This Month in Astrology – May 2020
May 2020
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
The New Moon on April 22nd energized the sign of Taurus and influences us in the first few weeks of May. This lunation brought a “fresh start” to our lives, awakening the need to take charge, particularly regarding making ourselves feel more secure and comfortable. It’s a time for re-evaluating our relationship with money and possessions to discover what it is that we truly value and that which genuinely makes us happy and fulfilled. We should be concentrating on what we can do to increase our feelings of self-worth and to simplify our lives in key ways. This is a time for reconnecting with nature, to our bodies, and to the world of the five senses.
This lunation can fill us with a sense of mission. Our willingness to innovate is strong with the New Moon’s alignment with Uranus. New ways of seeing, using, and approaching our personal possessions, valuables, money, and talents are in focus. This lunation had/has much healing potential.
Until now, the True North Node in the sign of Cancer has challenged us to pay more attention to our homes, hearts, families, and domestic world. On May 5th, the True North Node of the Moon enters Gemini for a stay until January 2022, and a new mission emerges. During this transit, we’re challenged to communicate more effectively, heartfully, and mindfully. Taking more care getting the facts and details right is vital at this time. We’re likely to do more fact-checking before jumping to conclusions, and this is reinforced with Saturn in Aquarius. We’re challenged to avoid too quickly dismissing others’ opinions. Instead of hurrying through life, afraid to be tied down, we should pay more attention to the details of everyday life. We’ll be learning to truly listen to others and discover the value of authentic communication and exchange, seeing both sides of a situation before drawing conclusions.
The Full Moon occurs in the sign of Scorpio on the 7th, bringing sudden awareness to our lives, particularly of relationship imbalances and flaws. Its harmony with Neptune and Pluto suggests we have all the tools available to make constructive changes. This Full Moon reminds us of the need to consider and appreciate others’ support, contribution, needs, wants, and input. Discoveries made now may have a magical or private quality to them.
May introduces a wave of new retrogrades from the 11th to 14th: Saturn and Jupiter begin their yearly retrogrades this month, and Venus also turns retrograde, which is not quite as common. This short time period can be confusing or disorienting, especially with Mercury and Mars both changing signs and square one another at the same time. Decision-making is challenging during this window.
Saturn turns retrograde on May 11th and will continue to travel in this apparent backward motion until September 29th. While Saturn is retrograde, we tend to review our responsibilities and commitments rather than deal with them directly in the moment. There can be more than usual experiences of guilt and self-doubt as we internalize fears but also the chance to reassess our commitments. Pluto just recently turned retrograde in the sign of Capricorn as well, suggesting some rather heavy, contemplative, or turning-point energy to this area of our charts.
Venus turns retrograde on May 13th at 21+ degrees Gemini and will remain retrograde until June 25th, staying in the sign of Gemini for the entire retrograde cycle. This retrograde gives us the chance to look over and review our affections, relationships, and finances. We may question a current project or commitment during this cycle.
Retrograde Venus affects us mainly in the areas of love and finances, but also spans to some areas of business and pleasurable pursuits. These matters are not straightforward during this period, and it’s a time for reviewing our attitudes and attachments rather than forging ahead boldly into new love relationships or financial projects. Old friends and lovers may re-appear, perhaps complicating current relationships, or we may be reminiscing about past conditions more often. We may be called to deal with relationship issues from the past. It can be a real challenge getting closer to a lover during this period of time. Unorthodox, experimental, and non-intimate relationships may be favored.
At the time that Venus forms an inferior conjunction with the Sun on June 3rd, relationship issues are magnified. Fateful events can occur now. This is equivalent to a New Moon but marks the beginning of a new Venus cycle. We are symbolically in the dark during the retrograde until then, but starting fresh and re-energized from this date forward. There is impulsiveness and lack of preparation now.
Jupiter turns retrograde on May 14th, and slowing down projects or plans may be appropriate in order to gain perspective. Initially, our enthusiasm and confidence might wane, and we may experience a crisis of faith or hope. “Luck” may be less overt during this period, from May 14th to September 12th, but it’s a good time for looking within and reassessing recent goals.
The New Moon on the 22nd energizes the sign of Gemini. By consciously tuning in to positive Gemini energy, we learn through others simply by being curious, and we improve our social and communication skills at the same time. We open our minds to more information, and we learn to truly enjoy the variety of different personalities around us. This New Moon occurs at the time of a Mercury-Venus alignment, suggesting insight into past relationships or money matters that shines a new light on current conditions.
Jupiter is heading toward a quintile aspect with Chiron at the end of May, exact early on June 1st. Jupiter forms a quintile with Chiron on March 23rd. This long-term transit first occurred in March and will happen again in November, following alongside the Jupiter-Neptune sextile and Jupiter-Pluto conjunction. It helps open our minds to others’ struggles and facilitates explaining our perspective to others. We’re more willing to learn and grow through our experiences. Both Jupiter and Chiron are good for seeing the whole of a situation, making holisitic problem-solving particularly rewarding and successful as these bodies connect through a creative aspect. We’re absorbing and sharing what we’ve learned from past experiences and mistakes.
