This Month in Astrology – September 2018
September 2018
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
On the 3rd, Jupiter forms a semi-square with Saturn. This is the third and final such aspect in a set that first perfected in December 2017 and formed again in March this year. With this longer-term aspect, we need to stop to check our “work,” whatever venture that may be. This is not the time to take shortcuts–they probably won’t yield desired results. Some restructuring of our lives or business goals is now in order. It is best to breathe new life into old plans rather than to strike out with a new plan altogether. We might take steps to grow, but should probably avoid overextending ourselves at this time or we’re bound to face frustrations.
Saturn turning direct on the 6th is a strong reminder to take care of our responsibilities and to bring our goals down to earth. With Saturn’s direct turn, our responsibilities, and perhaps our limitations, are magnified. Gradually, our long-term goals and plans become clearer. With Uranus retrograde, Saturn direct, and Jupiter in aspect to Saturn, this is a less rebellious and more responsible time, generally speaking. At least when it comes to appearances, we are more likely to follow the rules.
The New Moon occurs in the sign of Virgo on the 9th, offering us opportunities to take charge of our lives through organizing, editing, and refining work and better attention to health. This is a fertile and productive time. Mercury, Virgo’s ruler, is direct and out of its shadow, and is also in the sign of Virgo. However, this New Moon opposes Neptune, and we may struggle with our expectations or perceptions of what’s real and what may be an unrealizable dream. Its harmony with Jupiter and Pluto suggests that we can make things work to our benefit.
Jupiter forms a sextile to Pluto on the 12th for the final time in a set of three perfections while Jupiter is in Scorpio, the first two of which were in January and April. This transit is powerful for nurturing our ambitions. It favors business, the law, and commerce. We might enjoy increased influence, faith, and insight now. The desire for more personal significance can lead us to give of ourselves or motivate us to pursue personal or professional goals more ambitiously. The ability to sway or persuade can be enhanced under this influence. We might also take steps to better ourselves. We might solve a problem that has been in existence for some time, or capitalize upon a resource that was previously overlooked.
The Full Moon occurs on September 24th in the sign of Aries, reminding us to consider how we are honoring ourselves in the context of our close relationships. New revelations can occur now, particularly in the areas of our physical bodies, leadership skills, our ability to initiate and begin new things, and our close partnerships. With this lunation square Saturn, we can struggle with obstacles or what appear to be harsh realities, but we’re persistent and resilient.
On the 25th, retrograde Chiron moves back into the sign of Pisces where it previously spent many years (more than seven). This is part of the transition of Chiron from Pisces to Aries. While Chiron will end its retrograde on December 8th, it will continue its journey through Pisces until February 18th, 2019, and then will stick around in Aries until 2026/7. The retrograde cycle is good for introspection and for reassessing mental and physical health programs in our lives.
Pluto turns direct on the 30th. Intensity is with us in the days (and perhaps weeks for the sensitive) surrounding this date with a strong focus on ambition and the need to feel empowered. Over the coming weeks and months, the power to make deep changes in our lives becomes less internalized and more insistent and direct. We are less likely to brood over changes that we feel have been thrust upon us and more likely to make necessary changes.
Date | Time (ET) | Event | Position |
Sep 3 | 1:42 PM | Jupiter semi-square Saturn | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Sep 5 | 8:57 AM | Pluto quintile Chiron | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Sep 5 | 10:39 PM | Mercury enters Virgo | ![]() ![]() |
Sep 6 | 7:09 AM | Saturn Direct | ![]() ![]() |
Sep 9 | 5:25 AM | Venus enters Scorpio | ![]() ![]() |
Sep 9 | 2:01 PM | New Moon 17 Virgo 00 | ![]() ![]() |
Sep 10 | 8:56 PM | Mars enters Aquarius | ![]() ![]() |
Sep 12 | 3:55 AM | Jupiter sextile Pluto | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Sep 20 | 9:41 PM | Saturn quintile Neptune | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Sep 21 | 11:39 PM | Mercury enters Libra | ![]() ![]() |
Sep 22 | 9:54 PM | Sun enters Libra | ![]() ![]() |
Sep 24 | 10:52 PM | Full Moon 2 Aries 00 | ![]() ![]() |
Sep 25 | 8:12 PM | Chiron Retrograde enters Pisces | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Sep 30 | 10:03 PM | Pluto Direct | ![]() ![]() |
(See the full table for 2018)
See also: This Week in Astrology week to week for more detail.
the Sun
The Sun continues to transit practical, detail-conscious Virgo until late on the 22nd. Logic drives our motivation and inspiration. The Sun’s transit of Virgo is a fertile one and is about making the most of what we have. It’s about being productive, helpful, a contributor, and an organizer. We are actively assessing what’s around us and working on fixing the flaws that we see/find. The Sun enters Libra on the 22nd, and we focus on balancing not only our personal environments but also our relationships. This is a time for considering alternatives as well as others’ needs, agendas, and desires.
