This Month in Astrology – September 2023
September 2023
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
On September 3rd, Venus stations and turns direct. Venus was retrograde since July 22nd in the sign of Leo. Venus turned retrograde at 28+ degrees Leo and, on September 3rd, turns direct at 12+ degrees Leo. This retrograde gave us the chance to review our affections, relationships, and finances. We may have questioned a project or commitment during this cycle. Venus entered the retrograde zone (shadow) on June 19th, 2023, and will leave its shadow on October 7th, 2023.
Slowly but surely, more clarity comes in the areas of love, finances, personal enjoyment, and pleasurable pursuits. Read more about Venus Retrograde.
On September 4th, Jupiter stations and turns retrograde, and slowing down projects or plans may be appropriate in order to gain perspective. Initially, our enthusiasm and confidence might wane, and we may experience a crisis of faith or hope. “Luck” may be less overt during this period from September 4th to December 30th, but it’s a good time for looking within and reassessing recent goals. Note that Jupiter spends its retrograde in the sign of Taurus.
On September 14th, a New Moon occurs in the sign of Virgo, prompting a new beginning. This New Moon promises us opportunities to take charge of our lives by organizing, editing, refining work, and paying better attention to health. It’s a fertile and productive time. We’re ready to take charge of our daily routines, work, or pursuit of wellness.
We’re filled with innovative, inventive, and unusual ideas, especially for transforming our jobs, health, self-care programs, and habits. However, it can also be an impulsive time and perhaps an unclear period (Virgo’s ruler, Mercury, is retrograde for one more day, and the New Moon is opposite Neptune), and it’s important not to jump into something too quickly.
On September 15th, Mercury stations and turns direct. Mercury continues its retrograde, since August 23rd, until mid-September, spending the entire retrograde cycle and month in the sign of Virgo.
Retrograde Mercury periods send us to the past for more or previously hidden information. They’re cycles for learning to let go of control and overthinking. With retrograde Mercury in Virgo, we might look at past decisions and ideas from a new, possibly enlightened perspective, although we may be especially analytical and critical, perhaps to excess. We tend to return to past projects and refine or tweak them.
We may feel stuck in the past if we continually redo and don’t feel satisfied with the results, however. We can find usefulness in old or past ideas and recycle them in new ways. This is a good time for reviewing recent work, as long as we don’t get caught in a loop of perfectionism. We might discover new ways of doing work that has become routine, or we might consider renewing old self-care, health, or fitness programs. Plans may be considered then reconsidered. We are in a good position to reevaluate our routines and habits, and we might give more thought to the meaning of our work or services.
We’ve been in a good position to reevaluate our routines and habits, and we’ve given more thought to the meaning of our work or services. But from September 15th forward, Mercury retraces its steps, and information unclogs.
On September 29th, a Full Moon occurs in the sign of Aries. This lunation reminds us to consider how we are honoring ourselves in the context of our close relationships. New revelations can occur now, particularly regarding our physical bodies, leadership skills, ability to initiate and begin new things, and close partnerships.
Date | Time (ET) | Event | Position |
Sep 3 | 9:20 PM | Venus Direct | Ven 12 Leo 13'D |
Sep 4 | 10:11 AM | Jupiter Retrograde | Jup 15 Tau 35'Rx |
Sep 6 | 6:21 PM | Last Quarter Moon | 14 Gem 04' |
Sep 13 | 12:35 PM | Pallas enters Libra | Pal 00 Lib 00' |
Sep 13 | 7:22 PM | Vesta enters Cancer | Ves 00 Can 00' |
Sep 14 | 9:40 PM | New Moon in Virgo | 21 Virgo 59' |
Sep 15 | 8:47 AM | Ceres enters Scorpio | Cer 00 Sco 00' |
Sep 15 | 4:21 PM | Mercury Direct | Mer 8 Vir 00'D |
Sep 22 | 3:32 PM | First Quarter Moon | 29 Sag 32' |
Sep 23 | 2:50 AM | Sun enters Libra | Sun 00 Lib 00' |
Sep 29 | 5:57 AM | Full Moon in Aries | 6 Ari 01' |
(See the the full table for 2023)
See also: This Week in Astrology week to week for more detail.
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
The following horoscopes outline how the above astrological influences might affect each individual sign.
Overview horoscopes fill in here as I write them, ideally during the week before the month begins. It is not unusual to see some signs temporarily missing as I write the twelve of them over the course of a few days, starting with the featured sign of the month (birthday month).
