This Month in Astrology – November 2024
November 2024
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
On November 1st, the New Moon occurs in the sign of Scorpio. This lunation prompts a new beginning and encourages us to move out of our comfort zone and welcome new ways to live, heal, and transform. It’s a time for taking a good look at what we may have chosen to sweep under the carpet. Taking the time to understand others’ motives can enrich our feelings of intimacy, forgiveness, and sense of meaning.
We might want to use this cycle to focus on and develop one special project or relationship to help add purposefulness and depth to our lives. Intimate relationships need a brand new approach, and we can see this more clearly in the days following this New Moon. This lunation occurs when Mars and Pluto, Scorpio’s rulers, oppose one another, suggesting a strong and perhaps problematic ambition and drive. Its trine to Saturn helps ground us, however.
On November 2nd, Jupiter forms a sextile with Chiron. This is the second of three perfections of this outer-planet transit with longer-term influence. [The previous perfection was last month, on October 12th, and the next and final one is on May 18th, 2025 while Jupiter is in Gemini.]
With this influence, our attempts to broaden our horizons through such experiences as furthering our education, expanded activities, and spirituality, contribute much to our personal growth. This subtly uplifting time brings us the opportunity to free ourselves from restrictive and negative attitudes that have been undermining our progress. We are especially open to learning from others, and better able to help others to understand our point of view. We might open our minds to different perspectives and philosophies. We are absorbing and perhaps also haring what we’ve learned from past experiences and mistakes. Great learning moments can emerge! Health and wellness themes can also emerge. We might recognize the need to boost certain physical and mental wellness areas so that we can grow and thrive.
On November 15th, Saturn stations and turns direct after retrograde motion since June 29th. This change of direction serves as a strong reminder to take care of our responsibilities and bring our goals down to earth. With Saturn’s direct turn, our responsibilities, and perhaps our limitations, magnify. Gradually, our longer-term goals and plans become clearer.
Also on November 15th, a Full Moon occurs in the sign of Taurus. It serves to reawaken an urgent interest in the physical world and our own sensual needs and desires. We should watch for stubbornness at this time, although some self-interest is healthy and necessary. The Moon is tightly aligned with Uranus, bringing some excitement and/or tension to our lives, leading to a new perspective. Unpredictability can stir things up, and surprises are likely. New spins on how to get comfortable can be in focus.
On November 19th, Pluto enters Aquarius. This is the ingress into Aquarius that will be with us for the long haul. Pluto officially leaves Capricorn now after a slow transition into the sign.
On November 25th, Mercury turns retrograde. Mercury is retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius from November 25th to December 15th. This retrograde cycle is strong for reviewing our beliefs, ideas, sense of adventure, spirit, publishing pursuits, and educational goals. We look at projects, items, situations, problems, and even people in new ways. There can be information clogs that push this new perspective–as we wait, we become more resourceful and creative!
During this retrograde cycle, we might reconsider a long-term dream or vision of our future, and it’s a strong period for returning to an old study, writing project, or personal interest. This can be a time of scattered thoughts and mental disarray, however. The tactlessness of Mercury in Sagittarius is magnified making it necessary to be especially careful with our choice of wording and topics. The chances of being misinterpreted and missing deadlines or appointments run higher than usual, even more so than with other Mercury retrograde cycles.
Date | Time (ET) | Event | Position |
Nov 1 | 8:47 AM | New Moon in Scorpio | 9 Sco 36' |
Nov 2 | 4:09 AM | Jupiter sextile Chiron | Jup 20 Gem 23'Rx sextile Chi 20 Ari 23'Rx |
Nov 2 | 3:17 PM | Mercury enters Sagittarius | Mer 0 Sag 00' |
Nov 3 | 3:35 AM | Juno enters Scorpio | Jun 0 Sco 00' |
Nov 3 | 11:09 PM | Mars enters Leo | Mar 0 Leo 00' |
Nov 9 | 12:55 AM | First Quarter Moon | 17 Aqu 20' |
Nov 11 | 1:26 PM | Venus enters Capricorn | Ven 0 Cap 00' |
Nov 15 | 9:21 AM | Saturn Direct | Sat 12 Pis 42'D |
Nov 15 | 4:28 PM | Full Moon in Taurus | 24 Tau 01' |
Nov 19 | 3:39 PM | Pluto enters Aquarius | Plu 0 Aqu 00' |
Nov 21 | 2:56 PM | Sun enters Sagittarius | Sun 0 Sag 00' |
Nov 22 | 8:28 PM | Last Quarter Moon | 1 Vir 15' |
Nov 25 | 9:42 PM | Mercury Retrograde | Mer 22 Sag 40'Rx |
Nov 27 | 4:45 AM | Saturn quintile Uranus | Sat 12 Pis 49' quintile Ura 24 Tau 49'Rx |
Nov 30 | 5:35 PM | Pallas enters Capricorn | Pal 0 Cap 00' |
(See the full table for 2024)
See also: This Week in Astrology week to week for more detail.
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
The following horoscopes outline how the above astrological influences might affect each individual sign.
Overview horoscopes fill in here as I write them, ideally during the week before the month begins. It is not unusual to see some signs temporarily missing as I write the twelve of them over the course of a few days, starting with the featured sign of the month (birthday month).
