near-obsessive level around the 24-25, competing with your equally compelling desire to learn and pursue your personal interests. The danger here is thinking that you can manage it all without compromise. Try not to burn yourself out. From the 9th, partnerships heat up. This is a time for facing conflicts head-on. Passions rise, but so do tempers! There is more assertiveness in your relationships now. Issues that have been buried or working under the surface now emerge for handling. While these matters should be addressed, focusing some of this excess energy on shared activities can be helpful for taking the pressure off from time to time. Considering Mars' special relationship (mutual reception) with Uranus in your sector of adventure and spirit this month and well into December, this might involve travel, new experiences and activities, or learning new subjects with someone special. With Neptune a long-term guest in your solar eighth house, there is little that's clear about shared finances and intimacy in recent years, but with Neptune's direct move on the 19th after a period of retrograde, you'll feel somewhat less stuck or in the dark along these lines. Neptune does align with the Moon's South Node in this sector, however, and you'd be wise to watch for the tendency to gloss over important details regarding debts, support, and the sharing of money and resources. The New Moon on the 29th can rekindle or cement your commitment to enjoying yourself and exploring romance or creative avenues. It's important to watch that you don't put yourself into debt or ignore other commitments in the process. If you keep things moderate, this is a wonderful time for personal enjoyment and discovery. |
Your sector of family and home is activated all month so that a domestic theme weaves its way through November. The period from the 1-12 is particularly favorable for developments at home or with family. At this time, a mutual reception between Venus and Jupiter encourages warmth and cooperation on the home front, as well as work or business in the home or related to real estate and domesticity. You may be investing more resources into the household and bringing more harmony, beauty, and comfort into your home life. Venus enters your solar fifth house on the 12th, shortly after Mars leaves it. This serves to soften your approach to your children or a love interest. From November 12-December 7, you're in an especially charming cycle. You don't need to do much to attract romantic interest, although you can certainly take advantage of the positive vibes by mingling instead of hiding out! There can be a special enjoyment of creative projects, hobbies, and recreation now. This is excellent for you, but it can reach near-obsessive levels around the 24-25. Watch for going overboard with money and pleasure-seeking now. Tensions in or about love can also surface at this time, particularly if you are putting all your eggs in one basket. Aim for moderation now. Neptune's alignment with the South Node also warns of falling back or depending too much on others, and particularly a partner. This is a time for embracing your independence, whether or not you're partnered up. More good things will happen in your life if you're creating your own happiness rather than waiting around for others to bring happiness to you. From the 9th and well into December, you are in an excellent position for attention to work and health, however, which can benefit you greatly. This is one of the best periods of the year for making positive, healthy lifestyle changes. Mars and Uranus are in a special relationship (mutual reception) at this time, and there can be an exciting spirit of innovation and progress regarding self-improvement, health programs, and work development. |
LibraNovember is an important month for taking charge of your money and resources as well as the practical side of your life, dear Libra. Even so, it's also a brilliant time for diversifying, sharing, and connecting with others. You're in excellent shape for communicating your ideas and plans with a distinctive flair. You're attracting quite a bit of attention for your unique perspective.
You also benefit from a Mars-Uranus boost to your relationship sectors from the 9th forward. Mars and Uranus are also in a special relationship, and while Mars can be a little too brusque or impatient at times, it's cooperating well with other planets this month. Desires are strong but realizable now. Relationships have a lively quality to them, and you're likely to get the feeling that you're headed in the right direction both romantically and creatively. You are courageous about seeking out what you want in your relationships, and this confidence is attractive. Venus moves into your home and family sector on the 12th, just days after Mars leaves this area of your chart. You'll begin to see a marked improvement in your relationships with family and increased harmony in your home life with these shifts. You can take particular pleasure in domestic activities during this period, but do watch for this going a little too far around the 24-25. There is a tendency now to think that you can have it all or do it all when compromise serves you much better. The New Moon on the 29th has similar themes, but the subject is different. This is a time for new beginnings with a communications project or course of study, and the weeks following this New Moon are great for enjoying your personal interests. However, there is a tendency to overcommit and then feel overwhelmed. Tame this, and you'll be in an excellent place. One of the major keys to enjoyment in November is moderation. |
ScorpioThe period from the last week of October to three weeks into November is typically "your time," dear Scorpio, when the Sun returns to your sign, and you begin a new solar cycle. This is a time for shining! While there may be some things you're putting behind you, you're looking forward now. You're more noticeable and even more magnetic than usual.
There is also a very happy money and family or home life theme in your life in November. Something is happening in your money sector at every point this month, but the best period for building a nice feeling of security or for enjoying the fruits of your labor is until the 12th. Many of you will be investing in or putting money into improvements of the home. Most family businesses can thrive now. Another excellent theme this month runs from the 9th forward, and then well into December. It also involves home and family and increased feelings of safety and security, but it also pulls in work and health matters. Some of you may be focusing on, developing, or starting a home office. Improving your work and services can be fun, exciting, and productive as well, benefiting you for years to come, although other life departments are competing for your attention. A difficult theme entering your life this month is manageable and ultimately rewarding but can introduce some challenges. This theme runs until August of next year and involves your ruler, ambitious, intense Pluto, in a tense aspect with Jupiter. You can feel a little haunted by past mistakes, worry, and fear during this period. You can also feel a strong desire to produce, but it's imperative that you keep things at least somewhat moderate or else life will become far too chaotic to get anything substantial done. Venus in your communications sector from the 12th forward brings more warmth and charm to your conversations, speeches, and writing engagements, and perhaps love into your life through connections made online, in the neighborhood, through the pursuit of your studies, and even on the phone. You're in love with learning, personal interests, and sharing your ideas in November, although this is sometimes at the expense of your work and health. While it's hard to do with Venus and Pluto converging in the last week of November, you may need to slow down a little just to make right in other areas of life! Make an effort to fill your work and health responsibilities as well as your responsibility to yourself and your emotional health, and you'll be in great shape. Certainly, you have significant powers of communication on your side in November. |
SagittariusYour social life should be in good shape this month, dear Sagittarius. Your sign is well-represented all month, and while you're technically in a period of relative slumber until the Sun enters Sagittarius on the 21st, you're certainly attracting positive attention. Until the 12th, you have excellent planetary support for personal appeal, friendships, networking, team efforts, group associations, hearty health, beauty, body ego, and style. Others thoroughly enjoy your company and want to be around you. Your dreams and plans are received well.
The more challenging themes in November involve impracticality and perhaps some laziness when it comes to paying attention to important details. You might also be going a little too hard in your social life or going overboard in a business or with spending, to the detriment of other areas of your life. Watch carefully for obsessive attention to certain pursuits. While it can be tough to do right now, aim for moderation. A deadline or important responsibility can need your immediate attention around the Full Moon on the 14th. The 24-25 is tricky, but you'll be in great shape if you avoid launching a project too soon or spending too much. The tendency is to invest too much of your energy and resources into new beginnings before doing the necessary research. The Sun moves into your sign on the 21st, launching an important month for turning over a new leaf. The New Moon in your sign on the 29th is good for new plans, but the tendency is to overlook details, so watch for false starts or committing to impractical ventures. You're shining brightly in your communications most of November, so take advantage! While a little rocky, the last week of November is about opening your heart to a new year and perhaps a new image, attitude, or look to go along with it. |
CapricornAll month, you benefit from work behind the scenes and rest or moments for reflection and repose, dear Capricorn. However, you're in excellent shape for these things in particular until the 12th. You may be doing quite a bit of work in relative solitude, or you complete a project and is ready to make its debut. Attempts to bring more spiritual rewards and imagination to your career and your long-term goals are successful now. Love is quiet and perhaps involves some level of sacrifice or increased privacy.
There is also an exciting theme this month that positively links money matters with home and family. From the 9th and well into December, you can be working hard at improving your home life, and the money, energy, and resources you invest into your family and home can be well worth it. It can also be a good time for making important purchases or investing in property. This is an opportune period for improving a business and pursuing profits or increased income. You may be working at home or on the home with great success. You are interested in building for the future. The 2nd and 6th are strong days for networking and meeting with people who can help you achieve your goals. The Full Moon on the 14th brings feelings to light quite dramatically. This is a playful, expressive, and creative time. Romantic relationships get a boost. The New Moon on the 29th brings your strong attention to rest, repose, and healing, launching an important period of looking for answers within. |
AquariusFriendship is in high focus all month, dear Aquarius, but is especially favorable until the 12th. Venus and Jupiter are in a special relationship during this period, linking your sector of friendship and wish fulfillment positively with your sector of higher learning and spirit. This is a wonderful time for networking, connecting, traveling, learning, and publishing. It's also favorable for a financial boost. Friendships may be made with people far away. Teamwork can go particularly well.
With so much going on socially, you may think there's little room for career matters. However, the New Moon that occurred on October 30th powered up your career or life path goals and may have dropped an opportunity or new responsibility into your lap. This is a professionally busy time, and your life is full. You may need to do some juggling now, but you're up to the task! Look for opportunities to connect with people who help you achieve your goals or who support your ambitions and make you feel better about your performance and capabilities, particularly on the 2nd and 6th. You are especially valued for your unique vision and perspective, gaining new friendships through this highlight. When Venus enters your privacy sector on the 12th, however, there can be times when you crave and seek out some form of retreat. It's good for you now, and it also helps you sort through your feelings, preparing you for a more visible, active time for expressing your feelings when Venus transits Aquarius (from December 7th to January 2nd). Even so, love can be a little complicated later this month. A lot is going on below the surface, and there can be times when you're not always aware of how your feelings are affecting your actions. This can lead to quite a bit of restlessness and uncertainty. There can be tremendous urges to experience new things, but a part of you that only wants to hide away. The Full Moon on the 14th illuminates a family matter. You may need to pay particular attention to your domestic life or family relationships at this time. There can be a scurry of activity on the home front. The New Moon on the 29th can motivate you to start a new project, join a group, or reach out to an old friend. |
PiscesThere is activity in your career, reputation, and responsibility sector throughout November, dear Pisces, and this benefits your professional or public life. However, the period from the 1-12 is particularly favorable for your image as well as support from others to pursue your goals. There can be a turnaround in a reputation matter after a period of misunderstanding. Brand new beginnings and projects related to business and finances are best left for the weeks following the New Moon on November 29th, but your efforts to connect with others and to seek out advice can be very fruitful now.
From the 9th, there is a pleasing exchange between Mars and Uranus. There is a definite move towards behind the scenes activities and less decisiveness now, but you can be quite busy and actively working on new and innovative business ideas. You might also get the chance to work through some annoying personal problems. While there can be problems getting to the root of irritation or anger with Mars' transit through your solar twelfth house, you can find much to enjoy as you attempt to understand your inner workings now. There can be wonderful "aha!" moments. Your actions in the real world may not seem as effective or they could go unnoticed, but self-knowledge helps you a lot and prepares you for the exciting transit of Mars through your sign from December 18th to January 27th. It's also a time for rediscovering the joys of doing things simply for the intrinsic rewards. This can also be a good time for recycling old ideas into innovative new ones, and for discovering your talents and perhaps even resources that you never knew you had. Venus in your friendship sector boosts your popularity and increases enjoyment of your social life, and is in particularly good shape from the 19-21. You can thoroughly enjoy contributing and sharing now. Even so, Neptune's alignment with the South Node this month may point to some tendency to isolate yourself when you're experiencing problems. Watch for maintaining your more superficial connections and avoiding intimacy in your deeper relationships. This can alienate special people in your life, and might even lead to estrangement, so be careful with this tendency. While you can have no problem connecting with acquaintances, classmates, and so forth, you may be shutting out people closest to you on some level. You can make a million excuses to yourself for not reaching out, but even if you need some independence, you can keep up communications to let important people in your life know that you still care about them. Fortunately, Neptune turns direct on the 19th, and this helps bring you out of your protective shell. You'll also find that people begin to understand you better as you become clearer within yourself. You might also discover new and improved ways of presenting yourself to others. Little tweaks and adjustments can go a long way towards more rewarding relationships. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
Next Month in Astrology may be available (usually by the 20th of the previous month).
Void of Course Moon
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.

Void of Course Moon Table – November 2016
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2016 – Overview
This Month in Astrology
October 2016
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
The New Moon that energized Libra on September 30th sets the tone for much of the month of October. This is a time for taking charge of our relationships and giving them their due attention, as well as working on our negotiation and partnering skills. Resolution of conflicts is in focus. The New Moon occurred not long after the Sun’s alignment with Jupiter and formed a sextile with Saturn, supplying us with a practical, positive, and balanced perspective. A Venus-Neptune trine encourages compassion and stimulates romance. Mercury leaves its post-retrograde shadow on the 6th and ends its lengthy transit of Virgo on the 7th. Communications are clearer and more straightforward. On the 16th, a Full Moon occurs in the sign of Aries, reminding us to consider how we are honoring ourselves in our close relationships. New revelations can occur now, particularly in the areas of our physical bodies, leadership skills, our ability to initiate and begin new things, and our close partnerships. The element of surprise or a spirit of rebellion can be a theme now. Jupiter forms a quincunx with Neptune on the 23rd. This is the first aspect in a series of three and will recur on May 17th and July 4th, 2017. There can be difficulties with limits and boundaries now. We may feel disorganized and it can be difficult to stick to a routine or to find satisfaction in our current pursuits. There can be a strong desire or need to help others now, but we may not know how to do so and feel guilty for escapist tendencies or for not being as effective as we’d like. There is a tendency to take the easy way out, but consequences are likely to be faced by doing so. We may be misled by wishful thinking or invest in impractical ideas and plans. The New Moon energizes Scorpio on the 30th. We are encouraged to move away from our comfort zone and to welcome new ways to live, heal, and transform. It’s a time for taking a good look at what we may have chosen to sweep under the carpet. Taking the time to understand others’ motives can enrich our feelings of intimacy, forgiveness, and sense of meaning. We might want to use this cycle to focus on and develop one special project or relationship in order to help add purposefulness and depth to our lives. Powerful new insights into ourselves and relationships can occur now.
(See the full table for 2016)
Mercury ends its post-retrograde shadow on October 6th, and then ends its transit of Virgo on the 7th, when it enters Libra. With Mercury in Libra from the 7-24, while decisions may not be clear-cut, we are more inclined to consider others’ viewpoints, and we aim to be especially fair. Mercury transits Scorpio from the 24th forward, and we are compelled to dig much deeper than the surface of matters. Mercury catches up with the Sun on the 27th, and we move from impulsive, creative thinking to a more objective approach to processing and communicating information. This superior conjunction offers us a nice little window of opportunity to clearly see our goals. This is a time when clarity comes to a particular area of life.
Venus continues its transit of Scorpio until the 18th. Our appetite for intimate connection is powerful now. Venus forms a trine with Neptune on the 1st, sensitizing ourselves to the needs of others, as well as to our own need for tenderness. The 3rd, 5th, and 11th are other periods when Venus is well-supported. With Venus in Sagittarius from the 18th forward (and until November 11th), we are more adventurous in love and exotic in our tastes. We seek freedom and space. Gaining both experience and knowledge gives us pleasure. |
Mars transits Capricorn all month (until November 9th), and we take a deliberate and structured approach to pursuing our desires. We are more able to pace ourselves under this influence. Mars is exalted in the sign of Capricorn and thus performs quite well in the sign. Ambition reaches a boiling part around the 18-19 – it’s a time for acknowledging our passions. The 28th can stimulate pressure to perform and frustration with interference. |
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
You bring more energy and innovation to your working life this month. You're self-motivated and prefer not to answer to others. Working independently and at your own pace makes the most sense now if you manage it. You may be arousing opposition or generating competition. You may want to make it clear that you're most interested in besting yourself than beating out the competition. You have more courage to get something off the ground, and you're up for a challenge. You're keeping things fresh and stimulating your creativity by making small changes. This is a time when you don't accept stagnation, so take advantage. The year ahead is strong for connecting with partners, counseling, advising, and getting legal help. This month, you get a big taste of this energy. The 4-5 is particularly strong for useful advice and the power of teaming up and combining your talents with someone. You might benefit from keeping someone's confidence around the 10-11, or you may receive recognition for work you've done in the past. Healing activities are in focus. The 15-16 can be tricky. The Sun's annual opposition to Uranus, currently in your sign, occurs around the time of a Full Moon in your sign. This tends to highlight your needs for both partnership and independence and the disruptions in your life that occur as a result of this inner conflict. You may need to find the right balance, which is not easy. Innovate rather than react. Surprising events and emotions are quite likely now. There can be a clearer window into a financial or intimate matter around the 26-27 and a chance to take charge and start fresh on your findings after the 30th. The 29th highlights decisions related to relationships, money, publishing, and higher education and seeing these things from a particularly practical perspective. |
This is a great month for picking up new practical skills, finding new work, or throwing more of yourself into your current job. It's also a fine time for improving your daily habits and health. You're eager now, and it shows. Others appreciate your efforts. A pleasant or helpful connection may be made on the job or while fulfilling your health goals and daily routines. The 15-16, however, can be a little disruptive on the work front. You could be feeling that you are at the mercy of others' schedules, unreliability, or rebellion. There could be something from your past that re-emerges, and a personal truth coming to light. You may very well discover what you've been missing in your life, and this sets you on a path towards is discovery. However, be cautious about following sudden impulses. October is very strong for getting others into your corner. You're diplomatic and accommodating. For many of you, it's quite easy to find a companion for even the smallest of activities. You might often find yourself in the position of peacemaker or mediator. These traits are especially prominent until the 18th. You are more attached than usual to your opinions, beliefs, traditions, and ideas this month. This can certainly contribute to some problems in your relationships, as you may create a stir from time to time. However, you may very well need the courage to assert yourself. There is good energy with you for pursuing new interests. Competitive activities can be attractive now. Relationships come into stronger focus in the latter part of the month. The need for companionship might increase now. There can be more seriousness in your relationships, and perhaps some jealousies to deal with. Being realistic about your financial situation is necessary around the 29th. Knowing where you stand is empowering; avoiding problems only serves to undermine you. A loan might come through, but whatever does emerge now comes with increased responsibility. The New Moon on the 30th helps you start fresh in a partnership or brings a new relationship into your life. |
GeminiThis is a potentially active relationship month, dear Gemini. You're very focused on connecting on all sorts of levels and quite successful at it. You're also quite willing to take care of others. You're expressive this month - very happy to be the center of attention - but you're also very accommodating and perfectly willing to let someone special take center stage as well.
Communications of all kinds are emphasized, but especially those involving creative contacts, children, and romantic interests, and they are generally favorable. It's also a good time for self-promotion efforts, particularly through your creativity and clever ideas. While there is much focus on getting along with others in October, you find it very easy to throw yourself into your own special projects and interests. It's difficult to find you in a state of boredom this month. Research and analysis can be fruitful and enjoyable. You are inclined to want to investigate matters. You might find yourself drawn to push the usual boundaries, which can be profound in healthy ways but could lead you down the wrong path if you're not mindful of your limits. The tendency is to push yourself too far now. Keep this in check, and it's all good. The 15-16 can point to startling revelations, discoveries, and feelings surrounding your social and romantic life. These will get you thinking and possibly moving towards positive change, even if at first there can be a little chaos. There's a wildcard factor active now as Uranus is at its closest approach to the earth at the time of a Full Moon. It's an inventive and creative time but might also feel like a whirlwind. The last week of the month is particularly strong for ideas and plans surrounding work and health. There can be a significant realization of responsibility, or a sense of joy in committing to someone or something, around the 29th. This occurs at the time of a Balsamic Moon, however. Realizations no less important, but the need to finalize an important matter at a later date arises. |
CancerFamily and home life are in larger focus for you this month, dear Cancer. The domestic side of you is in swing, but you're also expressing some interest in branching out and taking a few personal risks. You can bring special creativity and warmth to your personal life in October.
Helping you out is Venus in harmony with your sign until the 18th. This position does wonders for your personal appeal. Relationships can be formed or enhanced on the 5th. The 10-11 is an opportunity period for family relationships, good news about home or real estate, improved living arrangements, and personal magnetism. Creativity soars and relationships may reach a whole new level. New long-term endeavors might get their start now. Disruptions and surprises around the 15-16 tend to have to do with your career, home life, reputation, or long-term goals. There can be sudden revelations and decisions. While this may lead to better conditions, do watch for a tendency to break all the rules without thinking of the consequences. Stay open and flexible, and try to take changes of plans in stride. Improved working conditions are possible from the 18th forward. You might thoroughly enjoy the work you do or the services you provide. You get along well with the people with whom you share your day. There can be increased respect for your work and efforts. The Sun's move into your romance and creativity sector on the 23rd is quickly followed by Mercury the next day. Your social life is busy and active. Leisure time is particularly satisfying. |
LeoYou can be super-motivated this month to reach health and work goals, dear Leo. You'll stop at nothing to improve on past performance. You tend to want to set your own pace and goals, and you thrive on the small challenges you create for yourself now. You'll do best if you pursue your goals in a structured or organized manner.
This is also a time for thoroughly enjoying the comforts of home and the familiarity of family and loved ones with Venus in your solar fourth house until the 18th, after which you're open to getting out and about, showing off a little, and taking more personal risks. You can discover powerful new programs or methods for improving your health or work this month through research and word of mouth, particularly around the 10-11 and 14th. This is also a good time for reaching out to others, sharing ideas, writing, and scoping out various prospects and ideas. Your ideas or work may gain some recognition now. Putting your feelers out makes a lot of sense this month. There can be some disruptions or surprises on the 15-16 surrounding matters of travel, publishing, and studies. You could come to a sudden awareness of a new perspective on a project. If plans change suddenly, try to remain as flexible and open-minded as possible, as changes can lead to improvements or discoveries that you might not have made otherwise. However, try not to make decisions blindly now. Not long after Venus moves into your creative, expressive solar fifth house on the 18th, the Sun and Mercury transit your domestic solar fourth on the 23rd and 24th. There can be wonderful discoveries and realizations about your home, family, or living arrangements in the last week of October. The desire to reach out to someone you love is big. There can be a meaningful conversation or news that makes you quite hopeful about a family situation, or that serves to motivate you to push forward with domestic plans. |
VirgoYou are likely to devote a lot of your energy to creative works, a romantic pursuit, or hobby this month, dear Virgo. There can be a competitive feel to your relationships now. Your ambition is stimulated, and you're playing to win! Even your more casual pursuits tend to have an edge to them in October. This can be a favorable time for competitive sports or games and increased physical activity.
Planets are moving beyond your sign, and Mercury is the last to do so on the 7th. This feels comfortable. While a congregation of planets in your sign is useful for personal initiatives, you often fare better when the focus is on your projects, loved ones, and work. There is also a pleasant feeling of moving forward, slowly but surely, this month. The 15-16 can stimulate sudden decisions and epiphanies, as well as the need to liberate yourself of certain obligations and burdens. This period could stir up old financial or relationship problems. The tendency now is to react quickly, but you might want to get in touch with your heart's desire before taking action. Home life improves from the 18th forward, although it's not without its fair share of responsibilities. There can be progress made on the home front, and if you are working at or on the home, you are more interested in applying yourself to something that will have value over the long-term. Work done now can be especially fruitful down the road, although brand new beginnings are best saved until after the New Moon on the 30th. Focus on identifying priorities in the days leading up to this lunation. As well, there can be valuable insight or ideas surfacing on the 26-27 about projects, interests, and studies that help clear the path for new beginnings. |
While you'll be pursuing personal interests and craving more independence this month - and you're quite successful on these fronts - this can also be an important time for house cleaning of some variety. This can be either (or both) on figurative and literal levels. Home renovations or small improvements are possible now. You're looking for more efficiency and functionality. Acknowledging and resolving problems with family or people you live with can be in focus. Look for the root of issues instead of seeking out cosmetic fixes. There may be bigger demands on your time and energy on the domestic front. From the 7th, you can be far more sociable, communicative, and clear in your decisions. The tendency to focus (and perhaps dwell) on the past lifts. You are forward-looking and while you tend to enjoy collaboration by nature, you're in the mood or position to make executive decisions from the 7-24. The 10-11 is wonderful for communications and opportunities to learn, teach, and advance. Family, work, and health matters can get a nice boost. Your personal appeal is strong. It's a superb time to make a presentation or ask for what you want. You're given the benefit of the doubt. While the nature of a Full Moon is emotional, the Full Moon on the 16th is good for seeking out harmony. Getting there may involve some ups and downs. Until the 18th, you're attracting attention as well as support, gifts, and company. There is sweetness to your approach from the 18th forward. The last week of the month finds you seeking out predictability, comfort, and security. The culmination of a financial or business project, or new opportunities revolving around personal income, can be in focus on the 27-28, launching one of the best periods of the year for money matters. A good idea can blossom now. |
With Mars in your communications zone all month long, you are certainly not idle. In fact, you might often be meditating in motion. You can also feel especially passionate and ambitious about your projects, contacts, ideas, and studies. There can be a significant intellectual competition. You're mentally wired, and you want to put ideas into action. You might feel impatient with idle chatter or with others' slower pace or minds, making it imperative that you find ways to move at your own pace or work independently. You need something for yourself right now - as much as you like people, you have your limits! The inner entrepreneur can emerge this month. With the Sun's position in your privacy sector and Mars in your communications sector, you may be giving off a "leave me alone" energy. While you do prize time to yourself now, it might be a good idea to let key people in your life know that it's not about them. Helping you along in this respect is Venus in Scorpio in your sign until the 18th. Your image improves, people love your sense of style, and a partner can be entirely on your side. The 10-11 is one of the better opportunity periods of the month, and for you, this is about new information about a previous mystery, creative insights, and personal punch. Your appeal is high, and people thoroughly enjoy your art, craft, or ideas. Other opportunity days include the creative and romantic 1st, the persuasive 5th, and the passionate (although extreme) 18-19. The 15-16 can bring difficult situations to a head related to work or perhaps more aptly, overwork. From the 18th forward, you are attracting the good things in life. It's a good time to get comfortable with the world of the five senses. The 23rd forward is even more powerful with the Sun "emerging" in your solar chart and a personal new year begins. The 27-28 is powerful for personal impact. Your need to be heard is significant, and you can pretty much count on others listening. Finally, a New Moon occurs in your sign on the 30th, and personal new beginnings are favored. |
SagittariusThere is a social theme to the month ahead, dear Sagittarius, but your practical affairs are in good shape as well. Career matters fly along rather smoothly. Ambitions to improve your standing, security, and comfort levels are increasing.