Your work, routines, health, and habits are in strong focus this month, dear Aries. While there can be review, editing, and a focus on the past, you're in great shape to reorganize your life, improve wellness routines, and manage your time more productively. Working on the details of projects, work, and plans can be invigorating. At the same time, the direct turn of Venus in your joy and pleasure sector on the 3rd ignites your passions. Your expectations or needs from your relationships are much clearer, especially with Mars energizing your partnership sector all of September. Personal magnetism is quite excellent, and your relationships often play a starring role in your life this month. You see your creative and romantic life and your hobbies and pleasure differently, leading to lovely insights. You're now ready to strengthen your commitments, or you're alert to stale areas of your life. The New Moon on the 14th is work- and health-focused. You're motivated to improve. On the 29th, the Full Moon occurs in your sign, bringing epiphanies and a cosmic push to change gears in a relationship. In September, you're discovering much about your personal needs, wellness goals, and connections. So, while there's much activity and focus on analysis, reorganization, fixing problems, and getting chores or work done in September, there is room for pleasant diversions and rewards. You can be especially productive and enjoy being useful, but with Mercury retrograde until the 15th, it can also be a rather busy period that requires some backtracking over incomplete or outdated projects. You could be waiting for information that only arrives after mid-month, for example. Not only does Mercury end its retrograde in mid-September, a New Moon occurs, favoring lifestyle improvements in the week following. You're taking charge of your services, working environment, daily life, or health matters. With Venus in your joy sector all month and no longer retrograde from the 3rd, your relationships with others and yourself improve. A recent encounter or discovery may have helped you move forward. You're no longer on the fence about a purchase, special pursuit, or relationship. Mars fires up partnering all month, and a person or relationship motivates you to pursue your desires. But with the Sun moving into the same sector as Mars on the 23rd, the focus on connecting, negotiating, and balancing ramps up further. It's a time for pursuing what you truly want in the relationship department. These transits bring relationships and interactions with others to life. It's a time for making connections, meeting people, and becoming more active with friends, partners, and lovers. The Full Moon on the 29th is in your sign, bringing your heart's desire to the surface. With the emphasis on your partnership sector, you tend to seek others' feedback, but this lunation brings unacknowledged personal needs to the front burner. It can be an important time to check in with those feelings and desires you've brushed off or left unfulfilled. You may be surprised by the force of your emotions, and important epiphanies can occur now. Listen to your emotions, but try to keep some of it to yourself until you've sorted everything out. This is a time for finding a balance between independence and togetherness. |
September brings a stronger focus on enjoying and expressing yourself, dear Taurus. There's an emphasis on your solar sector of joy and creativity, and Venus, your planetary ruler, ends its retrograde cycle early in the month--on the 3rd. There's power in romance, creativity, hobbies, entertainment, and leisure, especially with a New Moon on the 14th allowing you to turn a page in these life departments. If you've recently fallen short of confidence or energy to go after your heart's desire, these astrological events bring sweeping improvements. You're sharing and expressing yourself more freely, and more clarity is with you. Things around the home or domestic scene are more comfortable and pleasurable. Ideally, you've come into better touch with your innermost needs and desires while Venus was retrograde since July 22nd. Entertaining, recreation, romance, children, and hobbies appeal more than usual. Still, Mercury remains retrograde until the 15th, and not everything runs smoothly. But the fact that you're well-received helps you rise above the minor delays or misunderstandings of this retrograde Mercury cycle. So, while this is an important month for personality growth and liberation, there may be some backtracking or practical matters to manage in the first half of September. Domestic matters move forward after a lull. In fact, it’s a very strong month for bringing more harmony to your family life. There is a strong focus on both work and play this month. Recreation, romance, creativity, hobbies, or children can be sources of more pride, and involvement with these areas of life increases. You put your unique stamp on whatever you’re doing--an important self-discovery process this month--and the New Moon on the 14th boosts your motivation further, nudging you forward on a personal level. For some, it’s about romance, and for others, personal enjoyment and expression. There’s more clarity in your life now. There can be a clearing of the slate and new energy with hobbies, romance, or creative activities. Rediscovering the playful side of life and your nature is in focus. Your passions and affections are hard to dismiss! Your next step or the right path to follow becomes quite clear, even if it takes some time to unfold. From the 23rd forward, more attention to work and routine is likely. In truth, Mars is firing up your desire to set things straight in your daily life all month, and the Sun getting onboard now amplifies this theme. You bring more muscle and personality to your health and wellness or self-care programs – you want to take charge. At times, the need to initiate, lead, and work independently can stir up competition or conflict with others, so do what you can to either tone things down a little or prepare yourself for a battle or two, depending on your preference! Still, if you've ignored your needs for rest and reflection, the Full Moon on the 29th reminds you to find a better work-rest balance. You need to feed your spirit and take care of needs that go beyond the physical and practical. Aim to take healthy breaks, and when you do, focus on healing, reflecting, and reconnecting with some of the emotions you’ve brushed aside. This way, you can return your renewed self to your work and self-care programs and do your best. |
