2023 Aquarius Horoscope Preview
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Aquarius Horoscopes, Year 2023: Summary/preview of the year ahead for the zodiac sign Aquarius.
This forecast is designed for people born with an Aquarius Sun sign (those born from approximately January 20/21 to February 18/19*) AND for those who have an Aquarius Ascendant** in particular.
See also the full Aquarius 2023 Yearly Horoscope.
2023 Aquarius Horoscope Overview
The following is an overview horoscope for the zodiac sign of Aquarius the Water Bearer for the year 2023, outlining areas of the lives of Aquarius set to expand, grow, and improve, as well as those life departments in which there is likely to be change, new approaches, transformations, and simplification or downsizing.
(Click on any sign above to navigate to that sign’s preview horoscope).
Areas of Expansion in 2023 for Aquarius:
Your Aquarius 2023 Horoscope points to areas of life that are destined to expand, improve, or grow.
- Communications
- Mental Outlook
- Learning
- Transportation
- Family
- Home Life
- Nurture/Self-Acceptance
Until May 16th, you continue to expand your personal interests, mind, and connections. You are ready to take on big projects! Your confidence in the future is very strong during this cycle that runs until mid-May in the year 2023.
This influence spans two date ranges, with the first wave behind you and the second wave ongoing as you begin 2023:
- from May 10-October 28, 2022,
- and from December 20, 2022-May 16, 2023.
You’re experiencing these themes in steps, and the second and final step occurs until mid-May.
During this trend, your communications increase and expand. Depending on your current situation and your unique personality/circumstances, this influence can play out in several ways: You enjoy a more remarkable ability (and desire) to express yourself, and your interests grow. You might develop a mental interest or project more fully this year.
You might also experience good fortune with vehicles, transportation, and the communications industry, or this good luck comes from siblings, classmates, or neighbors. You are sharper, more perceptive, and others are more receptive to your ideas. New opportunities to communicate can open up to you.
It can also be a busy, exciting, and rewarding period for learning. Your curiosity grows, and the chance to boost your skills or knowledge can emerge. If applicable, you might go/return to school or take some courses.
Potential problems: Taking on too many daily activities, communications, new interests, and learning endeavors or studies can be a problem now. It’s all too easy to lead a scattered, chaotic life, so try not to overload your plate. There can be a real tendency to want to do it all, forgetting your limits with time and energy. Taking on too many projects or becoming too entrenched in details can cause problems.
However, for the most part, you should expect to enjoy more opportunities through your communications and contact with others during this cycle.
You’re finding your voice and more fully enjoying what you’re doing, learning, teaching, and sharing. You might find that you’re busier locally. Your thinking is more upbeat, positive, and forward-looking, and so is the way you express yourself.
In fact, this is an excellent time for improving your communication skills and your general attitude or mindset. As you pay more attention to communicating effectively, other areas of your life improve.
For example, reaching out or making warm gestures to others more often can improve your relationship with yourself in addition to your bonds with others. There can be meaningful opportunities arising through meetings, courses, teaching, and connections you make in the neighborhood or through siblings. More community involvement could be satisfying. If they exist, problems with siblings or neighbors could be put to rest now, although they might magnify initially for problem areas to come out into the open and finally reach a resolution.
There can be increased communications with siblings, classmates, and peers in general during this period. You could be finding that transportation or communications options now available make life a little more enjoyable. Your commute is better, or devices that connect you with others improve. This theme often coincides with new wheels, rides, phones, or other devices that open up new or improved channels for connecting and getting around.
There can be times when your busier or more mentally engaging lifestyle conflicts with your drive for more security and steadiness. However, with some moderation, you’ll find ways to achieve a balance.
You may find it easier to express thoughts, feelings, or intuition in words at this time. Others more frequently turn to you for your wisdom and advice, or people are more interested in your feedback and input. Friends can be involved in your special interests or communication projects. Learning with friends or groups can come into strong positive focus.
From May 16th onward, you begin to expand and improve your personal life. You are more confident about your family, living arrangements, and living conditions. These areas of life blossom, gain momentum, grow, or improve.
This influence lasts over a year–from May 16, 2023, to May 25, 2024.
During this cycle, you are comfortable with your position and may build loving and secure connections with others. There can be special attention to the comfort and beauty of your home or a stronger desire to connect with your roots. You can also possess a more remarkable ability to bounce back from problems in your personal life.
While this is a domestic transit, relationships with anyone you feel incredibly connected with emotionally can benefit.
Your inner world, family life, domestic activities, and domestic arrangements blossom, develop, grow, or expand. Relations with family can be especially pleasant, enjoyable, and supportive.