You are tuned in to the deeper issues and looking beyond the surface of matters for answers in November, dear Aries. It's an excellent time for researching, editing, or reviewing business, health, and financial issues. Your spirits run high. Aiming to observe and process instead of charging ahead can keep you feeling on top of things. People in high places are more inclined to notice your efforts and/or talents from the 11th forward. The New Moon occurring in your intimacy sector on the 1st can motivate you to take charge of your money or settle a matter. You're receiving a cosmic nudge to share, support, and enjoy a relationship or project in more depth. New beginnings with shared finances or debts are in store. A fresh start in an intimate relationship or with a special passion project is also possible. Financial or intimate matters can be in sharp focus this month, such as loans or bonuses or getting close to someone and dealing with the power dynamics involved. Despite this introspective focus, key planets encourage you to explore new ideas and experiences. November is a month of personal development through learning and experience. From the 3rd forward, Mars is transiting in harmony with your sign, enlivening your romantic or creative worlds, and will visit this area of your solar chart for longer than usual. You are especially attracted to people who seem sure of their lives at this time, or you're moving outside your comfort zone to pursue your heart's desire. Mars will be retrograde here from December 6th forward, and this is the reason for its extended visit. As such, some of the decisions made now may come up for review later, so aim to think things through carefully. Moving too quickly is not advised, although certain changes may be necessary and rewarding. Venus heads to the top of your solar chart on the 11th, and relations with bosses, the public, and business contacts are set to improve. Someone might sponsor you or give you support. Your reputation gets a nice boost now. You're seeking the best for yourself and believing in yourself. Mid-month brings money matters, talents, and values into emotional focus. Revelations, such as realizing your true financial situation or recognizing your untapped potential, can stir you to handle your finances or show your abilities in the best possible way. If you've been holding feelings back, they can erupt now. You can have an epiphany regarding your needs and wants, helping clarify a path. A Full Moon and Sun-Uranus opposition can serve as a wake-up call to take charge of your finances or to view your assets and things in a new light. It can also promote a stronger desire to establish yourself and make your life more comfortable, and an epiphany about money can be part of this. If you've been investing too much of your energy into something that's just not giving back in satisfying ways, you'll feel the need to make changes now. There can be a turning point in a close relationship, with money or business, and a revelation that leads to new and important ideas. Keep in mind that, with a Full Moon, the solution to any emerging conflicts is to find a compromise or balance. Saturn ends its retrograde motion, and while it can bring on a small dose of reality, it's also likely to lead to a feeling of strength and clarity. It can be a time to face elements of your past that are resurfacing as truths or realities. Knowing your position can lead to making better plans. Slowly but surely, you'll feel more equipped to put negative habits and attitudes behind you. Gradually, you're bound to feel stronger, clearer, and more capable. Some helpful advice, possibly from a trusted advisor or through introspection, can come from behind the scenes or in your private world. With your smart sense of priorities, you can further practical or business goals and feel quite accomplished as you do. You're also more able to see value in what you already have rather than reaching for something new. Getaways, cultural events, and other experiences that broaden your horizons or expand your mind are in high focus by the month's end. However, plans may not run as smoothly as hoped. Mercury is retrograde from the 25th onwards (until mid-December), introducing the need to slow down before pushing forward. You may need to review plans, especially those related to education, publishing, legal matters, or travel, and some mix-ups can lead to delays. You'll benefit from looking at things from a new or different perspective, however, so even if blocks are irritating, you might get the chance to reconsider specific plans to your advantage. |
Dear Taurus, there is a strong focus on relationships, finances, and family this month. You're well-positioned to make a difference in your close relationships and to attract others' support and confidence. You can be especially involved with others in November and, for the most part, your involvement is pleasant and rewarding, if occasionally demanding. Personal plans tend to take the back seat. Others are putting their faith in you, and this, in turn, motivates you to step up your game even further! The month is strong for seeing yourself through others' eyes, taking steps to improve your connections, and finding ways to bring more balance, harmony, and beauty into your life, in general. The New Moon on the 1st brings something to an end and paves the way for a new beginning, likely related to partnership. This can be a new way of relating and approaching one another in an existing relationship, a new relationship altogether, or a commitment to redefined relationship goals. Your needs become clearer than usual. Something happens that reinforces your needs from partnership. It's also possible a partner or significant person in your life is now in the spotlight. Mars moves into your home and family sector on the 3rd, and you could be taking care of home repairs, family problems, and other issues that require attention in your domestic world. There will be a lot of attention to these matters in the coming months, and it will be helpful if you get a jumpstart on potential problem areas now. Be proactive. Certainly, there's more activity and energy related to your home life in November, whether it's about home improvements, increased activities with family, purchases for the home, or working from home. From the 11th onward, Venus travels in harmony with your sign, bringing a refreshing change of pace and an uplifting of spirits. Your display of strength of character can open up opportunities for you, and good energy is with you for coming to the aid of a friend. This period is filled with supportive energy, encouraging you to stay optimistic and open to new opportunities. The Full Moon on the 15th, occurring in your own sign, is a powerful catalyst for personal growth and self-discovery. It can help you identify and correct imbalances, particularly in the 'me-you' department of your relationships. If you've defined yourself primarily through your relationships, now is the time to assert your own terms. The Sun-Uranus opposition tied into this lunation can bring surprises and unexpected impulses, leading to a revelation about your personal freedoms or the dynamics of a partnership. Your emotions are strong and difficult to contain. If you've been operating on auto-pilot, you might question why you've accepted restrictions and sidelines. During the Full Moon period, it's important to avoid abrupt or rebellious moves and instead, listen to your emotions. Tensions related to restrictions or limits can be strong, but they can also push you to make personal changes. There is an intensity to this time that breaks through barriers. You will no longer tolerate confining situations! It might also be a time when things come to light about you, so you might prefer to keep some things on the down-low in the week surrounding this Full Moon. However, if you want certain things to gain exposure, this can be the time. With Saturn's direct turn on the 15th, truths coming to light help you better grasp the reality of friendships or projects, a long-term plan, aspiration, or goal. You're also in better shape to meet responsibilities. From the 21st, the Sun visits your intimacy sector. You could benefit significantly from investigation or research. You're psyched up to put a problem behind you and ready to take care of your priorities. You can be quite moved to make a decision or put an idea into action as the Sun forms a trine to Mars. Work on or around the home can be especially productive, as matters seem to flow naturally and interference is minimal with transits boosting stamina and confidence levels. Your emotional life is animated and energizing, and it's easier than usual to decide on a course of action. This is a time of following your instincts and doing some vital introspection. Mercury begins its retrograde on the 25th, and while there can be some slowdowns, you'll find this is a helpful cycle for reviewing and revising certain matters, especially matters of debts and dependencies. You could discover that you frequently turn to the past to better understand the present–a beneficial process. It's best to budget rather than spend or borrow too much at this time. |
