This Month in Astrology – July 2020
July 2020
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
The New Moon/Solar Eclipse last month on June 21st energized the sign of Cancer and influences us in the first few weeks of June. While it occurred close to the Summer Solstice and thus had “new beginning” energy, it was the last New Moon in the series of eclipses that have been falling along the Cancer-Capricorn sign axis since 2018 (although there is one more eclipse in that set on July 5th in Capricorn). We are called upon to pay attention to our instincts, our deepest needs, and our feelings; and to recognize the importance of our family and our personal circle of friends as well as the security, sense of belonging, and safety that we derive from them. It’s a time for getting in touch with our vulnerabilities and our needs for intimacy. We might begin a new project that involves improving the home or domestic life in general. Flaws in an important system in our lives are revealed around the time of the eclipse, prompting us to redo or to start fresh. Something ends in order for something else to start anew. We may be called to give up something in order to move forward into a new chapter in our lives.
On July 1st, retrograde Saturn leaves Aquarius and returns to the sign of Capricorn. Saturn will finish up its transit of Capricorn on December 17th when it heads into Aquarius once again, this time more consistently. Saturn will remain retrograde until September 29th. Saturn first entered Capricorn in December 2017 and left it on March 21st this year. This is a time of increased responsibility, structure, and discipline. We’re scrutinizing our major structures during this cycle, and from July 1st to December 17th, we may be tying up loose ends in this regard.
On July 5th, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs in the sign of Capricorn–the final eclipse in a set falling along the Cancer-Capricorn axis since July 2018. This eclipse urges us to look more closely at the needs, lacks, and wants in our lives regarding our private lives, domesticity, our need for a home base, and nurturance (represented by the Sun in Cancer) versus our public lives, careers, reputation, and accountability (represented by the Sun’s opposition to the Moon in Capricorn). We have a heightened awareness of flaws in the structures of our lives, particularly in our career or outer structures and our home and family structures. Decisions made now can be emotionally-driven. Note that eclipses last occurred in Cancer/Capricorn from July 2009 to July 2001, and before that from July 2000 to July 2002. While planetary configurations were certainly different, some similar themes that occurred during these periods can emerge in our lives now.
Chiron turns retrograde on July 11th in the sign of Aries and will remain in this retrograde phase until December 15th. This cycle is good for introspection and for reassessing mental and physical health programs in our lives. We tend to look within for healing with Chiron retrograde.
Mercury turns direct on the 12th. The communications planet began a retrograde cycle last month, on June 18th, and now ends its retrograde on July 12th. Because Mercury has remained in the sign of Cancer throughout the retrograde, Mercury is in Cancer for some time–until August 4th. Something similar happened in June/July 2013. Mercury in Cancer is insular by nature as it is, and with the slowdown and then retrograde, it is even more so. This is an excellent period for getting in touch with what nurtures us and feeds our spirits. Emotional communication is not always valued as much as rational approaches in our society, and now is the time to explore our more intimate, sympathetic, and emotional nature and how it affects our decision-making processes. Mercury’s retrograde in Cancer can see us taking many trips down memory lane. Mercury’s direct turn on July 12th can help unblock information clogs. It will remain in its post-retrograde shadow until July 29th, which means that it will have recovered the full ground of its retrograde cycle by that time.
The New Moon on the 20th occurs in the sign of Cancer and is the second New Moon in Cancer this year (the first was a Solar Eclipse on June 21st). A New Moon brings a fresh start, and there can be some sense of urgency to make a quick decision or to end a matter so we can move forward. It’s a time for feeding our foundation – all of that which we call “home,” including the foundation we have built inside of ourselves. It’s also a time for recognizing the importance of our family and our personal circle of friends and the security, sense of belonging, and safety we derive from them.