The 10-11 is excellent for learning something valuable, making a friend, thinking in big terms, expanding a project or business, and making long-range plans. You're likely to feel in an exceptionally generous and possibly philosophical mood. It's a good time for making connections through networking or group associations. Negotiations should go very well. Purchases for family or the home that enhance the enjoyment of domestic life can figure strongly now. Your love life and feeling nature are likely on the private side until the 18th. You may be looking back rather than enjoying the present or looking forward to the future on romantic levels. You might often find yourself in the position of supporter, helper, and confidante. The 15-16, however, can bring surprising, revealing, or startling feelings to the surface or events to your life. There could be a sudden decision to break out on your own, away from a friend, or into a new relationship. A rush of unavoidable feelings can prompt a complete turnaround. From the 18th, Venus in your sign enhances your image and acts to showcase your more lovable qualities. It's a time for attracting positive attention. From the 23rd, life is a little quieter as you find more time to slip into the background to enjoy private moments and times for rest and reflection. The 26-27 can see an idea or plan blossom. You might gain insight into an old issue, and this pushes you forward. New opportunities can emerge that turn your attention behind the scenes. The 29th is a time for seeing your capabilities clearly. There could also be a major revelation about your finances, a love relationship, or friendship. |
CapricornYou can be quite headstrong and independent this month, dear Capricorn. Your ambitions are stimulated. While you have a strong sense of the rules, the enterprising side of your nature emerges powerfully this month, and you could find that you're challenging traditions and attracted to shortcuts.
Taking away some of the edge of Mars in Capricorn is the transit of Venus through your social sector until the 18th. You naturally gain approval from others now. You're independent this month, but you are wise enough to value the group and cherished friends' input. Diplomacy has its distinct benefits. Your style, gentleness, and artistry are particularly attractive to others during this cycle. The 10-11 is especially favorable for friends, teams, groups, networking, communications, and business income. There can be good news or connections made that advance your career or goals. There can be recognition for your performance or accomplishments. The 15-16 can stimulate unexpected events or surprising feelings in your personal life. Home and family matters may reach a turning point. Venus in your soul sector from the 18th forward points to a private period for your love life or affections. It can also lead to benefits from working behind the scenes or special enjoyment of solitude and times for extra rest and healing. You may be seeing a relationship in a new light, perhaps through a more spiritual lens. From the 26-27 forward, you're in an excellent position to work with a business plan or new idea and run with it. The 29th is good for practical grounding. Personal responsibilities become clear, and your stronger understanding of where you stand makes planning all the better. This is a fabulous time to rid yourself of something that has been weighing you down. |
AquariusOctober holds the potential for a nice balance between work and play, dear Aquarius. While in many ways you're open to exploring, expanding, and experiencing new things, you have a lot of "work" to do on the inside. You can be very contemplative this month. You'll benefit greatly from actively seeking out ways to heal and de-stress.
Venus works some of its magic on your reputation and/or career and relationships with elders, bosses, parents, and teachers this month until the 18th. This is a solid time for a better image, support or sponsorship from a higher-upper, more enjoyment of your professional life and responsibilities, and true confidence in your performance. The 10-11 is a beautiful time for learning or expanding a project, as well as activities related to promotion, publishing, education, communications, the law, and travel. There may be an opportunity for an experience that you've never had before, particularly related to studies. New ideas flow well. This can also be an almost magical time for financial and business matters. The 15-16 can be disruptive but revealing as the Sun opposes your ruler, Uranus, and Uranus energy is particularly strong and potent. It's a time for seeing yourself better through relationships with others and the world as a whole. Changes of plans can lead to new discoveries, perspectives, and insight that truly improve your life, so don't dig in your heels too much. There can be an epiphany or moment of truth that can be a little uncomfortable but ultimately relieving. Be slightly more vigilant when it comes to communicating and commuting. From the 18th, your social life gets a nice boost. Friends and acquaintances are more likely to appreciate and value you. From the 23rd, you're in a more ambitious phase of the year, and this continues into November. The last week of the month is powerful for revelations about professional and life-path goals. Ideas bloom. The 29th brings clarity about a friendship or long-term goal. You have an easier time putting something behind you now. Social or romantic opportunities may be found through associates, group associations, friends, and networking. A question of accountability or commitment involving a friend or business goal can be in focus. The New Moon on the 30th gives you a boost to pursue your ambitions. |
This is also a time when you're not particularly content with simply dreaming, wishing, and hoping for better circumstances. You'll want to take solid action towards realizing your goals and making improvements. There can be strong focus on new technology in October. You're inventive and drawn to endeavors that are progressive and unique. This is also a potentially strengthening month for close relationships. You're clearer about who you care about and who has your back. Venus moves in harmony with your sign until the 18th, boosting your personal appeal. It also has the effect of stimulating your taste for the exotic. You might thoroughly enjoy cultural activities, studies, debates, and sharing your ideas with others. You are in an unusually good position to soothe and help others to heal around the 10-11. This can be a good time for taking in a show, throwing yourself into a creative project and sharing time with others. Sharing your feelings or intimate matters can be fun and rewarding. You might open up a topic that is usually taboo or left unspoken. Healthy, frank discussions boost your relationships. The 15-16 can bring surprises with money and relationships. Ownership, sharing, power, and money matters can be at the root of challenges or the need to make changes becomes evident. Look for ways to innovate, update, and improve for best results. Accept that change is inevitable and understand that being proactive about it is in your best interests. From the 18th forward, professional relationships can improve, and so can your reputation or image. Someone who's in the position to help further your goals, promote you, or help you find a direction or calling can take special interest in you. Express your faith in yourself now for best results. The last week of the month stimulates your adventurous side. Even so, this can also be a time of increased professional responsibilities. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
Next Month in Astrology may be available (usually by the 20th of the previous month).
Void of Course Moon
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.

Void of Course Moon Tables for October 2016
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2016 – Overview
September 2016
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
A New Moon Solar Eclipse occurs on the 1st, energizing the sign of Virgo, and sets the tone for September. This is the final Solar Eclipse in Virgo in a set (a Solar Eclipse won’t occur in Virgo again for another nine years), and the second to last eclipse to fall along the Virgo-Pisces axis. The energy of the eclipse offers us opportunities to take charge of our lives through organizing, editing, and refining work and health endeavors. This is a fertile and productive time. On August 30th, Mercury turned retrograde, and with Uranus retrograde and Saturn direct, this is a season for a more conservative approach to pursuing our goals. Mercury’s retrograde occurs entirely in the sign of Virgo and runs from August 30th to September 22nd. As such, although we are looking forward to new beginnings in Virgo-ruled areas of our charts, we are also encouraged to go back over our work, make adjustments and refinements, and turn to the past for inspiration. On the 9th, Jupiter enters the sign of Libra, where it will transit until October 10th, 2017. Taking better care of our close relationships and interacting more effectively and harmoniously contribute to our sense of fulfillment and attract success during this cycle. We are likely to place strong emphasis and value on our social and diplomacy skills and ability to keep the peace. On the 10th, Saturn forms a square to Neptune. This is the third and final square in a set that began in November 2015 (the second aspect occurred in June). Some feelings of disillusionment can be with us now as our dreams and ideals can be put to the test. Questioning our faith in our dreams can lead to a lack of follow-through or wasteful activities and avoidance of responsibilities. Ideally, this crisis leads to a realignment of material goals and spiritual ideals as we assess what is truly meaningful to us. Financial restrictions may seem to block our plans, or we could feel a sudden lack of inspiration. We might be forced to face issues we’ve been avoiding or putting off, or deal with addictions, money drains, and other behaviors that have been dragging us down. Sacrifices may be needed in order to gain materially or spiritually. It’s important to simplify and detoxify, but also reach out to others for support and guidance. This is a time for recognizing addictions, fears, and attitudes that have us chained to situations and that keep us from growing. On the 16th, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs in the sign of Pisces, reminding us to consider how we are incorporating our ideals and spirituality into our lives. Neptune in Pisces opposition the Sun on the 2nd also served as a reminder. The key to balance lies in identifying and expressing our spiritual needs while maintaining order in our everyday lives. Neglecting either end of the Virgo-Pisces axis will surely backfire–we would either be living in chaos or excessive order. Mercury turns direct on the 22nd and forms a trine with Pluto, with both bodies near their stations such that the trine is in effect from the 20-23. This is a powerful time for looking both behind and in front of us and gaining a deeper understanding of a matter. We might discover new information that gives us an edge or finally “see” the truth of a matter that we’ve been avoiding. It’s a good time to let go of something that has kept us bound to harmful elements of the past. Pluto turns direct on the 26th, and intensity is with us in the days (and perhaps weeks for the sensitive) surrounding this date with a strong focus on ambition and the need to feel empowered. Over the coming weeks and months, the power to make deep changes in our lives become less internalized and more insistent and direct. We are less likely to brood over changes that we feel have been thrust upon us and more likely to make necessary changes. The New Moon energizes Libra on the 30th. This is a time for taking charge of our relationships and giving them their due attention, as well as working on our negotiation and partnering skills. The New Moon occurs not long after the Sun’s alignment with Jupiter and forms a sextile with Saturn, supplying us with a practical, positive, and balanced perspective.
(See the full table for 2016)
Mercury transits Virgo all month and continues its retrograde until the 22nd. Mercury spends an unusually long time in the sign of Virgo due to its retrograde at the tail-end of the sign that began on August 30th. While Mercury is in Virgo, we aim for more precision in speech and thought. This is a time when we analyze, organize, and sort. Mercury forms a supportive trine to Pluto on the 20-23, first while retrograde and then while direct, boosting our perceptiveness and insight. This occurs close to both Mercury and Pluto’s stations and offers us a unique opportunity to analyze the past and the present, as well as to strategize for the future. |
Venus continues its transit of Libra until the 23rd. We can be especially idealistic about love while Venus is in Libra. We prefer things to be done the “right” way, and are turned off by aggressive or uncouth behavior. The shadow side of this transit can be dependency, inconsistency, and superficiality. In an attempt to avoid unpleasant situations, we could easily gloss over deeper issues at play in our relationships, which is territory for Venus’ transit of Scorpio from the 23rd forward. However, Venus performs very well in Libra, as Libra is one of the signs that it rules, and we can work hard at making relationships work smoothly. Venus enters Scorpio on the 23rd, and our appetite for intimate connection is robust. |
Mars transited Sagittarius from March 5th to May 29th but then retreated into Scorpio due to retrograde motion. On August 2nd, Mars re-entered Sagittarius. Until August 22nd, Mars retraced its steps while retrograde and then continued to transit Sagittarius (it will do so until September 27th). With Mars in Sagittarius until the 27th, our actions are motivated by our ideals. We are bothered by routine, and quickly becoming restless if we feel confined. We have a strong appreciation or flavor for adventure and conquest. We seek to expand our experiences and minds during this transit. We can be a little careless and clumsy under this influence, however. Mars transits Capricorn from the 27th forward (until November 9th), and we pursue our desires with more deliberation and structure. We are more able to pace ourselves under this influence. Mars is exalted in the sign of Capricorn and thus performs quite well in the sign. |
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
Jupiter moves into your partnership sector on the 9th, where it will transit for over a year. The year ahead can be a powerful time for meeting a new partner, developing a relationship, coming to beneficial agreements with others, benefiting from counseling, and for partnering up with someone to accomplish a major goal. Someone coming into your life during this period can be significant. You might often enjoy the feeling that you have someone on your side during this cycle, and you're likely to get a sweet taste of this energy this month, particularly on the 25-26. It's important to pay particular attention to your work and chores this month, but if you're overdoing this and failing to take care of your need for downtime, you'll get a reminder around the 16th. The last week of September stimulates more intense feelings, desires, and attachments, mostly of the pleasant variety, and a stronger focus on relationships and work goals. Mars moving to the top of your solar chart stimulates your ambitions. Career goals are in focus, but this can also be about other lofty objectives that involve your general life path. This motivation builds throughout October as well. |
Jupiter moves into your solar sixth house on the 9th, where it will transit for the coming thirteen months. While its influence on your playful solar fifth in the past year was a little more exciting and glamorous, this new cycle can be rewarding indeed. You can be motivated to improve your health, daily habits, work, and routines. You are likely to find more joy and satisfaction from your work, and if you're looking for new work, this is a very employable time! There will be plenty of opportunities to improve and enhance your life going forward, but you're also likely to get a nice preview of this useful energy this month, particularly around the 25-26. Increased faith and optimism can help you heal, and you can find new meaning in the work you do. The Lunar Eclipse on the 16th can bring feelings for a friend to bloom and perhaps some drama to your social life. The 20-23 can be another pivotal period this month when new information or insight surfaces that can open doors for you on creative and romantic levels. A relationship can blossom. Venus entering your partnership sector on the 23rd can serve to further enhance and improve companionability and popularity. The last week of the month is also strong for travel opportunities, and blocks can lift with publishing, legal, or educational matters. Mars moves into favorable relationship with your sign on the 27th - another excellent influence that boosts your confidence and courage. |
One of the big headlines of the month is Jupiter's move into the sign of Libra. This is an especially happy influence for you, and fortunately, it's not a fleeting one. Lasting for over a year, this transit encourages you to come out of your shell and enjoy yourself more thoroughly. Perhaps you meet someone who motivates you to pursue fun pastimes, you take up a new hobby, or a romance figures strongly. Whatever does open up for you, you're ready to play, share, and enjoy yourself. Creatively, this is an active period as well, and on the 25-26, you're likely to experience a satisfying preview of this Jupiter transit that will stick with you for thirteen months. You might suddenly get in touch with a desire or discover a new interest that can be the focus of your attention for some time into the future. The 20-23 is an interesting period when you gain valuable insight into a personal or domestic matter. Research brings rewards or secrets emerge that give you an edge or lead to a feeling of relief. A person in your life is likely to come around to your point of view. The last week of September is busy, and areas of interest evolve. You're more confident and ready to enjoy yourself. A work or financial matter unblocks. Mars moves out of your partnership zone, taking some of the direct pressure off you and a partnership. The New Moon on the 30th is celebratory. |
Besides eclipses that keep you on your toes dealing with deadlines, a major headline of the month is Jupiter's move into the sign of Libra on the 9th. This sign change happens approximately every year, and it points to a new theme of upgrades and enhancements in particular areas of life ruled by the sector it's transiting. For you, home, family, and personal life are the primary focus in the year ahead, starting this month. This is a time for improving your bonds with loved ones and enhancing or expanding the home. Living arrangements and conditions can improve. On the 16th, a Lunar Eclipse opens up desires to learn or experience new things. This can be a compelling discovery. The travel bug can bite now for some of you, and for others, the desire to take courses or reach out to make contact with new people can emerge. Tastes are a little more exotic now, although you may need to stick around for a while longer in order to get through your current responsibilities. Venus moves into your romance and creativity sector on the 23rd, where she will stay until mid-October. This is only one influence that changes the flavor of the month in the last week. Other influences affect your partnerships and close relationships most - Pluto turns direct and Mars enters your partnership sector. Certainly, the last week of the month is relationship-oriented, and the news is positive! Some of the pressure that Mars has placed on your work and daily life eases now. |
The big headline of the month is Jupiter's move into the sign of Libra. This moves Jupiter into easy aspect with your sign and into your communications sector for over a year. You are likely to become quite busy making connections, teaching, learning, and sharing ideas during this period. As September progresses, you'll feel more of this kind of energy. There can be plenty of errands to run, paperwork to deal with, and emails to send. New ways to communicate, learn, and move about can open up. There can be a new computer or phone, new wheels, and some of you can find new platforms or channels for connecting. You can be especially busy locally. There can be a real tendency to want to "do it all", forgetting your limits in terms of time and energy, but your enthusiasm for learning new things and taking on new projects can be incredible now. Later this month and in the coming year, good energy is with you for sharing your ideas, writing, pursuing a cause, and joining a cause, generally speaking. The energies of the 25-26 can illuminate or stimulate a new interest or project. Even with Mercury retrograde until the 22nd, you can be quite charming with your words as Venus moves through your communications sector until the 23rd. The last week of September can point to some turning inward as you seek out a little more comfort, intimacy, and private time. Even so, the busy pace of your life is unlikely to let up just yet, largely due to Mars' energetic move into your work and health sector on the 27th, followed by a New Moon in your communications sector on the 30th. You have a lot on your plate now! |
By the 9th, Jupiter will have left your sign where it visited for thirteen months. However, as Jupiter leaves your sign, it enters your resources sector where it will stay for over a year. This begins a theme of excellent lessons and benefits revolving around money, earnings, possessions, and your personal talents. It's a superb time for building on existing resources, a business, or project and enjoying the rewards of your past efforts. While this transit will take some time to unfold and develop, you'll certainly enjoy a nice preview of its influence around the 25-26 when the Sun aligns with Jupiter. It can be a time of elevated confidence in yourself to manifest your desires. Your generosity increases. The Lunar Eclipse on the 16th brings a personal project or relationship to bloom. Personal epiphanies and revelations about relationships are possible now. The 20-23 is a powerful few days for better understanding a matter from the past - new information emerges, and you're better off for it! This could have to do with health, romance, or a creative project, and it can fill you with determination and confidence. The last week of September is strong for attracting who and what you want through your communications. On the 27th, a long-awaited Mars transit of your romance and creativity sector gets the ball rolling on these matters - you're far more confident about pursuing your desires now. The last day of the month features a New Moon and a potential new beginning on a financial level. |
For another, you have Jupiter entering Libra on the 9th. While two eclipses this month can shake up your worlds of work and downtime, the biggest headline is Jupiter's move into your sign. This celebrated transit will unfold over the next thirteen months, but certainly by the 25-26 when the Sun and Jupiter align, you'll be feeling some of the benefits in September. Ideas for future ventures can be golden. Confidence increases and you seek out more freedom now and in the coming year. You may be exposed to interesting ideas and gain new and exciting interests. You're not afraid to explore, and little holds you back from enjoying life on multiple levels. In truth, you are making your own opportunities by putting more faith in yourself and your capabilities. The 20-26 can bring you personal attention, but it can also be a time of remarkable new insights into your emotional life, family, or the past. While this can be subtle, it can also be life-changing in the sense that now you feel more equipped to move forward. The last week of September is also strong for money and gifts, as well as active for family and domestic life. The New Moon on the 30th is in your sign, pointing to a grand new beginning. This is a time of more personal presence and power, and it's a theme that continues into October. |
Jupiter moves into your solar twelfth house on the 9th, where it will transit for thirteen months. It's a quiet period for Jupiter, but it's certainly not without its benefits. You'll get a preview of its energy in large doses around the 25-26 when past good deeds can bring in rewards. In many ways, the year ahead involves an important inner spiritual search as you establish a deeper connection with, and faith in, your intuition. You're coming to a better relationship with yourself from the inside out. Your sympathetic nature deepens, and you can thoroughly enjoy helping others. An untapped resource can be discovered and benefits come from behind the scenes. There can be hurdles to clear this month, most likely concerning earning power or income, but taking care of problem areas will benefit you for years to come, so do the ground work. Your social life can be up and down this month. At times, you might question others' allegiance. The Lunar Eclipse on the 16th can bring love feelings to bloom or a romantic relationship to a turning point. The last week of September is considerably easier. For one, Venus spends its first of three weeks in your sign, boosting your appeal. A special someone is catering to your needs and interests. People tend to want to be around you and help you out, and your personal appeal skyrockets. For another, your ruler, Pluto, turns direct and you feel a lot clearer about your direction and personal goals. A project that was put on hold can now move forward. The 20-23 is a time for wowing others with your findings, insight, and wisdom. Those who have been second-guessing you can completely come around. Finally, on the 27th, Mars enters your communications sector and helps to renew your interest in various exciting projects. Enthusiasm for learning and sharing builds. |
Career or life path goals can require exacting and particular attention but can also serve to excite you about your future. Be patient this month for best results! Jupiter moves into your friends and dreams sector on the 9th and will visit this pleasant house of your solar chart for over a year. Ideally, you've accomplished some pretty big goals and now have more freedom to pursue goals that are less about performance and more about enjoyment. Jupiter loosens you up in this way. As your ruler, you're certainly aware of the beneficial traits of this freedom-loving, generous planet. However, because Saturn has been visiting your sign, you may not always feel so carefree, and this Jupiter transit will help remind you of the need to enjoy yourself more often. You'll be pouring more energy into, and deriving plenty of benefits from, friendships, networking, personal causes, and community or group associations in the coming year. The eclipses this month remind you once again of the sensitive balance between career and home life, as well as attention to reputation or protocol versus attention to personal goals and family. Love is a little more private and perhaps complicated in the last week of the month. The 20-23 can bring significant insight into money and career matters - this can be critical for success. Money matters that were previously stuck or stalling can clear up from the 26th forward. You'll be pursuing both pleasure and a fatter bank account from the 27th forward and into October. |
For those Capricorns working on projects for publishing, this can be a busy and important time for refinements. The temptation may be to release a work or complete a project or study before you're entirely ready, but it's important to exercise patience. Jupiter moves to the top of your solar chart on the 9th, and will transit your career and reputation sector for over a year. This beneficial influence will unfold over thirteen months, but you'll see it kickstarted this month, particularly around the 25-26. This is a time for getting some pleasing feedback and recognition for the work you do, or for the effort you've made towards important goals. More importantly, it's a time when you feel prouder of your accomplishments, which motivates you to shoot a little higher. You might find yourself in a position to manage others, or there could be a promotion or more enjoyable work and goals during this pivotal transit. The 20-23 can bring out new information and insights that change your approach to your work and projects. You have a distinct edge now. Friendships improve and thrive starting in the last week of September. Finally, Mars moves into your sign on the 27th. This has been a long time coming, as Mars has spent an unusually long time in the sign behind yours, and you've been on the fence about many things. Energy and motivation levels may have suffered, but now you're picking up your socks and getting things done. This transit can be problematic at times, largely due to impatience or impulsiveness, but is powerful for personal confidence, and will be with you until November 9th. |
Jupiter moves into Libra and favorable position to your sign on the 9th, launching a thirteen-month transit that naturally encourages you to explore and expand your interests. It's an excellent influence for taking courses and for studies and interests, in general. Happy connections and friendships might be made through studies, travel, and other non-routine affairs. Those who've interrupted their education may return to courses now with great success and renewed confidence. You're likely to be more easygoing when it comes to everyday life, as you find it easier to rise above small problems and put things into perspective during this cycle. Money matters can reach a head around the 16th. There can be revelations or realizations revolving around finances, valuables, or values. The 20-23 can bring about a revelation or news that improves your understanding of a difficult problem. After a sense that you're stuck, you begin to feel that you can truly get ahead. The 25-26 is favorable for teaching, learning, connecting, and promoting. On the 27th, Mars enters your solar twelfth house, however, launching a cycle in which you're a little less energetic as your priorities shuffle around, or a project ends. |
Jupiter moves into your solar eighth house on the 9th, and this launches a thirteen-month cycle that's superb for financial improvements and your intimate life. This transit unfolds over the course of a year and a month, but you may be enjoying a preview of this theme now, particularly around the 25-26. Increased benefits can come through others now and in the coming year. A partner's income could increase, or you might team up with others to work towards an important goal. Career advancements are also possible now. Changes are necessary in a romantic relationship or with children this month. You are reorganizing these areas of life and taking charge. Those of you in creative lines of work might land a new project that is demanding but fulfilling. The 20-23 is strong for valuable insight into a relationship. There can be an "aha" moment that is significant and propels you forward. The ability to see what may have been tripping you up in the past is truly helpful. Sharing ideas can be very fruitful now, and friends can have valuable input. An understanding with someone close to you can be a beautiful form of release and relief. The last week of September is good for personal appeal. A friendship may resume, or a reconnection with an old friend can happen now. Love relationships can have an exotic flavor, or you might find love while exploring new ideas, activities, and places. Some of the recent pressures on work and performance tone down. You may become more active with your community, friends, or causes. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
Next Month in Astrology may be available (usually by the 20th of the previous month).