Mercury ends its post-retrograde shadow on September 2nd, and then ends its transit of Leo on the 5th, when it enters Virgo. Mercury catches up with the Sun on the 20th late in the sign of Virgo, and we move from impulsive, creative thinking to a more objective approach to processing and communicating information. This superior conjunction offers us a nice little window of opportunity to clearly see our goals. This is a time when clarity comes to a particular area of life. With Mercury in Libra from the 21st forward, while decisions may not be clear-cut, we are more inclined to consider others’ viewpoints, and we aim to be especially fair.
Venus continues its transit of Libra until the 9th, and we can be especially idealistic about love. We prefer things are done the “proper” way and are turned off by aggressive or uncouth behavior. The shadow side of this transit can be dependence, inconsistency, and superficiality. In an attempt to avoid unpleasant situations, we easily gloss over deeper issues at play in our relationships. However, Venus performs very well in Libra, as Libra is one of the signs that it rules! From the 10th forward, our appetite for intimate connection is powerful as Venus transits Scorpio. Venus will spend a longer time than usual in the sign of Scorpio due to its upcoming retrograde period. Note that Venus’ pre-retrograde shadow begins on September 2nd.
Mars ended its retrograde on August 27th. While it began and spent most of its retrograde in the sign of Aquarius, Mars dipped back into the sign of Capricorn on August 12th. This month, Mars completes its transit of Capricorn on September 10th. While Mars remains in its shadow until next month (October 8th), we are approaching matters with more determination and confidence. While Mars is in Aquarius from the 10th forward, we tend to act only when we can totally “get behind” or believe in what we are doing. As such, we might spend more time thinking about action than taking it. However, we’re crusaders for our ideas and causes
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
Overview horoscopes will fill in here as I write them, ideally during the week before the month begins. It is not unusual to see some signs missing here as I usually write them over the course of a few days, and I always start with the featured sign of the month (birthday month).
Career and reputation matters are picking up steam, even if it's a slow and steady pace. Hard work may not pay off just yet, but you enjoy some substantial progress. Saturn direct on the 6th can cast a somewhat serious tone over the surrounding week (on either side), but is ultimately useful for clarifying your business, career, and life path goals or projects. This is a time for seeing what's genuinely doable. Several other boosts to your career and public sector come in September, clearing the path for you to pursue your goals facing fewer obstacles. It's interesting that as an Aries, you often want instant results, but when it comes to life path and career goals these days, you're more strategic and concerned with what's best for you in the long term. September is an excellent time for enterprise, although it's best to keep in mind the upcoming Venus retrograde period when things may slow down a tad (from October 5-November 16). This month, you're finding ways to combine responsibility and independence creatively. You're also especially productive if left on your own to go at it. There is sound energy for teamwork, too, but with some issues, you know precisely what you're doing and need time and space to get where you want to go. You could be digging up interesting information now, and research of all kinds can be very beneficial to you this month, particularly benefiting your career. From the 9th forward, you have both of the Benefics in your solar eighth house, boosting your intimate life and helping you attract support if you need it. Around the 20th, pay special attention to information coming in or ideas you hatch, as they can significantly impact your work or health. Doing your best work and taking pride in your self-care programs can be a theme now. You're bringing more energy and heightened intelligence to your work, health, and fitness routines until the 20-22, after which you're likely to ease up a little and focus more on your social life. You'll be seeking out company for activities and feedback. The Full Moon on the 24th is in your sign, and a personal revelation or relationship drama can occur with positive results. |
For much of September, though, you're able to take a break from the rigors of competition and pressure, finding more time for recreation and perhaps some romance. In fact, pleasure, joy, and creativity are the larger themes of the month. With planets pushing for both work and play, you may very well reach an ideal balance. Your sector of spirit, beliefs, and adventure is strengthening in key ways this month. Publishing, travel, legal matters, and education may need some extra attention to rules and structure. You're no longer satisfied with waiting things out, and you're more willing to do the groundwork. Venus spends time in your work and health sector, and from the 9th, in your partnership sector. Motivation and enthusiasm in these areas of life may take a bit of a nosedive in October, however, when you could be questioning your recent choices and reassessing your