Jupiter forms a sextile to Neptune on the 27th for the second of three perfections this year. This long-term transit first occurred in early February and will perfect again in October, following alongside the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction and Jupiter-Chiron quintile. We’re prompted to check in with our needs for imagination and dreams or spirituality, helping us moderate some of the more extreme expressions of the Jupiter in Capricorn transit. We’re able to incorporate and manage our expectations, faith, and dreams. This influence helps us maintain a sense of proportion and to consider our morals and spiritual values as we pursue our objectives. It’s a time for connecting with idealistic and humanitarian goals, making connections with people from vastly different backgrounds than us and learning from their perspectives, and otherwise widening our experiences and broadening our minds.
Date | Time (ET) | Event | Position |
Jul 1 | 7:37 PM | Saturn Rx enters Capricorn | Sat Rx Cap |
Jul 5 | 12:44 AM | Full Moon Penumbral LUNAR Eclipse | 13 Cap 38' |
Jul 7 | 12:03 AM | Ceres Retrograde | Cer 12 Pis 49'Rx |
Jul 11 | 5:09 PM | Chiron Retrograde | Chi 9 Ari 26'Rx |
Jul 12 | 4:26 AM | Mercury Direct | Mer 5 Can 30'D |
Jul 12 | 7:29 PM | Quarter Moon | 21 Ari 03' |
Jul 16 | 8:24 AM | Saturn quincunx True Node | Sat 28 Cap 58' quincunx TNo 28 Gem 58' |
Jul 20 | 1:33 PM | New Moon in Cancer | 28 Can 27' |
Jul 22 | 4:37 AM | Sun enters Leo | Sun 0 Leo 00' |
Jul 27 | 8:32 AM | Quarter Moon | 4 Sco 56' |
Jul 27 | 12:07 PM | Jupiter sextile Neptune | Jup 20 Cap 39'Rx sextile Nep 20 Pis 39'Rx |
(See the full table for 2020)
See also: This Week in Astrology week to week for more detail.
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
The following horoscopes outline how the above astrological influences might affect each individual sign.
Overview horoscopes fill in here as I write them, ideally during the week before the month begins. It is not unusual to see some signs temporarily missing as I usually write them over the course of a few days, and I always start with the featured sign of the month (birthday month).
July continues a strong focus on your personal world, dear Aries. While your attention is mostly drawn towards personal matters, domestic affairs, and family, the first week of the month requires you to perform and produce with a Lunar Eclipse lighting up your sector of career, responsibility, and reputation. Home life is animated, but not always smooth in the first twelve days of the month. Still, any backtracking you need to do now will contribute greatly to the strength of future plans. Events and circumstances occurring around the 5th give you a push to handle professional matters, especially if you've been distracted or focused too heavily on personal affairs. This comes shortly after Saturn moves back into this same sector of your solar chart. In the months ahead (until December 17th), you may be revisiting a work project or tying up loose ends to firm up your professional life or the major plans and structures of your life. It’s a good time for processing the lessons and attitude changes that have occurred, and for coming to a stronger feeling of responsibility and accomplishment. The realizations you experience now help you make a decision that you may have toyed with for some time. While your emotions may feel too strong at the time of the eclipse, as you process them, you’re likely to gain tremendous clarity about the right path for you. Renovations, redecorating, and making improvements that allow more freedom as well as organization and comfort on the home front can have long-lasting results. There is a lot going on on the inside again this month. Venus is no longer retrograde, having turned direct in the last week of June, and this shift can lead to improved relations and communications. Of course, Mercury is retrograde until the 12th, so things are not necessarily smooth sailing, but you're clearer about your feelings. You'll find studies, learning, and personal interests more engaging again. There can be easier connections. Any recent difficulties can be smoothed over with simple gestures and kind words. Mars in your sign for an extended stay boosts your ability to assert yourself, but it can also increase your impatience at times. Take a good look at what makes you angry, especially when it seems to be irrational, and work on ways to express excess energy constructively. Energy levels are strong in July, but be careful not to take on too much. When Mars is retrograde in your sign later this year, from September 9-November 13, you may be retracing some of the steps you're taking in late July and August. However, while short-term projects begun now might fizzle out later, you can certainly plant some seeds for long-range plans. From the 22nd forward, there is a growing focus on entertainment, romance, and creative self-expression. You're likely to end the month far more outgoing and confident than you began it. July ends on a high note, with more time for recreation, and increased faith in life, in general. As you pay more attention to your mental and emotional health, you feel stronger in your career, or you experience more meaningfulness and purpose with your responsibilities. |