This month's strong focus is your personal life, dear Gemini. Family and home matters are top priority, and it's an important time for boosting your feelings of security and freedom or enjoyment on the home front. But while you're finding solace and comfort in the familiar, a playful, creative theme runs through the month and helps balance you. Some areas move forward, while others seem to backtrack, but overall, it's a beautiful time for your mood and levels of engagement. September offers creative communications, learning, flirtations, and interesting learning experiences. Venus turns direct on the 3rd, helping you come across more as you intend, but Mercury's retrograde cycle until the 15th can sometimes complicate communications. Ups and downs aside, it's a fine time to explore personal interests, make connections, and improve your daily life. Use the retrograde Mercury period for review, reflection, and making important edits. If information is clogged, the delay might help you recalibrate and see a matter differently, ultimately benefiting you. You can be quite focused on bringing more harmony to your communications, daily life, and relationships this month. Venus turning direct on the 3rd can lead to improved relations and more clarity about your feelings. You'll find studies, learning, and personal interests more engaging again. There can be easier connections. It becomes straightforward to smooth over recent difficulties or distances. September is also a time for getting into deeper touch with your innermost needs and desires. Any backtracking you need to do in the first half of the month while Mercury retrogrades in your home sector can contribute significantly to the strength of your plans. A strong focus on your personal world continues, and your home life is animated. Renovations, redecorating, and making improvements that allow more freedom, organization, and comfort on the home front can have long-lasting results. A lot is going on on the inside again this month. After the New Moon on the 14th, it’s a great time to smooth over differences with loved ones. A fresh approach to home life is in order! You can feel a sense of mission regarding your family, domestic world, or living conditions/arrangements. You're also strengthening your resolve and self-confidence, opening up conversations with family, drawing up plans and lists of priorities, and spending a little more time on activities and endeavors in the home. However, a creative, playful, and expressive theme is building and ramps up after the 23rd. You spend more time on quality entertainment, romance, and creative self-expression. You're likely to end the month far more outgoing and confident than you began it. You make more time for recreation and interaction. Transits ensure a lively, animated, energized period. This is a fabulous time for pouring energies into a passion project or heartfelt pursuits. You’re seeking, making room for, and finding emotional replenishment. Unresolved issues with friends can surface around the Full Moon on the 29th, giving you the right boost to make powerful changes and resolutions. This lunation reminds you of the need for others, whether it's about support or simply a feeling of belonging. Reaching out at this time can be therapeutic. |
Learning, communicating, and connecting feature strongly in September, dear Cancer. Your mind is curious, excited, and hungry, and opportunities to feed it pop up when you need them most. You can be exceptionally busy in your daily life, sometimes needing to review and redo. September features energies that stir your desire nature, often for more security, pleasure, or material things. From the 3rd forward, you're more likely to fill these wants or to find satisfaction in what you already have. You can be filled with creative ideas to make money or to use your natural talents in satisfying ways. Mars in your solar fourth all month animates your domestic world. But while Venus is now, slowly but surely, catching up to its usual pace, Mercury remains retrograde until the 15th, and there can be complications to communicating. You might be waiting for an important piece of information. Fortunately, you know your heart, and that helps all around. You are more of a free agent, and finances are clearer. September promises you slow but steady forward motion. Clarifications and advances related to finances, business, studies, communications, and transportation pepper the month! These things improve, flow naturally, and pick up momentum. Ideally, you've come into touch with what and who you value and are now ready to apply what you've learned. As a result, you're picking and choosing your projects more mindfully. A delayed payment, gift, or bonus may come through. If you've been dissatisfied with your income or business matters, now is a time to explore your options. Fortunately, the process is a lot more fun in September. In the second half of the month, improved connections are in store as transportation and communication channels open up for you. You are curious and connected. You can also be knee-deep in studies, personal interests, writing, speaking, and errand-running. You can be very influential or persuasive in your