goals as Venus turns retrograde and revisits the road it's taking this month (Venus will be retrograde from October 5-November 16). Try not to make ironclad commitments to new ventures until you are confident you have a handle on current ones. Otherwise, enjoy yourself! New endeavors now may face some unanticipated delays later but are not necessarily wrong for you. Energy levels are increasing, and creative abilities are in great form. You have a taste for the exotic, adventurous, and possibly also speculative in September. There can be a new beginning in a romantic or creative matter after the 9th, and then an epiphany about, or new insight into, any of these things around the 20th. Conversations or information surfacing in week three of September can be pivotal. Your intuition can have an important message for you around the Full Moon on the 24th, too. Your inner workhorse really emerges after the 22nd when Mercury and the Sun are transiting your work and health sector. You're increasingly focused on taking better care of your routines, body, and work in later September. You may discover an activity that satisfies both your need for new experiences and your desire to lay low this month. Friendships may form through studies, travel, or otherwise branching out. You might thoroughly enjoy a new perspective, lifestyle, or culture that expands your mind and opens your heart through a key relationship. |
After a couple of months of confusing signals or delays in many different life departments, things seem to be moving along at a comfortable pace in September. You have some breathing room now. From the 10th, travel and educational plans, or the sharing of your ideas, assume more importance. This is a time when Mars is moving in harmony with your sign -- a convenient transit that you may not always appreciate until it's gone since it tends to clear obstacles out of your path and smooths things out quietly. You'll feel the full benefits of this transit later this month when the Sun and Mercury also move into harmony with your sign, from the 20-22 forward. The pace is natural, spontaneous, and comfortable. Home life is rewarding and supportive in September, especially since you are giving back and taking the time to make your loved ones feel special. You're bringing more energy and pride as well as heightened intelligence to your personal life. These things help you make genuinely valuable improvements. It's a strong time for talking through problems with people you love, or those with whom you live. This is a time for focusing less on meeting societal expectations and more on strengthening your personal life. It's also a decent period for romantic relations. In October and November, some revisions to creative projects or relationships may be necessary, however, when Venus turns retrograde. While love relationships tend to be pleasurable overall, there can be some backtracking or reticence experienced later. Your intimate life is gaining clarity with two heavyweight planets in your intimacy sector ending their retrograde cycles this month. You gain a stronger sense of who you want, and what you want from your relationships. You may see some forward progress with taxes, debts, or financial support. There could be sobering news about a financial matter, or you might recognize that money matters are out of order and need to be organized, after which you're in an improved, more responsible position. You might also arrive at a comfortable place of intimacy with a friend. You're gravitating to things that give you joy and inspire you in the last week of September as you adopt a more interactive, outgoing, and playful attitude. |
Family and domestic conditions improve in the first week of the month, as do finances. Later in the month, money and property shared with a partner or coming from outside sources can move forward. Your intimate life is more satisfying but also more dependable. There can be many errands or small tasks to deal with, and a stronger focus on those things that connect you with people and places. A close partnership can feel more secure and romantic matters are especially strong. You seem to need to scatter your energy at times this month, but you're also ready to focus when you need to. From the 9th, Venus transits your creative and romantic sector where Jupiter is already bringing you benefits. It's a fantastic month for expressing yourself creatively, playfully, or romantically. What you begin along these lines in September may face some unanticipated delays or backtracking from October 5-November 16 when Venus will turn retrograde, but this doesn't mean they're doomed, by all means. Factor in the possibility that things won't go precisely as expected for best results, but don't let this curtail your enjoyment this month. You're in a good position to learn and collaborate in September. The fog over a relationship is lifting, and increased clarity about where you stand with others is empowering. Realistic expectations of projects and people lead to happier moods all around! Keeping yourself mentally stimulated, and opening the lines of communication with others may be key. A partner may be more supportive of a work or life-path goal, your beliefs and ideas, or shared activities now. New starts or interests are possible after the New Moon on the 9th, and you may be birthing ideas, especially revolving around information systems, communications, and learning, around the 20th that are pivotal. A new or improved method of communication or transportation can emerge now. If you need a fresh start with a sibling or classmate, this can be an excellent time to begin anew. Settling in and focusing grows increasingly more attractive in the last week of the month. |
