October 13 2024
13octOverview of the DayOctober 13 2024Daily Overview
Sunday, OCTOBER 13 This is an astrologically busy day. Mercury forms a square to Pluto this morning and then leaves Libra and enters Scorpio this afternoon. This square can
Sunday, OCTOBER 13
This is an astrologically busy day. Mercury forms a square to Pluto this morning and then leaves Libra and enters Scorpio this afternoon. This square can stir some suspicion and have our minds twisted in a knot. We’re overthinking things. We can be determined to get our message across and have others agree with our ideas.
This aspect may play to our insecurities and fears that we’re not getting all the information we need or that others don’t respect our views. We should avoid forcing our opinions on others and instead strive for healthy skepticism rather than suspicion or paranoia.
Obsessive thinking is possible now, but with self-awareness and mindfulness, we have the power to engage in in-depth, penetrating communication or think more deeply about a matter.
Mars forms a square to Chiron, and the Sun opposes Chiron, adding a strong layer of insecurity and sensitivity to the day’s energies. Old emotional wounds can open. There can be tension and pressure, as well as some irritability. It can be challenging to express our desires and anger clearly and directly. We tend to rebel against others’ wishes or plans, and we may be defensive and touchy. We might confront our insecurities and vulnerabilities through our relationships and interactions. Lack of faith in our own decisions is possible.
We might also be so concerned with keeping others happy that we are afraid to assert our desires. However, this is also a time to recognize something important about ourselves through our sensitivities and reactions.
Ideally, we connect with what’s cramping our style and bringing us down. With the Sun heading toward a square with Mars, a tense T-square is forming. Reactions tend to be defensive or competitive. We may be looking for strength but disappointed when we instead see vulnerable areas.
Fortunately, a Sun-Jupiter trine tonight boosts our tolerance and desire to grow through our experiences. We’re ready to give one another the benefit of the doubt. Enthusiasm runs high, and cooperation comes easily.
This transit stimulates hope, optimism, and a desire to improve and impress. We seek to grow and expand a venture, a relationship, our knowledge, personal philosophy, or a self-improvement program. We make grand gestures and rise above petty problems and differences. Optimism and confidence are core elements in the energy of this transit.
Mercury enters Scorpio today, and until November 2nd, we seek truths in all things hidden or undercover. It’s a time to probe, investigate, observe, and focus. Looking for motivations-–the more deeply buried, the better–-satisfies an intellectual need. We throw away superficial manners of communicating in favor of deep conversations. Scorpio is exceptionally sharp, profound, and analytical. Thinking tends to be one-track-minded and perhaps obsessive during this cycle.
The Moon is void from 10:11 AM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a square to Uranus), until the Moon enters Pisces at 3:55 PM EDT.
October 13, 2024 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)
Moon Data