When the Sun is semisextile Neptune in the Natal Chart

Sun semi-sextile Neptune
With the Sun semi-sextile Neptune in your chart, you are sensitive, easily touched or moved by your experiences and others’ circumstances, suggestible, and impressionable. Expressing these things through music and other arts can be rewarding. The challenge, particularly in youth, is to recognize these traits and integrate them into your personality. At the same time, being able to detach from these things, when you do this consciously, can be a useful skill from time to time. This ability can help you avoid feeling truly overwhelmed.
There can be times when you feel you can easily slip between the cracks, which can sometimes feel like a burden and other times a relief. The ability to pick yourself up after a disappointment is strong.
Examples of Sun semisextile Neptune in the Birth Chart
Some famous people with this aspect in their charts are listed here. The Sun sign is listed first and the Neptune sign second):
Leo/Virgo: Dustin Hoffman, Anna Massey, and Isaac Hayes
Virgo/Virgo: Patricia McBride
Libra/Virgo: Pelé
Virgo/Libra: Wyomia Tyus, Barry Gibb, Joe Perry, and Debby Boone
Scorpio/Libra: Melba Moore and Bonnie Raitt
Sagittarius/Scorpio: Teri Hatcher
Capricorn/Sagittarius: Ricky Martin, Jared Leto, and Jude Law
Sagittarius/Capricorn: Sarah Snook
The Semi-Sextile Aspect
The semi-sextile aspect combines planets that are often in side-by-side signs with not very much in common, and attempting to blend the energies can be a bit of a struggle. The discrepancy can be a nagging problem in your life until you find ways to heal the issue.
In other words, with the semi-sextile (30 degrees), two planets or points in your chart that don’t have much in common as they express themselves differently, instead of having no real relationship, are attempting to get along. The friction can be minor but persistent.
However, the semi-sextile aspect offers a person a nice level of resilience. The positive side to difficulties blending energies is the potential to draw on one energy or the other when needed. The ability to manage stress during difficult periods and moderate expectations or excitement during highs is remarkable. This strength–the ability to bounce back–is largely due to flexibility and the power to temporarily turn on or off sides of the personality (usually the outermost, impersonal planet).
Transits to one of the planets or luminaries, in this case, the Sun, hit the other planet (Neptune in this example), in a different and contrasting way. For example, whenever you receive a harmonious trine transit to your Sun, you also receive a challenging square or quincunx to Neptune. Similarly, when you receive a difficult transiting square to the Sun, you might enjoy a pleasant sextile or trine from that same transiting planet to Neptune.
This fact is both protective and undermining in that you don’t feel the force of either a harmonious or disharmonious transit full-on. In essence, the good times have an edge or down side, but the bad times have a distinctly beneficial side and can’t be labeled as horrible. The semi-sextile tends to mute the extremes in either positive or negative directions!
As such, very often, when a transiting planet is boosting your Sun, it’s challenging your Neptune. When it’s boosting your Neptune, it’s challenging your Sun.
Alternate Interpretation:
You can be misled into chasing an unrealistic ideal. Personal development comes through holding onto ideals and nurturing them through time where there is interaction between you and your values. — Interpretation sample from the In-Depth Profile.
General discussion of Sun-Neptune aspects.
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Interpretations written by Annie unless otherwise noted.