There are various ways this energy can play out, depending on your current situation: For example, there can be a move to a new home, likely a bigger one, or there can be new purchases of real estate or significant items for the home. Current living arrangements or conditions improve. Some of you can get a mortgage or support to expand your home base. The family itself can grow, or there might be an addition to your home. Some might take on a roommate, for example, or bring more friends to their homes. Others might pool resources with a partner and move in together. Entertaining in the home can be emphasized if it makes you happy. Otherwise, you can experience a stronger sense of peace and privacy in your home life.
During this phase, you could spend more time with family or at home. You could be on the reclusive or introspective side as you build up your inner strength or improve your home base. Fortifying your energy and emotional reserves can figure strongly, and it’s most helpful!
Generally speaking, increased positive energy comes to your domestic life, and you might put long-standing problems with your family behind you. To make the most of this influence, be careful about overextending yourself with home improvements or larger accommodations beyond your means.
Your personal life tends to overshadow your professional or material activities during this cycle. Relationships with family can improve significantly now, although pre-existing problems might initially magnify, motivating you to handle them.
This can be an excellent time to set up a home business or home studies. On a more psychological level, confidence in yourself and feelings of security increase during this period.
Potential challenges: Excessive money spent on home improvement, too much emphasis on the home to the point that other areas of your life suffer, or some unwillingness to expand your horizons. Avoiding or escaping responsibilities may be a problem from time to time. You may wish to please too many people, but overdoing things leaves you exhausted, as it seems there is never enough time and energy to meet all your needs.
However, with some moderation, this time can be most rewarding. For the most part, you are likely to feel emotionally secure and supported. It’s a time of nest-feathering and a strong period for psychotherapy and purging as you are willing to look at the root of problems.
More power and resources can be available to establish yourself, primarily through a home or property, but also for long-term business or learning endeavors/projects. Your friends become more important or more like family. You might gain more feelings of security and safety through a special friend or group.
In May when this transit begins, there can be initial challenges that prompt you to let go of unhealthy attachments and attitudes to move forward and take advantage of opportunities to grow and improve. There can be conflicts between domestic demands/needs and personal goals/needs.
Fortunately, in June especially, there can be nice prospects involving your income, family or home life. Bringing more structure and order to your life, particularly with spending and personal things, can benefit you greatly. It’s a powerful time for organizing your things! You have fantastic cosmic support for home and family life, security, comfort, and finances. Still, it’s also a fine time for coming into your own, seeking out more from life while asking what you can do to make life more rewarding. The desire to make yourself and your loved ones more secure motivates you, and it’s your reasonable expectations that help you achieve what you set out to do.
Areas of Contraction and Lessons in Simplicity
Your Aquarius 2023 Horoscope points to areas of contraction, restriction, and necessary “slimming down” in order to test for stable foundations. There are always areas of life that require more simplicity. Tests may be part of the picture as you learn that life with only growth and expansion can run away from itself.
These areas include:
- Body
- Personality
- Mannerisms
- Finances
- Material Things
Until March 7th, the areas of your life that require a “back to basics” approach during this period are your personal mannerisms, personality, image, and appearance. This sector also rules how you initiate things — your first impulse for coping with day-to-day demands. There may be tests of sorts in these areas of life — as if the universe is checking that the foundations are strong. Things built on weak foundations may very well crack under the pressure of these tests. Those that are suitable and worthy will endure and strengthen.
This influence began in 2020 and comes to an end this year in March.
You feel this theme most strongly earlier or later in the cycle, depending on whether you were born earlier or later in the sign of Aquarius. This year, those born from approximately February 11-18 and those who have an Ascendant of 23 to 30 degrees of Aquarius are most directly affected.
During this cycle, you are likely to be more cautious than you usually are and, at times, pessimistic. This transit doesn’t allow you to continue with illusions about the self, the body, and personal capabilities. The end result is a newfound identity and a realistic understanding of the self. In terms of career and projects, outward signs of progress may be less forthcoming, yet the work you do during this transit will lay a foundation for future success and progress!
It’s a strong time for literally slimming down or shaping up if that’s a goal. You can more successfully begin new and improved health regimens, diets, and the like, simply because it is a time when you look in the mirror and see yourself clearly (instead of what you want to see). You can be serious during this phase, with more concern for your responsibilities and duties. You are getting in touch with your inner strength, which takes time and adjustment. This is a grounding energy that brings you back in touch with reality.
It’s also a significant period for issues surrounding your personal identity and self-image. Try not to come across as a heavy during this period — not everyone is going through the same cycle at the same time as you. However, others see you as more responsible. Self-discipline comes more naturally as well.