Date | Time (ET) | Event | Position |
May 5 | 1:48 AM | True Node Rx enters Gemini | TNo Gem |
May 7 | 6:45 AM | Full Moon in Scorpio | 17 Sco 20' |
May 11 | 12:09 AM | Saturn Retrograde | Sat 1 Aqu 57'Rx |
May 11 | 5:58 PM | Mercury enters Gemini | Mer 0 Gem 00' |
May 13 | 12:17 AM | Mars enters Pisces | Mars 0 Pis 00' |
May 13 | 2:45 AM | Venus Retrograde | Ven 21 Gem 50'Rx |
May 14 | 10:03 AM | Quarter Moon | 24 Aqu 14' |
May 14 | 10:32 AM | Jupiter Retrograde | Jup 27 Cap 14'Rx |
May 17 | 4:30 AM | Pallas Retrograde | Pal 0 Aqu 57'Rx |
May 20 | 9:49 AM | Sun enters Gemini | Sun 0 Gem 00' |
May 22 | 1:39 PM | New Moon in Gemini | 2 Gem 05' |
May 26 | 10:51 PM | Juno Direct | Jun 5 Lib 48'D |
May 28 | 2:09 PM | Mercury enters Cancer | Mer 0 Can 00' |
May 29 | 11:30 PM | Quarter Moon | 9 Vir 12' |
(See the full table for 2020)
See also: This Week in Astrology week to week for more detail.
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
Overview horoscopes fill in here as I write them, ideally during the week before the month begins. It is not unusual to see some signs temporarily missing as I usually write them over the course of a few days, and I always start with the featured sign of the month (birthday month).
Your comfort levels and sense of security are in focus in May, dear Aries. You're building and developing projects and enjoying simple pleasures and comforts. There can be a chance to redo a project or return to an endeavor that once seemed to be a lost cause. It's a good month for looking to the past for inspiration and insight into what may work for you in the future, particularly as this relates to learning and mental interests. The Full Moon on the 7th is a time for recognizing your attachments, debts, and your support and intimacy needs. Revelations at this time are catalysts for making changes related to dependencies and support systems. With more faith in your abilities and your worth now, it could be a good time to attract positive experiences. With Venus retrograde in your solar third house from May 13-June 25, some of your interests may be waning, but it's better to treat this as a break or pause rather than an ending. You see past relationships and expectations in a different light, and you're redefining what it is you now want and need from your connections and your studies. You're doing the work that helps you ultimately pursue your true heart's desires. You might recognize a line of study, personal interest, or another "calling" that's a better fit for you. At first, however, routines can feel overwhelming, while errors need correcting, and tasks can weigh on you, perhaps losing quite a bit of the pleasure factor. You may return to past projects, encountering mistakes that need fixing and delays that keep you in limbo. Pay particular attention to the ideas coming to you this month, and do your research. It makes sense to do some work on your finances by looking back, reviewing, and researching. People from the past figure strongly in your life in the second half of May. Transportation issues may crop up. Note that Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn all turn retrograde from May 11-15, and because it happens in such a short window, it's best to treat this period gently. It happens that Mercury forms a square to Mars around the same time, reinforcing the need to avoid hasty or sweeping decisions. With Mars entering your privacy sector and Venus turning retrograde, both on the 13th, you'd be wise to focus your energies on tying up loose ends and a work-in-progress rather than brand new beginnings. Things are moving in the direction of more involvement and improvement with personal interests, relationships with siblings, and studies or communications. After the New Moon on the 22nd, new beginnings related to communications, connections, and commuting are likely. As well, a longer-term influence comes into play in May that points to valuable advances along these lines. While in some areas, slowing down makes sense this month, you can feel quite hungry to grow something, and you’ll find reliable cosmic support for doing so. You're enjoying putting your talents to use. You may draw in the right resources to advance your goals. You're in a good place for original methods and taking actions that free you from hindrances and problems. |
May is a month to shine for you, dear Taurus, but not necessarily to act on new ideas. The focus is on you and personality development, but several planets are turning retrograde, including your planetary ruler (Venus), and it's best to pace yourself. Research and incubate ideas so that you'll be ready to go forward with them later. Career matters or responsibilities are moving forward at a quick and stimulating pace. Going after what you want comes especially naturally. A close partner may have an outpouring of emotions around the Full Moon on the 7th. Or, revelations related to relationships and relationship needs occur around this time. Some tension is possible, but you're in great shape for understanding your need for others. Financial matters take center stage from the 20th forward, although you're especially alert to money matters all month. Money matters can be tricky now, as adjustments to spending need to be made. Some backtracking is likely. Fortunately, you have Mars traveling in harmony with your sign from the 13th forward, helping you move through the rest of the month more fluidly, even with the Venus retrograde. You seem to be able to call upon friends to help you along if you wish. You may very well be the go-to person in your networks or group, or you could be taking the lead quite successfully. You can be looking at money matters from a new and helpful perspective, and the motivation to turn over a new leaf regarding finances and relationship expectations can be strong after the New Moon on the 22nd. Turn your attention to things you already have and think about how you can rework or recycle them for the best results. This is a good time for finding the enthusiasm and determination to complete a project, particularly business-related, that you've put on a shelf. The need for better communication systems becomes apparent now. This can be a time that spurs new beginnings related to your relationship with your money and things. Income and finances are in sharp focus in the last week of the month. Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn all turn retrograde, and from May 10-15, reserving judgment makes sense as you acclimatize to these shifts. Life can feel a bit like drudgery at times as you question your levels of comfort or your income. You're inclined to perceive things a little differently, mainly related to finances, comfort issues, possessions and valuables, and intimate matters. It's an excellent period for reviewing finances, budgeting, and collecting financial information, but not ideal for buying new big-ticket items. If you are good at spotting deals, however, you could find some unusually good ones, as people may be parting with things they wouldn't unload under normal conditions. While you may not always feel confident and sure about your feelings during the retrograde Venus cycle, it's an excellent period for considering how your approach to attracting what you want has served you in the past. As you examine your life in these areas, you learn how to make improvements. Another significant event this month is the North Node of the Moon's move into your solar second house for an eighteen-month stay. Some of the greatest joys and challenges come through learning about your values and self-worth during this cycle ahead of you. Personal income and valuables or possessions are in strong focus. You need to learn to depend on yourself and to establish your self-worth through your own efforts, and the rewards for doing so are enormous. New ideas and communications are compelling, particularly around the 4th, 9-10, and 16-17. It's an excellent month for learning new things and investing in yourself and your education. Around the 24-25, you're standing out from the crowd in a very good way. Energy and confidence are with you, and others recognize and appreciate your unique qualities. |
You benefit from lovely Venus moving through your sign all month, dear Gemini. In fact, Venus will be in Gemini until August. This position accentuates your finer, more attractive qualities for all to appreciate. Nevertheless, you can be undecided this month after the 13th, gathering your energies and weighing your options with Venus retrograde until June 25th. You're frequently turning your attention to unresolved matters or the past until the last week of May when you're likely to feel more inspired and motivated to chase your dreams. The Sun in your sign from the 20th forward offers opportunities to make your mark. The Full Moon on the 7th may produce some chaos on the job front (or with daily affairs and chores) that week, but nothing you can't handle. It's a time for recognizing your need to take better care of your health, work, or routines. There can be a scurry of activity now as you attempt to get more organized. Irritations can motivate you to make significant improvements. There is a lot of stop-and-start energy with you as Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn turn retrograde this month. Because they do so in a short frame of time, and with a Mercury-Mars square aggravating things, be gentle and wary from May 10-15. On the one hand, you can be raring to go and filled with new ideas, particularly with Mercury in your sign from the 12-28. On the other, you can face some obstacles to your goals, with some slowdowns that keep you from pushing ahead. Consider that waiting on something or someone can be a blessing in disguise, particularly if you work on editing and refining things as you wait. Mars moves to the top of your solar chart on the 13th, making it an excellent time to work on longer-term goals but try not to put unreasonable pressures on yourself. It's a helpful transit for motivating you to focus on priorities. Venus entered your sign in early April, boosting your charm and perhaps bringing favors your way. With Venus turning retrograde on the 13th, it's a prompt to revise your plans and put off new initiatives until you have more confidence in them. Others may not be getting you, sometimes misunderstanding your intentions, just for now. It's better to use this time for budgeting rather than buying, resting if you can, and revising plans. While you are attracting others magnetically, you could be a little withdrawn and hesitant about pushing forward in matters of the heart. It's a time for looking into your heart and understanding your needs more intimately. You're likely to do quite a bit of reviewing, reassessing, and perhaps some experimenting with your personal image, looks, manner, finances, and close relationships until June 25th. Take your time with major decision-making! There is an emphasis on your private life, inner world, and intimate life in the first three weeks of May. Still, key themes are developing that highlight your independence and the innovative side of your personality. The North Node moves into your sign on the 5th, Mercury enters Gemini on the 11th, and the Sun, on the 20th. May is very much about you! A New Moon on the 22nd brings discoveries and a feeling of newness to your life. Still, take your time before moving forward. Venus retrograde in your sign suggests you're learning and reinforcing self-love, and it's quite a magical process. There can be ups and downs, as it's mostly a time for allowing your heart to catch up with the rest of you. Venus transits your sign for a whopping four months, from April 3-August 7, and is retrograde within that period only from May 13-June 25. There will be plenty of attention to you and your ability to attract what you need into your life. The North Node of the Moon heads into your sign, suggesting even further emphasis on self-discovery. Now and in the coming year and a half, some of the greatest joys and challenges come through learning about your independence, personal courage, and effectiveness. You are learning to overcome any existing fears of trusting your own instincts or going it alone, and it's a beautiful, empowering process. The last week of May is a time of personal reinvention. You may experiment with new ways of presenting yourself and approaching the world. |
