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Calendar Event Directory
Explore upcoming astrological calendar events through the following categories:
The astrological event calendar can be used in various different ways. The categories above break down events into:
See Astrology Calendars for other calendar formats and ways to explore the events calendar.
Be sure to use the search and filters on the calendars to help customize them for you and the content you want (or don’t want).
For example, you can use the arrows next to the current month’s label to scroll to the previous month or the next month.
Clicking on “Jump Months” is a quicker way to scroll to a month that’s further away than the current month. From the dropdown here, you can select a month and year.
The calendar above is set by default to include all categories (daily overviews, stations, planetary ingresses, and so forth), but clicking on the hamburger icon above the calendar will give you the option to exclude some of these categories.
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