You are curious and connected in July, dear Taurus. The Lunar Eclipse on the 5th reinforces this theme, but it also stirs the need for more distance from the mundane affairs of your life. You're easily enthused about your plans, projects, and ideas most of the month. Venus, your ruling planet, has just recently turned direct after a retrograde period. As such, July brings smoother energy for self-expression. Even so, Mercury remains retrograde until the 12th, and Mars spends the month in the sign behind yours, and you're not quite as decided or confident as usual. You know your heart, however, and that helps all around. The Lunar Eclipse on the 5th can bring to light a matter of spirit, adventure, or learning. There can be the fruition of a major project, something published, or a turning point reached in your studies. Epiphanies can be significant enough to change your perspective or even your life path. Announcements, awards, or completed projects can generate quite a bit of attention. Saturn's return to your solar ninth house gives you the chance to brush up on skills, boost your knowledge, and complete projects–things that will help support your work in the future. Until December, you're in a good place to process recent experiences and come to a clearer understanding of your place in the world. After the 12th, more clarity comes, slowly but surely, to your projects and communications. You might have finished editing work, or word comes that moves things forward. Mid-month, if you’ve let something go or neglected a responsibility or errand, it can now come back to your attention. Aim to downsize or pare down rather than take on more. This is particularly important with Mars in the sign behind yours all month. Focus on detoxifying and cleansing: out with the old, in with the new. There can be some indecision, but it's necessary now as it's a time for reviewing plans. You are more of a free agent this month, and you are likely to come up with more ideas and plans than you can count. However, you should definitely watch for committing to more of these than you can reasonably manage. Finances are clearer. The last week of the month emphasizes more focus on family or home life. Even so, you're in excellent shape for instruction, guidance, advice, teaching, and sharing ideas. Your attitude is positive, and exceptional support can come from friends or networks. It can be a time of bonding through shared interests or ideas. Networking, courses, or extracurricular activities introduce you to new ideas, causes, and people that inspire you. |
July is an important month for settling in and focusing on comfort, financial, and security issues, dear Gemini. It's a time to enjoy what you have and patiently build or strengthen. A Lunar Eclipse on the 5th can bring your attention to matters of sharing or connecting intimately with a partner, and it may ask you to take an emotional risk or to move out of your comfort zone. It's a time for handling debts or matters of support. Some backtracking or review of money may be in order until the 12th, after which business deals or money matters begin to move forward. Until then, with your ruling planet retrograde, if you're feeling emotionally stuck in one place, allow yourself extra time to figure things out before moving forward. Saturn brings your attention to unfinished intimate or financial business, which can be handled from now until mid-December. These things are stirred with the eclipse on the 5th, as financial, ownership, and intimate matters can reach a turning point or even a point of resolution. Still, Venus has ended its retrograde in your sign, and this helps you come out of a fog of indecision and doubt. While you may have been questioning your powers of attraction, value, or talents in recent weeks, in July, you're feeling stronger, more content, and happy with yourself. This reflects outward, and you're bound to see improvement in your relationships with others. In fact, it's a powerful month for magnetism. You are attracting positive attention on a personal level, particularly when it comes to love. You can be concentrating on building your resources, buying new things that have long-term shelf life, making more from what you have, and thinking up ideas for making money. There is a strong focus on security and comfort matters. New plans are likely to require more thought and refinement in the first half of July, so avoid rushing. Pace yourself in your social life, too, even with Mars in your social sector encouraging you to forge ahead. The New Moon on the 20th brings take-charge energy for personal finances. In the weeks following, you are in a better position to take charge of your earnings, spending, and belongings. The last week of July is strong for new interests, a busy mind, and learning or studying. You're in great shape for increased self-acceptance and enjoyment, and possibly for learning new things about yourself or someone important to you. Your own knowledge or insight can draw others to you, or someone can offer you valuable insight or a boost of confidence. You’re looking at your life path, relationships, projects, and lovers in new ways–you see the romance, imagination, and beauty in your connections and goals. |