While May brings lively energy, dear Cancer, emotionally, you can be quite focused on the past and in need of some quiet time in spots. Friendships are in focus, and learning endeavors tend to thrive. A friend or network can open a window of opportunity for you, so pay close attention and stay connected, particularly around the 15-17 and 24-25. However, you can also benefit from some quality downtime in May. The Full Moon on the 7th can bring romantic revelations or drama in the life of a friend. It's a time when you come to important emotional revelations about people in your life and your need for them, or about your place in a group, with friends, or even in the community. The need to more fully express your joy, love, or affection and creativity is in focus now, spurring you into action. Venus turns retrograde on the 13th, signaling a period of reflection. The retrograde occurs from May 13th-June 25th and happens in your privacy sector. You are likely to pull back a little as you take the time to revise and perhaps question some of your plans. Matters from the past creep up and demand your attention. It's a good time for solving old problems and finally laying them to rest, although complications can be frustrating as they crop up. Romantic matters are on the complicated side, and you may be dealing with past relationships, love triangles, or sacrifices made for a lover. You should watch for secrets surfacing that prompt you to rethink current plans and possibly even alliances. This can be a time for reassessing your privacy needs and your attachment to relationships of the past. While Venus is retrograde from the 13th, Mars moves into harmony with your sign on the same day, helping you to get through the month more smoothly. This transit stimulates your need to break out of a rut or a routine. It's a good time for out of the ordinary activities. It's wise to seek out a better, more satisfying work-life balance with a little extra emphasis on the "life" part. Rushing won't get you there faster. It's probably best to keep many of your projects and even your affections on the down-low for now. It's better to hold onto money in May and June if you can. Consider that Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn all turn retrograde in a short window, and that Mercury and Mars form an impatient square aspect during this window from about May 10-15. It's best to avoid major decisions or bold moves at this time. May is important for discovering or rediscovering what's in your heart. It's about learning what genuinely touches you, and it's a powerful process. You're coming to see those things that have been holding you back from embracing happiness. Also this month, the North Node moves out of your sign and into your privacy sector for a cycle lasting eighteen months. Some of the greatest joys and challenges during this cycle come through learning about your inner world. Your attention turns to spirituality, downtime, and faith. Your path is to attempt to let go of unnecessary worry and guilt and to trust in a larger, more spiritual plan. After the New Moon on the 22nd, the need to gain a better understanding of past events or to communicate more effectively becomes obvious. This is a time that prompts some much-needed downtime and introspection. New hope and beginnings relate to your private life, mental health, and spiritual life. |
Recognition for your talents is forthcoming in May, dear Leo, or you're discovering desires and objectives you never knew you had. This can be a power month for your ambitions and goals, but with retrogrades coming into play, it's better to develop current ventures and projects rather than take on new ones. Some complications surrounding friends and lovers are entirely possible this month with Venus retrograde starting on the 13th, but some of you may reconnect with a long-lost friend or gain valuable insight into a relationship. You or a friend may be dredging up old issues, or distance between you and someone important to you can weigh on you. It may be important to pull back a little to gain perspective either with your connections or particular projects. Look to Mars' move to your solar eighth house on the same day Venus turns retrograde (the 13th) for inspiration. You might find a project to throw yourself into, particularly if it requires investigation or deep research. You may be in limbo about a friendship or your social life during the Venus retrograde cycle from May 13th to June 25th. It can certainly give you the chance to think about what and who you truly value. Let things flow and observe how things are unfolding with as much patience as you can muster. If the pleasure factor has been missing in your social life or regarding happiness goals in your life, now is the time to recognize the problem. Be vigilant when dealing with associates or friends from mid-month, as there can be some hidden resentments or problems brewing. Be a team player. A friend from the past might resurface in your life this month or the next. Instead, you might be doing a lot of reminiscing or you could feel stuck on a social level. The North Node enters your social sector this month, and will stick around there for eighteen months. During this cycle, the areas of both challenge and great reward are friendship, networks, associates, teams, and happiness goals. Sharing the load may mean sometimes sharing the credit, but overall, you're in good shape for rounding out your experiences. Awakening to your true feelings for someone can figure strongly. You can be working on letting go of any resistance you might feel about being "one of the crowd," and you may be moving towards a more objective approach to your life. Your relationships with others - as well as your relationship with yourself - will benefit. This can certainly be a month of additional responsibilities, and the need to take on the role of manager can emerge. Family matters grab your attention as well around the Full Moon on the 7th. A balance is needed if you've been prioritizing your responsibilities to the outside world. It's time to gain perspective on matters related to your home, family, and personal life or your emotional world. The New Moon on the 22nd points to a new take on a friendship or project. New beginnings in the weeks ahead relate to friends, networking, community, causes, and happiness goals. It's a time for a fresh start or new approach. You may be reminiscing before moving forward with a new plan for happiness and fulfillment. |
