This Month in Astrology – April 2020
April 2020
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
The New Moon on March 24th energized the sign of Aries and influences us in the first few weeks of April. This lunation brought us a “fresh start” and challenged us to show a pure part of ourselves to the world. By acting upon our own inner impulses (constructive ones!) without fear, and by abandoning the need to refine these impulses based on what others might want us to do or what others think we “should” do, we are learning more about ourselves. If we learn to depend on ourselves, we exude an all-new aura of strength that comes from personal integrity and confidence, as well as a pure and innocent charm.
Jupiter forms a conjunction with Pluto on the 4th. This long-term transit will occur again in June and November, following alongside the Jupiter-Neptune sextile and Jupiter-Chiron quintile. The Jupiter-Pluto alignment is a power boost of sorts. Of course, this means it can expand and exaggerate something negative just as easily as it can do so with positive things. It can serve to magnify our ambitions to better ourselves or our circumstances. We can be doggedly determined to make improvements. We might also take things too far with this combination, and in the sign of Capricorn, this can relate to power. As long as we channel our intense ambitions appropriately, this can be a powerful period for achievement.
With Jupiter-Pluto, we’re driven to improve our circumstances and seeking prosperity with determination. We want to take something to a completely new level. However we define success at this time in our lives, we’re ready to do what it takes to achieve it. There is a real sense that we can achieve something of significance now. We might focus this energy on an important project or focus it inward–on bettering ourselves through greater self-understanding. Overcoming obstacles can figure strongly during this transit. Perhaps the most interesting side to this transit is the discovery of our deeper desires. In essence, our resentments or jealousies give us windows into things we may not have known (or dared to admit to ourselves) we wanted, and it’s a time when we’re embracing these desires. Jupiter is wonderful at opening our minds to possibilities. As such, this is an excellent year for identifying our deeper wants, desires, and ambitions, and for pursuing these passions, whether it’s a hobby, adventure, lifestyle, or line of work. This transit lasts from approximately March to November 2020.
The Full Moon occurs in the sign of Libra on the 7th, bringing sudden awareness to our lives, particularly of our need to improve our relationships. Something is exposed or illuminated, prompting us to get in touch with those things/feelings that we may have been neglecting or putting off. Relationship imbalances and flaws are more noticeable and perhaps even glaring now. We can feel quite inspired to make improvements, coming up with excellent strategies for doing so now.
Pluto and Chiron form a quintile on the 22nd, and with this long-term influence, we’re exceptionally creative and clever about solving dilemmas, particularly those that may have been holding us back from personal growth and development. The focus can be on the courage to go deep to repair and heal. It may help give us clues about how to integrate our personal and material pursuits.
The New Moon on the 22nd energizes the sign of Taurus. This lunation brings a “fresh start” to our lives, awakening our needs to take charge, particularly when it comes to making ourselves feel more secure and comfortable. It’s a time for re-evaluating our relationship with money and possessions to discover what it is that we truly value and that which genuinely makes us happy and fulfilled. We should be concentrating on what we can do to increase our feelings of self-worth and to simplify our lives in key ways. This is a time for reconnecting with nature, to our bodies, and to the world of the five senses. This lunation can fill us with a sense of mission. Our willingness to innovate is strong with the New Moon’s alignment with Uranus. New ways of seeing, using, and approaching our personal possessions, valuables, money, and talents are in focus. This lunation has much healing potential.
Pluto turns retrograde on April 24th, and Pluto’s intense and complex energy hangs heavy in the air in the days surrounding this event. Now and over the coming months (Pluto is retrograde until October 4th), we may be reassessing how we use our power. We are not as open, overt, or direct about our desire for control or power, and some of us may be less in touch with it.