Void of Course Moon
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.

Void of Course Moon Dates September 2016
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2016 – Overview
August 2016
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
A New Moon occurs on the 2nd, energizing the sign of Leo, and sets the tone for much of August. This is a time to uncover and share our unique, creative powers – that which makes us special. We might aim to allow our “inner child” to come out and play more often, and possibly commit to plans related to games, sports, recreation, speculation, hobbies, children, romance, and dating. Also on the 2nd, Mars enters Sagittarius. While Mars remains in its shadow until the 22nd, we are approaching matters with more enthusiasm and confidence. Mercury enters its shadow phase on the 10th, so that issues encountered, conversations, and projects started from then and forward are likely to come up for review later. It’s also important to note that new endeavors begun in this period will experience a progressed Mercury retrograde sometime down the road. On the 12th and 13th, Jupiter opposes Chiron and forms a quincunx with Uranus, pointing to some faltering confidence in our projects and goals. Both of these influences were first exact in November 2015 and are now perfecting for the final time. This can be a time when we are hungry for meaning and understanding, but it can be difficult to align ourselves with a personal philosophy or belief system that truly reflects our core. We might be led astray by beliefs and ideas now, or we might experience some form of crisis of faith. Something might happen that challenges our beliefs, and we are made aware of it through a relationship or someone’s perspective. We might also feel alone in our opinions, visions, or plans for the future, as others don’t seem to understand our vision. Choices we’ve made in the past may no longer seem wise. It is important to look within and come to a greater understanding of what we truly need or believe, rather than blindly following something that doesn’t truly serve our purpose. New business endeavors may require a closer look before pushing forward. A project may have ended and now we’re feeling restless without it, or we could face challenges in relationships due to differing beliefs and expectations. We need to make changes, but may not know what or when, and there can be bursts of rebelliousness if we are not in touch. We should probably refrain from making dramatic changes until we’re clearer about what we want. Saturn turning direct on August 13th is a strong reminder to take care of our responsibilities and to face reality. With Saturn’s direct turn, our responsibilities, and perhaps our limitations, are magnified. Gradually, our long-term goals and plans become clearer. With Uranus retrograde, Saturn direct, and Jupiter in Virgo, this is a less rebellious and more responsible time, generally speaking. At least when it comes to appearances, we are more likely to follow the rules. On the 18th, a Full Moon occurs in the sign of Aquarius. This lunation falls just short of an official definition of Lunar Eclipse. For astrological purposes, we can think of it as a strong Full Moon and a weak Lunar Eclipse. At any rate, a series of eclipses falling along the Leo-Aquarius axis is up and coming. Right now, we are reminded of our needs for friendship, community, as well as impartiality and objectivity. We cannot lose sight of our larger goals and our need to give back to the community or group that supports us. On the 30th, Mercury turns retrograde, and with Uranus retrograde and Saturn direct, this is a season for a more conservative approach to pursuing our goals. Mercury’s retrograde occurs entirely in the sign of Virgo and is from August 30th to September 22nd.
(See the full table for 2016)
Mercury transits Virgo all month and turns retrograde on the 30th. Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow on the 10th. Mercury spends an unusually long time in the sign of Virgo due to its retrograde at the tail-end of the sign – on the 30th, Mercury turns retrograde at 29 degrees Virgo. While Mercury is in Virgo, we aim for more precision in speech and thought. This is a time when we analyze, organize, and sort. Mercury forms a supportive trine to Pluto on the 10th, boosting our perceptiveness and insight. Its alignment with Jupiter on the 21-22 is a wonderful influence for expanding our thinking. We can experience a rare ability to see both the broader vision or goal and the practical details. Mercury aligns with Venus on the 28th, shortly before turning retrograde. |
Venus continues its transit of Leo until the 5th, and we may be stimulating and/or craving drama. We are generous with our affections and our pocketbooks for the most part during this transit. We crave admiration and appreciation. Venus transits Virgo from the 5-29. Venus aligns with Jupiter on the 27th, and we have large appetites for love, pleasure, and admiration. There is generosity of spirit now. We tend to connect to a higher purpose regarding our personal relationships and our values, attaching extra meaning to them. Venus enters Libra on the 29th – a sign that it rules. |
Mars transited Sagittarius from March 5th to May 29th but then retreated into Scorpio due to retrograde motion. On August 2nd, Mars re-enters Sagittarius. Until August 22nd, Mars retraces its steps while retrograde and then continues to transit Sagittarius until September 27th. We are gradually regaining our enthusiasm, projects that have stalled move forward, and we begin to feel more confident and assertive. With Mars in Sagittarius, our actions are motivated by our ideals. We are bothered by routine, and quickly becoming restless if we feel confined. We have a strong appreciation or flavor for adventure and conquest. We seek to expand our experiences and minds during this transit. Mars aligns with Saturn on the 23-24 – a time for considering the practical, realistic side of things. |
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
While work demands more than the usual attention in the month ahead, August brings great energy for breaking out of routines and enjoying yourself more fully. New adventures and experiences can suddenly seem desirable after many months of being quite content following simple routines close to home. Many recent pressures tend to ease for you this month, and this frees you up to explore recreational On the 23-24, Mars aligns with Saturn, and you'd be wise to focus on practical concerns, a game plan, or strategy. You might decide that something has run its course and needs to be left behind. There could be a need to get serious about an educational, publishing, or legal matter for some of you. If you've been pushing yourself too hard, you'll recognize the need to pace yourself now. Work and health matters grab your attention increasingly as the month progresses. This has been the case to some degree all year with Jupiter in your solar sixth house. You're coming to the end of this fortunate transit, and you should take full advantage of the opportunities presented to you this month, particularly around the 21-22 and 27-29. You might discover a new health program or you could come up with excellent ideas about a new work project. Some of you may be reviving old projects now with renewed enthusiasm. There can be some exaggeration or excess present on the job or with co-workers. Even so, good humor helps you to heal and more thoroughly enjoy the work you do. |
Good energy is with you for redecorating your home or entertaining from home, and in general, peace and comfort with your family. The New Moon on the 2nd brings the energy and motivation necessary to start fresh. It's time for a domestic makeover. At the same time, Mars moves into your intimacy sector, turning your attention to the hidden elements of your life. While your emotional life is a little more complicated, you're also braver and more confident on a personal level. While there is quite a bit of introspective energy with you in August, there is also radiant energy with you for creative and romantic pursuits. You are looking especially good these days, particularly on the 21-22 and 27-29, and might even be the object of desire. You may be tempted to turn up the charm, but aim instead for sincerity, as it will be appreciated most. Good energy is with you for expanding your personal horizons through creative endeavors. Love can be magical, and your powers of attraction run high. As well, a Full Moon on the 18th turns your attention to responsibilities and career. |
With Mars in your health and work sector for much of 2016, you may have been wrestling with all sorts of small but irritating problems. While the pace of your life is unlikely to slow down significantly this month, you are focusing less on technical challenges and more on the people in your life. There can be times in August when you feel others are in the driver's seat. However, this can be managed if you experience the need to reclaim some personal power. It may be that you need a bit of a break from being in charge. Another important theme this month involves growth and warmth in your personal life and with family and close loved ones. Nice opportunities can arise to bond with those closest to your heart. This can also be a time for buying a special or unique item for the home, or when money comes through. You may be finding peace with your past in a meaningful way. Jupiter is on its last leg of its transit of your home and family sector, and with its connections to inner planets on the 21-22 and 27-29 this month, you might decide to jump on opportunities to improve your domestic life. Opportunities for love and friendship may emerge close to home.
Mars spent an unusual length of time in your sector of romance and creativity sector and now moves into your solar sixth house, which is related to work and health. This means the rockier and exciting elements of your romantic life are about to settle down, and work heats up in its stead. While pressures are on, you may welcome this change of pace. You feel more passion and vigor for taking care of business. Even so, you are also in good shape on a social level this month. You can enjoy wonderful conversations this month. Jupiter is spending its last weeks in a year-long cycle in your communications sector, and Mercury and Venus align with Jupiter on the 21-22 and 27-29, opening up doors for you to take advantage of the benefits of this transit. It's an excellent time to exchange ideas, learn new things, and connect with others. You might hear something of great use to you, or that boosts your understanding. It's a good month for those things that connect you to information and people, such as new or improved cars, bikes, phones, or computers and devices, and for education as well. |
The New Moon on the 2nd is all about you and is supported by Saturn, putting you in a practical and positive frame of mind. The month is strong for personal triumphs, small yet significant changes, and financial boosts. You may be feeling back on track when it comes to dating, hobbies, or creative pursuits. Mars moves into a compatible sign on the 2nd after spending quite some time in challenging aspect to your sign. This can be a charming, hopeful, and optimistic period, lasting until September 27th. You're ardent in your pursuit of what and who you want during this cycle. The Full Moon/near Lunar Eclipse on the 18th can bring unacknowledged feelings to the surface. There can be a turning point or announcement in a relationship now. Jupiter is on its last leg of its journey through your solar second house, and aligns with Mercury and Venus this month, presenting opportunities to make the most of this beneficial transit. Look for ways to improve your feelings of comfort, security, and abundance. An income boost is possible now, particularly around the 21-22 and 27-29. |
As well, some important influences are urging you to rest, recoup, and relax this month. The New Moon on the 2nd is one such reminder - you may need to take care of loose ends now. Working behind the scenes benefits you. On the same day, Mars moves into your home and family sector, so that while you're likely to get some social attention and even admiration, a good part of you is a little "hard to get" now. It's a necessary, healing phase. The rest and privacy you need are yours, although there may be plenty of stimulating dramas playing out around you. The Sun in your sign gives you more power and courage from the 22nd forward. Home life becomes more animated and family life demands more of your time this month. Jupiter is on its last leg of its journey through your sign, which lasts until September 9th. The 21-22 and 27-29 can bring sweet rewards and perhaps some recognition for all of the work or charity you've been doing quietly behind the scenes. Your personality shines. People see your value. This is a winning time for attracting others to you through your unique self-expression and vision, as well as for putting past grudges behind you. |
Mars moves into your communications sector on the 2nd, where it will stay until the last week of September. You may be revisiting projects begun in March or April. It's a good time for getting back into old studies or personal interests, and for beginning new projects. There is more passion and excitement in learning now. Your sense of community is strong, and emotional satisfaction can come through your interactions with, or support of, friends and associates this month. Responsibilities to others may be in focus, but they are pleasant and rewarding. If you need to start fresh with a friend, August is strong for doing so. There can be wonderful opportunities for healing, growing, and coming together with others this month. The 21-22 and 27-29 are good for these things. Some of you could be reconnecting with old friends or lovers now. Something may surface that brings much joy to your life. You might perform a generous act behind the scenes or anonymously. |
You're still interested in defending your rights, of course, but August is likely to bring a less competitive energy into your life, and you're bound to appreciate the change of pace. Professional interests and ambitions are still going strong, but your personal life is considerably more chill than it has been. There is also the need to work cooperatively within the framework of a group with quite a bit of activity happening in your solar eleventh house. Work matters are solid in August and your drive to improve them even further is strong. You may be seeking out ways to earn more or develop your talents this month. You may need to tame urges to spend too much, however. In all likelihood, you'll be coming out ahead in the finances department, or you'll be putting in the groundwork for future increases in income. The 21-22 and 27-29 are brilliant for your social life. You're appreciated and enjoyed. People are drawn to your optimism and generosity of spirit. Others might extend kindnesses to you now, and some of you can enjoy new friendships. These are also active, positive days for networking, sharing, and promoting. |
However, Mars moves into your sign on August 2nd, and while you continue to assert your independence, you're inclined to do so a little more loudly. You're also more forthright and ready to take action. At first, it may seem a little raw, but as you get the hang of Mars energy, you're likely to wear it well. A decidedly more confident and assertive side will emerge. Mars will align with Saturn and form a square with Neptune this month, so it won't be completely smooth, but you're now in a more energetic, confident cycle. The New Moon on the 2nd is another fantastic boost for your spirit. You may be making a new commitment to learning and studies. Some of you could be promoting or publishing your work. You're also in a strong position in public or professional settings this month. The 21-22 and 27-29 can present opportunities for some recognition, a meeting of minds with someone in authority, an important sale, or another type of boost. You can be feeling quite optimistic about your career or social standing. A relationship announcement may occur now. The 23-24 can require you to get serious about a personal matter. If you've been pushing too hard, you'll come to the realization that you need to pace yourself now. It's important to have a strong sense of what you can and cannot do, not by lowering your standards, but through self-honesty and realism. |
Despite this introspective focus, key planets are encouraging you to explore new ideas and experiences. Jupiter is on the last leg of its journey through your sector of adventure, learning, and spirit. This is a fortunate transit that serves to open your mind and open doors to you for promotion, publishing, travel, and education. For some, a legal outcome leads to more freedom or an opportunity emerges to explore an adventure that you've only dreamt of in the past. Freedom of movement is of particular importance to you right now, as any feeling of being tied to a set place or routine can leave you feeling stifled. Mercury and Venus align with Jupiter and with one another in August, and nice opportunities can emerge as a result. There may be awards and rewards, particularly around the 21-22 and 27-29. You might especially benefit from word of mouth or positive reviews. Take every opportunity to brush up on skills and boost your knowledge during this period. This can also be a good time for meeting a special friend, possibly through new interests, studies, travels, or adventures. |
If you need a fresh start in an important friendship or partnership, the week following the New Moon on the 2nd is excellent for beginning anew. This can also be a time when a relationship reaches a whole new level or a new relationship is born. The Full Moon on the 18th is just shy of a Lunar Eclipse and occurs in your sign. It's excellent for making discoveries about your true feelings. The 23-24 can involve a reality check of sorts in a friendship, group association, or regarding a long-term goal. You may need to lay down the law or put on the brakes temporarily before moving ahead. With Jupiter on the last leg of its journey through your solar eighth house, you may want to take full advantage of its alignments with Mercury and Venus this month on the 21-22 and 27-29. This is a time for facing fears and breaking through taboos. It may be an opportune time for receiving support or getting help. You can experience a real sense of joy through intimacy with someone special, or experience an emotional breakthrough of your own. A partner may receive a financial boost. |
Your needs and desires might often seem eclipsed by those of a partner in the month ahead, but for the most part, this is a pleasant, rewarding experience. Alternatively, your personal needs and plans are on the backburner for now. This is a natural process, and it's better not to fight it. Honor the important people in your life and play a supportive role. In fact, there can be mutual benefits involved. You can derive much joy from feeling part of a partnership now, if applicable. The 21-22 and 27-29 are excellent for moving forward in a friendship or relationship. If you need to forgive and forget, this is a great time to do so. Ambitions are sure to charge up this month as Mars returns to your career and reputation sector. Mars was here in March to May, but then turned retrograde and retreated into your solar ninth house - until now. Some plans and projects that have their origins in March and April may need some revisiting now. You gradually build up momentum and more wholeheartedly pursue your career and life path goals. A conservative approach in business is necessary around the 23-24 - you'll need to slow down if you've been trying to push something too fast. Even so, you're coming up with some very practical and workable long-term life strategies and plans now. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
Next Month in Astrology may be available (usually by the 20th of the previous month).
Void of Course Moon
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times. For example, the Moon enters Cancer on July 3rd at 6:21 AM Pacific Time.

Void of course table for August 2016
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2016 – Overview

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
This Month in Astrology
September 2016
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
A New Moon Solar Eclipse occurs on the 1st, energizing the sign of Virgo, and sets the tone for September. This is the final Solar Eclipse in Virgo in a set (a Solar Eclipse won’t occur in Virgo again for another nine years), and the second to last eclipse to fall along the Virgo-Pisces axis. The energy of the eclipse offers us opportunities to take charge of our lives through organizing, editing, and refining work and health endeavors. This is a fertile and productive time. On August 30th, Mercury turned retrograde, and with Uranus retrograde and Saturn direct, this is a season for a more conservative approach to pursuing our goals. Mercury’s retrograde occurs entirely in the sign of Virgo and runs from August 30th to September 22nd. As such, although we are looking forward to new beginnings in Virgo-ruled areas of our charts, we are also encouraged to go back over our work, make adjustments and refinements, and turn to the past for inspiration. On the 9th, Jupiter enters the sign of Libra, where it will transit until October 10th, 2017. Taking better care of our close relationships and interacting more effectively and harmoniously contribute to our sense of fulfillment and attract success during this cycle. We are likely to place strong emphasis and value on our social and diplomacy skills and ability to keep the peace. On the 10th, Saturn forms a square to Neptune. This is the third and final square in a set that began in November 2015 (the second aspect occurred in June). Some feelings of disillusionment can be with us now as our dreams and ideals can be put to the test. Questioning our faith in our dreams can lead to a lack of follow-through or wasteful activities and avoidance of responsibilities. Ideally, this crisis leads to a realignment of material goals and spiritual ideals as we assess what is truly meaningful to us. Financial restrictions may seem to block our plans, or we could feel a sudden lack of inspiration. We might be forced to face issues we’ve been avoiding or putting off, or deal with addictions, money drains, and other behaviors that have been dragging us down. Sacrifices may be needed in order to gain materially or spiritually. It’s important to simplify and detoxify, but also reach out to others for support and guidance. This is a time for recognizing addictions, fears, and attitudes that have us chained to situations and that keep us from growing. On the 16th, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs in the sign of Pisces, reminding us to consider how we are incorporating our ideals and spirituality into our lives. Neptune in Pisces opposition the Sun on the 2nd also served as a reminder. The key to balance lies in identifying and expressing our spiritual needs while maintaining order in our everyday lives. Neglecting either end of the Virgo-Pisces axis will surely backfire–we would either be living in chaos or excessive order. Mercury turns direct on the 22nd and forms a trine with Pluto, with both bodies near their stations such that the trine is in effect from the 20-23. This is a powerful time for looking both behind and in front of us and gaining a deeper understanding of a matter. We might discover new information that gives us an edge or finally “see” the truth of a matter that we’ve been avoiding. It’s a good time to let go of something that has kept us bound to harmful elements of the past. Pluto turns direct on the 26th, and intensity is with us in the days (and perhaps weeks for the sensitive) surrounding this date with a strong focus on ambition and the need to feel empowered. Over the coming weeks and months, the power to make deep changes in our lives become less internalized and more insistent and direct. We are less likely to brood over changes that we feel have been thrust upon us and more likely to make necessary changes. The New Moon energizes Libra on the 30th. This is a time for taking charge of our relationships and giving them their due attention, as well as working on our negotiation and partnering skills. The New Moon occurs not long after the Sun’s alignment with Jupiter and forms a sextile with Saturn, supplying us with a practical, positive, and balanced perspective.