Your energy is on the increase this month with Mars no longer retrograde. Even so, Mars is in your opposite sign from the 10th (until November 15th), which often means people in your life are taking the lead, or you're gaining energy through your relationships. It may not be the most energetic time of the year, but it's useful for pairing up and exploring your connections. September is a good time for getting back on track with a diet or fitness plan and with work projects -- things that may have stalled in the past while. From the 6th, and perhaps after a reality check of sorts, you adopt a more straightforward approach to meeting and facing your responsibilities along these lines. More clarity comes to a work project, your job itself, or your health and wellness. Learning where you stand on a matter can be a relief and can also improve planning and decision-making. You're finding great value in firming up your routines and meeting challenges head-on. You're likely to focus on your practical affairs more than usual this month. A fresh start in a business project or with money is possible after the New Moon on the 9th. Good ideas or a turning point with a plan is likely as the Sun and Mercury align in your solar second house in the third week of September. This can be a fine time for taking charge of your finances and for monetizing creative projects or hobbies. From the 20-22, however, learning, communication, and transportation matters assume more importance. You're finishing up the month more mobile and communicative. Jupiter has just a couple more months of influence in your home and family sector and is connecting beautifully with Pluto in September. Plus, you have Venus transiting this same sector of your solar chart from the 9th, boosting your enjoyment of your personal and domestic life. Some of you will be setting up or improving a home office, but any organizing efforts can benefit you now. Inspired business ideas, new interests, and increased motivation for work projects are themes. This is a good time for addressing comfort and security issues and enjoying familiar spaces, faces, and places. Partnerships may be animated now, but you're ironing out differences more straightforwardly, and shared activities can be rewarding. This is also a fine period for discovering novel and clever ways of combining work and adventure or travel. |
The 20th can bring a great idea to fruition. Illumination of an important idea or plan can come now. You're in a solid position for setting a new goal or for beginning a new project, as well as for presenting your ideas. This is a strong period for educational matters, communications, learning, and publishing. People do not just hear you, they get you. Word of mouth can be helpful in your professional life. Romance is moving forward. Financial matters take center stage from the 22nd. Money matters can be tricky around the 24th as adjustments are needed. Romantic and creative energy runs high - things are picking up. Even though this is mostly a month for embracing your independence and paying particular attention to personal needs, incredible power is with you for relationships. You're finding ways to combine fun and intimacy creatively. A brilliant connection between your communications and creativity sector motivates you and enhances your confidence/ambitions related to your projects and relationships. It's an excellent time for relationships with siblings and offspring, too. In fact, it's also fine for partnerships and more casual love connections, as well. September is an energizing month for you. Others are paying special attention to you, and the feedback is good! You are beginning to feel more confident about money-making abilities and your work, although there will be some adjustments to make before you can push these types of plans forward. Mars is direct, slowly picking up speed and entering your work and health sector on the 10th. Your dedication, motivation, and energy levels are increasing when it comes to the pursuit of work and health goals. You're often doing battle with your expectations and perceptions in some way with Neptune's long-term transit of your opposing sign, but this month is quite excellent for clarity regardless. With Saturn turning direct and the Sun and Mercury in your sign coming into alignment, you're in your element. Saturn direct on the 6th can cast a somewhat serious tone to the surrounding week, but is ultimately useful for clarifying your romantic relationships or feelings about creative projects or children. This is a time for seeing what's genuinely doable. Don't be surprised if you experience strong instincts to narrow in on particular goals and projects now. It's a time for cutting the fluff. This is a beautiful month for communicating and connecting, although some of the new interests or ventures you begin in September can come up for review in October and November. This doesn't mean you shouldn't pursue them -- they simply will require some fine-tuning, perhaps more so than you initially expect.