Work, partnerships, and a sense of mission are in sharp focus this month, dear Gemini. Busy energy is with you from the first week of November: A New Moon brings a charge of energy to your sector of work, health, and habits on the 1st, and you're in a powerful position for fresh new starts in these areas of life. Mars moves into your communications sector on the 3rd, animating your daily affairs further. Organizing, managing, and handling the details of your life will go a long way towards a stronger sense of accomplishment with a heavy emphasis on your sector of work and health. However, the focus is on making sweeping changes with these things, so tap into your intuition to determine what needs refreshment. The New Moon on the 1st motivates you to take charge of your health, self-care initiatives, and work. If you've been holding on too tightly to a stressful work situation or job, then the matter may come to a head. There may be excitement about a new health and wellness program that gives you a sense of having a new lease on life. Improvements or other opportunities at or through work can come out of the blue, boosting your confidence. Mars moves into your communications sector on the 3rd, revving up your daily life and motivating you to get out and about. Mars will stay here longer than his usual two months due to a retrograde that begins December 6th, and it's important to keep in mind that what you're jumping into now may come up for review later. For now, you have more energy for, and interest in, learning, pet projects, and speaking up about matters that are important to you. But while work and everyday matters take center stage for much of the month, it's also a lively month for relationships and a robust period for your emotional life. Venus continues its transit of your partnership sector, blessing your one-to-one connections until the 11th. From the 11th onward, Venus transits your intimacy sector. It's a great time for addressing unusual, taboo, or complicated matters with more warmth and balance. Others can be pleasantly surprising, bringing light and fun into your life. There may be a good turn on a financial or business level. People are backing you up, and this feels good. Interactions can be very passionate or intense yet maintain a light-hearted and playful quality. You're exceptionally skilled at resolving differences during this cycle. Backing or support is forthcoming, or you might arrive at an attractive arrangement. There's an emphasis on more profound, meaningful relationships or a deeper understanding of your fears, passions, and vulnerabilities. You're taking greater pride in your work, daily routines, or your health and wellness, but you need a break from the routine. The Full Moon on the 15th makes it clear you need to seek a better work-life balance. It prompts you to look within, get some rest, and answer your inner voice. You may need a small hiatus from daily pressures and demands as this lunation occurs in your privacy sector and the sign behind yours, reminding you to take care of your spiritual and emotional needs. Your intuition or dreams have strong messages for you! Light shines on recent hidden or background trends in your life, which helps you fill in some of the blanks of your life. If you've been working too hard or putting so much effort into helping others that you've ignored your own needs, you'll want to restore some balance. Circumstances may be such that you feel a real division or conflict between your working life and personal life, and the demands of everyday life can seem overwhelming temporarily. Professional and reputation matters or goals gain clarity, slowly but surely, from the 15th forward. Although it can take some time to get back on track, you will likely see some subtle improvements in these areas. There may be a reality check, but you'll also determine what's genuinely doable. Simplifying your life is essential and can get you feeling on track. Making lifestyle changes thrives mainly because your heart is in it. Good energy for attracting or enhancing a partnership is with you from the 21st forward. It's also a time for being more proactive with making contacts and connections and reaching out to others. You're shifting from a work-centered focus to a social one. We've seen Mars moving into harmony with your sign and motivating you to get connected from the 3rd. Now, the Sun moves into your partnership sector--another social sector of your chart. Collaborating with someone special can figure strongly now. The enthusiasm stirred up can take you far. You can be feeling particularly alive and vital through other special people. However, with Mercury retrograde in your opposing sign from the 25th (until mid-December), it's a good idea to mull things over and observe, as information isn't yet at your disposal. Relationships and negotiations are in focus, and even with some backtracking, you're coming out ahead. |
You've been discovering your passions and in better touch with your desire nature, dear Cancer, with Mars in your sign. On November 3rd, however, Mars moves forward, and while you've benefited from Mars' visit of your sign as you scoped out the playing field, it feels time to settle in and focus on building and developing. In truth, Mars isn't entirely finished with your sign! In December, Mars will turn retrograde, and in early January will return to Cancer. You'll return to some plans and situations and give them more attention, and you'll spend more time working on your assertiveness. For now, you're more interested in attending to your comfort needs. November also brings much focus on recreation, love, work, and health. A new beginning is in the works regarding your romantic and creative worlds, whether this means a new connection or project, a new way of expressing yourself, or a fresh start in an existing relationship, pursuit, or hobby. You may be in a unique position to share your ideas, happiness, sense of humor, or creative vision with others. Keep in mind that Mars' transit of your resources sector from the 3rd forward will be longer than usual, and this is because Mars will retrograde on December 6th, backing up over the same tracks it's making now. This is an intense transit for the ambitious pursuit of security or increased income, although there can be some stops and starts. You can be a little tough with yourself when it comes to making money and perhaps a little tough on others if you're not feeling valued. You're also quite motivated to work harder for your money. From the 11th onward, you're in fabulous shape for attracting the right company or smoothing over a relationship. Giving your time to someone, or allowing a person to shine in their own way as they take the lead, can be very rewarding for both of you with Venus in your partnership sector. This is a fine time for meeting people, and you are feeling unusually open and receptive. Make peace now, with both friends and enemies! Saturn's direct turn on the 15th helps you work on bringing your expectations down to earth. Self-improvement endeavors can be in focus and more successful as you have a firmer grip on what's realistic and realizable. Your life might improve with support or increased structure and commitment. But first, the Full Moon on the same day can stir things up. Issues of freedom and individuality are in the spotlight, and an epiphany