(See the full table for 2016)
Mercury transits Virgo all month and continues its retrograde until the 22nd. Mercury spends an unusually long time in the sign of Virgo due to its retrograde at the tail-end of the sign that began on August 30th. While Mercury is in Virgo, we aim for more precision in speech and thought. This is a time when we analyze, organize, and sort. Mercury forms a supportive trine to Pluto on the 20-23, first while retrograde and then while direct, boosting our perceptiveness and insight. This occurs close to both Mercury and Pluto’s stations and offers us a unique opportunity to analyze the past and the present, as well as to strategize for the future. |
Venus continues its transit of Libra until the 23rd. We can be especially idealistic about love while Venus is in Libra. We prefer things to be done the “right” way, and are turned off by aggressive or uncouth behavior. The shadow side of this transit can be dependency, inconsistency, and superficiality. In an attempt to avoid unpleasant situations, we could easily gloss over deeper issues at play in our relationships, which is territory for Venus’ transit of Scorpio from the 23rd forward. However, Venus performs very well in Libra, as Libra is one of the signs that it rules, and we can work hard at making relationships work smoothly. Venus enters Scorpio on the 23rd, and our appetite for intimate connection is robust. |
Mars transited Sagittarius from March 5th to May 29th but then retreated into Scorpio due to retrograde motion. On August 2nd, Mars re-entered Sagittarius. Until August 22nd, Mars retraced its steps while retrograde and then continued to transit Sagittarius (it will do so until September 27th). With Mars in Sagittarius until the 27th, our actions are motivated by our ideals. We are bothered by routine, and quickly becoming restless if we feel confined. We have a strong appreciation or flavor for adventure and conquest. We seek to expand our experiences and minds during this transit. We can be a little careless and clumsy under this influence, however. Mars transits Capricorn from the 27th forward (until November 9th), and we pursue our desires with more deliberation and structure. We are more able to pace ourselves under this influence. Mars is exalted in the sign of Capricorn and thus performs quite well in the sign. |
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
Jupiter moves into your partnership sector on the 9th, where it will transit for over a year. The year ahead can be a powerful time for meeting a new partner, developing a relationship, coming to beneficial agreements with others, benefiting from counseling, and for partnering up with someone to accomplish a major goal. Someone coming into your life during this period can be significant. You might often enjoy the feeling that you have someone on your side during this cycle, and you're likely to get a sweet taste of this energy this month, particularly on the 25-26. It's important to pay particular attention to your work and chores this month, but if you're overdoing this and failing to take care of your need for downtime, you'll get a reminder around the 16th. The last week of September stimulates more intense feelings, desires, and attachments, mostly of the pleasant variety, and a stronger focus on relationships and work goals. Mars moving to the top of your solar chart stimulates your ambitions. Career goals are in focus, but this can also be about other lofty objectives that involve your general life path. This motivation builds throughout October as well. |
Jupiter moves into your solar sixth house on the 9th, where it will transit for the coming thirteen months. While its influence on your playful solar fifth in the past year was a little more exciting and glamorous, this new cycle can be rewarding indeed. You can be motivated to improve your health, daily habits, work, and routines. You are likely to find more joy and satisfaction from your work, and if you're looking for new work, this is a very employable time! There will be plenty of opportunities to improve and enhance your life going forward, but you're also likely to get a nice preview of this useful energy this month, particularly around the 25-26. Increased faith and optimism can help you heal, and you can find new meaning in the work you do. The Lunar Eclipse on the 16th can bring feelings for a friend to bloom and perhaps some drama to your social life. The 20-23 can be another pivotal period this month when new information or insight surfaces that can open doors for you on creative and romantic levels. A relationship can blossom. Venus entering your partnership sector on the 23rd can serve to further enhance and improve companionability and popularity. The last week of the month is also strong for travel opportunities, and blocks can lift with publishing, legal, or educational matters. Mars moves into favorable relationship with your sign on the 27th - another excellent influence that boosts your confidence and courage. |
One of the big headlines of the month is Jupiter's move into the sign of Libra. This is an especially happy influence for you, and fortunately, it's not a fleeting one. Lasting for over a year, this transit encourages you to come out of your shell and enjoy yourself more thoroughly. Perhaps you meet someone who motivates you to pursue fun pastimes, you take up a new hobby, or a romance figures strongly. Whatever does open up for you, you're ready to play, share, and enjoy yourself. Creatively, this is an active period as well, and on the 25-26, you're likely to experience a satisfying preview of this Jupiter transit that will stick with you for thirteen months. You might suddenly get in touch with a desire or discover a new interest that can be the focus of your attention for some time into the future. The 20-23 is an interesting period when you gain valuable insight into a personal or domestic matter. Research brings rewards or secrets emerge that give you an edge or lead to a feeling of relief. A person in your life is likely to come around to your point of view. The last week of September is busy, and areas of interest evolve. You're more confident and ready to enjoy yourself. A work or financial matter unblocks. Mars moves out of your partnership zone, taking some of the direct pressure off you and a partnership. The New Moon on the 30th is celebratory. |
Besides eclipses that keep you on your toes dealing with deadlines, a major headline of the month is Jupiter's move into the sign of Libra on the 9th. This sign change happens approximately every year, and it points to a new theme of upgrades and enhancements in particular areas of life ruled by the sector it's transiting. For you, home, family, and personal life are the primary focus in the year ahead, starting this month. This is a time for improving your bonds with loved ones and enhancing or expanding the home. Living arrangements and conditions can improve. On the 16th, a Lunar Eclipse opens up desires to learn or experience new things. This can be a compelling discovery. The travel bug can bite now for some of you, and for others, the desire to take courses or reach out to make contact with new people can emerge. Tastes are a little more exotic now, although you may need to stick around for a while longer in order to get through your current responsibilities. Venus moves into your romance and creativity sector on the 23rd, where she will stay until mid-October. This is only one influence that changes the flavor of the month in the last week. Other influences affect your partnerships and close relationships most - Pluto turns direct and Mars enters your partnership sector. Certainly, the last week of the month is relationship-oriented, and the news is positive! Some of the pressure that Mars has placed on your work and daily life eases now. |
The big headline of the month is Jupiter's move into the sign of Libra. This moves Jupiter into easy aspect with your sign and into your communications sector for over a year. You are likely to become quite busy making connections, teaching, learning, and sharing ideas during this period. As September progresses, you'll feel more of this kind of energy. There can be plenty of errands to run, paperwork to deal with, and emails to send. New ways to communicate, learn, and move about can open up. There can be a new computer or phone, new wheels, and some of you can find new platforms or channels for connecting. You can be especially busy locally. There can be a real tendency to want to "do it all", forgetting your limits in terms of time and energy, but your enthusiasm for learning new things and taking on new projects can be incredible now. Later this month and in the coming year, good energy is with you for sharing your ideas, writing, pursuing a cause, and joining a cause, generally speaking. The energies of the 25-26 can illuminate or stimulate a new interest or project. Even with Mercury retrograde until the 22nd, you can be quite charming with your words as Venus moves through your communications sector until the 23rd. The last week of September can point to some turning inward as you seek out a little more comfort, intimacy, and private time. Even so, the busy pace of your life is unlikely to let up just yet, largely due to Mars' energetic move into your work and health sector on the 27th, followed by a New Moon in your communications sector on the 30th. You have a lot on your plate now! |
By the 9th, Jupiter will have left your sign where it visited for thirteen months. However, as Jupiter leaves your sign, it enters your resources sector where it will stay for over a year. This begins a theme of excellent lessons and benefits revolving around money, earnings, possessions, and your personal talents. It's a superb time for building on existing resources, a business, or project and enjoying the rewards of your past efforts. While this transit will take some time to unfold and develop, you'll certainly enjoy a nice preview of its influence around the 25-26 when the Sun aligns with Jupiter. It can be a time of elevated confidence in yourself to manifest your desires. Your generosity increases. The Lunar Eclipse on the 16th brings a personal project or relationship to bloom. Personal epiphanies and revelations about relationships are possible now. The 20-23 is a powerful few days for better understanding a matter from the past - new information emerges, and you're better off for it! This could have to do with health, romance, or a creative project, and it can fill you with determination and confidence. The last week of September is strong for attracting who and what you want through your communications. On the 27th, a long-awaited Mars transit of your romance and creativity sector gets the ball rolling on these matters - you're far more confident about pursuing your desires now. The last day of the month features a New Moon and a potential new beginning on a financial level. |
For another, you have Jupiter entering Libra on the 9th. While two eclipses this month can shake up your worlds of work and downtime, the biggest headline is Jupiter's move into your sign. This celebrated transit will unfold over the next thirteen months, but certainly by the 25-26 when the Sun and Jupiter align, you'll be feeling some of the benefits in September. Ideas for future ventures can be golden. Confidence increases and you seek out more freedom now and in the coming year. You may be exposed to interesting ideas and gain new and exciting interests. You're not afraid to explore, and little holds you back from enjoying life on multiple levels. In truth, you are making your own opportunities by putting more faith in yourself and your capabilities. The 20-26 can bring you personal attention, but it can also be a time of remarkable new insights into your emotional life, family, or the past. While this can be subtle, it can also be life-changing in the sense that now you feel more equipped to move forward. The last week of September is also strong for money and gifts, as well as active for family and domestic life. The New Moon on the 30th is in your sign, pointing to a grand new beginning. This is a time of more personal presence and power, and it's a theme that continues into October. |
Jupiter moves into your solar twelfth house on the 9th, where it will transit for thirteen months. It's a quiet period for Jupiter, but it's certainly not without its benefits. You'll get a preview of its energy in large doses around the 25-26 when past good deeds can bring in rewards. In many ways, the year ahead involves an important inner spiritual search as you establish a deeper connection with, and faith in, your intuition. You're coming to a better relationship with yourself from the inside out. Your sympathetic nature deepens, and you can thoroughly enjoy helping others. An untapped resource can be discovered and benefits come from behind the scenes. There can be hurdles to clear this month, most likely concerning earning power or income, but taking care of problem areas will benefit you for years to come, so do the ground work. Your social life can be up and down this month. At times, you might question others' allegiance. The Lunar Eclipse on the 16th can bring love feelings to bloom or a romantic relationship to a turning point. The last week of September is considerably easier. For one, Venus spends its first of three weeks in your sign, boosting your appeal. A special someone is catering to your needs and interests. People tend to want to be around you and help you out, and your personal appeal skyrockets. For another, your ruler, Pluto, turns direct and you feel a lot clearer about your direction and personal goals. A project that was put on hold can now move forward. The 20-23 is a time for wowing others with your findings, insight, and wisdom. Those who have been second-guessing you can completely come around. Finally, on the 27th, Mars enters your communications sector and helps to renew your interest in various exciting projects. Enthusiasm for learning and sharing builds. |
Career or life path goals can require exacting and particular attention but can also serve to excite you about your future. Be patient this month for best results! Jupiter moves into your friends and dreams sector on the 9th and will visit this pleasant house of your solar chart for over a year. Ideally, you've accomplished some pretty big goals and now have more freedom to pursue goals that are less about performance and more about enjoyment. Jupiter loosens you up in this way. As your ruler, you're certainly aware of the beneficial traits of this freedom-loving, generous planet. However, because Saturn has been visiting your sign, you may not always feel so carefree, and this Jupiter transit will help remind you of the need to enjoy yourself more often. You'll be pouring more energy into, and deriving plenty of benefits from, friendships, networking, personal causes, and community or group associations in the coming year. The eclipses this month remind you once again of the sensitive balance between career and home life, as well as attention to reputation or protocol versus attention to personal goals and family. Love is a little more private and perhaps complicated in the last week of the month. The 20-23 can bring significant insight into money and career matters - this can be critical for success. Money matters that were previously stuck or stalling can clear up from the 26th forward. You'll be pursuing both pleasure and a fatter bank account from the 27th forward and into October. |
For those Capricorns working on projects for publishing, this can be a busy and important time for refinements. The temptation may be to release a work or complete a project or study before you're entirely ready, but it's important to exercise patience. Jupiter moves to the top of your solar chart on the 9th, and will transit your career and reputation sector for over a year. This beneficial influence will unfold over thirteen months, but you'll see it kickstarted this month, particularly around the 25-26. This is a time for getting some pleasing feedback and recognition for the work you do, or for the effort you've made towards important goals. More importantly, it's a time when you feel prouder of your accomplishments, which motivates you to shoot a little higher. You might find yourself in a position to manage others, or there could be a promotion or more enjoyable work and goals during this pivotal transit. The 20-23 can bring out new information and insights that change your approach to your work and projects. You have a distinct edge now. Friendships improve and thrive starting in the last week of September. Finally, Mars moves into your sign on the 27th. This has been a long time coming, as Mars has spent an unusually long time in the sign behind yours, and you've been on the fence about many things. Energy and motivation levels may have suffered, but now you're picking up your socks and getting things done. This transit can be problematic at times, largely due to impatience or impulsiveness, but is powerful for personal confidence, and will be with you until November 9th. |
Jupiter moves into Libra and favorable position to your sign on the 9th, launching a thirteen-month transit that naturally encourages you to explore and expand your interests. It's an excellent influence for taking courses and for studies and interests, in general. Happy connections and friendships might be made through studies, travel, and other non-routine affairs. Those who've interrupted their education may return to courses now with great success and renewed confidence. You're likely to be more easygoing when it comes to everyday life, as you find it easier to rise above small problems and put things into perspective during this cycle. Money matters can reach a head around the 16th. There can be revelations or realizations revolving around finances, valuables, or values. The 20-23 can bring about a revelation or news that improves your understanding of a difficult problem. After a sense that you're stuck, you begin to feel that you can truly get ahead. The 25-26 is favorable for teaching, learning, connecting, and promoting. On the 27th, Mars enters your solar twelfth house, however, launching a cycle in which you're a little less energetic as your priorities shuffle around, or a project ends. |
Jupiter moves into your solar eighth house on the 9th, and this launches a thirteen-month cycle that's superb for financial improvements and your intimate life. This transit unfolds over the course of a year and a month, but you may be enjoying a preview of this theme now, particularly around the 25-26. Increased benefits can come through others now and in the coming year. A partner's income could increase, or you might team up with others to work towards an important goal. Career advancements are also possible now. Changes are necessary in a romantic relationship or with children this month. You are reorganizing these areas of life and taking charge. Those of you in creative lines of work might land a new project that is demanding but fulfilling. The 20-23 is strong for valuable insight into a relationship. There can be an "aha" moment that is significant and propels you forward. The ability to see what may have been tripping you up in the past is truly helpful. Sharing ideas can be very fruitful now, and friends can have valuable input. An understanding with someone close to you can be a beautiful form of release and relief. The last week of September is good for personal appeal. A friendship may resume, or a reconnection with an old friend can happen now. Love relationships can have an exotic flavor, or you might find love while exploring new ideas, activities, and places. Some of the recent pressures on work and performance tone down. You may become more active with your community, friends, or causes. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
Next Month in Astrology may be available (usually by the 20th of the previous month).
Void of Course Moon
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.

Void of Course Moon Dates September 2016
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2016 – Overview
August 2016
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
A New Moon occurs on the 2nd, energizing the sign of Leo, and sets the tone for much of August. This is a time to uncover and share our unique, creative powers – that which makes us special. We might aim to allow our “inner child” to come out and play more often, and possibly commit to plans related to games, sports, recreation, speculation, hobbies, children, romance, and dating. Also on the 2nd, Mars enters Sagittarius. While Mars remains in its shadow until the 22nd, we are approaching matters with more enthusiasm and confidence. Mercury enters its shadow phase on the 10th, so that issues encountered, conversations, and projects started from then and forward are likely to come up for review later. It’s also important to note that new endeavors begun in this period will experience a progressed Mercury retrograde sometime down the road. On the 12th and 13th, Jupiter opposes Chiron and forms a quincunx with Uranus, pointing to some faltering confidence in our projects and goals. Both of these influences were first exact in November 2015 and are now perfecting for the final time. This can be a time when we are hungry for meaning and understanding, but it can be difficult to align ourselves with a personal philosophy or belief system that truly reflects our core. We might be led astray by beliefs and ideas now, or we might experience some form of crisis of faith. Something might happen that challenges our beliefs, and we are made aware of it through a relationship or someone’s perspective. We might also feel alone in our opinions, visions, or plans for the future, as others don’t seem to understand our vision. Choices we’ve made in the past may no longer seem wise. It is important to look within and come to a greater understanding of what we truly need or believe, rather than blindly following something that doesn’t truly serve our purpose. New business endeavors may require a closer look before pushing forward. A project may have ended and now we’re feeling restless without it, or we could face challenges in relationships due to differing beliefs and expectations. We need to make changes, but may not know what or when, and there can be bursts of rebelliousness if we are not in touch. We should probably refrain from making dramatic changes until we’re clearer about what we want. Saturn turning direct on August 13th is a strong reminder to take care of our responsibilities and to face reality. With Saturn’s direct turn, our responsibilities, and perhaps our limitations, are magnified. Gradually, our long-term goals and plans become clearer. With Uranus retrograde, Saturn direct, and Jupiter in Virgo, this is a less rebellious and more responsible time, generally speaking. At least when it comes to appearances, we are more likely to follow the rules. On the 18th, a Full Moon occurs in the sign of Aquarius. This lunation falls just short of an official definition of Lunar Eclipse. For astrological purposes, we can think of it as a strong Full Moon and a weak Lunar Eclipse. At any rate, a series of eclipses falling along the Leo-Aquarius axis is up and coming. Right now, we are reminded of our needs for friendship, community, as well as impartiality and objectivity. We cannot lose sight of our larger goals and our need to give back to the community or group that supports us. On the 30th, Mercury turns retrograde, and with Uranus retrograde and Saturn direct, this is a season for a more conservative approach to pursuing our goals. Mercury’s retrograde occurs entirely in the sign of Virgo and is from August 30th to September 22nd.
(See the full table for 2016)
Mercury transits Virgo all month and turns retrograde on the 30th. Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow on the 10th. Mercury spends an unusually long time in the sign of Virgo due to its retrograde at the tail-end of the sign – on the 30th, Mercury turns retrograde at 29 degrees Virgo. While Mercury is in Virgo, we aim for more precision in speech and thought. This is a time when we analyze, organize, and sort. Mercury forms a supportive trine to Pluto on the 10th, boosting our perceptiveness and insight. Its alignment with Jupiter on the 21-22 is a wonderful influence for expanding our thinking. We can experience a rare ability to see both the broader vision or goal and the practical details. Mercury aligns with Venus on the 28th, shortly before turning retrograde. |
Venus continues its transit of Leo until the 5th, and we may be stimulating and/or craving drama. We are generous with our affections and our pocketbooks for the most part during this transit. We crave admiration and appreciation. Venus transits Virgo from the 5-29. Venus aligns with Jupiter on the 27th, and we have large appetites for love, pleasure, and admiration. There is generosity of spirit now. We tend to connect to a higher purpose regarding our personal relationships and our values, attaching extra meaning to them. Venus enters Libra on the 29th – a sign that it rules. |
Mars transited Sagittarius from March 5th to May 29th but then retreated into Scorpio due to retrograde motion. On August 2nd, Mars re-enters Sagittarius. Until August 22nd, Mars retraces its steps while retrograde and then continues to transit Sagittarius until September 27th. We are gradually regaining our enthusiasm, projects that have stalled move forward, and we begin to feel more confident and assertive. With Mars in Sagittarius, our actions are motivated by our ideals. We are bothered by routine, and quickly becoming restless if we feel confined. We have a strong appreciation or flavor for adventure and conquest. We seek to expand our experiences and minds during this transit. Mars aligns with Saturn on the 23-24 – a time for considering the practical, realistic side of things. |
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
While work demands more than the usual attention in the month ahead, August brings great energy for breaking out of routines and enjoying yourself more fully. New adventures and experiences can suddenly seem desirable after many months of being quite content following simple routines close to home. Many recent pressures tend to ease for you this month, and this frees you up to explore recreational On the 23-24, Mars aligns with Saturn, and you'd be wise to focus on practical concerns, a game plan, or strategy. You might decide that something has run its course and needs to be left behind. There could be a need to get serious about an educational, publishing, or legal matter for some of you. If you've been pushing yourself too hard, you'll recognize the need to pace yourself now. Work and health matters grab your attention increasingly as the month progresses. This has been the case to some degree all year with Jupiter in your solar sixth house. You're coming to the end of this fortunate transit, and you should take full advantage of the opportunities presented to you this month, particularly around the 21-22 and 27-29. You might discover a new health program or you could come up with excellent ideas about a new work project. Some of you may be reviving old projects now with renewed enthusiasm. There can be some exaggeration or excess present on the job or with co-workers. Even so, good humor helps you to heal and more thoroughly enjoy the work you do. |
Good energy is with you for redecorating your home or entertaining from home, and in general, peace and comfort with your family. The New Moon on the 2nd brings the energy and motivation necessary to start fresh. It's time for a domestic makeover. At the same time, Mars moves into your intimacy sector, turning your attention to the hidden elements of your life. While your emotional life is a little more complicated, you're also braver and more confident on a personal level. While there is quite a bit of introspective energy with you in August, there is also radiant energy with you for creative and romantic pursuits. You are looking especially good these days, particularly on the 21-22 and 27-29, and might even be the object of desire. You may be tempted to turn up the charm, but aim instead for sincerity, as it will be appreciated most. Good energy is with you for expanding your personal horizons through creative endeavors. Love can be magical, and your powers of attraction run high. As well, a Full Moon on the 18th turns your attention to responsibilities and career. |
With Mars in your health and work sector for much of 2016, you may have been wrestling with all sorts of small but irritating problems. While the pace of your life is unlikely to slow down significantly this month, you are focusing less on technical challenges and more on the people in your life. There can be times in August when you feel others are in the driver's seat. However, this can be managed if you experience the need to reclaim some personal power. It may be that you need a bit of a break from being in charge. Another important theme this month involves growth and warmth in your personal life and with family and close loved ones. Nice opportunities can arise to bond with those closest to your heart. This can also be a time for buying a special or unique item for the home, or when money comes through. You may be finding peace with your past in a meaningful way. Jupiter is on its last leg of its transit of your home and family sector, and with its connections to inner planets on the 21-22 and 27-29 this month, you might decide to jump on opportunities to improve your domestic life. Opportunities for love and friendship may emerge close to home.
Mars spent an unusual length of time in your sector of romance and creativity sector and now moves into your solar sixth house, which is related to work and health. This means the rockier and exciting elements of your romantic life are about to settle down, and work heats up in its stead. While pressures are on, you may welcome this change of pace. You feel more passion and vigor for taking care of business. Even so, you are also in good shape on a social level this month. You can enjoy wonderful conversations this month. Jupiter is spending its last weeks in a year-long cycle in your communications sector, and Mercury and Venus align with Jupiter on the 21-22 and 27-29, opening up doors for you to take advantage of the benefits of this transit. It's an excellent time to exchange ideas, learn new things, and connect with others. You might hear something of great use to you, or that boosts your understanding. It's a good month for those things that connect you to information and people, such as new or improved cars, bikes, phones, or computers and devices, and for education as well. |
The New Moon on the 2nd is all about you and is supported by Saturn, putting you in a practical and positive frame of mind. The month is strong for personal triumphs, small yet significant changes, and financial boosts. You may be feeling back on track when it comes to dating, hobbies, or creative pursuits. Mars moves into a compatible sign on the 2nd after spending quite some time in challenging aspect to your sign. This can be a charming, hopeful, and optimistic period, lasting until September 27th. You're ardent in your pursuit of what and who you want during this cycle. The Full Moon/near Lunar Eclipse on the 18th can bring unacknowledged feelings to the surface. There can be a turning point or announcement in a relationship now. Jupiter is on its last leg of its journey through your solar second house, and aligns with Mercury and Venus this month, presenting opportunities to make the most of this beneficial transit. Look for ways to improve your feelings of comfort, security, and abundance. An income boost is possible now, particularly around the 21-22 and 27-29. |
As well, some important influences are urging you to rest, recoup, and relax this month. The New Moon on the 2nd is one such reminder - you may need to take care of loose ends now. Working behind the scenes benefits you. On the same day, Mars moves into your home and family sector, so that while you're likely to get some social attention and even admiration, a good part of you is a little "hard to get" now. It's a necessary, healing phase. The rest and privacy you need are yours, although there may be plenty of stimulating dramas playing out around you. The Sun in your sign gives you more power and courage from the 22nd forward. Home life becomes more animated and family life demands more of your time this month. Jupiter is on its last leg of its journey through your sign, which lasts until September 9th. The 21-22 and 27-29 can bring sweet rewards and perhaps some recognition for all of the work or charity you've been doing quietly behind the scenes. Your personality shines. People see your value. This is a winning time for attracting others to you through your unique self-expression and vision, as well as for putting past grudges behind you. |
Mars moves into your communications sector on the 2nd, where it will stay until the last week of September. You may be revisiting projects begun in March or April. It's a good time for getting back into old studies or personal interests, and for beginning new projects. There is more passion and excitement in learning now. Your sense of community is strong, and emotional satisfaction can come through your interactions with, or support of, friends and associates this month. Responsibilities to others may be in focus, but they are pleasant and rewarding. If you need to start fresh with a friend, August is strong for doing so. There can be wonderful opportunities for healing, growing, and coming together with others this month. The 21-22 and 27-29 are good for these things. Some of you could be reconnecting with old friends or lovers now. Something may surface that brings much joy to your life. You might perform a generous act behind the scenes or anonymously. |
You're still interested in defending your rights, of course, but August is likely to bring a less competitive energy into your life, and you're bound to appreciate the change of pace. Professional interests and ambitions are still going strong, but your personal life is considerably more chill than it has been. There is also the need to work cooperatively within the framework of a group with quite a bit of activity happening in your solar eleventh house. Work matters are solid in August and your drive to improve them even further is strong. You may be seeking out ways to earn more or develop your talents this month. You may need to tame urges to spend too much, however. In all likelihood, you'll be coming out ahead in the finances department, or you'll be putting in the groundwork for future increases in income. The 21-22 and 27-29 are brilliant for your social life. You're appreciated and enjoyed. People are drawn to your optimism and generosity of spirit. Others might extend kindnesses to you now, and some of you can enjoy new friendships. These are also active, positive days for networking, sharing, and promoting. |
However, Mars moves into your sign on August 2nd, and while you continue to assert your independence, you're inclined to do so a little more loudly. You're also more forthright and ready to take action. At first, it may seem a little raw, but as you get the hang of Mars energy, you're likely to wear it well. A decidedly more confident and assertive side will emerge. Mars will align with Saturn and form a square with Neptune this month, so it won't be completely smooth, but you're now in a more energetic, confident cycle. The New Moon on the 2nd is another fantastic boost for your spirit. You may be making a new commitment to learning and studies. Some of you could be promoting or publishing your work. You're also in a strong position in public or professional settings this month. The 21-22 and 27-29 can present opportunities for some recognition, a meeting of minds with someone in authority, an important sale, or another type of boost. You can be feeling quite optimistic about your career or social standing. A relationship announcement may occur now. The 23-24 can require you to get serious about a personal matter. If you've been pushing too hard, you'll come to the realization that you need to pace yourself now. It's important to have a strong sense of what you can and cannot do, not by lowering your standards, but through self-honesty and realism. |
Despite this introspective focus, key planets are encouraging you to explore new ideas and experiences. Jupiter is on the last leg of its journey through your sector of adventure, learning, and spirit. This is a fortunate transit that serves to open your mind and open doors to you for promotion, publishing, travel, and education. For some, a legal outcome leads to more freedom or an opportunity emerges to explore an adventure that you've only dreamt of in the past. Freedom of movement is of particular importance to you right now, as any feeling of being tied to a set place or routine can leave you feeling stifled. Mercury and Venus align with Jupiter and with one another in August, and nice opportunities can emerge as a result. There may be awards and rewards, particularly around the 21-22 and 27-29. You might especially benefit from word of mouth or positive reviews. Take every opportunity to brush up on skills and boost your knowledge during this period. This can also be a good time for meeting a special friend, possibly through new interests, studies, travels, or adventures. |
If you need a fresh start in an important friendship or partnership, the week following the New Moon on the 2nd is excellent for beginning anew. This can also be a time when a relationship reaches a whole new level or a new relationship is born. The Full Moon on the 18th is just shy of a Lunar Eclipse and occurs in your sign. It's excellent for making discoveries about your true feelings. The 23-24 can involve a reality check of sorts in a friendship, group association, or regarding a long-term goal. You may need to lay down the law or put on the brakes temporarily before moving ahead. With Jupiter on the last leg of its journey through your solar eighth house, you may want to take full advantage of its alignments with Mercury and Venus this month on the 21-22 and 27-29. This is a time for facing fears and breaking through taboos. It may be an opportune time for receiving support or getting help. You can experience a real sense of joy through intimacy with someone special, or experience an emotional breakthrough of your own. A partner may receive a financial boost. |
Your needs and desires might often seem eclipsed by those of a partner in the month ahead, but for the most part, this is a pleasant, rewarding experience. Alternatively, your personal needs and plans are on the backburner for now. This is a natural process, and it's better not to fight it. Honor the important people in your life and play a supportive role. In fact, there can be mutual benefits involved. You can derive much joy from feeling part of a partnership now, if applicable. The 21-22 and 27-29 are excellent for moving forward in a friendship or relationship. If you need to forgive and forget, this is a great time to do so. Ambitions are sure to charge up this month as Mars returns to your career and reputation sector. Mars was here in March to May, but then turned retrograde and retreated into your solar ninth house - until now. Some plans and projects that have their origins in March and April may need some revisiting now. You gradually build up momentum and more wholeheartedly pursue your career and life path goals. A conservative approach in business is necessary around the 23-24 - you'll need to slow down if you've been trying to push something too fast. Even so, you're coming up with some very practical and workable long-term life strategies and plans now. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
Next Month in Astrology may be available (usually by the 20th of the previous month).
Void of Course Moon
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times. For example, the Moon enters Cancer on July 3rd at 6:21 AM Pacific Time.

