This Month in Astrology – March 2018
March 2018
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
Like January, March has two Full Moons, depending on where you are in the world — one on the first of March and one on the 31st.* (I’ve written a note below about why two Full Moons in a month isn’t astrologically significant). On the 1st, the Moon is full in the sign of Virgo, bringing sudden awareness to our lives, particularly of areas that require more order. Something is exposed or illuminated, prompting us to get in touch with those things that we may have been neglecting or putting off. Jupiter is first to break the no-retrograde spell, turning retrograde late on the 8th in the sign of Scorpio and will be retrograde until July 10th. Slowing down certain projects or plans may be appropriate in order to gain perspective. Initially, our enthusiasm and confidence might wane, and we may experience a crisis of faith or hope. “Luck” may be less overt during this period, but it’s a good time for looking within and reassessing recent plans and goals. On the 14th, Jupiter forms a semi-square with Saturn. This is the second in a set of three that first perfected in December 2017 and will form again in September 2018. With this longer-term aspect, we need to stop to check our “work”, whatever venture that may be. This is not the time to take shortcuts–they probably won’t work. Some re-structuring of our lives and of our business goals is now in order. It is best to breathe new life into old plans rather than to strike out with a new plan altogether. We might take steps to grow, but should probably avoid overextending ourselves at this time or we’re bound to face frustrations. The New Moon that occurs on March 17th occurs in the sign of Pisces, and release comes through humbling ourselves to the idea that things will work out. We do not need to be “on” all the time. It’s time to give ourselves a break from daily pressures and surrender ourselves to the idea that “what will be, will be”, at least for the time being. We are awakened to the need for a spiritual vision. It’s time to revitalize ourselves through experiences that require imagination, compassion, or that simply represent a “break” from the routine. Mercury turns retrograde in the sign of Aries on March 22nd. This retrograde cycle will last until April 15th. This is a strong period for reviewing our initiative, courage, and independence. We may be looking at projects, items, situations, problems, and even people in new ways. Mercury starts its shadow phase on March 8th so that issues encountered, conversations, and projects started from the 9-22 can very well come up for review later. The Full Moon occurs in the sign of Libra on March 31st, bringing sudden awareness to our lives, particularly of relationship imbalances and flaws. *As a side note, there is nothing astrologically special about having two Full Moons in a month (or no Full Moons in a month as was the case in February). The Moon cycle of 27-29 days has not changed, but because calendar months are not all the same size, it’s only logical/mathematical that sometimes two Full Moons happen in a calendar month of more than 28 days. The media tends to make more of this kind of thing than it deserves. Note also that I am writing for Eastern Standard Time and days may be different for you, depending on your time zone.
(See the full table for 2018) See also: This Week in Astrology for more detail.
Mercury continues its transit of Pisces until the 6th, and we are absorbing subtle and subliminal cues. We express ourselves imaginatively and sensitively, but we may be a little foggy when it comes to details, commitments, and finalities. Mercury transits Aries from the 6th forward and for longer than usual (until May 13th), stimulating independent thought and bold, new ideas, but also rather impatient and sometimes insensitive communications. Mercury is retrograde from the 22nd forward and in its pre-retrograde shadow from the 9th. The slower pace of retrograde Mercury in Aries can be frustrating, but it’s also a fine time for rethinking certain projects or ideas and learning more about what we truly want. Mercury aligns with Venus twice this month, first in Pisces and then in Aries. We’re especially aware of how our communications are received.
VenusVenus continues its transit of Pisces until the 6th, entering Aries around the same time that Mercury enters Aries. A trine to Jupiter at the very beginning of March opens our hearts and minds. This influence strongly stimulates our desire for the ideal, and our tolerance for rudeness or crassness decreases. Venus in Aries is more direct and brave in love and with friendship. There can be a great love of all that is new, fresh, and unexplored with this position. Even so, there is a rather cerebral energy to Venus this month as it moves alongside Mercury for much of March. We tend to intellectualize our feelings. |
MarsMars continues its transit of Sagittarius until the 17th and performs quite well here as it is in mutual reception with Sagittarian ruler, Jupiter. While Mars is in Sagittarius, our actions tend to be motivated by our ideals. We are bothered by routine, and quickly becoming restless if we feel confined. We have a love of adventure, and of conquest. We seek to expand our experiences and minds during this transit. Mars transits Capricorn from the 17th forward, and we pursue our desires with deliberation and structure. We are more able to pace ourselves under this influence. Mars is in decent shape overall, as Mars is exalted in the sign of Capricorn. |
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
Overview horoscopes will fill in as I write them, ideally about a week before the month begins.