Date | Time (ET) | Event | Position |
Apr 1 | 6:21 AM | Quarter Moon | 12 Can 09' |
Apr 3 | 1:10 PM | Venus enters Gemini | Ven 0 Gem 00' |
Apr 4 | 10:45 PM | Jupiter conjunct Pluto | Jup 24 Cap 53' conjunct Plu 24 Cap 53' |
Apr 7 | 10:35 PM | Full Moon in Libra | 18 Lib 44' |
Apr 11 | 12:48 AM | Mercury enters Aries | Mer 0 Aries 00' |
Apr 14 | 6:56 PM | Quarter Moon | 25 Cap 27' |
Apr 17 | 2:01 PM | Saturn quincunx True Node | Sat 1 Aqu 31' quincunx TNo 1 Can 31' |
Apr 19 | 10:45 AM | Sun enters Taurus | Sun 0 Tau 00' |
Apr 22 | 9:12 PM | Pluto quintile Chiron | Plu 24 Cap 59' quintile Chi 6 Ari 59' |
Apr 22 | 10:26 PM | New Moon in Taurus | 3 Tau 24' |
Apr 23 | 4:16 PM | Ceres enters Pisces | Cer 0 Pis 00' |
Apr 25 | 2:54 PM | Pluto Retrograde | Plu 24 Cap 59'Rx |
Apr 27 | 3:53 PM | Mercury enters Taurus | Mer 0 Tau 00' |
Apr 29 | 8:21 PM | Pallas enters Aquarius | Pal 0 Aqu 00' |
Apr 30 | 4:38 PM | Quarter Moon | 10 Leo 57' |
(See the full table for 2020)
See also: This Week in Astrology week to week for more detail.
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
Overview horoscopes fill in here as I write them, ideally during the week before the month begins. It is not unusual to see some signs temporarily missing as I usually write them over the course of a few days, and I always start with the featured sign of the month (birthday month).
Note about the coronavirus pandemic:
To my horoscope readers, I wish you health and peace in these uncertain times! Sheltering-in-place is vital where possible.
With current conditions due to the coronavirus pandemic, I cannot write my horoscopes precisely the same way as I did in the past. However, I’ve received emails from people asking why in heavens I am still talking about our work and social lives, for example, since so many people are now stuck at home. Our social lives continue, although they do so in a different way, and it’s important to me to keep writing about astrological influences on our relationships. We’re interacting online, remotely, and more intensely within our families where applicable, and these relationships and interactions remain very much influenced by transits. Similarly, more than the usual people are no longer working. However, because many people continue to work during this crisis, even if they are doing their jobs differently, I continue to write about influences on work and career. Education continues, but in different ways…and the list continues. What I have decided to de-emphasize is travel and transportation.
I recognize that for some people, life is quieter, and for others, it’s far, far busier. As always, some themes will not apply to different individuals who share the same sign. As an example, when I talk about “work,” it can apply to a person’s chores and daily routines if they’re not currently working. As another example, making connections applies just as well to online connections. I think it makes sense at this point for a reminder that, as always, Sun sign horoscopes will not and cannot predict death, crisis, or dire circumstances. So, when I talk about challenging transits, I am not referring to these things. At the same time, I cannot refrain from talking about the happy and positive potentials of transits, since everything is relative.
Others have written thanking me for continuing to write as usual, and I truly appreciate it. I have always tried to remain objective and unbiased as I write my horoscopes, and I continue to strive in these directions. These are difficult times. I have elderly parents, a child with an autoimmune disorder, and plenty of other seemingly healthy loved ones in my life who may or may not struggle with this virus. Like many, I have been scrambling to get things organized, and it’s not always easy to find the time to get everything done in a day.
Which leads me to how this pandemic is affecting my work: Working from home is not new to me. What is new is that I have been spending much more time chatting, texting, and reading the news! I am also doing considerably more baking and household duties, which I enjoy doing (for now), but it’s time-consuming. In the past, I’ve limited these things so that I could publish more content. Until things normalize and I develop a new routine, I am continuing to do the regular features on my sites, after which I hope to get the time to do what I consider “extra” content. Very shortly, once I’ve finished current monthly content, I plan to write more about the coronavirus in a blog post.
