2017 Horoscope Leo
Yearly Horoscope: 2017 Predictions for Leo
If you know your Ascendant, read forecasts for both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign. If you know your birth time, but don’t know your Ascendant, be sure to see How to Obtain Your Astrology Chart here or use the Cafe Astrology Ascendant Calculator. For those of you who are unsure of your Sun sign because it’s close to the neighboring sign, see What’s My Sun Sign?
Leo (Born July 23 to August 22*) – 0 to 30 degrees Leo:
2017: Leo Horoscope: Love, Career, Outlook, & General Trends
See also see your Leo Preview Horoscope for 2017, as well as all Overview Horoscopes for 2017 (including Leo). The horoscope on this page, Leo Yearly, shows the trends and predictions for the year in detail. Because outer planet transits are lengthy, there are variations in the timing of outer planet transits for each of the three decans of Leo, and these are shown below the main, general forecast. I’ve added extra details using a house-by-house approach to breaking down significant influences in 2017.
There are some exciting and stabilizing trends with you in 2017, dear Leo. Every year, we see challenges and opportunities in different areas. It’s my hope that understanding these areas of potential disruption and ease that you can make the most of these trends by seeking out the opportunities and managing the challenges.
Leos are spontaneous but loyal, and they are proud of who they are and what they do. They have big hearts and so much to give, and they go for the gold!
The following chart shows the outer planets and other points in relation to your sign, revealing whether they are harmonizing with or challenging Leo:
Leo 2017
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | |||
Jupiter | ||||||||||||||
Saturn | ||||||||||||||
Uranus | ||||||||||||||
Neptune | ||||||||||||||
Pluto | ||||||||||||||
Chiron | ||||||||||||||
North Node |
Grey is neutral (no direct relationship, but can be picky, nagging),
Pink is challenging (the planet is in direct, challenging relationship to your sign),
and Green is easy and supportive (the planet or point is in direct, harmonious relationship with your sign).
As is evident in the above chart, there is very little in the way of outer planet challenges this year for Leo, and a mix of harmonious and neutral energy for the most part.
On this Page:
On this page, the year’s larger themes are explored. For month to month overviews, see Leo Monthly Horoscopes, and for daily influences, see Leo Daily Horoscopes. Please note that my dailies are astrological, not daily inspirational texts, so you’ll find interpretations for such things as planetary aspects and planet/point ingresses in Daily Horoscopes.
Overview: Harmony and Challenge of Outer Planets:
You have wonderful support from Saturn and Uranus this year, Leo. Both planets are in fellow Fire signs as they were last year, but for most of 2017 they are in harmony with one another, creating incredible opportunities to boost the excitement and progressive spirit of your life without sacrificing stability. This combination is brilliant for making things work.
Leo is a spontaneous Fire sign, but is also of a Fixed nature, so you fully appreciate the ability to move forward, advance, and make progress while keeping your feet on the ground – and this is one of the bigger themes of the year.
Areas of change and occasional disruption tend to be communications, studies, travel, work, routines, and health. Relationships face some tests this year, but the strong ones get stronger.
This is a powerful year for learning, sharing, and connecting. You have a lot of interests now – a finger in many pies. Go big in these areas, but know your limits!
Your home and family sector has been an area of life that has faced more than usual outer planet challenges for many years. This year, however, things are coming together in these areas of life. From October forward, you benefit from a wonderful influence for improved living conditions. This transit will last until November 2018 and its benefits will be even more apparent after December 2017.
Your Solar First House: Identity, Personality, Image, Physical Body, Manner
LEO and ruler SUN. With this position, you come across as proud, loyal, creative, spirited, proud, warm, generous, and affectionate. You attract attention and often assume the role of leader, as you’re rarely content being just one of the team. You have a strong sense of the dramatic and can sometimes be extravagant. You thrive when you feel appreciated and recognized. Your nature is fiery but also stable and determined. These traits are emphasized whenever planets transit your sign.
The Sun, as your ruler, takes on even more importance in your life, so wherever it is currently transiting in your solar chart is a powerful area of focus and pulls up the desire to express yourself uniquely in the associated life departments. You take charge in these areas of life. Energy flow for self-expression is perhaps easiest from March 20-April 19 and November 22-December 20 most years, although a retrograde Venus from March 4-April 15 can have the effect of subduing the former period in 2017.
In 2017, the Sun is in your sign and identity sector from July 22-August 22. You have a clearer sense of yourself and what you want, and this translates well as you convey a stronger impression to the people around you now. This is a time for shining, attracting attention, and renewing your spirit. It’s a period of personal strength and power. You are in control of how others see you, making it a great time to assert or present yourself, alter your manner or appearance, and improve your approach to the world around you. Make things work for you — allow yourself to shine! If you need to reinvent yourself, the time is now.
Mercury is here from July 5-25 and then August 31-September 9. There are two periods because Mercury turns retrograde in the sign after yours (Virgo) on August 12th, and then retreats into Leo in retrograde motion on August 31st. After Mercury’s direct turn on September 5th, Mercury travels a few more days in the last degrees of your sign, until September 9th. Keep in mind that what you begin around July 24-25 may need revision or a second look in the first week of September. This can be a time of misunderstandings and slowdowns, no doubt. However, this can also be an important time for looking within and to the past for answers. Otherwise, from July 5-23 and September 6-9 are excellent for making yourself clear and understood, for making friends, for reaching out to others, and for money coming in. Decisions are quick and generally serve you well now.
Venus is in your sign from August 26-September 19. This is an amazing time of year for personal appeal and attraction, even with a brief crossover of Mercury’s retrograde. You are attracting what and who you want. This is a time for presenting yourself more appealingly, and for pampering yourself a little. People love your aura and your style. Good news might arrive. Because Mars will have already been in your sign since July 20th, Venus here softens your approach to the world just enough that you’re even more effective.
Mars is in your sign from July 20-September 4. This is an assertive, active, and enterprising period. Mars is handy to have in your corner to increase your drive and energy levels, and is particularly effective with Venus helping to smooth over rough corners from August 26th forward. This can be a very active time for educational or travel pursuits. Self-promotion or publishing may be in focus. Your desires are louder and you’re ready to pursue them directly. You exude even more strength, dynamism, and dominance than usual.
Vesta is in Leo from May 3-July 17. This is a particularly hard-working time when you feel more powerful and effective the more productive and focused you are. People notice and admire your dedication.
The True Node of the Moon is in Leo from May 9th forward (until November 2018). This transit occurs only every 18 years. It’s a period for learning to truly “own” your personality and independence.
Discover more power and happiness as you embrace your independence and avoid falling back on others or relationships, particularly their opinions of you! It’s a time for learning to do what feels right without worrying so much about what others think, and for valuing yourself rather than depending on others’ assessments (or perceived assessments) of your value.
Although a lot of work goes into your independence, this is one of the healthier periods of your life for mature relationships. Opportunities to put yourself out there, shine as an individual (for who you are rather than only what you do and who you’re with), and get ahead emerge during this fortunate transit. You stand out as a leader now. New initiatives are favored – independent work or going into business for yourself can be big themes for many Leos. Most importantly now, create goodwill.
A Lunar Eclipse occurs in your sign on February 10th and it’s a brilliant one with support from Jupiter and Uranus as well as Venus and Mars conjunct in Aries – an excellent time for inventive, sudden, surprising, and enterprising discoveries and ideas. This is an extremely creative time, and many of you will have exciting news or work to share in the weeks and months ahead.
A total Solar Eclipse occurs here on August 21st. With a Solar Eclipse in your sign, the need to begin anew is powerful. There can be a temporary feeling of being invisible that motivates you to change your approach to the world. In the following weeks and months, you have take-charge energy and vitality for beginning brand-new projects, initiatives, and personal plans. There are pleasant and sudden events or surprises as your life moves forward in significant ways. Travel, education, legal matters, or publishing can be big players. You can feel that you are beginning a brand new chapter in your life.
Your Solar Second House: Money, Resources, Natural Talents, Security, Comfort
VIRGO and ruler MERCURY. With this position, you think (and talk) about money, personal possessions, valuables, and comfort matters more than most people. You likely have more than one source of income. You are clever when it comes to business and money-making ideas. You might worry more about money than it appears on the surface of things. You are willing to put the work in to stabilize cash flow, and while your expectations in this area of life are not huge, your work ethic contributes to gradually healthier income as you age.