Even so, the bigger themes of the month revolve around different and in some cases, opposite themes. For one, you continue to make room for downtime, rest, release from routine, and escape from the humdrum of your life. Whenever planets are transiting Pisces, you're reviewing your need for time for yourself, behind the scenes, and away from the spotlight. It's a valuable time for thinking in more holistic rather than detail-oriented ways. In the first week of the month, you can have a compelling conversation about - or insights into - a past matter that may have been hanging heavy in your aura. This may not be the end of the problem, but a releasing moment that represents a step forward or in the right direction. Another theme that builds as the month advances is all about you - how you come across, how you greet the world, your personal plans, your courage, and your independence. Mercury and Venus move into your sign both on the 6th. While the Sun's move into Aries on the 20th is perhaps the biggest sign of your "new beginning" phase, this Mercury-Venus ingress represents a big shift in your focus, attitude, feelings, and especially expression. Jupiter begins its 4-month retrograde this month on the 9th, and you may need to redirect some of your energy away from a partnership or a focus on others if this has been excessive. In the coming months, there is good energy with you for reviewing, reassessing, and moderating debt. It's also a time for developing current projects rather than taking on new ones. Think about correcting excesses. If you've been overspending or over-borrowing, or otherwise too dependent on others for your happiness, then this is a time for bringing things back into balance. The New Moon on the 17th is a forceful push for putting the past behind you with solid plans, actions, or even symbolic actions. With New Moons, it's essential to observe and take in for at least a couple of days before pushing forward. The Sun moves into your sign as it does every year around the 20th of March, and represents a personal rebirth and the start of your astrological year. With Mars moving to the top of your solar chart from the 17th forward, your ambition is burning bright. You're pushing a little harder now. Since Mercury turns retrograde in your sign from the 22nd forward, it will be particularly important to watch for coming across a little too brusquely in the latter part of the month. It won't hurt to be a bit more thoughtful than usual when communicating in business, public, or professional settings since you can make a loud impression with your ruler, Mars, in such a visible position in your chart, and with people misunderstanding your intentions in possibly big ways. Mercury in your sign most of the month ensures you're busy and engaged, although sometimes a little too "on" for your own good. Take opportunities to clear your head from time to time. The retrograde period may help with just that -- it's a time for catching up. There can be times during the retrograde when you feel life is as slow as molasses, but you can make some excellent refinements. The last week of the month is more personal, active, and hands-on. Dates when personal and professional roles clash or when goals and reputation matters weigh heavily on you are the 23-24 and 27th. March culminates with a Full Moon in your opposite sign, drawing your strong attention to relationships. |
Even so, the larger themes of the month involve collaborating with others and connecting with community, as well as getting extra time for rest, recuperation, and renewal. March 3-5 is powerful for friendship, conversation, and collaboration. This can be a time of helping others, connecting with a friend of a friend for mutual benefit, having a helpful or liberating conversation with someone you care about, advances in a pursuit that takes you closer to achieving your happiness goals, or rallying for a cause that's dear to your heart. Your approach to relationships is fresh and new, and your generosity of spirit and willingness to be vulnerable are the most potent factors in your appeal at the moment. You are seeking emotional satisfaction and wholeness, and people in your life can lead you in the right direction. You may see new ways to rejuvenate your social life. This is a time of awakening yearnings for kinship, friendship, and involvement on the soul level. You may be taking care of others, or you may be seeking support. Mercury and Venus are the first to move into your soul and private sector on the 6th, with the Sun following suit on the 20th. These ingresses point to an increasing need for time to yourself spent away from the standard routine, for healing and rest, for attention to mental health, for personal reflection, or for focus on background matters in your life. Ideally, you take extra time to come to conclusions and consider paths you may be taking that are better left behind you. Sometimes, these transits can stir up matters that were swept under the carpet. Clarity is important. While this is a time when you're sorting things through and taking more time than usual to make decisions, it's best to let others know this is happening rather than gain the reputation of being secretive or withholding. Opportunities to connect with neglected needs are plenty, so take advantage! All of these bodies square off with Saturn in March (10-13 and 29th), and your desire for time to yourself may be doing battle with a strong call to learn, pay attention to the rules, and connect. Mercury's retrograde in Aries begins on March 22nd and points to a need to review, reflect, and perhaps redo or return to old projects and ideas. There are lessons and possibly a few gems involved with this apparent backtracking. Jupiter begins its four-month retrograde period on March 9th. This annual event often affects your intimate relationships and matters of shared resources, and this year, also your partnerships and negotiations. This is a period for taking a more realistic look at current projects and for developing these rather than taking on more. A partnership or friendship may need a little breathing room and the chance to evolve naturally. If you've been going hard with supporting others and now need some independence, consider gentle ways of getting to the right balance. Do recognize that you need others more than usual at this point in your life, however, with Jupiter still very much a guest in your partnership sector. The New Moon on the 17th can help give you a push forward or new start in the areas of friendships, networking, happiness pursuits, and causes. Involvement and collaboration are in focus now. On the same day, Mars moves into harmony with your sign and into your adventure sector for a two-month transit. This gives you a wonderful boost of motivational energy. It also helps with the conglomeration of bodies in Aries in your privacy sector. You may find wonderful channels for expressing those needs that are difficult to verbalize through studies, travel, or interesting excursions outside of the ordinary. You can be a little more reclusive than usual as the month advances, and particularly in the last week of March. The Full Moon on the 31st can bring a work or health matter to a head for your attention. This is a call and a wonderful opportunity to improve your health or routines. |