The best way to handle Saturn’s transit through your sign is to meet your responsibilities to the best of your ability. Do take a closer look at the areas you’ve allowed to slide, and listen to your feelings of disappointment, but don’t let this turn into regret or resentment. Instead, focus on making improvements and keep in mind the long-term. Short-sightedness now can get you into trouble. Impatience doesn’t bring rewards during this cycle.
While Saturn in one’s own sign is not the most desired transit, Aquarians understand Saturnine energy and do well with it. The last time Saturn transited Aquarius was from 1991 to early 1994.
There may be times when your personal interests, studies, and communications can interfere with your efforts to get back on track, mostly in February. Still, overall, it’s a period for strengthening your life and building endurance and patience.
From March 7th, the areas of your life that require a “back to basics” approach during this period are personal finances, income derived from your own efforts (this excludes shared finances and financial support through debts and rebates), personal possessions, self-esteem, personal talents, and personal values.
There may be tests of sorts in these areas of life — as if the universe is checking that the foundations are strong. Things built on weak foundations may very well crack under the pressure of these tests. Those that are suitable and worthy will endure and strengthen.
This influence runs from March 2023 until 2025/2026. You’re likely to feel this transit most strongly earlier or later in the cycle, depending on whether you were born earlier or later in the sign of Aquarius. This year, it will influence those born from approximately January 19-26 and with an Aquarius Ascendant of 0-7 degrees the most. The rest of the sign will feel its influence more directly in later years.
Tests can come to your financial affairs during this cycle. This influence challenges you to better manage your personal resources and develop a fair and realistic assessment of your value or worth.
You may be necessarily more cautious about entering into heavy financial commitments during this period and more cautious, in general, with spending.
Worries can surface about your earning power, but as you progress, the ideal end result will be a stronger sense of what you are capable of earning, better spending and saving habits, and a more realistic budget.
Cutting back on some luxuries may be in order, but you may well discover that the security you gain is more important than the luxuries you let go of.
This should be a rewarding cycle for reaching a better position regarding managing your material resources. You are exceptionally security-minded at this time, and you can begin or step up savings plans. Any innate organizational and budgeting traits you possess come to the fore now.
To make the most of this transit, look for overlapping or unnecessary expenses and other redundancies, and aim to eliminate material clutter. Your natural talents can contribute more to your personal income than previously. The last time this transit occurred was some time ago – from 1993 to early 1996.
During this cycle, you might take a particular interest in collecting. Handling financial security issues seems most important for your general sense of freedom and optimism or confidence. In March, especially, your special interests and communications can seem to clash with your financial goals.
Otherwise, it’s a good time to feel more organized in your pursuit of security and stability. Especially in April, June, August, and October, there can be nice prospects involving your family and home life. Efforts to improve spending and structure or organize your things can boost family life. Your moderate approach benefits you. It’s a powerful time for organizing your things! You can feel comfortably supported and supportive. The desire to make yourself and your loved ones more secure or to improve home and family life is motivating, but it’s your reasonable expectations that most help you achieve what you set out to do.
Areas of Excitement, Innovation, Independence, and Speed
Your 2023 Aquarius Horoscope points to areas of your life that seem to speed up so that you can take some risks, innovate, and revolutionize. These areas include the following:
- Home
- Family
- Familiarity & Security
All year, family and home life can be unpredictable and unusual, but also inspiring and exciting. You may decide to move during this cycle, or you could now be in the position to move. Or, you might dramatically change your attitude towards your domestic life. You seek more freedom, and if your current domestic set-up feels confining or limiting, you’ll be itching for a change.
In 2023, you’re over halfway through this transit.
Interestingly, for some, better living conditions or arrangements come through a more organized or routine existence at this time–it all depends on how you’ve been doing things until now. Others seek ways to innovate and make positive changes on the home front.
Your attitude towards the past and traditions is also transforming quite quickly. Old ties to your past may be severed, and at times this can be unsettling, but ideally, you are taking important steps toward carving out an identity that better suits and represents you.
This influence continues until April 2026. This year, boosts happen especially in late March and early May. You’ve been changing your definition of comfort, abundance, security, and pleasure, and you’re redefining what it means to you to be secure, comfortable, wealthy, or stable. It can be a more private, withdrawn, or domestic period in your life.
Areas of Change, Purging, & Transformation: Spirituality, Private life, The Past, Personality, Home Life, Communication
Your 2023 Aquarius Horoscope reveals life areas where change and transformation occur. It’s a time for “out with the old, in with the new.”
Until March 23rd and from June 11th forward, attitudes towards spirituality and the past continue to transform. You’re doing crucial long-term work concerning purging past attitudes and confronting inner demons. This influence has been with you for many years and will stick around for just a little while longer, comparatively. [It began in 2008 and lasts until 2024.]