Love, Annie (
The month ahead is a strong one for personal new beginnings and convictions, dear Aries, and also for attention to finances and comfort levels. A longer-term influence begins now, and it serves to magnify your ambitions to better your circumstances. As it occurs at the top of your solar chart, you're striving toward more authenticity in your career or regarding your life path and direction. You receive a "power boost" of sorts to your career, reputation, or life path goals. Ambition increases, and so does enjoyment of what you're doing and/or where you're heading. Until November, you can be driven to improve your situation, whether this is about your reputation, leadership skills, or the need to follow some rules and structure or build self-discipline. You're determined to succeed and prosper in whichever ways you define success and prosperity at this stage in your life and development. You're embracing desires you never quite knew--or admitted to yourself--you had. While the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in January asked you to cut out inauthentic paths from your life, Jupiter-Pluto now helps you rebuild and reinvent yourself, particularly through your career or status, skills, education, resources, and responsibilities. The downside of this combination is the potential to get caught up in power rather than progress. If kept in check, it's a good time to take the lead, determined to make positive changes. Venus moves through your communications sector from the 3rd onward, enhancing your communications. Your words can get you closer to others, at least in spirit. Collaboration can be wonderful, and some might enjoy sharing or publishing a piece of work, joining an online group or workshop, furthering a cause, or communicating with a new friend. Relationship epiphanies occur around the Full Moon on the 7th. You become especially aware of your relationship needs, and your true feelings emerge now, guiding you to make changes. The New Moon on the 22nd can prompt a new approach to business or finances. You may be embracing change and accepting that some level of unpredictability can work in your favor at times. This is a good period for showing the world your unique qualities and talents. Others can be especially intrigued with your talents or the services you offer. You can feel inspired to innovate with money and better use your resources. Whether it's about stretching what you already have or using new things to make yourself more comfortable, the weeks ahead of this New Moon can be unique. |
The month ahead requires more rest and reflection, dear Taurus, but your confidence is building. A Jupiter-Pluto influence occurs for the first time this month, and it's with you until November. This is a time when you want to take something to an entirely new level. You might focus this energy on an important project or learning endeavor, or focus it inward--on bettering yourself through greater self-understanding. Overcoming obstacles is a theme. The Saturn-Pluto conjunction in January asked you to cut out inauthentic paths from your life. Now, Jupiter-Pluto helps you rebuild and reinvent yourself on mental and spiritual planes. It motivates you to learn something new or explore new ideas and/or places. Ambition increases, and so does enjoyment of what you're doing as you take charge, improve, and grow. This is a good time for feeling both motivated and inspired. People and experiences outside of your norm impact you. You're no longer tolerant of procrastination or denial--you embrace your desire to grow, improve, and transform now. Learning through different perspectives is in focus. Your worldview is guiding you to make significant personal changes with Jupiter and Pluto coming together in your sector of spirit, philosophy, and adventure. As well this month, Mars spends all of April at the top of your solar chart, and your responsibilities are in strong focus. With Saturn there as well, the key is to be patient and focus on the target. If you don't have a clear goal in mind, it's wise to aim to do your best so that you don't regret lost time later. You are in great shape for taking the lead. Venus spends time in your resources sector from the 3rd onward, and this is good news for improving your levels of comfort. You might receive gifts or treat yourself a little more often during this somewhat indulgent cycle. At the same time, you can find more joy in the things you already have in place, and it can be quite magical. The Full Moon on the 7th brings significant realizations about health, wellness, work, and routines, prompting you to make important changes or new plans and strategies. The New Moon on the 22nd is in your sign and all about you! You're filled with innovative ideas and approaches, and you're also "doing you" a little differently this year as this lunation aligns with unique Uranus. Your personal appeal is strong, and you're ready to change (sometimes stir) things up, particularly through your communications. There's a special focus on your true calling, personal initiative, presentation, and attitude in the last week of April. You can be excitable at times, and perhaps a little impatient, particularly with rules or impositions. This is a time to answer to a genuine need to make progress rather than merely react to what others are doing. Your individuality, uniqueness, and free spirit are all in the spotlight. |
April brings a mix of focusing on socializing and rest, dear Gemini, with some attention to wrapping up a busy year and contemplating your next steps. Venus enters Gemini shorthly into the month, and this influence boosts your appeal. A Jupiter-Pluto alignment occurs now, and it's a powerful, ambitious influence that will influence you until November. With this transit, you're in particularly good shape for going in deep, advancing your goals, attracting support, and enjoying a deeper connection with a person or project. While the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in January asked you to cut out inauthentic paths from your life, Jupiter-Pluto now helps you rebuild and reinvent yourself in these areas. Your confidence fairly bursts as you embrace desires you never knew you had and pursue a new, more empowering path. You might also sharpen your financial know-how, focus on and develop your intimate life and expression, or learn to manage