is likely. After a spell of being fairly wrapped up in your personal life, you may realize the need to reach out to others and remind them that they matter to you. It's a time to enjoy new revelations and share your findings with people you care about. This Full Moon reminds you of your need for friends, associates, community support, or like-minded people. Certainly, tensions in your social or romantic life can come to a head, or a discovery is significant. There can be a sudden need to detach yourself from personal focus so that you can connect with others in meaningful ways. You might awaken to the need to feel valued as a friend or to align yourself with a cause, goal, or dream to motivate/drive you. A sudden awareness of feelings for someone or a buried relationship problem can emerge and demand attention. You gain new insight into a preexisting problem or your feelings, and this illumination helps you make better choices in the future. With the Sun's move into your solar sixth house on the 21st, you're more likely to focus on work and practical affairs. You have a more vital understanding of what needs doing to improve your daily life and routines. You're answering to your inner rhythms and might feel dragged down if you need to wait for others to catch up with you! Feeling especially capable and competent, you might enjoy organizing and attending to the "little things" integral to your routines. With Mercury's retrograde from the 25th forward, look at past projects for ideas and inspiration and focus on editing and improving. Aim to get a project right before moving forward or releasing it. It's a strong time for revising and perfecting. Take the time to work hard at something you love or believe in, as you can make significant progress. |
November brings special attention to your personal life, dear Leo, and it's strong for discovering better ways to manage the work-life balance. With Mars entering your sign on the 3rd, clarity comes, particularly about your desires, attractions, and personal plans. You are in take-charge mode, ready to take on a challenge, and willing to put yourself out to get where you want to go. This is also a strong time for attracting romantic and creative attention. Your personal presence is powerful now. Good energy is with you for pouring more energy into your home or family. The New Moon on the 1st paves the way for the energy and motivation necessary to start fresh. It could be a time for a domestic makeover! You might make changes such that home life is less routine and more dynamic. Your extra pride in your home can prompt you to find new ways of improving your downtime. Indeed, your nesting instincts are strong. But even with this introspective focus, there is also radiant energy with you for creative and romantic pursuits. You are looking especially good and feeling more creative and expressive. Love can be magical, and your powers of attraction run high. You can be filled with energy to move personal plans forward, and Mars entering your sign wants you to face things head-on, directly, and without delay. Venus visiting your work and health sector from the 11th onward is good for finding some peace or harmony in your daily routines. Work or daily life may seem more enjoyable and pleasant. Work benefits from openness to new methods or teamwork. With Saturn's direct turn on the 15th, you might gain more clarity with finances or a relationship. This turnaround can also boost your conviction to make a significant lifestyle change. You may see progress with debts or financial support from this date forward. The need to buckle down could prompt you to be more attentive to–or responsible for–a matter. It's also possible to gain more clarity in your intimate life or about an important project. Stability is comforting, in fact, and a bit of routine can be just what you need to feel on track. Getting organized and taking care of business can be enjoyable, and you're likely to come up with great ideas about doing business, making money, or improving methods and efficiency. Balancing your personal and professional/public life can be challenging, but it's an important goal around the Full Moon. This lunation, happening at the top of your solar chart, can mark the culmination of a significant work project or a scurry of activity on the job or in your public life. Events occur that highlight your responsibilities. With Uranus involved, too, this can be a time of sudden movement, surprises, and big reveals. Acknowledging your need to perform, lead, and manage can be in focus, and you might recognize buried needs or bring a project to fruition. Problems and flaws with plans may come to light, motivating you to take care of things you've overlooked. If you experience a rush of emotional energy now, aim to harness it and use it to achieve something important to you. The 21st forward is a period that brings a more outgoing, playful, and creative energy to your life and, for some, budding romance. Mars has been in your sign, boosting up your confidence and courage since the 3rd. Now, the Sun moves into your creative sector and encourages you to have fun, express yourself more freely, and share yourself with others. The 26th to the 27th is particularly dynamic. You are motivated and confident. If in a competition, physical or mental, you are more likely to come out as a winner. You could find it particularly rewarding to make changes to a relationship or pursue a hobby or special project/pastime. In less than two weeks, Mars will retrograde in your sign, and you will likely reevaluate your current pursuits or desires. However, for now, you can be itching to get something done or implement an idea. You have an urge to sink your teeth into something challenging and exciting. Keep in mind that Mars will turn retrograde in your sign on December 6th, and there can be some backtracking to do then, but for now, a direct approach works wonders. Nevertheless, watch for jumping too quickly into things as you may need to revisit or reassess these matters later. Also, Mercury turns retrograde on the 25th, offering you the chance (or bringing on the need) to review your goals with the creative or playful side of your life, and this can be a blessing in disguise. Now is the time to process and digest recent events and ideas. |
November brings a pleasant focus on connecting and communicating, dear Virgo, with a balancing theme of domestic and personal pursuits weaving through the month. A New Moon happens in your communications sector at the top of the month, and the desire to express yourself and share your experiences with others is powerful. You could discover new channels or platforms for self-expression, perhaps more imaginative, creative, and, ultimately, more fulfilling. Yet just two days later, Mars enters your privacy sector, and a good part of you seeks some downtime. There is a powerful focus on your everyday life, projects, and personal interests. Opportunities to speak about matters that are important to you, share your ideas and knowledge, teach, guide, and connect are strong. Another important theme this month involves growth and warmth in your personal life and with close loved ones. Nice opportunities can arise to bond with those closest to your heart. Mars moving into the sign behind yours on the 3rd can slow you down a little, at least long enough to reassess recent activities, desires, and goals. This is an important process--and a valuable one. If you've been overdoing things, enforcing some quiet time seems vital now. Pacing yourself means the world this month. Watch that you're not hard on yourself - be as gentle and understanding as you would if a friend needed extra care. There's likely to be an emphasis on learning, particularly self-taught or home-learning endeavors. You can appeal to many people and team up effectively to accomplish a goal. You seem to bring out the best in others, support them, or offer useful advice. From the 11th forward, Venus travels through your romance and creativity sector, and this wonderful transit is excellent for a smooth flow of love energy in your life. It's a period when others enjoy your company, notice your most appealing characteristics, and are receptive to your ideas and invites. "Being yourself" is always encouraged, but right