You can be very particular and even fussy with finances and business activities. You might thoroughly enjoy devising budgets and recording money details.
You always do better with money when Mercury is in good shape, such as in your sign and forming harmonious aspects or in a harmonious sign. Look to the bottom of this section for Mercury retrograde periods that should be avoided for brand new initiatives. Mercury retro is just fine for getting back money owed to you, however, and is sometimes beneficial for getting good deals and sales.
In 2017, the Sun is in your money house from August 23-September 22. This is a time of more pride in your income, valuables, and talents. If you need to take charge of your money, ask for a raise, or make a big sale, this is a better period of the year for doing so. This year, from September 7th-22nd is particularly excellent. Before that time, Mercury is retrograde and Mars in your sign can point to excessive impulsiveness.
Mercury is here from July 26-August 30 (retrograde for part of this, from August 12th forward), and then September 10-29 but watch for the retrograde period from August 12-September 4. The September 10-29 period is better for straightforward pursuits. This is a time for coming up with particularly clever money-making ideas. It’s also a valuable time for analyzing income sources, making a budget, talking to financial advisors or friends who know a lot about finances, and for information coming in that supports your money-making efforts. There can be times when you fret or worry a little too much on these lines, however.
Venus is here from September 20-October 13. This helps you attract better circumstances surrounding money and business. In fact, your charm and diplomacy can help attract suitable work. It’s a good time for gifts, purchases, and acknowledgment. People are happier to give you things and help you out. You can be a little indulgent now, however. This sometimes ends up being a period of more money coming in, but going out in equal measure since your appetite for comfort foods and possessions increases now.
Venus is an ambassador of your communications sector, and with its visit to your money sector, you may be making money through the computer, phone, sales, and communications, or you may be spending money on phones, computers, and educational materials.
Mars is here from September 5-October 21. The drive to make yourself comfortable and secure, or to accumulate and earn more, is persistent. The first 5 days of October are powerful for money matters and initiatives!
True Node is here until May 8th, and this is a period for getting your money and resources sorted. For some of you, these matters almost magically come into place, particularly if you spent the previous True Node transit networking and connecting well with others. This is a time of building your resources, seeking more income, and building up your self-worth.
Mercury in your sign (when it is direct and Venus is also direct) is a good period for money and gifts coming to you, and this occurs from July 5-24 and then September 6-9.
New initiatives revolving around money and business are best avoided while Mercury is retrograde: December 19, 2016-January 8, 2017; April 9-May 3; August 12-September 5; and December 3-22. These are perfectly good times for building upon work in progress and researching or renewing old projects, but you may want to hold off on brand new launches.
Your Solar Third House: Communications, Studies, Commuting.
LIBRA and ruler VENUS. You communicate charmingly and with diplomacy. You’re excellent at networking, and you are particularly balanced in your communications, which convey your strong sense of fair play and understanding of the many sides to a situation.
The moves of Venus through the houses of your chart and her condition by aspect can give you good clues as to how your message is received and the fruitfulness of your connections. For example, Venus and Mars come together in the sign of Virgo, which is connected to your solar second house, in early October. Among other things, this can be a time for a creative approach to making money.
The Sun is in your communications sector from September 23-October 22. You are taking more pride in your mental interests, communications, and ability to mediate. This is a time for reaching out, presenting ideas, extending warm gestures, visiting, running errands, shopping for devices that help you communicate and commute more effectively, deciding on courses, and exploring different options. You make yourself heard at this time, and others listen more attentively to you.
Mercury is here from September 30-October 16. There is a nice overlap with the Sun’s transit here the whole time Mercury is here. You are admired for your ideas and intelligence. Your anecdotes, opinions, and input are seen as desirable. People ask you for advice. You learn quickly and easily. Great ideas for communications projects can emerge.
Venus is here from October 14-November 6. Venus, as ruler of your communications sector, is now in this house and performing particularly well as a result. You are seeing the bright side of life. You are bringing wonderful warmth and charm to your communications. Your diplomacy skills are augmented even further. You may be verbalizing your affections very well now, or there can be a focus on loving chats and sweet talk. Some of you will find or enhance love through the phone or chat lines, or with fellow students or in the neighborhood. It’s also a favorable time for relationships with siblings. Your career benefits from networking and word of mouth.
Mars is in your communications sector from October 22-December 8. You are ready to take on multiple projects or to push a particular idea or project forward. There can be impatience and brusqueness to watch for. Impatience with communications (speaking or writing too soon or sloppiness) and with movement (which can lead to small accidents, tripping, driving aggressively, etc.) should be managed. There might also be small and frequent arguments with others, and for some in the areas ruled by the third house, which includes siblings, classmates, on the road, with neighbors, and so forth. Otherwise, this can be a time of enterprise and independence that helps you move closer to your goals. Some of the time that Mars is here, Venus is in your sign, and this combination is excellent for stating your mind without upsetting too many people! There is a creative, pleasing balance during this time. It’s an excellent time for school, meetings with officials, judges, teachers, or publishers.
Better times for presenting your ideas and coming across well in your communications are when Venus is in your solar ninth house and both Mercury and Venus are direct, from May 5-June 6, when Venus is in your sign and Mercury is direct, from September 7-19, and when Venus is in your third house, from October 14-November 6.
Your Solar Fourth House: Home, Family, Support System, Base, Personal Life
SCORPIO and ruler PLUTO (and MARS). Your feelings for family and home life are strong, and there may be some tendency to be secretive or protective of your domestic world. You, more than most, need quiet time to detox and retreat. You might often seek to rule the roost.
This house of your solar chart has been rather beleagured in recent years, so there have been ups and downs in these areas of life, but in 2017 and 2018, you’re receiving particularly helpful energy here. What does this mean? That depends very much on your current journey, but for some it may mean finally settling down or feeling at home this year and the next, improved living conditions, and less worries about family and home matters.
Pluto moves very slowly in our charts and is currently in your solar sixth house of work and health where it will transit for many years into the future. This can be a period for working in the home or setting up the home in such a way to improve health and work.
The Sun is in your home sector from October 23-November 21. This is a great time for taking charge of your home life, spiffing things up, entertaining in the home, or simply relaxing and enjoying the comforts of your domestic life. There can be times when your pride is great and you want to take the lead – perhaps some will object from time to time. This is a good time for making very long-term plans. This is a good time of year to think about long-term security.
Mercury is in your home sector from October 17-November 5. There can be increased activity in the home now. Purchases for the home can be made now because Mercury rules your money house, but there can also be money opportunities related to the home and real estate. Because Mercury also rules your friendship sector, this can be a good time for entertaining friends or groups/teams in your home.
Venus is here from November 7-30. This is an excellent period for beautifying the home, hosting and entertaining in the home, getting comfortable with a lover, and making peace with family and loved ones. This may not be the very best time for attracting new love relationships, but it’s great for getting comfortable in your home base and for bonding and maintaining current relationships. This can be a good time for doing work from home.
Mars is here from December 8th forward (until January 2018). This can be a rather aggressive or hectic, impatient time on the home front. However, it’s a great time for taking first steps to resolve problems with family and around the home, as long as you’re not too impatient about it. You may feel the reason to defend yourself or family now but watch for a generally defensive manner. Mars square your sign points to some accident-proneness and irritability.
Vesta is here from November 16th forward (until January 14, 2018), and you can be very dedicated to building the home you long for. This is an excellent period for working on, from, or around the home.
Jupiter in Scorpio from October 9th forward (until November 2018) suggesting improved living arrangements and conditions, a greater sense of peace and comfort in your personal life and domestic world, and deeper connections to family. This is a thirteen-month cycle that brings opportunities to live a more abundant, comfortable life.
Your Solar Fifth House: Love, Romance, Dating, Children, Entertainment, Hobbies, Creative Expression
SAGITTARIUS and ruler JUPITER. You are especially fortunate with and positive or idealistic about the areas of life ruled by the fifth house — creative expression, games, hobbies, entertainment, romance, and recreation. There areas in your life are magnified — bigger than life for you. You are playful, generous with children, and creative. Sometimes you overdo recreation and leisure.