resentment, jealousy, and anger more to your benefit. Combining your resources, whether financial or otherwise, with a partner can be a significant focus. You're taking a project or relationship to a new level, or this is a time of making profound lifestyle changes. The chance of these being long-term and viable is high. Epiphanies occur around the Full Moon on the 7th. Revelations can be about romantic feelings, a creative project, a need to feel special and unique, or about pleasure and fun. Epiphanies occurring now are about where to find your joy. After the New Moon on the 22nd, circumstances favor or require a new start with how you do your downtime. You're looking at mental health, rest, relaxation, and escapism in new ways, and you're inclined to find very unique and interesting ways to replenish yourself now. In the last week of April, there can be events and realizations that help distance you from self-limiting secrets or situations, and this ultimately gives you more freedom. If you’re not in touch with your need for change, you might grapple with inner restlessness or touchiness, and this is a sign to pay special attention! A private matter might open the doors to a healing process or a new beginning. There can be coincidences that change your entire focus. Mars spends the month in harmony with your sign, and Venus is in your own sign most of April, suggesting others see you in a most pleasant light. It's a fine time for finding ways to creatively connect and enjoy yourself. You might enthusiastically pursue a new topic of interest. Mercury supports you by getting your message across as you intend it more often than not. |
Your longer-term goals are in focus this month, dear Cancer, but while there is undoubtedly a responsible theme in your life in April, you're paying increasing attention to your social life. During this cycle, you're driven to improve your circumstances and seeking prosperity with great determination, particularly in or through your relationships. You're embracing desires you never quite knew you had, and this may come as a result of a partnership or relationship experiences. Rich learning experiences are happening now. While the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in January asked you to cut out inauthentic paths from your life, Jupiter-Pluto now helps you rebuild and reinvent yourself. You're determined not only to do things differently but to do them in a much bigger, better way. This can mean partnering to achieve something meaningful or changing your approach/attitude towards relating. The results can be fantastic. Venus moves into your privacy sector on the 3rd, drawing more attention to your private world, downtime, and rest. The Full Moon on the 7th is powerful for realizations and feelings related to home, family, and safety or security. These feelings prompt you to make changes and improvements in the weeks following. The New Moon on the 22nd brings a new approach to friends and networking. You might enjoy pleasant surprises and spontaneous moments, as well as unexpected benefits coming through your community or social life. It's a good time for personal appeal, relationships, and creative connections. There can be more ease in social situations and possibly romantic excitement. You might see an association or project in an entirely different light, and this can be disruptive or exciting, or perhaps a bit of both! Curveballs thrown at you in the last week of April tend to nudge you in new directions. You feel refreshed, even if there is initial disorientation or disruption of plans. Try not to overthink. |
LeoHoroscope Overview for April 2020 for Leo: The month ahead is strong for ideas, insight, methods, and increasing your knowledge, dear Leo. Your responsibilities to others can, at times, complicate the freedom and mobility you crave, but you're adapting well and excited about learning. This is also a time for easing into a more performance-oriented phase of the year. A Jupiter-Pluto alignment occurs this month, and it will influence you until November, motivating you to make sweeping changes and improvements. During this powerful cycle, your focus can be on making long-lasting beneficial changes to your habits, work, and routines. This transit is powerful for ramping up your ambition and your sense of personal power regarding getting your life in order. You are super motivated to improve your situation, mainly through the pursuit of a healthier lifestyle and through your daily routines, habits, chores, tasks, services, and work. This can also be a time for embracing desires you never quite knew--or admitted to yourself--you had. While the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in January asked you to cut out inauthentic paths from your life, Jupiter-Pluto now helps you rebuild and reinvent yourself. You're redoing things in big ways, and with a more definite knowledge of what drives you, you're doing things much better than you were before. It's a strong period for making significant, long-term, and impactful changes to your health and habits, as well as to your work and services, and it all starts this month! While this is a generally good time for parterning up to accomplish your goals, there can be some tensions in a partnership if you're idle or unfocused with Mars spending the month in your partnership sector. People are seeking you out! Venus moves into your friendship sector on the 3rd, gracing your networking and socializing with good, warm energy. After the New Moon on the 22nd, and then with the Sun's alignment with Uranus on the 26th, there can be the need or desire for a new approach to your career, business, responsibilities, or relationships with superiors or the public. You have a strong desire for authority over your own life and the need to follow your own inner rhythms. Unexpected professional opportunities can pop up for some of you, or this New Moon brings a sense of renewal or revival. It's time for new or realigned goals and different ways of doing business. Keep in mind that minor disruptions or unexpected changes can lead you in new directions. You are slightly more detached than usual when it comes to your work and reputation, and this can lead to bolder moves. It’s important to remind yourself of the need to change along with changing times rather than resist those things that help you grow and improve.
