This Month in Astrology – July 2023
July 2023
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This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
On July 3rd, a Full Moon occurs in the sign of Capricorn. This lunation reminds us that we can’t ignore our commitments to the outside world. We need to take care of our responsibilities, attend to business, act maturely, and take charge. Solid, practical, and doable ideas are associated with the realizations and epiphanies occurring now.
On July 17th, a New Moon occurs in the sign of Cancer, prompting us to begin anew, particularly with our personal lives, home, and family. This is a time for feeding our foundation — all of that which we call home, including the foundation we’ve built inside ourselves, needs to be tended to and honored. It’s a time to recognize the importance of our family and our personal circle of friends and the security, sense of belonging, and safety we derive from them.
Because this New Moon is opposite Pluto, we should watch for overdoing and paranoid or fear-driven actions. We might face outside resistance or obstacles that propel our need to start fresh. This New Moon harmonizes with Neptune, and our inspiration supports our efforts to begin anew.
On July 17th, the True North Node enters Aries. With the North Node in Aries and the South Node in Libra until January 11th, 2025, we receive the message that over-identifying with a partnership or resorting to appeasing a partner can undermine our relationships. We’re working on co-dependency issues and indecision by cultivating independence.
It’s a period of learning to love ourselves, trust our instincts, and lead without fear. Learning to act on our impulses, which implies a certain amount of self-confidence, is an empowering lesson of the North Node in Aries. Striving for internal peace, rather than focusing only on achieving harmony and balance in relationships, will improve our relations and bring us happiness and satisfaction.
On July 22nd, Jupiter forms a semi-square with Neptune. This longer-term influence adds a thread of idealism to our lives. We’re hopeful but perhaps looking in the wrong places for inspiration. Unrealistic or inflated expectations can mislead us–people can lead us astray, too. We might gloss over important and realistic details or suffer from some disorganization. This is the first of three perfections, with the other two occurring on November 5th, 2023, and March 3rd, 2024.
Venus turns retrograde on the 22nd, in the sign of Leo. Venus turns retrograde at 28+ degrees Leo and will remain retrograde until September 3rd. This retrograde gives us the chance to look over and review our affections, relationships, and finances. We may question a current project or commitment during this cycle.
Retrograde Venus affects us mainly in the areas of love and finances but also extends to some areas of business and pleasurable pursuits. These matters are not straightforward during this period, and it’s a time for reviewing our attitudes and attachments rather than forging ahead boldly into new love relationships or financial projects. Old friends and lovers may reappear, perhaps complicating current relationships, or we may be reminiscing about past conditions more often. There can be a call to deal with relationship issues from the past. It can be a real challenge getting closer to a lover during this period. Unorthodox, experimental, and non-intimate relationships may be in stronger favor.
Some of the more negative associations of Venus in Leo may be particularly prominent and/or hard to take, including egoism, buying affection, or haughtiness. Those who have Leo strong in their charts can be more introspective, distant, or hard to reach during this cycle. It can be a time to reevaluate our relationship needs, but major love decisions are best saved for after the cycle ends on September 3rd, and better yet, beyond the shadow phase (after October 7th).
Our perceptions may be skewed and we can come out of the retrograde cycle with regret if we have acted hastily, particularly with money, love, and pleasure, as the tendency to change our minds later is strong. Read more about Venus Retrograde.
On July 23rd, Chiron turns retrograde, and will remain retrograde until December 26th. This cycle is good for introspection and reassessing the mental and physical health programs in our lives. We tend to look within for healing with Chiron retrograde.
Date | Time (ET) | Event | Position |
Jul 3 | 7:38 AM | Full Moon in Capricorn | 11 Cap 18' |
Jul 9 | 9:48 PM | Last Quarter Moon | 17 Ari 36' |
Jul 10 | 2:52 AM | Pallas enters Virgo | Pal 00 Vir 00' |
Jul 10 | 7:40 AM | Mars enters Virgo | Mar 00 Vir 00' |
Jul 11 | 12:11 AM | Mercury enters Leo | Mer 00 Leo 00' |
Jul 17 | 2:32 PM | New Moon in Cancer | 24 Cancer 56' |
Jul 17 | 3:59 PM | True Node Retrograde enters Aries | Nod Ari Rx |
Jul 22 | 7:47 AM | Jupiter semi-square Neptune | Jup 12 Tau 34' semi-square Nep 27 Pis 34'Rx |
Jul 22 | 9:33 PM | Venus Retrograde | Ven 28 Leo 36'Rx |
Jul 22 | 9:50 PM | Sun enters Leo | Sun 00 Leo 00' |
Jul 23 | 12:37 AM | Pluto square True Node | Plu 29 Cap 06'Rx square Nod 29 Ari 06' |
Jul 23 | 8:42 AM | Chiron Retrograde | Chi 19 Ari 58'Rx |
Jul 25 | 5:21 AM | Pluto square True Node | Plu 29 Cap 03'Rx square Nod 29 Ari 03' |
Jul 25 | 6:07 PM | First Quarter Moon | 2 Sco 43' |
Jul 28 | 2:38 PM | Pluto square True Node | Plu 28 Cap 58'Rx square Nod 28 Ari 58' |
Jul 28 | 5:31 PM | Mercury enters Virgo | Mer 00 Vir 00' |
(See the the full table for 2023)
See also: This Week in Astrology week to week for more detail.
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
The following horoscopes outline how the above astrological influences might affect each individual sign.
Overview horoscopes fill in here as I write them, ideally during the week before the month begins. It is not unusual to see some signs temporarily missing as I write the twelve of them over the course of a few days, starting with the featured sign of the month (birthday month).
