Chinese Astrology: 2017 Horoscopes Year of the Red Fire Rooster
Eastern Astrology: The Chinese Lunar New Year and Calendar
2017 is the Year of the Rooster (Fire Rooster) – from February 3rd, 2017.

2017 is the Year of the Red Fire Rooster
On This Page:
- Overview of the Rooster Year
- Love in the Year of the Rooster
- 2017 Rooster/Chicken Horoscopes for each zodiac animal.
What’s Ahead in the Year of the Rooster 2017?
Like the barnyard boss it represents, the Rooster in the Chinese Zodiac is an early riser. More importantly, it’s a wake-up call to all those born during a Rooster year, and to anyone who wants to make the most of this sign’s industrious influence in 2017.
Chinese New Year in 2017 falls on January 27, getting a typically early start on the Year of the Sheep (2015) and the Year of the Monkey (2016) which both started in February. Traditionally, those born under one of the 12 signs in the Chinese zodiac can expect new opportunities when ‘their’ year returns.
But it is more complicated than just having a lucky animal pay a visit once every 12 years. The Five Chinese Elements and other factors play a part, and 2017 is designated the year of the Red Fire Rooster. While that makes it dynamic and enterprising, it also throws up a few challenges. Roosters will have to get up earlier and work harder to achieve their goals, but it will be worth it. Luck is on your side – and the harder you work, the luckier you get.
The warmth of fire in a Rooster year also points you in the direction of family and home, the real reason you work so hard. Single Roosters seeking partnership and marriage will find few obstacles in their way this year. Real happiness will be found with those born in an Ox or Snake year, but Roosters are also compatible with the Tiger and the Dragon. Roosters are generally attractive and witty with a snappy style of dressing, so naturally, they attract many other zodiac signs. But relationships may not be so lasting with the Rat or the Rabbit, when differing opinions lead to conflict.
Roosters are capable and energetic, and those born in a Rooster year are prepared to put in the hard yards and seize the opportunities it brings.
Roosters already in committed relationships will have plenty of opportunities to fill their lives with love and happiness this year. The Red Fire Rooster is a yin sign, promoting warmth and closeness in the family. To make the most of it, arrange holidays where there are not too many people, such as camping (or ‘glamping’ for Roosters!) in quiet retreats close to beautiful scenery. Date nights are a lovely way for couples to reconnect as lovers, and romantic weekends away will bring back the spark. The important thing to remember is to have a balance between the Rooster’s strong work ethic and the sheer pleasure of taking a break with loved ones.
In a chaotic world, where anything is likely to happen to upset the smooth routines that Roosters love, it can be hard finding that balance. The wisest course is always for Roosters to simply focus on what needs to be done. If finances become an issue, find your inner frugal Rooster and reduce costs without reducing the happiness factor. A romantic night in is just as effective as a romantic night out, and in business, look for ways to reduce costs without reducing quality. These are the strategies that favor all the zodiac signs in a Rooster year when the poor decisions and lack of planning in previous years literally come home to roost.

Year of the Rooster – Colors, Numbers, Flowers, Compatibility
****Please note that Chinese New Year and the start of the astrological year fall on different dates. While the Chinese New Year occurs on January 27th in 2017, the first day of the astrological year is February 3rd.
The Chinese Lunar New Year occurs every year on the New Moon of the first lunar month, which is the second New Moon after the Winter Solstice. The exact date can fall anywhere between late January and the middle of February. A complete cycle of the Chinese lunar calendar takes 60 years and comprises five cycles of 12 years–12 animal signs and 5 elements.
The Chinese Lunar New Year differs to that of the Roman New Year because the Chinese calendar is based on the phases of the moon, whereas the Gregorian calendar, on which the Roman New Year is based, is an arithmetic calendar.
Each of the 12 years of the Chinese lunar calendar is named after an animal. These are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. Legend has it that Buddha summoned all the animals to come to see him before he departed earth. Only 12 came so he rewarded those 12 by naming a year in the Chinese lunar calendar after them, in the order they arrived to see him.
As with western astrology where it’s believed that the Sun’s position at the time of an individual’s birth determines certain personality traits that a person will possess, it’s thought that each animal represented in the Chinese lunar calendar bestows certain characteristics on individuals who are born during the year that particular animal “rules.”