You begin the month in a position of personal power, dear Cancer, with the Sun in your sign (until the 22nd). Mercury is retrograde in your sign until the 12th, and you could be waiting on information or questioning recent choices. The Lunar Eclipse on the 5th brings a close partnership or your relationship with others into focus, after a couple of weeks of quite a bit of attention to your own needs and personal plans. This eclipse is personal to you as it’s the final eclipse in a set that has been occurring in both your sign and your opposite sign since July 2018. This can serve as a cosmic nudge towards change in a relationship or a final decision about a matter. You’re magnetic and gaining some attention. Still, love continues to be private. Slowly but surely, it's becoming less complicated. Some confusing situations or problems begin to unravel. It won't be until Venus enters Cancer on August 7th when you feel more confident of your affections and needs. Saturn moves back into your partnership zone for its final months. This is a time for taking care of unfinished business, particularly related to partnerships. It's a good period for getting closure and dealing with relationship matters that were left dangling. Saturn is about commitment, structure, reality, and maturation, and with this transit, these things are directed toward your partnerships or close bonds. Your ambition is stimulated and the desire or need to perform is strong in July, but it's important not to take on more than you can reasonably handle, as there can be changes of heart later. The New Moon on the 20th is in your sign, and yes, you just had one in your sign in June! It's the second New Moon in Cancer, but this time around, it's not an eclipse. You can be itching to do something new or to express yourself in different ways. You're likely to make changes that reflect updated needs and plans. You may be in the mood for some form of makeover, which can be physical, but is more about attitude, manner, and confidence. July is also strong for money matters as it advances, which will pick up speed further in August. You're in great shape for enjoying alternative or extra-curricular activities with a partner or for connecting with someone significant through mind-expanding experiences or non-routine activities. A relationship can be a source of inspiration, and the realization of a happiness goal seems more likely now through the support or positivity of someone special. You’re finding an increased sense of personal meaning and purpose through your contacts and explorations. You’re learning through others’ viewpoints and expanding your experiences in the process. |
Energy is generally good this month, even if you're spending more time to yourself, dear Leo. July is a month for dusting off ideas you've previously put on the shelf. Your attention turns to the past so that you can decide which projects, ideas, or situations you might salvage or scrap. This is not the most decisive periods with Mercury retrograde until the 12th and in your privacy sector all month. The Sun enters your sign on the 22nd, and people are paying more attention. There can be a lot of your energy focused on helping or supporting others this month, and you might often find yourself in a position of go-between or mediator. You can be especially intuitive and at times quite distracted and preoccupied this month. The Lunar Eclipse on the 5th is powerful for a culmination related to work or health that has been in the pipeline for a couple of years. There can be a nice release or final word on a matter. This happens during a cycle of increased attention to your emotional world, which nudges you towards finding just the right work-rest balance. The focus should be on both physical and mental health, and this becomes especially obvious if you’ve been prioritizing either one over the other. Relationships with friends and associates improve considerably. If you've been out of touch or dealing with confusing situations, you'll find that these issues clear up in July. People are warmer and more inclined to reach out. Saturn heads back into your solar sixth house for several months before moving out permanently in December. You are prompted to take care of unfinished business related to work, daily routines, and health. The enthusiasm you have for some of the new interests or projects you take up near the end of July could wane later when Mars is retrograde from mid-September to November. Adjustments will be necessary. Watch for overextending yourself in the last week of July, when you might be tempted to take on far too much and your daily schedule could become overloaded. Even so, it's a time when you're coming out of your shell, connecting with others more often, and stirring things up. Fortunately, you enjoy a strong sense of a higher purpose and general enjoyment of your routines. You're looking at your efforts, work, services, and chores in new ways, and this boosts your mood and motivation levels. |
