2007 Horoscope Libra: Career, Love
This is an archive horoscope for 2007. You’ll find current year forecasts in the Astrology Forecasts category.
Yearly Horoscope: 2007 Predictions for Libra
We’ve divided our 2007 yearly horoscopes into 3 groups (or decanates) per sign for more accuracy. Remember that if you know your Ascendant, read forecasts for both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign. If you know your birth time, but don’t know your Ascendant, be sure to see How to Obtain Your Astrology Chart here.
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Horoscopes for:
Libra (Born September 24 to October 3) – 0 to 10 degrees Libra:
2007: Libra Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
Learning, work, and romance figure prominently in your year ahead. Juggling your time, new and strengthened friendships, and romantic interludes are in your forecast for 2007.
Jupiter’s influence in your third house until mid-December suggests quite a bit of attention to learning and developing your communication skills this year. Educational and communication opportunities are likely to present themselves. You may increase your knowledge and skills set, and find much enjoyment in so doing! Neighbors, casual acquaintances, or relatives could be especially beneficial now.
You express your ideas with more enthusiasm, and they are received well. You are able to understand complex subjects and explain them in such a way that others can readily understand; thus, teaching or authoring may be prosperous now. Opportunities for frequent short trips may present themselves. This is a good time to take a course, to reach out to others, and to grab the attention of an audience. You may decide to buy a new car, or transportation opportunities present themselves, making it much easier for you to get from point A to point B. Gifts or opportunities may come through visits, short trips, messages, emails, or they could come through contacts with siblings, classmates, and neighbors.
Some sort of positive news or announcement is likely to be part of the picture this year, particularly from March to May. If you’re an author, you will find many opportunities and your creative juices flow nicely. If you’re a student, school is especially favored. If you’re in business or trade, you are likely to find sales are especially strong. In general, you find much joy in communicating, learning, and socializing. These positive circumstances won’t necessarily fall into your lap, and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life.
However, in the first half of the year, you may be dealing with some form of information overload–you tend towards over-thinking. Your curiosity is insatiable at this time, and this could add some stress to your life. It would be wise to slow down a little. Don’t pressure yourself to learn and know everything, or you will end up so scattered and tense that you don’t absorb any particular topic very well. You may be learning and doing a lot, but not doing any one thing well.
However, communication with a romantic partner or with your children, if applicable, is likely to be especially rewarding this year, particularly in October and November. Casual friendships are likely to bring some joy as well. Chances are excellent that you will find a lovely confidante this year–someone to share your daily activities and thoughts with–even if this is an online friend or other casual connection. A sibling may introduce you to a new group or friend this year. Whatever the case may be, grab the chance to share your thoughts with someone who is not too close to you. This will help to relieve stress that might come from having a finger in too many pies or from tension on the job.
Until September, Saturn moving through your eleventh house suggests strengthening of ties with a special friend or group. You are becoming more selective about how you spend your time and with whom you spend your time. Events or realizations during this period inspire you to question where it is that you are going. Your long-term personal goals come under Saturn’s scrutiny. How you fit in with others, your affiliations with people and groups, and your peers all become serious matters in your eyes.
Last year, you may have come to the conclusion that your personal “circle” or your networks were superficial or somehow unsatisfying. You may have felt alienated as you began to see them for what they were worth, or what they weren’t worth. You might have felt some disdain for the superficial workings of casual friendships, beginning to feel uncomfortable and self-conscious about “going through the motions”, doing and saying the right things, and so forth.
Alternatively, you might have met someone with whom you establish a serious friendship, or you might have become a member of a group or affiliation that you devoted much of your time to. These themes continue until September this year. Weeding out what seems now to be superfluous social associations from your life is very likely at this time as you become more serious about what you want, on a personal level, from your life. You take a hard look at the role you play in others’ lives, and consider exactly what it is that satisfies you and contributes to your happiness, beyond marriage, romance, career, religion, and so forth.