communications, guidance, or teachings. After the New Moon on the 14th, your interests expand, and you may feel ready to push forward a project or line of study. It’s a good time to turn over a new leaf regarding making connections or sharpening your skills. Establishing mental rapport with others can be in focus and hugely rewarding. Attention to home and family matters increases towards the end of the month, and any imbalances between personal and professional pursuits become glaring. Fortunately, bringing a better balance to your life is straightforward. Mars spends the month energizing and animating your domestic world, and with the Sun's move into the same sector on the 23rd, you're putting more heart into your home life. This is action-oriented energy applied to your personal life! You might get in touch with buried resentments that can frustrate you enough to make changes. You have the opportunity to work on or in the home. You may be defending, rallying for, or motivating family now. Your home life or inner life can be animated, colorful, and busy. There's a marked focus on your needs for familiarity and comfort that you're in great shape for nurturing. The last few days of the month can bring a revelation that prompts you to make important changes with career matters or responsibilities. |
With an emphasis on your solar second house in September, dear Leo, you want results, but you're also very willing to put in the necessary time and energy to achieve your goals. With Mercury retrograde in this sector until the 15th, you'll need some patience, but the edits you make now can be very worthwhile. Strengthening your life is in strong focus, and it's satisfying. Gathering information can also be a theme. Your powers of attraction are super, as Venus spends the entire month in your sign. With Venus ending its retrograde in your sign on the 3rd, you'll find knowing and attracting what you want into your life more straightforward. This direct turn can also help soften your approach, which may have become too rough at the edges with Venus not as overtly working its magic since its retrograde began in July and Mars energizing you mentally. Fortunately, your personal magnetism increases, and with more self-comfort, life feels a little smoother. You're certainly emerging from a fog of indecision and doubt. While you may have questioned your powers of attraction during the retrograde cycle, you’re feeling stronger, more content, and happy with yourself. This reflects outward, and you’re bound to see improvement in your relationships. You are attracting positive attention on a personal level, particularly with love and communication. Some backtracking or review of money may be in order until the 15th while Mercury is retrograde in your resources sector, after which business deals or money matters begin to move forward. Ease back in and avoid rushing for best results. You may be dealing with some stop-and-go energy! However, there can be some nice opportunities to enjoy new interests or take a fresh look at old problems with this retrograde action. It can be a time for editing a project, picking up a skill you may have dropped in the past, reconnecting with past acquaintances, or talking about past relationships. Fortunately, excellent energy is with you for new sources of, or increased, income from your own efforts, especially from mid-month forward. However, all month, there can be a spotlight on settling in and focusing on comfort, financial, and security issues. It’s a time to enjoy what you have and patiently build or strengthen something special to you. You're attracted to purchases of things with long-term shelf life, and you especially enjoy making more from what you have or thinking up ideas for making money. The New Moon on the 14th brings new motivation. In the weeks following, you are in a better position to take charge of your earnings, spending, and belongings. The Sun's move into your communication sector on the 23rd boosts your busy mind, special interests, learning, and studying. You’re in great shape for more self-acceptance and enjoyment. Your knowledge or insight can draw others to you. You enjoy more movement, connection, and interaction. Your communications, teachings, ideas, and writing go over exceptionally well, even if you can sometimes be a little hasty with them. Even better, you’re satisfied with them. The Full Moon on the 29th reinforces this budding theme, but it also stirs the need for more distance from the mundane affairs of your life. It can bring a culmination of a project or learning endeavor, and you can feel a nice sense of accomplishment. |
You begin the month in a position of personal power, dear Virgo, with the Sun in your sign (until the 23rd) and Mercury also in your corner. Indeed, Mercury is retrograde until the 15th, and you could be waiting on information or questioning recent choices. However, it's a time to shine and enjoy a bit of healthy self-focus. There's an active focus on personality development, finances, physical well-being, and talents for you in September. On some levels, you feel revitalized. People notice you for who you are, not only what you do. You're getting ahead because of your fabulous personality more than other assets this month. You're still finding your way in other areas, and it's a healthy process. Venus continues its "hibernation" in your solar chart, even though it ends its retrograde on the 3rd. As a result, the month remains a time for reflection and backtracking with love and money. Venus will enter your sign on October 8th, and you will be far clearer about these things by that time, but for now, you'll benefit most from observation. Approach it with patience. Finances have also needed a second look with your money ruler, Venus, retrograde since July 22nd and in the sign behind yours. Even with the direct turn of Venus early in September, you can be hesitant