This is a socially-focused month for you, dear Virgo. While things are less complicated, they're not swimming along just yet. However, it's a good period for sharing your time and expertise and sorting through feelings. Mars in your intimacy sector all month suggests you're exploring your deeper feelings and needs. Mercury's retrograde in your social sector until the 12th can stimulate some confusing situations, or perhaps you could be feeling a little out of touch with friends and associates. With Venus now direct, though, you can experience improved career relations, financial picture, and your own spirit in love. The second half of the month is particularly easier for your relationships. Others demand a lot of your time, and much of your energy can go towards attending to the people in your life. Romantic or social flare-ups and possibly blurred boundaries can cause some friction, which can prompt you to change course and make adjustments. You have been analyzing many aspects of your life, including love or friendship, and this trend will continue, but in July, the fog hanging over money and/or love lifts. The Lunar Eclipse on the 5th can be highly romantic or emotionally enlightening as you acknowledge and embrace your true feelings on a matter. Issues about love, joy, a passion project, creative pursuit, or children can be at the forefront now. With Saturn moving back into your romance and creative sector to finish up its transit there until December, you have the chance to tie up loose ends in these areas of life. The New Moon on the 20th prompts a sense of a new beginning. Your inner world is full as you dream up new ideas and long-term plans, and your social schedule is likely to fill up going forward. You can feel a little more content and focused as the month draws to a close, and perhaps more insular than usual. Sharing ideals and knowledge with friends and associates can be satisfying nevertheless. A relationship may be enhanced with increased attention to creativity, imagination, and recreation. Your faith in your creative output or romantic life is renewing. |
Ideally, recent reflection pays off, dear Libra, with your ruler, Venus, newly direct after retrograde motion since mid-May. Decisions come more easily, and you are likely to be clearer about what kind of changes you need to make to improve your life. Educational, publishing, adventure, or legal plans tend to move forward. However, Mercury remains retrograde until the 12th, meaning it's best to ease back into things. Your personal magnetism strengthens this month. Work, responsibilities, reputation, and career are in strong focus this month, although there can be some backtracking in these areas until the 12th, and possible waiting on information. Clogs and delays should clear in the second half of July. The Lunar Eclipse on the 5th, on the other hand, is about home and family. There can be a nice release from an obligation or final word on a matter that helps clarify your next step. This comes shortly after Saturn returns to this same sector of your solar chart for a stay until December. Mars travels through your partnership sector all month, firing up your close relationships. Mars is not moving as quickly as it usually does since it will retrograde in September. It enters its pre-retrograde shadow towards the end of July, and some of the projects you begin then, particularly with others, could fall under the radar later. There can be much to explore in a partnership or regarding relationship goals and needs in the coming months, and some of this discovery begins now. After the New Moon on the 20th, there is very little that others are not noticing about you! Be aware of the impact you have on others, as it is strong, but don’t be afraid to do your own thing. Still, a social theme emerges in the last week of July. You begin to focus less on your performance and more on your happiness needs. You might improve relationships with family and co-workers through increased understanding. You may be discovering more meaning and purpose through your job, wellness programs, and family initiatives. You might also feel more valued and valuable in the work you do, and inspired to take better care of yourself. |
Although detail work and errands are beginning to figure strongly in your life, dear Scorpio, your larger focus seems to be on the "big picture" in July. You're seeking to stretch your mind. Not all things are straightforward with Mercury retrograde until the 12th, but with Venus newly direct, you're seeing your heart more clearly, and that helps. Events or epiphanies around the Lunar Eclipse on the 5th call your attention to communications, studies, means of transportation, mobility, siblings, personal interests, and making connections. It can be an especially busy time for you, and your ideas or work can receive special attention. You could be making big decisions about your projects or studies in the weeks following. This eclipse comes shortly after Saturn has moved back into the same area of your solar chart to complete its transit (until December). This can signal the need to finish up an important project or go back to studies/work you need to complete. You