now, you'll see instant proof of why this is so. Saturn's direct turn on the 15th helps ground you, bringing clarity to a relationship or your stand on a situation. Realistic expectations of projects and people lead to happier moods all around! Following some rules or getting something into order can be satisfying and even pleasurable. It can feel good to have guidelines. On the same date, a Full Moon occurs, and new information or feelings can emerge to change your perspective, but there can also be someone who swoops in to challenge you, which can be frustrating. You have little tolerance for restrictive, limiting situations, so if someone is dealing with you in a rigid or pushy way, you're likely to go another direction. Relations with a lover, special friend, or partner can be challenging or provoke change. Consider that someone might indirectly introduce you to parts of yourself or buried desires you didn't know existed. This Full Moon can excite your senses, reminding you that you need time away from the routine. You've been particularly absorbed in your everyday activities, errands, personal interests, and tasks, which may have kept you in familiar mental territory, and now you're reminded of the need to feed your spirit. It's about renewal, revival, and spiritual replenishment. Instead, you might complete or release a project or study. Unmet and unspoken needs are likely to find a platform now. This Full Moon might encourage you to look at the big picture or to reach higher and wider. However, you gear up for a home-centered, back-to-roots time, especially from the 21st forward, as the Sun visits your home and family sector. Since the 3rd, in fact, Mars in your privacy sector has been encouraging you to slow down and take a break. You're more interested in taking time for yourself, and much pleasure comes from family and home life. The 26th to the 27th is particularly suitable for employing good stress management techniques. Efforts made around the home, with domestic projects, and concerning activities with family can lead to nice advances. Your energy flows naturally with minimal interruption. Excellent energy is with you for courageously dealing with emotional or tricky areas and putting annoying situations behind you. Still, your ruling planet, Mercury, turns retrograde on the 25th, bringing on some delays, obstacles, or slowdowns. Fortunately, there is much to enjoy and learn, even if (and perhaps because) you're waiting. While some key areas of your life can feel slow-moving or up in the air, you're in generally good shape for reviewing and reassessing matters. |
There is a practical focus for you in November, dear Libra, and it's a good time to get your life into order in fundamental ways. It's a month of potential personal fulfillment, financial growth, and effective communication, although retrograde activity in the last week of November could point to some need to review rather than innovate. Building your resources and solidifying plans are strong themes, but there's a growing theme of communicating and connecting as the month advances. New beginnings on a financial or business front are likely after the New Moon on the 1st. You're taking a new path, and after a short period of reorientation, you feel more in control. You may not know exactly where you're heading, but you are putting more faith in the universe and your intuition to guide you in the right direction. This New Moon motivates you to take charge of your financial affairs. You are resourceful and can showcase your talents or put them to good use. There has been much pressure on you to perform recently, and you've been entertaining big ambitions, but by the 3rd, the pressure eases considerably. Mars moves into your solar eleventh house. While you're likely to return to some of the recent plans you've made in a couple of months' time, for now, you're ready to put more energy into personal enjoyment and your social life. It can be exciting as you experiment with new ideas, projects, and potential ventures. From the 11th onward, Venus transits your home and family sector, encouraging special attention to your domestic world and bringing more harmony to it. Even little improvements and advances can feel big and exciting. With Saturn's direct turn on the 15th, you'll find it easier (or necessary) to get back on track with wellness programs or work projects. It's a time to adopt a more straightforward approach to meeting and facing your responsibilities. Learning where you stand on a matter can be a relief and can also improve planning and decision-making. Simple pleasures can be more satisfying than usual, and practical matters and tasks with clear guidelines, expectations, and goals fare the best. But first, the Full Moon and Sun-Uranus opposition on the 15th and 16th trigger buried desires to be more independent. These stirrings may feel more like a disruption at first glance. Still, tensions about money, debts, and obligations now can motivate you to work harder and smarter in the future. It's always useful to look for the lessons in your experiences rather than simply reacting to them. These transits can serve to awaken you to unacknowledged feelings, or there can be a turning point or announcement in a relationship. You might recognize the need to let go of extra clutter or a bad habit, for example. There can be a significant financial move or a revelation in an intimate relationship. An issue surrounding debts, obligations, investments, sharing, or support can emerge. Releasing your hold on something if you're hanging on too tightly to it can improve your life! Seek compromises for the best results. The Sun's move into your communications sector on the 21st points to a more connected, communicative period. In fact, since the 3rd, Mars has been encouraging you to socialize and diversify more often, and now the Sun gets into the game. You're likely to feel refreshed, braver, and interested in seeing results. Reaching out and connecting can bring unexpected opportunities right now. Especially on the 26th to the 27th, trust your instincts on a social level. You're in good shape to pursue your interests and exchange ideas. You feel very directed and purposeful, and specific plans or topics excite you now. Life is taking on a creative, more forward-looking energy. Intellectual matters can thrive. You are soaking up a tremendous amount of information, and you could be in the position to teach, guide, or instruct. Try to avoid rushing your communications, which can be quite terse if you're not careful, but tap into the enthusiasm of this time. In fact, Mercury turns retrograde in your communications sector on the 25th, and until mid-December, matters surrounding studies, transportation, and essential communications can involve some confusion, delays, or backtracking. However, this can be a good time to do some catch-up work–you may very well enjoy yourself as you do. Minor repairs may be necessary with devices, for example. You may be reviewing different elements of your life and wondering where things are going. While this phase might lead to some misunderstandings, you're sure to find alternative ways to express yourself. If you focus on taking care of projects and pursuits that are already underway, this can be an enriching period. Efforts made towards editing, revising, refining, and reviving are well worth your time. |