There can be a strong focus on your personal life, recreation, settling in, and seeking peace this month, dear Aries, and a building theme of attention to work and wellness. You can be a motivating force in your personal circle. July is strong for centering yourself--relaxing, recreational activities can appeal and might even be therapeutic now. The Full Moon on the 3rd can bring a sudden need to attend to outside responsibilities. It's also a time of strong realizations about career or reputation matters. A work project can culminate, or there's a scurry of activity on the job or in your public life. This Full Moon can challenge your excuses to stay out of the limelight or to avoid specific responsibilities! There has been a beneficial focus on your home and family life these days, but going too far with it means the benefits begin to drop off. Home and family life are in stronger focus in July. You gravitate to projects and activities that have longevity and special meaning. Your attention to domestic concerns runs high, although romantic matters also figure strongly. If you want to improve your household routines, family relationships, or even your relationship with your inner self, this is the month for doing so. A new start with family, home life, or living conditions and arrangements is possible after the New Moon on the 17th. It's a great time to honor your need for comfort, safety, love, nurturing, and familiarity. Reorganizing can figure strongly, and it can benefit you greatly. From the 10th forward, attention to detail on the job can be in focus and quite consuming. You can work longer hours than usual or push harder and more energetically in health and fitness routines--areas of much satisfaction and accomplishment. Especially if your social life is up and down and you need to clear your head, pouring your energy into constructive work efforts or self-care programs can help you work through problems. With Venus retrograde from July 22nd to September 3rd, some rethinking of social, financial, romantic, or creative matters is likely. This cycle encourages a look back before charging ahead. There is much to discover about the past that can benefit you now and in the future. Because this retrograde Venus cycle occurs in your sector of joy, romance, and pleasure, past loves may reappear in your life or become a focal point. You could feel a little hung up emotionally. A current romantic interest may be difficult to read. Consider that it's easy to undervalue or overvalue someone or something during this cycle. You could find it hard to derive satisfaction from your romantic, financial, and creative activities temporarily, and it's best to watch for overcompensating. It can be a time to rethink pastimes or pleasure-seeking activities and creative expression. You might learn something new about a previous relationship or your feelings. In some areas, you can feel in limbo, but you can also turn to the past and rebirth something you once left behind. Chiron, currently in your sign, turns retrograde the day after Venus does. The healing energy you've been radiating turns inward, making it a fine time for efforts to heal yourself. People have been seeking your good vibes, assistance, healing powers, and advice, and it's appropriate now to get in closer touch with your own issues. As the month advances, you begin to crave more interaction and feedback. A subtle shift of focus to more creative, sociable, and pleasure-seeking activities happens this month and strengthens after the 22nd. Different opportunities to enjoy and express yourself emerge. Ideally, you've done some anchoring and centering, and you're now feeling more confident to share yourself. Activities that allow you to have fun, impress, create, and share are a strong draw. The North Node of the Moon heads into your sign this month, suggesting even further emphasis on self-discovery. Now and in the coming year and a half, some of the greatest joys and challenges come through learning about your independence, personal courage, and effectiveness. You are learning to overcome any existing fears of trusting your own instincts or going it alone in some areas of your life, and it's a beautiful, empowering process. |
Your mind is busy in July, dear Taurus, and you can feel especially curious, engaged, and connected. Information gathering is a theme, and it's an important month for new ideas and insight. Others seem to demand more of your attention than usual, and the pace of your life is hectic at times. The New Moon on the 17th could push a decision to begin a new course or end a particular pursuit or project to clear the path for a new one. Around the Full Moon on the 3rd, you arrive at a turning point or a revelation about communication, learning, educational, travel, attitude, outlook, or publishing matters, setting you on a new path. This lunation awakens your faith and reminds you of your need for spirit-refreshing experiences. You'll likely find much to do, and your interests are many this month! With plenty of items on your "to-do" list, tension is sometimes possible. But with Mars moving into your solar fifth house on the 10th, you frequently take the lead and find ways to enjoy yourself. Romantic relationships can be stimulating and possibly overstimulating at times. Otherwise, it's a powerful time to explore hobbies and recreation. Creative pursuits thrive. Your personal magnetism runs high. Still, Venus is retrograde from the 22nd, and it's not the time to make long-term commitments. Take things one day at a time. Relationships with family or comfort in the home can meet with complications during this retrograde cycle that lasts until September 3rd. Consider, too, that some people can misunderstand you and your intentions during this cycle. You could appear more insensitive, for example. While you can't entirely control what others think, it's a good idea to keep this tendency in mind so that you can adjust your manner if you deem it appropriate and important. Venus is your planetary ruler, and with it retrograde from July 22nd to September 3rd, you can be slightly withdrawn and indecisive. Relations with family can be complicated and require more sensitive care. Alternatively, the pleasure factor in your personal life is no longer up to par, and workarounds to discontent can lead to massive improvements. Personal revelations or memories can have the effect of nudging you along a positive path. The need for new beginnings with communicating, learning, and commuting can become apparent this month, and the New Moon on the 17th pushes this concept further. Sometimes systems break down and force new ways of doing things. Opportunities can emerge as you move through the world differently and discover new channels for expressing yourself and connecting with others. Regarding home and family, reviving old projects or returning to previous conditions may be beneficial. Channeling your energies into a project around the home that will make life easier can be particularly useful to you now, especially if it's a work in progress to which you are returning. What you find valuable and worthwhile can change significantly with Venus retrograde. It's a good time to see things from a new perspective, particularly related to family relationships and work or health matters. You can feel better about your efforts to improve your routines and daily affairs this month. You're trying different approaches instead of repeating old patterns that keep you in a rut. It's an excellent time to better your skills. The Moon's North Node moves out of your sign and into your privacy sector for a cycle lasting eighteen months. As this transit advances, learning about your inner world will bring some of the greatest joys and challenges. Your attention more frequently turns to spirituality, downtime, and rest or rejuvenation. Your path is to let go of unnecessary worry and guilt and build trust in a larger plan. Activity increases in your home as the month advances, and this can include work or learning and study. At the same time, it's a powerful period to soothe yourself with the familiar and shore yourself up. The last week of July brings a stronger need to enjoy quieter times. |