Look to periods when planets are in Sagittarius and making happy aspects, and when Jupiter is in good shape by aspect for better times for creative expression, love, romance, and dating.
Jupiter’s condition is of particular importance. This year, Jupiter’s transit through your communications sector until October 9th suggests plenty of fun with personal interests and more creativity brought to your communications. It’s a particularly fortunate period for finding love and pleasure through studies, over the phone and internet, and in the neighborhood. While Jupiter transits your home and family sector from October 9th forward, you could be settling down with a lover, or you could be a little more self-protective. Your homebody traits emerge strongly, and there can be great pleasure taken in domestic activities. The home may be set up to be more entertaining now, particularly after December 19th when Saturn has moved out of this sector.
The Sun is in your romance and creativity sector from November 22-December 20. You’re extra proud of your romance, children, and creative projects now, and if something’s out of whack, you’re likely to put a lot of energy into fixing it. You are coming across smoothly and energy levels are generally good. You are likely to find that you get what you want or where you’re going with fewer obstacles, although there can be some issues to deal with from December 3rd forward with Mercury retrograde at the same time. From November 22-December 2nd, you are in a great position for endeavors that involve performing and expressing yourself. Hobbies can thrive now.
Mercury is here from November 6-December 31 (retrograde for part of this). Relationships thrive with communication but watch for the retrograde period from December 3-22. This can be a time of looking back in your love life before you move forward, and love can get complicated. People from the past can be a theme now, whether it’s about someone reconnecting with you or thinking (obsessing) about the past. Slow down a little, give people space, and then talk things through from December 23rd forward. It’s an excellent time for games, recreation, winning in competition or doing particularly well with your communications, studies, and mental pursuits. You get help from lovely Venus for part of this period.
Venus is here from December 1-24. Charm galore! This is a fabulous time for attracting who and what you want. You’re in love with love, and you’re beaming. People love being around you, and you love the admiration. Note the Mercury retrograde period dates described in the paragraph above for some caveats.
Saturn in Sagittarius is here almost all year, until December 19th. This can be a tough time for fifth house matters, or a stabilizing one, depending on your current circumstances and journey. Whichever the case, it’s now the last leg of Saturn’s journey here.
Your Solar Sixth House: Work, Habits, Health, Routines, Pets
CAPRICORN and ruler SATURN. This is a determined, ambitious, and conservative influence suggesting that you have the ability (if you put in the effort) to maintain an excellent, if a little rigid, routine. You’re responsible for your work — extremely so — and quite organized. This is the position of a very hard worker, but sometimes perfectionism in this area of life leads to problems with follow-through due to fear of not performing well enough (according to your own, perhaps too rigid, high standards).
Health challenges may center around the knees, bones in general including teeth, and skin. You need consistency and predictability in order to thrive with health and work routines. Maintaining a schedule helps energize you so that you can take on your work load.
Saturn as the ruler of this house is in your solar fifth house until December 19th. This can be a time of increased attention to creative expression and entertainment, which may be successfully combined with your work.
The Sun is here from January 1-19 and December 21-31 in 2017. It’s time to get back to business. This is a stellar time for getting back into a satisfying routine or into shape. If you’re already sailing in the areas of daily routines and habits, you’re likely to enjoy these things even more at this time. You take pride in your work, services, job, and health now, and it shows! Watch for getting nitpicky, however. Fretting won’t do you any good, although a little worry can lead to important corrections.
Mercury is in your work and health sector from January 1-3 (retro) and January 12-February 6. Consume all sorts of information about your work, skills, and health and then sort through what’s worth your time. This is a period for sorting out kinks and problems in your daily affairs. Your nerdy side comes out and friends love you for it now. There can be more purchases made of books, health supplements, and so forth.
Venus is here from December 25-31. This is a wonderful period for smoothing out differences with co-workers or with others with whom you share your regular daily routines. It’s also a time for injecting more beauty and warmth into your daily routines. Although you may not be especially productive in the traditional sense in your work right now, you’re working on getting things more balanced, beautiful, and harmonious, and that counts for a lot!
Pluto in this sector all year and beyond. You are making deep, lasting changes in the areas of work, health, and habits, and you continue to develop and transform these areas this year. Some of you could have difficulties working with manipulative co-workers or employees at times during this transit.
Saturn in Capricorn from December 19th forward (until the year 2020). Saturn does very well in its own sign and this new influence towards the end of 2017 can be a powerful one for firming up your routines and getting into wonderful shape. It’s particularly important to sleep well and maintain a good, consistent schedule during this period.
Your Solar Seventh House: Partnerships, Marriage, Negotiations, Balance
AQUARIUS and ruler URANUS/SATURN. You are attracted to, or you attract, steadfast partners who are perhaps a little unusual, free-spirited, and detached. You have a strong need for individual freedom in your partnerships. There can be alternative partnering setups or long-standing relationships that are at least a little bit unconventional or nontraditional, as Aquarius is an intriguing mix of stable and unstable energies (it’s a Fixed Air sign).
Uranus has been spending time in your solar ninth house for many years and will continue to transit here until 2019. For some of you, a significant other is met through travel or the pursuit of higher education, or there can be a significant long-distance relationship. Uranus enjoys a stabilizing trine with Saturn this year, suggesting more steadiness than in previous years and possibly commitment in partnerships. You are able to make an alternative setup work.
The Sun is here from January 19-February 18. One of the major keys to personal fulfillment is to get along well with others and to bring more balance to your life. This is a period for taking special pride in your relationships, for presenting one of your most companionable faces to the world, and for taking charge of your connections and partnerships. A strong personality may enter your life or the needs of a partner are louder. You are more diplomatic than usual and more invested in your close relationships and partnerships.
Mercury is in your partnership sector from February 7-25. Talk is sweet right now, and you’re going to be doing a lot of it. You are inclined to weigh decisions more carefully, and perhaps enjoy the process, particularly if it’s with someone special. Intelligent or talkative people enter your life now.
Venus is here from January 1-2. Another amazing time for companionability. Friendly, warm, loving, or supportive people are drawn to you now. You’re seeking peace in a partnership.
A partial Lunar Eclipse occurs here on August 7th. This brings some drama to a partnership, and it’s about realizations and epiphanies or discoveries that can be game-changing.
Your Solar Eighth House: Others’ Money and Resources (Shared), Intimacy, Self-Empowerment, Transformation
PISCES and ruler NEPTUNE/JUPITER. You can be a perceptive lover with few boundaries. The naivety of Pisces and Neptune can either help or hinder you, but for most, it does both at different times in the lifetime. For example, hindering would be ignoring money matters, particularly related to a partner, which can wreak some havoc in your life from time to time.
Positively, you are skilled at visualizing what you want and willing it into existence. If you feel good about yourself, you seem to attract what you need into your life more readily.
Neptune is a long-term guest in the house that it rules and will stay here for many years to come. When happy aspects are formed to Neptune or planets in Pisces, you’re in better shape in these areas of life. Your intimate world revs or warms up.
Others tend to support you, whether this takes the form of material or intangible/emotional support. Neptune forms a trine with Jupiter – a magical aspect – beginning in December 2017 and in effect through much of 2018. These areas of life – support, transformation, money from outside sources or partners, and intimacy – can be quite magical for you during this period.
The Sun is here from February 18-March 20. This is one of the most introspective periods of the year for you. You look before you leap now, preferring to observe and strategize rather than jump into action. On the plus side, you can be very determined and persistent now, and you are particularly perceptive, gaining important insight into yourself, others, and your situation. What should be watch for is the tendency to obsess or to attempt to control situations through some form of manipulation.
Mercury is in your intimacy sector from February 26-March 13. You’re investing a lot into your intimate life. You are inclined to investigate and observe, sometimes overanalyzing others’ motives. However, you may learn important things, and possibly secrets, as your powers of perception are stronger now.
Watch for becoming suspicious or for pushing too far for answers. As well, Venus is retrograde from March 4th to April 15th – a time when love and intimacy may not be very straightforward.
Venus is here from January 3-February 2 AND April 3-27 (retrograde until April 15th). The periods before and after retrograde are good times for a partner’s income, for sorting out financial matters, for disagreements with money, property, or possessions to resolve in your favor, and for receiving loans or support. It can also be an exciting time for your sex life.