As Saturn finishes up his transit towards September, and by the time the transit is over, you should have found ways to bring definition and articulation to your innermost wishes and hopes for your personal path. A more solid sense of belonging is experienced now. You know who you can rely upon, and they know they can rely upon you!
In September, a new Saturn cycle begins, this time in the “last” sector of your chart–the twelfth house. This cycle will run well into 2009, and you get a taste of it in the last few months of 2007. It’s a time when you take a hard look at your inner workings and assess what is working and what isn’t working in your life.
In terms of work and daily routines, you are moving towards a more irregular schedule. Your working hours may become non-traditional, or you might be moving towards a more unconventional job. You are restless with routines, and tend to answer to your own internal rhythm rather than paying attention to society’s (and nature’s!) rhythms. Work that is limiting or lifeless really drags you down, and you tend to approach tasks with erratic or haphazard energy–you work tirelessly at certain times, and procrastinate at other times, for example.
It would be wise to find work that offers you not only variety and stimulation, but also the chance to invent. Progressive, part-time, or unconventional tasks hold the most appeal to you these days. You may also take an interest in alternative health methods. You would benefit greatly from yoga or other mind-body therapies now.
Eclipses this year occur in your sixth and twelfth houses, placing emphasis on work and service issues, as well as health (both mental/spiritual, and physical). You are called upon to deal with the the details and practicalities of everyday life, to become more organized, and to take charge of your routines. It’s time to formulate some clear goals and plans.
Circumstances are such that you need to develop some healthy habits, routines, and schedules. Believing in a grand plan is fine, but practical concerns need to be dealt with as well. Recognizing your personal limitations in terms of just how much you can give to others and just how much compassion and understanding you can show is essential now. It’s time to structure your life.
You are also dealing with issues that force you to rid yourself of guilt about under-performing, and to develop faith and trust in a larger more spiritual plan. It’s time to let go of some of your fears that you are not doing enough, to develop more compassion and understanding of others, and to be humble, feeling safe in the knowledge that you (and others) are not perfect. It’s also important to let go of some of your obsessions with rules, details, and fears of not doing things perfectly. Issues of guilt, worry, and anxiety are stimulated this year. The movement is towards a more balanced approach to dealing with practical, worldly matters and your own spiritual growth.
Your romantic life is more colorful and rich in 2007. You are highly romantic, but also somewhat prone to self-deception–seeing what you want to see in a lover rather than what really is. Being “in love with love” is quite probable now. Love can be very romantic for you, particularly in the middle of January and the end of March. But it can also be complicated or downright elusive! You may find yourself falling in love with someone unattainable or attached, for example; or you might attach yourself to someone who you deem needs “saving”. Use some caution in this respect. Drama in romance can be lovely, but too much of it will only leave you yearning and perhaps even heartbroken.
Caution with gambling is necessary this year. You are more imaginative than ever, and you might take up a very artistic hobby or other creative outlet.
In December, Jupiter completes its cycle of Sagittarius around the time when Pluto is nearing the end of its own cycle in the sign, and the planets join. This represents some form of culmination, and can be a psychologically empowering time for you. Your mental efforts are likely to be rewarded around this time. You might, for example, get published or complete a course.
Mercury’s retrograde periods in 2007: These are periods when caution should be exercised when entering into any formal agreements, and when communication or transportation delays and mishaps could disrupt plans. February 13-March 7: Be as non-judgmental as you can with co-workers, romantic partners, and your children. Re-thinking the suitability of your job and/or romantic relationships is possible now, but you should avoid jumping to any premature decisions. Work-related mess-ups can frustrate you. Double-check your work.
June 15-July 9: Co-workers and authority figures could either misunderstand you–or you them. Avoid premature career moves. October 11-November 1: New financial initiatives should be avoided, and money matters should be reworked and reconsidered.
Venus retrograde July 27-September 8. Matters (or people!) from your past resurface and you find yourself reflecting a lot on the past. Avoid taking premature action, particularly with regards to finances and social relationships. Friends may be distant during this period. Give others space and life will resume as normal after the retrograde period is over.