July brings a satisfying focus on settling in and pacing yourself, dear Gemini. You're more interested in building and developing your ideas than dreaming up new ones. Your money, things, and talents can be in stronger focus. Still, you have a growing interest in broadening your mental experiences and finding expression of your personality through them this month. Comfort and security are strong motivators, and the practical side of life holds your attention more than usual. Enjoying simple pleasures and comforts can be the most appealing! The Full Moon on the 3rd can bring a revelation about an intimate relationship or a financial matter. It awakens strong feelings and previously hidden desires. There can be a turning point for debts, support, or dependencies. Mars heads into your home sector on the 10th, stirring special attention to your personal life. Renovations, redecorating, or improvements that encourage more freedom or comfort on the home front can have long-lasting benefits. There can be some tension or pressure in these areas, but also dynamism and solutions to problems. With much energy available, it's time to take charge of domestic matters. However, challenges can arise if excess energy turns into restlessness and conflict. Aim to enjoy extra time spent improving your home life and consider ways to enhance your feelings of security and comfort. With Mars challenging your sign, you may need to work a little harder to achieve your goals in the coming weeks, but pushing through obstacles can be satisfying. There can be some tensions in the family unit, particularly with Venus retrograde from the 22nd and less apparent charm, warmth, and diplomacy. However, you can achieve a lot if you can rally the necessary cooperation. The New Moon on the 17th encourages you to start fresh with your money or find improved ways to manage your resources. It can also nudge you toward better spending habits and more faith and confidence in caring for yourself. With Venus retrograde from the 22nd forward, you can be quite preoccupied with people and situations from the past, and while this shouldn't be overdone, it can be useful. Some of your interests are waning, but it's better to treat this as a break or pause rather than an ending. You see past relationships and expectations in a different light and redefine what you now want and need from your connections and studies. There can be a chance to redo a significant project or return to a project or study that once seemed to be a lost cause. In truth, it's a good time to use the past for inspiration and insight into what may work for you in the future, particularly regarding learning and mental interests. Second chances are gifts at this time! Because this Venus retrograde occurs in your communications sector, there can be much conversation or thought about a past love matter or relationship. There can be times when it's most wise to keep your own counsel while Venus is retrograde from July 22nd to September 3rd. You're doing the work that helps you ultimately pursue your true heart's desires. Until then, routines can feel overwhelming, errors need correcting, and tasks can weigh on you, perhaps losing quite a bit of the pleasure factor. Nevertheless, it's a strong time for your powers of attraction, particularly through conversations and matters to do with the mind. Things may not develop as you expect, but you can enjoy some of the detours you take now. In fact, studies and personal interests grab more of your attention, energy, and time as July advances. The month is notable for enjoying putting your talents to use. You may draw in the right resources to advance your goals. You're in a good place for original methods and taking actions that free you from obstacles and problems. The Moon's North Node enters your social sector this month and will stick around there for eighteen months. During this cycle, the areas of both challenge and great reward are friendship, networks, associates, teams, and happiness goals. Your relationships with others – as well as your relationship with yourself – will benefit from your stronger focus on being present and connected. The period ahead is powerful for making or enhancing friendships. |
You'll often be more willing to experience life to its fullest in July, dear Cancer. You attract the right people and resources, and encounters with others are more consistently working to your advantage. Your independence and personal needs are an essential focus in your life this month. People appreciate your point of view, and communication or transportation options might open up. A partner may have an important revelation around the 3rd, or you could see a relationship in a new light. The first half of the month plays to you rather well. Emotionally, you're definitely moving forward! It's a time to reinvent yourself. Your personal appeal is strong in July. You're motivated and have the room to fit in some personal plans quite comfortably. Your responsibilities to a special someone are hard to ignore around the Full Moon on the 3rd--relationships demand your full attention. Revelations about relationships and relationship needs are possible, or your true feelings emerge. It's also a time for reassessing your finances, dependencies, or emotional needs in a relationship. However, it's not an ideal period for significant purchases or new commitments. If you do make a major outlay, you could regret it as soon as next month. It's better to hold on to your money now if you can. A Venus retrograde beginning on July 22nd transits your finances sector, pointing to the need to reconsider recent ventures and, for some, a waiting game with money (and perhaps also in love). You can look at money matters from a new and helpful perspective. Money and possessions are tricky areas this month, as are matters of ownership and dependency. Avoid an abrupt, impatient, or defensive manner for best results. While there is an inclination to spend more, the retrograde of Venus in your finances sector from the 22nd through to September 3rd points to a need for careful review. Take the time to re-think your sources of income and how you spend your cash during this period while avoiding major purchases until October, if possible. Otherwise, generally speaking, July is about being bold and brave and making no apologies for being yourself. This is especially the case after the 17th, when the New Moon occurs in your sign, giving you an energetic boost to put personal plans into motion and take steps to put forth the best version of "you." Another significant event this month is the North Node of the Moon's move into your solar tenth house for an eighteen-month stay. You'll be more confidently putting yourself out there and meeting your responsibilities in the period ahead. From the 10th forward, your daily life picks up pace. You can feel particularly passionate and motivated to learn, share ideas, and work on pet projects. You may come