Retrograde Venus is a completely different kettle of fish, as it’s not the ideal time for intimate matters. In fact, it’s better for experimenting. However, Venus retro cycles can return you to previous conditions, relationships, or money.
Mars is in your intimacy sector from January 1-27. This is a time for building up strength and energy. It’s also a period for formulating plans and strategies for going after your desires rather than pursuing them spontaneously. You may be working on renovating or transforming something significant to you. You are persistent and willing to put in the hard work for things that mean a lot to you. Making lifestyle changes can figure strongly now. Your sexual life can intensify. When Mars is challenged, there may be arguments over money, sex, and power dynamics.
Neptune in Pisces is a long-term guest in this house (all year and beyond). Be particularly conscious of what you are visualizing for yourself – be positive. It may be best to watch your money, particularly shared assets, very carefully.
A Solar Eclipse (the final one in a set that started in 2015) occurs here on February 26th.
Your Solar Ninth House: Expansion, Education, Travel, Publishing, Promotion, Adventure
ARIES and ruler MARS. Generally speaking, you have a fiery and impulsive approach to the matters ruled by the ninth house (travel, expansion, adventure, religion, philosophy, higher education, etc.). You may find that you’re frequently promoting things and catching the wave of new trends. You’re excellent at promotion, marketing, publicity, and generally getting your message across. These are areas where you are a pioneer or crusader.
The matters of the ninth house fare best when Mars is in good shape. They also fare better when the Sun, Venus, and Mercury are in Aries and forming helpful aspects.
The Sun is here from March 20-April 19. This is a time of increased pride in your personal philosophy, morals, and general outlook. You are seeking out ways to add a little more adventure or excitement in your life.
Mercury is in your adventure sector from March 14-31. This is a good time to research and discuss travel or educational opportunities. Friends might be made through the pursuit of higher education or through your travels.
Venus transits this area of your chart from February 3-April 2 (retrograde from March 4th forward, however) AND April 28-June 5. Venus is happy here, subtly boosting your appeal. Tastes in love and pleasure are a little more exotic. You’re bolder and more adventurous in your love life.
Mars in Aries from January 28-March 9 points to a heartier appetite for adventure, or at the very least, new experiences and a change of pace from the routine. When challenged here, there may be disagreements related to opinions and beliefs and in some cases, legal disputes.
Uranus in Aries is a long-term guest in this house (all year and beyond), stimulating your need to broaden your horizons and adding surprise or sudden elements to your educational, publishing, and travel pursuits.
Your Solar Tenth House: Professional and Public Matters, Career, Long-term Goals, Responsibility, Reputation, Life Path Goals
TAURUS and ruler VENUS. These areas of life are typically very stable, predictable, and slow to unfold or develop with Taurus, a Fixed Earth sign, on the cusp.
Your career and reputation sector is not a place of very much activity this year, and thus you may not see too many developments in these areas in 2017. This can be a status quo area, although the activities of Venus often point to small developments in your long-term goals, career, and reputation.
This year, Venus is retrograde from March 4-April 15 and Mercury is retrograde in Taurus from April 9-20. These are periods for looking back for answers rather than pushing your career goals forward.
The Sun is here from April 20-May 19. You are taking more pride in your career now. You’re recognized as a leader, and you more easily and readily take charge. This may also be a more public time than usual.
Mercury is in your professional sector from March 31-April 19 and then from May 16-June 6. There are two periods because Mercury turns retrograde here on April 9th. Mercury is retrograde from April 9th to May 3rd. This period overlaps with a Venus retrograde period from March 4-April 15th. Your voice is heard during this period. You are speaking with authority. This can be a good time for careers involving sales and/or communications. However, during retrograde periods, things may seem a little off. There can be misunderstandings and misrepresentation. You need to look back for answers before moving forward. Delays are possible, and they are usually blessings in disguise.
Venus is here from June 6-July 4. This is a period of coming across especially well with bosses, teachers, or parents, and for smooth public relations. Your reputation may get a pleasant boost.
Mars is here from March 9-April 20. You are in a take-charge, no bullshit period for your career and for pursuing your bigger goals. This doesn’t always have to be a big problem, but this year, Venus is retrograde for most of this period, and with diplomatic Venus somewhat muted or not as apparent, you should watch for a gruff manner that doesn’t do you any favors! There may be conflicts with authority or reputation problems now.
Your Solar Eleventh House: Friendships, Community, Higher Aims, Dreams, Happiness Goals, Love Received
GEMINI and ruler MERCURY. You seek out mental stimulation through your eclectic group of friends. In 2017, friendships seem to be status quo for the most.
The Sun is here from May 20-June 20. This is a time of year for thinking about goals for building a happier, more satisfying life. Your spirits are good. Friendship and networking activity is favored.
Mercury is in your friendship and group sector from June 6-21. More activity with friends, groups, associates, and networks is likely now. Conversations are valuable.
Venus transits here from July 4-31. Connections with friends, groups, or teams are in focus and beneficial now. Your relationships or your charm can be integral in moving your plans forward. You can feel inspired by others to aspire to something big or long-term.
Mars is here from April 21-June 4. Mars brings a need for action, but sometimes it stimulates conflict due to impatience and a direct approach that demands facing problem areas head-on. This is a time for getting results, whether or not they stir up a bit of controversy. However, watch for impulsive and impatient behavior.
When Mercury is in your sign, you’re in particularly good shape in your social life. Friends are supportive or seek you out now. Mercury is in your sign in 2017 from July 5-25 and then August 31-September 9. When Mercury is retrograde in Leo, you may be returning to a previous condition, however (August 31-September 9). The dates July 24-25 and the first week of September are connected.
New initiatives revolving around friends, long-term goals and plans, groups, and business income are best avoided while Mercury is retrograde: December 19, 2016-January 8, 2017; April 9-May 3; August 12-September 5; and December 3-22. These are perfectly good times for building upon work in progress and researching or renewing old projects, but you may want to hold off on brand new launches.
Your Solar Twelfth House: Privacy, Anonymity, Hidden Matters, Endings, the Subconscious, the Soul, Self-Undoing
CANCER and ruler the MOON. The twelfth house shows the part of you that is most private or is the most difficult to express with people until you know them very, very well! Your nurturing or needy, moody, and vulnerable side is likely to be something you keep hidden in everyday circumstances.
The Sun shines its light here from June 21-July 22. This is a time for spiritual regeneration, some extra down time, and reflection on your next steps. Reflect, consider, and observe instead of beginning all-new projects and taking definitive action. Your new birthday year begins at the end of this period and it’s a new beginning of sorts, so aim to know what you want, deep down inside!
Mercury is in your privacy sector from June 21-July 5. Thoughts turn to the past and you communicate less. Decisions take some time to form, and this is a natural process. Take your time. You may be reconsidering past actions. This period overlaps with Mars and the Sun’s transit here, putting even more emphasis on reflection.
Venus is here from July 31-August 25. This is a time of putting some of your needs on hold so that you can take care of others. There can be a reclusive streak in you now, and benefits may come to your private world. You are compelled by the hidden, private, and inner worlds now.
Mars is here from June 4-July 20. Oof! This overlaps with Mercury and the Sun’s transits of this same sector, making it even more vital that you look back before charging forward. Take a pause that refreshes. You’re likely to feel a little frustrated with some of the elements of your life that don’t have an answer, and now you’re ready to take action on them. However, you may be in limbo or at an editing or finalizing stage with significant endeavors in your life. This is not the time to begin brand-new projects. You may be feeling limited, indecisive, or ineffective just for the time being. Honor your need for more rest.