May is a fine month for writing, learning, and sharing your ideas, dear Virgo. Breaking the routine can boost your spirits. Career and reputation matters can be tricky from the 13th forward with Venus turning retrograde. You may be rethinking your fulfillment regarding your career, direction, or financial situation. While you might experience some delays now, you're gearing up for remarkable improvements in these areas in the coming months. The Full Moon on May 7th can be a revealing one, suggesting adjustments are in order before regaining confidence in a project. It's a time when you arrive at important revelations regarding your assignments, studies, mental outlook, and personal interests. There can be some scrambling to make deadlines or some past disorganization to manage now, but it's an exciting time for a better understanding of your interests. With shifts of direction and your ruler, Mercury, forming a challenging aspect to Mars, May 11-15 requires more caution. It's better to reserve judgment and go slowly, avoiding major decisions at this time, if possible, since judgment can be a little off. It's important to recognize where you might be overshooting or putting too much pressure on something to work a certain way. Consider that your current goals may require more time than expected to achieve. Be patient and look for ways to improve the ventures or projects you already have in place rather than taking on something brand new. Slowdowns or complications are temporary and ultimately helpful but can serve to frustrate at times. July will bring opportunities to begin anew and the chance to get back on track from a stronger position, particularly if you do the leg work now. From May 5th onward, the North Node of the Moon transits your solar tenth house for eighteen months, pointing to a period when you're more confidently putting yourself out there and meeting your responsibilities. During the Venus-retrograde period from May 13-June 27, your career or responsibilities may temporarily lose some of its "pleasure factor," and you may be going back over old projects, encountering mistakes that need fixing and delays that keep you in limbo. There can be complicated relationships on the work front, or you may be waiting for a decision or plan to unfold. When you're busy doing, you may not always process what's going on inside, and now you get the chance to get in touch with what you truly love and want. On the same day that Venus turns retrograde, Mars heads into your partnership sector. This transit can pull up some needed confrontations with others, but with Venus retrograde concurrently, there can be tact and decorum missing, leading to problems that may not resolve for some time. Be watchful of this tendency and aim to go gently. With work, you may be taking on new challenges to lead, manage, and pursue your dream goals. This prompt is likely to begin with a rethink and later evolve to a rebrand! A review of how well you've attended to your satisfaction happens just in case you've been working on auto-pilot and forgetting that enjoying yourself is possible, even as you pursue your duties. Some of the greatest challenges and rewards will come from motivating yourself to take better care of your professional and public life, and it's all starting now. With the New Moon on the 22nd, there can be new beginnings or a fresh approach with career, life path, long-term goals, responsibilities, reputation, social status, and leadership matters. This is a time for wiping the slate clean and starting anew. Looking back before moving forward is worthwhile. Past disappointments can motivate you to make improvements. May is a strong time for correcting imbalances in your life, particularly if you've been overly tied up with your daily affairs and living in your mind a little too much for your own good. |
Healthy communication figures strongly this month, dear Libra, and feedback from others can be beneficial. Still, love and pleasure matters can become a bit complicated after the 13th when your ruler, Venus, turns retrograde. Indecision is pronounced as you can be more concerned with weighing your options, but this slowdown helps you out. You're in a rather introspective phase as you go within for answers, but you're also making some astute observations as you step back from the action just a little. You're conserving some of your energy, and more inclined to formulate plans and strategies. There can be a focus on deepening a connection to a person or project. Venus retrograde in your sector of legal, educational, and travel matters suggests that these affairs may not be moving forward at the speed you'd like. While travel is a given problem for many at this time, studies and extracurricular activities may also involve some reassessment, review, or delays. With Venus retrograde from the 13th affecting your axis of communication and transportation, there can be delays and changes of heart. You can be questioning the pleasure factor of current interests and activities. Venus is helping you in these areas, even if it isn't immediately apparent. You're looking back with a different set of eyes, and you can come to a greater understanding of past relationships and projects in the process. Money shared, borrowed, or loaned can be in focus in May. The 7th can bring some financial matters to light, demanding your attention, and useful improvements can result from developments now. There can be meaningful revelations and epiphanies related to money, resources, personal possessions, comfort, and security. Standout dates include the 5-6 when you see a financial or intimate matter more clearly, the 15-17, and the 24-25, when you're bringing a new spin to your work or daily affairs. Positive lifestyle changes can be in focus. Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn all turn retrograde from May 11-15, and it's a rather challenging time for clarity. If you can, hold off on major decision-making during this window. For the Venus retrograde cycle from May 13-June 25, the pleasure factor in your life regarding current interests, ideas, studies, and adventure may come into question. It's a time for discovering what you truly want and need, and there can be some unrest until you see the light. Also on May 13th, Mars moves into your work and health sector, and this can serve to push your interest in bettering your daily life, health, routines, or work. You're motivated and in charge. You can work longer hours than usual, or push harder and more energetically in health and fitness routines, and these can be areas of much satisfaction and accomplishment. Especially if your social life is up and down and you need to clear your head, pouring your energy into constructive work efforts or self-care programs can help you work through problems. With the North Node's move into this area of your solar chart for an eighteen-month stay, you're receiving a cosmic nudge towards adopting beliefs that genuinely reflect the current "you," and you're learning about your need for self-expression through non-routine activities, studies, and experiences. The New Moon on the 22nd also occurs in your sector of spirit, adventure, higher learning, worldview, and belief systems or perspective. It's a fine time for committing to a line of study or to more enjoyment and discovery in your life. A review of current or past unfulfilling activities may be the fuel for this reorientation. This is a time for building your faith and understanding where you stand and what you believe in. |
There can be many demands on your time in May, dear Scorpio, and for the most part, your involvement is pleasant and rewarding. It's a busy time, but also an important month for observing, investigating, and analyzing. A major focus this month can be a close partnership or friendship. Personal plans tend to take the back seat more often than not. Finances are generally status quo, but some could experience delays revolving around money owed to you from May 13th forward with Venus retrograde. Joint money and property matters may need some review. Some care should probably be taken with love matters this month, particularly those surrounding shared finances and intimacy. It's a good month for redesigning your budget, but it's not an ideal time for making big purchases or major commitments. You could easily regret your purchases, outlays, or promises later, so taking the time to think about things before leaping forward makes sense. The Full Moon on the 7th occurs in your sign and can bring a sudden revelation or awareness of a situation. It's a time of discovery as you recognize your feelings on a matter. Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn all turn retrograde towards mid-May, and it's best to reserve judgment during the period from May 10-15. During the Venus retrograde cycle from May 13-June 25, the pleasure factor in your intimate life may be in question. It's a time for discovering what you truly want and need, and there can be some unrest until you see the light. This can happen in your financial life, in a close relationship, or with passion projects and absorbing activities. Fortunately, on the day that Venus turns retrograde (the 13th), Mars heads into harmony with your sign and your sector of joy. You're feeling increasingly more independent, and your powers of attraction run very high. You can find much to entertain yourself now. Good energy is with you for creative tasks and inspired ways of interacting with others. Openness and generosity lead to new levels of understanding. After the New Moon on the 22nd, intimate relationships can benefit from a new start or vision, although you're in the process of redefining what you want and need from others, as well as what you expect from yourself. You may be interested in developing a relationship or project further. Seeing old projects or relationships in a new light can prompt a new direction, approach, or beginning. Life is not about pushing forward this month. Retrograde periods are useful for slowing down and learning what you genuinely want regarding shared finances and intimacy. |
Hard work pays off this month, dear Sagittarius. You might learn something new about a health or work matter that improves your life. You're clearer about your goals and feeling good about what you do and about your contributions. Close relationships may become complicated from mid-May forward when unresolved issues from the past can reappear. It's best to avoid pushing things from May 10-15 when it can be difficult to know your next step. Still, talking through problems is favored in May. A more logical and less emotional approach often works well at this time with Mercury direct and Venus retrograde from the 13th forward. You'll begin to recognize the need to look within for answers as the month advances, but you're also inclined to rely on someone special more often. Still, some disconnects in the love department are possible, but it's a good idea to give yourself and others a bit of space. Relationships can be tricky, primarily if you focus too intensely on problem areas, which is a tendency you might aim to tame. If you've been neglecting your needs for rest or emotional refreshment, the Full Moon on the 7th can prompt you to find a better work-life balance. Taking care of your mental health or getting extra rest can be especially important or necessary now. From the 13th, you're likely to pour a lot of your energies into home and family life. There can be some tensions in the family unit, particularly with Venus retrograde starting on the same date and less apparent charm, warmth, and diplomacy. However, if you can rally up the necessary cooperation, you can achieve a lot. After the New Moon on the 22nd, aim to set intentions and goals that better reflect your redefined wants, needs, and expectations of others. Energies are powerful for a fresh start or turning point. New beginnings related to close relationship goals and needs are possible now, and for many, it's a time for enhancing or attracting a one-to-one relationship. During the retrograde Venus cycle from May 13-June 25, life has a way of showing you where things are losing their appeal or no longer supporting you. The pleasure factor may be missing, particularly related to a partnership or relationships, in general. You can feel undecided, in limbo, and unsatisfied. However, this is not to torture you, but rather to prompt a reexamination that ideally leads to making improvements. Use this period to re-evaluate what it is you want in love and your relationship needs instead of forging ahead into unknown territory. With the North