The month ahead is a powerful period for learning new things, dear Virgo, not only about the world around you but also about your deeper needs. What and who you value is transforming, and as you get to know yourself better, decisions come more easily. One of the biggest headlines this month is a Jupiter-Pluto alignment. This ambitious transit will influence you until November, and it's a powerful transit for your drive and sense of personal empowerment. You can be determined to make something of a creative project. You are also in an excellent position to make positive changes to the ways you "do" your leisure time--you are no longer satisfied with the same old-same old. During this long-term cycle, you can feel entirely driven and determined to improve your circumstances. You're embracing desires you never quite knew--or admitted to yourself--you had. It's a time to look at all of your layers with courage! While the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in January asked you to cut out inauthentic paths from your life, Jupiter-Pluto now helps you rebuild and reinvent yourself. There can be a transformation happening with hobbies, creativity, self-expression, or romantic life. You are motivated to pursue things that bring you joy. Venus moves to the top of your solar chart on the 3rd, and you’re in a lovely light on professional and public levels. Venus helps out, in fact, with the tension and pressure related to everyday work, effort, health routines, and the daily grind. Mind you, you can feel very energetic and enthusiastic about these things as you pour extra effort into self-care and wellness. It's exciting and rewarding, although sometimes overstimulating or rushed. You could be working particularly hard at improving your working conditions this month, as well. It's a good time for business sense, engaging an audience, group, or significant someone. After the New Moon on the 22nd, new approaches to education, home life, publishing, and recreation are in order. New or revitalized interests, unusual studies, and different perspectives can lead you in new directions. Your belief system, worldview, or personal philosophy can be changing, and events that occur in the last week of April can be catalysts for exploring new ideas. Work or health matters can inspire making important changes. A mind-opening experience can occur now, and it can be a time of finding inspiration through exploring different topics and perspectives. Your unique ideas, approach, or guidance can be in the spotlight. You're doing extracurricular activities quite differently, and it's exciting. |
The month ahead is powerful for learning about yourself and your needs, dear Libra, and it's also strong for relationships. The Full Moon on the 7th is in your sign, and it awakens you to your true feelings on a matter. With this new awareness guiding you, it's a good time to make adjustments and improvements. The star transit this month is a Jupiter-Pluto alignment that will stick around until November. This serves as an additional boost to better yourself and your situation. Overcoming obstacles can figure strongly during this transit, and you're striving toward an improved emotional foundation, home life, and domestic world. It's a time when beneficial, robust, and long-term renovations occur on either physical or emotional planes (often, both). You are determined to make improvements that go deep in your home, family, and personal life. It's an excellent period for purging, releasing, emotional renewal, and starting fresh. It's also a great time for pouring energy into the home or the beginning of a major long-term initiative or business--something that supports you for years to come. The focus is on security, and you will go to greater lengths to achieve it. This booster influence increases your ambition to make serious and long-lasting improvements to your domestic and personal life, as well as to your inner world and emotional foundations. It all starts this month, although you may have felt its themes in the lead-up to April. Most of the month, you have Venus and Mars supporting you as they transit fellow Air signs. You're in great shape for learning new things and connecting with inspiring ideas and perspectives. While you don't always have the time to explore or expand your interests, the times you get are high-quality moments. Socially and creatively, you're in a good place, relatively speaking. The