Void of course table for August 2016
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2016 – Overview

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
This Month in Astrology – Next
August 2016
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
A New Moon occurs on the 2nd, energizing the sign of Leo, and sets the tone for much of August. This is a time to uncover and share our unique, creative powers – that which makes us special. We might aim to allow our “inner child” to come out and play more often, and possibly commit to plans related to games, sports, recreation, speculation, hobbies, children, romance, and dating. Also on the 2nd, Mars enters Sagittarius. While Mars remains in its shadow until the 22nd, we are approaching matters with more enthusiasm and confidence. Mercury enters its shadow phase on the 10th, so that issues encountered, conversations, and projects started from then and forward are likely to come up for review later. It’s also important to note that new endeavors begun in this period will experience a progressed Mercury retrograde some time down the road. On the 12th and 13th, Jupiter opposes Chiron and forms a quincunx with Uranus, pointing to some faltering confidence in our projects and goals. Both of these influences were first exact in November 2015 and are now perfecting for the final time. This can be a time when we are hungry for meaning and understanding, but it can be difficult to align ourselves with a personal philosophy or belief system that truly reflects our core. We might be led astray by beliefs and ideas now, or we might experience some form of crisis of faith. Something might happen that challenges our beliefs, and we are made aware of it through a relationship or someone’s perspective. We might also feel alone in our opinions, visions, or plans for the future, as others don’t seem to understand our vision. Choices we’ve made in the past may no longer seem wise. It is important to look within and come to a greater understanding of what we truly need or believe, rather than blindly following something that doesn’t truly serve our purpose. New business endeavors may require a closer look before pushing forward. A project may have ended and now we’re feeling restless without it, or we could face challenges in relationships due to differing beliefs and expectations. We need to make changes, but may not know what or when, and there can be bursts of rebelliousness if we are not in touch. We should probably refrain from making dramatic changes until we’re clearer about what we want. Saturn turning direct on August 13th is a strong reminder to take care of our responsibilities and to face reality. With Saturn’s direct turn, our responsibilities, and perhaps our limitations, are magnified. Gradually, our long-term goals and plans become clearer. With Uranus retrograde, Saturn direct, and Jupiter in Virgo, this is a less rebellious and more responsible time, generally speaking. At least when it comes to appearances, we are more likely to follow the rules. On the 18th, a Full Moon occurs in the sign of Aquarius. This lunation falls just short of an official definition of Lunar Eclipse. For astrological purposes, we can think of it as a strong Full Moon and a weak Lunar Eclipse. At any rate, a series of eclipses falling along the Leo-Aquarius axis is up and coming. Right now, we are reminded of our needs for friendship, community, as well as impartiality and objectivity. We cannot lose sight of our larger goals and our need to give back to the community or group that supports us. On the 30th, Mercury turns retrograde, and with Uranus retrograde and Saturn direct, this is a season for a more conservative approach to pursuing our goals. Mercury’s retrograde occurs entirely in the sign of Virgo and is from August 30th to September 22nd.
(See the full table for 2016)
Mercury transits Virgo all month and turns retrograde on the 30th. Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow on the 10th. Mercury spends an unusually long time in the sign of Virgo due to its retrograde at the tail-end of the sign – on the 30th, Mercury turns retrograde at 29 degrees Virgo. While Mercury is in Virgo, we aim for more precision in speech and thought. This is a time when we analyze, organize, and sort. Mercury forms a supportive trine to Pluto on the 10th, boosting our perceptiveness and insight. Its alignment with Jupiter on the 21-22 is a wonderful influence for expanding our thinking. We can experience a rare ability to see both the broader vision or goal and the practical details. Mercury aligns with Venus on the 28th, shortly before turning retrograde. |
Venus continues its transit of Leo until the 5th, and we may be stimulating and/or craving drama. We are generous with our affections and our pocketbooks for the most part during this transit. We crave admiration and appreciation. Venus transits Virgo from the 5-29. Venus aligns with Jupiter on the 27th, and we have large appetites for love, pleasure, and admiration. There is generosity of spirit now. We tend to connect to a higher purpose regarding our personal relationships and our values, attaching extra meaning to them. Venus enters Libra on the 29th – a sign that it rules. |
Mars transited Sagittarius from March 5th to May 29th but then retreated into Scorpio due to retrograde motion. On August 2nd, Mars re-enters Sagittarius. Until August 22nd, Mars retraces its steps while retrograde and then continues to transit Sagittarius until September 27th. We are gradually regaining our enthusiasm, projects that have stalled move forward, and we begin to feel more confident and assertive. With Mars in Sagittarius, our actions are motivated by our ideals. We are bothered by routine, and quickly becoming restless if we feel confined. We have a strong appreciation or flavor for adventure and conquest. We seek to expand our experiences and minds during this transit. Mars aligns with Saturn on the 23-24 – a time for considering the practical, realistic side of things. |
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
While work demands more than the usual attention in the month ahead, August brings great energy for breaking out of routines and enjoying yourself more fully. New adventures and experiences can suddenly seem desirable after many months of being quite content following simple routines close to home. Many recent pressures tend to ease for you this month, and this frees you up to explore recreational On the 23-24, Mars aligns with Saturn, and you'd be wise to focus on practical concerns, a game plan, or strategy. You might decide that something has run its course and needs to be left behind. There could be a need to get serious about an educational, publishing, or legal matter for some of you. If you've been pushing yourself too hard, you'll recognize the need to pace yourself now. Work and health matters grab your attention increasingly as the month progresses. This has been the case to some degree all year with Jupiter in your solar sixth house. You're coming to the end of this fortunate transit, and you should take full advantage of the opportunities presented to you this month, particularly around the 21-22 and 27-29. You might discover a new health program or you could come up with excellent ideas about a new work project. Some of you may be reviving old projects now with renewed enthusiasm. There can be some exaggeration or excess present on the job or with co-workers. Even so, good humor helps you to heal and more thoroughly enjoy the work you do. |
Good energy is with you for redecorating your home or entertaining from home, and in general, peace and comfort with your family. The New Moon on the 2nd brings the energy and motivation necessary to start fresh. It's time for a domestic makeover. At the same time, Mars moves into your intimacy sector, turning your attention to the hidden elements of your life. While your emotional life is a little more complicated, you're also braver and more confident on a personal level. While there is quite a bit of introspective energy with you in August, there is also radiant energy with you for creative and romantic pursuits. You are looking especially good these days, particularly on the 21-22 and 27-29, and might even be the object of desire. You may be tempted to turn up the charm, but aim instead for sincerity, as it will be appreciated most. Good energy is with you for expanding your personal horizons through creative endeavors. Love can be magical, and your powers of attraction run high. As well, a Full Moon on the 18th turns your attention to responsibilities and career. |
With Mars in your health and work sector for much of 2016, you may have been wrestling with all sorts of small but irritating problems. While the pace of your life is unlikely to slow down significantly this month, you are focusing less on technical challenges and more on the people in your life. There can be times in August when you feel others are in the driver's seat. However, this can be managed if you experience the need to reclaim some personal power. It may be that you need a bit of a break from being in charge. Another important theme this month involves growth and warmth in your personal life and with family and close loved ones. Nice opportunities can arise to bond with those closest to your heart. This can also be a time for buying a special or unique item for the home, or when money comes through. You may be finding peace with your past in a meaningful way. Jupiter is on its last leg of its transit of your home and family sector, and with its connections to inner planets on the 21-22 and 27-29 this month, you might decide to jump on opportunities to improve your domestic life. Opportunities for love and friendship may emerge close to home.
Mars spent an unusual length of time in your sector of romance and creativity sector and now moves into your solar sixth house, which is related to work and health. This means the rockier and exciting elements of your romantic life are about to settle down, and work heats up in its stead. While pressures are on, you may welcome this change of pace. You feel more passion and vigor for taking care of business. Even so, you are also in good shape on a social level this month. You can enjoy wonderful conversations this month. Jupiter is spending its last weeks in a year-long cycle in your communications sector, and Mercury and Venus align with Jupiter on the 21-22 and 27-29, opening up doors for you to take advantage of the benefits of this transit. It's an excellent time to exchange ideas, learn new things, and connect with others. You might hear something of great use to you, or that boosts your understanding. It's a good month for those things that connect you to information and people, such as new or improved cars, bikes, phones, or computers and devices, and for education as well. |
The New Moon on the 2nd is all about you and is supported by Saturn, putting you in a practical and positive frame of mind. The month is strong for personal triumphs, small yet significant changes, and financial boosts. You may be feeling back on track when it comes to dating, hobbies, or creative pursuits. Mars moves into a compatible sign on the 2nd after spending quite some time in challenging aspect to your sign. This can be a charming, hopeful, and optimistic period, lasting until September 27th. You're ardent in your pursuit of what and who you want during this cycle. The Full Moon/near Lunar Eclipse on the 18th can bring unacknowledged feelings to the surface. There can be a turning point or announcement in a relationship now. Jupiter is on its last leg of its journey through your solar second house, and aligns with Mercury and Venus this month, presenting opportunities to make the most of this beneficial transit. Look for ways to improve your feelings of comfort, security, and abundance. An income boost is possible now, particularly around the 21-22 and 27-29. |
As well, some important influences are urging you to rest, recoup, and relax this month. The New Moon on the 2nd is one such reminder - you may need to take care of loose ends now. Working behind the scenes benefits you. On the same day, Mars moves into your home and family sector, so that while you're likely to get some social attention and even admiration, a good part of you is a little "hard to get" now. It's a necessary, healing phase. The rest and privacy you need are yours, although there may be plenty of stimulating dramas playing out around you. The Sun in your sign gives you more power and courage from the 22nd forward. Home life becomes more animated and family life demands more of your time this month. Jupiter is on its last leg of its journey through your sign, which lasts until September 9th. The 21-22 and 27-29 can bring sweet rewards and perhaps some recognition for all of the work or charity you've been doing quietly behind the scenes. Your personality shines. People see your value. This is a winning time for attracting others to you through your unique self-expression and vision, as well as for putting past grudges behind you. |
Mars moves into your communications sector on the 2nd, where it will stay until the last week of September. You may be revisiting projects begun in March or April. It's a good time for getting back into old studies or personal interests, and for beginning new projects. There is more passion and excitement in learning now. Your sense of community is strong, and emotional satisfaction can come through your interactions with, or support of, friends and associates this month. Responsibilities to others may be in focus, but they are pleasant and rewarding. If you need to start fresh with a friend, August is strong for doing so. There can be wonderful opportunities for healing, growing, and coming together with others this month. The 21-22 and 27-29 are good for these things. Some of you could be reconnecting with old friends or lovers now. Something may surface that brings much joy to your life. You might perform a generous act behind the scenes or anonymously. |
You're still interested in defending your rights, of course, but August is likely to bring a less competitive energy into your life, and you're bound to appreciate the change of pace. Professional interests and ambitions are still going strong, but your personal life is considerably more chill than it has been. There is also the need to work cooperatively within the framework of a group with quite a bit of activity happening in your solar eleventh house. Work matters are solid in August and your drive to improve them even further is strong. You may be seeking out ways to earn more or develop your talents this month. You may need to tame urges to spend too much, however. In all likelihood, you'll be coming out ahead in the finances department, or you'll be putting in the groundwork for future increases in income. The 21-22 and 27-29 are brilliant for your social life. You're appreciated and enjoyed. People are drawn to your optimism and generosity of spirit. Others might extend kindnesses to you now, and some of you can enjoy new friendships. These are also active, positive days for networking, sharing, and promoting. |
However, Mars moves into your sign on August 2nd, and while you continue to assert your independence, you're inclined to do so a little more loudly. You're also more forthright and ready to take action. At first, it may seem a little raw, but as you get the hang of Mars energy, you're likely to wear it well. A decidedly more confident and assertive side will emerge. Mars will align with Saturn and form a square with Neptune this month, so it won't be completely smooth, but you're now in a more energetic, confident cycle. The New Moon on the 2nd is another fantastic boost for your spirit. You may be making a new commitment to learning and studies. Some of you could be promoting or publishing your work. You're also in a strong position in public or professional settings this month. The 21-22 and 27-29 can present opportunities for some recognition, a meeting of minds with someone in authority, an important sale, or another type of boost. You can be feeling quite optimistic about your career or social standing. A relationship announcement may occur now. The 23-24 can require you to get serious about a personal matter. If you've been pushing too hard, you'll come to the realization that you need to pace yourself now. It's important to have a strong sense of what you can and cannot do, not by lowering your standards, but through self-honesty and realism. |
Despite this introspective focus, key planets are encouraging you to explore new ideas and experiences. Jupiter is on the last leg of its journey through your sector of adventure, learning, and spirit. This is a fortunate transit that serves to open your mind and open doors to you for promotion, publishing, travel, and education. For some, a legal outcome leads to more freedom or an opportunity emerges to explore an adventure that you've only dreamt of in the past. Freedom of movement is of particular importance to you right now, as any feeling of being tied to a set place or routine can leave you feeling stifled. Mercury and Venus align with Jupiter and with one another in August, and nice opportunities can emerge as a result. There may be awards and rewards, particularly around the 21-22 and 27-29. You might especially benefit from word of mouth or positive reviews. Take every opportunity to brush up on skills and boost your knowledge during this period. This can also be a good time for meeting a special friend, possibly through new interests, studies, travels, or adventures. |
If you need a fresh start in an important friendship or partnership, the week following the New Moon on the 2nd is excellent for beginning anew. This can also be a time when a relationship reaches a whole new level or a new relationship is born. The Full Moon on the 18th is just shy of a Lunar Eclipse and occurs in your sign. It's excellent for making discoveries about your true feelings. The 23-24 can involve a reality check of sorts in a friendship, group association, or regarding a long-term goal. You may need to lay down the law or put on the brakes temporarily before moving ahead. With Jupiter on the last leg of its journey through your solar eighth house, you may want to take full advantage of its alignments with Mercury and Venus this month on the 21-22 and 27-29. This is a time for facing fears and breaking through taboos. It may be an opportune time for receiving support or getting help. You can experience a real sense of joy through intimacy with someone special, or experience an emotional breakthrough of your own. A partner may receive a financial boost. |
Your needs and desires might often seem eclipsed by those of a partner in the month ahead, but for the most part, this is a pleasant, rewarding experience. Alternatively, your personal needs and plans are on the backburner for now. This is a natural process, and it's better not to fight it. Honor the important people in your life and play a supportive role. In fact, there can be mutual benefits involved. You can derive much joy from feeling part of a partnership now, if applicable. The 21-22 and 27-29 are excellent for moving forward in a friendship or relationship. If you need to forgive and forget, this is a great time to do so. Ambitions are sure to charge up this month as Mars returns to your career and reputation sector. Mars was here in March to May, but then turned retrograde and retreated into your solar ninth house - until now. Some plans and projects that have their origins in March and April may need some revisiting now. You gradually build up momentum and more wholeheartedly pursue your career and life path goals. A conservative approach in business is necessary around the 23-24 - you'll need to slow down if you've been trying to push something too fast. Even so, you're coming up with some very practical and workable long-term life strategies and plans now. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
Next Month in Astrology may be available (usually by the 20th of the previous month).
Void of Course Moon
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times. For example, the Moon enters Cancer on July 3rd at 6:21 AM Pacific Time.

Void of Course Moon Dates and Times July 2016
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2016 – Overview
This Month in Astrology – Next
July 2016
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
A New Moon occurs on the 4th in the sign of Cancer and sets the tone for much of July. We can choose to tune into the more positive energies of the sign of the Crab. This is a time for feeding our foundation – all of that which we call “home”, including the foundation we have built inside of ourselves. These things need to be tended to and honored. It’s a time for recognizing the importance of our family and our personal circle of friends and the security, sense of belonging, and safety we derive from them. Jupiter forms a biquintile with Uranus exactly on the 9th, although this influence is with us throughout the first half of July. This aspect first occurred in October 2015, perfected again in April 2016, and is exact again now, stimulating inventive enterprise. This is forward-looking, uplifting energy. This month, there is a strong emphasis on the signs of Cancer and Leo. If we don’t feel something from the heart, we’re unlikely to follow its path.
On the 19th, a Full Moon occurs in the sign of Capricorn, reminding us that we can’t ignore our commitments to the outside world in the process of getting in touch with our “insides”. We are reminded to take care of our responsibilities, tend to business, act maturely, and take charge. Its square to Uranus suggests some drama involved that points us in the direction of doing the right thing, or of pursuing our long-term goals; its trine to Mars suggests courage and commitment. Events and circumstances now can reveal to us the importance of our responsibilities and commitments. On the 29th, Uranus turns retrograde, and particularly after August 13th when Saturn turns direct, this is a season for a more conservative approach to pursuing our goals. While Uranus is retrograde (until December 29th), our desire to make changes in our lives can be turned inward as we get in touch with what it is that may be holding us back from living more spontaneously and authentically. This is a less rebellious time, generally speaking. At least when it comes to appearances, we tend to follow the rules. Mars, after turning direct on June 29th, spends July moving forward in Scorpio. Slowly but surely, confidence in our ability to assert ourselves and to effect change increases.
(See the full table for 2016)
Mercury continues its transit of Cancer until the 13th. With Mercury in Cancer, we think, speak, and take in information on a deeper, more instinctive level than we did while Mercury moved through Gemini. We have less interest in what is universal, and more interest in what affects us personally and what affects the people around us. Our thoughts are more strongly colored by our emotions, and this makes it a little more difficult to be objective. However, Mercury catches up with the Sun on July 6th, and we begin to move from impulsive, creative thinking to a more objective approach to processing and communicating information. From the 13th, Mercury transits Leo, and our focus is on the goal and not necessarily the details. |
Venus continues its transit of Cancer until the 12th. Venus in Cancer is sentimental and affectionate, but also self-protective. We crave familiarity and security in love. Venus enters Leo on the 12th, and we may be stimulating and/or craving drama. We are generous with our affections and our pocketbooks for the most part during this transit. We crave admiration and appreciation. A trine to Uranus on the 31st can motivate us to seek out new experiences and people. |
Mars is in Scorpio and turned direct in the sign on June 29th. Mars is Scorpio’s original ruler, and feels quite at home in the sign, transiting Scorpio until August 2nd, the whole while retracing the steps it took while retrograde. With Mars’ direct turn, we may be slowly but surely regaining our enthusiasm, projects that have stalled move forward, and we begin to feel more confident and assertive. Mars will only leave its shadow on August 22nd. |
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
New insights, ideas, and plans emerge on the 4-6 related to your personal or domestic life. You are taking more pride in your home and/or family, and it shows. It's a strong time for talking through problems with people you love, or those you live with. You might arrive at an interesting and useful view of your personal history. You're less concerned with public approval or meeting societal expectations this month, and this can be very strengthening - you need this now. You are more interested in making creative changes in your personal world. Career and responsibilities do need some attention, of course, and they're likely to emerge around the 6-7 and 19th. Your know-how can be in demand, particularly around the 18-20. There can be good news or more clarity in your financial life this month. Work moves along more smoothly. Energy levels increase. For some of you, your intimate life is also picking up speed, or you have a stronger sense of who you want, and what you want from your relationships. As the month advances, you emerge from your shell. More and more, you are working with what inspires you and gives you energy. This is a wonderful month for rebuilding your strength and confidence. It's a charming, attractive period for you, particularly from the 26-31, although also a potentially impulsive time as well. Watch for speaking before thinking on the 29th in particular. Surprises are in store, and they're pointing you in new directions. New hobbies, creative outlets, and love interests are possible now. This is a time for making pleasant connections. |
The 4-6 can be a great time for birthing ideas, especially revolving around information systems, communications, and learning. You could begin fresh or doors can open to you related to connecting and commuting - a new way of communicating or transportation can emerge now. Relationships with siblings, classmates, friends, and even neighbors can improve. Matters concerning higher learning, travel, or legal affairs can reach a head or turning point around the Full Moon on the 19th. This is also a great time for solid progress with a home, real estate, or financial matter. An unexpected opportunity for travel may present itself, or new opportunities to further your education could arise. The people that you meet tend to stir you into new ways of thinking. You can take an idea to the bank or a project comes to a satisfying conclusion. You may be turning to a partner to take the lead this month, or you are attracted to especially confident people. Relationship ups and downs are possible, but you can also feel more involved and in the know, which is a good place to be. Changes in your family dynamic or home life are necessary, and may be a long time coming. Watch for temper tantrums or communicating impulsively around the 29th, but be sure to embrace change, progress, and improvement from the 26-31. |
The 4-6 is especially strong for insight into money and business matters, as well as for wiping the slate clean and moving forward with a new and improved plan or budget. This is also a strong month for improved motivation for pursuing work and health goals. Blocks lift and projects are moving ahead. Venus, Mercury, and the Sun move into your communications sector on the 12th, 14th, and 22nd, respectively, gradually stimulating a need to branch out. More transportation options might open up, and for some, you enjoy, or create, more free time to get out and about. Relationships with siblings, acquaintances, classmates and neighbors improve and can be a source of happiness. There can be more success with studies or new interests that inspire you. Opportunities to find love may very well come through schools, your own neighborhood, the phone, or online with your ruler, Mercury, and Venus, the planet of love and your romance ruler, aligning in your solar third house. Even so, competitive or independent activities are generally favored over cooperative ones this month. Work can be demanding but also motivating. Conflicts with co-workers may arise, but if you tame impatience and attempt to work independently at your own pace, their likelihood decreases. The 26-31 is strong for making friends and enjoying new experiences and interests. However, watch for impulsive communications on the 29th. |
July is an important period for personal influence, goal-setting, and finances. The New Moon on the 4th launches a period of increased personal power and charisma. You are bolder than usual and motivated to pursue what you want, and to prove your value as well. There may be job offers and opportunities, and some of you could be receiving significant gifts or bonuses. Generally speaking, things are playing in your favor. The 5-6 can bring a great idea to fruition. Illumination of an important idea or plan can come now. You're in a solid position for setting a new goal or for beginning a new project, as well as for presenting an idea. This is a strong period for educational matters, communications, learning, and publishing. People are not only hearing you, they're "getting" you, making it easier to express yourself without the need for many disclaimers. Word of mouth can be helpful in your professional life. Romantic and creative energy runs quite high in July, and while this can be fun and exciting, this heightened energy can also serve to frustrate you at times, especially around the 3rd, 13th, and 29th. Conflicts or stand-offs with others can occur during these periods. However, most of the month you are more likely to make this energy work for you, and particularly on the 6th, 10th, and 16-17. Be cool around the 19th, when emotions can be wacky and relationship drama is likely. Surprises are in store in a close relationship. You might also reach a turning point in a partnership, and a decision about whether to make it official and merge your resources can be a pressing matter for some. You may be tempted to indulge yourself with a big purchase. The energy of the 26-27 can stimulate a financial breakthrough. Opportunities to advance business and financial goals can arise now. You might also be asserting your independence in surprising ways - if others have been confining or criticizing you, this can be a time when you defend yourself and demand fairer treatment. This is a powerful time for discovering new business ideas or improved methods of getting things done. |