Recent and Upcoming Years for the 12 Animals of the Chinese Zodiac
In 2015, Chinese New Year fell on February 18/19, but the year of the Goat ran from February 4th, 2015 forward.
In 2016, Chinese New Year fell on February 8th, but the Year of the Monkey ran from February 4th, 2016 forward.
This year, Chinese New Year falls on January 27th and the Year of the Rooster runs from February 4th forward.
The Rooster is the tenth sign of the Chinese Zodiac.
The Rooster is resilient, enthusiastic, and organized. The Rooster year favors getting organized, taking responsibility, and taking the high road. Problem areas can be obstinacy and bossiness. The Monkey year was exciting but a little chaotic, and the Rooster is prepared to clean up the mess. 2017 is an excellent year for eliminating waste. This is a time for saving money and putting in the hard work necessary to succeed. Following schedules is favored and special attention is given to money and career in 2017.
The Year of the Rooster 2017 is a Yin Fire year, and it’s a year for getting organized. The year favors those who are willing to take on a challenge but who also follow the rules.
{Note that the sequence of years runs as follows: Yang Wood, Yin Wood, Yang Fire, Yin Fire, Yang Earth, Yin Earth, Yang Metal, Yin Metal, Yang Water, Yin Water.}
Caution and moderation were advised in 2009, the Year of the Ox, flexibility and the ability to deal with change were considered essential qualities in 2010, the ability to make compromises and to negotiate were important in 2011, adventurousness and boldness were favored in 2012, 2013 favored inner development and renewal/recycling, 2014 favored quick decisions and a quick pace, 2015 favored healing and supporting, and the ability to bounce back from problems and embrace change were favored in 2016.
The Rooster is the 10th sign of the Chinese zodiac, reducing to a 1 in Numerology. The year 2017 also reduces to a 1, making the symbolism of the number 1 particularly powerful this year (see also Numerology). This is a time of new beginnings and it’s a year for taking the initiative.
The last Rooster year was 2005 (12-year cycle). The last Fire Rooster year was 1957 (60-year cycle). Events occurring this year can bear some similarities to these years in history.
Note that the Rooster sign is naturally Yin Metal, and 2017 is a Yin Fire year. Metal and Fire are incompatible elements, which suggests some turbulence, although the Yin compatibility helps strengthen the year to some degree.
In terms of how each Chinese Zodiac sign will fare in the Year of the Rooster, a major consideration is how compatible your sign is with the Rooster sign:
Roosters are most compatible with Snake and Ox (the Snake, Rooster, and Ox form a harmonious triangle of affinity – they are purposeful and determined), and to some degree with Dragon, and these are the signs that are expected to fare the best in 2017 generally speaking.
Rooster is Metal, like Monkey and Dog, and this helps boost the year’s fortune for both animals.
Roosters are most incompatible with Rabbit (their opposite sign) and to a lesser degree with Rat and Dog, and these are the signs that are expected to find 2017 the most challenging, for the most part.
Another important consideration is your Element. The year 2017 is a Yin Fire year.
Fire creates Earth, and Wood creates Fire. Water destroys Fire, and Fire destroys Metal. As such, Fire is in good shape with Earth and Wood and is in a difficult relationship with Water and Metal.
Fire is friendly or compatible with Earth and Wood.
Metal and Water are incompatible with (destructive/hostile to) Fire.
The Yin Fire of 2017 is attracted to Yang Metal, so relationships can be very good for Yang Metal people in 2017, and Monkey is naturally Yang Metal.
While 2017 is a Yin Fire year, Rooster is naturally a Yin Metal sign. The Yin Metal of Rooster is attracted to Yang Fire, so relationships can be good for the Horse and Tiger.
2017 is a Yin Fire year, and since Goat/Sheep is naturally Yin Fire, this helps boost the year’s general fortune for Goat/Sheep. There is Enmity between Yin Water and Yin Fire, so that the Pig, which is naturally Yin Water, may have some ups and downs in 2017.
Roosters are traditionally not especially favored in their own year.