with certain decisions or purchases. At the same time, you have Mars in your resources sector all month, and your desire for more security and/or more things is strong and building! You may sometimes have to battle an impulse to charge ahead. You're still in an incubation stage with love and affection – there are things to process and perhaps some healing to do before you're clear. However, if this was agonizing at times in July or August, it's a much smoother process in September. Sorting things out will serve you very well now. In fact, you may need to deemphasize your love life temporarily to take advantage of other opportunities. Note that you're tuning into levels you may normally miss, and hunches can be compelling. Mercury, your ruler, is traveling through your sign all month. Half that time, it's retrograde. It's an outstanding time for doing some ruminating and digging. You might find real gems from old projects or ideas or recover lost things or information. From the 15th, you're speaking up more often and making executive decisions. Life feels more forward-focused. While the Sun is in your sign until the 23rd, and Jupiter is in harmony, Jupiter, too, is turning retrograde this month (on the 4th)--more reason to slow down and take your time with new beginnings. While you're certainly called to action and in the spotlight in September, it's also important to take some time to reflect, withdraw, reconsider, and review things. While you continue to experience a desire to venture out and discover new things, Jupiter's retrograde period from now until December 30th can involve some natural tempering of your enthusiasm. You may need to downplay some adventurous, pleasure-seeking activities, but in the process, your expectations come back to earth, which is empowering. But even with some delays or slowdowns, it's a powerful time for more visibility and special attention to your personal plans, needs, hopes, and wishes. The New Moon on the 14th is in your sign, and you can feel you're starting a new chapter in your life. You're likely to make changes that reflect updated needs and plans, although you're best off easing into this with Mercury turning direct only the day after. You may be in the mood for a redo or makeover of your attitude, manner, and confidence. The Sun's move into your resources sector on the 23rd represents a theme already hinted at: you're paying more attention to what you have, want, and need. The Full Moon on the 29th compels you to figure out matters related to money, resources, dependencies, and debts. This will help you get a better handle on where you stand. |
While you have a strong presence and can be in demand this month, dear Libra, your inner world is especially important to you in September. A part of you remains a little reserved or withdrawn. Your self-confidence and decisiveness increase as Venus ends its retrograde cycle on the 3rd, but it may not be until the Sun moves into Libra on the 23rd that you feel ready to start anew. The New Moon on the 14th reinforces a need to look within. Nevertheless, friendships and networks can be lively this month. You have new energy for repairing, soothing, and smoothing over differences if needed in your social life this month. You have a second chance to make things right with friends or groups, and making changes in long-term plans is favored later in September. There can be romantic opportunities with or connected to friends this month. You've gained new insights into what you truly value and what truly makes you happy. Despite laying low and paying more attention to rest and reflection, you have a lot of desire and ambition this month. Mars in your sign is energetic, bold, and direct. You'll tap into this energy more fully once the Sun enters your sign on the 23rd. Before then, balancing your energetic needs and your need to recharge can be a challenge. September is important for seeking a healthy balance between doing and resting, and slowing down can, in fact, benefit you. The first half of the month is good for dusting off ideas you've previously put on the shelf. Your attention turns to the past so that you can decide which projects, ideas, or situations you might salvage or scrap. With Mercury retrograde until the 15th and in your privacy sector all month, you're often reminiscing. Information or communication projects aren't yet free-flowing. There can be a lot of your energy focused on helping or supporting others this month, and you often find yourself in a position of go-between or mediator. You can be incredibly intuitive and sometimes quite distracted and preoccupied this month. If you've been out of touch or dealing with confusing situations on social levels, you'll find that these issues clear up in September and October. People are warmer and more inclined to reach out. The Sun moves into your sign on the 23rd, and people are paying more attention. It's a time when you're coming out of your shell, connecting with others more often, and stirring things up. You are in take-charge mode, ready to accept a challenge, and willing to put yourself out to get where you want to go. It's also a vital time for attracting others. Allow your mind to catch up with your heart before pushing ahead, and you'll be in good shape now. The Full Moon on the 29th brings epiphanies to your personal life and sudden awareness of relationship needs. A close partnership or your relationship with others comes into focus after special attention to your own needs and personal plans. You come into touch with your feelings about a negotiation, commitment, or one-to-one relationship. |