You can be rather withdrawn until mid-month as you prepare for a new astrological year and build up your energy reserves. Personal charisma runs high, however, and love matters are strong. A relationship may benefit from some anonymity or time spent under the radar now. Your private life is especially animated in July. There are some loose ends to tie this month. Those endeavors, and possibly relationships, that are private or behind the scenes tend to figure strongly and thrive. The 5-6 is excellent for research of a financial or business strategy - it may be something that you've come up with in the past, but now deserves special attention. People from your past could be involved now. Someone could confide in you, a secret might emerge, or you can have an epiphany about a past event or relationship. Your romantic life becomes considerably more straightforward after the 12th, or at least your wants and desires from romance are less complicated. Family life can also be quite lively. Living arrangements and conditions can be clearer. You may need to watch what you say around the 13th and 29th. You should also guard against hasty or impatient actions, which can make you more accident-prone. Your mental energies are quickened from the 14-31 while Mercury is in your sign, favoring any task that involves getting your point across effectively! As July progresses, it can be as if you are awakening from a slumber with planets, one by one, emerging from your privacy sector and moving into your sign. By the 14th, Mercury and Venus are in your sign, and others are really taking note. You're speaking up more often and can find yourself in demand. This is a fabulous period for charm and attractiveness. The 22nd brings the Sun into your sign, and the four weeks following that date are strong for new resolutions, an updated image, and personal power. The 26-31 is a strong period for you, but it can also be an emotional and impulsive time. Try not to overdo it! You can be rebellious, innovative, and progressive. Publishing, promotion, education, and travel are especially favored. |
The New Moon on the 4th can bring new energy to friendships and long-term goals. This is a time for feeling personally hopeful and emotionally satisfied. Friendships might be renewed or revitalized. This is a good time to join groups or associations that interest you, but be careful not to overdo it, as later this month, you're in need of extra privacy and rest. Venus, Mercury, and the Sun begin to drop out of sight - into your privacy sector - on the 12th, 14th, and 22nd, respectively. Take extra time to process and digest recent events in your relationships, with projects, and in your career. Get extra rest and treat any slow-downs as a sign that you may need more time to recoup or reconsider. You are beginning a period best used for emotional renewal, tying up loose ends, and laying low. The better you do this, the more prepared you will be for planetary activity in your sign in August and September. Increased clarity about a love affair or creative matter can come around the Full Moon on the 19th, when buried feelings for someone are acknowledged for some of you. Jupiter is now in its final leg of its journey through your sign (it finishes its transit in September), so take advantage of any opportunities that this happy planet provides you. The 1-2 and 7-10 are particularly strong for attracting both people and positive circumstances into your life. July is also good for bringing more organization and structure to your home life. Living life under the radar in the second half of the month can seem a little slow on the surface of things, but can also give you some extra breathing room for important self-discovery as well as much-needed rest and relaxation. |
The first half of the month is particularly strong for streamlining your routines, rewarding research, and high motivation levels for work and health. The New Moon on the 4th brings fresh energy for career and reputation matters. July is also a month when inspiration comes suddenly, and you could pick up new, and possibly radically different, interests or goals at this time. Others continue to take notice of you more than usual, and it's time to show them what you can do. Your performance is noticed. Look for distinct opportunities to advance your career interests or improve your social standing in the first half of the month. Some of you will enjoy increased recognition, an award, or even a promotion. "Happiness" goals slowly but surely replace professional ones this month as Venus, Mercury, and the Sun move into your solar eleventh house on the 12th, 14th, and 22nd, respectively. The 26-31 is very strong for your social life. There can be surprising happenings with friends or acquaintances and possibly a love relationship. Unexpected meetings or changes that point you in a new direction can occur now. Love requires emotional space and acceptance, and some of you could find love through or with friends. Networking can be in focus. Don't hide yourself away at this time, but also be wary of overdoing your pursuit of pleasure. There can be real rewards this month from helping others, volunteering, and other forms of service. Spirituality is strong and your innate compassion is highlighted. Money matters improve and even thrive, but do watch for impulsive spending. Recognition and possibly increased remuneration for your work is very possible this month. It's a time to shine your light. Be humble, but don't hide your abilities. Physical and mental healing are also in focus. In just a couple of months, Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion (and what some might consider luck) will enter your sign for a year-long stay. Choose this month and the next to become clear what it is you'd like to change, seek, and conquer. |
This is a time when you are more experimental, spontaneous, and adventurous than usual, and your need to "get away from it all" is strong. While you can be especially enthused with education or absorbed in special interests in the first half of the month, you might feel somewhat bogged down with responsibilities as the month progresses, so be careful not to take on more than you can handle. The month becomes more goal-oriented as it progresses with Venus, Mercury, and the Sun moving to the top of your solar chart on the 12th, 14th, and 22nd. Developments in your career are mostly favorable, although they can sometimes clash with your strong need for independence and spontaneity. You experience more motivation to realize your business goals and might form alliances that further your professional goals. Around the Full Moon on the 19th, you can be especially busy and enjoy good news or contact with an old friend. You have a bigger desire to define your relationships from the 12th forward, or to come to a deeper commitment. Your relationship status is a little more public or noticeable now. You are selling yourself in your career - it's a time of more charm and influence, particularly around the 16th and 19-20. Business or money opportunities can emerge in the last week of the month. There can be recognition of your talents and skills. |
You have all of the necessary tools at your disposal to make important changes to your spending and borrowing habits this month, particularly in the week following the New Moon on the 4th. It's in fact a great time for devising plans and strategies, researching, studying a topic in more depth, and finding solutions to long-standing problems. There can be lovely support for career projects and goals. Finances deserve special attention, particularly shared money and property as well as loans and support payments. A refund, bonus, or loan may come through, or there can be an income boost for a partner. Opportunities to break out of your normal routine abound and inspire as the month advances. An outward focus and more outgoing feelings are experienced as Venus, Mercury, and the Sun move into your solar ninth house, on the 12th, 14th, and 22nd, respectively. Brush up on skills, study, and learn while your mind is a learning sponge. Energetically speaking, the month picks up pace. You're likely to find the spirit and motivation to embark on unusual or different adventures. Even so, Mars spends the entire month in your privacy sector. While Mars is no longer retrograde, you're still in a hatching stage - taking solid action on important matters should probably wait until after Mars moves into your sign on August 2nd. Love might be found, or enhanced, through experiences and ventures far beyond the usual routine from the 12-14 forward. Even so, affectionate feelings can be complicated this month, particularly if you focus too intensely on problem areas. The second half of the month is a generally good time to schedule a vacation, if possible, or to leave your weekends free for mini-getaways. Educational, publishing, or travel opportunities can present themselves. The 26-31 is a strong period for creativity, love, communication, travel, and making connections. |
Stimulating friendships and group activities, as well as increasing energy, are featured in July. Not only do you seem to need the energies and support of others, they are more dependent on you as well. Do your best to promote mutually beneficial relationships. You have plenty of cosmic support for getting relationships back on track. New insights come, particularly from the 4-6 with a New Moon in your partnership sector and a Sun-Mercury alignment there as well. This is a time for seeing relationships from a new angle. There can be much in the way of counseling, advice, negotiations, and business agreements going on now. Others may be looking for a commitment from you this month. With Mars moving slowly but now direct, goals are becoming clearer and there's a general sense that you can move towards them more straightforwardly. Jupiter is generally supportive this month, and this helps to lift your spirits and keep your mind focused on those things that are most important to you. As the month advances, it becomes more and more favorable for emotional and material support, taking out loans, and refinancing. You might connect intimately with someone seemingly out of the blue, or there can be an unanticipated financial matter to manage. This is also a favorable period for sharing some of your deeper feelings with a trusted person in your life. July is a good time for repairing your relationships and for reminders of your need for closeness or companionship. The 26-31 is strong for talking about your needs - others are responsive and the usual barriers seem to drop. This can be an especially persuasive, charming month. While you may have been sticking to yourself more than usual in the past months, you now have plenty of opportunities to make right with important people in your life. |
Doing your best work and taking pride in what you do are a focus for you now. Be careful that you don't take on more than your share. Frustration can come to a head around the 19th, when the need for some quiet time can become apparent. This is unlikely to be a dramatic discovery - in fact, it can be quite heartening and pleasant. Bodies in your work and health sector reach out to, as well as gain support from, Jupiter and Mars. This points to increased motivation, sense of purpose, and ambition for taking care of your daily life. You could be digging up interesting information now, and research of all kinds can be very beneficial. Organizing the little things will go a long way towards a stronger sense of accomplishment. You can work longer hours than usual, or push harder in health and fitness routines. Career matters or relationships with those in authority are stimulating although sometimes rocky. Venus, Mercury, and the Sun move into your partnership sector one by one, on the 12th, 14th, and 22nd respectively, and your attention shifts from producing and tidying to companionship and togetherness. More and more, you seek out feedback and company. This begins one of the better periods of the year for partnering. Admirers are never short in supply. Certainly by the last week of the month, there is quite a commotion in your partnership sector. It's a powerful period for your relationships, and spontaneity is important. Others bring surprises into your life. Be open to new ideas and stimulation, but experiment wisely and creatively. The 26-31 can be powerful for attracting or enhancing a close relationship, and for livening up your life with new ideas, feelings, and events. |
Venus, Mercury, and then the Sun move into your work and health sector on the 12th, 14th, and 22nd, respectively, and your focus gradually shifts to taking better care of your daily life, body, and work output. If your regular routine is less than satisfactory, this is a great time to begin to make changes, although the first week of August will be even better for lifestyle makeovers. Lay down the groundwork now. Good ideas and new methods can motivate you, particularly around the 26-31, although you'll also need to battle some restlessness and perhaps impulsive moves. Sudden events or opportunities can push you in the right direction in your work or with health endeavors. Be open and willing to make necessary changes, but avoid overly hasty or rebellious actions. You might find that people are increasingly more receptive to your ideas, beliefs, and opinions this month. Transportation, commuting, or travel problems may begin to iron out. Mars in your solar ninth house all month is mostly helpful and motivating, but at times it can stimulate some impatience or a feeling that the grass is greener somewhere else. Tame or feed your need for stimulation and experimentation in moderation, and you're in good shape. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
Next Month in Astrology may be available (usually by the 20th of the previous month).
Void of Course Moon
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times. For example, the Moon enters Cancer on July 3rd at 6:21 AM Pacific Time.

Void of Course Moon Dates and Times July 2016
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2016 – Overview
This Month in Astrology
June 2016
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
A New Moon occurs on the 4th in the sign of Gemini. By consciously tuning in to positive Gemini energy, we learn through others simply by being curious, and we improve our social and communication skills at the same time. We open our minds to more information, and we learn to truly enjoy the variety of different personalities around us. Neptune begins its retrograde on the 12th. This station casts a veil over our practical affairs. There can be a temporary loss of inspiration as we realign our dreams and wishes with what’s inside. The retrograde cycle itself, which lasts until November 19th, suggests a period of taking in, receptiveness, and some indecisiveness. It can be a time of feeling in limbo, but it might also be a time of great inner discovery. Saturn forms a square with Neptune on the 17th – the second in a series that first came exact in November, 2015, and that will recur in September, 2016. This energy can stick with us for much of 2016. Some feelings of disillusionment can come now as our dreams and ideals can be put to the test. Questioning our faith in our dreams can lead to lack of follow-through or wasteful activities and avoidance of responsibilities. Ideally, this crisis leads to a realignment of material goals and spiritual ideals as we assess what is truly meaningful to us. Financial restrictions may seem to block our plans, or we could feel a sudden lack of inspiration. We might be forced to face issues we’ve been avoiding or putting off, or deal with addictions, money drains, and other behaviors that have been dragging us down. Sacrifices may need to be made in order to gain materially or spiritually. It’s important to simplify and detoxify, but also reach out to others for support and guidance. Over the coming year, it will be important to take a hard look at our addictions, fears, and attitudes that have us chained to situations and that keep us from growing. Jupiter aligns with the true Moon’s Node on the 20th, increasing our desire to make contact with like-minded people or with those who can help push us in the direction of growth and improvement. Pluto forms a trine with the North Node multiple times in June, and we may be taking positive steps towards aligning ourselves with people and goals that support our growth and development. On the 20th, a Full Moon occurs very late in the sign of Sagittarius, reminding us of the need to reach out beyond our usual routines, thought patterns, and neighborhood. The Full Moon in Sagittarius is a time of expansion, so we should be especially aware of what we’d like to promote at this time, trying to put aside or out of our minds those things that won’t serve us well if blown out of proportion. A Full Moon occurred early in the sign of Sagittarius last month, on May 21st. On the 26th, Jupiter forms a trine with Pluto – the final perfection that first occurred in October, 2015, and that came exact again in March, 2016. This is a strong influence for business, increased influence, faith, and insight. The desire for more personal significance can lead us to give of ourselves or motivate us to more ambitiously pursue personal or professional goals. The ability to sway or persuade can be enhanced now. One of the most positive uses of this transit is taking steps to better ourselves. We might solve a long-standing problem, or capitalize upon a resource that was previously hidden. This can be an ambitious time when a desire for success is especially strong. We can feel especially motivated, and determination increases. Mars is retrograde until the 29th, now in the sign of Scorpio (since May 27th). Mars turned retrograde on April 17th, and will remain retrograde until June 29th. We are in the position to re-assess our current projects, our approach to getting what we want, and our desire nature. Mars energy is essentially turned inward–it’s internalized, intensified, personalized, and perhaps pressurized. There can be passive-aggressive behavior during this cycle. We may be instigating problems or arguments rather than dealing with issues directly. However, this can be a good time to learn more about our inner motivations and desires, as well as to reconsider old projects and interests. After the 29th, slowly but surely, confidence in our ability to assert ourselves and to effect change increases.
(See the full table for 2016)
Mercury continues to transit Taurus until the 12th, and we are less interested in envisioning and pioneering than we are on useful, practical ideas and conversations. We are more interested in what’s real than what’s ideal. Mercury’s transit of Gemini from the 8-29 is a helpful one – Mercury is exceptionally comfortable in Gemini, a sign that it rules. Our curiosity is piqued, and we can be quite spirited when it comes to reaching out to others, learning, and sharing. Our thinking is sharp but not necessarily profound, as we tend to choose quantity over quality on a mental level. Mercury transits Cancer from the 29th forward (until July 13th). With Mercury in Cancer, we think, speak, and take in information on a deeper, more instinctive level than we did while Mercury moved through Gemini. We have less interest in what is universal, and more interest in what affects us personally and what affects the people around us. Our thoughts are more strongly colored by our emotions, and this makes it a little more difficult to be objective. |
Venus continues its transit of Gemini until the 17th. Venus is curious and sociable, but possibly quite fickle as well, in the mutable Air sign of Gemini. She encourages us to reach out to others and to make connections – to “get over ourselves” and our issues in order to make contact for the sake of connecting to people around us. However, Venus opposes Saturn on the 3rd, and we might feel criticized, inhibited, or unappreciated by others, although we may be our own worst enemies at this time as Saturn offers us a somewhat unflattering look at ourselves. The Sun is involved in the equation as well. Venus enters Cancer on June 17th (until July 12th). Venus in Cancer is sentimental and affectionate, but also self-protective. We crave familiarity and security in love. The 27th is strong for accepting others and repairing love connections. The 30th is a rougher day for Venus as it opposes Pluto, but we can learn through the friction. Venus aligns with the Sun on the 6th, promoting cooperation, and forms a trine with Neptune on the 27th, sensitizing ourselves to the needs of others, as well as to our own need for tenderness. |
Mars continues retrograde motion until the 29th (the retrograde cycle is from April 17th to June 29th). During this cycle, we may see areas of life where aggression or anger have been tripping us up. Mars is in Scorpio and turns direct in the sign on the 29th. Mars is Scorpio’s original ruler, and feels quite at home in the sign, transiting Scorpio until August 2nd, the whole while retracing the steps it took while retrograde. With Mars’ direct turn, we may be slowly but surely are regaining our enthusiasm, projects that have stalled move forward, and we begin to feel more confident and assertive. Mars will leave its shadow on August 22nd. |
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
Venus and the Sun travel closely together in your communications sector in the first half of June, and this points to happier conversations and personal appeal through what you write and say, particularly on the 6th and 11-12. Neptune turns retrograde on the 13th and then squares Saturn on the 17th. You would probably be better off delaying important decision-making for a time when you're clearer about what you want, and instead focusing on doable, realizable goals. During the retrograde Neptune cycle that lasts until November, you have the opportunity to come to some level of peace about a disappointment from the past. For now, however, it's important to work on tidying your affairs. There may be adjustments required to plans involving publishing, travel, legal matters, or education. Mental and emotional health should improve as you put attitudes that no longer serve you well behind you. Venus, the Sun, and Mercury move into your family and home sector on the 17th, 20th, and 29th respectively, and Mars turns direct in your intimacy sector on the 29th. These influences tend to shift your overall focus to your emotional life and finding more emotional satisfaction and replenishment through your closest relationships and touching base with your inner needs. It's a time for some self-nurture and establishing yourself. Good energy is also with you for work, habits, and health. You may be connecting with people and information that encourage growth and improvement in these areas. For some, it's about connecting with a good caregiver, for example. You could be doing more specialized work, or could find that you’re in especially big demand and work increases or improves. As well, getting your daily schedules, routines, and health programs into shape is a focus, and can contribute to your growth, professionally and personally. Financial complexities begin to unravel this month after the 29th. Dealings with a partner and with financial institutions become more straightforward after a feeling of treading water. You'll have more energy and direction about these things in the coming weeks. |
TaurusThere is a stronger desire to establish yourself and to build and develop projects this month, dear Taurus. Later June brings circumstances that motivate you to reach out, connect, learn, and share. Until then, ambition surrounding business affairs, material concerns, and finances can be stimulated, although there can be some complications with shared resources, intimacy, and friendship matters. There is a stronger focus on personal possessions and valuables, sensual comforts and pleasures, financial security, and money matters, and with Venus traveling closely with the Sun, good energy for attracting support, gifts, and bonuses, particularly around the 6th. Neptune's retrograde on the 13th can point to confusing or ambiguous situations surrounding friends or dreams/goals, and a Saturn-Neptune influence peaking on the 17th suggests a need to face reality. There can be a push from the universe pointing you in the direction of reassessing your goals and paying more attention to, or taking better care of, your spiritual needs, while also balancing your need to manage practical affairs and responsibilities. Friendships can eventually resume with renewed faith, with refinements and adjustments. There could be difficulties balancing friendship and your intimate life for some of you. There can be a temptation to escape the pressures of a partnership through connection with a friend, but be careful not to idealize people at the expense of other relationships. Some of you may be dealing with addictive behaviors, difficulties with a friend, or disillusionment about a long-term goal that no longer seems quite as feasible or supported. Take things one step at a time and know that there is a solution to any problem you encounter now – be patient and open to new ideas. There can be nice developments on romantic and creative levels later in June. An epiphany about your feelings or final word on a financial matter can emerge around the 20th. Venus, the Sun, and Mercury move into your communications sector on the 17th, 20th, and 29th, respectively. You are more inclined to make connections, branch out, and reach out, and this conveniently comes around the time that Mars turns direct in your relationship sector, improving your confidence in a relationship or with others in general. Good energy is with you for expanding your personal horizons through creative endeavors or romantic relationships now. You are commanding more attention in a positive way, and you are approaching your life with more confidence and self-assurance. Opportunities to travel, learn, teach, and connect are likely to emerge. Mars moves retrograde in opposition to your sign until the 29th, when it turns direct. Dealing with others in a straightforward manner may have been challenging, but from the 29th forward, relationship dynamics smooth over and problems can be dealt with more directly. |
GeminiThe month puts a strong focus on your personality and on fresh starts, dear Gemini. Attention is coming your way. Mars remains retrograde for most of June, however, making it less than ideal for pushing all-new projects ahead, but this doesn't mean you can't enjoy the energy boost provided by the Sun in your sign until the 20th, Venus until the 17th, and Mercury from the 12-29. These positions also boost your ability to attract what and who you want into your life, and the means or confidence to talk things out. The Sun and Venus, in fact, travel rather closely to one another most of the month and in your sign. This is a wonderful influence for your powers of attraction, pride, and confidence. The first week of June, however, is a little tricky. The New Moon in your sign occurs on the 4th, and this is a good influence for giving you a sense of a personal reboot - a chance to start fresh. However, the lunation is tied into a configuration that can play with your expectations, which demand some readjustment. You may be swinging from positive to negative thinking now, particularly related to partnerships, home and family life, and career. Disappointments are possible, but the good news is that you seem to remain in charge, even if life is pulling you in all sorts of directions. Planetary shifts on the 13th point to a changing relationship to career and responsibilities. You could be doing some questioning of your career/life path or reputation issues. The design here is for you to check in with your goals to see if any refinements need to be made so that you can strengthen them, ultimately. You are constantly evolving so that periodic checkpoints are important. What feels like a lack of direction is temporary and can actually work in your favor as you learn about your true ambitions and goals. The trick is to incorporate your emotional and spiritual goals into material or practical ones in order to round things out. A recurring Saturn-Neptune challenge perfects on the 17th, and there can be more of this kind of energy - this is about rearranging and reorienting thins. You could find that others are more demanding or strict with you these days. Strains on a relationship can occur as the result of your struggle with finding a life path or defining your career, or uncertainties in relationships can affect your motivation levels in the material world. The second half of the month is rather strong for money matters. Some of you could have much success with artistic or spiritual fields now. The 20th can bring a project to a head or a relationship to full bloom. A turning point can be reached now. The last week of the month is exciting. Solutions related to house and home and/or family can present themselves now. Money you've been waiting for, particularly related to home or real estate, might come through. You can get support or backing now. Mars' direct turn on the 29th points to slow but sure progress in partnerships and with work and health endeavors in the coming weeks. In fact, the summer is excellent for second chances in these areas. |