On March 3-5, you have substantial activity at the top of your solar chart, affecting your long-term goals, career, or reputation. You can feel inspired to dream big, and your loftier goals, dreams, and ideals come into stronger focus. Spiritual longing or elements of your goals or career that fail to satisfy may be magnified now, but you get the chance to talk things through. This is a time for incorporating imaginative, creative, and alternative methods into what you do. A humble approach does wonders for your professional life and reputation. Repairing or enhancing relationships with authority figures and business associates may be possible now. People are catching on to your unique approach. The New Moon on the 17th can pull all of this together and may present you with an opportunity to start fresh in your career or regarding your life path direction, long-term goals, or reputation. A new plan can unfold now, and it can fill you with high hopes and a sense of purpose. On the 6th, Mercury and Venus enter your social sector, with the Sun set to follow suit on the 20th. Attention and focus shift as March advances, from professional to social pursuits. This can be a wonderful time for connecting with others or formulating plans and dreaming up schemes for the future. Even so, all of these bodies face reality checks courtesy of squares to Saturn in your solar eighth house, and you may be dealing with support blocks or clashes coming from within or without. For example, attention to a partnership or problems within an intimate relationship may interfere with your outside pursuits. Funding may be a challenge for a particular project in some cases. Issues related to trust and ownership or possessiveness can arise. Be patient and don't cut corners right now for best results. Jupiter, transiting your work and health sector, begins its four-month retrograde cycle on the 9th, and this can tame your enthusiasm just enough that you see these things more realistically if you've been pushing too hard in these areas. Try not to take on more projects now, and instead focus on what you've already begun. Edit, refine, and improve your work projects and self-care endeavors rather than taking on more. It's an excellent time for all of these things. Mars moving into your solar eighth house on the 17th releases its direct pressure on your sign that's been in effect since late January. From now until mid-May, you're in a good position to sort out issues related to sharing and power dynamics in relationships, and for exploring your deeper desires, as well. Increasingly as March advances, you're encouraged to explore your needs for friendship, new faces and places, and a sense of community. While you may struggle with attention to a close relationship and your need for these things, you're in good shape for finding creative ways to manage both. The Full Moon on the last day of March occurs in your creativity sector, calling you to recognize your need to celebrate, play, express yourself, and embrace your feelings. |
The 3-5 brings exceptional attention to your solar ninth house as the Sun and Neptune align here, as do Mercury, Venus, and Chiron. This can prompt a fabulous opportunity to learn, share, or teach something valuable -- perhaps all three! This can be a time for the release of tension and resentment and the embracing of compassion. You might find inspiration in what others say or from the information you come across now. Your fantasies of escape, getting away or enjoying more exotic experiences tend to dominate now. For some of you, money ideas or money itself can emerge in unusual ways. You are braver about expressing yourself and your heart is open, a combination that can lead to chances to heal and resolve problems. However, while it's important to be open to new feelings, try to keep your feet on your ground as you dream big. Educational or travel opportunities can present themselves. Some of you could get published. The New Moon on the 17th can prompt new beginnings or a fresh slate along these lines. Increasingly, however, your ambitions and sense of responsibility come into play as March advances. Some of you could gain recognition for written work, creativity, or ideas. Mercury and then Venus move to the top of your solar chart on the 6th and the Sun will do the same on the 20th. This gives you a professional or public voice and is strong for improving your reputation. On the 9th, Jupiter begins its four-month retrograde, prompting a period of review and perhaps some realigning of your thinking and your plans, particularly along the lines of work, health, creative projects, romance, entertainment, and children. Waning enthusiasm is possible now, and some tweaking and a different perspective on these matters are in order. Take the time to catch your breath if you've been moving too quickly. There is no need to put things on hold, but some level of de-emphasis of your pursuit of pleasures and entertainment can be practical now. With Mercury also turning retrograde on the 22nd, signs point to a natural need to review and revise rather than push forward new ventures. Mars moves into your partnership zone on the 17th, which means Mars is opposing your sign, until mid-May. This transit brings animation to your life through others, and especially partnerships. There will be times when partnership and long-term goals clash in March. In fact, tensions between the sectors ruling these things occur multiple times in the month. These conflicts can, ultimately, lead to necessary changes, and possibly quite creative solutions, but can be distracting at times. On the 22nd, Mercury turns retrograde, and this points to the need to rethink goals. You may need to backtrack over work that you thought had been completed. This eventually works to your advantage, as you'll be better prepared to take advantage of the opportunities that come your way, knowing what it is you want. On the last day of March, Venus moves into harmony with your sign and graces your social sector, bringing a little more warmth to your friendships. As well, a Full Moon occurs in your home and family sector, reminding you of the need for emotional security, comfort, and support. |