across a little abruptly at times, but you have much going on to keep you busy and engaged. It's a good time to keep active, enjoy a new activity, or participate in something you haven't done in a while. From the 22nd, aim to take a better look at recent projects, business ideas, purchases, and financial plans before going forward with them. This is a time for attending to unfinished matters with money or finances and issues surrounding whether others treat you as worthy and valuable. You might question your levels of comfort or your income during this cycle that lasts until September 2nd. It's an excellent period for reviewing finances, budgeting, and collecting financial information, but not ideal for buying new big-ticket items. However, if you are good at spotting deals, you could find some unusually good ones, as people may be parting with things they wouldn't unload under normal conditions. While you may not always feel confident and sure about your feelings during the retrograde Venus cycle, it's an excellent period for considering how your approach to attracting what you want has served you in the past. As you examine your life in these areas, you learn how to improve. Financial matters take center stage from the 22nd forward, although you're especially alert to money and resources all month. Some backtracking is likely. Mars traveling in harmony with your sign from the 10th helps you move more fluidly, even with the Venus retrograde. You seem to be able to call upon friends to help you along if you wish. You may very well be the go-to person in your networks or group, or you could be taking the lead quite successfully. |
According to the Sun, you’re in a nesting phase until July 22nd but unlikely to be idle this month, dear Leo. In truth, it’s not the best time to push forward aggressively with new ventures, but it’s an excellent period for developing new plans and strategies. While there is an emphasis on your private life, inner world, and intimate life in July, key themes are developing that highlight your independence and the creative side of your personality. The North Node moves into your spirit sector on the 17th, Mercury enters Leo on the 11th, and the Sun on the 22nd. There is a lot of stop-and-start energy with you in July. On the one hand, you can be raring to go, filled with new ideas, and excited about your projects and interests. On the other, you can face some obstacles to your goals, with at least one slowdown that keeps you from pushing ahead. Waiting on something or someone can be a blessing in disguise, however, particularly if you work on editing and refining things as you wait. The Full Moon on the 3rd can bring a realization about habits and health or work. A matter you’ve been avoiding may now come to a turning point. You are now aware of the need to manage your daily affairs with more punctuality or determination. You might see a flaw in a plan that sets you on the road to improvement, or events remind you of the need to manage your time more effectively. As your body demands more renewal and relaxation, you must prioritize finding a better balance between work and rest. From the 10th, you have incredible energy with you for building, improving, and developing any work-in-progress. You might thoroughly enjoy developing something that has long-term potential. Look for the means to overhaul an area of your career or daily life now, but try not to put excessive pressure on yourself to do it to the point of exhaustion. Further, your mental energies quicken from the 11th to the 28th while Mercury is in your sign. You’re more likely to share your ideas and inspiration with others and less inclined to procrastinate or question your goals and dreams. Some misconceptions may come to light, but you’re gaining more confidence in your creative process. In some ways, you feel freer to express yourself this month, perhaps through different channels. The New Moon on the 17th reinforces a need to look within. You’re not exactly putting everything on hold, but there’s a call to take more time for yourself to recharge. This lunation helps with the motivation and energy boost needed to deal with the past or private matters, let go of things you no longer need, and attend to your mental and emotional wellness. It’s a great time to clear the decks. Conversely, with the North Node’s move into your spirit sector for an eighteen-month stay, you’re receiving a cosmic nudge towards adopting beliefs that genuinely reflect the current “you.” You’re also learning about your need for self-expression through non-routine activities, studies, and experiences. People are attracted to you this month, even if you’re a bit slow to engage fully. Venus is in Leo all month, bringing out your natural charm for all to see. However, Venus turns retrograde on the 22nd, and there can be some cooling off or confusion in love relationships, or this could be a review period. Venus entered your sign on June 5th, augmenting your overall charm and perhaps bringing gifts, money, and favors your way. This month, Venus turns retrograde on the 22nd--the same day the Sun enters your sign, and your yearly solar rebirth begins. While part of you is feeling renewed and ready to start fresh, this retrograde cycle demands some time for introspection. Venus retrogrades from July 22nd to September 3rd and spends the entire time in your sign. It’s time to revise your plans and put off new initiatives until you have more confidence in them. Others may not be getting you–perhaps misunderstanding your intentions–for now. This cycle, generally speaking, is better for budgeting rather than buying, resting if you can, and revising plans. Venus will continue to move through your sign after the retrograde period–until October 8th–and you will likely enjoy the attention and the time you have to get more comfortable in your own skin. Even with Venus retrograde, in the last week of the month, your time spent on reflection begins to pay off, and you’re ready to tackle life with a new game plan. Be sure to watch for taking on too much, which could leave you feeling swamped rather than inspired. While you are attracting others magnetically, you could be a little withdrawn and hesitant about pushing forward in matters of the heart. It’s a time to look into your heart and acquaint yourself with your needs more intimately. Take your time with major decision-making! Others are taking a particular interest in you and could be talking about you quite a bit as you close out the month. Even with some signals crossing, your magnetism runs high. The Sun in your sign from the 22nd forward offers opportunities to make your mark. Money matters are in stronger focus as July draws to a close. |