Self-development is in happy focus in November, dear Scorpio, with a New Moon in your sign at the top of the month. While you may want to start fresh and draw on your initiative in some areas of life, you're also quite devoted to settling in, building, and planning in other instances. You begin the month in an excellent position to set your intentions for the year ahead regarding your personality, independence, personal image, and effectiveness. It's one of the best times of the year to consider making personal changes that empower you. However, it's best to avoid unnecessary tension or impatience. Fear of change or being in the dark on a matter is likely at the root of disagreements. Conversations or exposure to different or new ideas, opinions, and methods challenge you to grow. They help you reframe your thinking rather than hold onto an idea or belief for dear life. Personal development is in good shape this month. The New Moon on the 1st is a kickstarter — if you've been putting something off, now you're quick to recognize the need to get going! You're also entering an excellent long-term cycle for your career, although part of this process can involve some stops and starts or dramatic turns. You're looking at your money and possessions in a new way this month, and you might come up with creative ideas on how to earn more or use what you already have. Still, Mercury's retrograde from the 25th forward requires some slowing down and adjustments to your financial plan. It's a period for looking to the past for answers to current problems or delaying some matters while you make changes and refinements, especially related to money and things. From November 3rd forward, efforts to take charge of your career or pursue your ambitions are strong. However, you may be battling a need to follow your own rules, which can stir up some trouble with someone in authority or interfere with productivity. It can be a time for combining energy with action and looking out for opportunities where you may not have seen them before. Certainly, you're entering a stage of increased ambition, and conditions might prompt you to find a new path or redefine your goals. You'll be seeking more input, freedom, or independence now. Keep in mind, however, that Mars will turn retrograde in December, and new initiatives with professional or reputation matters may later face delays. It's important to watch for overly impulsive moves since Mars will revisit the very degrees and aspects you're experiencing now in December while retrograde, which can suggest that decisions made now need a revisit later on. There could be stalls or backtracking involved. With Juno in your sign from the 3rd, you'll feel quite capable but don't forget to take the time you need for yourself. Venus is in your communications sector from the 11th forward, stirring your curiosity. It's an excellent influence for enjoying your personal interests or studies and expressing yourself more charmingly. Good feedback can arrive, and incoming communications or news can be pleasantly motivating. Pleasant contact, friendly exchanges, or improved relations with acquaintances can headline your social life. Your ideas, attitude, and mindset attract positive attention. The Full Moon on the 15th brings feelings you've kept to yourself–or even from yourself–to the surface. Relationships can be in strong focus, and emotions swell. You're discovering who and what you need, which helps motivate you to get your act together! It's a time to redefine what you want and need from your relationships, and this Full Moon, while a bit chaotic, can help you out in this regard. It may bring a personal or relationship matter to a head, and there can be epiphanies, relationship drama, important announcements, and realizations. Some unpredictability is a theme, and you're learning to rely more on yourself than others. Another headline this month is Saturn's direct turn in your romance and creativity sector on the 15th, helping clarify matters related to romance, arts, and entertainment. Don't be surprised if you experience strong instincts to narrow in on particular goals and projects, as it's an excellent time to cut out the fluff. From the 21st forward, financial matters tie in more deeply with your pride. Income and talents or resources are prominent themes. Workable solutions to problems come intuitively. There could be an answer to a money issue, or you're motivated to improve your situation. You fall into a leading role quite organically. Gentle competition encourages you to shine. The last week of the month is particularly strong for work - you're especially willing to put in the hours. |
November brings warm energy into your life, dear Sagittarius, with lovely Venus in your sign until the 11th and the Sun tucked away in your privacy sector until the 21st. In truth, there is a major focus on your personality this month. Your finer and more appealing qualities are in the spotlight. You might feel more attractive from the inside out or project more warmth. Mercury is your guest virtually all month (from the 2nd onward) and is in Sagittarius for an extended stay. The Sun will move in on the 21st. Yes, Mercury will retrograde on the 25th in your sign, but it certainly gives you more time to explore your inner world. You're in a period of personal awakening as you approach your new astrological year. Nevertheless, you still have some end-of-the-astro-year contemplation to do. Try to treat this period as a time to gather your energies and close important projects or situations. Indeed, some crucial influences are urging you to rest, recoup, and relax this month. Your ruler, Jupiter, is retrograde, and the New Moon on the 1st is another reminder – you may need to take care of loose ends now. Working behind the scenes benefits you. While you'll likely get some social attention and even admiration, a good part of you is a little "hard to get" now. It's a necessary, healing phase. The rest and privacy you need are yours, although there may be plenty of stimulating dramas playing out around you. There can be competing feelings in a relationship, and releasing yourself from excessive attachments can figure strongly and bring some rewards, although challenging at the same time. Money, resources, and relationships can be slightly more sensitive to ups and downs. In some ways, the month begins quietly and slowly builds in activity. Still, Mars moves into your adventure sector on the 3rd, and you're more courageous and active rather than simply hopeful. You're making your own happiness, not waiting for it to come to you. It feels easier to accomplish things now. It's also a good time to do something different and non-routine, as this is where you're shining at the moment. This continues to build when the Sun heads into Sagittarius on the 21st, and you feel the need to take the reins. Even so, the "quiet" times are essential. Something hidden or a secret could emerge, and while this can be disconcerting at first, it's also freeing. You're preparing yourself to move on to bigger and better things! It's an ideal time to see things you've missed, reflect on the past year, and envision how you'd like to proceed in the future. The Full Moon on the 15th has a way of shaking things up and heightening emotions and could bring work, service, or spiritual matters to light. Information surfacing or feelings stirring nudge you to make necessary improvements and adjustments to your life, and a better work-life balance is the key to all of this. If you've been unsatisfied, or if problems have accumulated with work, health, or service matters, you'll feel it strongly. People needing your help can disrupt your workflow or easily distract you. You'd be doing yourself a big favor if you manage previously buried resentment or guilt that has driven your behavior and undermined your happiness. You've been doing a lot of looking within, withdrawing, and possibly escaping, but this Full Moon reminds you of your obligations, both to others (work, services) and to yourself (self-care programs, health regimes). Living arrangements and conditions are clearer after Saturn turns direct on the 15th. Organizing your personal life is in fabulous favor. Facing your responsibilities realistically puts you in a solid position to manage them. Aim to take things gradually and enjoy bringing more order and security to your personal space and inner world. The Sun in your sign gives you more power and visibility from the 21st forward. You feel more in control of your life, people pay you more attention, and you're motivated to make considerable personal and lifestyle changes. You're seen and heard at this time. Mars working in harmony, exactly on the 26th and the 27th, can really get the juices flowing. Creative ideas are powerful. There can be a strong interest in being heard, producing, and publishing. Mars is nearing a retrograde that will begin on December 6th, however, and some of the projects you start now could need some polishing. Keep this in mind, but enjoy the spirit of renewal. Your voice and curiosity are strong in November, but there may be the need to look to the past for answers before pushing forward as you close out the month. Watch for talking about something prematurely during this period. Some personal plans may stall or appear to move backward when, in fact, they can benefit from a review. There will be times when pausing and allowing your emotions to catch up with your mind can serve you well. As such, delays occurring now can be blessings in disguise. You can make some nice progress with money and resources, around the home, or with family. You more clearly appreciate the practical value of material things in the last week of November, focusing on what's most useful or has the most potential to grow in value and importance. You are a little more discriminating and prudent with money and resources, which helps you sort things out. Patience brings rewards. |