Some key periods in 2007 for you: An especially energetic period of the year for you occurs from August 7-31, when you are ready for adventure. Exciting surprises may be in store that expand your mind and experience, but keep in mind that if you do travel, delays may be part of the picture. The best times for magnetizing what (and who) you want into your life are January 4-20 and November 8-26.
A vigorous, dramatic, and exciting period for romance occurs from February 26-March 24th. December 10-11 is a power period for you when you could see positive changes regarding communications and mental pursuits. Some form of reward may be offered to you now. Don’t pass up on any opportunities that come your way. Your two strong financial periods occur from October 23-November 2 and December 5-14. Review your budget and work hard on moneymaking projects already under way, however, during the October 23-November 2 period and from July 27-September 8 rather then jumping ahead with altogether-new financial initiatives.
Get your unique Personalized Horoscope — over 100 pages long — for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.
See your monthly forecast.
See also 2007 Libra Love Horoscope.
Libra (Born October 4 to 13) – 10 to 20 degrees Libra:
2007: Libra Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
You receive some welcome support from Jupiter and Neptune this year, adding imagination, color, and good humor to your year ahead. Learning and spreading your word are featured; and some highly romantic interludes are likely to be part of the picture in 2007. It’s a creative year!
Jupiter enters your third house at the beginning of the year and stays there throughout 2007. From January to the end of October, Jupiter forms a harmonious angle to your Sun (or Ascendant)–a feel-good transit that offers you opportunities to rise above petty concerns and to achieve a more balanced approach to your life. Relationships with others tend to be easygoing, friendly, and positive. It’s easy for you to cooperate with others, and others find it easy to cooperate with you! This is a time when you really enjoy life, appreciating the good things and avoiding harping on the more inconvenient or annoying elements that we all endure.
Learning and developing your communication skills are in focus this year. Educational and communication opportunities are likely to present themselves. You may increase your knowledge and skills set, and find much enjoyment in so doing! Neighbors, casual acquaintances, or relatives could be especially beneficial now. You express your ideas with more enthusiasm, and they are received well.
You are able to understand complex subjects and explain them in such a way that others can readily understand; thus, teaching or authoring may be prosperous now. Opportunities for frequent short trips may present themselves. This is a good time to take a course, to reach out to others, and to grab the attention of an audience. You may decide to buy a new car, or transportation opportunities present themselves, making it much easier for you to get from point A to point B. Gifts or opportunities may come through visits, short trips, messages, emails, or they could come through contacts with siblings, classmates, and neighbors.
Some sort of positive news or announcement is likely to be part of the picture this year, particularly from March to May. If you’re an author, you will find many opportunities and your creative juices flow nicely. If you’re a student, school is especially favored. If you’re in business or trade, you are likely to find sales are especially strong. In general, you find much joy in communicating, learning, and socializing. These positive circumstances won’t necessarily fall into your lap, and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life.
Neptune continues to transit your creative fifth house this year. Those born in the latter degrees of this Libra decanate (18-20 degrees Libra Ascendant and Libras born October 11-13) enjoy a trine from Neptune. Romance may figure prominently, and experiences that appear almost “magical” are possible this year. Refreshing interludes such as a vacation or other relaxing forms of entertainment are more possible now. Others see you in a sweet light–you are more charming than usual, and your artistic, creative, and compassionate side is more apparent and most appreciated by others.
Neptune in your fifth house can boost your romantic life with more “color”, mystery, and perhaps drama. You are highly romantic, but also somewhat prone to self-deception–seeing what you want to see in a lover rather than what really is. Being “in love with love” is quite probable now. Love can be very romantic for you, particularly in the middle of January and the end of March. But it can also be complicated or downright elusive!