Even so, a broader theme of March involves developing and building your close relationships. Strong cosmic activity in your intimacy sector encourages you to work on power dynamics and sharing in a relationship. Of course, getting to know your own capabilities, limits, and worth is a healthy part of any exploration of dependencies on others or outside sources, and this is what this Full Moon is about for you. The 3-5 brings an exceptional focus on your solar eighth house, and you get the chance to dig deep and get to the heart of a relationship or private matter. This is a time for emotional repair, healing, and deep understanding, or at the least, the first steps towards these things. You're learning what and who you value. Emotional honesty is essential now, and you're courageous in the face of discoveries, even if they seem to touch on a soft spot. Yearnings can come into full force now with the Sun's spotlight on Neptune in your eighth house, as well as clear opportunities emerging to talk and think about them or otherwise make sense of things. There can be questions of boundaries in your relations with others, and possibly some confusion over shared resources or financial transactions. Be a little more vigilant if you're dealing with these matters, since you're inclined to see what you want to see when you're personally invested. The 6th brings both Mercury and Venus into harmony with your sign and into your sector of spirit and adventure, easing flow of expression. The Sun will enter this house of your solar chart on the 20th, and as March progresses, your personality opens up to the rest of the world and new experiences more and more. This is a brilliant time for reaching out beyond your usual routines and exploring new ideas, activities, and places. It's a great time to learn, teach, and share thoughts. Publishing, higher education, and journeys are highlighted now. Throughout March, there are tense aspects to bodies in your solar ninth house from Saturn, Pluto, and later, Mars, in your work and health sector. This suggests some battle or innerly-conflicted moments between your need to explore, learn, and enjoy some measure of freedom or freeform activity, and your ambitions to take care of business, work, routines, and health. You'll be best off finding a balance between these two genuine drives and avoid pressuring yourself to do more than is feasible and healthy. As well, Mercury turns retrograde in your solar ninth house on the 22nd, pointing to the need to slow down and reconsider some elements of your plans, programs, or ideas. Jupiter has been bringing an exceptionally positive vibe to your domestic projects and home life since October and will continue to do so until November. On March 9th, Jupiter begins its four-month retrograde cycle, signaling the need to reassess matters, slow down if you've been overreaching, and perhaps make some refinements and tweaks to your plans. Any slowdowns encountered now offer you the chance to look at your plans from a different perspective so that you can, at a later date, move forward with them with more confidence. Excesses in your domestic life can be recognized and cut down during this opportunity period. Brand new initiatives or launches may fare better when Jupiter is direct from July forward. The New Moon on the 17th can bring the chance to start fresh in an intimate relationship, with financial or emotional support, or on a self-empowerment initiative. On the same date, Mars enters your sector of work, health, and routine, and during this two-month transit, you'll want to take action on these matters. It's a strong period for applying extra energy or muscle to your work and working environment, self-care programs, and health initiatives. It can be an active time for stepping up your work and service efforts, pursuing increased wellness, and organizing your daily affairs. Mars knows what it wants and can be bossy, especially in the sign of Capricorn, and while this can be helpful in moderation, you may want to watch for impatience in your work and fitness endeavors and disagreements with people you work with. The Sun's entry into your adventure sector on the 20th feels fresh and motivating. You're inclined to seek out new or renewed learning experiences and detours from the usual routine. You're seeking inspiration and very likely to find it. You may very well inspire others along the way! Mercury's retrograde turn on the 23rd may seem to slow you down, but in fact, helps you pace yourself. The Full Moon on the last day of the month brings your attention back to home, your neighborhood, those close to you, and your daily affairs. It's a call to take care of the details of your life, and it's also a reminder to stay involved and up to date with the people and current news in your personal life, even as you venture out and about. |
The 3-5 brings outstanding attention to your partnership sector, in fact. An old emotional wound may reopen now, and you have the chance to talk, think, and sort things out. Venus and Mercury align with wise Chiron, and the Sun aligns with Neptune, all in your sector of one-on-one relationships. You may be helping someone through a difficulty or vice versa. This is a good time to recommit to a healing program, affiliation, or improved attitude related to relationships. Your powers of attraction are strong, and perhaps not very discriminating now, as you may be attracting too much. Setting up boundaries can be difficult. Making sacrifices for a person can feel good in the short term, but may be regretted later if that person doesn't respect what you've done for them. Otherwise, this can be a time of reaffirming a commitment to a particular path regarding relationships. March's New Moon on the 17th brings the need or ability to start fresh in a partnership -- new beginnings and attitudes refresh your outlook and your relationships. Mercury and Venus move into your intimacy sector on the 6th, and the Sun will do the same later in the month, on the 20th. With these ingresses, you become more and more introspective as March advances as you focus on special relationships or specialized, focused projects and activities. Conversations and interactions tend to be a little more profound than usual or else they don't hold your interest for long. This can be a time of redefining what you want and need from others, as well as what you can expect from yourself. And, if intimate relationships can benefit from a