You continue to benefit from lovely Venus moving through your sign until the 9th, accentuating your finer, more attractive qualities for all to appreciate. You are certainly not short of admirers! Nevertheless, you can be undecided in general this month, gathering your energies and weighing your options. Your emotions frequently turn your attention to the past and unresolved matters, until the last week of October when you're inspired and motivated to chase your dreams. Your mental energies are quickened from the 21st while Mercury is in your sign, favoring any task that involves getting your point across effectively! From the 23rd forward especially, opportunities to make your mark arise. It's a time for an updated image, new approach, and personal resolutions. Until the 22nd, try to treat this period as a time for gathering your energies and for closing important projects and endeavors. Living arrangements and conditions are clearer this month. In fact, especially favorable energy is with you for matters related to home, security, family, and money. Partnership and family matters combine in more pleasing, creative ways, too. A partner can have important revelations around the 24th - a time when something about yourself or your personal plans might also come to light. From the 6th, organizing your personal life is in fabulous favor. Facing your responsibilities realistically puts you in a strong position to manage them. Take things gradually and enjoy the process of bringing more order and security to your personal space and inner world. September is terrific for finding unique ways to make yourself more comfortable and settled.
September is a robust month for presenting ideas, communications projects, transportation, networking, and group endeavors. New friendships are likely to be formed this month, and learning endeavors tend to thrive. A friend or even a friend of a friend can open a window of opportunity for you, so pay close attention and stay connected. While the month is not exactly quick-paced, and next month Venus will turn retrograde in your sign, September does feature a comfortable level of forward movement, especially after a summer of more retrograde motion than usual. Conversations open up this month, and you stand to either make a new connection that lasts in the long term, or to enhance the bond of an existing one. Projects gain some momentum. Your social life is lively and seems to go your way for the most part. Nevertheless, it's probably wise not to jump into new projects or relationships too quickly because of that upcoming and aforementioned retrograde. From the 9th, friendships might be renewed or revitalized. This is an excellent time to join groups or associations that interest you but be careful not to overdo it, as later this month, you're in need of additional privacy and rest. From the 22nd, your major focus should be on emotional renewal, tying up loose ends, and laying low. The more dedicated you are to doing so, the better prepared you will be for increased planetary activity in your sign later. A connection between Pluto and Chiron this month can be brilliant for finding the perfect project or pursuit, and even your calling for some of you. For example, a personal interest can transform into a vocation or work can be more pleasurable, which brings out your desire to do your very best. Creative writing may be part of this. There may be a reality check or a strong reminder of your need to pick up your socks with your daily affairs in the first half of September, but you'll quickly enjoy more structure to your communications, studies, and so forth. Procrastination is taxing, and as you meet your goals and responsibilities more promptly, you feel more energetic and confident. You're also in a high position to evaluate which of your interests, studies, and projects are genuinely worth your efforts. At the time of the Full Moon on the 24th, you might enjoy revelations about your working life or health matters that open up a new path. |
Your career is on the upswing in September, or you are in a particularly goal-oriented, take-charge frame of mind. A friendship becomes clearer and less complicated. It's a beautiful time to iron out differences or to simply move forward without much ado. Improved organization and a winning attitude towards what you believe you're worth are at the root of increased confidence as first Saturn and then Pluto in your solar second house turn direct. Recognition for your talents is forthcoming going forward. This is a time to shine your light. Inspiration and motivation are back when it comes to personal interests, studies, and projects. Jupiter's transit of the sign behind yours is nearing an end. By November 8th, this lucky planet (which is also your planetary ruler) will move into your sign for thirteen months and will pull you out of your shell. Until then, take full advantage of Jupiter's current transit, as under-the-radar it may be. It's an excellent time for preparing yourself for new beginnings by shedding those attitudes, things, and situations that are weighing you down. Choose this month and the next to become clear what it is you'd like to change, seek, and conquer. You might thoroughly enjoy helping others, volunteering, or performing other services. Money matters require more structure and discipline, but they also improve steadily now. Focus on firming up your budget, evaluating business projects, and paring down excess so that you can make yourself more secure and pay particular attention to your practical affairs. Saturn asks you to be responsible and mature about the areas of life it's affecting, which is in your case related to your finances, resources, and talents, and the rewards for doing so can be great. Happiness goals replace professional ones when Mercury (on the 20th) and the Sun (on the 22nd) move into your social sector. Around the 24th, there can be revelations about a personal project or your feelings for someone. Love is very mental this month, or communications are everything in a love relationship. |