Love in 2017
Love & Relationships in the Year of the Rooster:
In the Year of the Rooster, the focus is on making relationships work rather than making big changes. 2017 is a Fire year. The Fire element is confident, bold, and decisive. Generally speaking, this is a time for taking action, movement, confidence, and innovation. However, since 2017 is a Yin year, it also favors building and nurturing long-term relationships. Roosters seek stability, organization, and material benefits, making these qualities particularly attractive in the Year of the Rooster.
Don’t know your Chinese Zodiac Sign and/or Element? Find out here: Understanding Chinese Astrology: Introduction

The 12 Animals of the Chinese Zodiac
Please note that the year of your birth is not the only factor involved in your Chinese horoscope for any given year. Your month, day, and hour also have associated elements and animals. As such, the following are generalizations based on your year of birth alone. However, if you know your Month, Day, and Hour animals, then you can also to some extent apply the following interpretations to them.
Horoscopes for 2017
The following are descriptions of the positive and negative personality traits of the Chinese zodiac signs, with a brief forecast or horoscope for 2017:
(Born 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)*
Positive: Influential, sociable, imaginative, and charismatic. Rat people will always stay loyal to their friends.
Negative: Power-hungry, gossiping, indiscreet, and meddling. These individuals don’t always plan for the future.
The Rat is Yang Water.
Chinese Astrology Horoscope 2017 for the Rat:
Rats are Yang Water, and both Yang and Water don’t mesh well with 2017’s Yin Fire energy. Furthermore, Rats and Roosters are incompatible. This suggests that 2017 in a general sense is not a particularly lucky year for Rat. However, career matters and reputation are generally favorable for you, particularly if you focus on being timely and well-organized. Your confidence is brilliant and can help you make your own luck. In love, 2017 is about settling in with a current partner or keeping things status quo. You are likely to feel rather comfortable this year, perhaps because you have accomplished a lot of what you wanted to do. While it’s better to stick with familiar things this year, it’s important not to allow yourself to become bored or uninterested. Give yourself small challenges to keep yourself engaged this year. Rat’s fixed element is Water, and there is no Water in the 2017 Rooster year, suggesting that the Rat is at their best supporting and nurturing others this year.
RAT in 2017:
(Born 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)*
Positive: Diligent, stable, and possesses a strong sense of purpose. These people build long-lasting friendships.
Negative: Stubborn. Ox people aren’t often flexible.
The Ox is yin Earth.
Chinese Astrology Horoscope 2017 for the Ox:
The Ox has a harmonious relationship with the animal of the year, Rooster. The Yin energy of the Ox matches the year 2017’s Yin energy, and its Earth element is friendly with the Fire element of the year. All around, this is likely to be a very lucky period for the Ox. The Ox is on its way up, learning very much in 2017, and reaching towards a career peak, although it will be next year when that comes. There is a sense of abundance this year. Money matters are strong as long as you put in the effort (the Rooster year requires some commitment). You can be rather conservative in your approach to the world, and this suits the general energy of 2017, but you may need to be a little more active and proactive for better results. Your love life should be excellent. Health is status quo.
OX in 2017:
Tiger (1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)*
Positive: Brave, strong, charismatic, and benevolent. Tigers are risk-takers and true adventurers.
Negative: Impetuous and hot-headed. These people aren’t good at taking orders from others.
The Tiger is Yang Wood.
Chinese Astrology Horoscope 2017 for the Tiger:
2017 requires the Tiger to work harder than usual for rewards. Both career and money matters are expected to be good, with your efforts directly linked to rewards – things are not necessarily coming to you easily, but success is there for the taking. Love prospects look excellent, and socially, you’re in fine shape. Health should be average or status quo. Perhaps the biggest obstacle to get over is the Tiger’s outlook and energy levels. While you may want things to happen immediately, there is the need for patience and effort, and the sooner you accept this, the better your chances of success.
TIGER in 2017:
(Born 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)*
Positive: Tactful, intelligent, caring, considerate, and virtuous. Rabbit people don’t like conflict.
Negative: Pedantic and secretive. These people can appear a little cold and distant at times.
The Rabbit is Yin Wood.