new start or vision, you're doing some important "work" before the New Moon in mid-April that will help you push forward new plans. It's an excellent time to sort out ordinarily tricky emotional issues or power dynamics, as you're bringing quite a bit of objectivity and fairness to these things right now. You're expecting a little more from your projects and relationships, however, and this can sometimes (perhaps even often) clash with the desire to keep things simple and straightforward as your solar fifth and eighth houses frequently do battle in March. As well, Mercury turns retrograde in your intimacy sector on the 22nd, pointing to further complications with money, sharing, intimacy, and dependencies. This can be a time for reassessments or waiting for answers on financial and relationship fronts, but it can also give you the opportunity in the form of a blessing in disguise to better pace yourself. Jupiter begins its yearly four-month retrograde period on March 9th, and while there continues to be warm energy for learning, studies, communications, creative projects, and transportation in your life, some de-emphasis, review, or toning down in these areas is appropriate and beneficial now. Most important is to avoid taking on more interests and projects -- it's better to focus on enjoying and developing what you already have in place. This can also apply to specific initiatives around the home and with family since Jupiter rules your home and family sector even though it's currently traveling through your communications sector. Mars moves into harmony with your sign on the 17th, and this two-month transit supports energy levels as well as courage, self-assertion, and confidence. With Mars animating your sector of joy, heart, creativity, and leisure, you are in particularly good shape for pursuing your heart's desire with confidence. A direct approach works best with this transit, but there can be times when you may need to check yourself if you're too impatient or presumptuous. For the most, however, this gives you a fantastic boost and encourages you to throw yourself into activities you genuinely enjoy. Venus moves into harmony with your sign as well, but only on the last day of March, setting up easier, more straightforward interactions with others in April. On the same day, a Full Moon occurs in your resources sector, and this can bring a revelation to your life regarding finances, resources, or talents. It can be a call to action that helps you improve your life, particularly as you take your practical affairs more seriously. |
The 3-5 brings quite a strong focus on your sector of work, service, health, routines, and habits. This can be a critical time for considering your more spiritual needs and how they're reflected in your daily life and lifestyle. This can be a good time for taking a creative detour that refreshes, or for bringing more imagination and creativity to your work. Look for hidden trends and themes now, as they can be quite magical. It's a potentially excellent time for discovering alternative ways to heal, mend, and get well, if appropriate, or for improving health and routines, in general. If bad habits or health have been a problem recently, this can be a time of increased sensitivity to imbalances and a high drive to make improvements. The New Moon on the 17th can help you tie together all you've learned and done, and you may enjoy a new beginning or fresh start of sorts. Mercury and Venus move into opposition to your sign and into your partnership sector on the 6th. Later in the month, on the 20th, the Sun will do the same. As March progresses, there is less focus on your routines and increasing focus on your relationships. While Mercury and Venus opposing your sign may sound antagonistic, it's not this way at all. These influences mean that you rely a little more on others in your life, and since Venus is a benefic and Mercury a neutral planet, these transits are useful for improving your relationships or for attracting helpful people into your life. Others have something to show you about yourself. Once the Sun arrives here at the spring equinox, you're pouring a lot of yourself (energy, attention, and expectations) into your partnerships. Mind you, Mercury turns retrograde on the 22nd, pointing to some need to backtrack, slow down, and reassess things. Going over old territory in a relationship can be useful now. At various points throughout March, there are tensions between planets in your partnership sector and planets in your home and family sector, pointing to possible clashes that require sensitive handling. There can be self-protectiveness that affects close relationships. There could be problems on the home front that restrict you from fully enjoying a relationship, or you could be dealing with disapproval from loved ones. Domestic chores or issues in the family dynamic can weigh heavily on your mind at times in March, making it difficult to relax. On March 9th, Jupiter begins its four-month retrograde, prompting a need to reassess some of your projects. You may be best off focusing on developing existing projects rather than taking on new ones. You might experience what seem like slowdowns or waning enthusiasm in the areas of finances, business, studies, or communications. However, as you adjust to the retrograde period, you'll recognize that this is a strong period for reassessing these matters more realistically, for easing up on spending, and for more realistically considering how much time and energy you have for your projects. This is about restoring balance in your life if you've been getting ahead of yourself! It's a healthy four months for discovering value in old projects as well as finding lost or hidden sources of income or money and valuables themselves. The New Moon on the 17th as previously noted can bring a rush of energy and motivation to start fresh with a health initiative or work matter. On the same date, Mars moves into your family and home sector for two months, and you'll be pouring more energy into domestic activities. Pay attention to potential problems with this transit, as we can sometimes be our worst enemies when Mars transits this area of our charts. Do honor your need for more time to yourself or time spent at home, but watch for defensiveness with others. Fortunately, you may get to the root of any lingering problems with family during this transit. As well, you can bring more energy and initiative to home-related projects. On the last day of March, the Full Moon occurs in your own sign, and the last week of the month can find emotions and excitement building. The Full Moon itself brings feelings to a head and can stimulate powerful epiphanies. How you feel about a matter (or person) becomes undeniable, and this can lead to incredible changes in your life. On the same day, your ruler, Venus, moves into the sign of Taurus, launching a several-week cycle in which you find more joy in intimacy and passion projects. |