This is a potentially powerful month for payoffs from recent career or business efforts, networking, and connecting with friends, dear Scorpio, although this can take time to build and develop. With Venus turning direct on the 3rd, there is good energy for innovation on the job, new or improved methods, and a healthier sense that you're on top of things. While it may not be until later in October that you really begin to see forward movement, there are hints of this occurring now. There remains a need to process recent events and get your footing, but you are slowly moving towards a clearer, more decisive phase. In the last few days of the month, Full Moon energy gives you a push to take better care of health, routines, and work. However, as the month advances, focusing on your emotional health, spiritual wellness, and need to rest and recharge becomes more and more attractive and necessary. However, September is very often a socially-focused month for you. Most notably, you know how to bring more pleasure to your work or responsibilities. People you work with (or for) are more amenable and kinder. Love relationships are on the mend. The tendency to look back instead of forward is leaving you. Your professional appeal is growing, or you could be making friends through your career or business. It's a good time to polish up your image or bring more personal appeal and a creative touch to your work. There can be second chances to make an impression. While things are less complicated with the Venus direct turn, they're not swimming along just yet. Mercury remains retrograde until the 15th, and it can produce some confusing situations, or perhaps you could feel a little out of touch with friends and associates. The second half of the month is notably easier for your relationships. Fortunately, you have a better understanding of your feelings, making technical problems easier to manage! Mars in your privacy sector all month suggests you're often searching within for answers. This transit can also leave you questioning certain pursuits and wondering if you should carry them forward with you. Your dream world or private life is vivid, and your intuition is exceptionally active. Listen to your inner voice! It's important to respect any prompts you receive to rest. You may need a chance to work at your own pace or more personal space to function well. The New Moon on the 14th stirs in you a sense of a new beginning. Your inner world is full as you dream up new ideas and long-term plans, and your social schedule will likely fill up going forward. Discussions with friends or ideas generated through your networks can be inspiring and useful, particularly from mid-month forward. It's also a time when you're projecting an especially wise or nurturing quality, and others gravitate to you looking for guidance or support. You can feel more content, focused, and perhaps insular as September draws to a close. It's about doing a spring cleaning in your psyche. The last week of the month also draws your attention to work goals and expectations, and striving for a balance is best. The focus should be on both physical and mental health, which becomes especially obvious if you’ve prioritized one over the other. |
Several influences in September point to increased ambition, commitment to realizing success, determination, and the need for more structure and order in your life, dear Sagittarius. Whatever your definition of success at this point in your journey, you are beginning to hunger for it. The cosmos wants you to start planning more, even if you don't have all the details just yet. Organizing your thoughts and establishing goals can be beneficial this month. But even with this special attention to game plans, career, or responsibilities, your personal life is also moving forward. Venus turns direct on the 3rd, and, together with Mars in your social sector all month, you're opening your eyes to exciting interests and connections. It's also a good time to stoke the fires of a current romance with activities that take you away from the routine. There can be excitement, motivation, and possibly even love connected to schooling, transit, or shared interests and special topics. In the areas where August was bumpy, blocks lift in September. With Venus slowly but surely regaining its usual speed, decisions come more easily, and you are likely to be clearer about what changes you need to make to improve your life. Educational, publishing, adventure, or legal plans can move forward. However, Mercury remains retrograde until the 15th, meaning it’s best to ease back into things. It's not full steam ahead just yet! So, while your personal magnetism strengthens this month, there can be some delays or waiting games related to your responsibilities, reputation, and career. Information clogs should clear in the second half of the month. As the month moves on, it’s a fine time to connect with people who expand your perspective. You’ll discover whether you're gaining satisfaction from your life, interactions, belief systems, or path. After the New Moon on the 14th, there is very little that others are not noticing about you! Be aware of your impact on others, as it is strong, but don’t be afraid to do your own thing. You’re in a good position to take charge of your work, manage others, take the lead, and make great strides towards your larger goals. You’re willing to put in the legwork and just the right amount of extra effort to shine or even outshine. Still, a social theme emerges in the last week of the month as the Sun heads into your solar eleventh house. In truth, Mars animates this area of your solar chart all month, and you can feel many sparks and prompts to connect and share. But with the Sun now involved, you focus less on your performance and more on your happiness needs. You take more pride in contributing and interacting. You might acquire new knowledge or gain inspiration from groups you connect with now. Your enthusiasm wins others over, and your unique qualities and perspective give your personality that extra sparkle. The last few days of September bring the influence of a Full Moon that opens your eyes to your feelings for someone or a current creative project. It can be emotionally enlightening as you acknowledge and embrace your true feelings on a matter. |