This is a good month to solve old problems and finally lay them to rest, dear Virgo. You're often focusing on your social life or happiness pursuits. Despite some inclination towards retreat and rest, you're in demand in the first few weeks of July. You may not always feel up to these engagements, but you can benefit from some mingling, sharing, and exploring. Patience is important this month. However, Mars enters your sign on the 10th, and you could be itching to move forward. Venus, on the other hand, begins its reverse turn of direction on the 22nd, and some things aren't budging! This can certainly bring about a state of restlessness and discontent, which can wear you down if you're not careful. You might decide instead to work hard on ventures already in place or pour energies into study and learning and strike a compromise. While all-new endeavors look very appealing, it’s better to finish what you started before moving on. You’d be wise to seek a better, more satisfying work-life balance. The tendency to do things in excess is strong, but it can strain you unnecessarily. This month, rushing won’t get you there faster. As well, it’s probably best to keep many of your projects and even your affections on the down-low for now. Money requires some shuffling around, and it’s best to hold onto it in the second half of July. A creative or romantic interest blossoms or demands attention around the 3rd. A relationship matter may rattle your cage. Something can open your heart to buried feelings and your eyes to situations that need your attention. With Mars in your sign from the 10th forward, your desires are stronger, and you're more inclined to assert or pursue them! Until the 10th, Mars journeys through your privacy sector, pulling up some buried frustrations. After this date, you’re more definite about what needs doing and are more straightforward, direct, and forthright. You can get a whole lot done during this exciting transit. Your independence and freedom are crucial to you, and your desire nature is potent. Mars fires up your confidence and brings a more aggressive approach to your world, which can do with some refining. You’ll want to move ahead with personal plans, become more active and involved, communicate, learn, and compete. Mind you, you could feel that you’re often left to your own resources or especially independent, which may or may not be welcome at this time in your life! However, certain people in your life seem to have your interests, agenda, and happiness in mind. You might take the lead on a special project or for a cause that’s important to you. It’s a good time to share your time, ideas, and expertise. People are pleased with your work or contributions, and your inner confidence shines. Relationships with friends and associates assume more importance in your life. You’re happily busy pursuing pet projects or happiness goals. New energy is with you for friendships and long-term goals, and you can be in high spirits, feeling more connected or in touch with your dreams. After the New Moon on the 17th, it can be a time of more collaboration, involvement with others, and social connection. The changes you make or feel now are likely to be empowering, even if your first instinct is to resist them. Venus retrograde from July 22nd forward signals a period of reflection. The retrograde occurs from July 22nd to September 3rd in your privacy sector. You are likely to pull back a little as you take the time to revise and perhaps question some of your plans. Matters from the past creep up and demand your attention. Romantic matters are on the complicated side, and you may be dealing with past relationships, love triangles, or sacrifices made for a lover. You should watch for secrets surfacing that prompt you to rethink current plans and possibly even alliances. This can be a time for reassessing your privacy needs and your attachment to relationships of the past. This retrograde cycle can be slow-moving, but it's an excellent time to get in touch with your feelings about a past relationship and focus on more personal matters, work, and health. It’s better to hold onto money this month and the next, generally speaking. Before jumping into something too quickly, consider your options carefully. However, aim to keep your enthusiasm in the process! People from the past may take on more importance from the 22nd forward. As well, your desires in love can be ambiguous or obscure. Aim to get extra rest and treat any slow-downs as a sign that you may need more time to recoup or reconsider a matter. You are beginning a period best used for emotional renewal, tying up loose ends, and laying low. The best way to truly process and digest recent experiences seems to be through relaxation or retreat. You may need to step back from situations to see the whole story. It would benefit you greatly to focus on what you can eliminate to simplify and improve your life going forward, including attitudes or habits. With the North Node's move into your solar eighth house for a year and a half, you’re learning to embrace your intimate world and need for a deeper connection to someone or a unique project. Mercury's move into your sign on the 28th brings your need to communicate, connect, and move about to the foreground. |
July is strong for your long-term goals, career, or reputation, dear Libra, but with Venus retrograde from the 22nd, it's better to develop current ventures and projects rather than take on new ones. Venus is your ruler, after all, and its retrograde cycles point to some need to take things easy, gain perspective, and reassess a few things in your life. There can be more activity on the career front this month, or additional responsibilities and the need to take on a managerial role in your life can emerge. More focused or constructive activities fare the best. You are thinking about what matters and what's useful, and there's extra emphasis on your overarching, longer-term objectives. Family matters grab your attention around the Full Moon on the 3rd. Balancing family and responsibilities to the outside world can be tricky but far from impossible. Getting more acquainted with your needs and wants can only help your decision-making. There can be times this month when you feel everyone is looking over your shoulder. You're in higher demand, or responsibilities are in strong focus. The New Moon on the 17th brings additional power to your sector of career and reputation. It can be a time for a promotion, award, or significant turning point. You might come into the limelight somehow, or there can be the need to follow the rules or straighten out an area of your life. Others recognize your talents and abilities, but the real drive for success emanates from within, as you're incredibly motivated, ambitious, and goal-oriented this month. It's a beautiful time for taking charge and sorting problems out. Fortunately, you can make great strides toward meeting your goals. You might frequently find yourself in situations that require you to be on top of your game, and you're in a wonderful position to impress. While you can sometimes struggle with your desire for more personal freedoms, you are inclined to keep up appearances with the rest of the world. Still, with Mars in your privacy sector from the 10th and Venus retrograde from the 22nd, you're focusing more and more on tying up loose ends and a work-in-progress rather than brand-new beginnings. With Mars here, your inner world animates and often pulls you inward. While this is a time of reorganizing and redirection, this transit is good for recharging yourself so you can realign with your deep desires. You may need to lay to rest some plans or projects that have outgrown their purpose. Honor your needs for extra rest, meditation, privacy, and reflection. Some complications surrounding friends and lovers are possible during the retrograde Venus cycle from July 22nd to September 3rd, but it's also possible you reconnect with a long-lost friend. Old issues are easy to dredge up, or there can be a distance between you and a buddy, just for now. Instead, you might be doing a lot of reminiscing, or you could feel stuck or in limbo on a social level. It's important to pull back a little to gain perspective. You can view this as giving others space rather than keeping a distance, but make sure the people you care about know your intentions. Avoid, if you can, secret involvements, as attractive as they may be with so much up in the air in your life in the affections department. Let things flow and observe how things unfold with as much patience as you can muster. If the pleasure factor has been missing in your social life or with happiness goals, now is the time to recognize the problem. On the day that Venus turns retrograde, the Sun heads into your social sector, and your social life begins taking more precedence over your professional life. You may be doing some guiding or teaching, and it's fulfilling. Even if the usual channels aren't performing as well, alternate ones can emerge, and new pleasures can be in store. Indeed, retrograde Venus can temporarily give you some pause with current relationship matters. However, with the North Node of the Moon moving into your opposite sign for an eighteen-month cycle, you're moving toward a stronger identity and a sense of purposefulness through your connections to others. Challenges and rewards will come from pairing or partnering up. Through partnership and cooperation, you will more likely achieve the inner balance necessary to achieve your goals. |