The 3-5 brings exceptional attention to your sector of creativity, romance, self-expression, children, hobbies, entertainment, and leisure. Your idealism is stirred, and you may be seeing some of your plans for their flaws if they're not fulfilling you on a spiritual or emotional level. You're seeking a bit of magic in your relationships now. It's important to keep yourself at least a little grounded, as wishful thinking can dominate and may lead you astray. You'll attract more experiences that are positive into your life if you focus on finding ways to make yourself happy rather than looking to others to do it for you. Sharing with someone special in your life can result in pleasant bonding moments now. Willingness to be vulnerable leads to opportunities for a fresh start. You may be making resolutions or reaching a turning point in a relationship regarding forgiveness and understanding. If you're not in the position to spend time with someone, consider expressing yourself through creative outlets. On the 6th, Mercury and Venus move into your sector of work, service, health, habits, and routines, and the Sun will enter this area of your solar chart on the 20th. With these ingresses, you're in a fabulous position for bringing more attention, heart, and intelligence to your work and services. You may enjoy what you do on a daily basis more thoroughly now, or you might make aesthetic or mood-boosting changes that improve your enjoyment of work, health pursuits, and daily goal-reaching. The social element of daily living and work can get a nice boost. People outside of your routines may not see you as much, however! You can be quite busy and involved with getting your life into order. Mercury retrogrades in this area of your chart on the 22nd, suggesting some need to backtrack, reassess projects or launch dates, and redo or rework specific tasks. Some of you could be waiting for test results or final word on a matter during this stage. Jupiter continues to transit your sign until November, and on the 9th of this month, turns retrograde for a four-month period. While Jupiter continues to stimulate enthusiasm and optimism in your life, some of this is now turning inward. It's a good period for bringing a little more balance into your life if you've been overreaching. Also, if you've been overdoing the seeking of freedom or taking on too many projects, this is the time to rethink and make adjustments that bring you a little closer to reality. Jupiter brings many gifts, but going too far with its energies can put you in a regrettable place. Because Jupiter rules your resources sector, whenever Jupiter is retrograde it's better to work on business ideas and projects that are already in place, building and developing them, than for brand new launches. You'll benefit from a more reasonable pace in your life now. The New Moon on the 17th can feel like a fresh start on romantic or creative levels. On the same day, Mars moves into harmony with your sign and into your communications sector, stimulating your desire to learn and explore. Mars can also be impatient, and while this can be a busy time for communicating, connecting, and commuting, do watch for impatience as you make your way around and as you speak and write. You may be pouring tremendous energy into your personal interests, projects, and studies now, and you're feeling very ambitious and determined. It's a wonderful time to push yourself a little, as long as you respect your need for rest and healthy living. Venus moves into your partnership sector on the last day of March, setting up a several-week cycle that gives you a relationship boost. Even so, on the same day, a second Full Moon of the month occurs, and this one reminds you of the importance of rest, calm, and quiet after a rather busy couple of weeks. Pay close attention to your intuition now. |
The 3-5 brings powerful energy to your solar fourth house. This is an excellent time for a new beginning or a refreshing moment with family or in your private life, although it's important to keep your expectations realistic. Typically tricky matters may be easier to confront with Mercury, Venus, and Chiron aligning in this sector of your chart, and the need for a fresh, compassionate approach is reinforced by a Sun-Neptune alignment here. You are psychically open, and feelings that normally may be hard to access can now emerge. While the need to belong and feel nurtured is a soft spot right now, identifying and facing this helps move you to possible solutions. This is a good time for forgiving someone as you get in touch with the more subtle elements at work in your life and the lives of those closest to you. This is also a fine period for creative flourishes around the home. The 6th brings Mercury and Venus into harmony with your sign and transiting your sector of leisure, enjoyment, and heartfelt activities. The Sun will enter this area of your solar chart on the 20th, pushing these themes even more in your life. You're in a more expressive and playful frame of mind with these ingresses. You might enjoy new hobbies, creative outlets, and love interests --or renewed attention to these things. Communications or intelligence play more significant roles in your play time or romantic life. Your ideas go over well, and people seek you out for your advice and your company. Hobbies and leisure pursuits can be in robust and pleasant focus. Mercury's retrograde on the 22nd points to some need to slow down or do some backtracking in these areas of life. You may not always get the words right, but you're bound to find different channels for expressing yourself, and creative mediums seem your best bet. Brand-new endeavors may not get off the ground. This is a time for patience - working on building lasting connections and projects is highly favored, and in fact, supported with Mars transiting your second house from the 17th. At various points in March, planets in your second house form challenging squares to planets in your solar fifth house, and finding a balance is necessary. Your attention is drawn to limitations and ambitions regarding resources, including money, and this clashes with what you want to do, personal enjoyment, a romantic venture, or with filling your desires. Another possibility is a sense that others are not treating you for what you're worth, or for what you deserve. Balanced