Better times for endings, putting bad situations or attitudes behind you, retreats and healing activities, and getting extra time for rest and reflection are when the Moon is in this area of your chart:
In the Eastern time zone, this happens on the following dates:
From 10 Jan 2017 5:48:36 pm
…..Until 12 Jan 2017 7:07:38 pm (EST)
From 7 Feb 2017 2:02:31 am (EST)
…..Until 9 Feb 2017 4:40:54 am (EST)
From 6 Mar 2017 7:54:06 am (EST)
…..Until 8 Mar 2017 11:45:19 am (EST)
From 2 Apr 2017 2:26:49 pm (EDT)
…..Until 4 Apr 2017 6:13:15 pm (EDT)
From 29 Apr 2017 9:47:54 pm (EDT)
…..Until 2 May 2017 0:11:49 am (EDT)
From 27 May 2017 7:24:22 am (EDT)
…..Until 29 May 2017 8:11:56 am (EDT)
From 23 Jun 2017 6:06:33 pm (EDT)
…..Until 25 Jun 2017 6:06:19 pm (EDT)
From 21 Jul 2017 4:09:21 am (EDT)
…..Until 23 Jul 2017 4:33:28 am (EDT)
From 17 Aug 2017 12:12:54 pm (EDT)
…..Until 19 Aug 2017 1:54:31 pm (EDT)
From 13 Sep 2017 6:12:18 pm (EDT)
…..Until 15 Sep 2017 9:08:45 pm (EDT)
From 10 Oct 2017 11:38:11 pm (EDT)
…..Until 13 Oct 2017 2:41:17 am (EDT)
From 7 Nov 2017 5:44:24 am (EST)
…..Until 9 Nov 2017 7:29:03 am (EST)
From 4 Dec 2017 3:36:38 pm (EST)
…..Until 6 Dec 2017 3:37:10 pm (EST)
From 1 Jan 2018 3:10:01 am (EST)
Other Notable Influences in 2017
Juno spends most of the year in your solar sixth house. This is an area where you’re seeking more personal power this year. You may be working to establish yourself in your field. If you’ve been treated unfairly, you’ll do whatever you can to fix the imbalance in your work. If you haven’t been diagnosed correctly or if you’ve been neglectful of taking care of your health, this is a time when you can see the benefits of improved health and wellness and its effects on your whole life.
Outer planets move through the chart very slowly. As such, if you were born early or in the middle of the sign, for example, you’ll feel the acute elements of outer planet transits earlier (and sometimes years earlier) than those born later in the same sign. Below are some refinements for these transits based on the three decans of Leo.
Leo (All)
You continue to enjoy learning and expanding your interests this year, dear Leo, and you’re gaining recognition for your ideas and insight. You may feel scattered from time to time, but you’re gaining your footing, particularly as the year advances. A romantic relationship or creative project steadies and commitments might be made.
This is a time for developing your writing, speaking, and teaching skills. Skills and knowledge gained now can be very profitable and useful in the years ahead. You are bringing tons of creativity to your communications. There can be interesting opportunities emerging through courses, meetings, siblings, neighbors, and classmates. Love relationships might begin through the pursuit of learning and mental interests again this year. New and improved ways to commute and connect are also in focus.
Even so, there can be times when you feel a little blocked creatively, that is until you discover that it’s about taking your creative output more seriously than usual. You’re motivated to perfect and refine your work and develop your skills, which can from time to time seem to pull yourself away from the creative process. Even so, if this is done in moderation, which is highly likely this year with balanced energies available to you, you are in a great position to work hard and feel inspired.
While you may have felt that your pursuit of pleasure and learning clashed with your work or creative pursuits in previous years, you’re able to bring a nice balance between the old and the new as well as the practical and experimental. The need to buckle down is certainly real in 2017, but you’re able to creatively combine work and pleasure or skills development with your responsibilities so that you don’t feel overtaxed or pressured by an “either/or” situation.
The people you meet or who have the most influence on you this year tend to help steer you in the right direction when it comes to topics to focus on or work to invest your energies into. This is unlikely to be direct guidance, but rather they are able to see where your true talents lie a little more clearly than you at the moment.
Eclipses this year nudge and prod you to define your life in terms of your partnership needs, bringing up themes of cooperation versus independence. This is a time of self-discovery that also considers partnership considerations. You are asking yourself how you can express yourself authentically and reach your relationship goals as well. This can be a period of a change of relationship status for many Leos.
Casual relationships mature and become more serious this year. In general, you are moving towards deeper thinking and the desire for depth and maturity in your connections to others. While the year is good for your social life overall, you are likely going out a little less, favoring quality over quantity when it comes to your leisure time and romantic life, or combining work with recreation very effectively. You may not have the time, or less inclination, for recreation, entertainment, and hobbies, perhaps preferring to pour your energies into more constructive channels.
Parents might invest more money and time into their children’s hobbies or find themselves creating more structure for their kids. Creative pursuits that most attract you now are those that generate tangible rewards, and you may be putting more energy and work into your own hobbies. Overall, Saturn’s influence this year is good for feeling on track, stable, and strong enough to meet life’s challenges. You are less inclined to rebel or react in 2017, and more inclined to live in a more authentic manner – true to yourself.
Your siblings, acquaintances, and neighbors might be the source of wonderful opportunities this year, so do listen to what they have to say. In 2017, your eyes are opened to new experiences and belief systems. Some of you (mostly those born August 13-21) are enjoying a period of unique self-expression, insightfulness, and sense of freedom.
Don’t pass up on travel opportunities and connections made with people overseas or of a vastly different culture than yours for those Leos who haven’t already done so. These experiences can be eye-opening and beneficial.
Eclipses this year put special focus on spending habits (you need to take charge of your finances) as well as your relationships with others (you need to find a balance between independence and your need for other people in your life).
You are searching for something more fulfilling and deeply satisfying on the job front, and this trend will slowly unfold over the coming years. Along the way, events seem to conspire to push you into that direction. Many Leos (and especially Leo Ascendants) will be starting or growing businesses now and in 2018 that will benefit them for years to come. This will not come without hard work and persistence, but you are likely to enjoy the process more if you work on those things that really matter in the long term.
The desire to move to a larger home or to create the illusion of more space by eliminating clutter is strong in the final quarter of the year. If circumstances allow, this can be a good time to launch new projects or even a long-term business.
Yearly Horoscope: 2017 Predictions for Leo
On This Page:
Horoscopes for:
Leo (Born July 23 to August 2*) – 0 to 10 degrees Leo [FIRST DECAN]:
2017: Leo Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
Until October 10th, Jupiter continues to move through your solar third house, and educational and communication opportunities are likely to present themselves. You may increase your knowledge and skills set, and find much enjoyment in so doing.
During this long-term trend, neighbors or relatives could be especially helpful in your life. You express your ideas with more enthusiasm and positivity, and they are received well. Your reasoning skills are sharper than usual, so take advantage! You are able to comprehend more complicated subjects and problems, and you are able to explain them in such a way that others can readily understand; thus, teaching, authoring, or otherwise delivering information may be prosperous now.
Higher-level studies, courses, and perhaps some travel opportunities (if appropriate)might arise during this cycle. Many of you will benefit from taking courses if you aren't already doing so, and those already involved in studies will benefit more than usual during this period.
You may decide to buy a new car, or transportation opportunities present themselves, making it much easier for you to get from point A to point B. Gifts, benefits, or other opportunities may come through visits, short trips, messages, emails, or they could come through contacts with siblings, classmates, and neighbors. Some sort of positive news or announcement is likely to be part of the picture at this time.
If you're an author, teacher, or other have another position in communications, you will find more opportunities to advance your trade as your creative juices flow nicely. If you're a student, school is especially favored. If you're in business, you are likely to find sales are especially strong. In general, you find much joy in communicating, learning, and socializing.
These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life.
With Jupiter, always keep in mind that while opportunities present themselves that have a positive influence in your life, Jupiter expands and magnifies all that it touches, so that if you are having difficulties in these areas of life, these problems may be magnified before they can be dealt with.
So, for example, if you have difficulties with a sibling relationship (one of the things ruled by the solar third house), this might be magnified now, and this way you can better deal with it and solve the problem. Taking on too many daily activities, communications, new interests, and learning endeavors or studies can be a problem now. Don't overload your plate.
However, for the most part, you are likely to enjoy more opportunities through your communications and contact with others during this cycle. You could make new friends and feel more connected or part of a group this year. You might find that you travel less or not at all, and that you are busier locally.
You are more perceptive and have stronger intuition, especially about the people you meet. There can be opportunities through meetings, courses, teaching, and connections made in the neighborhood or through siblings. Some existing problems with siblings or neighbors could surface now and then can be put to rest.
The most favorable periods for these matters occur while Jupiter is in direct motion in your solar third house, from January 1-February 5, and from June 9-October 10.