July is hearty for opportunities to broaden your horizons, dear Scorpio, particularly through knowledge, new and different ideas, education, or adventure. Extracurricular, non-routine activities or mental journeys can figure strongly--and they can be quite refreshing! July also brings the start of a Venus retrograde period (on the 22nd), which can point to some slowdowns or complications. These are temporary and ultimately helpful but can serve to frustrate at times. Fortunately, Mars is traveling in harmony with your sign from the 10th forward, helping you move more fluidly through the rest of the month. You can call upon friends to help you along if you wish. You may very well be the go-to person in your group, or you could be taking the lead in a team or group endeavor quite successfully. The Full Moon on the 3rd can be revealing: it's a time when you arrive at important revelations regarding your assignments, studies, mental outlook, and personal interests. There can be some scrambling to make deadlines or some past disorganization to manage now, but it's an exciting period for a better understanding of your interests. The desire for a break from your usual routine is powerful this month. Your enthusiasm runs high this month, and you may be itching to expand, learn, and grow. Aim to pay special attention to activities that help you unwind and decompress, but do make some room for freeform activities that feed your spirit and satisfy your itch to learn and discover. Mars moves in harmony with your sign from the 10th, and there's less resistance from the people and circumstances in your life. It's a time for moving out of your comfort zone, even in small ways, and creating new experiences for yourself. You're making your own happiness rather than waiting for it to come to you. It feels easier to accomplish things now. Your feelings about (and relationships with) friends can also be more intense. While your spirit for adventure is big, from the 22nd forward, love and pleasure may be more complicated. Venus is retrograde until September 3rd, and feelings are complex. Others may not be as open or straightforward about their needs or wants. You may need to review, reassess, or rework specific work projects. Consider that your current goals may require more time than expected to achieve. Aim not to fret if things aren't humming along smoothly: it can be a great time to come up with a better game plan. Be patient and look for ways to improve the ventures or projects you already have rather than taking on something new. Slowdowns or complications are temporary and ultimately helpful but can sometimes frustrate you. Your career or responsibilities may temporarily lose some of their "pleasure factor," and you may be going back over old projects, encountering mistakes that need fixing and delays that keep you in limbo. There can be complicated relationships on the work front, or you may be waiting for a decision or plan to unfold. When you're busy getting things done, you may not always process what's going on inside, and now you get the chance to get in touch with what you genuinely love and want. On the same day that Venus turns retrograde, the Sun moves to the top of your solar chart, and your pride is in your work, reputation, or responsibilities! You're experiencing an energy shift towards career interests and more well-defined goals. Tidying up areas of your life that may be causing you guilt or dread can be helpful. Helping others or learning new things can be incredibly pleasurable. People are looking to you for answers, and they're expecting you to be quite mature and responsible. Business affairs assume more importance. You can indeed be rethinking your fulfillment regarding your career, long-term goals, or general direction. But while you might experience some delays now, you're gearing up for remarkable improvements in these areas in the coming months. As well, the North Node moves into your work and health sector for a stay of a year and a half. During this cycle, you'll recognize that orderliness is empowering, and paying closer attention to deadlines, details, and rules will be challenging but also very rewarding. Getting on top of your routines is a strong focus. |
The month begins with more introspection and reflection than usual, dear Sagittarius, and it's good for you. Close personal relationships or absorbing projects are in focus in July. More often than not, you're going within for answers and making some astute observations as you step back from the action just a little. This is not to say you're inactive – in fact, you're particularly busy in July – but that you're conserving some of your energy for plans and strategies. Likely, money shared, borrowed, or loaned are big topics on the table this month. The Full Moon on the 3rd could bring light to financial matters. It's an excellent period for resolving to clear up debts or otherwise improving your financial state. Deepening a connection or pouring a lot of heart and energy into a passion project can figure strongly this month, but do prepare yourself for some complications. Travel, legal, or educational plans may not be moving forward at the speed you'd like, with Venus retrograde from the 22nd affecting your axis of communication and transportation. Delays and changes of heart may be in store. Doors might open to you for following a passion after the New Moon on the 17th. It can empower you to make lifestyle or psychological changes. You might take charge of your finances, particularly money shared with others or from sources other than your income. Mars pulls up to the top of your solar chart on the 10th, energizing your career and reputation sector until August 27th. It can be an ambitious time when you're ready to step up and shoot high. With Venus retrograde for much of this transit, however, you should watch for a too-aggressive approach. You can reach great heights but could be missing the mark just a little on a social level. With Venus not helping you in the usual way, you might want to watch for this. But Venus is helping you on other levels--you're looking back with a different set of eyes, and you can better understand past relationships and projects in the process. Ideas are so plentiful this month that you can have difficulty choosing one or two and going with them, leading to some chaos. However, you may decide to take the cue from Mars and work hard on career goals while slowing down and editing or refining communications