September is strong for opening your mind and heart to new ideas, dear Capricorn, and finding more meaning in your life. It’s a visible, outgoing, spirited period. You're exploring beyond your usual bounds, and it's enriching. Although there may have been some confusion or stagnation in your love life recently, the month is easier for romantic expression and attention. It can also be an important time for a loan or other support coming through. Although an ambitious, goal-oriented theme runs through the month, your larger focus seems to be on the “big picture” in September. You seek to stretch your mind, learn, explore, and grow. Not all things are straightforward with Mercury retrograde until the 15th, but with Venus turning direct on the 3rd, you see your heart more clearly. You're making room for spirit-boosting activities this month. You might put habits holding you back from growing, learning, and experiencing life behind you. Positive shifts can happen as you embrace exploring new subjects and places, but first, you must tackle your duties and current obligations. Aim to pace yourself. At the same time, a lot is happening under the hood this month with your intimate life or money matters and support. Where there were delays and backtracking in July and August, doors are opening to you in September. The chances of smoothing over a disagreement or attracting the support you need are high. More clarity is coming to personal relationships, money, and career matters. But while Venus turns direct on the 3rd, Jupiter begins its retrograde on the 4th, and Mercury is retrograde until the 15th. The pace can remain relatively slow. Mercury's retrograde may complicate some matters, such as publishing, communications, or transportation. However, moods are brighter, which can make dealing with technical problems manageable! There is certainly more emotional bravery or decisiveness with you, more notably in the second half of September. It's best to watch for slowdowns or miscommunications until mid-month. However, don't pass up on opportunities to redo, review, and strengthen plans and projects. The New Moon on the 14th comes only a day before Mercury ends its retrograde cycle. It stirs and speaks to your adventurous spirit. There can be a nice feeling of confidence taking over, and it’s a good time to explore new topics and ideas. The Sun heads to the top of your solar chart on the 23rd, increasing your ambition or sense of responsibility. In truth, Mars is in this area of your chart all month, firing up your desires to move your goals forward. Mars brings extra muscle and motivation to your career, image, status, and responsibilities all month. You’re not in any mood to be told what to do, preferring to lead the way yourself. Now, with the Sun here, you take more pride in your accomplishments. The Full Moon on the 29th brings an epiphany about your domestic or personal life that nudges you to find a better balance between your inner and outer worlds. It can seem that family matters or responsibilities compete with your ambitions to succeed. Indeed, this interferes with the pace you prefer to keep with your work or projects, but you may need to slow down before you move ahead. |
For you, September is largely more a month of observation than of making bold moves, dear Aquarius. Much is going on under the hood or in a close relationship. Venus turns direct in your partnership zone on the 3rd, and you'll begin to see changes and forward-moving in a relationship. Some of your discoveries about your relationship needs or values strongly affect your decisions this month and next. Relationships, finances, passion, intimacy, education, and adventure make up the larger themes of the month and are areas of increased focus and opportunity. Shared finances, loans, support, intimate relationships, and deep personal changes are in focus with your solar eighth house in the spotlight. A project or connection draws you in and consumes you at times! There's a strong emphasis on deeper, more meaningful relationships and projects. It's also a powerful time to get in deeper touch with yourself and your inner desires, fears, addictions, and vulnerabilities. Sharing, power dynamics, and intimate matters are more frequent focal points in September. You're connecting with your inner power and recognizing and building support from others. You're inclined to do some soul-searching, digging, and investigating. Relations improve with Venus turning direct on the 3rd. People are more sociable, decisive, and warmer with their affections. Relationships with significant people in your life are smoother and more obviously helpful. Others are now willing to open up and less inclined to be stuck on problems and complications of the past. Ideally, you've recognized areas of dissatisfaction or imbalance with close relationships, personal interests, or studies, and now you see where you can improve. This month, you'll enjoy opportunities to bring more harmony to your partnerships and joy to your adventures or extra-curricular activities. Confidence builds. Gradually, you'll engage in more direct and comfortable interactions, and love and pleasure will flow more naturally. Even with the direct turn of Venus and more enjoyment, in general, there can be some matters from the past to settle or backtracking to manage until the 15th. It’s best to budget more than spend, lend, or borrow in the first half of September. Consider that clogged information might give you a chance to rethink things to your benefit. You might sort out long-standing issues or discover hidden or overlooked resources. The New Moon on the 14th arrives just before Mercury ends its retrograde, and you might make a lifestyle change or an otherwise empowering move in