From October 10th forward, Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, is in your solar fourth house. During this longer-term cycle, you are likely to see benefits to home, family, property, and domestic comfort matters. Much joy and pleasure can be found in your family connections and experiences and/or your home life during this cycle. An increased sense of security and safety may be derived from your domestic life. Improvements to your home life, family, and basic psychological foundation are in focus. You might find that inner and personal experiences are more important to you than more worldly ones during this cycle. Opportunities to buy or sell real estate for financial gain may present themselves. Home improvements and renovations are favored, as is moving to a new dwelling (more spacious or larger homes are likely now). Some of you may buy or sell a house, and others may welcome a new addition to the family. You may move to a larger or more comfortable home; or you might enhance your existing home in such a way that makes you feel happier, perhaps by de-cluttering your space. Long-standing family problems may be ironed out. Relationships with parents and other family members go well. You may find special enjoyment through getting in touch with, or researching, your roots or family traditions. There could be a family reunion (if appropriate), vacation, or another event that gives you a stronger sense of connection to your family. The family may help you financially or an inheritance is possible for some of you. You take more pleasure in nurturing others. A stronger sense of psychological well-being may come now, as you take less interest in more worldly ambitions and activities. These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life.
Jupiter transits sextile your Sun. This is a feel-good transit that offers you opportunities to rise above petty concerns and to achieve a more balanced approach to your life. Relationships with others tend to be easygoing, friendly, and positive. It's natural for you to cooperate with others, and others find it easy to cooperate with you! This is a time when you really enjoy life, appreciating the good things and rarely harping on the more inconvenient or annoying elements of life.
Saturn transits your solar fifth house until December 2017. This transit began in December 2014 and runs until December 2017 (with the exception of June 14-September 17, 2015). It’s typically felt most strongly in the first year of its influence.
Saturn’s influence is rather somber and serious, but also responsible and practical. You are getting serious about fifth house matters: romance, relationships with children, your creativity, and pleasure. Serious about pleasure? Yes, indeed. While you may not spend a whole lot of time living it up at parties, bars, or entertainment venues, you are likely to take your hobbies more seriously. In fact, this is an excellent period for monetizing any personal hobby – turning it into a business, even if it’s on the side.
If you have children, they may need more discipline or structure than they previously did. Some Cancers will be welcoming children into their lives and discovering all of the responsibilities that come with it. Others who already have children may find that they’re at an age that requires more attention and discipline, or structure.
In the romance department, Saturn’s influence can go either way. For some, romance may be felt to be lacking or a romantic relationship could be more practical than fun. Tests or pressures on an existing romance could figure now. Casual relationships and dating may be nonexistent, or lean.
For those of you who have recently entered a romance, you are beginning to look at it more seriously and critically. For others, a romantic relationship stabilizes and becomes more serious. Some of you will meet a new romantic interest who is perhaps older or mature, thus “meeting Saturn” through a partner.
Because Saturn rules the area of your chart that rules committed partnerships as opposed to the casual romances ruled by the fifth house, some of you could find a lover is stuck in the romance phase of a relationship and may not be moving towards commitment as quickly as you’d like.
The acute elements of this transit have already passed for your Leo group – you are finishing and tidying things up in these areas of your life. This is a time for resolving these issues. After mid-December, Saturn won’t return to this area of your chart for another 29 years.
Saturn transits your solar sixth house from December 19th forward (until 2020). It’s typically felt most strongly in the first year of its influence – for you, that will be now until December 2018!
This transit affects your job, daily routines, self-care efforts, and health. You may be taking on more responsibilities on the job or in another service-oriented capacity. For some of you, your job could become rather tedious or downright boring, or working conditions may be poor, demanding, or frustrating — at least, this is your perception of things. For others, worries about your job could figure. For many, duty could come before pleasure, and a tendency to work more or harder is likely.
As long as this doesn’t reach workaholic levels, you’ll be just fine. In fact, it is easier than usual to be sensible about your diet, health, hygiene, and fitness needs. Be aware of the need to know when enough is enough, however.
With Saturn turning a critical eye to work, daily functions, habits, and health, you are likely to feel some pressure to perform. You find yourself more accountable than ever when it comes to your work and output. Some of the questions that this cycle calls up include: How can you make best use of your time? How can you manage your day-to-day life, and your body, better? You become more and more aware of all of the “fluff” that surrounds your daily routines and your work, and spring cleaning becomes necessary.
This is an excellent period for starting new regimens to better your health and well-being, such as regular exercise, more structured and productive use of your time, and so forth. By the time this transit ends in 2017, you will be considerably more productive, healthy, and focused. This is also an excellent time for simplifying and structuring your life.
Responsibilities in your daily life can weigh heavily – they appear magnified, although Jupiter’s influence in your solar third house from mid-August forward can certainly help to minimize this. Do be sure, however, that you are tending to your responsibilities, and not letting them pile up.
While the work we do may sometimes feel too routine or boring, it can also give us a strong feeling of purpose. We want to be needed, we want to help and support others, and to do our share. If you’ve been overdoing a supportive role, which is quite possible with excessive Sagittarius on the cusp of your sixth house, or if you’ve been scattering your energies and haven’t truly noted just how much you do, then Saturn here will stimulate you to tidy up. In the end, you can in fact feel more joyful about the services your provide and the support you give, after taking a realistic look at these things and making the necessary adjustments.
Uranus continues to transit your solar ninth house this year. Connections with a broader set of people and experiences can be the catalysts for your changing, more open-minded personal philosophy.
Your interest in learning, exploring, and branching out is renewed and fresh. Listening to your gut will serve you well, as long as you’re not listening to that part of you that fears change. Fortunately, it’s easier to make necessary changes in your life without making too many waves now. You are drawn to new experiences and ideas, and they contribute to your growth.
You have a twinkle in your eye this year! Your own originality and uniqueness are bound to come shining through. You are slightly more outspoken, daring, and progressive than usual now.
Events that occur this year tend to show you a different side of yourself, and could attract new people into your life. Any new friends or connections made are likely to be quite different than those you have had in the past. If you want to rid yourself of some unhealthy habits or past conditioning that has been undermining your confidence, this is the year to do it. Some of the people around you might be surprised at your newly found independence, but most will enjoy it.
New intellectual interests are likely this year. Unexpected or unusual experiences tend to enhance your understanding, and a new perspective on your life is in store. An unexpected opportunity for travel may present itself, or new opportunities to further your education could arise. If you do get a chance to travel, which could come up quite suddenly, unusual and eye-opening experiences may be in store for you. The people that you meet this year tend to stir you into new ways of thinking. You are less inclined towards a personal philosophy that is traditional now, and attracted to more avant-garde or simply progressive belief systems.
The more acute elements of this transit have already been experienced before 2017 for your decan of Leo.
Neptune continues its lengthy transit through your solar eighth house this year. You may encounter some challenges regarding shared finances or property during this cycle. On the other hand, a loan or other form of support may come through unexpectedly, even in a mysterious fashion. Intimate relationships can be highly colorful, perhaps with spiritual undercurrents, but also a little confusing. The boundaries that are normally drawn between what is yours and what is mine may be blurred somewhat during this Neptune transit. A partner could have unsettled finances, and this could impact your own finances. Do be wary of anything that even slightly resembles fraud. Lending others money may be a lesson in frustration now.
Pluto continues its lengthy transit of your solar sixth house this year, and you will need to watch for straining yourself by working too hard when Pluto itself is strained or under pressure. During the course of this very long-term transit, you will be learning about new ways of approaching health matters, particularly by uncovering root or core issues. Your work and habits are also evolving in important ways. This is a good period for ridding yourself of bad habits or routines, but be careful that you don’t replace one bad habit with another!
Until May 2017, the North Node of the Moon is transiting your solar second house. Some of the greatest joys - and challenges - come through learning about your values and self-worth during this cycle. Personal income, possessions, and values are in strong focus. You need to learn to depend on yourself and to establish your self-worth through your own efforts, and the rewards for doing so are great!
From May 2017 forward, the North Node transits your solar first house, and this suggests that some of the greatest joys - and challenges - come through learning about your independence, personal courage, and effectiveness. You are learning to overcome any existing fears of trusting your own instincts or going it alone this year, and it's a wonderful, empowering process!
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See your Monthly Forecast and Leo 2017 Love Horoscope.