You may find yourself falling in love with someone unattainable or attached, for example; or you might attach yourself to someone who you deem needs “saving”. Use some caution in this respect. Drama in romance can be lovely, but too much of it will only leave you yearning and perhaps even heartbroken. Caution with gambling is necessary this year. You are more imaginative than ever, and you might take up a very artistic hobby or other creative outlet.
Saturn continues to transit through your eleventh house, indicating the strengthening of ties with a special friend or group. You are becoming more selective about how you spend your time and with whom you spend your time. Events or realizations during this period inspire you to question where it is that you are going. Your long-term personal goals come under Saturn’s scrutiny. How you fit in with others, your affiliations with people and groups, and your peers all become serious matters in your eyes.
Last year, you may have come to the conclusion that your personal “circle” or your networks were superficial or somehow unsatisfying. You may have felt alienated as you began to see them for what they were worth, or what they weren’t worth. You might have felt some disdain for the superficial workings of casual friendships, beginning to feel uncomfortable and self-conscious about “going through the motions”, doing and saying the right things, and so forth. Alternatively, you might have met someone with whom you establish a serious friendship, or you might have become a member of a group or affiliation that you devoted much of your time to. These themes continue until September this year.
Weeding out what seems now to be superfluous social associations from your life is very likely at this time as you become more serious about what you want, on a personal level, from your life. You take a hard look at the role you play in others’ lives, and consider exactly what it is that satisfies you and contributes to your happiness, beyond marriage, romance, career, religion, and so forth. By now, you should begin to find ways to bring definition and articulation to your innermost wishes and hopes for your personal path. A more solid sense of belonging is experienced now. You know whom you can rely upon, and they know they can rely upon you!
Uranus enters your sector of work, daily routines, and health this year. Uranus’ presence here may throw you a few curve balls, shaking up your daily routine and perhaps your attitude towards your work and your health. At the root of this is an urge to break free from the confines of routine and some distaste for fitting into a mold.
This year and in the years ahead, you are moving towards a fresh approach to how you approach your work and the daily details of your life. Irregular schedules and perhaps some disruptions and tensions are possible this year as you adjust to this influence. Your working hours may become non-traditional, or you might be moving towards a more unconventional job. You are restless with routines, and tend to answer to your own internal rhythm rather than paying attention to society’s (and nature’s!) rhythms. Work that is limiting or lifeless really drags you down, and you tend to approach tasks with erratic or haphazard energy–you work tirelessly at certain times, and procrastinate at other times, for example.
It would be wise to find work that offers you not only variety and stimulation, but also the chance to invent and create. Progressive, part-time, or unconventional tasks hold the most appeal to you these days. You may also take an interest in alternative health methods. You would benefit greatly from yoga or other mind-body therapies now.
In the first half of the year, you may be dealing with some form of information overload–you tend towards over-thinking. Your curiosity is insatiable at this time, and this could add some stress to your life. It would be wise to slow down a little. Don’t pressure yourself to learn and know everything, or you will end up so scattered and tense that you don’t absorb any particular topic very well. You may be learning and doing a lot, but not doing any one thing well.
However, communication with a romantic partner or with your children, if applicable, is likely to be especially rewarding this year, particularly in October and November. Casual friendships are likely to bring some joy as well. Chances are excellent that you will find a lovely confidante this year–someone to share your daily activities and thoughts with–even if this is an online friend or other casual connection. A sibling may introduce you to a new group or friend this year. Whatever the case may be, grab the chance to share your thoughts with someone who is not too close to you. This will help to relieve stress that might come from having a finger in too many pies or from tension on the job.
Eclipses this year occur in your sixth and twelfth houses, placing emphasis on work and service issues, as well as health (both mental/spiritual, and physical). You are called upon to deal with the the details and practicalities of everyday life, to become more organized, and to take charge of your routines. It’s time to formulate some clear goals and plans. Circumstances are such that you need to develop some healthy habits, routines, and schedules.