attention to practical matters now brings rewards later. Jupiter begins its four-month retrograde cycle on the 9th, and as your ruler, this is a natural time of the year for some introspection, slowing down, and review. You may need to go a little more slowly in areas of life where you've been pushing too hard. Curbing extravagances is in order, and while this may not sound like much fun, it's for your own good! Since Jupiter is transiting your solar twelfth house this year (until November), this can be a year when you have much going on behind the scenes. Your needs for some level of solitude are strong now, but if you've been overdoing this withdrawal or escape, or if you've been so devoted to taking care of others that you forget your needs, then this retrograde cycle will help you balance things out. You're preparing for a Jupiter transit to your sign that will begin in November, and this is an opportune time to think about putting bad habits behind you - the lighter your baggage, the better! Mars moves out of your sign and into your resources sector on the 17th, boosting your desire to live in more comfort and with a stronger feeling of security. You're motivated to take action meant to improve your current circumstances during this transit that lasts until mid-May. You more readily identify sources of waste or fear and take steps to put them behind you, and this ability will grow as Mars meets Saturn and then Pluto in this same sector (in April). The New Moon on the 17th helps push forward a home or family project or cleans the slate for a fresh start or new chapter in your personal life. The last week of the month is creative and social, culminating in a Full Moon in your social sector on the 31st. With this lunation, your feelings for a person, project, or even a cause clarify. Your need for others, and they for you, also become apparent. |
The 3-5 is particularly strong for your communications sector, and both connecting and learning can be in high focus now. This is a sound time for getting to know yourself, needs, and dreams a little more intimately, and for working through problems with others via conversations and helpful gestures. The need to bring more sensitivity and imagination to your daily life and relationships becomes evident with the events of this period. You may be communicating in particularly creative or compassionate ways, and ideas for marketing or promotional strategies can be exceptional. There is indeed more sensitivity than usual but also openness and willingness to heal and help. People may be seeking out your words of wisdom, and when you feel needed this way, you are at your best. On another level, this can be a magical time for a new study, project, or personal interest. Mercury and Venus move into your solar fourth house on the 6th, and the Sun will transit here as well, starting on the 20th. These ingresses shift your attention to home and family, and they also facilitate warmer, more easygoing, and peaceful conditions on the domestic front. There can be real opportunities to expand, strengthen, and enhance family relationships, and on some level, you may very well find peace with your past and yourself. There can be some minor discord in the process, but they lead to growth and satisfaction. There are treasures to be found in the past, particularly after the 22nd when Mercury turns retrograde in this area of your chart. Some projects or ideas may go on a shelf. Delays are possible, and pacing yourself makes sense now. Jupiter begins its four-month retrograde cycle on the 9th, and while its transit of your solar eleventh house continues to benefit your social life and spirit of involvement, this is a good time to restore some balance if you've been doing too much. If you have too many ideas or projects on your plate, this is a good time to prioritize. Some of you could be reassessing your involvement with a friend or group or toning down your social life or networking activities a notch. This is another reason to pace yourself. The New Moon on the 17th is excellent for bringing fresh energy to your communications and projects. Some of you might begin new studies. On the same day, Mars moves into your sign for a two-month transit. Incidentally, Mars will return to your sign in retrograde motion in the summer. For now, this is a period of increased motivation and energy. If you don't yet know where to direct all of this extra energy, you could feel a little overwhelmed, but soon enough, you're sure to put it to good use. This transit can be problematic at times, primarily due to impatience or impulsiveness, but is powerful for personal confidence, initiative, and enterprise. Your desire to be independent is in full force now. When Venus moves into harmony with your sign, starting on the 31st, you'll be in better (in fact, excellent) shape regarding personal appeal. There's a strong emphasis on home and family life in the last week of March, but we build towards a Full Moon at the top of your solar chart on the 31st, reminding you of the need to attend to responsibilities or career and pulling you out of your shell. This can be a time when you need to take the lead or receive some publicity. |
The 3-5 brings exceptional attention to your sector of resources, money, talents, and self-worth. You're in a fabulous position to discover more about yourself and your needs -- what you truly want and value -- through conversation, interactions, and reflection at this time. This can apply to both relationships and the material world, benefiting financial planning, purchases, and new awareness in a relationship. You can benefit greatly from natural or earthy activities that renew your connection to the world around you or the world of the five senses. If you're feeling especially sensitive about your worth or value to others, it's a time to deal with this bravely but also civilly. On another level, this can be a fabulous time for dreaming up unusual business or practical ideas that catch on. You might also be assessing whether your current projects, pursuits, and perceived needs are in line with your spiritual needs and values. Mercury and Venus move into harmony with your sign and into your communications sector on the 6th. While a retrograde Mercury from the 22nd may lead to some misunderstandings, you're nevertheless expressing yourself with wonderful flair. If you focus on slowing yourself down, this can be an advantageous period. You may be turning to past projects and interests rather than embarking on all-new endeavors, but there is a lot of good energy with you for personal enjoyment. Especially after the 20th when the Sun also transits this sector of