Your happiness goals and pursuits are a strong focus in November, dear Capricorn. Social matters, contributing, dreaming, and innovating are themes. The emphasis is on what makes you happy and fulfilled. Your connections with friends and colleagues assume more importance. There can be a special project you're working on that advances. You can be called upon to become more involved or to contribute to the group/community, and you're seeking inspiration! At the same time, your privacy sector is well-represented this month, and you can also have a strong interest in laying low, resting, reflecting, and relaxing. Detoxing and healing are in order! There is no shortage of invitations or things to do – it is more about your ability to pick and choose. Secrets and whispers delight in the month ahead, and you may willingly make a few sacrifices to be with a special someone or simply to spend more time alone and/or away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Still, your sense of community is strong, and emotional satisfaction can come through your interactions with, or support of, friends and associates. If you need to start fresh with a friend, November is your month. Your faith in a particular goal, dream, or idea can build now. From the 3rd forward, Mars intensifies your emotions, turning your stronger attention to hidden or deep elements of your life. It's an important process that shouldn't be rushed or undervalued, but it does seem to keep you working behind the scenes and not always very "present." Fortunately, your observation skills are sharp, and you're blessed with the ability to think ahead to the long-term game plan. Note that, with this transit, competitive or frustrating elements in your relationships may also surface. Because Mars will later turn retrograde in this same sector (starting December 6th), a resolution is not yet in sight. Venus in your privacy sector to the 11th points to the need for more time to yourself and, fortunately, enjoyment and reward in the process. This transit encourages going under the radar in some areas of life and sorting out or processing your feelings. But from the 11th forward, Venus graces your sign, and the desire for comfort or luxury items is hearty. This fabulous transit stirs your willingness (and the required inner clarity) to express your feelings. It encourages your confidence in what you have to offer the world. Make time and room for improvising and enjoying yourself, perhaps letting things flow and loosening up on a matter that has had you all wound up. Venus also frames you nicely in others' eyes. Changes in plans or sudden events can demand a new approach around the Full Moon on the 15th, particularly with friends, lovers, or children, and possibly a creative project or favorite cause. You're thinking outside the box and don't want to feel bound by too many rules. This lunation pulls up unacknowledged feelings, and there can be some drama in your romantic life. A celebration is possible, and feelings for someone or a project can blossom–you can experience a creative rush, strongly romantic or affectionate feelings, and a compelling need to express your emotions. It might be time to do something playful, fun, self-expressive, and creative, even with tensions experienced between what you think you should be doing and what you feel. It's a good idea to feel out discoveries before making bigger decisions. This lunation can usher in an important realization about a romance or heartfelt pursuit. Saturn's direct turn on the 15th can produce a reality check or a reminder of your need to organize or take care of your daily affairs. This could manifest as a sudden increase in responsibilities or a need to reevaluate your current situation. More structure to your communications, studies, and connections to others can benefit you greatly. Procrastination is costly, and you feel more energetic and confident as you meet your goals and responsibilities more promptly. On the 21st, the Sun moves into your privacy sector for a month-long trek. This yearly event precedes your powerful birthday month and is a good time for examining which attitudes, circumstances, and extra dead weight you need to let go of before you begin anew. Ideally, you use this time for healing, processing, and reflecting. You might see old problems or projects in a new light. People tend to let you do your own thing. Your ability to use strategy successfully is enhanced. An intense discussion about your past or private matters may be part of the picture. It's an excellent time for cutting through appearances and uncovering something previously unknown or hidden. You might work on projects behind the scenes or wrap up certain studies or ventures. Mercury begins its retrograde on the 25th, pointing to some extra need to take things easy, mainly related to decision-making, communications, health, and work. You'll benefit from more attention to your inner world. Some decisions you make and projects you start can require reconsideration. Delays are possible. It's a time to redo and refine work already underway, do some journaling, and backtrack over the past to find answers that were not obvious then but are entirely relevant now. |
November spotlights your goals and plans, dear Aquarius, but you're also paying due attention to your happiness and social life. There can be the need to work cooperatively within the framework of a group or with a partner this month. People readily see your charm and grace, particularly those in leadership positions or related to your career. Others often appreciate and enjoy your companionship this month. People gravitate to your optimism and generosity of spirit. Others might extend kindness to you now, and new friendships can be made. These are also active, positive days for networking, sharing, and promoting. Relationships, in general, become livelier with Mars' move into your opposing sign on 3rd. This is assertive and active energy. You or a partner are/is no longer willing to simply sweep problems under the rug. Mars will end up spending quite some time in this sector due to an upcoming retrograde, and you'll have plenty of time to sort things out. The rewards are strong for when you do, but for now, you're beginning to see what needs changing. Watch for hasty choices now, especially since some of your decisions will come up for review in December. Someone might come on strong and then pull back. Conflicts about give-and-take in an existing partnership can emerge. Aim to get things out into the open, but be mindful as you do. It's a time when people in your life challenge you to reach your goals, even if this happens indirectly. New career developments are possible with the New Moon beginning the month at the top of your solar chart. Working hard and fulfilling your responsibilities to the utmost are in sharp focus. This is a time for making real progress on achieving your goals. Bosses and parents, especially, are noticing what you're doing and what you haven't done in the past. You feel more accountable - it seems others expect you to act. Your actions or performance are more public than they have been. There is powerful intuition to draw upon regarding your life path, reputation, and over-arching goals. Around the Full Moon mid-month, aim to get in touch with your heart's desire, as discoveries can be profound. This Full Moon awakens an intense need to attend to your personal life, family, and home. Balancing your home life with responsibilities to the rest of the world is essential now. If you've