Believing in a grand plan is fine, but practical concerns need to be dealt with as well. Recognizing your personal limitations in terms of just how much you can give to others and just how much compassion and understanding you can show is essential now. It’s time to structure your life. You are also dealing with issues that force you to rid yourself of guilt about under-performing, and to develop faith and trust in a larger more spiritual plan.
It’s time to let go of some of your fears that you are not doing enough, to develop more compassion and understanding of others, and to be humble, feeling safe in the knowledge that you (and others) are not perfect. It’s also important to let go of some of your obsessions with rules, details, and fears of not doing things perfectly. Issues of guilt, worry, and anxiety are stimulated this year. The movement is towards a more balanced approach to dealing with practical, worldly matters and your own spiritual growth.
Mercury’s retrograde periods in 2007: These are periods when caution should be exercised when entering into any formal agreements, and when communication or transportation delays and mishaps could disrupt plans. February 13-March 7: Be as non-judgmental as you can with romantic partners and your children, if applicable. Re-thinking your romantic relationships or creative projects is possible now, but you should avoid jumping to any premature decisions. It can also be a time of creative inspiration. June 15-July 9: Travel plans may go awry. Communication mishaps may be annoying now. October 11-November 1: Others may be misinterpreting your intentions or your body language. Feeling misunderstood is possible now.
Venus retrograde July 27-September 8. Matters (or people!) from your past resurface and you find yourself reflecting a lot on the past. Avoid taking premature action, particularly with regards to finances and social relationships. Friends may be distant during this period. Give others space and life will resume as normal after the retrograde period is over.
Some key periods in 2007 for you: An especially energetic period of the year for you occurs from August 23-September 15, when you are ready for adventure. Exciting surprises may be in store that expand your mind and experience, but keep in mind that if you do travel, delays may be part of the picture.
The best times for magnetizing what (and who) you want into your life are January 12-28 and November 18-December 5. A romantic or creative opportunity pops up around January 19, plus or minus a few days. It can be a magical time when something comes to you. A vigorous, dramatic, and exciting period for romance occurs from March 11-30. The end of March brings yet another magical opportunity in the areas of romance, children, pleasure, entertainment, or creative self-expression.
December 10-11 is a power period for you when you could see positive changes regarding communications and mental pursuits. Some form of reward may be offered to you now. Don’t pass up on any opportunities that come your way. Your two strong financial periods occur from November 2-12 and December 14-22. Review your budget and work hard on moneymaking projects already under way from July 27-September 8 rather then jumping ahead with altogether-new financial initiatives.
Get your unique 2007 Personalized Horoscope — over 100 pages long — for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.
Is he or she ‘the one’?
See your monthly forecast.
See also 2007 Libra Love Horoscope.
Libra (Born October 14 to 23) – 20 to 30 degrees Libra:
2007: Libra Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
This promises to be a highly creative, uplifting year. Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto are in harmonious angles to your Sun (or Ascendant), and positive changes are in store for you. Support from friends, new opportunities to expand your knowledge and spread it around, and creative fulfillment are all part of the picture in 2007.
Saturn’s transit to your Sun (or Ascendant) is with you from January to the beginning of September. Support from friends and group associations helps lighten your load. Long-term goals for personal fulfillment come into focus and give you a sense of moving forward in a positive direction.
Some added responsibilities are likely during this period, but they are not felt to be burdens. In fact, you are likely to find satisfaction in doing your share. One of the key elements of success this year involves humbling yourself to the advice of older persons, authority figures, or parents. These people are likely to help you further your goals, and a non-defensive reaction will allow you to listen and take out of it what works for you. Some of your past efforts may be rewarded now, perhaps in small but tangible ways. This is a time when you invest in yourself and in the people around you that you respect. Benefits may not be immediate, but they will surely arrive down the road. Projects begun now can have long-term benefits. Finances are likely to be quite strong and reliable now.