the week ahead of it. This lunation increases your courage and motivation to pursue goals, especially those related to self-mastery and improvement. The Sun's move into your solar ninth house on the 23rd brings out your more outgoing, forward-looking, and optimistic side. In truth, with Mars in this area of your solar chart all month, you're more assertive or effective, and your straightforward approach is charming. Problem-solving, a more active role, or a special topic or interest can figure strongly. Extra-curricular activities can be a strong draw. With the Sun also on board, you're opening up further to new ideas and mental explorations. You're looking to break out of the mold or routine in various ways through what you learn and where you go. You're more courageous and motivated to try new things. The Full Moon on the 29th can bring a learning or transportation matter to a head and a turning point on a mental level. It can be an especially busy time, and your ideas or work can receive special attention. |
Relationships, especially partnerships, are in strong focus this month, dear Pisces, and you get the chance to start fresh. A New Moon occurs in your solar seventh house on the 14th, just a day after Mercury ends its retrograde in the same sector, prompting you to consider relationship lacks and needs. A significant person in your life can be in the spotlight now. September also brings more animation to your private life and a special focus on absorbing activities and projects. In fact, you can be quite preoccupied with your needs for change, evolution, and self-mastery. Work and daily routines are smoothing out and becoming more enjoyable. After the first week of the month, you’re in perfect shape for sorting out your duties, organizing your personal and workspace, and researching your options. You’re in a great light on the job or with activities related to your daily routines and health pursuits, leading to social or romantic opportunities or simply more pleasure in your everyday life. You’re certainly more invested than usual in the success of your relationships this month. Transits put the spotlight on negotiations and diplomacy. Fortunately, Venus ends its retrograde on the 3rd, and relating comes more easily than it did in recent weeks. Confidence in yourself and your work builds as the month advances. Still, until the 15th, Mercury is retrograde in your partnership sector, and you tend to sort out feelings and frustrations about a person or relationship, after which matters slowly but surely straighten out. As well, Jupiter, currently blessing your communications sector, turns retrograde this month. Benefits are substantial with learning and connecting, but you’ll overload yourself if you do too much. Now is a good time to see what needs your attention most. The New Moon on the 14th highlights a stronger urge to merge than usual. There can be opportunities to start fresh in a relationship, whether it's about taking on a new attitude or gathering the courage to make something happen. A partnership can form or improve. Mars spends the month in your intimacy sector, and the Sun heads into this same area of your solar chart on the 23rd. Your intimate life and inner world are animated! You're not shying away from dealing with imbalances of power or from tricky, taboo topics this month, and you’re ready to take charge in your intimate life. You're also looking to specialize. It’s a good time to bond with someone special or pour extra energy into a passion project. Mars doesn’t appreciate facades, slow processes, or ignoring problems–-wherever Mars goes, there can be some trailblazing and perhaps rude awakenings, but also valuable truths and resolutions to challenges. Ownership, debts, support, or power dynamics problems might come to a head, and you’re taking charge and in the lead. You could be digging up interesting information now, and research can be very beneficial. A revelation about financial matters emerges around the Full Moon on the 29th. This influence can also be about your ability to fend for yourself or support yourself. You’re clearer about what you want and of your value. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
September 2023 Aspects TimeLine:
See also: This Week in Astrology for more detail.
See also: Table of Planetary Transits, Sign Changes, New/Full Moons, and Retrogrades for the Month
This Month’s Ephemeris:
This Month’s Ephemeris with extra points and abbreviations rather than glyphs:
Ephemerides with additional points are for Eastern Time. The North Node and Lilith are the True positions. Retrogrades are underlined. Extra points are Chiron, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, and Lilith. These come from the excellent software, Sirius 3.0.
- September 2023 Ephemeris
- October 2023 Ephemeris
- November 2023 Ephemeris
- December 2023 Ephemeris
- January 2024 Ephemeris
- February 2024 Ephemeris
- March 2024 Asteroids Ephemeris
- April 2024 Ephemeris
- May 2024 Ephemeris
This Month’s Void Moon Dates:
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors, although they’re not impossible periods, either.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.
New & Full Moon Charts:
- New Moon in Leo Chart: August 16, 2023
- Full Moon in Pisces Chart: August 30, 2023
- New Moon in Virgo Chart: September 14th, 2023
- Full Moon in Aries Chart: September 29th, 2023
Looking Ahead:
- Time Line Aspects: September 2023
- Time Line Aspects: October 2023
- Time Line Aspects: November 2023
- Time Line Aspects: December 2023
- Time Line Aspects: January 2024
- Time Line Aspects: February 2024
- Time Line Aspects: March 2024
- Time Line Aspects: April 2024
- Time Line Aspects: May 2024
- Time Line Aspects: June 2024
- Time Line Aspects: July 2024
- Time Line Aspects: August 2024

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2023 – Overview
The Astrology of 2024 – Overview