your chart, you can have much success with designing, writing, and teaching, and there can be discoveries of different ways to connect, whether this is about communicating or commuting, perhaps because current ones are not working well. You might rediscover old interests or revisit past studies with success. The desire to reach out and share your story or connect with others can reach some blocks in March, however, and these may very well be self-limitations at times with Saturn and Pluto, and later Mars, moving through your solar twelfth house stimulating fears of being too vulnerable or putting yourself out there. While you may wrestle with competing desires to keep to yourself and make connections from time to time, but finding a balance can be satisfying. Until the 9th, there are no major players retrograde, but Jupiter breaks the spell on that date, beginning its four-month retrograde cycle, and encouraging us to steady the pace a little, which is ultimately good for us. Jupiter rules your social sector and is currently (until November) moving through your professional sector. As such, you may need to curb your enthusiasm a touch on the professional front -- just enough to gain a new perspective and to focus on projects that are genuinely doable. Once you let go, you may very well discover that you have the faith that things will unfold naturally and successfully. Review and perfect current projects rather than taking on new ones just for the time being. It's not a time for actively expanding, but rather for reaping the rewards of recent successes and focusing your energy on projects already underway. Mars moves into your soul sector on the 17th where it will transit for two months, and this can be a period of transformations and renovations, mostly on an emotional level. It's a time for strong signals from your subconscious, spurring you on and pointing your attention to problems that you may have overlooked or buried. You may feel a little less energetic as your priorities shuffle around, or a project ends, but you might find that redirecting your energies into a work in progress can do wonders for your mood now. In the last few days of the month, we build towards a Full Moon that occurs on the 31st and illuminates your needs to feed your spirit with new experiences and ideas. It's a fine time to acknowledge your need to expand your perspective and enjoy activities outside your routine. |
In fact, the first week of March holds an alignment of Mercury, Venus, and Chiron in your sign, just when the Sun and Neptune align in Pisces. This is a beautiful configuration that can point to wonderful epiphanies, conversations, mergings, and connections. For some of you, this can be a time when you're appreciated or sought out for your unique and special qualities. The path to empowerment may be through helping others, even if it's only through conversation. Opening your heart, accepting, and understanding come fairly easily to you in general, and this week, even more so. It's an exciting time for personal charisma. You are especially interested in overcoming limiting attitudes or problems with confidence. You are more confident about expressing your unique opinions, style, and direction. Jupiter begins its four-month retrograde cycle on the 9th, and this points to the need to do some slowing down and reassessing with travel, educational, and networking matters, however. This is a period for adjusting expectations to match your schedules and energy levels. It's a good time for turning inward and getting in touch with what truly motivates and enthuses you, particularly related to belief systems, intellectual pursuits, and long-range goals. The New Moon on the 17th is in your sign, and it's all about you. In the following week, you're in a particularly good position to put your plans in motion. Keep in mind that Mercury is retrograde in your finances sector from the 22nd forward, so major new beginnings may not be the best idea right now. However, it's a good time for going after what you want. Mercury and Venus leave your sign on the 6th and move into your finances sector. The Sun will enter here on the 20th. This points increasing attention to your money, resources, and talents. You may be exploring different ways of building your sense of value and worthiness. You may be looking for ways to increase your income or your earning potential, although this may be more about ideas and thoughts than taking action on these things. There can be important discoveries. The 19-20 is strong for pulling all of these ideas together. However, with Mercury turning retrograde on the 22nd and in a shadow period from the 9th, take your time with new beginnings. You might turn your attention to works in progress now. Revamping a project can be an excellent thing now. In some cases, social and romantic opportunities may be found through business or work. For others, this can be a time for connecting with people who help you reach your business goals. The 23-24 and the 27th can be tricky with friends, money, and a sense of not being in very much control of your life if you've been pushing too hard or feeling pulled in different directions. However, with the New Moon behind you, you're sure to come into your own and recover quickly enough. You could feel that others are meddling in your affairs or there can be a tendency to butt heads over issues. You can be feeling defensive, or you may be feeling especially anxious to move a project forward, but can't find the support you need. You can be feeling quite competitive, and this can stimulate you to do more, but can also stir up conflict. The Full Moon on the 31st can bring a lot of these money matters to a head, or it can remind you of your feelings on a matter related to self-worth, respect, or finances. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
March 2018 Aspects Time Line:

March 2018 Time Line Aspects
See also: This Week in Astrology for more detail.
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors, although they’re not impossible periods, either.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.

Void of Course Chart: March 2018
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.
- Solar Eclipse in Aquarius: February 15, 2018 Astrological Chart
- Full Moon in Virgo on March 1st, 2018
- New Moon in Pisces Chart: March 17, 2018
- Full Moon in Libra Chart: March 31, 2018
Looking Ahead:
- April 2018 Time Line Aspects
- May 2018 Time Line Aspects
- June 2018 Time Line Aspects:
- July 2018 Time Line Aspects
- August 2018 Time Line Aspects
- September 2018 Time Line Aspects

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2018 – Overview