projects. While the month's energies shift from inward to outward as it progresses, the retrograde turn of Venus on the 22nd suggests some areas of your life can be in limbo. During this retrograde period from July 22nd to September 3rd, there can be some confusion or backtracking. Past relationships or people from your past might resurface in your life, complicating the present, or current relationships may require some redesigning. It's an excellent period for reworking your finances, but take your time regarding major decision-making. Indecision is pronounced as you can be more concerned with weighing your options, but this slowdown helps you out, pacing you. You're conserving some energy and more inclined to formulate plans and strategies. With Venus retrograde affecting your communication and transportation sector, you can question the pleasure factor of current interests, studies, and activities. It's a time for discovering what you truly want and need, and there can be some unrest until you see the light. Nevertheless, experiences that broaden your horizons are in high focus in the last week of July. You're coming out of your shell, excited for ideas and activities that take you out of your routine. You crave more interactivity with Mercury (from the 11-28) and the Sun (on the 22nd) heading into your spirit sector. These transits help ease self-expression and smooth out communications, which is helpful with Venus retrograde. You may feel inspired by an idea or learn something that excites you and positively impacts future projects. Your aspirations and ideals are driving forces in your life. In fact, with the North Node moving into your sector of joy for a stay of a year and a half, things are pointing in the direction of creativity, uniqueness, standing out from the crowd, love affairs, and sharing your heart. You're challenged to share your talents, spark, ideas, and creativity in the period ahead, and it's rewarding. |
Relationships, negotiations, feedback, and balance are strong themes this month, dear Capricorn. A major focus can be a close partnership or friendship, as you're inclined to develop a one-to-one connection more than you are to branch out and spread your energy around socially. Someone's confidence in you can help give you a boost. Or, this can be a time for attracting a reliable, competent, and loyal person into your life. The Full Moon on the 3rd occurs in your sign and can bring a sudden revelation. It puts your emotions on your sleeve and you in the spotlight – you are in demand! You can awaken to strong feelings that you haven't yet acknowledged. Even with a relationship-focused cycle in force, you're connecting with your needs for independence, a voice, or personal time. The New Moon on the 17th points to a fresh start in relationships, but some reflection is in order before outward progress is realized with the retrograde of Venus from the 22nd. Be careful not to hook yourself to something unless your heart is truly into it, considering that with this retrograde turn, learning what you want becomes a real process! While it's not a time to sweep matters under the carpet, some care should be taken with all love matters this month, particularly those surrounding shared finances and intimacy. It's a good month for redesigning your budget, but it's not ideal for making big purchases. You could quickly regret your purchases or relationship commitments later, so take the time to think about things before you leap forward. Venus is retrograde from July 22nd to September 3rd, and there's a need to review your connections, finances (especially joint or shared), career pursuits, and romantic life. This retrograde period can pull up some questioning of the pleasure factor in your intimate life. It's a time to discover what you truly want and need, and there can be some unrest until you see the light. This can happen in your financial life, in a close relationship, or with passion projects and absorbing activities. With current transits, the cooperation of others helps you achieve your goals. Love requires work and understanding this month, and adapting to changing situations is the primary key to success right now. Fortunately, Mars moves in harmony with your sign from the 10th forward, helping you to get through the month more smoothly than many signs. This transit also stirs your need to break out of a rut or a routine. It's a good time for out-of-the-ordinary activities or mini-getaways. Your usually keen attention to detail is somewhat lacking during this cycle, not due to inability but because of emotional orientation. On the 20-21, you might be tied down by mundane activities, correcting errors, errands, chores, and other responsibilities you hadn't anticipated or put out of your mind. If you've been neglecting problem areas, they may demand your attention. Buried emotions and possibly old regrets or hurts can emerge, or you could feel that you're shouldering far too much, which can strain your relationships or interactions. While obstacles seem to break the momentum, the workarounds that result can draw your attention to areas that need correcting. Try not to stress over differences of opinion or roadblocks. Relationships can be especially fascinating, dramatic, or intimate towards the end of July. Or, the desire to specialize and pour special attention into one particular connection or project drives you. Better relationships can be a powerful motivator for self-improvement. Mercury transits your intimacy sector from the 11th to the 28th and the Sun from the 22nd forward. As such, your energies intensify and your interest in the hidden elements of your life grows. You pick up more from your environment than usual, seeing motives, subtleties, and power dynamics more clearly. It's harder to break your concentration as you are far less sensitive to potential distractions. With this focus, you can move mountains. It can also be a good time for figuring out something about yourself – a buried desire or motivation, for example. You might uncover something missing, lost, or hidden. The North Node's move into your home and family sector for an eighteen-month stay reinforces this theme: you're finding more reward from going within and connecting with loved ones. |
July brings an emphasis on your work, health, and partnership sectors, dear Aquarius. It's a good time to take care of business, handle details, and work enthusiastically on tasks that help you get caught up in your duties. Rewards or a new or improved job situation can be in the stars. You're clearer about your goals and feel good about what you do and about your contributions. While work and mundane matters often take center stage, there is nothing basic about these affairs right now. It's a time to put new spins on your routines, daily duties, and tasks. Organizing the little things will benefit you all around and is the primary key to success this month. You enjoy helping others, and people tend to be grateful for it. You're enjoying activities and projects that bring intrinsic rewards. If you've been overlooking your needs for rest and time away from work or duties, then the Full Moon on the 3rd will serve as a nudge to come to a better work-life balance. It might also bring the fruition of a work matter or a secret to light. Look to Mars' move to your solar eighth house on the 10th for inspiration – you might find a project to throw yourself into, particularly if it requires investigation or deep research. On-the-surface heat in relationships can lessen, but some deeper issues may emerge for handling. This cycle