When Neptune turns retrograde on the 13th and in surrounding days, you can experience unusual emotions and desires, and this can lead to some indecision, or a feeling that you're suddenly without a real direction. A mini crisis of faith in a belief system, and for some of you an educational path, can occur this week, but while it can be confusing at first, it can also help you to realign yourself with goals or beliefs that truly reflect your current needs. A disappointment is possible, but it can lead to a better situation overall if you use it as a learning experience. You're also reminded, particularly around the 17th, of the need to tidy up your daily affairs and put better programs in place for taking care of your health and wellness. You may need to put some of your bigger dreams on hold as you attend to practical affairs, but try not to lose your faith in the process. Surrendering yourself to the unknown and getting the work that’s in front of you done – taking things step by step and day by day – can get you into a positive place. The Full Moon on the 20th can help motivate you to clean up a work or health-related problem. Venus enters your sign on the 17th, and until July 11th, you're in an especially positive light. People are drawn to you, and around the 26-29, even a little mesmerized by you! It's a nice period for personal appeal. The Sun moves into your sign on the 20th as well, launching your yearly, month-long cycle of visibility and personal power. You're in charge and starting anew, particularly after the New Moon on July 4th, but this is building in June. While early in the month friendships may be a source of confusion, as June progresses, there can be wonderful opportunities emerging through or about friends. News, communications, and information can open, bringing on a new perspective and connecting you to others in new ways. Your views toward love and commitment can transform. This is a strong period for learning, sharing, and relating. The 29th brings Mercury into your sign, increasing reasoning and communicating skills, as well as Mars into direct motion in your romance and creativity sector. You'll begin to see forward movement with creative pursuits, in your dating life, and in your career, and you'll have many weeks before you to get back on track in these areas. |
LeoThere is strong focus on your social life, friendships, and happiness goals and aspirations this month, dear Leo. Love, communication, learning, and pleasure are also strong themes as your ruler, the Sun, travels closely to Venus most of June. For some, this can mean a strong connection to an old or new friend. While the first few days of June can bring some ups and downs related to your relationships and money matters, you're in a good position to make changes and adjustments that will ultimately improve the viability of your goals and projects as well as the quality of your relationships. You have loads of charm, particularly with associates and networks, and you'll do well to mingle. Neptune's retrograde turn on the 13th may be felt as deflating initially, particularly in terms of your faith in a relationship or financial project. There might also be some confusion over ownership matters or shared finances. These experiences may in fact prompt a review of, or checking in with, goals and dreams. Slowing down makes sense. A Saturn-Neptune square on the 17th was first with you in November, and will occur again in a few months before separating. For some, there could be a creative block or the facing of a financial reality that make it difficult to pursue a particular project or possibly even a relationship. There may also be some confusion over property and possessions, shared resources, or business. Keep in mind that adjustments made now will free up space for more meaningful and realizable goals, projects, and connections to enter your life. The 20th brings a Full Moon and a nice opportunity to follow your heart or finalize a creative project. This is also a time when good news or helpful connections can figure strongly, particularly related to money, gifts, bonuses, or personal talents. The Sun moves into your privacy sector at this time, launching a cycle in which you are inclined to review and reflect about recent events, feelings, goals, and endeavors. The latter part of June is also strong for pursuing health, financial, and work goals. Opportunities to heal the body and mind can emerge, and so can chances to make good use of your natural talents in work and projects, perhaps monetizing a hobby at this time. Mars turns direct on the 29th after several weeks of retrograde motion, and you'll enjoy more clarity about home and family matters over the coming weeks. A project might pick up pace, reach a turning point, or resume now. |
VirgoYour career, social standing, and life path goals are in stronger focus than usual this month, dear Virgo, and while you can be quite goal-oriented and interested in performance, there are also nice opportunities to socialize, mingle, and enjoy yourself in June. Some of these can happen through work or business dealings, and certainly you are in good shape in terms of popularity in your professional dealings now, but as the month advances, it's more about friendships, networks, and group settings. Neptune's retrograde turn on the 13th is an annual event that has, in recent years, been occurring in your partnership sector. An important relationship, past or present, can be on your mind now, and over the coming months, you're likely to do some ruminating as you begin to look at a relationship or your relationship needs in general in new ways. There can be some confusion about partnerships now. Give people space, and give yourself time before coming to important conclusions. Positively, you may get to a point where you come to terms, or peace, with a past disappointment during this retrograde cycle. Saturn forms a square with Neptune on the 17th, echoing events or circumstances that may have occurred or began last November. This influence presents a challenge to bring more structure to your life in areas that are weakening your resolve and faith. Flaws in a dream related to partnerships may reveal themselves now, or you may be questioning whether, with all of the things you need to do, you are getting what you need on a spiritual or emotional level from a partner or relationship. The unreliability or absence of a partner could be discouraging at a time when you would benefit from spiritual support the most. Demands from people in your life can be draining your energy, and you’ll need to work out a plan that helps you to better divide your attention between self-care and attention to others. Take things step by step, day by day, and trust that you’ll get to all that you need to do in good time. Wrestling with expectations is very likely this month, but getting them to reasonable levels can be empowering. The 20th can bring a project to completion or a matter related to family and home life to a turning point. You're also in a good position to meet people who help boost your confidence or encourage you to reach your potential. Venus' move into your friendship sector on the 17th, and the Sun following suit on the 20th, indicates a shift towards more enjoyment of life through connections with others and the nurturing of long-term dreams and aspirations. You begin to feel less pressured to perform and produce, and more accepted and supported by others. The final Jupiter-Pluto trine in a set occurs on the 26th and points to nice personal opportunities in the second half of June. Confidence and focus increase and improve, as well as your power of persuasion. While this period is more about you and your personality, romantic expression might also reach new heights. This is a good time for boosting your appeal and improving your image, as well as for picking up or renewing a satisfying hobby. |
LibraYour desire for new and interesting experiences, mind expansion, and activities that take you away from your routine is strong this month, dear Libra. It's an excellent time for revision and building skills, particularly when it comes to true interests and self-directed learning. Your attitude is more forward-looking, and as June advances, your ambition and motivation increases as well. By the end of the month, you can be especially interested in getting ahead in business and other practical areas of life. Your ruler, Venus moves along closely with the Sun most of June, and this also helps to light your way. It can also point to more support from friends and networks. Neptune's retrograde turn on the 13th, however, can point to certain work matters going on the shelf for now, or coming up for review. Problem areas may be exaggerated temporarily mid-month with a Saturn-Neptune square also coming into sharper focus and drawing your attention to what may be missing in your life. You will likely need to deal with some shifting of schedules, daily routines, or work. Issues that have to do with health, energy levels, or uncertainty with work may surface. Aim to organize and simplify as much as possible. Look for areas of life that are suffering from neglect, clutter, waste, or disorganization. Spend extra time working out routines that truly work for you, and that make some space for activities focused on improving health and well-being. It can be difficult to juggle all that you want to accomplish, particularly if you’re feeling discouraged about a particular dream or goal that requires adjustments, but focusing on the essentials step by step will get you to a better place. Three weeks into June, you are in a strong position to set goals and to connect with people and situations that truly help you get where you want to go. You may be finishing up the details of a major learning endeavor or project around the Full Moon on the 20th. Venus moving to the top of your chart helps your reputation or status and enhances your relationship with parents, bosses, or superiors. The last week of June finds you more motivated to take care of business and to pursue your goals. Finances, family and home matters, and personal development are high up on your list, and largely in good shape now. There may be more support from or for family and home affairs. You could also be experiencing more emotional bravery, finding it easier to face your feelings and your past, and this can be empowering. A Venus-Neptune connection is strong for finances and resources, and Mars turning direct on the 29th can point to a turnaround in financial and business-related areas. A partnership may also resume or gain more clarity and purpose, and these things are only set to improve in the weeks ahead. |
ScorpioThere is a strong theme of introspection and strategy this month, dear Scorpio, that begins shifting as June advances. By the end of June, you'll be readying yourself to take on almost anything! June begins with a strong need for inner change, transformation, and self-mastery. Increasingly through June, your focus turns outward, but the inner work you do is powerful. The first few days of the month can find you rather indecisive and conflicted, largely revolving around money and resources on a mundane level and matters of ownership, respect, and trust on an emotional level. It's a time for observing and processing rather than taking new action, and this theme is echoed by retrograde Mars in your sign until the 29th. Neptune turns retrograde for over five months on the 13th, and shortly after this station, Saturn and Neptune meet in a square. Attachments can be confusing now. There can be some challenges related to your faith in a creative project or relationship temporarily. Trust that ultimately you'll be in a stronger position after you do some sorting through what is realistic and what may only be wishful thinking. It'a time for identifying and then working towards dreams and goals that are realizable. There may be a dilemma that revolves around money, resources, recreation, children, or dating/romance. If you’ve been spending too much on entertainment or romance, you’ll feel the pinch during this period and will need to take some steps to cut back. There may be a strong reminder or awareness of an addiction, oversight, overindulgence, or neglect in some area of your life that now requires a reality check and some buckling down so that it doesn’t drag you down. Look for ways to reduce and eliminate waste, particularly in spending. The Full Moon in the last degree of Sagittarius on the 20th at the same time that Jupiter and the North Node align can bring a pleasing end or turning point to a financial matter and support/recognition from a friend or group. Venus moves into a position of harmony with your sign on the 17th, and then the Sun follows suit on the 20th and Mercury on the 29th while Mars turns direct in your sign. These point to increased confidence and a stronger sense of effectiveness. It's a good time for pursuing new interests and studies, for reaching out to others and sharing ideas, and for travel or other forms of adventure-taking. You may be putting more faith in people in your life, relationships, and life itself. The final Jupiter-Pluto trine occurs in the last week of June and gives you a lovely boost, particularly on practical levels but also faith in yourself. You may have been experiencing a stronger need for more meaning and purpose, or personal influence, with friends, networks, or groups. This is a wonderful time for making those connections, communicating, building ideas, and sharing. You are also developing a stronger belief in your future and what you have to offer others. You might happily take the lead or become the expert that others turn to. Mars turns direct in your sign on the 29th, and in the weeks following, you'll be building your resolve and pushing personal plans and projects forward. Energy and motivation levels increase as plans of action seem more straightforward. |
SagittariusThe month ahead continues a strong focus on relationships and connections that began towards the end of May, dear Sagittarius. The first week of June can stimulate some struggle with decisions, perceptions, and expectations, but the New Moon on the 4th can bring energy for a fresh start. Resistance, competitive feeling, and problem areas continue to require some work, but you begin to sense that you can get past them. Still, June is very much a transition month for you. It's a time for developing strategies and making adjustments rather than pushing ahead with all-new endeavors. Neptune turns retrograde in your home and family sector on the 13th and then forms a square with Saturn on the 17th, pointing to emerging issues that require some restructuring. If your home life and relationships with family are askew, it can be very hard to get other areas of life into order, and you're now encouraged to sort things out. Your home is your base, and it's important to treat it as such – work on it first and see other areas of your life blossom by extension. Avoiding issues will keep you in a rut, so resolve to make changes and to grow with and through them. You'll be deciding which plans, dreams, and goals are truly realizable, and this gives you the chance to direct your energies constructively. For some of you, establishing boundaries with people who frequently overstep them may be necessary. You may need to deal with inconsistencies, neglect, or bad habits from the past in order to improve your life in the long term. A Jupiter-Pluto trine later this month can help you to hone in on what you want the most. Venus, the Sun, and Mercury move into your intimacy sector on the 17th, 20th, and 29th respectively. Your focus on the hidden, deeper elements of your life strengthens. It's a good time for looking within for answers, and also for gaining the support of others if needed. You experienced a Full Moon early in your sign last month, and this month, another one occurs, this time in the last degree of Sagittarius. This is a powerful time for coming into touch with buried feelings, needs, and desires. Your ruler, Jupiter, forms its final trine with Pluto in a set in the last week of June, and you get a nice boost of confidence and verve. This is a time of increased ambition and confidence in your natural talents. Whether it's about work or an important goal, you're more focused on getting results, yet also patient enough to take enough time to achieve them. Some of you could be transforming and growing relationships with parents or bosses. This is generally a good period for money, as you are more resourceful. Personal energy levels remain on the low side this month, but your outlook improves as the month advances. It's easier to turn to others, if needed, as they tend to be there for you. From the 29th forward, once Mars has turned direct, you are less inclined to hold onto resentments and while further inner work is necessary, it's clearer what exactly that is now. Mars will continue to stay in the background, directing your attention behind the scenes, for a while longer, but when Mars does re-enter your sign on August 2nd, you'll be raring to go. |
CapricornThis is a strong month for increasing efficiency, getting organized, improving health, and harmonizing/connecting with others, dear Capricorn. Aim to solve problems, make adjustments, reorganize, and deal with practical details for best results in the first few weeks of June, and for generally getting a handle on the "little things" that make your life run more smoothly. This process is not without its challenges, but will be rewarding. Neptune is retrograde from the 13th forward (until November), and around the time of its station, a Saturn-Neptune square perfects. If you experience a disappointment around this time, it's likely to spur you towards better understanding of your dreams and expectations. Now is a time for working towards small, realizable goals. Challenges related to studies, a personal interest, a transportation or communications matter, or a relative can be in focus now. Soon enough you will be able to more clearly see the fantasies and dreams that serve you well, and those that may need to be refined or thrown out. You will eventually get to a place where your goals are a more authentic reflection of you. Bringing more structure to your daily life or to a project that is already underway can be important and empowering now. Working on something step by step is important if you can’t yet envision where you’re headed exactly, as this way, things will fall into place as you go along. Keeping up with your communications and making connections may be more challenging. While it’s important to stay connected with people you care about, you also need to set some boundaries, gently, if you need more space. The Full Moon on the 20th is good for finalizing a project or for reaching a turning point. For some, this is about realizing the need to feed your spirit. You may need to take some time for yourself so that you can bring your renewed self back to your work and self-care programs. There can be good news related to higher learning, travel, or publishing now, and you can connect with the right people and information to feel that you're heading somewhere you want to go. Venus moves into your partnership sector on the 17th, and then the Sun arrives here on the 20th and Mercury on the 29th. This stimulates stronger interest in, and reliance on, your relationships. It's a great time for counseling and partnering up to get things done. The final Jupiter-Pluto trine in a set occurs on the 26th, engaging your ambitions and confidence. You may be reaching more people, building a following, teaching or guiding others, and sharing important ideas. Travel and educational opportunities may be part of the picture. Friendships and romance begin to straighten out from the 29th when Mars turns direct in your sector of happiness goals and friendships. This comes after a period of possible confusion of boundaries or emotional complications. You're learning who is truly in your corner, and your own desires and affections become clearer. Your social circle is considerably warmer towards you going forward. |
AquariusThere is strong focus in June on your social and romantic life, creative endeavors, friendships, hobbies, and the need for more satisfying outlets for expressing yourself, dear Aquarius. With the Sun and Venus moving close to one another in your sector of creativity and pleasure in the first half of the month, you're in a strong position for personal appeal. Something totally goes your way, and you may find new or renewed ways to express your playful side or to release tension in pleasurable ways. There are some challenges related to expectations, particularly in the first few days of June and from the 14-17, but you're on top of these, making adjustments and finding your way. The 11-13, while confusing on practical levels, can be strong for powers of attraction and relationships. Neptune turns retrograde on the 13th and then forms a square with Saturn on the 17th. This is a time for rethinking and introspection, particularly regarding financial and social goals. Indecisiveness can sometimes serve us quite well, as it can lead to holding off decisions or conclusions that need more time and strategy. Keep an eye out for inconsistencies, especially surrounding practical affairs and finances, as these can be skewed by wishful thinking or a feeling of temporary deflation. Efforts to tidy up your finances or to bring more structure to the training and development of your skills can be especially useful now. Friends or group affiliations may seem more demanding of your time and energy, or for some, there can be a lull in your social schedule these days. Friendships or causes can drain you at times if you are giving too much while ignoring your own needs. With finances, focus on identifying areas of waste or neglect. Protect your resources and aim to bring dreams down to earth. Venus, the Sun, and Mercury move into your sector of work, routine, and habits on the 17th, 20th, and 29th, respectively. This points to a shift of focus to taking better care of your daily affairs and health. Mars' direct turn in your career sector on the 29th suggests a pleasant turnaround regarding confidence in your future, goals, business, career, and practical affairs. Where you're headed becomes clearer. Jupiter's final trine to Pluto in a set that began last Fall occurs in the last week of June, and this is an empowering influence on emotional levels. The desire not only to get to the bottom of any emotional issues or problems in your life but also to move past those problems that have crippled you in the past is strong now. This can be a time for resolving long-standing problems and finding more courage to go after what you want and need on a soul level. Support, financial or otherwise, is more readily available to you. Career matters can improve, whether this has to do with conditions or attitudes towards work and your larger goals. You are working more on your own terms, and Mars' direct motion at the top of your solar chart on the 29th further supports this. It becomes easier to get straight answers from bosses and co-workers, and from yourself about your own goals and ambitions. There is a stronger sense of direction andmore time spent on moving things forward as you move into July. |
PiscesThere is a large focus on family and home matters this month, dear Pisces. Your nesting instinct is keen and your instincts to rest up and improve your sense of security and safety are important ones. Romantic, creative, and expressive energy increases later in the month, when you feel readier to share yourself, your feelings, and your ideas with others. Challenges involving your ruler, Neptune, suggests some wrestling with personal goals, clarity, and expectations this month. Neptune turns retrograde on the 13th, and is retrograde for about five months. This is an annual cycle that is strong for getting some much-needed introspection. Its station occurs shortly before Saturn and Neptune form a square on the 17th, and there can be some feeling of being sapped or drained temporarily before you find ways to redirect your energies. This is the way of the cosmos turning your attention to problem areas – things you've been missing or overlooking, and likely that have to do with your spiritual, soul needs. There is a need to balance attention to your responsibilities and obligations with your personal plans and need for imaginative activities. As you sort this out, aim to take special care of your health and body, as demands on your time and responsibilities to others can take their toll on you. There can be some issues raised surrounding freedom, independence, reputation, and life path. You may be called upon to get organized or to become more goal-oriented, and it can be difficult knowing when to stand your ground and when to accept current conditions. Venus, the Sun, and Mercury move into harmony with your sign on the 17th, 20th, and 29th, respectively. As well, Mars, also moving in harmony with Pisces, turns direct on the 29th, further boosting and supporting energy and confidence levels. Obstacles seem to clear away as June advances. Less effort is spent on getting others to understand, see, and support you and your ideas. There can be an epiphany experienced surrounding home and career. The Jupiter-Pluto influence that began last Fall forms on the 26th for the final time in this set. This reinforces strong connections with friends and/or a partner. Relationships can prosper, transform, and grow in meaningful, although not always easy, ways, and mutually beneficial partnerships may be formed. The direct turn of Mars on the 29th can point to a turning point or forward movement for studies, projects, publishing efforts, personal finances, legal affairs, or travel. Pressure eases as people respond more warmly to your ideas and opinions, and transportation or commuting problems experienced in recent weeks are ironed out. |
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See also:
The Astrology of 2016 – Overview
May 2016
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
There are many signs with us in May that point to the need to build, develop, and work on what we already have rather than striking out in all-new directions. A New Moon occurs on the 6th in the sign of Taurus, and we are energized to take charge, particularly when it comes to making ourselves feel more secure. It’s a time for re-evaluating our relationship with money and possessions and discovering what it is that we truly value and that genuinely makes us happy and fulfilled. We should be concentrating on what it is we can do to increase our own feelings of self-worth. This is a time for reconnecting to nature, to our bodies, and to the world of the five senses. This is a particularly lovely New Moon with the Sun and Moon near the midpoint of Mercury and Venus, all in Taurus, sextile Neptune in Pisces, trine Jupiter in Virgo, and trine Pluto in Capricorn. Certainly, there is more retrograde activity than usual, but there is nice energy for building and developing, with more than usual support. In fact, there are many flowing aspects unfolding from the 1-15 that favor preparations, designing, teaching, practical purchases, gifts, instincts for money, and patience in relationships. Mercury continues its retrograde in the sign of Taurus until May 22nd. This is a strong period for getting in touch with our security and comfort needs, and for reviewing business and financial matters. We may be questioning our values or resources. We may be looking at projects, items, and even people in new ways, in terms of value and worth, and may see value in a old project that we might now revive. Mars is retrograde all month, mostly in the sign of Sagittarius, dipping back into Scorpio on May 27th. Mars turned retrograde on April 17th, and will remain retrograde until June 29th. We are now in the position to re-assess our current projects, our approach to getting what we want, and our desire nature. Mars energy is essentially turned inward–it’s internalized, intensified, personalized, and perhaps pressurized. There can be passive-aggressive behavior during this cycle. We may be instigating problems or arguments rather than dealing with issues directly. However, this can be a good time to learn more about our inner motivations and desires, as well as to reconsider old projects and interests. However, Jupiter turns direct in Virgo on the 9th. There can be a turning of the corner as well as special insight into our endeavors and enterprises now. With Jupiter direct, our confidence in ourselves and the universe builds. Especially with Saturn and Pluto retrograde, there is stronger emphasis on liberation and freedom, and less emphasis on fears and pressures. There is strong focus in Taurus this month, and in the week starting on the 8th, the Sun and retrograde Mercury form a conjunction and parallel, and then Mercury and Venus do the same, all in Taurus, and supported by Pluto through a trine. This is especially good energy for reworking and strengthening projects, relationships, and business ventures. On the 21st, a Full Moon occurs in the sign of Sagittarius, reminding us of the need to reach out beyond our usual routines, thought patterns, and neighborhood. The Full Moon in Sagittarius is a time of expansion, so we should be especially aware of what we’d like to promote at this time, trying to put aside or out of our minds those things that won’t serve us well if blown out of proportion. Mercury turns direct on the 22nd after a retrograde cycle that began on April 28th. It retraces its steps over the degrees of Taurus that it travelled while retrograde until June 7th. We slowly but surely regain clarity and decisiveness. Saturn has been the odd man out this month, and on the 26th, Jupiter is square to Saturn. This aspect first occurred last summer, but in different signs (while Jupiter was in Leo and Saturn was in Scorpio), and then in March with Jupiter in Virgo and Saturn in Sagittarius, as they are now. This is the final perfection of this aspect. We may be forced to restructure our lives or plans now in accordance with rules, laws, limits, and the demands of reality. It is best to breathe new life into old plans rather than to strike out with a new plan altogether. We may need to cut back on something in order to grow in another area. It’s important not to overextend ourselves at this time and to avoid attempting easy fixes or shortcuts. The need to adjust our expectations becomes obvious.