Jupiter moves through your personal finances sector until November 1st. During this period, you are likely to see benefits to your earning power and value system. Jupiter in this part of your chart should bring a profitable and productive period if you avoid the pitfalls of overspending, of course! You are likely to feel more confident and enthusiastic about your ability to earn a living, and you may choose to develop your talents in order to boost your earning power. Your income is likely to increase, and there may be an opportunity to improve your future financial situation.
However, you may also be just as inclined to splurge on yourself, plumping up your nest or your store of personal possessions. Monetary problems from the past may clear up during this period. You can add to your possessions, and a major purchase or sale is very possible. A significant gift or bonus may come your way.
This is a good time to go for a raise, apply for a loan, or take part in various dealings with financial institutions. You may need to curb an inclination to overspend–feeling good could bring you to the stores as you temporarily forget about the future! These positive circumstances won’t necessarily fall into your lap, and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life.
Jupiter moves to your third house at the beginning of November and will stay in that sector until December 2008. During this cycle, you will take great joy in learning, communicating, and disseminating your knowledge. In November and December, you benefit from Jupiter transiting sextile to your Sun (or Ascendant). This is a feel-good transit that offers you opportunities to rise above petty concerns and to achieve a more balanced approach to your life.
Relationships with others tend to be easygoing, friendly, and positive. It’s easy for you to cooperate with others, and others find it easy to cooperate with you! This is a time when you really enjoy life, appreciating the good things and avoiding harping on the more inconvenient or annoying elements that we all endure.
Neptune shines its mysterious and magical beams in 2007 on those of you born from October 14-16. Romance may figure prominently, and experiences that appear almost “magical” are possible this year. Refreshing interludes such as a vacation or other relaxing forms of entertainment are more possible now. Others see you in a sweet light–you are more charming than usual, and your artistic, creative, and compassionate side is apparent and most appreciated by others.
Neptune finishes up its transit to your fourth house this year, and peeks into your fifth house, giving you a preview of what’s to come. Neptune in your fifth house can boost your romantic life with more “color”, mystery, and perhaps drama. You are highly romantic, but also somewhat prone to self-deception–seeing what you want to see in a lover rather than what really is. Being “in love with love” is quite probable during this cycle.
Love can be very romantic for you, but it can also be complicated or downright elusive! You may find yourself falling in love with someone unattainable or attached, for example; or you might attach yourself to someone who you deem needs “saving”. Use some caution in this respect. Drama in romance can be lovely, but too much of it will only leave you yearning and perhaps even heartbroken. Caution with gambling is necessary this year. You are more imaginative than ever, and you might take up a very artistic hobby or other creative outlet.
Uranus continues to transit your fifth house. During this cycle that has already been underway for some years, you tend towards unconventional ways of expressing yourself and your creativity. Your hobbies can be out of the ordinary, and so can your relationships with children and lovers, depending on how this cycle is affecting you. Sudden developments or surprises in your romantic life are par for the course with Uranus here.
This is a time when you free yourself of personal inhibitions that may have been part of your life in the past. It’s a time of more spontaneous expression. This is a playful, somewhat eccentric, position for Uranus. Casual love affairs that have grown stale may be left behind now. You may also attract unusual romances or romantic partners into your life during this cycle.
In the first half of the year, you may experience some conflicts between your desire for security and a stable income and your needs for entertainment and pleasure, or possibly your romantic life. Expanding your personal resources is important to you now, and so is taking a few risks and enjoying your bounty! It can be challenging to accommodate both needs at once. As well, excitement in your romantic and social life may distract you from increasing your earning power.
A positive connection between your third and eleventh houses suggests that you will find rewards through communicating with friends or groups. Casual acquaintances can be very beneficial to you this year. Even communicating about your daily activities with an online friend, a support group, or some other person who is not a direct member of your personal circle will be immensely satisfying to you now, offering you release from tension. You may also decide that communications fields are the way to go in terms of long-term happiness and fulfillment.