Chinese Astrology Horoscope 2017 for the Rabbit:
While the Wood of Rabbit has a difficult relationship with the Metal of Rooster, it’s in a supportive relationship with the Yin Fire of the year 2017. It’s essential that Rabbit not push itself too hard this year. Pressures to succeed may be on you, but it’s best to choose your projects wisely, as you’re not in the most favorable position to work under stressful conditions. Allow sufficient time for rest and recuperation if you do go hard during the year. Money opportunities are good — this can be a year of harvest for previous efforts. Social and love relationships are up and down this year.
RABBIT in 2017:
(Born 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024)*
Positive: Successful, proud, lucky, and enthusiastic. Dragons are determined people and able to inspire others.
Negative: Rigid and easily infatuated. Dragon people don’t like routine.
The Dragon is Yang Wood/Earth.
Chinese Astrology Horoscope 2017 for the Dragon:
Dragon is heading towards harvest and work should blossom in the year of the Rooster. Dragons and Roosters are not from the same compatibility trinity, but they are still friendly with one another. Work requires effort and isn’t always smooth sailing, but great successes can result from challenges. Money luck is good this year and is enhanced by creative thinking, the mind, and social skills. You need to network and promote yourself this year. Love relationships are also good, and often very excellent. Social life is strong but challenged as well – there can be great friends and support from them, but also some jealousy to deal with. You are a self-starter, which meshes well with the energy of the Rooster in 2017, but you will need to embrace some routine, as much as you prefer not to.
DRAGON in 2017:
(Born 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)*
Positive: Intuitive, wise, perceptive, and compassionate. Snakes prefer the finer things in life.
Negative: Lazy and extravagant. These people may have a problem with depending on others.
The Snake is Yin Fire.
Chinese Astrology Horoscope 2017 for the Snake:
Snake is a friend to the Rooster, being part of the same trinity. As well, Snake’s Yin Fire matches the year (also Yin Fire). The only problem found here is the mismatch between Snake’s Fire and Rooster’s Metal, but this shouldn’t cause serious issues, largely because Metal is afraid of Fire. However, support from others is not always as forthcoming as the Snake would like in 2017. Love and friendships are easier to find than usual, and when it’s good, it’s truly wonderful, but when things are difficult, it can become very challenging. It’s important to stay on top of things — relationships are passionate and can run hot and cold. Ups and downs are possible. Health is expected to be average. However, money and career are both strong in 2017. You will need to try to be more consistent to keep this luck going for you.
SNAKE in 2017:
(Born 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026)*
Positive: Popular, engaging, refined, and persuasive. Horse people are hardworking and independent.
Negative: Selfish and unscrupulous. These individuals may be rebellious and shun the advice of others.
The Horse is Yang Fire.
Chinese Astrology Horoscope 2017 for the Horse:
The Year of the Rooster is expected to be status quo to above-average for the most for the Horse. The trick is that the Horse still needs to work hard – things are not necessarily coming easily. There is an attraction between Horse and Rooster, suggesting very good personal appeal this year. You have many admirers in 2017! It will be important to avoid subjecting the loved one with all of your ups and downs. Competition can arise in your friendships, although you tend to come out on top with competitors. Money can be up and down and career requires effort but is in decent shape. Best of all is the attitude and outlook of the Horse this year – they are strong and believe in themselves, helping them to attract good situations.
HORSE in 2017:
Goat (or Sheep or Ram) (Born 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)*
Positive: Sensitive, imaginative, and well-mannered. Goats are peace lovers who don’t like disagreements.
Negative: Pessimistic and tardy. These people can let others take advantage of them too easily.
The Goat is Yin Fire.
Chinese Astrology Horoscope 2017 for the Goat:
This is an important year for learning, skills development, and making contacts for the Goat. 2017 is a Yin Fire year and the Goat is Yin Fire, and this helps support the Goat’s efforts in many life departments this year. However, the Metal of the Rooster and the Fire of the Goat are incompatible so that it’s not likely to be completely smooth. There can be competition in business but also tremendous resilience on your part. You need to work hard for additional success, but you might also choose to conserve your energy rather than push hard for few gains. In love, opportunities are there but not necessarily easy. Watch for emotionality in your social life – it’s better to remain relatively impartial.
GOAT (SHEEP) in 2017:
(Born 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)*
Positive: Very inquisitive, curious, and witty with leadership qualities. Monkeys are popular people.