New Moon on the 22nd brings a new focus into your world, and there can be opportunities to rid yourself of limiting attitudes or to rework your attitudes toward life in empowering ways. You have insight into which aspects of yourself that need transforming. You can be determined to sort out feelings of indebtedness. An event could take place that opens your eyes to the need for handling debts or shared resources more effectively. Financial and intimate matters are in focus, and while there can be challenges and obstacles involved, a take-charge attitude emerges. Some of you could start, restart, or revitalize an intimate relationship, and the opportunity to do so seems to come up suddenly. You can experience a deep eagerness to make profound and long-lasting changes in the last week of April, especially. Alternatively, you can receive a wake-up call or experience an unexpected event that stimulates the need to change your dependencies or your approach. It's an excellent time to overturn expectations and perhaps break some of your usual routines so that you can grow and thrive. You can experience a boost of courage to make a change that’s meaningful to you. |
April's broader themes for you involve getting your work and health routines into order, sorting out your home life, and focusing on your close relationships, dear Scorpio. You have Mars at the bottom of your solar chart, stirring all sorts of activity and energy in the home or on an emotional level. Venus spends much of April in your intimacy sector--another hidden and deep area of your solar chart. A headline of the month is a Jupiter-Pluto longer-term transit. It happens for the first time this month, and its range runs until November. During this cycle, you can be determined to improve your life and achieve something significant. You're ready to hotly pursue a personal interest, personal goal, line of study, or connection. You're feeling especially enthusiastic, ambitious, and motivated to improve your life through your studies and projects. It's a powerful time for personal appeal through your communications, persuasion, finding your voice, and feeling a sense of mission about what you're doing, learning, teaching, and sharing. Perhaps most importantly, you're discovering your own deeper ambitions and aspirations this year, and you're drawing upon resources and talents you may not have even known you had to push a project forward or to achieve your goals. It's a time for embracing your desires and ambitions within reason, of course. Jupiter does tend to go too far, and so does Pluto, so it's wise to tap into their courage but to keep your feet on the ground. While you may have considered early-year events to be a little stark or you felt resistant to change, now you're fully recognizing the need to change, reform, and renovate your life. Your ideas and projects are powerful now, and best of all, they more closely represent you! Venus moving through your intimacy sector from the 3rd is fruitful for building up your inner world or an intimate relationship, and most importantly, your relationship with yourself. While there can be some disruptions in your personal life in April, Venus is there to support you and to pull up opportunities for growth and enjoyment. You might thoroughly enjoy delving into a challenging project or exploring your own psychology this month. With the New Moon on the 22nd, attitudes that no longer serve you well need to go in order for you to take advantage of this opportunity to move forward in the relationship department. The desire or need to cooperate and merge with others is strong right now. It's time to start fresh when it comes to partnering, by donning a new attitude or by gathering the courage to make something new happen. Relationship needs are awakened, and unusual impulses can overcome you that push you into a new beginning of sorts. Expect the unexpected when it comes to others now. Your personal appeal skyrockets. Unpredictability may be disorienting, but it can also lead to a new understanding of what you need from others and what you’re capable of on your own. Alternatively, through someone's input, you may arrive at an exciting new perspective. Outdated ways of relating to others are falling to the side, paving the way for exciting new experiences. Different and unique ways to approach people in your life emerge with the Sun and Uranus coming into alignment in the last week of April.