Saturn's direct turn on the 6th, in particular, is strong for fueling your confidence to face reality and make better decisions as a result. This is because Saturn is not only currently transiting your sign, it's your planetary ruler. You're in excellent shape for genuinely getting organized, not just thinking about bringing more structure to your life. This can be a time when specific health pursuits resume or begin. While you remain friendly and approachable, you're more assertive and independent this month. Mars is now moving direct in your sign, completing its transit on the 10th. Your desire nature is compelling and you're clearer about what you want. Financial problems tend to untangle. You are putting confusing situations and insecurities about your earning power or career path behind you, particularly after the 10th when Mars heads through your resources and self-worth sector, gradually picking up speed as it covers old ground with more confidence. You may have the chance to seriously enhance a family relationship or home life and living conditions now and going forward, so take full advantage. You're seeking a style of living that genuinely represents you. The month becomes more goal-oriented when first Mercury on the 20th and then the Sun on the 22nd make it to the top of your solar chart. These influences give you more visibility, but they also encourage your ambitious side to emerge. Mind you, your ambitions can sometimes clash with personal goals and your striving towards more independence. As well, home and family require more of your whole-hearted attention around the Full Moon on the 24th. Much of the month, networking or connections with friends or the community can be pleasurable and beneficial. |
You're exceptionally able to magnetize positive things your way on a professional level this month. Jupiter is spending its last couple of months in your solar tenth house, helping to improve your reputation, social standing, career, or life path. Now's the time to take full advantage of this transit's gifts with its harmony with Pluto, the Sun, and Mercury. While you can be in the spotlight in key ways, what you're managing behind the scenes is making a significant impact on your success. You're inspired to do your best or to reach a little higher, and it feels good to do so. You also have Venus at the top of your chart from the 9th forward, boosting your charm in professional or public dealings, as well as your interest and pleasure levels. Energetically speaking, the month picks up the pace for you from the 20-22. Mercury and then the Sun enter your adventure sector, pulling you out of your shell as you crave a little more experience or connection. You're a bit more spontaneous now, and Mars in your sign is happy with this new theme. This can be a good time for further studies or getaways, although there can be a whirlwind of activity around the 24th thanks to the energy of a Full Moon in your communications sector, and you'll need to pace yourself. |
Another social sector of your chart is strengthening this month, too – your friendship and community sector. In truth, others may demand much of your time and energy, but for the most part, your involvement is rewarding. While Mars is no longer retrograde and is picking up speed in September, you're still in a hatching stage. Mars moves into your privacy sector for a two-month stay starting September 10th, and taking solid action on important matters should probably wait until after Mars moves into your sign on November 15th. That's right around the time when Venus ends its retrograde period (which hasn't yet begun - that's coming on October 5th), so it's good timing. Regarding your closest alliances, whether it's about reconciliation, fixing problems, enhancing a partnership, or attracting a new relationship, the cosmos are lending a helping hand. New Moon energy on the 9th facilitates a fresh start, and important ideas and revelations can occur on the 20th. While September is not the most energetic period of the year for you (and this is frequently the case), you can be feeling remarkably revitalized through the company, support, or generosity of others. Truths coming to light in the first half of September help you get a real grip on the reality of friendships or projects, a long-term plan, aspiration, or goal. You can make better plans with a sense for what is viable and what isn't. Procrastination begone! You're in better shape for organizing, moving forward, and meeting responsibilities as September advances. Finances are improving this month, too, and the Full Moon on the 24th should bring a vital conclusion or result. From the 9th, you have Venus moving in harmony with your sign, boosting your appeal and your interest/satisfaction regarding learning and sharing ideas. You're seeking out new or different pleasures and experiences now. Venus is now in the sector of your chart where Jupiter has been a welcome guest for almost a year. This means you have the two planetary Benefics here, boosting activities related to publishing, promoting, traveling, and studying. Doing any of these things with a friend or with the help of a network or team is even better for you. Aim to promote mutually beneficial relationships this month. You have plenty of cosmic support for getting relationships back on track. This is a time for seeing your connections from a new angle. You're also in a unique position to marry traditional and progressive methods in your personal ventures. Money-making ideas can be golden now. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
September 2018 Aspects Time Line:
See also: This Week in Astrology for more detail.
This Month’s Ephemeris:
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors, although they’re not impossible periods, either.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.
- Full Moon in Pisces: August 26, 2018
- New Moon in Virgo: September 9th, 2018
- Full Moon in Aries Chart: September 24, 2018
Looking Ahead:
- October 2018 Time Line Aspects
- November 2018 Time Line Aspects
- December 2018 Time Line Aspects
- January 2019: Time Line Aspects
- February 2019 Time Line Aspects
- March 2019 Time Line Aspects

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2018 – Overview
The Astrology of 2019 – Overview