Negative: Deceitful and self-absorbed. These individuals can be childish and drawn to mischief.
The Monkey is Yang Metal.
Chinese Astrology Horoscope 2017 for the Monkey:
The metal of Monkey matches with the metal of Rooster but has some compatibility issues with the Fire of the year. The year ahead is slightly above average overall. There are some strong new love opportunities, although these can be a rollercoaster ride on an emotional level, but Monkeys with stable relationships can maintain these quite successfully. Those Monkeys studying are in a great position this year. There are chances to achieve more wealth and some increased success with career although this doesn’t come easily – the year of the Rooster requires work and effort. As well, Monkeys started over in 2016, the year of the Monkey, and while there are some opportunities this year, there are still some years ahead of hard work before harvest. Potential challenges are few but are of note: there may be some problems with reputation and gossip in 2017, and energy levels are not always strong. The Monkey is often looking for immediate results but in the year of the Rooster, we need to consider the long term since successes are slow and steady.
MONKEY in 2017:
(Born 1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)*
Positive: Enthusiastic, dignified, and resilient. Roosters are well-organized and good time-keepers.
Negative: Bossy and pedantic. These people are often a little too outspoken and hate being criticized.
The Rooster is Yin Metal.
Chinese Astrology Horoscope 2017 for the Rooster:
It’s the start of a new twelve-year cycle for the Rooster and a period for new beginnings. The choices Rooster makes this year will be defining ones for years to come. Nevertheless, please keep in mind that the Rooster is not expected to fare especially well in Rooster years. It’s not a time for really standing out and thriving as one might imagine. The best way to handle this is to be humble, keep a low profile, and make sure expectations are reasonable. In fact, doing so can actually help you find yourself, get more rest, and enjoy life with a little less pressure. One of the better areas of life for prospects in 2017 is money – there can be some unforeseen opportunities to increase your income. Another is the Rooster’s social life – while the Rooster faces competition in many areas of life, popularity is good. Make an extra effort to avoid stirring up unnecessary drama and conflicts this year, and you should do just fine. Keep things low risk and avoid big changes for best results.
(Born 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)*
Positive: Intelligent, loyal, fair, and constant. Dogs are always willing to listen to others’ problems, and to fight for a good cause.
Negative: Cynical, worried, and tactless. These people don’t always forgive easily, especially those who cross them.
The Dog is Yang Metal.
Chinese Astrology Horoscope 2017 for the Dog:
Dog and Rooster don’t get along, and this diminishes some of the luck for Dog in 2017. However, 2017 is Metal and so is Dog, so that the year is not entirely incompatible. Overall, the year is expected to be status quo. You are leaving busy years behind you and you may be closing certain projects and clearing out the old so that you can begin anew next year. It’s a great time to get rid of excess baggage and to get organized. Career matters tend to stay the same, although there is a little wealth luck for some Dogs. Love is also expected to bring few if any changes – relationship status may not change. This is a better year for laying low and avoiding conflict. In fact, Dogs may have increased opportunities to rest in 2017.
DOG in 2017:
(Born 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)*
Positive: Gallant, kind-hearted, and sincere. Pigs rarely lose their temper and always try to avoid arguing.
Negative: Materialistic and pig-headed. These individuals have a problem saying “no” — to people, and to food!
The Pig is Yin Water.
Chinese Astrology Horoscope 2017 for the Pig:
The Pig is expected to have a rather average year in 2017 overall, although the attitude and outlook are quite excellent. Friendships and your social life, in general, are in focus and strong. They need nurturing, but with concern, friends are supportive of you. In love, keep things status quo – no pushing or going over the top. Health is up and down, so Pigs should take a little more care than usual. Career is not likely to show much in the way of apparent or breakthrough success. Hard work may achieve some small advances, but you might decide to conserve your energy for a year when effort begets stronger results. Opportunities in all life departments tend to come with patience and concern for others in 2017.
PIG in 2017:
* Please note that if you were born in January or up to February 3rd, you are the sign of the previous year since zodiac signs begin on February 4th.
See also: Understanding Chinese Astrology: Introduction and Chinese Astrology: More than the Twelve Animals. If you don’t know your Chinese zodiac animal or element, both of these articles will help you to determine it.
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