Expressing yourself is immensely important to you this year, but you are not content simply to talk and disseminate your knowledge–you also want some feedback! Positive connections made from your second house to both the fourth and tenth houses suggest some material benefits coming from your career as well as real estate or family. Alternatively, you may have more resources to invest into your career or business, as well as into your home and property. You may find that you are more able to earn a living from what you love doing this year.
Eclipses this year mostly occur in your fifth and eleventh houses, and social activity comes into focus. The need to be appreciated by others, and the need for togetherness with others, comes into play this year in a big way. A love affair may begin or end under this influence. New contacts with others may also occur. You are learning to let go of a fear of taking risks, and to develop the courage to strike out on your own individual and creative path without fear. You are called upon to deal with others in a more personal, involved, and loving manner, rather than falling back on reason and intellect, which detaches you from your feelings.
This series of eclipses is about learning to take personal risks, which requires a certain amount of self-confidence. At the same time, you are learning about letting go of your attachment to the drama of romance and personal relationships, as well as your willfulness. You are called upon to learn about the value of the team. You may need to give freedom to your romantic partner instead of expecting him or her to follow a script of your own making. You learn the value of brotherly love and the benefits of a sense of belonging to a community. Events are such that you move towards a more balanced approach to your social life, balancing objective and subjective approaches to the people in your life, and cultivating true friendships.
The solar eclipse in March, however, occurs in your sixth house. Circumstances are such that you are called upon to deal with the details and practicalities of everyday life, to become more organized, and to take charge of your routines. It’s time to formulate some clear goals and plans. You need to develop some healthy habits, routines, and schedules. Believing in a grand plan is fine, but practical concerns need to be dealt with as well. Recognizing your personal limitations in terms of just how much you can give to others and just how much compassion and understanding you can show is essential now. It’s time to structure your life.
Mercury’s retrograde periods in 2007: These are periods when caution should be exercised when entering into any formal agreements, and when communication or transportation delays and mishaps could disrupt plans. February 13-March 7: Be as non-judgmental as you can with romantic partners and your children, if applicable. Re-thinking your romantic relationships or creative projects is possible now, but you should avoid jumping to any premature decisions. It can also be a time of creative inspiration. June 15-July 9: Travel plans may go awry. Communication mishaps may be annoying now. October 11-November 1: Others may be misinterpreting your intentions or your body language. Feeling misunderstood is possible now.
Venus retrograde July 27-September 8. Matters (or people!) from your past resurface and you find yourself reflecting a lot on the past. Avoid taking premature action, particularly with regards to finances and social relationships. Friends may be distant during this period. Give others space and life will resume as normal after the retrograde period is over.
Some key periods in 2007 for you: An especially energetic period of the year for you occurs from September 9-28, when you are ready for adventure. Exciting surprises may be in store that expand your mind and experience. An opportunity in the area of home, property, or family pops up around January 19, plus or minus a few days. It can be a magical time when something comes to you.
The best times for magnetizing what (and who) you want into your life are January 20-30 and November 26-December 10. A vigorous, dramatic, and exciting period for romance occurs from March 24-April 9. The end of March brings you a magical opportunity in the areas of romance, children, pleasure, entertainment, or creative self-expression. December 10-11 is a power period for you when you could see positive changes regarding communications and mental pursuits. Some form of reward may be offered to you now.
Don’t pass up on any opportunities that come your way. Your two strong financial periods occur from November 12-22 and December 22-30. Review your budget and work hard on moneymaking projects already under way from July 27-September 8 rather then jumping ahead with altogether-new financial initiatives.
Get your unique 2007 Personalized Horoscope — over 100 pages long — for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.
See your monthly forecast.
See also 2007 Libra Love Horoscope.
More 2007 Yearly Horoscopes:
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See If Today is Your Birthday: Birthday Forecasts for the year ahead.
Find out about your year ahead with a comprehensive 2007 Personalized Horoscope Report — over 100 pages long — for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more, for only $7.95; Sky Log Report for only $5.95; or a detailed Solar Return Birthday Report for only $4.95.
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