could be quite preoccupied with serious work or a rather heavy schedule, and you may be a little less communicative with friends and family in the process. A project may be wrapping up now. The months ahead are strong for cleaning up your daily schedule or completing a project that will benefit you for years. Even with a lot on your plate, you need to take a break from time to time so that you can refresh yourself and clear your mind. Try to make room for spirit-boosting activities in your life. Seek ways to put habits that are holding you back from growing, learning, and experiencing life behind you. Positive shifts can happen as you embrace exploring new subjects and places, but first, you need to tackle your duties and current obligations. Aim to pace yourself. The New Moon on the 20th stimulates and speaks to your adventurous spirit. It’s about the broader vision emerging and a nice feeling of confidence taking over, and it's a good time to explore new topics and ideas. Two days later, the Sun heads to the top of your solar chart, and your ambition or sense of responsibility increases. Fortunately, a helpful transit helps you find more meaning and inspiration in what you’re doing, which makes everything feel more rewarding. Communications may very well boost romance and love in your life in the last week of July. Your imagination blossoms, and creative writing, speaking, and other such pursuits can thrive. It’s a good time to expand your mind and connect with others through the mind. |
You're doing some more looking within this month, dear Sagittarius, and intimate matters can be a major focus in the first three weeks of July. You're getting in better touch with your inner power and recognizing and building support from others. There can be some matters from the past to settle, or some backtracking. Romantic relations can be fiery, passionate, and possibly quite temperamental at times with this month's Mars transit. You might also be actively pursuing hobbies, sideline entertainment, and creative activities. As enthusiastic as you can be, however, there may be reason to backtrack, a change of heart, or some decrease in motivation experienced later this year when Mars retrogrades from September 9-November 13. It's a while away, but it's better not to put all of your eggs into one basket. Relations are improving nonetheless with Venus now direct. People are more sociable, decisive, and warmer with their affections. Venus has been spending a longer than usual time in your partnership sector, and almost wraps it up this month (Venus leaves this sector on August 7th). This leg of the journey is the better part, as Venus is no longer retrograde, and a partnership, or relationships with significant people in your life, really begin to warm up. Others are more willing to open up this month, and less inclined to be stuck on problems and complications of the past. The Lunar Eclipse on the 5th serves as the final nudge to take charge of your finances. Epiphanies or events around now can prompt a change in your budget or spending habits, or it might even push forward a money-making initiative. You’re clearer about what you want and of your value. Finances can improve, and for some, a loan could come through, or you could receive a bonus this month. Still, there can be some work and effort involved. Saturn is now on the final leg of its journey through your sector of values and finances. You may be tying up loose ends and completing projects, or returning to money matters that have been left unfinished. The New Moon on the 20th increases your courage or gumption to pursue goals, especially related to self-mastery and improvement. Financial and intimate matters are in focus, and while there can be challenges and obstacles involved, a take-charge attitude is bound to emerge. Two days later, the Sun enters your spirit sector, opening you up to new ideas and mental explorations. You could be discovering a purpose or stronger meaning through your home life, business, and family. There might be material benefits related to your home, family, or real estate. Improving home life can tie in with a better income or a different attitude toward money and talents. Your self-esteem gets a nice boost in the last week of July. |
You're more invested than usual in the success of your relationships this month, dear Capricorn. Negotiations and diplomacy are highlighted in July. Fortunately Venus is now direct, and relating comes more easily than it did in recent weeks. However, keep in mind that you, not others, are in charge of your happiness. You tend to seek out others' feedback more than usual. However, the Lunar Eclipse on the 5th brings unacknowledged personal needs to the front burner. It can be an important time for checking in with those feelings and desires that you've brushed off or left unfulfilled. You may be surprised by the force of your emotions, and important epiphanies can occur now. Listen to your emotions, but try to keep some of it to yourself until you've sorted everything out. This eclipse occurs in your sign and is a significant one as it's the final eclipse in a set. The set has been around since 2018, and this