Leo (Born August 3 to 12*) – 10 to 20 degrees Leo [SECOND DECAN]:
2017: Leo Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
Pressures on your romantic and creative lives ease and you feel more comfortable in 2017.
Until November 24th, Jupiter continues to move through your solar third house, and educational and communication opportunities are likely to present themselves. You may increase your knowledge and skills set, and find much enjoyment in so doing.
During this long-term trend, neighbors or relatives could be especially helpful in your life. You express your ideas with more enthusiasm and positivity, and they are received well. Your reasoning skills are sharper than usual, so take advantage! You are able to comprehend more complicated subjects and problems, and you are able to explain them in such a way that others can readily understand; thus, teaching, authoring, or otherwise delivering information may be prosperous now.
Higher-level studies, courses, and perhaps some travel opportunities (if appropriate)might arise during this cycle. Many of you will benefit from taking courses if you aren't already doing so, and those already involved in studies will benefit more than usual during this period.
You may decide to buy a new car, or transportation opportunities present themselves, making it much easier for you to get from point A to point B. Gifts, benefits, or other opportunities may come through visits, short trips, messages, emails, or they could come through contacts with siblings, classmates, and neighbors. Some sort of positive news or announcement is likely to be part of the picture at this time.
If you're an author, teacher, or other have another position in communications, you will find more opportunities to advance your trade as your creative juices flow nicely. If you're a student, school is especially favored. If you're in business, you are likely to find sales are especially strong. In general, you find much joy in communicating, learning, and socializing.
These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life.
With Jupiter, always keep in mind that while opportunities present themselves that have a positive influence in your life, Jupiter expands and magnifies all that it touches, so that if you are having difficulties in these areas of life, these problems may be magnified before they can be dealt with.
So, for example, if you have difficulties with a sibling relationship (one of the things ruled by the solar third house), this might be magnified now, and this way you can better deal with it and solve the problem. Taking on too many daily activities, communications, new interests, and learning endeavors or studies can be a problem now. Don't overload your plate.
However, for the most part, you are likely to enjoy more opportunities through your communications and contact with others during this cycle. You could make new friends and feel more connected or part of a group this year. You might find that you travel less or not at all, and that you are busier locally.
You are more perceptive and have stronger intuition, especially about the people you meet. There can be opportunities through meetings, courses, teaching, and connections made in the neighborhood or through siblings. Some existing problems with siblings or neighbors could surface now and then can be put to rest.
The most favorable periods for these matters occur while Jupiter is in direct motion in your solar third house, from January 1-February 5, and from June 9-October 10.
Jupiter transits sextile your Sun. This is a feel-good transit that offers you opportunities to rise above petty concerns and to achieve a more balanced approach to your life. Relationships with others tend to be easygoing, friendly, and positive. It's natural for you to cooperate with others, and others find it easy to cooperate with you! This is a time when you really enjoy life, appreciating the good things and rarely harping on the more inconvenient or annoying elements of life.
From November 24th forward, Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, is in your solar fourth house. During this longer-term cycle, you are likely to see benefits to home, family, property, and domestic comfort matters. Much joy and pleasure can be found in your family connections and experiences and/or your home life during this cycle. An increased sense of security and safety may be derived from your domestic life. Improvements to your home life, family, and basic psychological foundation are in focus. You might find that inner and personal experiences are more important to you than more worldly ones during this cycle. Opportunities to buy or sell real estate for financial gain may present themselves. Home improvements and renovations are favored, as is moving to a new dwelling (more spacious or larger homes are likely now). Some of you may buy or sell a house, and others may welcome a new addition to the family. You may move to a larger or more comfortable home; or you might enhance your existing home in such a way that makes you feel happier, perhaps by de-cluttering your space. Long-standing family problems may be ironed out. Relationships with parents and other family members go well. You may find special enjoyment through getting in touch with, or researching, your roots or family traditions. There could be a family reunion (if appropriate), vacation, or another event that gives you a stronger sense of connection to your family. The family may help you financially or an inheritance is possible for some of you. You take more pleasure in nurturing others. A stronger sense of psychological well-being may come now, as you take less interest in more worldly ambitions and activities. These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life.
Saturn transits your solar fifth house this year. This transit will run until at least the end of 2018 for your decan.
Saturn’s influence is rather somber and serious, but also responsible and practical. You are getting serious about fifth house matters: romance, relationships with children, your creativity, and pleasure. Serious about pleasure? Yes, indeed. While you may not spend a whole lot of time living it up at parties, bars, or entertainment venues, you are likely to take your hobbies more seriously. In fact, this is an excellent period for monetizing any personal hobby – turning it into a business, even if it’s on the side.
If you have children, they may need more discipline or structure than they previously did. Some Leos will be welcoming children into their lives and discovering all of the responsibilities that come with it. Others who already have children may find that they’re at an age that requires more attention and discipline, or structure.
In the romance department, Saturn’s influence can go either way. For some, romance may be felt to be lacking or a romantic relationship could be more practical than fun. Tests or pressures on an existing romance could figure now. Casual relationships and dating may be nonexistent, or lean. For those of you who have recently entered a romance, you are beginning to look at it more seriously and critically. For others, a romantic relationship stabilizes and becomes more serious. Some of you will meet a new romantic interest who is perhaps older or mature, thus “meeting Saturn” through a partner.
Because Saturn rules the area of your chart that rules committed partnerships as opposed to the casual romances ruled by the fifth house, some of you could find a lover is stuck in the romance phase of a relationship and may not be moving towards commitment as quickly as you’d like.
The acute elements of this transit have already passed for your Leo group – you are finishing and tidying things up in these areas of your life. This year and 2018 are periods for resolving these issues.
Uranus continues its lengthy transit of your solar ninth house. Pleasant surprises pepper your year ahead. You’re open to a certain amount of change and progress in 2017, and thus attract interesting and sometimes unusual events into your life. A few doors open to you as you express yourself more spontaneously this year. Connections with a broader set of people and experiences can be the catalysts for your changing, more open-minded personal philosophy. Your interest in learning, exploring, and branching out is renewed and fresh.
Listening to your gut will serve you well, as long as you’re not listening to that part of you that fears change. Fortunately, it’s easier to make necessary changes in your life without making too many waves now. You are drawn to new experiences and ideas, and they contribute to your growth. You have a twinkle in your eye this year! Your own originality and uniqueness are bound to come shining through. You are slightly more outspoken, daring, and progressive than usual now.
Events that occur this year tend to show you a different side of yourself, and you could very well attract new people into your life. Any new friends or connections made are likely to be quite different than those you have had in the past. If you want to rid yourself of some unhealthy habits or past conditioning that has been undermining your confidence, this is the year to do it. Some of the people around you might be surprised at your newly found independence, but most will enjoy it.
New intellectual interests are likely this year. Unexpected or unusual experiences tend to enhance your understanding, and a new perspective on your life is in store. An unexpected opportunity for travel may present itself, or new opportunities to further your education could arise. If you do get a chance to travel, which could come up quite suddenly, unusual and eye-opening experiences may be in store for you. The people that you meet this year tend to stir you into new ways of thinking. You are less inclined towards a personal philosophy that is traditional now and attracted to more avant-garde or simply progressive belief systems.
Neptune begins its lengthy transit through your solar eighth house for those born at 10-14 degrees Leo (August 3-7) this year. You may encounter some challenges regarding shared finances or property during this cycle. On the other hand, a loan or other form of support may come through unexpectedly, even in a mysterious fashion. Intimate relationships can be highly colorful, perhaps with spiritual undercurrents, but also a little confusing. The boundaries that are normally drawn between what is yours and what is mine may be blurred somewhat during this Neptune transit. A partner could have unsettled finances, and this could impact your own finances. Do be wary of anything that even slightly resembles fraud. Lending others money may be a lesson in frustration now.
Pluto continues its lengthy transit of your solar sixth house this year, and you will need to watch for straining yourself by working too hard when Pluto itself is strained or under pressure. During the course of this very long-term transit, you will be learning about new ways of approaching health matters, particularly by uncovering root or core issues. Your work and habits are also evolving in important ways. This is a good period for ridding yourself of bad habits or routines, but be careful that you don’t replace one bad habit with another!