turns the heat up on the more intricate elements of relating. The New Moon on the 17th brings a charge of energy to your sector of work, health, and habits, and you're in a commanding position for fresh new starts in these areas of life. Questioning your plans is likely, and entirely necessary from the 22nd. A close partner may be distant or hard to read with Venus retrograde from this date forward. Some disconnects in the love department are possible. These will begin to clear up in September. For now, try not to push matters (or others). Give them space, and give yourself space as well! Relationships can be tricky, especially if you focus too intensely on problem areas, which is a real tendency. While Venus is retrograde from the 22nd forward, there can be some complications or confusion surrounding a partnership. A close partner could be distant emotionally, or a relationship can appear stalled for the time being. People in your life may seem to be "on the fence." Take your time and avoid trying to rush matters. During this retrograde Venus cycle (from July 22nd-September 3rd), life shows you where things are losing their appeal or no longer supporting you. The pleasure factor may be missing. You can feel undecided, in limbo, or unsatisfied. However, this is not to torture you but to prompt a reexamination that ideally leads to improvements. Use this period to re-evaluate what you want in love and your relationship needs instead of forging ahead into unknown territory. As the month advances, there is a growing theme of companionship, collaborations, and close partnerships in your astrology. Relationships that involve advice-giving, agent work, and counseling can also figure strongly. While relationships could have challenging moments, you seem to need some companionship to bring out the best in you now. You're also more sensitive to imbalances in your life, and you may be seeking more harmony. The North Node moves into your communications sector this month, where it will visit for eighteen months. During this cycle, some of the greatest joys and challenges will likely emerge through learning, communication, and connecting. It's a time to develop your communication skills and enjoy more lighthearted chats, connections, studies, and personal interests. Reaching out can be most rewarding. |
The month holds good energy for entertainment, recreation, and self-expression, dear Pisces. An intuitive, gentle approach to life seems to work wonders. New beginnings with creative projects or love matters can figure strongly. You might intuitively determine how to get a plan off the ground after the New Moon on the 17th. While love matters do pick up pace, Venus turning retrograde on the 22nd could introduce some slowdowns or complications. The Full Moon on the 3rd brings your obligations to friends or groups to light. You could be so wrapped up in your personal life that you need to reach out to others and remind them that they matter. This lunation can awaken your feelings about someone or rekindle an interest in a project. You can feel inspired to do your best or pursue a dream with a friend's encouragement. From the 10th forward, Mars is in your partnership sector. While this can pull up some needed confrontations with others, with Venus retrograde later in the month, there can be tact and decorum missing, leading to problems that may not resolve for some time. Be watchful of this tendency and protect what you prize most. Consider that a relationship or partner could reflect your own desire for action. There can be a lot of activity in the relationship department or in your social life. Counseling, organizing, negotiating, and networking can be in focus. Turning to others for feedback or sharing the load can be beneficial. Through your interactions and conversations, you learn more about your next steps. Your attention is frequently on creative projects, hobbies, pleasure, or romance in July. These areas of your life are in for a boost. You are magnetic and inspire confidence. The chance for new and exciting ways to express yourself can figure strongly. You can feel inspired to do more creating, romancing, enjoying, and entertaining. But while your focus seems squarely on romance, pleasure, entertainment, and your personal life much of July, duties and routines take on more importance as the month advances. A full-on work and health theme emerges by the last week of the month. This doesn't come on suddenly–it's been creeping up on you all month! You'll be pouring more energy into your chores and self-care programs and giving these things more thought. Your willingness to put in the detailed work involved with moving towards a long-term or ambitious goal is admirable. Nevertheless, Venus is retrograde from the 22nd forward in your work and health sector. Delays or waiting games revolving around your health, daily chores, or day job can emerge. These matters will clear up starting in early September and require your patience and understanding. Looking back to old jobs, projects, and even co-workers can be a tendency and may benefit you. Going over past errors or problems is likely on the job. If life feels tedious, or if daily chores, routines, and tasks weigh on you, it's a time to explore how to improve the pleasure factor in these areas. There can be a focus on healing and processing regarding health. People can be a little standoffish in general, and stepping back is better than attempting to push or prod. You can feel a strong desire to produce but also a strong desire to pull back this month, and it's vital that you keep things moderate. The Moon's North Node moves into your resources sector for a stay of a year and a half. During this cycle, some of the greatest joys and challenges come from learning about your values and self-worth. Personal income and valuables or possessions are in strong focus. You're learning to depend on yourself and establish your self-worth through your own efforts. Fortunately, the rewards for doing so are enormous. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
July 2023 Aspects TimeLine:
See also: This Week in Astrology for more detail.
See also: Table of Planetary Transits, Sign Changes, New/Full Moons, and Retrogrades for the Month
This Month’s Ephemeris:
This Month’s Ephemeris with extra points and abbreviations rather than glyphs:
Ephemerides with additional points are for Eastern Time. The North Node and Lilith are the True positions. Retrogrades are underlined. Extra points are Chiron, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, and Lilith. These come from the excellent software, Sirius 3.0.
- July 2023 Ephemeris
- August 2023 Ephemeris
- September 2023 Ephemeris
- October 2023 Ephemeris
- November 2023 Ephemeris
- December 2023 Ephemeris
This Month’s Void Moon Dates:
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors, although they’re not impossible periods, either.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.
New & Full Moon Charts:
- New Moon in Gemini Chart: June 18, 2023
- Full Moon Chart in Capricorn on July 3, 2023
- New Moon in Cancer: July 17, 2023
Looking Ahead:
- Time Line Aspects: July 2023
- Time Line Aspects: August 2023
- Time Line Aspects: September 2023
- Time Line Aspects: October 2023
- Time Line Aspects: November 2023
- Time Line Aspects: December 2023
- Time Line Aspects: January 2024
- Time Line Aspects: February 2024
- Time Line Aspects: March 2024
- Time Line Aspects: April 2024
- Time Line Aspects: May 2024
- Time Line Aspects: June 2024

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2023 – Overview