April is a key month for arriving at a better understanding of your social or romantic connections, as well as your special projects and personal objectives, dear Sagittarius. Another growing theme is attention to work and health matters, and the New Moon on the 22nd can prompt a new beginning or approach in these areas. A partnership comes into stronger focus as well. The headliner of April is your ruler, Jupiter's, alignment with Pluto. This longer-term aspect sticks around until November, so it's only just beginning to rev up. Now and in the months ahead, you're striving toward more independence or a personal sense of accomplishment through improving your lot in life, money situation, business, and/or comfort levels. This aspect pumps everything up-- you're ambitious, confident, and ready to pour all of yourself into building your talents or resources. Now until November is a power period for putting your skills and talents to good use, as well as for money matters. Security is a driver, and you'll go to great lengths for it. You're seeking prosperity with determination! You're embracing desires you never quite knew--or admitted to yourself--you had, and these mainly relate to money, personal possessions, and comfort or security. While the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in January asked you to cut out inauthentic paths and unsupportive structures from your life, Jupiter-Pluto now helps you rebuild and reinvent yourself in these areas. Your confidence and motivation levels increase many times over. Mars is charging through your communications sector all of April, igniting your curiosity and exciting you about various personal interests, communications, and learning or teaching all month. Venus transits your partnership sector from the 3rd for a more extended than usual stay, stimulating special attention to one-to-one relationships. The New Moon on the 22nd occurs in your work and health sector, and it can pump you up to make important changes to your regular daily routines. Circumstances are such that you need to take charge of your work and health habits, and new directions are likely. Unexpected changes regarding your work can be unsettling in spots, but they can also nudge you towards new and improved conditions. Watch for impulsiveness and impatience, but enjoy new ideas and approaches. This is a time for doing work, health, and self-care in brand new ways. In the last week of April, the focus is on a fresh or different approach to how you do your job, handle routines, and manage health and wellness with the Sun and Uranus coming together in your solar sixth house. |
Money matters, security, comfort, and home life are bigger themes April's astrology for you, dear Capricorn. As the month advances, expressing yourself, leisure time, play, and romance can come into stronger focus. The headliner this month, however, is a Jupiter-Pluto aspect that occurs in your sign. It's the first of three, and its influence will stick with you until November. With an eye out for channeling intense ambitions appropriately, this can be a powerful period for achievement. You might focus this energy on an important project or focus it inward as you strive toward greater self-understanding or autonomy. You can feel driven to improve your circumstances, and you're likely to discover desires you never recognized as your view of the world and your place in it transforms. While the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in January asked you to cut out inauthentic paths from your life, this Jupiter-Pluto aspect now helps you rebuild and reinvent yourself. Your confidence soars as you pursue your personal objectives and present yourself in a new and improved way. Mars charges through your resources sector all month, motivating you to pursue a better lifestyle or financial objectives with more confidence. Venus moves into your work and health sector on the 3rd, encouraging you to find more joy in your routines. Self-care becomes an exciting pastime, and work is more interesting. It's not the most productive of transits, but it's a pleasant one! There can be times when you're doing too much mixing of work/duties with other life departments. Ideally, you find a good balance. The Full Moon on the 7th does call upon you to find a better balance between your strong attention to your personal life and your attention to your responsibilities, career, long-term goals, or the outside world. The New Moon on the 22nd, however, asks you to pay more attention to finding outlets for creative release and pleasure. You can feel as if you've just faced a reality, perhaps related to a long-term relationship or money matters, and you're now ready to innovate, move forward, and create something special. It's a good time for relating, creating, and enjoying yourself as you do. Making more time for recreation and personal enjoyment is important now. You may be drawn to explore new hobbies and forms of entertainment. |