Node of the Moon moving into your opposite sign this month for an eighteen-month cycle, challenges and great rewards come from pairing or partnering up. A new set of eclipses are set to bring in particular attention to issues of independence and partnership, starting early next month. A flood of emotional intensity in these areas of your life is likely, launching a period of self-discovery. You're moving toward a stronger identity and a sense of purposefulness through your connections to others. You're learning to take yourself a little less seriously while investing more time and energy into understanding someone important to you. Through partnership and cooperation, you will more likely achieve the inner balance necessary for you to achieve your goals. While May asks you to do some slowing down, a positive, progressive mood helps you along, and you can enjoy extraordinary energy if you're inspired. Alternative methods for getting healthy or organized can figure strongly. You can turn unglamorous tasks into creative pursuits. |
With an emphasis on your sector of joy in the first few weeks of May, dear Capricorn, you're especially tuned in to your need for pleasure and leisure. Even so, there is an increasing emphasis on your work-and-health sector as the month advances, and with Venus retrograde in this area of your solar chart from May 13th forward, there can be errors, delays, or backtracking to manage. It's best to focus on the present, observe, and slow down than it is to bank on long-term plans. Ideally, you'll learn much about what you love and need in your life. This is an excellent time to focus on fun, games, and enjoyment, and events surrounding creative projects, children, or hobbies can be exciting or surprising. You're in particularly good shape for creative self-expression and relating. A channel for expressing yourself can open up, and it's empowering. Venus is retrograde from May 13th to June 25th. Because this happens in your work and health sector, there can be some slowdowns in projects or waiting games revolving around health, routines, your job, or chores. It's best to aim to be patient and understanding. Looking back to the past in these areas can be a tendency and may benefit you now. If life feels a bit like drudgery, or if daily chores, routines, and tasks weigh on you, it's a time to explore what you can do to improve the pleasure factor in these areas. On the same day that Venus turns retrograde (the 13th), Mars moves into your communications sector, and your desire to learn increases. You can feel particularly passionate and motivated to study, share ideas, and work on pet projects. You may come across a little abruptly or impatiently at times, but you have a lot going on and much to keep you busy and engaged. The Full Moon on the 7th brings your feelings about a friend or your social life/happiness goals to the fore. It's a time of epiphanies about your need to be involved or to belong and contribute. You've been very intent on doing things on your own, but at this time, you might see opportunities to share your load or collaborate. It's time to remind yourself that you're not alone. Pacing yourself makes sense with several planets turning retrograde from May 11-15. With these shifts occurring close to one another, as well as a Mercury-Mars square, it's best not to run ahead of yourself during this window. It's not the time to speed along with new endeavors. Keeping things moderate makes sense. You're looking at old problems in new ways, mainly related to work, duties, and health. After the New Moon on the 22nd, your desire to be productive, useful, and helpful motivates you to start fresh. Seeing where you may have been tripping up or chasing the wrong things in the past can be part of this. Brand new beginnings in the material world should probably wait, but that doesn't mean you can't begin anew on an emotional level. It can certainly be a time of increased work, chores, and attention to your daily affairs and mundane tasks. It's not the most glamorous time of the year! However, it can be a great period for special attention to getting things right, fixing errors, and sorting things out. The North Node of the Moon moves into this same sector of your solar chart in May, but will stick around for longer--until January 2022. During this cycle, you'll recognize that orderliness is empowering, and paying closer attention to deadlines, details, and rules will be a challenge but also very rewarding. While some things are slowing down this month, communications seem the way to go. You might try something new or different with writing or creating, and the results can be fun. It's a fine time for creativity, amusement, and romantic attraction. |
Home and family life continue to be in sharp focus this month, dear Aquarius. Especially as May advances, a creative, playful theme is building. Your personal or domestic life is busy, mostly pleasant, and rewarding. Strengthening ties with loved ones and learning to do home life differently is satisfying. There can be some backtracking or reticence experienced from May 13th forward when Venus turns retrograde. There may be delays with plans. There can be a strong focus on settling in and seeking out more peace, but the Full Moon on the 7th can challenge this with a scurry of activity. Events occur that highlight your responsibilities or that remind you of your ties to the outside world! Or, this lunation awakens you to the need for a long-term goal or well-defined ambition. An overarching plan is important now, and you may come up with a new idea along these lines. Venus is retrograde from May 13-June 25, and it can be a time to rethink pastimes or pleasure-seeking activities and creative expression. You might also take this time to reassess your goals on social, romantic, or creative levels. This retrograde encourages a look back before charging ahead. Examining the past can benefit you now and in the future. In fact, you have lovely energy with you for building, improving, and developing any work-in-progress with Mars moving into your resources sector on the same day that Venus begins its retrograde (the 13th). You might thoroughly enjoy developing something that has long-term potential. The need to slow down in other life departments becomes obvious by May 10-15. Pacing