particular eclipse is the final nudge towards asserting your independence, understanding your relationship needs, and finding yourself. It’s a powerful period for self-understanding and personal epiphanies. This is a time for finding a balance between independence and togetherness. Your emotions are on your sleeve. Saturn returns to your sign on the first of the month and will finish up its transit of Capricorn in mid-December. You'll be processing the lessons you’ve learned before going forward with a lighter load and less personal pressure. You might revisit some problems, but it’s a strong time for strengthening the structures and routines in your life. Keep in mind that limitations encountered this month are likely to set you on a new path that is better aligned with your values or more beneficial for you. Aim to be as patient as you can, both with others and with yourself if things are not going the way you expected. Examine what may have been holding you back from sharing yourself with others in healthy ways or forming close alliances. Until the 12th, Mercury is retrograde in your partnership sector, and you can be sorting out some feelings and frustrations about a person or relationship, after which matters slowly but surely straighten out. Family life is animated and sometimes challenging this month as Mars transits your home and family sector. You can feel enthusiastic about making changes and improvements to your home or to your domestic life. However, try not to take on too much, as there can be some waning of enthusiasm in these areas experienced in upcoming months. The New Moon on the 20th points to a stronger urge to merge than usual. There can be opportunities arising to have a fresh start in a relationship. This can be about taking on a new attitude or by gathering the courage to make something happen. Two days later, the Sun enters your intimacy sector, and you're looking to specialize. It's a good period for bonding with someone special or pouring extra energy into a special project or pursuit. You might also be craving a stronger sense of meaning. Expressing yourself through spontaneous, interesting, and perhaps unusual activities can be especially rewarding in the last week of July. You might seek special moments to detox, relax, and enjoy yourself, and there can be wonderful opportunities emerging as you communicate and connect. |
There can be much activity and focus on work, analysis, reorganization, and fixing problem areas in your life in July, dear Aquarius. Still, there is some room for pleasant diversions and rewards. You can be especially productive and enjoy the feeling of being useful, but it can also be a rather busy period that requires some backtracking over incomplete or outdated projects. You could be waiting for information that only arrives after the 12th. While it's important to focus on firming up your routines, the Lunar Eclipse on the 5th reminds you of the need to take necessary breaks. You need to feed your spirit and take care of needs that go beyond the physical and practical. Focus on healing and reflecting, and reconnecting with some of the emotions that you've brushed aside in recent weeks. This way, you can bring your renewed self back to your work and self-care programs and do your best. Allowing yourself some time for stillness, rest, and rejuvenation can do wonders for you after this final eclipse in a set that has been encouraging you to achieve a good work-rest balance since 2018. This can also be a time of an important idea, hunch, or intuitive flash that sets you on a new, more fulfilling path. Your true feelings about a matter can emerge. There can be some juggling and balancing, but you'll find it easier than usual to arrive at that sweet spot with current cosmic support. Saturn has been in your sign since March 21st but is now returning to the previous sign until mid-December, after which it will return to Aquarius for a longer run. You'll be getting the chance to tie up loose ends from your past that may have been tripping you up before Saturn re-enters your sign near the end of 2020. It’s a time for ending projects that have outworn their use or completing unfinished ones and dealing with past grievances or guilt. You have some more work to do as you identify the weak areas of your life or those attitudes and circumstances that undermine your progress and don’t allow you to move on with confidence. Lifestyle improvements are strongly favored after the New Moon on the 20th. You're taking charge of your services, working environment, daily life, or health matters. Take stock of your plans and their developments. After weeks of retrograde motion, Venus turned direct in the last week of June, and this can improve your relations with others and your powers of attraction. For some, a recent encounter or discovery has helped you to move forward. A focus on close relationships and especially partnerships begins to emerge from the 22nd forward. It's a time for pursuing what you truly want in the relationship department. With Mars in your solar third house all month, your interests are plenty. You might easily get worked up when it comes to your ideas and opinions, and