Mars in your sign all month can pump you up, dear Aquarius. Ideally, you find satisfying channels for this additional boost of energy. It's an excellent transit for taking charge of your life, although it can also stimulate some restlessness or impatience. Even so, April can find you rather frequently dealing with your mundane affairs. There is also a growing theme of extra attention to your home or family life. You're doing your "downtime" differently now, and there can be some helpful innovations along these lines. A star aspect this month is the Jupiter-Pluto alignment. It will happen two more times this year, but we can consider it in effect until November. During this period, you'll be getting to a better place of self-understanding and learning about desires you never quite knew--or admitted to yourself--you had. While the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in January asked you to cut out inauthentic pursuits from your life, Jupiter-Pluto now helps you rebuild better systems. Motivation increases to improve your experience. You can be determined to cut out an attachment or resolve a problem that has hung in your aura and kept you from claiming your happiness. Lifestyle changes can be significant. Most of your renovations and improvements are going on under the hood-- they're inward changes, not completely obvious to others but important to you nonetheless. This is because the Jupiter-Pluto alignment occurs in the hidden, undercover twelfth house of your solar chart. Early in April, Venus moves into your sector of joy, helping you out personally. While Mars and Saturn in your sign can be a little stark at times, Venus in this position of harmony with your sign boosts your appeal and charm. Plus, it's a great transit for finding fun and even joyful things to do. The Full Moon on the 7th awakens you to a need for more spirited activities and interests. It's a gentle nudge toward rounding your life out with pursuits that feed your spirit. Even with tensions around you, it's important to find the chance to release pressure and stress. The New Moon on the 22nd suggests a fresh approach or changes with living conditions, life at home or with family, and regarding getting the chance to cocoon, feel safe, and get comfortable. Attention to your needs for all that’s familiar is beneficial now, and events happening at this time remind you of their importance. Changing the way you "do" home life seem necessary with the New Moon aligned with your ruling planet, changemaker Uranus. Even so, there can be simmering tension as your personal goals can sometimes clash quite dramatically with your attention to your domestic world. Keep in mind that disruptions to routines can lead to positive approaches and changes. Falling back on the same old conditioned approaches in relationships will only frustrate you, so aim to make break free from old patterns that aren't working. |
April brings more focus on your financial status and comfort levels, dear Pisces, with an emphasis on your resources sector. There's also increasing attention to learning, communicating, and connecting. It's a busy month overall, but Mars spends the month in the sign behind yours, suggesting more focus on tying up loose ends, rest, and healing. A powerful transit that influences us until November begins now, and it's great for motivation. You can be determined to make improvements and to better yourself and the world. For you, this Jupiter-Pluto transit occurs in your sector of community, friendship, and innovative spirit. Social or material goals may come into stronger focus, and reform figures strongly. You might decide to invest your time and energy into an ambitious new project, idea, group, or relationship. You can feel driven to overcome problems in your social life or to otherwise improve and enhance your connections, sense of community, and personal involvement or contributions. Success in business can be in focus for some since Jupiter is the planet in "charge" of your career, and you might make the connections you need or desire to pursue a particular desired course. It's also a powerful time for taking the lead of a group, organizing, and starting up a new endeavor, especially an innovative one. Matters of intimacy, sharing, power, and finances can come to a head or turning point around the Full Moon on the 7th. The New Moon on the 22nd puts a big spotlight on matters of enterprise, initiative, communications, and learning. As it aligns with Uranus, it's another push to innovate and think outside the box. Venus spends most of the month (from the 3rd onward) encouraging you to bring more warmth, harmony, and beauty to your home and family life. With Pluto turning retrograde on the 24th, if there have been problems with control, resentment, or fears of loss, then you are now in a better position to gain perspective. Problem areas may feel intense or magnified around this date, but going forward and as you grow accustomed to this shift, you’ll find ways to take release some of the pressure. You can expect everyday affairs to take up much of your time in the last week of April. You may be discovering new interests or stepping up projects and studies that are already in progress. There can be interesting, unusual connections made with others. Certainly, you're doing your life differently these days, and changes are not always expected, but they can lead to new approaches that are ultimately rewarding. You might discover new and possibly improved avenues for expressing yourself. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
April 2020 Aspects TimeLine:
See also: This Week in Astrology for more detail.
This Month’s Ephemeris:
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors, although they’re not impossible periods, either.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.
- New Moon in Aries Chart: March 24, 2020
- Full Moon in Libra on April 7, 2020: Chart Wheel
- New Moon in Taurus Chart: April 22, 2020
Looking Ahead:
- May 2020: Time Line Aspects
- June 2020: Time Line Aspects
- July 2020: Time Line Aspects
- August 2020: Time Line Aspects
- September 2020: Time Line Aspects
- October 2020: Time Line Aspects
- November 2020: Time Line Aspects
- December 2020: Time Line Aspects
- January 2021: Time Line Aspects
- February 2021: Time Line Aspects
- March 2021: Time Line Aspects
- April 2021: Timeline Aspects

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2020 – Overview