yourself and aiming for moderation are important now since several planetary shifts are occurring at once, making it hard to see things clearly. Some things seem to go on hold at this time, and they're likely related to entertainment, dating, romance, creativity, hobbies, or children. Some areas may lose the pleasure factor for the time being, and you or someone in your life can be rethinking a matter. It's time to backtrack a little. You may feel in limbo, but you can also turn to the past and rebirth something that you once left behind. The New Moon on the 22nd is good for reorienting yourself in a new direction on an emotional level. While you may be looking at romantic relationships or opportunities gone by, and this is a useful process, you can feel especially motivated to make things better going forward with a new set of expectations and redefined needs. This is a wonderfully steadying influence with a New Moon occurring in your sector of joy in total harmony with Saturn in your sign. It feels quite natural to turn your attention to creative or romantic matters. There may be some concerns about money or comfort issues, but it's a good time for a new and improved approach to leisure time, love, dating, or pleasure and pastimes now. In fact, with the North Node moving into this same sector until January 2022, you'll be pointed in the direction of creativity, uniqueness, standing out from the crowd, love affairs, and sharing your heart for some time. May can bring you opportunities to upgrade, improve, and innovate. You can be a motivating force in your personal circle. The month is strong for centering yourself, but it's also good for building your confidence. Relaxing, recreational activities can appeal and can even be a little therapeutic now. |
May is likely to begin on a busy note and end on a quieter one, dear Pisces. There can be wonderful success with communications, connecting, learning, and personal interests. Conversations are generous, open, and meaningful. You're dreaming up longer-term plans, and you haven't been quite so positive and high-minded for a while. The last week of May brings a stronger need to enjoy the security of family or home life. Information gathering is a theme this month, and you're paying more attention to personal interests, learning, and communicating. It's an important month for new ideas and insight. Around the Full Moon on the 7th, you're arriving at a turning point or a revelation about communications, learning, educational, travel, attitude, outlook, or publishing matter, setting you on a new, fresh path. Towards mid-month, several retrogrades suggest that slowing down is more suitable. Several shifts happen between May 10-15, making it better to observe and wait things out than charge ahead. One of these shifts is a Venus retrograde that occurs from May 13-June 25. During this cycle, you could experience some slowdowns, creative blocks, or frustrations with your current state of affairs. Aim to take things one day at a time. Relationships with family or comfort in the home can meet with complications, but workarounds can lead to massive improvements. On the same day that Venus turns retrograde, Mars enters your sign, and you could be feeling very anxious to move forward. This combination can certainly bring about a state of restlessness and discontent, which can wear you down if you allow it to. You might decide instead to work hard on ventures already in place or pour energies into study and learning and strike a compromise. While all-new endeavors look very appealing, it's better to finish what you started before moving on. Regarding home and family, reviving old projects or returning to previous conditions may be beneficial. Channeling your energies into a project around the home that will truly make life easier can be particularly useful to you now, especially if it's a work-in-progress. What you find valuable and worth your while can change significantly with Venus retrograde. It's a fine time for discovering information that was previously hidden to you, or for looking at something from an entirely different perspective, particularly related to family relationships and partnerships. This can be a time of tension or reduced pleasure on the homefront in spots, but it's temporary and may lead to substantial fixes that improve your life from the ground up. There can also be times when you feel rather torn between personal desires/plans and those of family or loved ones. Reconnecting ties may prove satisfying now. Ultimately, you'll arrive at a new understanding of what you want and need, leading to a new beginning on an emotional level. The New Moon on the 22nd can give you a sense of mission regarding your family, domestic world, or living conditions/arrangements. A fresh start or new approach to these areas of your life makes sense now. With the North Node moving into the same area of your solar chart for eighteen months, some of your greatest joys and challenges are likely to come through your private life, home, and family. As you pay special attention to your needs to and for nurture, your domestic world is likely to improve by leaps and bounds. While May does ask you to slow down in some areas, it also brings opportunities to express and enjoy yourself, which give you a sense of moving forward. If you are not already totally into something, it's a great time to explore hobbies. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
May 2020 Aspects TimeLine:
See also: This Week in Astrology for more detail.
This Month’s Ephemeris:
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors, although they’re not impossible periods, either.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.
- New Moon in Taurus Chart: April 22, 2020
- Full Moon in Scorpio: May 7, 2020
- New Moon in Gemini Chart: May 22, 2020
Looking Ahead:
- May 2020: Time Line Aspects
- June 2020: Time Line Aspects
- July 2020: Time Line Aspects
- August 2020: Time Line Aspects
- September 2020: Time Line Aspects
- October 2020: Time Line Aspects
- November 2020: Time Line Aspects
- December 2020: Time Line Aspects
- January 2021: Time Line Aspects
- February 2021: Time Line Aspects
- March 2021: Time Line Aspects
- April 2021: Timeline Aspects

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2020 – Overview