been going it alone and making executive decisions, your need for support from loved ones is highlighted now Besides the confidence boost of Saturn's direct turn on the 15th, money matters should steadily improve or clarify. It's a good time to focus on firming up your budget, evaluating business projects, paring down excess to make yourself more secure, and paying particular attention to your practical affairs. Friendships and group connections come into stronger focus from the 21st forward, and you're more active socially. Transits tug at your desire to round out your life with a stronger focus on happiness goals, friends, and associations. You're shifting your focus more noticeably now, and a better balance between work and play is within reach. Relationships may be a motivator that gets you going, or you are in the perfect position to collaborate in the last week of November. You can experience intense but pleasant attractions. Healthy competition can fuel the desire to do your best. Even so, with Venus in your privacy sector from the 11th onward, there is some unfinished business to take care of regarding love relationships. There can be a focus on past connections. Beautiful energy is with you for gaining a better understanding of what lies in your heart, of past problems related to your social or romantic life, and of where you would like to be in the area of relationships. Unusual turns of events can occur once Mercury begins its retrograde journey on the 25th. It keeps life interesting and, at times, somewhat baffling! Again, you have much to learn from and through others, even impersonal connections, and it's often about how you react and respond to the people in your life. Interactions jumpstart your thinking, and through them, you can discover your own desires and objectives. There can be delays and obstacles–or possibly a few unknowns–while Mercury is retrograde until mid-December, but through these things, you might discover better alternative methods. The edits you make now could help you in the long term. Past friendships can figure more strongly in your life. |
November is strong for success in promoting, publishing, courses, or special interests, dear Pisces. It can also be suitable for getaways or other ways of breaking the routine. You're more assertive and independent in the first half of the month. At the same time, your longer-term goals, ambitions, and reputation are themes. The second half of November is also solid for your social life. Friends can be supportive and can help you out with your practical affairs. It's a favorable period for networking, particularly business-related. November is a month ripe with opportunities for personal growth through learning and experience. You're on a quest for inspiration, and the good news is, you're likely to find it. The month also shines a spotlight on your work, health, and career. In many ways, it's a period of preparation and adjustment. The New Moon on the 1st can pave the way for new beginnings. This can be a time when you are thinking of making significant changes, such as a new course/line of study or direction. You are more inclined to follow your heart and your passions, although you're likely to have to deal with the mound already on your plate and come to some form of compromise to get the time to do so. Look for people, places, and ideas to stir and inspire you. Mars moving into your work and health sector on the 3rd is significant. Mars will stay in this sector longer than usual and will spend some of its time here retrograde next month, offering you an opportunity period to work out your daily schedules and work or health plans. There can be some reworking of projects or pursuits and backtracking involved, but for now, you're feeling gung-ho about getting yourself and your daily routines into shape. When Venus moves into your friendship sector on the 11th, you'll feel a more freedom and joy. Group activities, friendships, and community events will take center stage. You'll also find yourself more technically savvy, business-minded, and forward-thinking. This period is not only about socializing, but also about enjoying new projects, experimenting with technology, and exploring different ideas. The middle of the month could be a time for a significant announcement or the culmination of a publishing or learning project. The Full Moon can trigger discoveries related to ideas, learning, communications, transportation, and relatives. These discoveries can inspire you to make changes and improvements. The new awareness you gain allows you to confront whatever comes into full view with confidence. You may find yourself with a strong desire to be understood! This period tends to shake up preconceptions, bringing surprising feelings. Changes in plans and schedules can alter your perspective on a matter or your view of a project or situation. Epiphanies and moments of truth can occur now, making it a powerful time to learn more about yourself. Aim to enjoy this rush of energy that helps you catch up with your true feelings on a matter. You may also need to catch up with errands and other essentials of your daily affairs. Mid-month, Saturn turns direct in your sign after a long period of retrograde motion. This shift will boost your confidence, not in a showy way, but through a deep sense of clarity and understanding of reality. You're in a good position to resume or start specific health pursuits. Your determination to move forward intensifies, but remember, patience and steady pacing are your allies. While responsibilities and problems may seem daunting, this shift empowers you with a strong sense of realism, clarity, and self-discipline. The Sun's move to the top of your solar chart on the 21st further boosts your focus on long-term goals and performance. Work-related matters are particularly strong around the 26th to the 27th when you apply yourself with great purpose and intent. Putting your practical affairs together can come exceptionally easy to you. Your stamina level is strong, and you're wasting no time. It's a creative, energetic, and motivating time for your work, routines, and long-term goals. Even so, Mercury turns retrograde on the 25th, and some of your plans can slow down or encounter delays. Something you presented or communicated earlier might now seem premature. Career and reputation can be tricky, but they remain satisfying areas of focus. It can be worth your while to observe trends and look to the past for answers on how to manage current responsibilities. While decisions should probably wait, you can use this period to better understand your projects, goals, and needs. You gravitate to the most practical solutions to problems and constructive projects or endeavors. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
November 2024 Aspects TimeLine:
See also: This Week in Astrology for more detail.
See also: Table of Planetary Transits, Sign Changes, New/Full Moons, and Retrogrades for the Month
This Month’s Ephemeris:
This Month’s Ephemeris with extra points and abbreviations rather than glyphs:
Ephemerides with additional points are for Eastern Time. The North Node and Lilith are the True positions. Retrogrades are underlined. Extra points are Chiron, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, and Lilith. These come from the excellent software, Sirius 3.0.
- July 2024 Ephemeris
- August 2024 Ephemeris
- September 2024 Ephemeris
- October 2024 Ephemeris
- November 2024 Ephemeris
- December 2024 Ephemeris
- January 2025 Ephemeris
- February 2025 Ephemeris
- March 2025 Ephemeris
This Month’s Void Moon Dates:
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors, although they’re not impossible periods, either.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.
New & Full Moon Charts:
- New Moon in Scorpio Chart: November 1, 2024
- Full Moon in Taurus Chart: November 15th, 2024
Looking Ahead:
- Time Line Aspects: October 2024
- Time Line Aspects: November 2024
- Time Line Aspects: December 2024
- Time Line Aspects: January 2025
- Time Line Aspects: February 2025
- Time Line Aspects: March 2025
- Time Line Aspects: April 2025
- Time Line Aspects: May 2025
- Time Line Aspects: June 2025

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2024 – Overview
The Astrology of 2025 – Overview