This year, the North Node transits your solar first house, and this suggests that some of the greatest joys - and challenges - come through learning about your independence, personal courage, and effectiveness. You are learning to overcome any existing fears of trusting your own instincts or going it alone this year, and it's a wonderful, empowering process!
Special: 2017 Future Forecast Report
Get your unique 2017 Personalized Horoscope–over 100 pages long–for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.
See also: Monthly Forecast and Leo 2016-2017 Love Horoscope.
Leo (Born August 13 to 22*) – 20 to 30 degrees Leo [THIRD DECAN]:
2017: Leo Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
This year, you get excellent support from Uranus and you’re willing to expand and experiment to your advantage.
From January 1-March 24 then from August 20th forward, Jupiter continues to move through your solar third house, and educational and communication opportunities are likely to present themselves. You may increase your knowledge and skills set, and find much enjoyment in so doing.
During this long-term trend, neighbors or relatives could be especially helpful in your life. You express your ideas with more enthusiasm and positivity, and they are received well. Your reasoning skills are sharper than usual, so take advantage! You are able to comprehend more complicated subjects and problems, and you are able to explain them in such a way that others can readily understand; thus, teaching, authoring, or otherwise delivering information may be prosperous now.
Higher-level studies, courses, and perhaps some travel opportunities (if appropriate)might arise during this cycle. Many of you will benefit from taking courses if you aren't already doing so, and those already involved in studies will benefit more than usual during this period.
You may decide to buy a new car, or transportation opportunities present themselves, making it much easier for you to get from point A to point B. Gifts, benefits, or other opportunities may come through visits, short trips, messages, emails, or they could come through contacts with siblings, classmates, and neighbors. Some sort of positive news or announcement is likely to be part of the picture at this time.
If you're an author, teacher, or other have another position in communications, you will find more opportunities to advance your trade as your creative juices flow nicely. If you're a student, school is especially favored. If you're in business, you are likely to find sales are especially strong. In general, you find much joy in communicating, learning, and socializing.
These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life.
With Jupiter, always keep in mind that while opportunities present themselves that have a positive influence in your life, Jupiter expands and magnifies all that it touches, so that if you are having difficulties in these areas of life, these problems may be magnified before they can be dealt with.
So, for example, if you have difficulties with a sibling relationship (one of the things ruled by the solar third house), this might be magnified now, and this way you can better deal with it and solve the problem. Taking on too many daily activities, communications, new interests, and learning endeavors or studies can be a problem now. Don't overload your plate.
However, for the most part, you are likely to enjoy more opportunities through your communications and contact with others during this cycle. You could make new friends and feel more connected or part of a group this year. You might find that you travel less or not at all, and that you are busier locally.
You are more perceptive and have stronger intuition, especially about the people you meet. There can be opportunities through meetings, courses, teaching, and connections made in the neighborhood or through siblings. Some existing problems with siblings or neighbors could surface now and then can be put to rest.
The most favorable periods for these matters occur while Jupiter is in direct motion in your solar third house, from January 1-February 5, and from August 20-forward.
Saturn transits your solar fifth house this year. This transit will run until at least the end of 2019 for your decan. This transit is new to your decan, making its themes a little more intense in 2017, after which you become increasingly more comfortable with the energy.
Saturn’s influence is rather somber and serious, but also responsible and practical. You are getting serious about fifth house matters: romance, relationships with children, your creativity, and pleasure. Serious about pleasure? Yes, indeed. While you may not spend a whole lot of time living it up at parties, bars, or entertainment venues, you are likely to take your hobbies more seriously. In fact, this is an excellent period for monetizing any personal hobby – turning it into a business, even if it’s on the side.
If you have children, they may need more discipline or structure than they previously did. Some Cancers will be welcoming children into their lives and discovering all of the responsibilities that come with it. Others who already have children may find that they’re at an age that requires more attention and discipline, or structure.
In the romance department, Saturn’s influence can go either way. For some, romance may be felt to be lacking or a romantic relationship could be more practical than fun. Tests or pressures on an existing romance could figure now. Casual relationships and dating may be nonexistent, or lean.
For those of you who have recently entered a romance, you are beginning to look at it more seriously and critically. For others, a romantic relationship stabilizes and becomes more serious. Some of you will meet a new romantic interest who is perhaps older or mature, thus “meeting Saturn” through a partner. Because Saturn rules the area of your chart that rules committed partnerships as opposed to the casual romances ruled by the fifth house, some of you could find a lover is stuck in the romance phase of a relationship and may not be moving towards commitment as quickly as you’d like.
Saturn forms a trine with your Sun this year, and this helps you to better focus on your goals. This transit is a stabilizing one–others know they can rely on you, and you on them. Your vision is all the more realistic now, and pleasingly so. You work steadily and determinedly towards your goals. Authority figures and elders tend to look favorably upon you.
Uranus begins or continues its lengthy transit of your solar ninth house. Pleasant surprises pepper your year ahead. You’re open to a certain amount of change and progress in 2017, and thus attract interesting and sometimes unusual events into your life. A few doors open to you as you express yourself more spontaneously this year. Connections with a broader set of people and experiences can be the catalysts for your changing, more open-minded personal philosophy. Your interest in learning, exploring, and branching out is renewed and fresh.
Listening to your gut will serve you well, as long as you’re not listening to that part of you that fears change. Fortunately, it’s easier to make necessary changes in your life without making too many waves now. You are drawn to new experiences and ideas, and they contribute to your growth. You have a twinkle in your eye this year! Your own originality and uniqueness are bound to come shining through.
You are slightly more outspoken, daring, and progressive than usual now. Events that occur this year tend to show you a different side of yourself, and could attract new people into your life. Any new friends or connections made are likely to be quite different than those you have had in the past. If you want to rid yourself of some unhealthy habits or past conditioning that has been undermining your confidence, this is the year to do it.
Some of the people around you might be surprised at your newly found independence, but most will enjoy it. New intellectual interests are likely this year. Unexpected or unusual experiences tend to enhance your understanding, and a new perspective on your life is in store. An unexpected opportunity for travel may present itself, or new opportunities to further your education could arise.
If you do get a chance to travel, which could come up quite suddenly, unusual and eye-opening experiences may be in store for you. The people that you meet this year tend to stir you into new ways of thinking. You are less inclined towards a personal philosophy that is traditional now and attracted to more avant-garde or simply progressive belief systems.
Neptune continues its lengthy transit through your solar seventh house this year, as it has been doing for a number of years, casting some “fog” over your partnerships. You may be meeting evasiveness in a partner or potential mates. A more accepting or spiritual approach to partnerships may have been a way of life in recent years. Note: Neptune continues to transit Pisces, but it travels through the 9- to 14-degree range. Neptune will not reach the beginning of your decan until 2020.
Pluto continues its lengthy transit through your solar fifth house this year. This extremely long-term transit brings gradual but deep changes in attitudes towards love affairs, creativity, hobbies, recreation, children, and entertainment. You might feel that your affections and interests have been turned inside out or upside down – that on some levels, you are no longer the same person. Expectations transform again this year. Intensity and passion are craved now, and mediocre will no longer do.
Until November 2017, the North Node transits your solar first house, and this suggests that some of the greatest joys - and challenges - come through learning about your independence, personal courage, and effectiveness. You are learning to overcome any existing fears of trusting your own instincts or going it alone this year, and it's a wonderful, empowering process!
From November 2017 forward, the North Node transits your solar twelfth house, and this suggests that some of the greatest joys - and challenges - come through learning about your inner world. Your attention turns to spirituality, downtime, and faith. Your path is to attempt to let go of unnecessary worry and guilt and to trust in a larger more spiritual plan.
*Please note: starting and ending dates are not fixed for any sign and they can vary slightly depending on the year you were born. If you are born near one of these dates and are unsure of your Sun sign, see What’s My Sun Sign?.
More 2017 Yearly Horoscopes:
More about Leo the Lion: the sign
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Find out about your year ahead with a comprehensive 2017 Personalized Horoscope Report–over 100 pages long–for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more, for only $7.95; Sky Log Report for only $5.95; or a detailed Solar Return Birthday Report for only $4.95.
See Also:
Leo Horoscopes:
Leo Daily Horoscope Leo Monthly Horoscope Leo Yearly Love Horoscope Leo Ascendant Daily Horoscope Leo Good Days Calendar
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