This year, though, it’s beginning to phase out. Pluto is very slow-moving, and it takes its time. Pluto moves into your sign, traveling only a fraction of the first degree of Aquarius, from March 23rd to June 11th. At that point, it heads back into Capricorn. It won’t be until late 2024 that Pluto re-enters Aquarius and doesn’t look back.
In the meantime, you are confronting deeply buried aspects of your psyche and learning unusual things about the hidden side of your nature. With this knowledge, you are also learning to control it! Things you’ve buried, such as past events that you are ashamed of, emerge and require you to handle them. Facing your ghosts honestly is required of you now. Self-improvement efforts can be tremendous.
At times challenging, you should watch that you don’t limit your life due to insecurities during this life trend. However, it’s a generally good time to clear away lingering problems. This year, February is particularly strong for resolving recent problems in these areas. Finding outlets through acquaintances or writing can figure strongly. There’s more intention in your studies or communications.
From March 23rd to June 11th, a new Pluto theme is with you. As mentioned above, Pluto is entering your sign, but it isn’t long before it retreats into Capricorn again. While it’s only a sneak preview of a transit that will stick around for years to come, you’ll experience some preliminary shifts and changes in 2023.
Your outer personality and how you approach life and new challenges begin to transform. Your personality is reshaping. This is certainly a time for reinventing yourself! You will need to resist the urge to control the events of your life, how you come across to others, and your manner during this important cycle. You are learning about your inner motivations, and sometimes this can be an uncomfortable process because you are getting in touch with the darker elements of your psyche at the same time. However, you are ultimately learning that you cannot control the events of your life or others and how they feel about you, but you can learn self-control.
You are tapping into your inner power, and how you handle it will make all the difference in the quality of your experiences now.
Challenges with this transit are more likely to show themselves in May, when you’re inclined to take on more projects than you can handle. There can be conflicts between domestic demands/needs and personal goals/needs. Aim to nurture ambitions but don’t push yourself too hard and avoid going over the top. Recognize limits.
The North Node continues to transit your solar fourth house until mid-July, and it benefits you to continue to pay more attention to home and family life — this is where you find your greatest joy and challenge. There is a real need to get your domestic life into order, as this can bring fantastic benefits and much fulfillment or satisfaction to your life. It’s possible that you’re moving or preparing to move. While your public and personal lives seem to compete, you have every opportunity to come to the right balance.
This theme is about embracing your personal life, domestic world, family, and home pursuits. In these areas of life, you’re likely to see meaningful changes.
But this year brings in a new theme, beginning in April with the Solar Eclipse, and strengthening from mid-July forward, when the North Node moves into your solar third house. At this time, there’s a genuine need to reach out, connect, make contact, learn, and communicate, as these things can bring wonderful benefits and much joy to your life now and until early 2025.
Your ability to manage the demands of daily life is tested, and changes may be necessary to become more effective. Transportation can be a sudden issue. Opening up communications with others is a challenge but also a potential joy this year. Learning to slow down, to be sensitive to social graces and networks, and to sensitize yourself to others’ needs and communications without fear of being tied down, will release you from some of your nervous tension and help you to achieve more happiness and inner balance. Try not to run from small talk, even if you fear that you’ll waste your time.
Your modern planetary ruler, Uranus, is again in Taurus all year. When it’s retrograde (until January 22nd, 2023, and then from August 28th, 2023, to January 27th, 2024), you may find yourself in a more introspective phase. Observing more than moving forward often makes better sense during these cycles in a general sense.
Note that Uranus is in the sign of Taurus until 2026. Taurus is a fellow Fixed sign — stubborn, persistent, and loyal like you but is from the Earth family rather than your Air, and you don’t always understand its energy (unless you have Taurus strong in your natal chart). Taurus may feel a little too set in its ways, traditional, and practical for your liking at times, and now that your planetary ruler’s sitting in its sign for years to come, you’ll need to grow more accustomed to it. It’s steady, determined, and persistent, and these qualities can be helpful to you now.
*It’s important to note that birthdates for Sun signs are always approximate since the starting date and time varies a bit every single year. If you were born on one of these cutoff dates (commonly known as a “cusp”), you can get a definitive answer using a Sun Sign Calculator. You can also write reports@cafeastrology.com with your birth information and we can let you know your true Sun sign if you were born on or beside the approximate date range given for any sign of the zodiac.
**If you want to know your Ascendant, find out with an Ascendant calculator, such as our What’s My Ascendant?, but do note that an Ascendant cannot be determined for unknown birth times.
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