(See the full table for 2016)
the SunThe Sun continues to transit the sign of Taurus until the 20th, and we continue with our building and acquiring stage. This is not a time for radical new visions and endeavors. Instead, we might concentrate on developing what we already have, and developing an appreciation for those things that last, sustain, and support. The Sun transits Gemini from the 20th forward, and we are more involved with others, communicative, curious, and inclined to be “on the go”. |
Mercury continues to transit Taurus this month, and we are less interested in envisioning and pioneering than we are on useful, practical ideas and conversations. We are more interested in what’s real than what’s ideal. Mercury turned retrograde on April 28th and continues to move in retrograde until the 22nd this month. Retrograde Mercury aligns with the Sun on the 9th, bringing illumination to our thoughts. This inferior conjunction presents a favorable time for processing recent events and ideas, and for beginning to look at problems or issues from a new perspective and with a new understanding. What we say or write now has impact, for better or for worse! |
Venus continues its transit of Taurus until the 24th. This is a comfortable, content, and sensual cycle. It’s also a time for paying more attention to the value of things (and people). Venus is curious and sociable, but possibly quite fickle as well, in the sign of Gemini, from the 24th forward. On the same day that Venus enters Gemini, it opposes retrograde Mars. There can be buried conflicts stirred and emerging in our relationships, with tendencies towards impulsive decision making. Our desires can be difficult to understand, or difficult to satisfy. Some of us may be stirring up problems in order to fulfill a need for excitement, while important relationship issues can come to a head for others. |
Mars continues retrograde motion all month (the retrograde cycle is from April 17th to June 29th). During this cycle, we may see areas of life where aggression or anger have been tripping us up. Mars re-enters Scorpio on the 27th. |
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
AriesThe month ahead is an excellent one for getting your bearings, dear Aries. You are encouraged to slow down, work things out, draw on patience, and build and develop - and the sooner you accept this kind of pace, the better the rewards! With so much retrograde activity these days, Jupiter's direct motion on the 9th can feel especially good. Motivation for work and health programs increases. Projects that had stalled or were left behind might now resume, pick up speed, or turn a corner. The next several months are excellent for benefits from work, services, and health. For now, you're easing forward. Overall this should be a calmer, less visible month for you, and it does you some good. There can be a stronger focus on personal finances, personal possessions, resources, and business. You are exploring different ways of building your sense of value and worthiness. Money issues or sources of income may change and there can be some reshuffling to do. Ultimately, you could be finding ways to increase your income or your earning potential. You can be more productive than usual this month, particularly if you focus your energies on works in progress. Save big launches for later, but work at editing and revising - it can lead to great things. You might enjoy recognition for past work, and you can quite effectively work on or revive old projects that are likely to have long-term appeal and profitability. There can be important discoveries. You might experience renewed interest in a work project or a health and wellness program. For some of you, social and romantic opportunities may be found through business or work. The Sun enters your communications sector on the 20th, and Venus follows suit on the 24th. This brings a busier, more connected theme to your life. The 21-22 can be complicated. Your ruler, Mars, is retrograde all month. It is only during its retrograde periods that Mars forms its opposition to the Sun, every two years or so. This happens on the 22nd, when Mercury stations and just after a Full Moon occurs. The temptation may be to push to have your way, when in fact this is an opportune moment to take the time to feel, learn about, and understand your desires and drives. Frustration can center on intellectual planes this time around, so watch for speaking prematurely or making too much of something said. Make safety an important priority, as impatience can lead to errors in judgment. On the 26th, Jupiter and Saturn form their final square in a set that began last summer, and this serves as a reminder to pay attention to rules and limits. Think in terms of priorities and look for ways to cut back and simplify your life. Mars moves back into your solar eighth house on the 27th, where it will spend its final month in retrograde motion. There may be the need to revisit financial matters, issues of support, and debts. Ambiguity with finances, particularly debts and shared money or resources, could dominate now, or financial affairs require a second look. An old relationship that ended poorly may occupy your thoughts, or an old lover may return. There can be magnification of unexplored desires. This is a time for exploring anger and assertion over deeply buried matters, and finding better tools for managing your life on an emotional level. |
TaurusThis is a powerful month for you, dear Taurus. There is strong focus on your personality and your personal plans, and support for these is forthcoming. Granted, Mercury is retrograde in your sign and Mars is retrograde as well - the latter being a fairly infrequent occurrence that can slow things down. Navigating the waters can be a little tricky, but you have plenty of help from Jupiter, Pluto, Neptune, and Chiron. In fact, there are some rather magical influences with you in May, particularly in the first half of the month. Opportunities for cooperation, loving and personal gestures, and shared happiness emerge particularly on the 2-3, 10th, and 13th. Creative matters can blossom. Energy is so easy right now that you might even be feeling a little lazy. It's an indulgent time, and a time for sharing and opening yourself up to others. You might find that new avenues open up to you for exploring different ways of having fun. You are likely to feel as if the busy pace of your life is letting up and you can more easily tend to more pleasant matters. The New Moon on the 6th is in your sign and frames you wonderfully. It's strong for personal reinvention, making a positive impact, friendships, education, and relationships with extended family. There can be a strong attraction to cultural events and exotic places or activities that take you to new places or that expand your mind. Jupiter's direct motion on the 9th is very welcome as it ushers in a sense of hope and feelings of optimism, particularly about a creative project or romantic relationship. Going forward and in the next several months, you're likely to see some exciting forward movement in love, creative pursuits, recreation, hobbies, relationships with children, and self-expression. Your spirit to enjoy life is building, even if it's not the time to push forward plans. The Sun, Mercury, and Venus in your sign will take turns harmonizing with Pluto in May, and these influences strengthen your resolve, help you to gain support, and offer up opportunities related to travel, education, publishing, and legal matters. Your personal belief system continues to deepen. This is a powerful time for reworking and refining old methods and procedures. Your patience with others will go a long way towards enhancing your connections. Your powers of attraction are even stronger than usual. The second half of the month is a little more discordant than the first, but nevertheless brings opportunities to sort out matters related to intimacy and finances. The Full Moon on the 21st aligns with retrograde Mars and can awaken a need to reorganize your finances, or stir up feelings about a past relationship. Mercury turns direct in your sign on the 22nd, and this can point to turnarounds with your personal plans. Even so, a Sun-Mars opposition occurring now can force a confrontation or it can put the spotlight on opposing forces related to money, possessions, debts, and ownership. Try not to feel threatened by others' assertion of their desires. Aim to take a lesson from any issues that become inflamed now. Jupiter and Saturn form their last square on the 26th, and you may be attempting to sort out your relationships and commitments. Whether or not to make changes or to stick with traditional or familiar patterns can be an issue now. Fears of closeness or intimacy, or the demands of money owed/due, can challenge you. You may want to expand but excesses in other areas of your life need to be tamed. For some of you, there can be challenges in relationships, where the level of intimacy can be an issue or dilemma. The trick to handling this energy well is to look for areas of your life that can be simplified or strengthened and work on those, one step at a time. You'll end up in an improved frame of mind. Retrograde Mars moves into your partnership sector for the last month of its retrograde period starting on the 27th. This stimulates a need to reorganize your energy with regards to people and partnerships. You could be re-assessing the ways in which you approach relationships, as well as what it is you want from your connections. Looking to the past in order to improve the present and your future is what this is about. The last week of May brings stronger attention to money matters, personal possessions, and issues of comfort and security. You're likely to feel in a stronger position in terms of outlook and knowledge on the 30th. |
GeminiThere continues to be a strong focus on the past, healing, processing, and digesting this month, dear Gemini. There is very little pressure to venture out, although you're not one to keep still for too long. Planetary shifts this month turn your attention back to home and family. There can be renewed relationships, and projects around the home can resume, from the 9th forward. Motivation to make happy changes in your domestic life increases now and in the next several months. In the meantime, you have a lot of inner work to do, and you have plenty of help in this regard! In fact, this can be a month of big emotional breakthroughs. The 1, 2, 10, 13, and 30 are particularly strong for making improvements, gaining new insights, and strengthening your resolve. You are bringing fresh energy and an open mind and heart to past problems and to your personal relationships. Family is more cooperative or home life is shaping up in pleasing ways. Good feelings in a partnership, or about relationships in general, can figure strongly now. There can be some tendency to indulge and possibly go over the top when it comes to spending, comfort foods, expressing affection, and pleasures. This is a time for learning more about yourself, your heart, and the people closest to you. If you have resisted taking time for reflection or dealing with the past, the New Moon on the 6th will prompt you to take charge. The second half of the month is trickier than the first, but quite manageable. The Sun enters your sign on the 20th, kicking off a month-long cycle in which personal influence is strong and personal plans are on the front burner. The Full Moon on the 21st, however, is a quick reminder of others' needs and perhaps a rather abrupt one, as it aligns with retrograde Mars and the relatively rare Sun-Mars opposition occurs on the 22nd, pitting will and against desire. You may need to take a look at the hard issues in a partnership so that you can later take action to make some important changes. The final Jupiter-Saturn square in a set that began last summer occurs on the 26th, and you can feel some pressures if you've been overly dependent or reclusive - you'll need to reach a better state of balance. There may be tensions in a partnership, and stubbornness can be a real problem, even if you know that peace is more easily achieved by letting go of the desire to be right. Problems may run more deeply, and that could be why tensions are mounting. Clashes between a partner and home life or family are possible. You have all the needed emotional tools at your disposal to work through differences, however, and you might find that this is simply about recognizing your limits. Mars leaves your partnership sector and dips back into your work and health sector for the final month of its retrograde on the 27th. There may be hidden treasure to be found in old programs, methods, and work projects. However, if you decide to revive something now, it's best to come at it in new ways rather than repeating past mistakes. This portion of the Mars retrograde cycle emphasizes practical and work matters. How you organize your time is in question now. |
CancerThis is a strong month for your social life, dear Cancer, even if there are some complications to deal with. Relationships in general are in focus, and for the most part, people are helpful and supportive of you. There are plenty of wonderful spots this month, although they seem to be concentrated in the first half of May. There are many opportunities for good conversations particularly about past matters, resolving problems, forgiving, connecting, and giving others the benefit of the doubt. There are also treasures to be found in old projects, studies, and interests. Old friendships might be revisited. Travel plans may need some time to come together, but can be in strong focus. Rethinking some details of recent plans can work to your benefit in the long run. Partnerships are supportive and there can be good energy for legal and educational matters. Special dates for such opportunities are the 1-3, 9-10, 12-13, and 30th. The New Moon on the 6th can herald new beginnings related to friends, group associations, and important ideas and dreams. Your appetite for pleasure is also very strong in the first half of the month. Control this while still enjoying yourself, and life is good. From the 9th forward, motivation to pursue personal interests or studies increases, and this will get even better in the next several months. Work and health matters can turn a corner as well, although there may be some hurdles to get over around the 21-22. Your generosity and openness tend to attract friends and positive attention in general. While friends can enter or leave your life now, you're in a better position to learn who is truly on your side. There can be an increase in your personal influence in groups, with friends, and with a partner. You might especially enjoy coming to someone's aid. An overdue conversation might occur, and relationships can subtly improve. You may return to old or abandoned dreams and plans with new excitement. The second half of the month is trickier than the first, but manageable. The 21-22 brings sudden awareness of something that's not working in the world of your work, daily routines, or health, or the need to make adjustments and meet deadlines. The 26th finds the final perfection of a Jupiter-Saturn square that serves as an important reminder of the limits of time and energy. If you have taken on too many personal projects or interests, you could find that this impacts your attention to responsibilities or professional goals. Look for ways to divide your attention in a more balanced way, even if this means cutting back on certain activities. Otherwise, the activities that you enjoy most can eventually feel burdensome. Frustrations aside, this is a good time for structuring and simplifying your life in key ways. Mars moves back into your romance and creativity sector on the 27th for the final month of its retrograde cycle, after which it will turn direct and spend even more time in this part of your solar chart. This can be a time for rediscovering old passions. There may be some delays in a creative project or even a romance, possibly due to setbacks, indecision, or stalling. However, you'll have plenty of time for sorting out your desires, needs, and goals in the coming months. |
LeoThere is strong focus on your life direction, career, and/or reputation this month, dear Leo. You could be mulling over some major decisions about where you're headed. There is at least one planet and often several bodies in your career sector in May. There are beautiful aspects connecting cosmic bodies in your career and life path sector with your sectors of support and backing, work, health, routines, research, and finances, setting up important opportunities to improve your life, particularly in these areas. You'll also more easily find satisfying channels for expressing yourself and pursuing your goals. Past projects or goals may deserve, or require, a second look. There are treasures to be found in the past, but you'll likely need to approach them in new ways in order to really get them off the ground this time around. This can be a strong time for recognition of work you've done in the past. Health matters can benefit from some research, and old approaches might be revived now. From the 9th forward, business and financial matters can turn a corner. Interest and motivation are renewed in certain projects and endeavors, and you feel more confident about pursuing your interests. The second half of the month is a little trickier, but can also be a call to action. A Full Moon occurs on the 21st, and it aligns with retrograde Mars. The Sun and Mars oppose one another on the 22nd and Mercury stations direct. This can bring a social or romantic issue to emotional heights. A matter from your past can emerge and frustrate you, but can be very revealing, and you might begin to figure out the root of recent aggravations. Tensions now can come from pushing something that shouldn't be accelerated. Matters can be inflamed now, but this brings them strongly to your attention. The Sun moving into your solar eleventh house on the 20th brings new energy into your life that pulls your attention to happiness goals, friendships, and networking. Venus moves into this same sector on the 24th, stimulating more joy and pleasure in reaching out and making connections. The final perfection of a Jupiter-Saturn square that first occurred last summer happens on the 26th, and simplifying or leaning up your projects, working harder, improving self-discipline, cutting out some of your more frivolous activities, or putting better schedules and structures into place may be necessary. This can also be about balancing practical application and experimentation, as you can be excited about learning new things but this can eat a lot of your time and you also need to put food on the table. The good news is that events occurring now tend to point you in the direction of a more simplified, streamlined, and improved way of life. Mars moves back into your sector of home and family on the 27th, where it will spend its last month of retrograde motion. You may be reviewing your living situation or conditions. Old family issues or household projects may be revisited. |
VirgoThere can be a strong focus on learning, sharing ideas, publishing, and venturing out beyond your usual bounds in May, dear Virgo. While Mercury, your ruler, is retrograde until the 22nd, and Mars is as well (all month), you have many reasons to be hopeful and frequently enjoy moments when your spirits are lifted. The first half of May is excellent for editing and revising, returning to old interests and studies, work on projects you aim to publish, creative works, and partnerships. You may be revisiting old relationships, perhaps only in the mind, and ideally learning from past regrets. You may regain confidence in old plans, ideas, and projects now - there are treasures to be found in works-in-progress that you may have left behind. However, to make them work in the future, you need to approach them in new ways. Some special days for opportunities in these areas are the 2-3, 9-10, 12-13, and 30th. The New Moon on the 6th ushers in good energy for recommitting to plans and projects, as well as for new resolutions to explore, grow, and expand beyond the regular experiences of your life. This is a good time for exploring new adventures or perspectives with a partner and people you care about. Romantic possibilities may come from a person who is of a very different background than you around the 12-13, or from a long-lost friend. There can be a financial boost or gift. You are more visible than usual with the Sun in your solar tenth house from the 20th forward. A Full Moon occurs on the 21st, aligning with retrograde Mars, which opposes the Sun exactly the next day just when Mercury stations direct - a complicated mix of energies! Challenging family or home life issues could emerge now. Pay close attention to any emotional "slush", anger, or resentment that surfaces now, as you might better understand some of the tension that has recently been with you. The good news is that whatever emerges now is in full view and this begins the process of working things through. If you've been overdoing certain personal freedoms to the detriment of other life departments, the Jupiter-Saturn square the peaks on the 26th will remind you of the need to strike a balance. This is an important time for getting your home and family life in order. Plans that were too ambitious may need some reworking. Look for ways to simplify your life, as the work you do now on streamlining and restructuring can benefit you for years to come. This influence first came into influence last summer and is now ending. From May 27th, Mars spends its last month in retrograde in your communications sector. Some of the pressure you've been feeling on the domestic scene releases, and you turn your attention to courses, studies, and interests that may need special attention. Challenges with self-expression, pushing/selling your ideas, or with neighbors and siblings may occur for some of you. However, this is a strong period for fixing problem areas and revising work you did in the past. Positive educational, work, or travel news may be forthcoming around the 30th, when your voice is stronger than usual and others may recognize you as an authority on a subject. You are moving towards a career and life path yearly peak of sorts in the last week of May. |
LibraYou continue to be drawn to your inner world this month, dear Libra, and to making inner changes that have strong impact on your life. You are tuned in to the deeper issues and looking beyond the surface of matters for answers. We are encouraged to slow down and possibly back up in some areas of life this month with Mars retrograde all month and Mercury until the 22nd. You may tune in to this pace faster than most with the help of the concentration of planetary energy in your succedent and cadent houses, as you're naturally inclined to adjust, build, and observe in May. There is plenty of planetary support for your ruminations and discoveries, particularly in the first half of the month. Things, ideas, and people tend to surface from your past and draw your attention back to projects and endeavors that might benefit from a new perspective. There can be a healing process going on now - you are building your inner faith. Charity, giving/donating anonymously, volunteering, and helping others without expectation of reward can be especially fulfilling as well. Self-improvement endeavors are highly favored, and you may be striking up conversations about private or personal matters, purging, and unburdening. This is also an excellent time for researching, editing, or otherwise going over business, health, and financial matters. There may be a need to redo or revise finances and pay stronger attention to what's owed. Financial support matters may need sorting. You are likely to feel especially motivated to do things that you've been letting slide. The trick now is to avoid pushing things that need some more time. Brand-new endeavors may not get off the ground, but work in progress can benefit greatly from your attention now. Jupiter turns direct after several months of retrograde motion on the 9th, and this can feel quite refreshing. There can be a rekindling of interest in studies or other communications projects. You are nevertheless in a development stage as Jupiter finishes up in your privacy sector until September, when this happy planet enters your own sign. The need for some privacy and down time is natural now as you prepare for more outgoing and visible times. Jupiter's direct motion can help you let go of resentment and difficult problems of the past. The 21-22 can be tricky with the Sun and retrograde Mars in opposition at the time of a Full Moon and Mercury at its direct station. Disorder in your daily affairs, as well as with communications and transportation, can be disruptive now. Watch for impatience that can lead you to trip over yourself. Minor issues can be the trigger, but major issues may be at the root. Consciously try to slow down and to tame your desires, which can seem very immediate and urgent now, but may not seem as important later on. While time spent behind the scenes has been encouraged and beneficial, the Jupiter-Saturn square in the last week of May reminds you that too much time spent in this manner will cause you to miss out in other areas of life. Look for ways to better balance your life. While your tendency is to play a supportive role to others and this is mostly without incident, you can feel the need to draw the line as you become aware of the limits on your time and energy. The key now is to simplify as much as possible. From May 27th, Mars spends its last month of retrograde motion in your sector of money and resources, and this points to further need to focus on sorting out your finances. Money and security matters require some revising and reorganizing. This period involves coming to a greater understanding of how the way you manage your resources impacts your confidence. |
ScorpioA major focus this month is your relationships, dear Scorpio, and it's an important one. Sorting out problems and enjoying special moments with people in your life are satisfying activities in their own right, but can affect many different life departments as well. Mercury is retrograde until the 22nd in your partnership sector, and Mars is retrograde all month, so there can be some complications and challenges to overcome, but overall, this is a strong time for exploring feelings and attitudes. The New Moon on the 6th tends to get the ball rolling, but most of the first half of May is strong for re-defining relationships and relationship needs. Jupiter's direct motion on the 9th contributes to hopefulness about your connections as well as long-term plans. Essentially, it's bringing your social life to life! This will be more obvious in coming months, but for now, you're finding more joy in connecting. More and more, group activities and associations reveal themselves as avenues for fulfilling your own goals. Jupiter turns direct at the same time that Mercury forms its inferior conjunction the Sun in your partnership zone, pointing to a whole new perspective of one-on-one relationships. Love is gracious at this time, and special dates for building faith include the 2-3, 9-10, 12-13, and 30th. Some of you might reconnect with an old friend or partner, or reach a new understanding of a past relationship. Increased clarity comes not only from willingness to learn from others but also helping them to express themselves. Willingness to let someone else take the stage opens up new levels in personal relationships right now, which have a chance to grow. Editing and revising work are strongly favored this month as well. The 21-22 is a trickier period of May that can bring revelations and possible conflicts to the foreground. Money matters can be a big theme now. There can be a tug of war going on with someone or within yourself over money, possessions, and matters of control. Whatever emerges now can force a needed change. In the last week of May, do a reality check with money and resources before putting more of these things into your projects. Rules and limits can need some attention. This is a time for dealing with recent excesses with activities that have taken you away from your practical responsibilities too often. Simplifying your life should be the focus for best results. From May 27th, Mars spends the last month of its retrograde in your sign. The usual channels for asserting yourself, pursuing your desires, and expressing anger are not available or seem blocked or inappropriate now. Until you find new ones, you could feel a little frustrated. Watch that you don't allow unacknowledged or buried desires drive your behavior. You may not be as quick to take action. Examine the ways anger has helped or impaired your life so that you can find better ways of managing it. Focusing on review, editing, and digesting rather than new initiatives is your best bet now, and may very well lead to better results down the road. Slow down, rethink, and regroup. |
SagittariusThe month ahead is a strong one for making important adjustments, getting your daily routines and self-care problems into order, and doing editing or revision in your work, dear Sagittarius. You have plenty of support for these activities, thankfully. Attempting to push ahead new initiatives is not advised for now. This is a time for handling details that may have been missed in the past, reorganizing, clearing up clutter, and attempting to bring more or better structure to your daily life. The New Moon on the 6th motivates you to take charge of your health, self-care initiatives, and work, although much of the month is strong for these things, particularly the first half. If you've been holding on too tightly to a difficult work situation or job, then the matter may come to a head. With Jupiter's direct motion from the 9th, you are easing back into a power period for work, recognition, and promotion that lasts until September. Professional and reputation matters gain more clarity. Although it can take a bit of time to get back on track, you are likely to see gradual improvements in these areas. Motivation to pursue a particular course or path, and possibly a business venture, increases in the coming months. Because Jupiter is your ruler, as it begins its slow but sure movement in direct motion, your own confidence and faith build. You become clearer about what you want and by extension, the signals you give off to others are more effective. As well, Jupiter forms some happy aspects this month. You are solving problems or rising above them when it comes to practical matters. You are especially open to new insights and understanding, and you might also lend a sensitive ear to other people's problems. You could feel especially reinforced and uplifted when you discover someone who truly understands your perspective. A sense of inner joy and peace can be with you, which quietly yet effectively boosts your personal magnetism. Stronger conviction is with you as you discover more meaning in what you are doing. You can make significant headway in business or other projects already in progress. A tricky period of the month occurs on the 21-22 when the Full Moon aligns with retrograde Mars in your sign. There can be difficulties keeping your cool, and you may be feeling blocked. You can discover strong feelings and desires now that urge you to make changes. Avoid pushing matters, but pay attention to the emotional slush that emerges. Your ruler also makes a difficult aspect with Saturn in the last week of May. This has come up before, but now forms for the last time for some time. If you've been taking on too much, you'll feel it now. Even exciting projects, if overdone, can become overwhelming and burdensome if they're overdone. Some of you could be wrestling with problems being seen and heard the way you want on a personal level - you could feel that people are looking to you for what you are able to do for them rather than concerning themselves with your personal needs. Personal responsibilities or self-restrictions can be challenging, affecting your growth in the outside world or career. A business or pursuit may need adjustments and some restructuring in order to better meet the demands of reality. Look for ways to simplify your life and draw some boundaries if you feel others are overstepping them. On May 27th, retrograde Mars leaves your sign and enters Scorpio, where it will transit for the final month of its retrograde. Once direct, Mars will work its way back through Scorpio until early August, when it re-enters your sign. Now and until June 29th, you'll be reassessing your approach to your spiritual and emotional worlds and how you go about satisfying these needs. While some obsession with private matters or concerns about the past may need attention, this is a time for better understanding your more complicated, buried drives and desires. |
CapricornThis is a strong month for exploring creative urges, dear Capricorn, and for sharing your affection, joy, and experiences with others. Reconnecting with old passions and hobbies can be in strong focus. Romantic inclinations are highlighted this month, and take-charge energy is with you from the 6th, although you're in good shape for pursuing playful and celebratory activities much of May, and especially in the first half. If you've been holding on too tightly to people or projects that have been keeping you from expressing your true self, you'll be feeling the restriction and looking for ways to make changes. Expressing yourself creatively is in focus. With Mercury retrograde until the 22nd, you may not always get the words right, but you're bound to find different channels for expressing yourself, and creative mediums seem your best bet. This is a time for patience - working on building lasting connections and projects is highly favored. Brand-new endeavors may not get off the ground. With the Sun, Mercury, and Venus connecting wonderfully to Pluto in your sign, there are plenty of ways to get your message across. Others see you as especially unique and valuable. This is a good time for rediscovering old interests and possibly even old romances or friendships, and for reviving or editing creative and publishing projects, particularly on the 2-3 and 8-10. Some freedom of movement is especially important to you right now, as any feeling of being tied to a particular place or routine can leave you feeling stifled. Teaching and learning are favored. From the 9th forward, Jupiter in your solar ninth house is direct after several months of retrograde motion. This can point to increasing motivation to pursue your studies, travels, and interests. You may be wanting to develop skills. Matters related to publishing, higher education, law, and travel can turn a corner, and are in strong favor once again until September. The 20th brings the Sun into your work and health sector, stimulating more attention to the functional side of your life. The 21-22 can be tricky with a Full Moon occurring in alignment with retrograde Mars. This pushes trouble areas to the foreground for handling. Desires and feelings are intense now. Restlessness with your current routines can be stimulated. Focus on doing your best instead of allowing a lack of direction interfere with productivity. In time, direction and purpose will be revealed. Tame impatience, which can lead to messy situations. On the 26th, Jupiter forms a final square to Saturn, your ruler, sending a reminder to tame excesses. If you've lined up too many potential projects or if you're faced with too many choices, you could reach a point of feeling overwhelmed. From the 27th, Mars spends its final month of retrograde motion in your solar eleventh house, stirring up friendships, group associations, and long-term goals. Some of you could be dealing with frustrations and buried anger with friends. Ambiguity in these areas of life may lead you to reassess these matters. There may be frustration with goals or dreams not manifesting soon enough, when in fact this retrograde period is strong for making important edits to your plans. Certain projects may need further attention before pushing them forward. Some of you could be reconnecting with old friendships, groups, dreams, and plans. |
AquariusThere is powerful focus on home, family, and personal matters this month, dear Aquarius. This is a time for rediscovering old projects, reorganizing the home, and dealing with past problems in new, empowering ways. This is about your own support system and the support you give to others. There can be vivid memories and important discoveries. You may be facing up to a neglected area of your life that now seems quite important to revisit - and you have much to gain in the process. Particularly in the first half of May, there can be good opportunities to expand, strengthen, and enhance family relationships, and on some level, you may very well find peace with your past. There can be some intense emotions in the process, but they lead to growth and satisfaction. There are treasures to be found in the past - you could be finding lost items, uncovering untapped resources, and remembering things that have long been forgotten. Financial matters are in strong shape as well, although with Mercury retrograde in the financial sign of Taurus until the 22nd, you are probably better off working on projects already in progress. You could gain new insight into business, financial, and other practical matters or advice about same. There can be purging, healing moments as you share things that you kept to yourself. You may be connecting more deeply with a partner, or gaining new understanding of an important person in your life. An important change occurs on the 9th when Jupiter turns direct. Gradually, you'll see improvements or forward motion with your intimate life or finances. You're more confident about dealing with tricky emotions or complicated problems. Personal charisma increases. This can be a good time for leaving a bad habit behind. While friendships are also set to move forward, you're likely to deal with problem areas later this month first. There can be joys experienced through an intimate relationship or with more honesty with yourself. It can be easier to attract support if needed. A loan or support could come through. There can be a fresh approach taken to money matters or resources, and you could be finding ways to make more of what you have. Some of you may revive an old friendship. The Sun moves into a creative, romantic, and playful sector of your chart on the 20th, where it will awaken your feelings and desire to share - an influence that lasts a month. Venus will move into the same sector on the 24th, and this is great news for personal attraction. The 21-22 is tricky for all of us, and for you, this can bring some drama to your social life. Unrest with friends and lovers may be pushed to the surface, but you'll be in a better position to understand what and who you want once the impatience of the moment passes. A Jupiter-Saturn influence that has had an on-and-off influence on our lives since last summer perfects for the last time on the 26th. Intimate relationships or increased need for privacy or exclusiveness can be impacting friendships and goals, and this is the time for cutting back, simplifying, and coming to a better balance. For some, financial excesses require some attention. From May 27th, retrograde Mars moves back into your career and reputation sector where it will spend the last month of its retrograde. There can be some second-guessing or reassessing of your goals now, and part of the process can involve taking a second look at old goals, projects, and plans. |
PiscesThere are wonderful aspects made from your communications sector to planets in your sign this month, dear Pisces. So, while a retrograde Mercury may lead to some misunderstandings, you're nevertheless expressing yourself with special flair. If you focus on slowing yourself down, this can be a very rewarding month. You may be turning to past projects and interests rather than embarking on all-new endeavors, but there is a lot of good energy with you for devotion and dedication. It's a great time for editing, revising, and reviving. You can have much success with designing, writing, and teaching as well. There can be discoveries of different ways to connect, whether this is about communicating or commuting, perhaps because current ones are not working well. You might rediscover old interests or revisit past studies with success. Personal influence and powers of persuasion are especially strong. Ideas shared with friends or in group settings can be healing and helpful. You can find yourself in the position of guide or coach, and doing very well at it. There can be the strengthening of a friendship or a group involvement. While there can be some problems with misunderstandings as Mercury retrogrades until the 22nd and Mars does so all month, your concern and care can help strengthen close relationships. Jupiter turns direct in your partnership sector on the 9th, and as your co-ruler, this helps build your faith and optimism. You're in a better position to see the benefits of partnering going forward, or there could be more helpful, happy, or pleasing people coming (back) into your life. Even with increased family focus starting near the end of May, your social life is set to increase. Moods are lifted. Career matters can also begin more forward momentum. There will be a few matters to iron out before everything is running up to par again (the 21-22 could bring a problem to a head), but you are certainly feeling more hopeful and spirited. You can find much joy in feeling part of a partnership or close friendship, There can be a nice spirit of forgiveness. The Sun moves into your home and family sector on the 20th, and then Venus begins its transit of the same house on the 24th. You are moving towards a strong period for enjoying and improving family and home life. The 21-22 is tricky, but eye-opening. A Full Moon occurs and aligns with an opposition between the Sun and retrograde Mars. Both events promote new awareness, and both in initially disruptive or dramatic ways! Be cautious when it comes to mixing personal and professional arenas. Misunderstandings can be plenty, and you'll want to avoid "bad press". Impatience won't move things forward if they're not ready to go in that direction, so take some time before making needed changes. On the 26th, the final Jupiter-Saturn square in a set occurs, stimulating tensions revolving around long-term ambitions, goals, career, and partnerships. You can get yourself all wound up about others' expectations of you - you can be frustrated with critical observations and limits imposed by others, particularly related to performance and responsibilities. It can be difficult to find balance in your life right now with people pulling you in different directions, but every effort should be made towards simplifying things so that you can get as close to balance as possible. From May 27th, Mars moves back into your solar ninth house, and will spend its final month of retrograde motion in this area of your chart. You may be dealing with waning energy or enthusiasm levels until you recognize that it's about redirecting these things to the right channels. Legal or publishing matters can require a second look. Watch that you don't focus too much on the frustrations of differing belief systems and opinions. Look for old studies, interests, and passions that may spark a new interest, but be sure to approach them in fresh ways so that they aren't left unfinished this time around. |
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See also:
The Astrology of 2016 – Overview