it can be difficult to hold your tongue at times! You can be impatient with people who are beating around the bush, and unfortunately, there is a lot of that going on in the first half of July. When it comes to taking on new interests and projects, use some discretion. Don’t accept responsibility for more than you can handle. Mars will turn retrograde in upcoming months in this same sector (September 9-November 13), and you might lose interest or lack motivation, so aim to pace yourself. You can be looking at finances, self-worth, your talents, and resources in new ways this month, and particularly in the last week of July. You're ready to consider potentials and possibilities. It’s a time of increased personal meaning and purpose on an emotional level, as well as through your relationship with your practical world, resources, money, business, and belongings. You can find imaginative and inspired ways to boost your self-image, finances, or income at this time. Creative solutions are possible now. |
You have a greater need to express yourself this month, dear Pisces. Venus is no longer retrograde, helping you feel a little freer. Still, Mercury remains retrograde until the 12th, and not everything is running smoothly until after that date. Still, for the most part, you're well-received. Entertaining, recreation, romance, children, and hobbies appeal more than usual with the Sun in your solar fifth house until the 22nd. You're getting in touch with your need to enjoy and express yourself as an individual in July. You are putting your unique stamp on whatever you're doing, and this is an important process of self-discovery. Still, the Lunar Eclipse on the 5th challenges you to connect. It reminds you of the need for others, whether it's about support or simply a feeling of belonging. Reaching out at this time can be therapeutic. A friend may need your assistance. Responsibilities to others become very clear, and they can feel like a burden at first, but fulfilling them will lead to a stronger sense of satisfaction. Your passions and affections are hard to dismiss this month! Your next step or the right path to follow becomes quite clear as a result, even if it takes some time to unfold. This can be a time of a sweet release, epiphany, or turning point. There is an emphasis on recreation, play, romance, or creativity in July, but you may feel in limbo on some level until the 12th, perhaps as you are waiting for news or otherwise can't seem to fully enjoy yourself. Saturn moving back into your friendship sector from the 1st of the month can prompt you to revive an old connection or to finally sort through an old problem revolving around a friend or group. This process can take time since it lasts until mid-December. You may get the chance to firm up long-term plans and business ventures. So while this is an important month for personality growth and liberation, there may be some backtracking or practical matters to manage. Domestic matters move forward after a lull. In fact, it's a very strong month for bringing more harmony to your family life. Limitations you deal with in July can open you up to freedoms later. The New Moon on the 20th pushes you forward on a personal level. For some, it's about romance, and for others, personal enjoyment and expression. There's more clarity in your life now. There can be a clearing of the slate and new energy with hobbies, romance, or creative activities. Rediscovering the playful side of life and of your nature will be in strong focus in the weeks following. From the 22nd forward, more attention to work and routine is likely. One of the more helpful longer-term influences of the year occurs near the end of the month, when freedom-oriented Jupiter harmonizes with your ruler, Neptune. It first formed in February and will do so again in October. There can be lively exchanges that inspire you and renew your spirit. There can be some extra magic in your social life, leading to a stronger purpose as a result of your interactions or new projects and plans. There has been harder or serious energy in your social life recently, and now you’re finding the lesson in these experiences and feeling more at peace with yourself and others. A serendipitous connection is possible in the last week of July. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
July 2020 Aspects TimeLine:
See also: This Week in Astrology for more detail.
This Month’s Ephemeris:
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors, although they’re not impossible periods, either.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.
- New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Cancer Chart on June 21, 2020
- Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn Chart: July 5, 2020
- New Moon in Cancer Chart: July 2020
Looking Ahead:
- August 2020: Time Line Aspects
- September 2020: Time Line Aspects
- October 2020: Time Line Aspects
- November 2020: Time Line Aspects
- December 2020: Time Line Aspects
- January 2021: Time Line Aspects
- February 2021: Time Line Aspects
- March 2021: Time Line Aspects
- April 2021: Timeline Aspects

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2020 – Overview